Look all over social media, at golf courses, and in gyms. You’ll see golfers, golf fitness coaches, and therapists working with bands, cable machines, and medicine balls, particularly for rotational movements. Some will say they are training for power, some for speed, some to increase strength, and some to improve sequencing.
Are some more right than others? How do we know which is best to help golfers and other rotational athletes? Do they even help, or are they a result of trying to make fitness look golf specific? Are they all good, or are some useless while others extremely helpful?
Research 研究
Here at Par4Success, these are some of the questions in our heads and the heads of lots of others in the industry; so we decided to research and see.
在 Par4Success,这些是我们和业内许多其他人头脑中的一些问题;所以我们决定研究一下。
If you’ve followed some of our earlier research, you know that we like data and numbers. You also know that we found that triphasic training was 50-60% more helpful than conventional periodization with adult, senior, and advanced training age golfers for increasing club speed. Based on this information and looking at rotary training tools and techniques, we were interested to see what happened if we specifically applied eccentric strength training to our golfer’s rotary plane of movement.
如果您关注过我们早期的一些研究,您就会知道我们喜欢数据和数字。您还知道,我们发现对于成年、高级和高级训练年龄的高尔夫球手来说,三相训练比传统的周期训练对提高球杆速度更有帮助 50-60%。根据这些信息并研究旋转训练工具和技术,我们有兴趣了解如果我们专门对高尔夫球手的旋转运动平面应用偏心力量训练会发生什么。
If you’re not familiar with our earlier research, you can download a full report available online for free. In our original two-year study comparing triphasic training vs. conventional periodization, we only looked at the eccentric element of training in the “big 4” movements of push, pull, squat, and hinge. We used medicine balls, bands, and cables for any rotational movements as most in the industry do.
The results were compelling in the triphasic group, which is why I’m writing this article about our follow up. We wanted to dig deeper into this topic over six weeks. To do so, we decided to use eccentric flywheels to look at overloading the eccentric component of the golfers’ movements. We used Exxentric’s kBox4 and kPulley systems for the study because we thought—if they proved helpful to golfers—they would be within reach financially for many gyms, coaches, and individual golfers. To be fully transparent, we were not financially compensated by Exxentric or any other company to complete this study and do not have any conflicts of interest.
三相组的结果令人信服,这就是我写这篇关于我们的后续行动的文章的原因。我们想在六周内深入探讨这个主题。为此,我们决定使用偏心飞轮来研究高尔夫球手运动中偏心部分的过载情况。我们使用 Exxentric 的 kBox4 和 kPulley 系统进行研究,因为我们认为,如果事实证明它们对高尔夫球手有帮助,那么许多健身房、教练和个人高尔夫球手都可以在经济上承受得起。为了完全透明,我们没有得到 Exxentric 或任何其他公司的经济补偿来完成这项研究,并且不存在任何利益冲突。
We took more than twenty golfers and separated them into three groups. Our control group completed all push, pull, squat, and hinge work with barbells eccentrically (barbell bench press, barbell back squat, barbell deadlift, and barbell bent over row). For their rotational movement, the control group used a Keiser pneumatic cable machine for the entire six weeks.
我们带了二十多名高尔夫球手,把他们分成三组。我们的对照组完成了所有杠铃偏心推、拉、深蹲和铰链动作(杠铃卧推、杠铃后深蹲、杠铃硬拉和杠铃弯体划船)。对于旋转运动,对照组在整个六周内使用 Keizer 气动电缆机。
The second group was the kPulley group. This group completed all push, pull, squat, and hinge work with barbells eccentrically (barbell bench press, barbell back squat, barbell deadlift, and barbell bent over row). For their rotational work, they worked with the kPulley for eccentric flywheel overload during the six weeks.
