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translation theory


translation criticism

A Myth of Perfect Translation--Xinda Ya

规定性 描述性 解释性(表达了翻译研究的三个过程)
prescriptive descriptive interpretive (expressing the three processes of translation research)

prescriptive definition: prescriptive translation studies focus on the formulation of translation standards, rules or principles, emphasizing the guiding and normative role of translation practice. Characteristics: Focusing on the source language or source text, the main purpose is to guide translation practice and set universal standards for translation practice and evaluation. In traditional prescriptive translation studies, the criteria for translation practice and evaluation are mainly derived from the source text. With obvious value judgment, propose the goal that translation should achieve. Example: Tytler's "three principles of translation", each of which is based on the source text, requires that the translation completely reproduce the original idea, style and tone, and the same nature as the original, and fluent.

Descriptive definition: Descriptive translation studies focus on the objective description of translation practice, process and results, emphasizing the observation and analysis of translation phenomena. Characteristics: objective description, try not to give value judgment. Emphasize the diversity and complexity of translation phenomena in specific cultural and social contexts. Emphasis is placed on understanding the interaction among the translator, the source text, the target text and the reader in the translation process. Example: In recent years, translation studies have begun to focus more on the function of translation in the target culture, as well as the translator's real behavior and choices.

Explanatory definition: Interpretative translation studies focus on the explanation and elaboration of translation phenomena, processes and results, emphasizing the understanding of the causes and mechanisms behind translation. Characteristics: On the basis of full description, it has strong and universal explanatory power. It emphasizes the relationship between translation phenomena and other cultural, social and historical factors. It aims to reveal the universal rules and principles behind translation phenomena. Example: In the construction of the system of translation studies, interpretive research methods are used to explore theories of categories of translation principles and how these theories guide translation practice.

Induction: prescriptive, descriptive and interpretive are complementary in translation studies. Prescriptive studies emphasize standardization and guidance of translation practice, while descriptive studies emphasize objective description and analysis of translation phenomena. Interpretative studies, on the basis of descriptions, further explore the causes and mechanisms behind translation phenomena, thus revealing the universal laws and principles of translation. In actual translation research and practice, these three methods


形式对等(Formal Equivalence)

Definition: Formal equivalence emphasizes maintaining formal equivalence between the source text and the target text in the translation process, that is, maintaining the equivalence of word order, sentence structure and other superficial structures of the source text as much as possible.


Pay attention to the language structure and expression of the original text, and keep the original form as much as possible.

Sometimes this may lead to unnatural or difficult to understand translations in the target language.


Formal equivalence may be more important when the form of the original text is crucial to conveying its meaning, as in literary works such as poetry and lyrics.

In most cases, however, excessive formal equivalence may result in translation losing fluency and readability.

功能对等(Functional Equivalence)

Definition: Functional equivalence means that translation does not seek rigid correspondence of words, but achieves functional equivalence between two languages. It emphasizes functional identity between the target text and the original text, that is, the target readers can obtain the same or similar information, feelings and understandings as the original readers.


The naturalness and readability of the translation in the target language should be emphasized.

Consider the context, tone, style and expression of the original text to ensure the accuracy and fluency of the translation.


Functional equivalence is the more practical and widely applied translation principle in most translation practices.

It applies to all types of text, including scientific literature, business documents, news reports, literary works, etc.


Formal equivalence and functional equivalence are two important concepts in translation, each with its own characteristics and application scenarios.

Formal equivalence focuses on formal equivalence between the source text and the target text, which is applicable to text types that need to retain the original form, while functional equivalence emphasizes functional equivalence of the target text, which is applicable to text types that pursue naturalness and readability of the target text.

In the actual translation process, the translator should choose the appropriate translation principles according to the specific text type and translation purpose, and flexibly apply the two equivalent concepts to achieve the best translation effect.

准确性(意化的翻译) 恰当性(规划的翻译)
Accuracy (Italian translation) Appropriateness (Planned translation)


"Huajing" as a translation criterion was proposed by Mr. Qian Zhongshu. This theory is mainly derived from Qian Zhongshu's exposition in Lin Shu's Translation, which clearly points out: "The highest standard of literary translation is 'transformation.' When a work is transformed from one language to another, it is considered to be 'refined' if it does not reveal traces of rigidity due to differences in language habits, but it can completely preserve its original flavor."

I. Definition of the environment

"Transmutation" is the highest level of translation, which contains two meanings: non-separation: the translation does not show any traces of rigidity due to differences in language habits, and achieves the "non-separation" between the original text and the translation. This means that the translator should fully consider the expression habits of the target language and the reading habits of the readers in the process of translation, so as to make the translation natural and easy to understand. Aesthetic feeling and experience: After interpreting the translation from the perspective of artistic aesthetics, the translation can bring readers aesthetic feeling and experience. This requires the translator not only to convey the meaning of the original text, but also to preserve the artistic style and aesthetic value of the original text as much as possible.

III. Methods to realize transformation

In-depth understanding of the original text: Translators should thoroughly understand the meaning, style and background of the original text before translation to ensure an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the original text. Mastering the target language: Translators need to master the grammar, vocabulary and rhetoric of the target language so that they can use the target language flexibly to express the meaning of the original text in the translation process. Emphasis on aesthetic experience: Translators should pay attention to aesthetic experience in the process of translation, and try their best to retain the artistic style and aesthetic value of the original text, so that the translation can bring readers a sense of beauty and experience. Continuous learning and practice: Translation is a skill that requires continuous learning and practice. Translators need to accumulate translation experience and improve their translation skills in order to achieve better translation. In a word,"translation" is the highest level of translation, which requires the translator to be faithful to the original meaning, express fluently and naturally, and retain the artistic style and aesthetic value of the original in the translation process. Translators need to have profound language skills, high literary literacy and aesthetic ability, and improve their translation level through continuous study and practice.

II. Characteristics of Huajing

Faithfulness: the translation requires fidelity to the original meaning, without distortion, omission, or arbitrary addition or subtraction of the original meaning. This is the basic principle of translation and the premise of translation.

Fluency: The translation should be fluent and natural, in line with the expression habits of the target language and the reading habits of the readers. This requires translators to fully consider grammar, vocabulary and rhetoric of the target language in the process of translation.

