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蘋果公司首席執行官蒂姆·庫克於 6 月在蘋果總部參加了年度開發者大會。蘋果將在下個月舉行一場活動,可能會發布下一代 iPhone。圖片來源:路透社/卡洛斯·巴里亞
Apple AAPL 1.68%increase; green up pointing triangle is in talks to invest in OpenAI, a move that would cement ties to a partner integral to its efforts to gain ground in the artificial-intelligence race.
The investment would be part of a new OpenAI fundraising round that would value the ChatGPT maker above $100 billion, people familiar with the situation said. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that venture-capital firm Thrive Capital is leading the round, which will total several billion dollars, and Apple rival Microsoft MSFT 0.71%increase; green up pointing triangle is also expected to participate.
據知情人士透露,這項投資將是 OpenAI 新一輪融資的一部分,該輪融資將使 ChatGPT 的開發商估值超過 1000 億美元。《華爾街日報》週三報導,風險投資公司 Thrive Capital 正在領導這輪總額數十億美元的融資,蘋果的競爭對手微軟 MSFT 0.68%上升;綠色向上三角形也預計將參與其中。
It couldn’t be learned how much Apple or Microsoft will invest into OpenAI this round. To date, Microsoft has been the primary strategic investor into OpenAI. It owns a 49% share of the AI startup’s profits after investing $13 billion since 2019.
目前尚不清楚蘋果或微軟在這輪融資中將投資多少。迄今為止,微軟一直是 OpenAI 的主要戰略投資者。自 2019 年以來投資 130 億美元後,微軟擁有這家 AI 初創公司 49%的利潤份額。
Apple in June announced OpenAI as the first official partner for Apple Intelligence, its system for infusing AI features throughout its operating system. The new AI will feature an improved Siri voice assistant, text proofreading and creating custom emojis.
蘋果在 6 月宣布 OpenAI 是蘋果智能的首個官方合作夥伴,該系統將在其整個操作系統中注入 AI 功能。新的 AI 將包括改進的 Siri 語音助手、文本校對和創建自定義表情符號。
Some of the new AI tasks Apple announced would be handled by Apple’s own AI technology. For more complicated AI tasks, such as generating a written message, Apple would use OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
蘋果宣布的一些新 AI 任務將由蘋果自己的 AI 技術處理。對於更複雜的 AI 任務,如生成書面信息,蘋果將使用 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT。
Apple’s talks to invest in OpenAI underscores its dedication to ensure it maintains access to this technology. OpenAI faces intense competition from other AI startups and big tech companies, but ChatGPT remains a market leader.
蘋果商談投資 OpenAI 突顯了其致力於確保維持對這項技術的訪問權。OpenAI 面臨來自其他 AI 初創公司和大型科技公司的激烈競爭,但 ChatGPT 仍然是市場領導者。
Apple hopes to join with other companies and incorporate their generative AI into the new system. It is launching with ChatGPT because “we wanted to start with the best,” said Craig Federighi, Apple’s head of software, at the June developers conference.
蘋果希望與其他公司合作,將他們的生成式人工智能整合到新系統中。它首先推出 ChatGPT,因為「我們想從最好的開始」,蘋果軟件主管克雷格·費德里吉在 6 月的開發者大會上表示。
At the conference, Apple mentioned Google’s generative AI model, Gemini, as a potential partner. The company also has held partnership discussions with Meta Platforms as well as AI startups Anthropic and Perplexity, the Journal previously reported.
在大會上,蘋果提到谷歌的生成式人工智能模型 Gemini 作為潛在合作夥伴。據《華爾街日報》此前報導,該公司還與 Meta Platforms 以及人工智能初創公司 Anthropic 和 Perplexity 進行了合作討論。
Investing in OpenAI could complicate Apple’s efforts to be a neutral partner with other AI companies.
投資 OpenAI 可能會使蘋果與其他人工智能公司成為中立合作夥伴的努力變得複雜。
The move would be an unusual one for Apple, which typically doesn’t invest in startups. Over the years, Apple has made a number of investments in manufacturing partners, in part to secure supply of components for its devices.
In 2017, Apple invested $1 billion into Japan’s SoftBank’s Vision Fund because it “will speed the development of technologies which may be strategically important to Apple,” an Apple spokeswoman said at the time.
2017 年,蘋果向日本軟銀的願景基金投資了 10 億美元,因為它「將加速對蘋果可能具有戰略重要性的技術的開發」,蘋果發言人當時表示。
In 2016, Apple also invested $1 billion into Chinese ride-hailing startup DiDi Chuxing. Apple didn’t explain its motivation for the deal, but there was an intensifying battle over the future of driving. Apple was in its early stages of trying to build its own electric vehicle, which it canceled earlier this year.
2016 年,蘋果還向中國叫車初創公司滴滴出行投資了 10 億美元。蘋果沒有解釋這筆交易的動機,但當時圍繞駕駛的未來正在進行激烈的競爭。蘋果當時正處於嘗試建造自己的電動車的早期階段,該項目已於今年早些時候取消。
Apple has ramped up its internal AI investments over the past year and a half as it attempts to build up its own capabilities, The Journal recently reported.
Apple is holding an event next month where it will likely launch its next-generation iPhones. New AI tools are expected to be the standout feature of the devices.
蘋果將在下個月舉行一場活動,很可能會推出下一代 iPhone。新的人工智能工具預計將成為這些設備的突出特點。
Write to Tom Dotan at and Aaron Tilley at
請寫信給 Tom Dotan,電郵地址為,以及 Aaron Tilley,電郵地址為
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