Questions to Algomedica for upcoming Zoom meeting
向 Algomedica 询问即将举行的 Zoom 会议
From Paul:
Please explain the Japan Fuji Films business license model, did you sell the rights to Fuji to use for their CT Scanners only or for the whole country of Japan and if so, can they excise their license? Right to extend to other parts of Asia?
请解释日本富士电影公司的营业执照模式,您是向富士出售了仅用于其 CT 扫描仪的权利,还是出售给日本全国的权利,如果是这样,他们可以取消他们的许可证吗? 是否应该扩展到亚洲其他地区?
Does the Image from the originator / CT Scan unit pre-processed image have to go to your server in the US for processing?
来自原始者/CT 扫描单元预处理图像的图像是否必须转到您在美国的服务器进行处理?
From Frank
来自 Frank
Is there any limitation on the Image files from the hospital network server? What kind of file format is currently used in the U.S. sector?
来自医院网络服务器的 Image 文件是否有任何限制?美国行业目前使用什么样的文件格式?
The image processing can only be done by the AlgoMedica PixelShine Server
图像处理只能由 AlgoMedica PixelShine 服务器完成.
If Yes, the transfer of the image data file from Asia sectors to the U.S. server will take time (~10-20 min?) for the processing, any possible solution to solve this problem of “analysis duration”?
如果是,将图像数据文件从亚洲区域传输到美国服务器将需要时间(~10-20 分钟?),有什么可能的解决方案来解决“分析持续时间”的问题吗?
The basic theory of image processing is based on the past analyzed CT scan cases to come up with the database in the server. Then applying the AI technology to do the machine learning for image prediction? If yes, is there any term of “accuracy” or “precision” to ensure the image quality?
图像处理的基本理论是根据过去分析的 CT 扫描案例,在服务器中提出数据库。然后应用 AI 技术进行图像预测的机器学习?如果是,是否有任何术语“准确性”或“精度”来确保图像质量?
How many frames at least are required to apply the software? (Take an example of Kidney).
应用该软件至少需要多少帧?(以 Kidney 为例)。
From Arthur, Daniel and Bowie
来自 Arthur、Daniel 和 Bowie
I know the images to be analyzed by AI. Can it classify different types of humans?
我知道 AI 要分析的图像。它可以对不同类型的人类进行分类吗?
Can build the server for individual countries to ensure no data images are stored outside of the country?
Do you know the capacity of images from your server to handle the processing?
您知道服务器中的图像处理处理能力吗 ?
According to your AI assist in the diagnosis, how accurate is it? Any proof?
根据你的 AI 辅助诊断,它的准确性如何? 有什么证据吗?
Can provide training?
Due to building up teams to promote your product, we need to have a few software to do presentations with trials. How could we cooperate?
由于要组建团队来推广您的产品,我们需要一些 软件来进行演示和试用。我们怎么合作呢?
IT requirements – bandwidth, hardware.. etc
IT 要求 – 带宽、硬件......等