Artistic quality: the translator is required to preserve the artistic style and aesthetic value of the original text as much as possible in the process of translation. This requires translators to have high literary literacy and aesthetic ability.

Better believe than obey

Lu Xun put forward the translation idea of "believing rather than obeying", which reflects Lu Xun's unique understanding and persistence of accuracy and appropriateness in translation.

The meaning of "rather letter than fluency" can be understood as: rather for accuracy (rather than fluency), but also do not take into account the fluency of Chinese expression and random addition and deletion of the original meaning. This idea emphasizes that fidelity and accuracy of the source text should take precedence over fluency and fluency of the target text in the translation process.

Source: Lu Xun's translation thought was first put forward in a letter with Zhai Qiubai, and later included in his book "Two Hearts Collection."

Background: During the May 4th New Literature Movement, translation theory experienced a situation of "a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend". Zhao Jingshen and others put forward the view that "it is better to believe without disobeying", which reflects to some extent the trade-off between fidelity and fluency in translation circles at that time. Lu Xun put forward the theory of "believing rather than obeying" and emphasized the fidelity of the original text.

Practical application: In translation practice, Lu Xun's idea requires translators to deeply understand the meaning of the original text and choose appropriate words and expressions to ensure that the translation can accurately convey the information and intention of the original text. At the same time, we should avoid adding, deleting and changing the original content in order to pursue the fluency and smoothness of the translation.

Influence: Lu Xun's translation thought exerted a profound influence on the later translation theory and practice. It reminds the translator to keep faithful and respectful to the original text in the process of translation, and at the same time promotes the translation community to think deeply about the quality and standard of translation.


Yan Fu, a new enlightenment thinker in late Qing Dynasty, put forward the theory of "faithfulness and elegance" in translation, which has a profound influence on translation field.

Faithfulness means that the meaning does not contradict the original text, that is, the translation should be accurate, not deviated, not omitted, and not arbitrarily added or subtracted. In the process of translation, the translator needs to ensure that every detail of the translation is faithful to the original and accurately conveys the information and intention of the original. This requires the translator to have a deep understanding of the original text, be able to accurately grasp the meaning and essence of the original text.

2. Expressiveness: "Expressiveness" means not sticking to the original form, but translating smoothly and clearly. In the process of translation, the translator should pay attention to the fluency and readability of the translation on the basis of ensuring the accurate transmission of the original meaning. This requires translators to have high language competence and expressive ability, and to be able to use the target language flexibly, so that the translation is faithful to the original text and conforms to the expression habits of the target language.

Elegance means that the words chosen in translation should be appropriate, and the article itself should be quaint, concise and elegant. In the process of translation, the translator should pay attention to the literariness and artistry of the translation, so that the translation not only conveys the information of the original text accurately, but also has certain beauty and attraction. This requires translators to have high literary literacy and aesthetic ability, and to be able to choose appropriate words and expressions to make the translation faithful to the original and have certain literary value.

As a standard and principle of translation,"faithfulness and elegance" embodies the core requirements of translation. Among them, faithfulness is the basis and premise of translation, which requires the translator to be faithful to the original text and accurately convey the information and intention of the original text; attainment is the goal and requirement of translation, which requires the translator to pay attention to the fluency and readability of the translation on the basis of ensuring the accurate transmission of the original meaning; elegance is the pursuit and realm of translation, which requires the translator to pay attention to the literariness and artistry of the translation in the process of translation, so that the translation is faithful to the original text and has certain beauty and attraction. In translation practice, translators should fully consider the requirements of "faithfulness and elegance", combine the context and pragmatic features of the source text, and adopt appropriate translation strategies and methods to achieve equivalence transformation in meaning, expression and culture. At the same time, translators need to constantly learn and improve their language ability and translation level in order to better achieve the translation standard of "faithfulness and elegance".


The principle of "five non-translation" put forward by Master Xuanzang has guiding significance in translating Buddhist scriptures.

一、秘密故不翻解释:当某些词汇或概念含有秘密或神秘的含义时,采用音译而非意译,以保持其神秘性和特殊性。示例:咒语、陀罗尼等,这些词汇如果采用意译,可能会失去其原有的神秘性和特殊意义。二、多义故不翻解释:当某些词汇在原文中具有多种含义,且这些含义在目标语言中难以找到等价的词汇来表达时,采用音译。示例:梵语“bhagavat 薄伽梵”一词具有六种意义,包括自在、炽盛、端严、名称、吉祥、尊贵等,这些意义在汉语中难以找到完全等价的词汇,因此采用音译。三、此无故不翻解释:当某些词汇在原文中描述的事物或概念在目标语言的文化或环境中不存在时,采用音译。示例:如“阎浮树”,这是一种只产于印度的树,中国没有,因此采用音译。四、顺古故不翻解释:当某些词汇或概念的翻译在历史上已经形成了固定的用法,且这种用法已被广大读者接受和认可时,不再改变其翻译方式。示例:“阿耨多罗三藐三菩提”一词,虽然可以再进行意译,但古人已经一直沿用此翻译,故不再改变。五、生善故不翻解释:当某些词汇或概念的翻译采用音译而非意译时,能够产生更好的文化或道德效果,使人产生向善之心或更高的敬意。示例:“般若”一词,并不直接翻译为“智慧”,因为“般若”的意义高于“智慧”,更能使人生发出向善向上之心,并使人对般若产生一种更高的敬意。归纳起来,“五不翻”原则体现了玄奘大师在翻译佛经时的严谨态度和深思熟虑,他希望通过这一原则确保佛经翻译的准确性、神秘性、文化性和道德性。这一原则不仅对佛经翻译有指导意义,也对其他领域的翻译工作具有一定的参考价值。
When some words or concepts contain secret or mysterious meanings, transliteration is used instead of free translation to maintain their mystery and particularity. Examples: incantation, durani, etc. These words may lose their original mystery and special meaning if they are translated freely. When some words have multiple meanings in the original text, and these meanings are difficult to find equivalent words to express in the target language, transliteration is used. Example: The Sanskrit word bhagavat has six meanings, including freedom, prosperity, extreme strictness, name, auspicious, noble, etc. These meanings are difficult to find completely equivalent words in Chinese, so they are transliterated. When words describe things or concepts that do not exist in the culture or environment of the target language, transliteration is used. For example: "Yanfu tree", this is a tree only found in India, China does not, so use transliteration. When the translation of certain words or concepts has formed a fixed usage in history, and this usage has been accepted and recognized by the majority of readers, it will not change its translation method. Example: Although the word "Anudora Sanyao Sanbodhi" can be translated freely, the ancients have always used this translation, so they will not change it. When some words or concepts are translated in transliteration rather than free translation, they can produce better cultural or moral effects, and make people have a good heart or higher respect. Example: The word "Prajna" is not directly translated as "wisdom", because the meaning of "Prajna" is higher than "wisdom", which can make life send out a good heart and make people have a higher respect for Prajna. To sum up, the principle of "five non-translation" reflects Master Xuanzang's careful attitude and consideration in translating Buddhist scriptures, and he hopes to ensure the accuracy, mystery, culture and morality of Buddhist scriptures translation through this principle. This principle not only has guiding significance for Buddhist translation, but also has certain reference value for translation work in other fields.


