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Triphala Ghrita 和 Goghrita Manda Tarpana 在治疗 Shushkakshipaka wsr 干眼症中的疗效:一项开放标记随机对照临床试验



背景:Shalakya Tantra 是阿育吠陀八个分支之一,其中还包括眼科。Shushkakshipaka(干眼症)是一种涉及眼睛所有部位(Sarvagata Netra Roga)的疾病,其特征是 Gharsha(沙砾感)、Toda(刺痛)、Kunita(畏光)、Avila Darshana(视力模糊)、Daha(灼热感)和 Raktaraji(眼充血)。所有这些症状都与干眼症的症状相似。目的和目标:本研究的目的是评估和比较 Triphala Ghrita 和 Goghrita Manda(牛酥油的上清液部分)Tarpana(对眼睛进行的治疗程序)在 Shushkakshipaka 治疗中的效果。材料和方法:从哈桑 Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara 阿育吠陀学院 Shalakya Tantra 的门诊部和住院部选取 30 名符合 Shushkakshipaka 纳入标准的患者。根据临床体征和症状的严重程度给予适当的评分,并根据治疗后这些症状的缓解情况进行评估。干眼症患者被交替分为两组接受 Tarpana 治疗,即 Triphala Ghrita Tarpana (TGT) 组和 Goghrita Manda Tarpana (GMT) 组,连续 7 天下午服用 Tarpana,15 天后进行随访,持续 2 个月。结果:两组中 73.3% 的患者出现中度缓解(缓解 50%-75%),两组中 26.7 名患者出现显著缓解(缓解 >75% 但 <100%)。 Gharsha (74%)、Avila Darshana (65%)、Upadeha (80%)、Daha (72%)、Kunita (78%)、Toda (59%) 和 Raktaraji (83%) 等症状得到缓解。结论:Goghrita Manda Tarpana (GMT) 对 Garsha、Toda 和 Daha 治疗后即刻的效果优于 Triphala Ghrita Tarpana (TGT)。
© 2021YU(国际研究季刊)育吠陀(yurveda)|
教学与研究学院官方出版物阿育吠陀,贾姆讷格尔 | 出版者威科集团-Medknow

Shushkakshipaka [1] 是Sarvagata Netra Roga [2]之一
Sushruta 和 V 也提到过眼睛下方有 agbhata
疾病,由V引起艾塔 Pitta并具有
加尔沙 (坚韧不拔 感觉), 电视奥达 (刺类型疼痛),
Upadeha (膜形成)克里赫onmeelan (困难
闪烁)ishushkata (干燥),鲁克莎·达鲁纳
阿特玛 (眼睑粗糙)等。[1]这些症状可以是
T的功效riphala GhritaGoghrita Manda T阿帕纳
Shushkakshipaka w的管理.sr. 干眼症:
Gangadhar M. Timmapur、Shamsa Fiaz1
BLDE 协会 AVS 阿育吠陀 Mahavidyalaya 医院和研究中心 Shalakya Tantra 系,维杰亚普尔, 卡纳塔克邦, 1 个部门沙拉基亚的时代
谭崔,国家 A 研究所yurveda,斋浦尔,拉贾斯坦邦,印度
背景:Shalakya T antra是 A 的八个分支之一yurveda,其中还包括眼科。Shushkakshipaka
眼睛 综合症是其中之一疾病,包括全部 眼睛的部分(Sarvagata Netra Roga特征 作者: Gharsha (坚韧不拔 感觉),
电视oda (刺痛)、 Kunita (畏光)、Avila Darshana (视力模糊)、Daha (烧灼感)和Raktaraji (充血)
目的是评估和比较Triphala GhritaGoghrita Manda(牛酥油的上清液部分)的效果阿帕纳(治疗
程序完毕 Shushkakshipaka治疗中的眼部损伤 材料和方法: 符合纳入标准的 30 名患者
Shushkakshipaka的标准是从Shalakya T的门诊部和住院部中选出的达摩斯塔拉
Tarpana , 即Triphala Ghrita T阿帕纳(TGT)集团Goghrita Manda Tarpana (GMT) 集团以及电视阿帕纳
7 颗星连续的下午与跟随向上15 后2 人份个月。结果:中等宽慰(缓解 50%–75%)曾是出现在
73.3% 的患者两组均有明显缓解 (>75%但缓解程度<100%)在 26.7两组患者均有改善。缓解

