四季天使客製牙套 - 為患者訂製治療專案
恢復您的 健康、美麗、自信,高品質生活
康美智能牙套 (COMiP) – 是經由專利智能軟體,為兒童客製,前牙角度,排牙,咬合,咬合肌一次做到好的牙套,改正口呼吸症,改善過敏和注意力不集中症
睡安智能牙套 (SNOSA) – 是經由專利軟體,智能組合三種常見類型的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停 (OSA) 口腔矯治器(舌頭固定器、下頜前移器和垂直升高器) 在一個牙套中,提供完整OSA治療
## Translated Text:
Sleepwell Smart Brace (SNOSA) - uses patented software to intelligently combine three common types of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) oral appliances (tongue stabilizer, mandibular advancement device, and vertical elevator) into one brace, providing comprehensive OSA treatment
隱安智能牙套 (ALIGO) – 補足隱形牙套的前牙角度與咬合,使用隱形牙套患者可以在矯正結束前使用隱安智,改進牙尖點及咬合效果。
敏安智能牙套 (Minfree) – 是經由專利軟體,為每位過敏患者客製牙套,提供過敏治療,恢復正常鼻子呼吸的功能,以改善因口呼吸所造成的濕疹、牛皮癬和酒渣鼻等皮膚病
Minfree Smart Aligners are custom-made aligners for each allergy sufferer through patented software, providing allergy treatment and restoring normal nose breathing function to improve skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea caused by mouth breathing
提供口腔多功能矯正方法 Four Seasons Angel Innovative Braces provide multi-functional orthodontic methods for the oral cavity
榮獲美國,歐洲,中國,台灣專利 Patented in the United States, Europe, China and Taiwan
此項創新技術基於咬合角度線(occlusal line angle)和上下牙齒的最大尖窩位置(Maximal Intercuspation Position, MIP),在全球範圍內首次實現此類牙齒排列和製作方法,同時也是對存在一百多年的咬合理論的一大突破。
This innovative technology, based on the occlusal line angle and the maximal intercuspation position (MIP) of the upper and lower teeth, achieves such tooth arrangement and fabrication method for the first time in the world, and is also a major breakthrough in the theory of occlusion that has existed for more than a hundred years.
The concept of occlusal angle line and maximum intercuspation position is deeply rooted in the foundation of dentistry and orthodontics. With the advancement of technology, the use of tools such as X-rays, 3D imaging, oral scanning, and computer modeling has enabled us to understand these concepts more precisely and apply them in clinical practice.
Leveraging these cutting-edge technologies, we have developed a digitally fabricated, occlusally-based retainer known as the COMiP aligner. This innovative invention not only aligns teeth but also effectively controls their eruption and occlusal positioning, representing a revolutionary advancement in the field of orthodontic correction.
我們的專利技術以咬合線為基礎,開發出一種新型的齒列橋正牙套及其製造方法。這種牙套可以有效地用於矯正牙科病患的齒列不正問題。我們通過3D打印技術和矽膠灌注工藝,製作出具有gnathological positioner功能的COMiP牙套,確保牙齒能夠按照MIP關係正確排列。
Our patented technology develops a novel dental aligner and its manufacturing method based on occlusion line. This aligner can be effectively used to correct the malocclusion problems of dental patients. Through 3D printing technology and silicone filling process, we produce COMiP aligners with gnathological positioner function to ensure that the teeth can be arranged correctly according to the MIP relationship.
The acquisition of this patent is not only a testament to our technological innovation capabilities, but also a commitment to dental science and patient well-being. We look forward to seeing this breakthrough technology being widely used around the world, providing more patients with more effective and accurate dental treatment options.
We firmly believe that this achievement is just the beginning. In the future, Four Seasons Angel Medical Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to devote itself to innovation and development in the field of dentistry, contributing more well-being to dental health and patients worldwide.
康美智COMiP早期矯正系統 Kangmei Smart ComiP Early Correction System
康美智COMiP兩階段矯正法 COMiP Two-phase Orthodontics
Correcting the teeth during the tooth-changing period can avoid more problems after growing up
了解孩童頭顱顏面的生長,正常發育的條件 了解孩童頭顱顏面的生長,正常發育的條件 Understanding the growth of children's craniofacial, the conditions of normal development
睡安智 SNOSA 呼吸矯正牙套 SleepRite Dental Appliance
康美智骨形矯正器配戴說明 Wear instructions for Kangmei Zhi bone shaper
康美智牙套配戴須知 Instructions for Wearing Kangmei Smart Dental Aligners
睡安智牙套配戴需知 Sleep soundly: What you need to know about wearing an invisible aligner
睡眠呼吸中止症是百病源頭 Sleep apnea is the root of all diseases
OSA 呼吸中止症狀 Sleep Apnea Symptoms
介紹四季天使 Introduce the Four Seasons Angels
早期矯正 Early correction
孩子的成長 Child's growth
C4系統解決孩子的矯正問題 The C4 System Resolves the Child's Orthodontic Problem
過敏汙染來源 Source Text: 過敏汙染來源 Translated Text: Source of Allergic Pollution