许渊冲教授是汉语古体诗(即格律诗)英译的大家,他提出了诗体译诗的"三美"论标准,主张译诗在意、音、形三个层面上尽量转递 [3]和保存原诗的神韵。古诗英译"三美"论标准与五四新文化运动中新月派新诗革命"三美"论主张之间有承递的关系,"三美"论标准在许渊冲翻译实践中也有得失。
Professor Xu Yuanchong, a famous translator of classical Chinese poetry, proposed the criteria of "three beauties" for translating classical Chinese poetry into English, and advocated that translated poetry should transmit and preserve the charm of the original poem in three aspects: idea, sound and form. There is a continuity between the standard of "three beauties" in translating ancient Chinese poems into English and the "three beauties" advocated by the New Moon School in the May 4th New Culture Movement. The standard of "three beauties" also has gains and losses in Xu Yuanchong's translation practice.

一、意美(Meaning Beauty)

Interpretation: Italian beauty emphasizes that translation should convey the artistic conception and emotion of the original, so that the translation can move the reader's heart as the original. This requires the translator to understand the original text deeply, grasp the images and emotions of the original text accurately, and express them in appropriate language.

Importance: Italian beauty is the most important link in the principle of "three beauties", because only by achieving Italian beauty first can we further pursue the beauty of sound and shape. If there is deviation or absence in the meaning of the translation from the original, the beauty of sound and form will lose its foundation.

二、音美(Sound Beauty)
2. Sound Beauty

Interpretation: Sound beauty requires that the translated text be harmonized with the original in phonology, and that the rhythm and rhythm of the original text be maintained as much as possible. This includes consideration of rhyme, tone and intonation.

Importance: Sound is an indispensable part of translation, especially in poetry. Because poetry often has beautiful rhyme and rhythm, if the translation can not convey the original rhyme beauty well, then the translation will lose a lot of charm.

三、形美(Form Beauty)
Form Beauty (Form Beauty)

Interpretation: beauty of form requires that the translation be close to the original in form, keeping the sentence patterns, paragraphs and text structures of the original as much as possible. This includes line length, sentence structure and antithesis.

Importance: Although the beauty of shape ranks last in the principle of "three beauties", it cannot be ignored either. Because form is also an important part of the beauty of text, if the translation is far from the original in form, it will bring inconvenience and confusion to readers.

To sum up, the principle of "three beauties" in translation seeks the overall beauty of the translation in meaning, phonology and form. This principle requires the translator to fully consider the characteristics and style of the original text in the process of translation, and to express it in appropriate language and form, so that the translation is faithful to the original text and has certain artistic value. At the same time, the principle of "three beauties" also reflects the complexity and challenge of translation work, which requires translators to have high language ability and aesthetic ability.


I. Ma Jianzhong and Ma Shi Wen Tong

Ma Jianzhong, a scholar proficient in English, French, Greek, Latin and other languages, with his profound attainments in linguistics, created Ma's Wentong, an epoch-making work.

Ma Shi Wen Tong is the first comprehensive and systematic grammar work in China, and it is also the product of the combination of Chinese and Western cultures. This book has an important pioneering contribution to the study of Chinese grammar and has been warmly praised by Liang Qichao and other reformers.

II. The idea of "good translation" in Ma Shi Wen Tong

In-depth study: Ma Jianzhong put forward the theory of "good translation" in Ma Shi Wen Tong, emphasizing that in order to achieve "good translation", it is necessary to deeply study both the translation and the translated language, and even to deeply investigate the word origin and similarities and differences of each text.

Accurate translation: His standard of "good translation" is to strive for no difference in meaning from the original, and to make readers feel the same as the readers of the original after reading the translation. This formulation is very close to modern equivalence translation theory.

Cultural studies: Ma Jianzhong fully considers the tone of the original text, the complexity of sentences, the change of style and the subtlety of meaning, etc., which have already involved stylistics, grammar and rhetoric, so that they enter the field of general cultural studies.

III. Ma Jianzhong's Translation Practice

In the history of China Merchants Bureau, Ma Jianzhong made important contributions to the establishment and development of China Merchants Bureau with his outstanding diplomatic ability and linguistic attainments.

In his translation work, he successfully introduced advanced western science and technology and culture into China by virtue of his profound understanding of Chinese and Western languages, and promoted the exchange and integration of Chinese and Western cultures.

IV. Summary

Ma's good translation skills are embodied not only in his profound linguistic attainments and translation theories, but also in his translation practice. By studying the cultural background and linguistic features of the two languages, he strives to achieve accurate and vivid translation results, so that the translation can accurately convey the meaning and style of the original text. This spirit and pursuit of "good translation" is of great significance to later translators.


Yan Cong, an eminent monk of Sui Dynasty, put forward eight conditions or self-cultivation that a translator of Buddhist scriptures should possess. The following is a detailed explanation of this "eight preparations":

Sincere love of the law, voluntary benefit: translators should have a deep love for the translated text and be determined to help those who do not understand the original text. They should have the spirit to devote themselves to translation and not be afraid of working long hours.