症状包括Gharsha (74%)、 Avila Darshana (65%)、 Upadeha (80%)、 Daha (72%)、 Kunita (78%)、 T奥达(59%) 和拉克塔拉吉(83%)
结论效果戈格里塔·曼达·塔尔帕纳(GMT)加莎,TodaDaha 的情况在之后立即好转
比Triphala Ghrita T治疗效果更佳阿帕纳(TGT)。

关键词: A yurveda、干眼症、 Goghrita Manda Sushkakshipaka Triphala Ghrita

通讯地址: Dr. Gangadhar M. Timmapur
BLDE 沙拉基亚坦陀罗系副教授兼系主任
协会的 AVS 阿育吠陀 Mahavidyalaya 医院和研究中心

Centre, Vidya Nagar, Bagalkot R oad, Vijayapur ‑ 586 109, 卡纳塔克邦, 印度。
共享资源-非商业-共享e 4.0 许可证,允许其他重新混音,

如有重印,请联系: WKHLRPMedknow_reprints@wolter skluwer.com
如何引用本文:Timmapur GM, Fiaz S. EcacyT里帕拉·格里塔

高格里塔·曼达·T arpanazàiSushkakshipaka wsrdeguǎnlǐzhōng

提交日期:2018 年 5 月 31 日 修订日期:2018 年 7 月 31 日
接受日期:2020 年 5 月 3 日 发布日期:2021 年 7 月 30 日
[2021 年 7 月 31 日星期六从 http://www.ayujournal.org 免费下载,IP:]
Timmapur 和 Fiaz: Triphala GhritaGoghrita Manda T的角色干眼症中的阿帕纳
AYU ¦体积41¦问题1¦ 一月至三月2020 53
电视arpana [5]是重要的眼部
Vata Pitta疾病。[6,7]它可能有助于管理
Netra中显示了Triphala GhritaGoghrita Manda
羅加(眼睛 疾病) 它是查克舒什亚 (改善
想象), Snehana (油) 拉萨亚纳 (恢复活力)
属性。[8] Triphala Ghrita含有T riphala具有
抗炎活性[9] ,因此可能有助于检查
释放细胞因子(主要是白细胞介素 6)会刺激
评估并比较Triphala Ghrita的功效
电视arpana (TGT)和Goghrita Manda 塔尔帕纳 (格林威治标准时间)

Shushkakshipaka 的管理
我。 具有典型症状和体征的患者

ShushkaakshipakaGharsha TodaDaha
沙拉基亚 T 研究生院的胃窦
SDM 学院哈桑的尤尔韦达和医院
二、 试验药物:Triphala Ghrita是从 SDM 采购的
药房、Udupi 和Goghrita Manda被采购
克里亚卡尔帕单位SDM 学院阿育吠陀
机构 道德 委员会 曾是 已采取
30 名患者,并征得所有患者的知情同意
患者。诊断已确认经过 Schirmer 氏病测试
统计 T埃斯特斯
条款 意思是BT(之前治疗后)、AT(
治疗), SD(标准)偏差)和东南 (标准
通过应用学生的配对' t '之前进行对比测试
对于P <0.001,意义重大对于P <0.05 微不足道 为了

P > 0.05。
5 岁以上的患者以及60 岁以下
Shushkakshipaka 就像Gharsha (坚韧不拔的 感觉),
电视奥达 (刺类型疼痛), 乌帕德哈 (膜
形成), 克里赫伦米兰 (困难 闪烁)
维舒什卡塔 (干燥), 鲁克莎·达鲁纳·瓦特玛 (粗糙的
‍Shushkakshipaka 眼部综合症 联系
Shukla (角膜溃疡)、 Arma (翼状胬肉)。
‍‍那些不适合服用T的人阿帕纳Netra Ragata (红色
30 名Shushkakshipaka (干眼症)患者
团体温度计 – 15 名患者受到对于 T里帕拉
病人被要求闭上眼睛 Ghrita已填满
电视表 1:客观参数的分级
0 级 1 年级 2 年级 3 年级
1 分钟内剥离 15 毫米以上
1 分钟内超过 10 毫米 ‑ 15 毫米
1 分钟内超过 5 毫米 - 10 毫米
1 分钟内 1 毫米 ‑ 5 毫米
15 秒后出现斑点
10 至 15 秒之间
5 至 10 秒之间
[2021 年 7 月 31 日星期六从 http://www.ayujournal.org 免费下载,IP:]
Timmapur 和 Fiaz: Triphala GhritaGoghrita Manda T的角色干眼症中的阿帕纳
AYU ¦体积41¦问题1¦ 一月至三月2020

