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7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness 财富与幸福的 7 个策略

Introduction 引言

What’s in it for me? Kick off your journey to success with advice from a self-made millionaire.

Jim Rohn, 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness, Power Ideas from America's Foremost Business Philosopher Do you often find yourself exasperated by money troubles? Do you feel like success is something unattainable, existing only in your fantasies? If so, you're far from alone. The author, Jim Rohn, felt this way himself when he dropped out of college and began working as a human resource manager.
吉姆·罗恩,《财富与幸福的 7 个策略》,来自美国最顶尖商业哲学家的力量思想。你是否常常因金钱问题而感到沮丧?你是否觉得成功是难以实现的,只有在你的幻想中存在?如果是这样,你并不孤单。作者吉姆·罗恩在辍学后开始担任人力资源经理时,也曾感到如此。
He worked hard for six years, yet remained stuck in the same position with the same salary. However, things changed when he met his mentor, Earl Schoaff. Under Schoaff's guidance, he learned effective strategies for building wealth through discipline and concentrated effort. By implementing them, he became a millionaire by the age of 31. While wealth and success can mean different things to different people, following the seven strategies in these blinks can help you achieve any financial goal, whether it's becoming a millionaire or freeing yourself from debt. So let's get started.
他努力工作了六年,但仍然停留在同一个职位,薪水也没有变化。然而,当他遇到他的导师厄尔·肖夫时,一切都改变了。在肖夫的指导下,他学习了通过纪律和集中努力来建立财富的有效策略。通过实施这些策略,他在 31 岁时成为了百万富翁。虽然财富和成功对不同的人来说意味着不同的东西,但遵循这七个策略可以帮助你实现任何财务目标,无论是成为百万富翁还是摆脱债务。所以让我们开始吧。

Chapter 1 of 7 第 1 章 共 7 章

Setting clear goals will help you discipline yourself and create structure.

Blink number one. Setting clear goals will help you discipline yourself and create structure. Think back to the last time you completed one of your goals or crossed an item off your to-do list. What happened afterward?
Inevitably, another task cropped up to take its place. While this may seem frustrating, it's ultimately a good thing. You don't want to have just one goal at a time, because after you achieve it, you could be left lost and aimless. Consider the Apollo astronauts after they returned from their life-changing trip to the moon. Sadly, several of the astronauts fell into depression because they no longer had anything to strive for. Nowadays, as part of their mandatory training, astronauts develop goals to work toward after their missions are complete.
You too should have goals. To get started, it's important that you set aside some time to work on them. Try the following journaling exercise to help you visualize your long-term goals and get you thinking about how to achieve them. Grab a notebook and think about what you want to accomplish in the next one to ten years. Then write down a list of those goals as quickly as possible. Try for around 50 goals in total.
你也应该设定目标。要开始,重要的是要抽出一些时间来工作于这些目标。尝试下面的写作练习,帮助你可视化你的长期目标,并思考如何实现它们。拿起一本笔记本,思考在接下来的一到十年中你想要实现的事情。然后尽快写下那些目标的清单。尽量写下大约 50 个目标。
After your list is complete, assign each goal to one of four categories based on how long you think it will take to accomplish—one, three, five, or ten years. Next, balance your list so you don't have too many goals in any one category. Remove items from categories that have too many goals and add new goals to categories with too few. Then circle the four most important goals from each category. You should now have a list of 16 goals in total. Finally, write one paragraph about each goal.
在你的目标清单完成后,根据你认为完成每个目标需要的时间,将每个目标分配到四个类别中——一年、三年、五年或十年。接下来,平衡你的清单,以免在任何一个类别中有太多的目标。删除那些目标过多的类别中的项目,并向目标较少的类别中添加新目标。然后圈出每个类别中最重要的四个目标。你现在应该总共有 16 个目标。最后,写一段关于每个目标的描述。
In the first half of each paragraph, describe exactly what the goal is. If it's a product you want to purchase, for example, write down the model, color, cost, and any other significant details. Then in the second half of the paragraph, write down why you want to achieve each goal. If you can't think of a strong enough reason, it's possible this particular goal isn't worth your time. In that case, consider replacing it with a different goal. After you've refined your list, you'll be able to refer back to it to check your progress and review which goals are still important to you and which aren't.

