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题量: 37 满分: 100

作答时间:04-16 08:0004-21 23:00


一. 单选题(共24题,64.8分)

1. (单选题)Which of the following is not one of the judgments John Dewey used in adequately resolving a controversy?
1.(单选题)以下哪项不是约翰·杜威(John Dewey)在充分解决争议时使用的判断之一?

  • A. Recognize the controversy.
    A. 承认争议。
  • B. Analyze the controversy.
  • C. Weigh alternative claims.
    C. 权衡替代索赔。
  • D. Form a judgment.
我的答案: B :Analyze the controversy.;
正确答案: B :Analyze the controversy.;

2. (单选题)Which phase of the systems approach prepares the problem solver by providing a systems orientation?

  • A. Preparation effort A. 准备工作
  • B. Problem effort B. 问题处理
  • C. Definition effort C. 定义工作
  • D. Solution effort D. 解决工作
我的答案: A :Preparation effort;  :P赔偿工作; 正确答案: A :Preparation effort;  :P赔偿工作;

3. (单选题)At what step in the definition effort does the manager study the position of the system in relation to its environment?

  • A. Recognize the environmental system.
  • B. Identify the firm’s subsystems.
    B. 确定公司的子系统。
  • C. Proceed from a system to a subsystem level.
    C. 从系统级别转到子系统级别。
  • D. Analyze system parts in a certain sequence.
我的答案: C :Proceed from a system to a subsystem level.;
正确答案: C :Proceed from a system to a subsystem level.;

4. (单选题)During which level of the systems analysis is it determined that the problem exists within the physical system?
4. (单选题)在哪个级别的系统分析中确定问题存在于物理系统中?

  • A. Element Four – Evaluate the Information Processor
    A. 要素四 – 评估信息处理者
  • B. Element Five – Evaluate the Inputs and the Input Resources
    B. 要素五 – 评估投入和投入资源
  • C. Element Six – Evaluate the Transformation Processes
    C. 要素六 – 评估转型过程
  • D. Element Seven – Evaluate the Output Resources
    D. 要素七 – 评估产出资源
我的答案: B :Element Five – Evaluate the Inputs and the Input Resources;
:要素五 – 评估投入和投入资源;
正确答案: B :Element Five – Evaluate the Inputs and the Input Resources;
:要素五 – 评估投入和投入资源;

5. (单选题)During which level of the systems analysis is it determined that inefficient procedures and practices might be causing difficulties in transforming the inputs into outputs?

  • A. Element Two – Compare System Outputs with Standards
    A. 要素二 – 将系统输出与标准进行比较
  • B. Element Four – Evaluate the Information Processor
    B. 要素四 – 评估信息处理者
  • C. Element Six – Evaluate the Transformation Processes
    C. 要素六 – 评估转型过程
  • D. Element Seven – Evaluate the Output Resources
    D. 要素七 – 评估产出资源
我的答案: C :Element Six – Evaluate the Transformation Processes;
:要素六 – 评估转型过程;
正确答案: C :Element Six – Evaluate the Transformation Processes;
:要素六 – 评估转型过程;

6. (单选题)When the mental process of a single manager selects the best alternative, he/she is using:

  • A. analysis. A.分析。
  • B. judgment. B.判断。
  • C. bargaining. C.讨价还价。
  • D. guesswork. D.猜测。
我的答案: B :judgment.;  :判断。; 正确答案: B :judgment.;  :判断。;

7. (单选题)The management theorist that identified three ways that managers go about selecting the best alternative was:

  • A. Henri Fayol. A.亨利·法约尔。
  • B. John Dewey. B.约翰·杜威。
  • C. James Martin. C.詹姆斯·马丁。
  • D. Henry Mintzberg. D.亨利·明茨伯格。
我的答案: D :Henry Mintzberg.;  :亨利·明茨伯格。 正确答案: D :Henry Mintzberg.;  :亨利·明茨伯格。

8. (单选题)Which methodology most closely resembles a waterfall?
8. (单选题)哪种方法最像瀑布?