大约 10–15毫升 Triphala GhritaGogritha
连续 7 天可享 1000 Matra Kala /30 分钟[1,7]
后续行动曾是完毕 一个 间隔每一个15向上
60 天 再次出现 症状
按照T1. Gharsha (坚韧不拔的感觉眼睛维拉
达沙那 (模糊 想象), Upadeha (过度粘稠状
疼痛 眼睛)和拉克塔拉吉 (拥塞 眼睛
在T中提到能够 3.
年龄分布患者显示最高 46%
患者年龄21 –三十五年,随后
27%患者谁是年龄组5 ‑20年,17%
年龄在 51-75 岁之间,10%之间
年龄组为 36-50 岁。30例,发生率
Shushkakshipaka观察到60% 的女性和 40%男性
显示 最大 73% 属于 到中间班级

04%属于下层阶级。 Prakriti明智的分布表明

63% 属于V阿塔-皮塔贾, 27% 是V ata-Kaphaja

10%属于Pitta-Kaphaja Prakriti 。严重程度分布



67% 的人暴露于风、灰尘、空调、暴露于


谁正在使用Amla (酸) 、Ushna-Tikshna (热和辛辣的)



关节炎,07% 的人有头皮屑、关节疼痛和
chronic rhinitis, 03% each had history of myopia, multiple
sclerosis, acne and chalazion.
Among 30 patients of Shushkakshipaka, 30 (100%) of patients
had Garsha, Avila Darshana, Daha, Kunita, Toda/Pakavata
Shoola, 29 (97%) of patients had Upadeha and 24 (80%) of
patients had Raktaraji.
Dry eye includes a spectrum of disorders ranging from mild eye
strain to foreign-body sensation, pain, burning sensation with sight
threatening complications. Patients face considerable discomfort
with this affliction which interferes with the daily routine
functioning. In this study, 30 patients of Shushka-Akshipaka (dry
eye) were treated in two groups, each comprising 15 patients.
Efficacy of Triphala Ghrita Tarpana (TGT): 15 patients
in this group were given Tarpana with Triphala Ghrita of
approximately 10–15 ml in afternoon for consecutive 7 days
for 30 minutes. In this group, signicant relief was found in
Gharsha (74%), Avila Darshana (65%), Upadeha (80%),
Daha (72%), Kunita (78%), Toda (59%), Raktaraji (83%),
Schirmer’s test of right eye (70%), Schrimer’s test of left
Table 2: Grading’s of Subjective parameters
Symptom Status of the symptom
Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Gharsha (gritty feeling) Absent Occasionally present Frequently present with
Continuously present with
lacrimation and congestion.
Avila Darshana (blurring of
Absent Occasionally present Intermittently present Frequently present
Upadeha (excessive stringy
mucus/lmy feeling in the
Absent Occasionally present and the
patient is able to open the
eyes easily
Frequently present and
patient is able to open the
eyes easily
Frequently present and
patient is able to open the
eyes with much diculty
Daha (burning sensation in
the eye)
No burning
sensation in eyes
Occasional burning sensation
in eyes
Regular burning sensation
in eyes
Kunita (photophobia) Absent Sensitivity to bright light and
other bright stimulus
Sensitivity to mild sunlight
but comfortable in dim lights
Sensitivity to even dim light
with an inability to open eyes
Toda (pricking type of pain
in the eyes)
Absence of
pricking pain
Mild - tolerable and
negligible pricking pain
Moderate - constant and
tolerable pricking pain
Severe - intolerable and
constant pricking pain
Raktaraji (congestion) Absent Discrete, thin vessels vascular
network limited to palpebral
conjunctiva and fornix
Prominent vascular network
involving peripheral part of
bulbar conjunctiva
Fiery red involving whole
bulbar conjunctiva and
circumcorneal zone
Daruna and Ruksha Vartma Absent Occasionally present Intermittently present Frequently present
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Timmapur 和 Fiaz: Triphala GhritaGoghrita Manda T的角色干眼症中的阿帕纳
AYU ¦ Volume 41 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2020 55
eye (68%), tear break‑up time of right eye (70%) and tear
break‑up time of left eye (69%). In 15 patients of group
where Triphala Ghrita Tarpana was done, complete remission
was not observed in any patient, marked relief in 26.7% and
moderate relief in 73.3% of patients. In 15 patients of this group
after all follow‑ups, 13 patients sustained the eect of therapy,
while 2 patients got recurrence in the symptoms [Table 4 and
Figure 2].
Ecacy of Gogritha Manda Tarpana (GMT): 15 patients
in this group were given Tarpana with Goghrita Manda of
approximately 10–15 ml in the afternoon for consecutive
7 days for 30 minutes. In this group, the signicant relief
was found in Gharsha (68%), Avila Darshana (69%)
[Figure 1] (73%), Upadeha (68%), Daha (53%), Kunita (68%),
Toda (60%), Raktaraji (100%), Schirmer’s test of right
eye (69%), Schrimer’s test of left eye (72%), tear break‑up time
of right eye (70%) and tear break‑up time of left eye (70%)
[Figure 1]. In 15 patients of this group, complete remission
was not observed in any patient, marked relief in 26.7%, and
moderate relief in 73.3% of patients [Figure 2]. In 15 patients of
group GMT after all follow‑ups, 11 patients sustained the eect
of therapy, while 4 patients got recurrence in the symptoms. In