Chapter 2 of 7 第 2 章,共 7 章

Self-led learning is the key to wealth and personal development. 

Blink number two. Self-led learning is the key to wealth and personal development. In most fields, people don't expect to achieve success without years of study and practice. Take medicine.
No one would attempt a triple bypass surgery without first studying the human heart for years. So how could anyone expect to become wealthy and successful without ever studying, say, financial management or how to run a business? Fortunately you don't have to spend time and money at a university to learn how to increase your wealth. Instead, you can do it through self-led learning. One way to get started is to take lessons from your daily life experiences. To do this, set aside time for self-reflection at the end of each day.
Try to recall each significant event that happened in as much detail as you can. In particular, try to identify anything you did that worked especially well or poorly. This will tell you what to repeat and what to avoid in the future. Another way to use self-led learning to identify strategies for success is to draw on knowledge from books, videos, and audio recordings. In particular, seek out autobiographies of successful people and how-to books such as the classic Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. While you're reading successful people's advice, you're bound to have questions.
So why not ask those questions to somebody who can give you good answers? Here's a counter-intuitive way to do it. Find a person you consider wealthy and successful and invite them out to dinner. Yes, that means you should foot the bill, which could be expensive, but the price will be worth it if you use your time effectively, asking questions about strategies to increase your income. The more time you spend in the presence of successful people, the better. So try attending talks or seminars to observe the behavior of people you admire.
Pay close attention to small gestures like the way a businesswoman shakes hands. If you can identify habits that successful people share, you can use these in your own life. Whatever method you choose to gather wisdom, it's worth investing a little time and money. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day for learning and a small portion of your income every month. Why? Because you can invest the knowledge you accumulate in your future, and a few dollars here and there soon begins to add up.
密切关注小动作,比如一个女商人的握手方式。如果你能识别成功人士共享的习惯,你可以在自己的生活中运用这些习惯。无论你选择哪种方法来汲取智慧,花一点时间和金钱都是值得的。每天至少留出 30 分钟用于学习,以及每个月收入的小部分。为什么呢?因为你可以将积累的知识投资于你的未来,这几美元累积起来很快就会变得可观。

Chapter 3 of 7 第 3 章 共 7 章

Eliminate barriers to your personal development and increase your value. 

Blink number three. Eliminate barriers to your personal development and increase your value. How many times have you thought to yourself, it's impossible for me to be on time, that's just the way I am, or I can't help that I'm a messy person. As common as statements like these are, they damage our self-esteem and make us feel like we're unable to overcome our natural tendencies.
But in fact, yourself is one of the few things you can change. And by improving yourself, you increase your value as an employee, friend, or spouse. Unfortunately, many people look for ways to better their circumstances while avoiding the task of bettering themselves. For example, to get a pay raise you might negotiate with your boss or even go on strike. But ultimately these methods can only get you so far, and soon you'll be itching for another raise. What if, instead, you increase your value to the company through higher productivity, better performance, and new skills?
This would make your boss want to raise your salary. Even better, the skills you'll gain in the process might prove valuable far beyond your current job. To get started on increasing your value, you first should work on eliminating barriers to your personal development. One of the most harmful barriers is procrastination. After all, self-improvement is about setting and achieving goals for yourself. But it's all too easy to put off the most difficult aspects of working toward those goals until the distant future.
And because the tasks you procrastinate over accumulate, it doesn't take long to fall behind on your plans. Two other barriers to self-improvement are blaming others and making excuses. When something goes wrong, it's much easier to point the finger at someone else than accept the problem lies within you. But when you do this, you're hindering your own improvement. After all, if the failures you experience aren't really your fault, you have no reason to take responsibility and ensure they don't happen again. As you're working on improving yourself, remember that it's often best to do it one little step at a time.
Let's say you want to start being more punctual, for instance. Try setting your alarm a few minutes earlier each day. Before you know it, you'll have time for a leisurely breakfast in the morning without needing to rush out the door. Try taking on these small challenges in any area you want to improve. Your successes will encourage you to strive even harder and to clear even greater hurdles.