第二组是kPulley组。该小组完成了所有杠铃偏心推、拉、深蹲和铰链动作(杠铃卧推、杠铃后深蹲、杠铃硬拉和杠铃弯体划船)。在旋转工作中,他们在六周内使用 kPulley 解决偏心飞轮过载问题。
The final group was the kBox group. This group completed all push, pull, squat, and hinge work with the kBox or kPulley (single-arm standing chest press on kPulley, kBox squats, kBox RDL, and kBox bent over row) for eccentric overload in these patterns. For their rotational movement, this group used a Keiser pneumatic cable machine for the six weeks, the same as the control group.
最后一组是kBox组。该小组使用 kBox 或 kPulley(kPulley 上的单臂站立胸部推举、kBox 深蹲、kBox RDL 和 kBox 弯腰划船)完成了所有推、拉、深蹲和铰链动作,以实现这些模式中的偏心超负荷。对于旋转运动,该组使用 Keizer 气动电缆机进行六周,与对照组相同。
Bench Press vs. “Functional” Standing Single-Arm Press
The single-arm standing chest press is a favorite among many high profile golf fitness coaches. Some of these coaches are adamant that bench pressing for golfers is dangerous and not advantageous and, therefore, don’t use it with many of the world’s top players. Many in the golf fitness world follow this guidance and way of thinking, including many of the major publications and media outlets where golfers get their information.
Video 1. The single-arm press using a kPulley can train auxiliary stability and anti-rotational strength.
The average golfer avoids the bench press for fear of getting hurt and getting too bulky to swing, as they’ve heard will happen. Instead, they gravitate to the “functional” single-arm press, rationalizing that “we don’t play golf laying on our back, so we shouldn’t strength train laying down.” I can see this side of the coin to a degree, particularly if you’re looking to train anti-rotational strength and stability throughout the entire chain.
But there is a limitation: the limited load you can place on an athlete due to the high level of stability required. I tend to side with the camp that uses a bench press to develop max strength and uses single-arm variations to train auxiliary stability and anti-rotational strength. When used with the right individual at the right time, I believe both have a place in golf performance and rotational athlete training.
Using the kPulley was a great way to move athletes completely off the bench and stand for single-arm pressing movements with legitimate unilateral eccentric overload. As you’ll see later on, the results did not bear an overly compelling case for either side of the argument. It would be interesting, however, to look at this question in a future long term study. Six weeks is too short a time to decide this debate once and for all in the golf fitness world, but it’s certainly a preliminary step in the right direction.
使用 kPulley 是一种很好的方法,可以让运动员完全离开替补席,并以合理的单侧偏心超负荷进行单臂推举动作。正如您稍后将看到的,结果并没有为争论的任何一方提供过于令人信服的理由。然而,在未来的长期研究中审视这个问题将会很有趣。在高尔夫健身界,六周的时间对于彻底解决这场争论来说太短了,但这无疑是朝着正确方向迈出的第一步。
kBox RDL
One of the participants’ favorite exercises was the RDL on the kBox because they could “really feel the burn,” as many put it. Many in the industry say the hinge movement is the most important movement for golfers to train. That’s because the hinge is such a dominant part of proper setup, according to many top instructors. The hinge improves the athlete’s ability to access the posterior chain, which is where much of their golf swing’s power and speed comes from.
参与者最喜欢的练习之一是 kBox 上的 RDL,因为正如许多人所说,他们可以“真正感受到燃烧”。许多业内人士表示,铰链动作是高尔夫球手训练中最重要的动作。据许多顶级教练称,这是因为铰链是正确设置的主要部分。铰链提高了运动员接触后链的能力,而后链是高尔夫挥杆力量和速度的大部分来源。
Video 2. As you can see in the video, the athletes were coached to decelerate the flywheel. Once the bar reaches just below the knee and no lower than mid-shin height, they start to drive up.