為什麼要早期矯正 Why early correction is needed?
小時候的問題不會因為長大而改善,早期介入與治療,能預防衍生更嚴重的 系統性疾病 與 骨頭畸形生長 ,也能避免 拔牙矯正 與 正顎手術治療。
Childhood problems will not improve with age. Early intervention and treatment can prevent the development of more serious systemic diseases and bone malformations, and can also avoid the need for tooth extraction and orthognathic surgery.
* 孩子的問題比你看到的更多 *
* A child's problems are more numerous than you see
齒列不整與咬合不正通常是後天造成的,息息相關且互相影響。客製化的 C4 牙套引導牙齒排列整齊外,具有主動肌肉功能訓練,治療鼻子過敏、異位性皮膚炎、氣喘、注意力不集中和過動。
Malocclusion and malocclusion are usually caused by acquired factors, and they are closely related and influence each other. Personalized C4 braces not only guide the alignment of teeth, but also have active muscle function training to treat nasal allergies, atopic dermatitis, asthma, attention deficit and hyperactivity.
Finding problems and addressing them at their source is the key to effective early correction.
* 康美智能牙套是兒童早期矯正的最佳選擇 *
* Beautident Smart Braces are the best choice for early orthodontic treatment for children

超越他牌隱形矯正產品 Kangmei Zhi's system correction function surpasses other brands of invisible braces
Kangmei is a two-stage orthodontic system that first addresses bone, airway, and muscle problems, followed by a second stage with aligners based on a bite-centric alignment method to help with alignment and bite correction. It is also the only bite-centric alignment method currently available.
與他牌肌肉功能訓練器 Functional Correction of Comfort Intelligence System and Other Brand Muscle Function Training Devices
Currently, commercially available muscle function trainers are mass-produced in fixed sizes. After biting on them, the mandible is pushed forward, which is somewhat helpful for Class II malocclusion. However, for patients with Class I malocclusion, long-term use may easily cause open bite or incisal edge-to-incisal edge bite.
Muscle functional trainer functions are limited in muscle function training, and orthodontic effects are limited. Regular orthodontic treatment is still required to align teeth.
和隱形矯正的差別 The Differences between Orthodontics and Invisible Orthodontics in C4 Series of Comfi Dental Intelligence
The C4+ orthodontic aligners by Comfort Beauty are custom-made based on the individual's tooth morphology and arch size. They are designed using patented digital technology to achieve the ideal arrangement and first-class occlusion.
康美智能C4+醫用級矽膠牙套的優點是和隱形矯正一樣,透過垂直咬合的力量移動牙齒,將牙齒排整齊,但與隱形矯正不同的是,康美智能牙套可以引導上下顎的牙齒以正確對位的方式引導生長與咬合對位,最後將咬合建立在一類咬合 Class I 的最大尖窩Maximal Intercuspal Position (MIP)關係,這個位置又稱為 Central Occlusion (CO),也是咬合最穩定的位置上。
The advantages of Kangmei Smart C4+ Medical Grade Silicone Aligners are similar to those of invisible braces, using vertical bite force to move teeth and align them. However, unlike invisible braces, Kangmei Smart Aligners can guide the upper and lower jaw teeth to grow and bite in a correct alignment manner. Finally, the bite is established on the maximal intercuspal position (MIP) relationship of Class I occlusion, which is also known as central occlusion (CO), and is the most stable bite position.

全臉矯正是全新的觀念,也是新的學科 Full-face correction is a new concept, as well as a new discipline
Okay, here is the translated text:
康美智牙套 is a globally unique and innovative intelligent system. Dr. Huang Q 卿, the inventor, has accumulated 40 years of in-depth research in the four major disciplines of respiratory 矯正, muscle function 矯正, bone shape 矯正, and teeth 矯正. Knowing the root of the problem, he invented a patent that corrects the 排列 of teeth, the angle of the front teeth, the 咬合, and the 咬合 muscles at once, helping children grow up 健康 and 健康.
The treatment methods of the Four Seasons Angel Kangmeizhi orthodontic system are based on multiple research reports. There are direct and effective methods, which are very different from traditional ideas.
牙套功能: Denture features:
* 呼吸道矯正:口肌肉功能訓練 * Respiratory correction: Oral muscle function training
* 骨形矯正:不拔牙,留下全部的好牙 * Skeletal correction: No tooth extraction, keep all good teeth
* 咬合固位牙套:正中排牙、前牙角度、最大尖窩咬合
Intercuspal locking teeth set: median incisor arrangement, anterior tooth angle, maximum cusp fossa occlusion
* 止鼾牙套:呼吸道矯正治療 * Snoring mouth guard: Airway correction treatment
黃奇卿醫師/四季天使矯正療法發明人 Dr. Huang Chi-ching/Inventor of Four Seasons Angel Orthodontic Therapy