nutshell, the present clinical study has established that Tarpana
with Goghrita Manda yields good result in follow-up than that
of Triphala Ghrita Tarpana [Tables 5 and 6, Figure 3].
Dry eyes are one of the most common causes of chronic
low-grade burning, irritation, and discomfort of the eyes. It
is caused due to disturbance in the tear lm function owing
to change in lipid, water, or mucin component of the tears.
It is now recognized that dry eye syndrome results from an
underlying cytokine and receptor‑mediated inammatory
process aecting the lacrimal glands. Inammation, in turn,
can either decrease tear production or alter the contents of
the tear lm and disrupt homeostasis at the ocular surface,
leading to dry eye syndrome. These ndings have redirected
treatment eorts toward more targeted therapies aimed at
resolving the underlying inammation. Anti‑inammatory/
immunomodulatory treatments are now becoming standard
therapy for moderate to severe dry eye syndrome.
Contemporary tear substitutes stimulate the cell surface
glycoproteins that maintain ocular hydration and mucoadhesive
property due to lipid content in it. It slows the evaporation
of the tear lm, thus resolves the condition which leads to
dry eye.
74 65
80 72 78
70 6868 73 68
68 60
69 72
Garsha Avila Darshana
Assigned groups & symptoms
symptoms ill in mean % in AT in both groups
Upadeha Daha Kunita Toda RaktarajiSchirmer’s
% Percentage
Figure 1: Comparison of improvement in the symptoms between the groups – TGT: [TGT: Triphala Ghrita Tarpana, GMT: Goghrita Manda Tarpana, AT:
After treatment, RE: Right Eye, LE: Left Eye]
Overall improvement among 30 Pt.'s
73.3 73.3
Marked relief Moderate relief Mi ld relief No relief
Assigned groups & Re sult
Figure 2: Overall percentage of improvement in the patients. TGT: Triphala
Ghrita Tarpana, GMT: Goghrita Manda Tarpana group
Overall Response to the Therapy during Follow up Period
Sustained Effect Relapsed
Assigne d groups & Re sult
Figure 3: Overall response to the therapy during follow‑up period in the
patients. [TGT: Triphala Ghrita Tarpana, GMT: Goghrita Manda Tarpana]
Table 3: Gradation index for overall response
Response Result % (Criteria of response)
<25% relief in signs, symptoms and clinical tests
Mild relief 25%‑50% relief in the signs, symptoms and clinical tests
Moderate relief 50%‑75% relief in the signs, symptoms and clinical tests
Marked relief >75% but <100% relief in the signs symptoms and
clinical tests
Complete relief 100% relief in the signs, symptoms and clinical tests
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Timmapur and Fiaz: Role of Triphala Ghrita and Goghrita Manda Tarpana in dry eye syndrome
AYU ¦ Volume 41 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2020
Table 4: Effect of Triphala Ghrita Tarpana
Symptoms Mean score % of reduction
in mean score
S.D of
mean (±)
S.E of
mean (±)
t P
Gharsha 2.06 0.53 74.19 0.516 0.13 11.49 <0.001
Avila Darshana 1.93 0.66 65.51 0.593 0.153 8.26 <0.001
Upadeha 1.66 0.33 80 0.617 0.159 8.36 <0.001
Daha 2.13 0.6 71.8 0.51 0.13 11.49 <0.001
Kunita 1.8 0.4 77.77 0.50 0.13 10.68 <0.001
Toda/Pakavat Shoola 2.26 0.93 58.82 0.67 0.17 7.63 <0.001
Raktaraji 0.8 0.13 83.33 0.73 0.19 3.50 <0.001
Schirmer’s Test of Right Eye 20.6 70 0.77 0.20 6.99 <0.001
Schirmer’s Test of Left Eye 2.26 0.73 67.64 0.83 0.21 7.12 <0.001
Tear Break up Time of Right Eye 20.6 70 0.81 0.21 6.63 <0.001
Tear Break up Time of Left Eye 1.93 0.6 68.96 0.79 0.20 6.46 <0.001
BT: Before treatment, AT: After treatment, SD: Standard deviation, SE: Standard error
Table 6: Symptom wise effect in follow‑up in the patients
Symptom wise effect in 15 days follow‑up (n=30) Group TGT % of patients Group GMT % of patients
Sustained Relapsed Sustained Relapsed
Gharsha (gritty feeling) 80 20 73.3 26.6
Avila Darshana (blurring of vision) 93.33 6.66 100 0
Upadeha (excessive stringy mucs/lmy feeling in the eyes) 93.33 6.66 100 0
Daha (burning sensation in the eyes) 60 40 86.66 13.33
Kunitna (photophobia) 93.33 6.66 73.3 26.6
Toda (pricking pain in the eyes) 86.66 13.33 93.33 6.66
Raktaraji (congestion in the eyes) 93.33 6.66 93.33 6.66
Schirmer’s test RE 80 20 86.66 13.33
Schirmer’s test LE 73.33 26.66 100 0
Tear break‑up time ‑ RE 66.66 33.33 86.66 13.33
Tear break‑up time ‑ LE 86.66 13.33 86.66 13.33
TGT: Triphala Ghrita Tarpana, GMT: Goghrita Manda Tarpana, RE: Right Eye, LE: Left Eye
Table 5: Effect of Goghrita Manda Tarpana
Symptoms Mean score % of reduction
in mean score
S.D of
mean (±)
S.E of
mean (±)
t P
Gharsha 2.06 0.6 67.74 0.50 0.13 10.68 <0.001