视频2. 正如您在视频中看到的,运动员被指导使飞轮减速。一旦杠铃到达膝盖下方且不低于胫骨中部高度,杠铃就开始向上移动。
As with all of the exercises on the barbells and the flywheels, athletes were coached to move the concentric phase of each rep with as much velocity as possible.
kBox Squat k箱式深蹲
We used the kBox squat for the kBox group instead of barbell back squats with a slow eccentric lowering. Because the flywheel has eccentric overload, we thought it would be interesting to compare potential impact differences on club speed.
我们在 kBox 组中使用 kBox 深蹲,而不是缓慢偏心降低的杠铃后蹲。由于飞轮具有偏心过载,我们认为比较对球杆速度的潜在影响差异会很有趣。
We decided to use the hip strap for this study. That decision, honestly, came as a function of logistics and the ability to get participants on and off the box promptly to complete the workouts in the small group setting that we operate our classes.
Video 3. We used the kBox for squats so we could compare potential impact differences on club speed.
视频 3。我们使用 kBox 进行深蹲,以便比较对球杆速度的潜在影响差异。
It would be interesting down the road to look at differences in outcomes and loading characteristics of the hip belt compared to the full shoulder and hip harness. For the average amateur golfer, however, we thought the hip harness had the most practicality and the potential for mass adoption if it proved to be superior.
kBox Bent Over Row kBox 弯腰划船
We used this hinge-dominant exercise because of the belief that the hinge movement is important to golf performance. Since the golfers had to maintain a solid hinged position with spinal stiffness while completing the row, they were forced to fight excessive anterior pelvic tilt throughout the movement.
Video 4. With the kBox bent over row, we had to give significant cues to the participants to ensure they used the posterior chain correctly to stabilize during the exercise.
视频 4. 当 kBox 弯腰划船时,我们必须向参与者提供重要提示,以确保他们在练习过程中正确使用后链来保持稳定。
Flywheel Limitations and Advantages Compared to Barbells
For the four big lifts, one of the limitations we found with the kBox and kPulley compared to the barbells is also one of the things we liked about using them with adults. When an athlete was tired and lazy, they lessened the overload due to their decreased effort. With barbells, we knew their load exactly at all times.
对于四个大型举重器械,我们发现 kBox 和 kPulley 与杠铃相比的局限性之一,也是我们喜欢与成人一起使用它们的原因之一。当运动员感到疲倦和懒惰时,他们会因为努力程度的减少而减轻超负荷。有了杠铃,我们就可以随时准确地知道它们的负荷。
With the Bluetooth kBox app, when fatigue was the limiting factor, we had the advantage of modulating the resistance to avoid injury and make sure our athlete was training within the range we wanted by focusing on the speed or power outputs. Coaches ultimately become the critical piece to the successful implementation of eccentric flywheels in their athletes’ programs. We considered this similar to velocity-based training (VBT), and it’s why we approached using flywheel training like we use VBT.
借助蓝牙 kBox 应用程序,当疲劳成为限制因素时,我们可以调节阻力以避免受伤,并通过关注速度或功率输出来确保我们的运动员在我们想要的范围内进行训练。教练最终成为在运动员项目中成功实施偏心飞轮的关键部分。我们认为这类似于基于速度的训练 (VBT),这就是为什么我们像使用 VBT 一样使用飞轮训练。
We have not seen great results with flywheel training in newbie or untrained junior golfers where movements are not consistently competent and when athletes may just be going through the motions. But when we use flywheel training as a supplement to traditional training and with athletes as they become more experienced, it’s a great addition to our toolbox.
The Silver Bullet for Rotational Power
Hopefully, any coach worth half their salt rolled their eyes at this section’s title. But Exxentric’s flywheels are silver, and when you see the results that rotational eccentric flywheel training bore compared to traditional cable training, I hope you’ll consider adding it to your arsenal.
希望任何有资格的教练都会对本节的标题翻白眼。但 Exxentric 的飞轮是银色的,当您看到旋转偏心飞轮训练与传统电缆训练相比的结果时,我希望您会考虑将其添加到您的武器库中。
Video 5. There was a 73% difference in club speed gains in the group that used the kPulley for their straight-arm rotational work (see table below).
