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Leadership Overview

- *Leadership* is the ability to influence people towards achieving goals. It is a people-centered activity, distinct from administration and problem-solving.
- *领导力*是影响人们实现目标的能力。这是一项以人为本的活动,不同于行政管理和解决问题。

- Leadership evolves based on organizational needs and external factors like technology, economics, and social trends.
- 领导力根据组织需求和技术、经济和社会趋势等外部因素而演变。

Contemporary leadership

- *Servant Leadership*: A leader who focuses on serving others, giving away power, recognition, and credit to benefit the organization and society.
- *仆人式领导*:专注于服务他人、放弃权力、认可和信用以使组织和社会受益的领导者。

- *Management vs. Leadership*:
- *管理与领导力*:

- *Management*: Focuses on stability and order (e.g., ensuring operations run smoothly).
- *管理*:注重稳定性和秩序(例如,确保运营顺利进行)。

- *Leadership*: Promotes change, vision, and improvement by taking risks.
- *领导力*:通过承担风险促进变革、愿景和改进。

Leadership Traits and Strengths

- Early leadership studies focused on identifying key traits of effective leaders (e.g., Great Man approach).
- 早期的领导力研究侧重于识别有效领导者的关键特征(例如,伟人方法)。

- Effective leaders combine personal traits with strengths, which are natural talents enhanced by knowledge and skills.
- 高效的领导者将个人特质与优势结合起来,这些优势是通过知识和技能增强的天赋。

Leadership Behaviors Approach

- Two main leadership behaviors
- 两种主要的领导行为

1. *Task-Oriented Behavior*: Focus on directing work and achieving goals.
1. *任务导向行为*:专注于指导工作和实现目标。

2. *People-Oriented Behavior*: Focus on respecting employees, fostering trust, and supporting subordinates.
2. *以人为本的行为*:注重尊重员工、培养信任、支持下属。

Task versus People

- *Ohio State Studies*: Identified two key behaviors
- *俄亥俄州立研究*:确定了两个关键行为

- *Consideration*: People-oriented.
- *考虑*:以人为本。

- *Initiating Structure*: Task-oriented.
- *启动结构*:以任务为导向。

- *University of Michigan Studies*: Compared effective and ineffective supervisors:
- *密歇根大学研究*:有效和无效主管的比较:

- *Employee-Centered Leaders*: Focus on high performance and supportive behaviors (more effective).
- *以员工为中心的领导者*:专注于高绩效和支持行为(更有效)。

- *Job-Centered Leaders*: Focus on schedules, costs, and efficiency (less effective).
- *以工作为中心的领导者*:关注进度、成本和效率(效率较低)。

Contingency Approaches to Leadership

- Leadership effectiveness depends on the situation:
- 领导有效性取决于具体情况:

*Situational Model*: Leadership style should adapt to the readiness (willingness and ability) of followers.

1. *Telling (High Task – Low Relationship)*: Leader defines roles and directs people on what, how, and where to perform tasks.
1. *讲述(高任务 - 低关系)* :领导者定义角色并指导人们执行任务的内容、方式和地点。

2. *Selling (High Task – High Relationship)*: Leader provides clear instructions while also offering support and explanations.
2. *销售(高任务 - 高关系)* :领导者提供明确的指示,同时提供支持和解释。

3. *Participating (Low Task – High Relationship)*: Leader involves followers in decision-making, facilitating and communicating.
3. *参与(低任务 - 高关系)* :领导者让下属参与决策、促进和沟通。

4. *Delegating (Low Task – Low Relationship)*: Leader provides minimal direction or support, trusting followers to handle tasks independently
4. *委派(低任务 - 低关系)* :领导者提供最少的指导或支持,信任追随者独立处理任务

*Fiedler's Contingency Theory*: Leadership style (task- or relationship-oriented) is fixed and should match the organizational situation.

Charismatic and Transformational Leadership

- *Charismatic Leadership*: Leaders inspire and motivate others with a vision and empathy, empowering followers.
- *魅力型领导力*:领导者以愿景和同理心激励他人,赋予追随者权力。

Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership*:

- *Transformational Leadership: Focuses on innovation and change. Transformational leaders:
- *变革型领导:专注于创新和变革。变革型领导者:

- Recognize followers' needs and provide meaning.
- 认识追随者的需求并提供意义。

- Encourage new ways of thinking and create significant organizational changes.
- 鼓励新的思维方式并进行重大的组织变革。

- Act as role models for new behaviors and values
- 成为新行为和价值观的榜样

- *Transactional Leadership: Focuses on management and stability. Transactional leaders:
- *交易型领导:注重管理和稳定性。交易型领导者:

- Clarify tasks and roles, initiate structure, and reward performance.
- 明确任务和角色、启动结构并奖励绩效。

- Excel at managing processes like planning and scheduling.
- 擅长管理计划和日程安排等流程。

- Emphasize maintaining stability through rewards and social exchanges.
- 强调通过奖励和社会交流来维护稳定。

Power and Influence

- *Power*: The potential to influence others.
- *权力*:影响他人的潜力。

- *Hard Power*: Derived from formal organizational roles, including legitimate, reward, and coercive power.
- *硬权力*:源自正式的组织角色,包括合法权力、奖励权力和强制权力。

- *Soft Power*: Comes from personal traits like expertise and referent power (admiration and respect).
- *软实力*:来自个人特质,如专业知识和参照力(钦佩和尊重)。

Six Influence Tactics of Leaders:

Leaders use various tactics to influence others:

Use Rational Persuasion: Convince others with facts, data, and logical arguments.

Help People Like You: Build positive relationships because people are more likely to agree with those they like.

Rely on Reciprocity: Exchange benefits and favors to get what you want.

Develop Allies: Create a network of supporters to help you achieve your goals.

Ask for What You Want: Be direct and make a clear, personal request.

Appeal to Higher Authority: Gain support from higher-level individuals to back your decisions