Before engaging in translation work, translators should ensure that they observe all the precepts and have good moral cultivation.

The translator needs to understand the profound principles of sutras, laws, treatises on the Sanzang and the two great and small vehicles. So that they can translate the text properly and clearly.

The translator should read extensively the classics and history of China, and make proper use of the words used in allusions, so as not to be clumsy in dealing with them.

The translator should be loyal and forgiving, open-minded, able to brainstorm ideas and not stubborn.

The translator should believe in Taoism, be indifferent to fame and wealth, and devote himself to promoting Buddhism. He should never be arrogant.

Translators need to be proficient in Sanskrit and understand the translation clearly to ensure the accuracy of the translation.

The translator should have a good foundation in traditional Chinese studies and a considerable study of ancient dictionaries and philology to ensure that the translation is in order.

五失本 三不易
Five loses, three loses

During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Dao An, an eminent monk of Fu Qin Dynasty, summed up the success and failure of the translation of Buddhist scriptures in the past dynasties, and put forward the opinions of "five lost roots" and "three unchangeable" in the Preface of Mahabhara-Paramita Sutra, and made specific norms and requirements on how to faithfully convey the original meaning of Buddhist scriptures. The so-called "five lost this", that is,"one, Hu language down and make from Qin, a loss of this also." The two, Hu Jing still high quality, Qin people love literature, spread can be popular, not literature does not agree, this is the two lost the original. Three, Hu Jing learned to sigh, Ding Ning repeated, or three or four, do not mind its annoyance, now cut reprimand, three lost the original. The fourth is that Hu has a righteous record, which is just like a random word. After saying something, there is no difference in the text. Some thousand and five hundred words are cut off and do not exist. The fourth is to lose the original. The five of them are the ones who will be left behind, and the ones who will be left behind." It involves the problems of word order, rhetoric, simplified and complex style, style and narration between Sanskrit and Chinese characters. In short, the translator should not add or delete the original text at will, and should not sacrifice the original meaning of the sutra for the satisfaction of the reader. The third verse is,"The heart of the Lord is in the midst of the darkness." The sage must change according to the times, and the customs of the times have changed, and the elegant ancient times are deleted to suit the present times. One is not easy; Ignorance and wisdom are separated by heaven, and the sage is divided into different levels. He wants to use the words of a thousand years above to pass on the lowest customs of a hundred kings, and the other is not easy. Ananda came out of the scriptures. Not long after he left Buddhism, the Venerable Great Kasyapa ordered 560 passages to examine and write repeatedly. Now, a thousand years ago, he measured with his own mind. The arhat trembled like this. The dead of this life was as ordinary as this. Will he be brave as those who do not know the law? It's not easy." It talks about the difficulties in translating scriptures caused by the context of the times, the change of readers and the translator's own quality. If the focus of "Five Losses" is on the spatial nature of translation, then the focus of "Three Buyi" is on the temporal nature of translation. The combination of the two vividly reflects Dao An's superb translation thinking and establishes the basic principles for Buddhist scripture translation at that time.

However,"Five Losses" and "Three Unchangeable" are not merely translation principles. Considering the historical context and the background of the times when the relevant "principles" were put forward, it seems that the "five lost roots" and "three unchangeable" are more hermeneutical. Dao An lived in the era of metaphysics, Lao Zhuang's "Tao" by Wang Bi and other people's interpretation of more "nothing" image appeared in front of the world,"noble Tao nihility" thought is quite popular in society. Dao an knew that if buddhism was to spread in china, it must be adapted to the local culture of the times, so he introduced metaphysics into interpretation, using the basic concepts of metaphysics in wei and jin dynasties, such as origin and end, existence and nonexistence, to understand, annotate and clarify buddhism from the angle of ontology. At the same time, Dao An also has his own ambition in life. He wants to solve people's belief problems in the form of "worshipping the root" by borrowing the Zen of "entering the world", emphasizing the so-called "opening things into affairs" of Buddhism, that is,"making the world and selfless". Therefore, his translation theory will naturally inject some "philosophical" elements.

You can ask, what is the "Ben" in the "Five Lost Ben"? Generally speaking,"Ben" in translation activities refers to "original text", but the original text includes both content and form. Dao An, in his discussion of "losing the essence," finally defined "essence" as "purpose" and "meaning", i.e. the original content and meaning of Buddhist scriptures. However, he emphasized that syntax, text and style are "meaningful forms" of Buddhist scriptures, and deleting them without translation is also "losing the original", that is, abandoning them is equivalent to losing the true nature of Buddhist scriptures. In other words, in Buddhist translation, the truth implication of the source text is far more important than the habits of the reader. In fact, this can be understood as a kind of linguistic philosophy that stresses the consistency of speech and meaning and the same text and quality. Form means content, and losing form means losing content. This is also consistent with the idea of "no matter"-ontology is a non-concrete, beyond the concept of existence. Buddhist translation itself embodies the dialogue between two different discourses and cultures. The "loss" and "loss" of "Ben" obviously involve the interpretation and understanding of language. In abstract speculation, the hermeneutical attribute of translation is amplified.

Then look at the "three not easy", from the literal understanding, its emphasis is not easy to use the ancient to this, not easy to use shallow instead of deep, not easy to assume the original code and so on. However, we can see the clues after careful taste: the first sentence "However, the heart of the three reaches of the Prajna Sutra is performed on the surface", which is to continue the "five lost roots" and highlight the universal adaptability of the meaning of the Buddhist scriptures."The performance of the surface" can make different people understand the true meaning of the universe and life in different times; the second sentence emphasizes that "the saint must be in accordance with the time", that is, the interpretation of Buddhist teachings should adapt to the times; The three sentences focus on "is intended to be a thousand years above the subtle words, so that the end of the common under the hundred kings", that is, the interpretation of the meaning of Buddhist scriptures should be popularized and popularized; the conduct of the four-sentence interpreter, that is, to fear, know difficulties and advance. The translation of Buddhist scriptures is not only "spreading the language of the four directions", but also "communicating the words of thousands of years", and controlling many contents such as the original meaning of the classics and the understanding of readers. In this way, the practical significance of translating Buddhist scriptures can also be revealed--let the world realize the truth of "unchanged" Buddha nature.