Chapter 4 of 7 第四章 共七章

By changing your attitude towards taxes and adopting the 70/30 rule, you’ll become both happier and wealthier.
通过改变你对税收的态度并采纳 70/30 规则,你会变得更加快乐和富有。

Blink number four. By changing your attitude towards taxes and adopting the 70-30 rule, you'll become both happier and wealthier. For most people, the word taxes conjures up a storm of dreadful images, endless forms, calculations of expenses and deductions, and parts of your income being whisked away. Worse, taxes often feel like an injustice.
闪烁四号。通过改变你对税收的态度并采用 70-30 法则,你将变得更快乐、更富有。对于大多数人来说,“税收”这个词让人想起一阵可怕的画面,无尽的表格、费用和抵扣的计算,以及你收入中的一部分被卷走。更糟的是,税收常常让人感觉像是一种不公正。
You may find yourself thinking, why shouldn't I be able to keep all my hard-earned money? At the beginning of his career, the author asked himself this question too. However, his mentor, Earl Shove, urged him to become a happy taxpayer. Why? Because he argued, your attitude toward money is just as important as how you spend it. A more positive outlook can help you feel less frustrated and more in control of your finances so you won't feel the need to curse the government for stealing your money.
To get into this mindset, think of paying taxes as a way of contributing to society and helping the government improve life for everyone. In exchange for some of your income, you're given safety, freedom, and opportunity. Ready to take this shift in attitude one step further? Try looking at the bright side of all your expenditures. For example, whenever you have to buy something, you're putting your money into circulation and contributing to the economy. And whenever you pay your bills, you're reducing your debts and liabilities.
Once you feel better about paying your taxes, it's time to turn to your net income. Here you should adopt the 70-30 rule. The concept is simple. You can spend 70% of your monthly income on needs and wants like rent, food, and entertainment. But before you spend any of that money, divide the other 30% as follows. First, donate 10% of your income to charity to give back to your community and help those in need.
一旦你对缴税有了更好的感觉,就该关注你的净收入了。在这里,你应该采用 70-30 规则。这个概念很简单。你可以将每月收入的 70%用于租金、食品和娱乐等需求和欲望。但在花费这些钱之前,把剩下的 30%按以下方式分配。首先,将 10%的收入捐给慈善机构,以回馈社区并帮助那些需要帮助的人。
Then put another 10% into savings so you can accumulate wealth over the years. Finally, invest the last 10% into creating wealth. There are traditional ways of doing this, such as investing in property, but there are also non-traditional approaches, such as monetizing one of your hobbies. By adopting the 70-30 rule and shifting to a more positive attitude, you'll no longer have to dread parting with your hard-earned money.
然后将另外 10%存入储蓄,以便在多年中积累财富。最后,将最后的 10%投资于创造财富。实现这一目标有传统的方法,比如投资房地产,但也有非传统的方法,比如将你的某个爱好转化为收入。通过采用 70-30 规则并转变为更积极的态度,你将不再害怕与辛苦得来的钱分开。

Chapter 5 of 7 第七章之五

Allocate your time wisely through careful planning.

Trick number five. Allocate your time wisely through careful planning. What's your approach to balancing work and life? Are you a drifter, someone who is resistant to any restrictions on his time and only willing to take on temporary jobs?
Or are you a workaholic who devotes every waking moment to your career? Maybe you're in the middle, working 9-5 but unwilling to take on projects involving larger time commitments. As you may have guessed, none of these approaches is ideal. You don't have to choose between success with an excessive workload or mediocrity with enough time to relax. In reality, you need to make time for every aspect of your life, working hard, spending time with family, and even doing nothing. When you dedicate too much time to one of these areas, your lifestyle becomes lopsided, which is unsustainable in the long run.
还是你是一个工作狂,把每一个清醒的时刻都投入到你的职业上?也许你处于中间状态,工作 9 点到 5 点,但不愿意承担更大时间承诺的项目。如你所料,这些方法都不理想。你不必在过度工作取得成功和在足够的时间放松之间选择。实际上,你需要为生活的每个方面留出时间,努力工作、和家人共度时光,甚至享受无所事事。当你在这些领域中投入过多时间时,你的生活方式变得不平衡,从长远来看,这是不可持续的。
Take a salesperson who decides to start his own business. He gets his idea off the ground, but before long he realizes that he spends much more time in the office as a CEO than he ever did as an employee. He arrives at work earlier and leaves later than even the janitors. Soon he decides that running his own company isn't worth it and goes back to a regular job. So how do you ensure that your time remains in balance and is used efficiently? Getting and staying organized is key.
Start by creating a project book or a binder with tabs inside. This handy tool will allow you to store important information all in one place, so you're not wasting hours looking for the document you need. You can use your project book in whatever way suits you best. If you work with people, for example, you can create a tab for each person and note information about their performance, strengths and weaknesses, or family history. Then you can refer to it whenever you need, like during performance reviews. Another essential time management strategy is planning each day before it begins.
How will you ensure that your time is balanced and you're on track to meet your deadlines if you have no master plan to refer to? This is why you need a calendar with lots of space to write your own schedule for each day of the week. Be sure to make room for some do-nothing time each day. It takes considerable discipline to get organized and stick to a schedule every day, especially if you're used to a more nonchalant time management style. But if you put in the effort, you'll find that you don't need to sacrifice any aspect of your life in favor of another.