视频 5。使用 kPulley 进行直臂旋转工作的组中,球杆速度增益存在 73% 的差异(见下表) 。
All of the groups in the study completed this same move; the only difference was the type of resistance they used (flywheel vs. pneumatic cable machine). The coaches cued the athletes to:
- try to stop the rotation
尝试停止旋转 - change directions back to the exercise’s finish position once they returned to the start position with square hips and shoulders, which was when the arm closest to the flywheel was straight out in front of them
一旦他们回到起始位置,臀部和肩膀呈方形,即最靠近飞轮的手臂伸直在他们面前时,就改变方向回到练习的结束位置 - most importantly, change the direction of the bar back to the finish by driving through the instep of the foot closest to the flywheel (trail foot) and finish with a vertical drive through the lead foot
As I’ve discussed in other articles, how you coach an athlete to use the ground in a rotational exercise is critically important for transference to the actual sport. In golf, the most common kinetic sequence used is horizontal then torsional and then vertical. Depending on the angle of the line of pull, the attachment used (bar vs. rope vs. strap around the body), and the cues, we’ve found you can significantly influence the type of ground force sequences you train based on real-time force plate data.
正如我在其他文章中讨论的那样,如何指导运动员在旋转练习中使用地面对于转移到实际运动中至关重要。在高尔夫运动中,最常见的运动顺序是水平然后扭转,然后垂直。根据拉线的角度、所使用的附件(杆、绳子、身体周围的带子)以及提示,我们发现您可以显着影响您基于真实训练的地面力量序列的类型 -时间测力板数据。
In the future, it would be interesting to study long term outcomes when training different planes of rotation (high to low vs. low to high for, example) as well as the impact different ground force sequences and cues have on eventual outcomes in sport.
The Results 结果
The complete study with workout design, reps, loads, etc. can be found in the full report. The average age of golfers in the study was 49 years old.
包含锻炼设计、次数、负荷等的完整研究可以在完整报告中找到。研究中高尔夫球手的平均年龄为 49 岁。
Subject Group 学科组 | Sample Size 样本量 | Avg. Change in Club Head Speed (mph) 平均。球杆杆头速度的变化(英里/小时) |
Avg. % Change in Club Head Speed (%) 平均。球杆杆头速度变化百分比 (%) |
kBox 盒子 | 11 | 1.3 | 1.61% |
kPulley k滑轮 | 9 | 2.6 | 2.80% |
Control 控制 | 3 | 1.2 | 1.36% |
When we take data from the larger database we have at Par4Success of over 700 golfers, we find that, in any given twelve-week period, a 40- to 50-year-old golfer can expect to gain 1.8 mph on average without eccentric rotational training.
当我们从 Par4Success 拥有的包含 700 多名高尔夫球手的大型数据库中获取数据时,我们发现,在任何给定的 12 周时间内,一名 40 至 50 岁的高尔夫球手在没有偏心旋转的情况下平均速度可提高 1.8 英里/小时训练。
As shown in the table above, the group who used the eccentric flywheel training for the rotational component of their program had a 69% increase in their club speed compared to that larger average in half the time. Compared to the other groups in this study that did not train rotation eccentrically, the kPulley group saw an even larger raw increase.
如上表所示,使用偏心飞轮训练作为其计划的旋转部分的小组的球杆速度比一半时间内的平均速度提高了 69%。与本研究中没有进行离心旋转训练的其他组相比,kPulley 组的原始增长更大。
It’s notable that participants increased club speed by 69% in half the time of the larger data sample average, even though the study’s results are not statistically significant due to the small sample size. The study also showed double the raw speed gains when the participants focused on rotational eccentric strength training. While this is a preliminary study, there are extremely important takeaways for golfers and those in the golf performance field.