Avila Darshana 1.73 0.46 73.07 0.45 0.11 10.71 <0.001
Upadeha 1.46 0.46 68.18 0.53 0.13 7.24 <0.001
Daha 2.13 1 53.12 0.35 0.09 12.47 <0.001
Kunita 1.86 0.6 67.85 0.59 0.15 8.26 <0.001
Toda/Pakavat Shoola 2.33 0.93 60 0.63 0.16 8.57 <0.001
Raktaraji 1.06 0 100 0.45 0.11 9.02 <0.01
Schirmer’s Test of Right Eye 2.4 0.73 69.44 0.74 0.19 8.68 <0.001
Schirmer’s Test of Left Eye 2.13 0.6 71.87 0.63 0.16 9.27 <0.001
Tear Break up Time of Right Eye 2.46 0.73 70.27 0.61 0.15 10.87 <0.001
Tear Break up Time of Left Eye 2.2 0.66 69.69 0.63 0.16 9.38 <0.001
BT: Before treatment, AT: After treatment, SD: Standard deviation, SE: Standard error
Tarpana forms an occlusive lm over the surface of the eyeball
and improves the composition of tear lm by enhancing the
mucin and aqueous layers. It prevents frictional damage
to the ocular surfaces secondary to lid movement or extra
ocular movements. It helps by retaining uid and maintaining
hydration of the ocular surface. It is eective in reducing
evaporation rate and blinking rate in patients with dry eye
syndrome.[8] It prevents desiccation from corneal tear lm and
reduces burning sensation in patients with dry eye syndrome.
It also reduces reex tearing and the need for articial tears
and warm compressors. It is well tolerated by the patients
and provides a totally new therapeutic approach providing
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Timmapur and Fiaz: Role of Triphala Ghrita and Goghrita Manda Tarpana in dry eye syndrome
AYU ¦ Volume 41 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2020 57
steady levels of medication to the ocular surface which oers
additional benets in the management of dry eye syndrome.
Triphala Ghrita as being the best immune-modulator, it
confers anti‑inammatory activity and in dry eye syndrome
thereby prevents T‑cells from releasing cytokines (primarily
interleukin‑6) that incite the inammatory component of dry
eye. As Triphala Ghrita is best for its antibiotic activity, it
reduces the inammation and improves lipid production in
dry eye syndrome.[9]
Goghrita Manda is a Sneha Dravya (oily material) belonging
to Jangama Varga (animal origin). It is considered best in all
Sneha Dravyas. Ayurveda recommends Goghrita as best and
if not specied, the epithet Ghrita always applies to Goghrita.
Goghrita is lipophilic in nature which facilitates absorption
through corneal epithelium.
Moreover, compared to the articial tear products, as Triphala
Ghrita or Goghrita is rich in lipid content which reects
mucoadhesive properties, the degree of contact time with the
ocular surface is greater. Hence, the eect of Tarpana is better
as it has got contact time of more than 15 min. Tarpana also
stimulates the lacrimal glands to produce tears. Mucin layer
which is present in tear lm allows the Ghrita to spread over
the ocular surface. This approach provides long lasting relief
to the patients with moderate-to-severe dry eye symptoms.
The explanation of clinical features of Shushkakshipaka in
all classical texts collectively gives complete picture that
resembles with dry eye syndrome. The eect of Triphala
Ghrita Tarpana is better in the subsequent follow-up than
immediately after effect of the treatment with minimal
recurrence, in the cases of dry eye syndrome. The eect of
Goghrita Manda Tarpana is better in immediately after eect
of the treatment but found to have a greater rate of recurrence.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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... Moreover, in Tarpana, direct retention on the cornea corrects the corneal curvature, leading to significant changes in vision improvement. [15] Nasya eliminates vitiated Doshas lodged in the head, purifying the minute Srotasas of the eyes and improving the nutrition of ocular tissues. It also nourishes the optic nerve, potentially via drug entry through the cavernous sinus. ...