Chapter 6 of 7 第 6 章 共 7 章

Be sure to spend your time with the right people.

Blink number six. Be sure to spend your time with the right people. Let's face it, our friends tend to influence us whether or not we realize it. If you hang around with people who are careless with their money, for example, you might find yourself spending frivolously as well.
Or if your friends go out to see sports matches every weekend, chances are you'll end up tagging along. Those scenarios might not sound so bad, but what if your friends have bad habits that are more destructive than these? In that case, you might end up adopting similarly harmful habits. For instance, if you surround yourself with liars and cheaters, you might begin to see their behaviors as the norm. And before you know it, you might find yourself lying and cheating too. It's hard to admit that our friends could be bad influences, but if you're honest with yourself, you can deal with these relationships before they do any serious damage.
如果你的朋友每个周末都出去看体育比赛,你很可能也会跟着他们去。这些情况听起来可能没什么不好,但如果你的朋友有一些比这些更具破坏性的坏习惯呢?在那种情况下,你可能会开始 adopting 类似的有害习惯。例如,如果你与撒谎者和骗子为伍,你可能会开始将他们的行为视为常态。在你意识到之前,你可能会发现自己也在撒谎和欺骗。承认我们的朋友可能是坏影响并不容易,但如果你对自己诚实,你可以在这些关系造成严重伤害之前处理它们。
Start by thinking about the main relationships in your life and ask yourself a few fundamental questions. With whom do you spend your time? What are they doing to you? Are these associations okay with you? Be honest and don't dismiss the powerful influence your friends and acquaintances may have on you. If you've answered these questions and identified some less-than-stellar relationships in your life, you'll need to make some tough choices about how to proceed.
If you're dealing with destructive people, one option is to disassociate from them entirely. Or if that's impossible, try limited association, spending as little time with them as possible. While you're doing that, you should also make sure you aren't spending excessive time on casual relationships that aren't contributing anything valuable to your life. While you might enjoy spending a few nights a week at the bar with your friends, for example, this habit eats away at your time. After you've culled the negative relationships from your life, the next step is to make the most of the positive relationships. Here you want to have expanded association.
That means spending more time with people who are disciplined and determined to succeed, anyone whose mindset will affect you positively. The best way to broaden your circle is to get involved in your community. Join a committee, for example, and you may find yourself invited to play tennis with some influential people in your city.

Chapter 7 of 7 第七章,共七章

Learn how to be satisfied regardless of the size of your bank account.