值得注意的是,尽管由于样本量较小,该研究的结果在统计上并不显着,但参与者在较大数据样本平均值的一半时间内将球杆速度提高了 69%。研究还显示,当参与者专注于旋转偏心力量训练时,原始速度增加了一倍。虽然这是一项初步研究,但对于高尔夫球手和高尔夫表演领域的人们来说,有极其重要的收获。
What About Medicine Balls?
Medicine balls are among the most commonly used implements for training rotary athletes. Unfortunately, because of their ease of use and relatively low risk of injury, it is extremely common to see them used just to fill time. There’s often minimal, if any, periodized planning for medicine ball training, and the goals are poorly defined.
Medicine balls are often too light to realistically create meaningful overload. So what do they do? Do they even work?
While there are studies that show improvements in speed after using medicine ball training vs. not using it, the mechanisms of “why” the improvements occurred are anything but explained in the plethora of studies out there. Since they don’t apply load to the system, the results likely are due to either improved coordination (kinematic sequence training) or neuromuscular benefit from working on the speed side of the strength-speed continuum. Even after sifting the large body of research, the answer is still honestly quite ambiguous.
So while medicine balls are beneficial to training rotational athletes, the how and why still needs to be better studied to understand the mechanisms of how to best use and program them. We also need to make sure that we are putting as much attention to the periodization of medicine balls as we do to the main lifts, rotational strength training, sprinting, and jump training.
This leads us to traditional band and cable training.
Should You Sell Your Bands and Cables?
It’s naturally your next question, as it was ours. Should we use bands and cables at all?
This study shows us that there may be a more efficient and effective way to train golfers for performance gains. I love using bands for patterning and activation activities. They’re also favorites when we want variable resistances in very dynamic activities. Bands challenge the concentric movements by forcing athletes to control the movement, and they’re often a great hack into the nervous system to coordinate stability. They also travel incredibly well to fill gaps for athletes when they’re on the road.
The limitation comes as an athlete returns eccentrically in movement. The load decreases in the band, limiting the effect it can have on increasing the eccentric load challenge and thereby limiting its value as an effective strength builder. It’s also harder to quantify, measure, and progress with bands in strength and explosive output because of the variable resistance. Compared to eccentric flywheel training, bands initially appear to be less effective training golfers to improve their rotational strength and resulting power, according to our research results.
Cables offer a more measurable and consistent resistance level than bands for the average golfer and golf performance professional. Machines like the Keiser have computers built in to measure power output on each repetition to improve measurement and output. Based on the study’s results, however, even this appears to be initially less effective than eccentric overloading.
对于普通高尔夫球手和高尔夫表演专业人士来说,电缆比带子提供了更可测量和一致的阻力水平。像 Keizer 这样的机器内置了计算机来测量每次重复的功率输出,以改善测量和输出。然而,根据研究结果,即使这种方法最初似乎也不如偏心超载有效。
There has been an uptick on social media showing golfers using rotational harnesses and strap variations when training on cable machines to better train rotation. This is a bit misleading. These variations definitely train more torsionally and free up the arms. Our research suggests, however, that golfers are leaving yards in the gym when that strap is attached to a traditional cable machine compared to equipment that drives more eccentric loading.
In many cases, coaches should pay closer attention to the device that the strap is attached to. Perhaps more important is paying attention to how the athlete is coached to produce the desired forces. It’s very easy to pull horizontally against cable machines and the kPulley even when wrapped in a strap.
在许多情况下,教练应该更加注意绑带所连接的设备。也许更重要的是关注如何指导运动员产生所需的力量。即使用带子包裹,也可以很容易地水平拉动电缆机和 kPulley。
Video 6. We often see athletes produce an upper body lunge laterally as opposed to the desired kinetic sequence that’s ideal for golf.