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BACKGROUND Though myopia is an ophthalmic refractive error disease that is commonly managed with refractive glasses and advanced surgeries, it still remains a refractive condition of great concern. Patients often resort to alternate methods to rectify or manage myopia and prevention of its progression. Ayurveda refers to myopia as Timira (errors of refraction), characterized by disturbances in vision; hence, it is considered to be a part of Drishtigata Rogas (eyesight disorders). According to the Ayurvedic perspective, myopia is primarily a result of vitiated Doshas , particularly the imbalance of the Vata Dosha , which impairs the eye muscles and lens, resulting in the inability to focus on distant objects. MATERIALS AND METHODS This review adhered to the 2020 PRISMA guidelines and involved a comprehensive search of PubMed, Scopus, and UGC-CARE-listed Ayurveda journals from January 2000 to September 2023. The focus was on randomized controlled trials examining Ayurvedic interventions, including topical and oral therapies, for managing myopia or Timira . The search aimed to identify all relevant studies published within the specified timeframe. The Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2) was utilized to evaluate the risk of bias. RESULTS A total of six publications in credible journals were found and analyzed, which revealed that practices such as Netra Tarpana (retaining of medicated ghee over the eye), Nasya (medication through the nasal route), Anjana (collyrium), use of Triphala , Ayurvedic formulations, yoga, and specific eye exercises can enhance the strength of ocular muscles, promote better nourishment of ocular tissues, and foster overall eye health. CONCLUSION By implementing prophylactic measures, followed by therapeutic and systemic therapies, myopia can be controlled with a multidimensional approach, but due to limited sources of evidence, the certainty can only be proven after extensive clinical trials.
... Additionally, they exhibit Vatshamaka, Snehana, and Chakshushya (ability to improve eyesight) properties, which help in pacifying vitiated Vata dosha and relieving eye dryness, both of which contribute to the development of Shushkakshipaka [17] . Some of the commonly utilized Tarpana drugs include Godugdha, Jivantyadi ghrita, Shatviryadii ghrita, Triphala ghrita, Goghrita manda, and Shatavari ghrita [18] . ...
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Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a chronic ocular condition characterized by reduced tear production or increased tear evaporation, leading to discomfort, visual disturbances, and potential damage to the ocular surface. Conventional treatments like artificial tears provide temporary relief without addressing the underlying causes. This article explores the potential of Ayurvedic interventions in managing DES by drawing parallels with "Shushkashipaka," an Ayurvedic ocular surface disease with similar manifestations. Ayurveda offers various Kriyakalpa procedures such as Tarpana, Putpaka, Parisheka, Ashchyotana, Nasya, and Anjana, which can help address the multifactorial nature of DES. These personalized and comprehensive approaches provide alternative and complementary therapeutic options for managing DES. Further research and clinical studies are needed to validate the efficacy and safety of Ayurvedic interventions in managing DES. However, the principles and therapeutic procedures described in Ayurvedic texts hold promise in addressing this prevalent eye condition.
... Jeevantyadi ghrita applied through Akshitarpana demonstrated promising outcomes in reducing myopia symptoms [126]. Additionally, a study comparing Triphala Ghrita and Goghrita Manda Tarpana in managing dry eye syndrome showed moderate to marked relief in patients [127]. Overall, these studies suggest that ghee may have potential benefits in promoting eye health as well as facilitating drug delivery to the deeper tissues of the eye. ...
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The scientific view on dairy fats is undergoing a change. While at one time they were associated with negative health effects, recent scientific research has provided new insights into the functional benefits of dairy fats and their fatty acids. This changing scientific view on dairy fats is also resulting in a scientific interest in Ghee, the clarified butter obtained from milk. Ghee, besides being a traditional milk product of cultural importance in India and finding extensive use in its cuisines, is also one of the most important ingredients of the materia medica of Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine that originated in India. While modern scientific literature has limited studies on functional benefits of ghee, Ayurveda literature extensively catalogues the therapeutic potential of ghee and details different types of ghee based on source of milk, manufacturing method, maturation and physical phase. This work reviewed the Ayurveda literature on health benefits of ghee and examined the complementarity and gaps between Ayurveda literature and modern scientific literature to identify research questions and hypotheses for further exploring the therapeutic potential of ghee. The Ayurveda literature review involved curation of references to ghee in eleven important Ayurvedic texts spanning over 3000 years. 