Blink number 7. Learn how to be satisfied regardless of the size of your bank account. We often hear stories of ultra-rich celebrities and business people who are deeply unhappy despite their wealth. How is that possible when they've reached the peak of success?
闪烁第 7 条。学习如何满意,无论你的银行账户有多大。我们常常听到那些超富有的名人和商人即使拥有巨额财富,也依然感到不快乐的故事。这怎么可能呢?当他们已经达到了成功的巅峰?
Unfortunately, although these people have amassed huge fortunes, they likely never learned how to be satisfied with what they have. While many people already agree with the adage that money can't buy happiness, they still assume that more money will make them more confident, charismatic, and generous. But in reality, money can change neither your character nor your satisfaction with life. If you're unhappy and insecure now, chances are those qualities won't just disappear if you become wealthy. For instance, imagine someone who tends to drink too much at social gatherings. What would happen if that person's wealth increased?
He wouldn't just stop drinking. Likely the extra money would just let him buy limitless amounts of alcohol, worsening his habit. Fortunately, there's a bright side to this theory. If you develop a fulfilling lifestyle now, it will stay with you regardless of the size of your bank account. And a powerful way to increase your fulfillment is by shifting to a two-quarter mentality. To illustrate this way of thinking, the author's mentor once told him to imagine getting his shoes shined.
The person giving the shine has done an excellent job, and now you must decide what to tip him – one quarter or two. Which one will make you feel better in the long run? If you tip one quarter, you'll save the money, but you'll probably end up feeling like a bit of a scrooge afterward. Being generous and tipping two quarters, however, you'll feel prosperous and confident. The man who attended one of the author's seminars was inspired by the idea of opting for generosity over stinginess. In the past, whenever his daughters had begged him for money to buy concert tickets, he would either say no or give in very reluctantly.
He was stuck in a one-quarter mindset. However, after the seminar, he decided to surprise his daughters with tickets to see their favorite group. This generous two-quarter decision ended up benefiting both the girls and their father, who was rewarded by seeing his children's joy and excitement. So adopt a two-quarter mindset, and you can feel rich without necessarily being rich. And if you decide to start being more generous now, just think of all the good you'll be able to achieve when you're wealthier and more successful.
他一直停留在一个四分之一的心态中。然而,在研讨会之后,他决定给女儿们一个惊喜,带她们去看她们最喜欢的乐队。这一慷慨的两个四分之一的决定最终使女孩们和他们的父亲都受益,父亲因为看到孩子们的快乐和兴奋而得到回报。所以 adopt 一个两个四分之一的心态,你可以在不一定富有的情况下感到富有。如果你现在决定开始变得更加慷慨,只需想想,当你更富裕和更成功时,你将能够取得多少美好的成就。


Final summary

You've just heard our blinks to 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn. Thank you for listening. Here's what to take away from your time with these blinks. Wealth and happiness don't materialize out of nowhere.
你刚刚听到了吉姆·罗恩的《财富与幸福的 7 个策略》的摘要。感谢你的倾听。以下是你与这些摘要的交流中需要记住的要点。财富和幸福并不是凭空而来。
Obtaining them requires careful discipline and planning. However, once you've put in the effort required to start achieving your goals, you'll reap the rewards for the rest of your life. Get Started. Create a Game Plan. To make effective use of your time and move your goals forward each week, create a game plan in advance. First, find a sheet of graph paper.
Create vertical columns with the days your plan is going to cover, then make a heading on the left called Activities. List everything you need to accomplish during those days. For each task, determine the deadline and plot it on the sheet. Then calculate how many days it will take to accomplish and block those days out. Your game plan will then be ready for action, and your path to success will be just a matter of sticking to it. Here at Blinkist it is our intention to set a high bar in the creation of these blinks.
创建垂直列,标注你计划覆盖的天数,然后在左侧做一个标题,叫做“活动”。列出你在这些天里需要完成的所有任务。对于每个任务,确定最后期限并在纸上标出。然后计算完成这些任务需要多少天,并把这些天划出。你的游戏计划将准备好行动,而通往成功的道路只需遵循它。我们在 Blinkist 的目标是树立高标准,创造这些精选摘要。
They are designed to be human, insightful, curious, and encouraging. Whether or not we achieve this goal is entirely dependent on your reaction to the care we take with every book and blinks we produce. And the only way we can gauge your reaction is through your feedback. So please take a minute to drop an email to remember at Blinkist dot com with 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness as the subject line, and share your thoughts.
它们旨在将人性、洞察力、好奇心和鼓励融入其中。我们是否能够实现这个目标完全取决于你对我们每本书和每个摘要所付出的关注的反应。我们唯一能衡量你反应的方法就是通过你的反馈。所以请花一分钟给记住 Blinkist 点 com 发封电子邮件,主题为《财富与幸福的七个策略》,分享你的想法。