Dao An's theory of "Five Losses" and "Three Difficulties" has far-reaching influence. From the late Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, monks such as Fa Xian, Fa Yong and Zhi Yan broke the monopoly of Buddhist monks and Hu monks on the translation of Buddhist scriptures after following the principle of "Chinese style" translation and interpretation initiated by Dao An. On the basis of not losing the original meaning of Buddhist scriptures, they translated Indian Buddhist scriptures into a new language world by using "Chinese" and "Sanskrit", so that Buddhist doctrines entered the daily life of Chinese Buddhists through interpretation. From then on, the disorder of Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures and the uneven quality of translation have been alleviated to some extent. More importantly, Chinese Buddhist hermeneutics also ushered in its own initial paradigm.


Fu Lei's theory of "spiritual likeness" is an important theory put forward by him in translation practice. Its core point lies in the pursuit of high similarity between the translated text and the original text in spirit and spirit, rather than just the superficial correspondence of words and sentences. The following is a detailed analysis of Fu Lei's theory of "spiritual likeness": First, the theoretical core Fu Lei's theory of "spiritual likeness" emphasizes that in the process of translation, the translation should be in conformity with the original in spirit, rather than in form. He believes that translation is not only the transformation of language, but also the transmission of culture and the exchange of ideas. Therefore, in translation, we should deeply understand the connotation and essence of the original text, and accurately convey the thoughts, emotions and artistic conception to the target readers. Fu Lei believes that in order to realize the translation of "divine likeness", we must first study and understand the original text in depth. Only by understanding the connotation and essence of the original text can we accurately grasp its thoughts and feelings and lay a foundation for subsequent translation work. Respect for the style of the original text: In the translation process, Fu Lei stressed the need to respect the style and characteristics of the original text. He believes that different literary works have different stylistic features, and translation should keep the stylistic features of the original as much as possible so that the translation can maintain certain similarities with the original in form. Creative translation: Fu Lei advocates creative translation on the basis of respecting the original text in order to achieve "divine likeness" in translation. He believes that translation is not only the transformation of language, but also the re-creation of the original text. In translation, appropriate translation skills and strategies should be adopted according to the cultural background and reading habits of the target readers to make the translation more fluent, natural and vivid in expression. 3. Influence and Evaluation Fu Lei's theory of "spiritual likeness" has exerted a profound influence on translation. His theory not only provides a new translation concept and train of thought for Chinese translation circles, but also provides important guidance and reference for later translation practice. Meanwhile, Fu Lei's theory of "spiritual likeness" has been widely accepted and evaluated, and is regarded as one of the most important theories in the history of Chinese translation thought. In a word, Fu Lei's theory of "spiritual likeness" is a translation theory that seeks to achieve a high degree of similarity in spirit and charm between the translated text and the original text. In practice, he realized the accurate transmission and re-creation of the original text by studying the original text deeply, respecting the style of the original text and translating creatively. This theory is not only of great theoretical value and practical significance, but also makes great contributions to the development of Chinese translation circles.

Follow the original intention without decoration

The preface to Buddhist scriptures mainly originated from Zhi Qian's book in the Three Kingdoms Period, which is an important translation principle put forward by Zhi Qian in the process of Buddhist scriptures translation. Definition: "Following the original intention" means that in the process of translation, the translator should strictly follow the main idea and core idea of the original text, and should not deviate or change at will. "Unadorned" means that in translation, avoid excessive modification or add content that is not in the original text, and maintain the brevity and accuracy of the translation. Background: This principle is proposed in the context of Buddhist translation, emphasizing the pursuit of fidelity to the original text and reflecting the concern of the translation community at that time for accuracy and readability. Practical method: Translators need to study the original text deeply to understand its main idea and core idea accurately. In the process of translation, keep the fidelity to the original text, do not add or delete content at will. Avoid using overly flowery or complex words and keep the translation concise and clear. Influence and evaluation: the principle of "following the original intention without decoration" has exerted a profound influence on the later translation practice and has become one of the universally followed principles in translation circles. This principle emphasizes the pursuit of fidelity to the original text and helps to improve the accuracy and credibility of the translation. At the same time, by keeping the translation concise and clear, it helps to improve the readability and understandability of the translation.

How to understand translation as a cultural shaping force?

1. 翻译引介外来文化,丰富和改变了本土文化的内涵。
1. Translation introduces foreign culture, enriches and changes the connotation of native culture.

Through translation, a nation can comprehensively and systematically understand and absorb the cultural heritage of other countries and nations, including important works in literature, philosophy, religion, science and technology, and other fields. As native cultures, these translations inject new contents and elements, broaden cultural horizons, give birth to new cultural concepts, and promote cultural development and transformation.

Taking Buddhist scriptures translation as an example, Buddhism not only enriched Chinese religious culture but also profoundly influenced Chinese philosophy, literature and art, customs and customs, becoming an inseparable part of Chinese culture. Another example is the spread of western learning to the east between the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Western science and technology and social and political thoughts entered China through translation, which not only brought advanced scientific knowledge, but also triggered ideological and cultural changes, which had a profound impact on the development of modern Chinese society.

2. 翻译推动了思想观念的交流碰撞和更新变革。
2. Translation promotes the exchange, collision and renewal of ideas.

Different countries and nations have different ideological concepts and cultural traditions in philosophy, religion, science and other fields. Through translation, these ideas can cross national boundaries and language barriers, communicate, collide and stir with each other, produce new sparks and revolutionary influences, and form new cultural trends and spiritual features.

Taking the spreading of western learning to the east at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty as an example, western scientific knowledge and democratic thought were introduced into China through translated works, which impacted Chinese traditional cosmology and autocratic monarchy thought, inspired the awakening and reform of Chinese intellectuals, promoted the development of Chinese modern enlightenment thought, and promoted social reform. A similar example is the translation of a large number of Western works during the Meiji Restoration in Japan, which had a profound impact on Japanese ideological culture and social development.

3. 翻译创造了新的表现形式和文学样式。
3. Translation creates new forms of expression and literary styles.