4000 references to milk and milk products were curated from these texts, of which 2913 mentions were in the context of therapeutic benefits of milk products. Of these, ghee had 774 mentions, the highest amongst milk-based products. These mentions were grouped into 15 benefit clusters. A review of ghee in modern literature published between 1990 and 2023 was also conducted. A comparison of this with the Ayurveda literature showed that there were major differences in the focus areas of health between the two. While recent research primarily focused on ghee's connection with cardiovascular health, wound healing and skin health, Ayurveda prioritized cognitive benefits, gastrointestinal health, and nourishing. These later areas are of growing importance to human health as global population ages, and chronic and brain related diseases start dominating public health concerns. As scientists search for solutions to these, ghee, its usage and formulations in Ayurveda and the detailed associations between ghee's animal source, processing, maturation, phases and health benefits, may have scientific insights to offer that can guide future research.
... Triphala ghrita possesses anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities. [17] Triphala churna along with Madhu (~honey) and Ghrita is considered to be the best rejuvenation for eye disorders. [18] Based on these properties, Triphala ghrita was prescribed as Anupana (~co-administer with medicines) in this case study. ...
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Vitreous floater is a commonly found eye condition in patients who complain of visualizing non-existing figures such as hair lines, black spots, and webs. Vitreous floaters are a sign of degeneration of vitreous gel, which if left untreated may cause severe irritation in the visual field of the patient. In modern science, floaters are treated with oral administration of antioxidants and pars plana vitrectomy surgeries. Conventional treatment options are not affordable to all patients and they may cause postoperative complications. These complications include moderate-to-severe pathophysiologies such as posterior vitreous detachment, traction retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, macular edema, and full-thickness macular holes. A 56-year-old female patient who suffered from vitreous floaters was presented to Shalakya tantra outpatient department whose condition was managed by Ayurveda treatment approaches. The Triphala-yashti yoga was selected as a plan of treatment. The principle of treatment used in this study involves Ayurvedic medicines having an activity such as Chakshushya (~beneficial for eyes) to mitigate intravitreal oxidative stress, which has been linked to vitreous degeneration and associated symptoms. Changes in the symptoms were noted and the Short Floater Questionnaire score was reduced to 3.75/13 from 07/13 after three months of treatment. The utilization of a classical literature-based approach, combined with a methodology of identifying commonly mentioned botanicals within diverse mixtures, demonstrated favorable outcomes in the current study.
... Mucin layer which is present in tear film allows the Ghrita to spread over the ocular surface. (17,18) Amalaki Ghrita is Rasayana formulation which can strengthen the eyes along with relief from dry eye syndrome. Moreover, Ghrita Kalpana has a shelf life of one year without any preservative.19 ...
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Background: Increased computer work hours, reduced blinking and effect of light rays and radiation lead to raised number of cases of dry eye. Amalaki Ghrita Aashchyotana can be useful in the management of dry eye. Objectives: to compare the clinical efficacy of Amalaki Ghrita Aashchyotana with Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) eye ointment as a surface lubricant in dry eye syndrome with special reference to Shushkaakshipaka. Methods: In an open labeled, comparative, randomized, prospective clinical study, 60 patients of Dry eye syndrome were randomly selected randomly and categorized into 2 groups, each comprising 30 patients each. Patients in trial group were given Amalaki Ghrita Aashchyotana while patients in the control group were given local application of HPMC eye ointment for consecutive 90 days. Patients were assessed on various