视频 6。我们经常看到运动员产生上半身横向弓步,而不是高尔夫理想的运动顺序。
Video 7. Instead, we would like to see the lower body and upper body working together in a kinetically and kinematically efficient manner, as shown here.
视频 7。相反,我们希望看到下半身和上半身以动力学和运动学有效的方式协同工作,如此处所示。
While we did not specifically test this, we noted that during training, there was a significant increase in speed and power output when golfers were coached to increase vertical and torsional forces on the kPulley (which measures peak speed and power outputs) as opposed to just “spinning” with a large lateral lunge.
虽然我们没有专门对此进行测试,但我们注意到,在训练期间,当指导高尔夫球手增加 kPulley(测量峰值速度和功率输出)上的垂直力和扭转力时,速度和功率输出会显着增加,而不是仅仅增加 kPulley 上的垂直力和扭转力(测量峰值速度和功率输出)。以大的横向弓步“旋转”。
We had similar results when using the Assess2Perform Ballistic Ball, which is a medicine ball with an embedded accelerometer. When an athlete is cued to increase vertical drive, we’ve seen speeds increase by up to 75%. These increased speed and power outputs are probably due to improved rates of force development and improved overall ground force creation, as we’ve noted in several concurrent force plate trials.
当使用Assess2Perform Ballistic Ball时,我们得到了类似的结果,这是一种带有嵌入式加速计的健身球。当提示运动员增加垂直驱动力时,我们发现速度提高了 75%。正如我们在几个同时进行的测力台试验中所指出的那样,这些速度和功率输出的增加可能是由于部队发展速度的提高和整体地面部队创建的改善。
Closing Thoughts 结束语
These subjective and objective observations offer an interesting basis for future research. It would be incredibly helpful to examine how ground reaction forces are used in training to improve the effectiveness of medicine balls, cables, and eccentric flywheels. With the birth of “power profiles” for golfers, understanding how to train specific kinetic forces will likely play a large role in the future of golf performance training.
We should note that one of the limitations of this study is the small sample size due to subject dropouts from vacation, sickness, and not completing the minimum necessary workouts. The six-week length also limits the ability to draw conclusions for long term results.
I want to emphasize that we are in no way recommending that all rotational athletes stop using medicine balls, cable machines, and bands. All tools have their place in a comprehensive training program, and it’s up to the expert professionals working with golfers to intelligently select what tools to use and when.
We hope that the golf community and the greater rotational power community take note of these findings. These preliminary results appear to demonstrate there are more effective and efficient ways to gain speed safely than are being used by most athletes and coaches currently. There are many accepted training practices, protocols, and products in the golf performance world that are not legitimately scientifically tested. And while case studies should not hold the same weight as randomized clinical studies, unfortunately, this is often glossed over in marketing materials.
If we, as a golf performance community, can continue to further our questions and answer them with additional higher quality studies instead of case studies, our profession and our game will continue to grow and at a faster rate than ever.
At Par4Success, we’re are always excited to speak with golfers, golf instructors, and golf fitness and medical professionals about what we’re doing, our findings, and our training programs. Please reach out to us at our Par4Success website if you are interested in having a conversation or learning more about our programs and research.
在 Par4Success,我们总是很高兴与高尔夫球手、高尔夫教练、高尔夫健身和医疗专业人士谈论我们正在做的事情、我们的发现和我们的培训计划。如果您有兴趣进行对话或了解有关我们的计划和研究的更多信息,请通过Par4Success网站与我们联系。
Since you’re here… 既然你在这里……
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……我们有一个小小的请求。阅读 SimpliFaster 的人比以往任何时候都多,每周我们都会为您带来来自致力于培养更好运动员的教练、运动科学家和物理治疗师的精彩内容。请花点时间在社交媒体上分享文章,让作者提出问题和评论,并在适当的时候链接到文章(如果您有博客或参与相关主题的论坛)。 — SF
Excellent. Rotational excercises are in all trainers manual now, we must research them value seriously. Like this article.