Different languages have different ways of expression and rhetorical conventions. In the process of translation, translators often need to break the shackles of the original language and create new expressions and language forms to better reproduce the content and style of the original. This kind of innovation of language and form may give birth to new styles and schools, leading the new trend of literary creation.

Taking the birth of Chinese modern poetry as an example, the establishment of new poetry form is closely related to the translation of foreign poetry. Liang Qichao, Hu Shi and others introduced the free form, vernacular language and new images of western poetry into China by translating and introducing a large number of European and American modern poems, which opened the precedent of new poetry creation and laid the basic style of new poetry. Lu Xun's novel Madman's Diary draws lessons from the diary style and stream of consciousness technique of foreign novels and initiates a new situation of Chinese modern novels.

4. 翻译参与了民族语言和书面语的发展演变。
4. Translation participates in the development and evolution of national languages and written languages.

Translation introduces foreign words, grammatical structures and rhetorical methods, which enriches the expressive ability of national languages and promotes the development and innovation of languages. At the same time, translation also promotes the standardization and transformation of written language.

Taking the evolution of modern Chinese as an example, western concepts and terms poured into China in large numbers, and many new words and phrases appeared, such as "economy,""society,""science,""democracy," etc., which greatly enriched Chinese vocabulary. New Youth and other progressive publications published a large number of translated works, promoted the development of the vernacular movement, and promoted the formation of modern Chinese.

Another example is the literary renaissance, when a large number of Greek and Roman classics were translated again, and Latin grammar and rhetoric were absorbed, which promoted the formation and development of literary languages in European national languages.

5. 翻译深刻影响了民族文学的发展方向。
5. Translation profoundly influences the development direction of ethnic literature.

The translation of foreign literature provides a brand-new mode of expression, narrative skills, subject matter and aesthetic taste for national literature, broadens the vision of literary creation, guides the development direction of literature, and gives birth to many new literary schools.

Taking the May 4th Movement of New Literature as an example, the translation of western literature, especially the introduction of realism and romanticism, profoundly influenced the development direction of Chinese new literature. Influenced by foreign literature, a large number of writers have undergone revolutionary changes from subject matter to creative techniques. Realism, romanticism, symbolism and other schools have flourished, and a group of literary masters such as Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun and Yu Dafu have emerged, creating a new era of Chinese new literature.

In short, translation, as a bridge between different languages and cultures, has played an irreplaceable role in the history of human civilization exchanges. It introduces new cultural content, breeds new ideas, creates new forms of expression, shapes new language features, leads new literary trends, and profoundly influences and changes a nation's spiritual outlook and cultural character. As Yan Fu, a famous translator, said:"Translating facts and writing are equal, but translating books is more beneficial than writing books." "translation contributes greatly to shaping and innovating a nation's culture.

Lin Shu does not understand foreign languages, but he has translated many foreign literary works. How do you view this translation phenomenon?

1. "口述笔录"翻译方式的利弊。
1. Advantages and disadvantages of oral transcription translation.

Lin Shu adopted the translation method of "oral transcription," that is, his assistants Wei Yi and Wang Shouchang translated the original into Chinese, and Lin Shu translated freely and processed literature according to the oral content. This method made up for Lin Shu's lack of foreign language understanding to a certain extent, but there were still some problems.

First of all, this translation method requires high language ability and literary accomplishment of assistants. Assistants need to understand the original text accurately and express it in fluent Chinese in order to provide good materials for Lin Shu's literary creation. But in fact, the assistants 'foreign language ability and literary accomplishment are uneven, which affects the quality of translation.

Secondly, in the process of dictation, it is difficult to convey the language style and artistic features of the original completely, and the personal understanding of the assistant may also misinterpret the original. In addition, the immediacy and irreversibility of dictation make it difficult to translate accurately.

Thirdly, Lin Shu's re-creation after listening to the translation may deviate from the original meaning and cause mistranslation or over-adaptation, although it endows his work with unique literary style. At the same time, due to the lack of original contrast, translation is difficult to revise, errors are difficult to find and correct.

Therefore, although Lin Shu's translation of dictation promoted his translation practice under certain conditions, its inherent defects also affected the accuracy and fidelity of translation.

2. 林纾翻译的文学再创造特点。
2. Literary re-creation in lin shu's translation.

Lin Shu's translation lays stress on literary re-creation. According to his own literary cultivation and language talent, he has carried out profound literary processing on the translation, making the translation present a distinct style of ancient Chinese language and a strong flavor of Chinese classical literature.

First of all, Lin Shu is good at controlling ancient Chinese novels. He rewrites the translation of ancient culture and reshapes the language with ancient Chinese sentences and rhetoric, which puts the gorgeous coat of classical literature on the original popular foreign novels in vernacular.

Secondly, Lin Shu adjusts the narrative structure and presentation of the original work according to the narrative habits of Chinese literature, so that the translation is more in line with the reading habits and aesthetic tastes of Chinese readers. For example, in the dialogue and psychological description of characters, Lin Shu often adopts the curved writing and setting techniques in Chinese classical novels to highlight the characters 'personalities and story themes.

Thirdly, Lin Shu also incorporated his own perception and comments into his translation, which made his translation have a strong personal color and expressed his own thoughts, feelings and value orientation.

It is precisely because of these literary re-creations that Lin Shu's translations became unique literary works, popular in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, and became a major translation school in the history of Chinese literature, which also made up for the lack of translation accuracy to a certain extent. But at the same time, excessive literary processing may also lead to rewriting of the original works and cultural misreading.

3. 林纾翻译现象的文化意义和局限。
3. Cultural significance and limitations of lin shu's translation phenomenon.

From the perspective of cultural communication, Lin Shu's translation objectively promoted the introduction of foreign literature. His translations involve famous novels of Britain, France, America and Russia, such as La Traviata, Jia Yin's Biography and Negro's Call to Heaven, which enable Chinese readers to contact foreign literary classics, broaden their literary horizons, understand foreign social features and human feelings, impact Chinese traditional ideas to a certain extent, and provide foreign nourishment and literary style for the development of modern Chinese literature.