clinical parameters before and after the treatment. The data generated through clinical study was subjected to appropriate statistical tests. Results: On treatment of Amalaki Ghrita Aashchyotana in trial group and HPMC eye ointment in control group for 90 days showed significant difference in all objectives as well as subjective parameters on intra-group comparison. The statistically insignificant inter-group comparison shows that both the treatments were equivalent. No adverse events during or after the completion of study in any of the groups. Conclusion: Amalaki Ghrita Aashchyotana is equally efficient as HPMC eye ointment in Dry eye syndrome and has more advantage over HPMC ointment, as it also can help to improve visual acuity.
... It also reduces reflex tearing and the need for artificial tears and warm compressors. [12] By these procedures, clinical manifestations of lagophthalmos were reduced significantly. Then, vatahara line of treatment was adopted with mukha abhyanga with Murchita Tila Taila and eye exercises during the course of the follow-up period. ...
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Lagophthalmos is a condition characterized by incomplete or abnormal closure of eyelids along with the evaporation of tear film. If left untreated, it progresses to corneal ulceration, perforation, and visual loss. Conservative nonsurgical treatment includes the use of artificial tears, ointments, and therapeutic contact lenses. However, if nonsurgical approaches are not effective, surgical procedures such as tarsorrhaphy and gold/platinum implantation are used which are expensive with risks of poor cosmetic appearance. The current case was diagnosed as lagophthalmos which can be clinically correlated to Vatahata vartma described in Ayurveda. Amapachana followed by Panchakarma and Kriyakarmas along with Vata shamana chikitsa were adopted which are cost-effective, less invasive, and cosmetic friendly when compared with conventional science. This article highlights the successful reduction in core symptoms of lagophthalmos with the Ayurveda line of treatment.
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Triphala is used in the traditional Indian system of medicine. The fruit of three together is called Triphala and vara, phalatrikam, sresthatamam are its synonyms. It is an antioxidant-rich herbal formulation and possesses diverse beneficial properties. It is a widely prescribed Ayurvedic drug and is used in the ailments of all dosas, stimulates digestive capacity, rasayana and vrisya etc. It is a polyherbal compound. It is necessary to corroborate the consistency of mixing or combining in attribute balance. As per Ayurvedic Formulary of India (AFI) it is prepared by combining a 1:1:1 mixing of ground dry fruits, called as myrobalans. It shows immunomodulatory properties and helps in improving the body's defense system. In recent years there are several studies which suggest that Triphala possesses anti-mutagenic, radio protecting and antioxidant activity and beneficial in diseases conditions.
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Triphala is one of the most important and potent Rasayana drug used in Indian System of Medicine. Triphala is a tridoshic rasyana having a balancing and rejuvenating effect on the three constitutional elements that constitute the human life. Triphala is rich in antioxidants, possess antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-cancer property. Triphala is also known to cure cataract and effective in treatment of Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Triphala is rich in many polyphenols, Vitamin C, and flavonoids. This review paper focuses on the phytochemical and therapeutic effect of triphala.
One hundred consecutive cases of dry eye were studied to comment upon its epidemiological aspects. The incidence of dry eye amongst ophthalmic outpatients was 0.46% with a male:female ratio of 1:1.22. Fifty seven percent of the patients were above 50 years of age. The incidence was higher amongst outdoor workers and people from rural areas with poor socioeconomic status. The influence of hot and dry climate and nutritional status on dry eye incidence is discussed.
Phytochemical and pharmacological actions of Triphala; Ayurvedic formulation – A review
  • DV Gowda
  • G Muruli
  • PR Rangesh
  • RD Deshapande
Gowda DV, Muruli G, Rangesh PR, Deshapande RD. Phytochemical and pharmacological actions of Triphala; Ayurvedic formulation -A review. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res 2012;15:16-5.