  • A. Phased development A. 分阶段开发
  • B. RAD B. RAD的
  • C. Traditional SDLC C. 传统 SDLC
  • D. Prototyping D. 原型设计
    Answer: c Page Reference: 162
    答案: c 页次编号: 162
我的答案: : 正确答案: :

9. (单选题)Which of the following is not a stage of the traditional SDLC?
9. (单选题)以下哪项不是传统SDLC的阶段?

  • A. Planning A. 规划
  • B. Analysis B. 分析
  • C. Implementation C. 执行情况
  • D. Evaluation D. 评价
我的答案: D :Evaluation;  :评估; 正确答案: D :Evaluation;  :评估;

10. (单选题)Which of the following is not a stage in developing an evolutionary prototype?

  • A. Identify user needs.
    A. 确定用户需求。
  • B. Develop a prototype.
    B. 开发原型。
  • C. Use the prototype.
    C. 使用原型。
  • D. Code the operational system.
    D. 对操作系统进行编码。
我的答案: D :Code the operational system.;
正确答案: D :Code the operational system.;

11. (单选题)Which of the following is not a potential pitfall of prototyping?
11. (单选题)以下哪项不是原型设计的潜在陷阱?

  • A. The shortcuts produce a “quick and dirty” effort.
  • B. The user may have unrealistic expectations regarding the production system.
  • C. The user plays a more active role in system development.
  • D. The computer-human interface provided by certain prototyping tools may not reflect good design techniques.
    D. 某些原型设计工具提供的计算机-人机界面可能无法反映良好的设计技术。
我的答案: C :The user plays a more active role in system development.;
正确答案: C :The user plays a more active role in system development.;

12. (单选题)Which of the following is not a stage in developing a requirements prototype?
12. (单选题)以下哪项不是开发需求原型的阶段?

  • A. Identify user needs.
    A. 确定用户需求。
  • B. Develop a prototype.
    B. 开发原型。
  • C. Determine if prototype is acceptable.
    C. 确定原型是否可接受。
  • D. Use the prototype.
    D. 使用原型。
我的答案: D :Use the prototype.;  :使用原型。; 正确答案: D :Use the prototype.;  :使用原型。;

13. (单选题)Which of the following is not an attraction to prototyping?
13. (单选题)以下哪项不是原型制作的吸引力?

  • A. Communications between the developer and user are improved.
    A. 改进了开发人员和用户之间的通信。
  • B. The production system is complete when the prototype is complete.
  • C. The developer can do a better job of determining user’s needs.
  • D. Implementation is much easier because the user knows what to expect.
    D. 实现要容易得多,因为用户知道会发生什么。
我的答案: B :The production system is complete when the prototype is complete.;
正确答案: B :The production system is complete when the prototype is complete.;

14. (单选题)The methodology that was intended to produce systems quickly without sacrificing quality is referred to as:
14. (单选题)旨在在不牺牲质量的情况下快速生产系统的方法称为:

  • A. the traditional systems development lifecycle.
  • B. prototyping. B. 原型设计。
  • C. phased development. C.分阶段开发。
  • D. rapid application development.
我的答案: D :rapid application development.;
正确答案: D :rapid application development.;

15. (单选题)An integrated set of strategies, methodologies, and tools that exists within information engineering is:
15. (单选题)信息工程中存在的一套集成的策略、方法和工具是:

  • A. rapid application development.
  • B. prototyping. B. 原型设计。
  • C. phased development. C.分阶段开发。
  • D. business process reengineering.
我的答案: A :rapid application development.;
正确答案: A :rapid application development.;

16. (单选题)The stage of phased development that is not iterative is:
16. (单选题)非迭代的阶段性开发阶段为:

  • A. preliminary investigation.
  • B. analysis. B.分析。
  • C. design. C.设计。
  • D. user review. D. 用户评论。
我的答案: A :preliminary investigation.;
正确答案: A :preliminary investigation.;

17. (单选题)During which stage of phased development is project and system feasibility evaluated?
17. (单选题)项目和系统可行性在哪个阶段进行评估?