But at the same time, due to the indirectness and re-creation of translation, Lin Shu's translation also misreads the original to a certain extent. On the one hand, the original works are inevitably distorted in the process of oral transcription; on the other hand, Lin Shu mixes his own subjective consciousness into the literary processing, which makes the translation have strong personal color and time brand. To a certain extent, this affects the original appearance and original intention of the original work, and may produce deviations in cultural exchanges.

From the perspective of translation ethics, Lin Shu's translation is open to question. Excessive literary processing makes the translation deviate from the original, which is contrary to the basic requirement of translation fidelity. The dictation also blurs the boundaries of the translator's rights and responsibilities, and the translation work of the assistant is not given due attention and recognition.

However, we should also see that Lin Shu's translation practice reflects the special situation of Chinese translation circles in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. At that time, Chinese intellectuals generally lacked foreign language ability, and it was inevitable to adopt the method of "oral transcription." This method objectively promoted the development of translation at that time, enabling more foreign literary works to be introduced into China. At the same time, Lin Shu's literary translation catered to the aesthetic taste of the readers at that time, making the translation easier to accept and spread.

Therefore, we should evaluate Lin Shu's translation objectively, comprehensively and dialectically. On the one hand, we should affirm Lin Shu's literary achievements and cultural contributions. His translations are elegant in language and brilliant in literary grace, occupy an important position in the history of Chinese literature and translation, and promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. On the other hand, we should also see the limitations of translation methods and strategies, such as the lack of accuracy and fidelity, which reflects the brand of translators and times.

Lin Shu's translation phenomenon has given some enlightenment to later translation practice. It enlightens us that translation requires translators to have solid foreign language ability and literary accomplishment, not only to accurately grasp the content and style of the original, but also to express it in beautiful words, so as to achieve both form and spirit, elegance and popularity. At the same time, moderate creation is necessary in literary translation, but excessive adaptation tends to lead to deviation from the original, so we should abide by the basic ethics of translation. In addition, translation should keep pace with the times, improve translation theories and methods with the development of the times, and improve the scientificity and standardization of translation.

How to understand the object of translation history study as "translation in history" and "history in translation"?

In order to understand the connotation of "translation in history" and "history in translation" as the objects of translation history study, we need to start with the complex relationship between translation and history, and explore the interaction and blending between them.

1. "历史中的翻译"的内涵
1. Connotation of "Translation in History"

Translation in History emphasizes placing translation in a specific historical context and paying attention to the characteristics, rules and interaction between translation activities and social culture in different historical periods. Specifically:

First, translation is always in a specific historical and sociocultural context, and political, economic and cultural factors of different times have a profound impact on translation practice. For example, ancient emperors advocated Buddhist translation and modern reformers advocated the spread of western learning to the east, which reflected cultural demands under specific historical conditions. Therefore, the study of translation history needs to examine the historical background and motivation of translation in different periods.

Secondly, different translation norms and discourse systems have been formed in different historical periods. For example, the ancient theory of "literary quality" and the modern theory of "expressiveness and elegance" are the embodiment of translation concepts in specific times. The study of translation history needs to explore the formation, internal logic and historical evolution of these translation theories and ideas.

Thirdly, translation activities promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and exert far-reaching social and cultural influences. For example, Buddhist translation brought about the prosperity of Chinese Buddhist culture, and the spread of Western learning to the East triggered social changes in China. The study of translation history needs to examine the historical process and rules of the interaction between translation and culture.

Therefore,"translation in history" emphasizes that translation is inseparable from its historical context, and translation history research should unify them, examine the historical evolution of translation activities and the social and cultural conditions reflected by them, and reveal the inherent laws of translation development.

2. "翻译中的历史"的内涵
2. Connotation of "History in Translation"

"History in translation" emphasizes that translation itself is a historical existence, and the translated text bears and writes history, reflecting the brand of translators and times. Specifically:

First of all, the publication of any translation has its specific historical background and realistic motivation, and the translator's choice of a certain work for translation itself reflects certain historical and cultural needs. For example, Lin Shu's translation of La Traviata reflects the curiosity of the late Qing society about the extraterritorial world, while Lu Xun's translation of Underground Travel reflects the ideological appeal of the enlightened intellectuals. Therefore, there are historical driving forces behind the choice of translation topics.

Secondly, the translator's translation strategy and style are marked with the brand of the times. Translators in different periods are influenced by different translation concepts, literary trends and aesthetic tastes, thus forming different translation styles and schools. For example, the debate between "literary school" and "refined school" in ancient times, and the debate between "literal school" and "free school" in modern times, all embody the translation discourse of the translator's time.

Thirdly, when translated texts enter into the target language context, they will also produce different interpretations and receptions, reflecting the historical context in which translated texts are read. Readers of different times will have different understanding and evaluation of the same translation, reflecting the changes of the ideological trend of the times and cultural psychology. Therefore, the historical interpretation of translated works is also an important part of translation history research.

In addition, translated texts may have dynamic effects on history. The publication of many important translations has had a great impact on social culture, promoted ideological and cultural innovation, and even triggered social changes. For example, Yan Fu's translation promoted the enlightenment of modern China, Qu Qiubai's translation propagated Marxism. Therefore, the interaction between translated texts and history is also an important topic in translation history studies.

In short,"history in translation" emphasizes that translation itself is a historical existence, and translation carries and writes a specific history, embodies the imprint of translators and times, and also exerts influence on history. The study of translation history should dig deep into the historical information contained in the translation and examine the interaction between translation and history.

3. 二者的辩证关系
3. Dialectical relationship between the two

"Translation in history" and "history in translation" are two basic dimensions of translation history research, which are intertwined and dialectically unified:

On the one hand,"translation in history" provides explanatory context for "history in translation." Without a specific historical context, translation phenomena cannot be fully understood and explained. The history of translation should be examined in the context of the whole history of translation and culture in order to reveal its deep implications.

On the other hand,"History in Translation" enriches and deepens "Translation in History." The history reflected in the translated texts provides important historical materials and research paths for the study of translation history. By analyzing the topics, strategies and interpretations of translation, we can get a glimpse of the characteristics and laws of translation activities in different historical periods.

Therefore, they are interdependent and mutually supportive, constituting the basic framework of translation history research. In order to reveal the mystery of translation history, it is necessary to combine them organically and examine the complex relationship between translation and history from multiple dimensions and perspectives.

For example, in order to study Lin Shu's translation phenomenon, we should not only place it in the background of late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, examine the cultural context and translation discourse at that time, but also analyze the historical information carried by Lin Shu's translated works, such as Lin Shu's translation motivation, strategy and style, so as to fully understand the historical significance of Lin Shu's translation phenomenon.

For example, to study the history of Buddhist translation, we should not only investigate the political, religious and cultural background in ancient times, but also analyze the topics, styles and circulation of Buddhist translations in different periods, and explore the interactive relationship between Buddhist translation activities and the development of Chinese Buddhist culture, so as to reveal the unique position of Buddhist translation in the history of Chinese culture.

How to understand the factors and functions of target culture in translation?

The target culture plays an important role in promoting or restricting translation activities, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. 译入语文化的需求和接受能力
1. Cultural Needs and Acceptability of the Target Language

The demand and receptivity of the target culture to the foreign culture determines the rise and fall of translation activities to a great extent. When the target culture is open to the outside world, innovative and open to foreign cultures, translation activities tend to climax.

for example, during the period of "western learning spreading to the east" in modern chinese history, reformist intellectuals, out of the need to reform the motherland and pursue prosperity, set off an upsurge in translating western scientific, technological, political, and philosophical works. Another example is the "cultural fever" period in the 1980s. At the beginning of opening up to the outside world, Chinese cultural circles were full of curiosity about western culture, which set off a climax of literary translation. A large number of western modernist literary works were translated and introduced, which promoted the prosperity and innovation of Chinese literary world.

On the contrary, when the target culture is relatively closed and conservative, it tends to inhibit the development of translation activities. For example, the movement of "respecting Confucianism and rejecting Buddhism" at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty restrained the development of Buddhist translation.

Therefore, the needs and receptivity of the target culture play an important role in promoting or restricting translation activities. The more open and compatible the target culture is, the more urgent the need for foreign culture is, and the more vigorous the translation activity will be.

2. 译入语的语言文化特点
2. Linguistic and Cultural Features of the Target Language

The characteristics of the target language, such as grammatical structure, expression habits, vocabulary system, etc., will have an important impact on translation activities.

Firstly, the expressive habits of the target language will influence the translator's translation style and strategy. For example, ancient Chinese classical Chinese texts emphasize coherence and imagery, and translators often adopt the strategy of free translation and domestication, paying attention to the literariness and elegance of the translation. Vernacular Chinese, on the other hand, emphasizes hypotaxis and colloquialism, and translators often adopt the strategies of literal translation and alienation to reproduce the language features of the original text.

Secondly, the lexical system of the target language also influences the translator's choice of words. The richness of the inherent vocabulary in the target language determines the expressiveness of the translation to some extent. For example, the translation of Buddhist scriptures in ancient China, faced with the dilemma that Chinese inherent vocabulary is difficult to correspond to Buddhist terms, created a large number of transliteration words and free translation words, greatly enriched the Chinese vocabulary.

Thirdly, the grammatical structure of the target language also restricts the expression of the target language. For example, Chinese is an isolated language, word order and function words are the main means of expressing grammatical relations, and translators need to adjust the sentence structure of the translated text according to the grammatical characteristics of Chinese in order to conform to Chinese expression habits.

Therefore, the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the target language profoundly influence and restrict the translator's translation strategies and the expressiveness of the target language. The translator should adopt flexible translation strategies on the basis of respecting the target language and culture to achieve the acceptability of the target language.

3. 译入语的文学传统和审美情趣
3. Literary Tradition and Aesthetic Taste in the Target Language

The inherent literary tradition and aesthetic taste of the target culture play an important role in promoting or restricting the development of translated literature.

On the one hand, the literary tradition and aesthetic taste of the target language influence the choice of translation. The mainstream literary styles and aesthetic tendencies of the target literature in different periods determine, to some extent, the translator's choice of the original. For example, the praise of realism literature in modern Chinese literary circles pushed forward the climax of translation and introduction of realism literature in Russia and Soviet Union.

On the other hand, the literary tradition and aesthetic taste of the target language also influence the translator's translation methods and style. Translators often rewrite and recreate the original to a certain extent according to the reading habits and aesthetic tastes of the target readers, so as to make the translation more in line with the expected vision of the target culture. For example, Lin Shu's literary translation is to rewrite foreign novels into elegant ancient Chinese, which caters to the aesthetic taste of literati in the late Qing Dynasty.

In addition, successful translated literary works will influence and reform the literary tradition of the target language and lead the new trend of literary creation when they enter the translation language circle. For example, during the New Culture Movement, the translation and introduction of Western modernist literature impacted Chinese traditional literary concepts, triggered modernist literary trends, and promoted the prosperity and innovation of Chinese new poetry and new novels.

Therefore, the literary tradition and aesthetic taste of the target language and the development of the translated literature influence and promote each other. The translator needs to seek a balance between the two, respecting the style and characteristics of the original, and taking care of the reception psychology of the target readers, so as to realize the literary re-creation of "turning decadence into magic."

4. 译入语的意识形态和文化价值观
4. Ideology and Cultural Values in the Target Language

The ideology and mainstream values of the target culture play an important role in guiding and regulating translation activities.

On the one hand, mainstream ideology influences the choice and judgment of translation. In different ideological contexts, the topic selection, content and tendency of translation are subject to certain guidance and restrictions. For example, for a long time after the founding of the People's Republic of China, under the influence of ideology, literary translation showed a tendency of "political standard first, artistic standard second," and most of the translation topics focused on realistic works from socialist countries.

On the other hand, mainstream values also influence translators 'translation strategies. In the process of translation, translators often consciously or unconsciously choose and rewrite the original according to the mainstream values, and delete or dilute the contents that do not conform to the mainstream values. For example, Lin Shu's translation at the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of Republic of China rewrote the contents contrary to traditional ethics in the original work.

Besides, translation itself may influence the ideology and values of the target culture. The introduction of new ideas and value orientations into translation may impact and change the original ideology and value system of the target culture. for example, yan fu's translation of "evolution of heaven" introduced the theory of evolution, shook china's traditional view of the universe and values, and exerted a wide and profound influence on the ideological circles.