  • A. Preliminary investigation
    A. 初步调查
  • B. Analysis B. 分析
  • C. Preliminary construction
    C. 初步施工
  • D. Final construction D. 最后施工
我的答案: A :Preliminary investigation;
正确答案: A :Preliminary investigation;

18. (单选题)During which stage of phased development does training occur?

  • A. Design
  • B. Preliminary construction
  • C. Final construction
  • D. System test and installation
我的答案: C :Final construction; 正确答案: C :Final construction;
The BPR process that is the transformation of a system into another form without changing its functionality is:

a. information engineering.
b. reverse engineering.
c. restructuring.
d. reengineering

Answer: c Page Reference: 170

19. (单选题)Which BPR process is the complete redesign of a system with the objective of changing its functionality?

  • A. Information engineering
  • B. Reverse engineering
  • C. Restructuring
  • D. Reengineering
我的答案: D :Reengineering; 正确答案: D :Reengineering;

20. (单选题)When the process of the SDLC is followed while BPR is engaged, it is referred to as:

  • A. restructuring.
  • B. forward engineering.
  • C. reengineering.
  • D. backward engineering.
我的答案: B :forward engineering.; 正确答案: B :forward engineering.;

21. (单选题)Which of the following data flow diagram symbols can represent a terminator?

  • A. Environmental elements
  • B. Processes
  • C. Data flows
  • D. Data storage
我的答案: A :Environmental elements; 正确答案: A :Environmental elements;

22. (单选题)In a data flow diagram, which symbol does not represent a process?

  • A. Circle
  • B. Horizontal rectangle
  • C. Open-ended rectangle
  • D. Upright rectangle with rounded corners
我的答案: C :Open-ended rectangle; 正确答案: C :Open-ended rectangle;

23. (单选题)The term that is used to describe the hierarchy of diagrams to document a system is called:

  • A. context diagram.
  • B. Figure n diagram.
  • C. Figure 0 diagram.
  • D. leveled DFD.
我的答案: D :leveled DFD.; 正确答案: D :leveled DFD.;

24. (单选题)Which statement is false regarding the MIS steering committee?

  • A. The task of the committee is to carry out the overall strategy that is established by the executive committee.
  • B. The committee disbands at the completion of the project.
  • C. The committee resolves conflicts that arise concerning priorities for computer use.
  • D. The committee establishes policies that ensure computer support for achieving the strategic objectives of the firm.
我的答案: B :The committee disbands at the completion of the project.; 正确答案: B :The committee disbands at the completion of the project.;

二. 判断题(共13题,35.2分)

25. (判断题)John Dewey is credited for originating a systematic problem-solving process.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

26. (判断题)The definition effort phase is usually stimulated by a problem trigger.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

27. (判断题)When management is evaluated during the definition effort, the organizational structure is also evaluated.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

28. (判断题)Evaluation criteria measures how well an alternative would solve the problem.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

29. (判断题)The traditional systems development life cycle is often referred to as the waterfall approach.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

30. (判断题)A requirements prototype is developed as a way to define the functional requirements of the new system when the users are unable to articulate exactly what they want.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

31. (判断题)A prototyping toolkit includes separate software systems, such as electronic spreadsheets or database management systems, each capable of producing a portion of the desired system features.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

32. (判断题)The phased development methodology is a combination of the traditional SDLC, prototyping, and RAD.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

33. (判断题)Business process redesign has also been called reengineering.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

34. (判断题)Restructuring is the transformation of a system into another form without changing its functionality.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

35. (判断题)A data flow diagram is a graphic representation of a system that uses four symbol shapes to illustrate how data flows through interconnected processes.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

36. (判断题)A data flow consists of a group of logically related data elements that travel from one point or process to another.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:

37. (判断题)When drawing a context diagram only one process symbol is drawn.

  • A. 对
  • B. 错
我的答案: 正确答案:
一. 单选题(64.8分)
二. 判断题(35.2分)