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通用大学英语2 词汇测试(12


Directions For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each sentence.
说明:对于以下每个句子,有四个选项,分别标记为 A、B、C 和 D。

1) Many parents find it hard to_______ their children when they are teenagers.

A. get ahead成功 B. relate to C. tune out忽略 D. carry out实施
A. get ahead成功 B. related to C. tune out忽略 D. carry out实施

KeyB relate to 理解

2) The accent here is______ from that of the next province.

A. instinct本能 B. distinct C. distinctive D. distinguished
A.本能 B.与众不同 C.与众不同 D.与众不同

Key B distinct distinct from sth)有区别的,截然不同的 distinctive 独特的,特别的

3) David’s classmates thought he was rude because he _______ when they tried to comfort him, but he was just being shy.

A. pulled away B. settled in C. passed through D. followed through
A.拉开 B.安顿下来 C.经过 D.跟着走过

KeyA pull away 远离,疏远

4) We heard the shocking news that the famous basketball player was_______ for using performance-enhancing drugs.

A. conquered B. frustrated C. overwhelmed D. disqualified
A.被征服 B.沮丧 C.不知所措 D.被取消资格

Key D disqualify取消某人的资格

5) As we all know, the road to success is______ smooth.

A. anything but B. nothing but C. anything like D. nothing like
A.除了什么都没 B.什么都没有 C.什么都像 D.什么都不像

KeyA anything but 绝不,根本 nothing but 只有,仅仅

6) We aren’t exactly what we eat, but not eating enough, suggested by researchers, might make _________ bad behavior.

A. up B. for C. from D. with
A. 向上 B. 为 C. 从 D. 用

KeyB make for 导致,促成

7) Companies like Huawei and Xiaomi rise to _______ by technological breakthrough and commercialization.

A. proficiency B. prominence C. productivity D. prohibition
A. 熟练程度 B. 突出性 C. 生产力 D. 禁止

KeyB prominence 出名
键:B prominence 出名

8)______ you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.

A. Where B. Whenever C. While D. Whether
A. 哪里 B. 每当 C. 什么时候 D.是否

Key B whenever 无论何时;每当,每次

9) In the condition of chaos, it is essential that communication __________ place.

A.  will take B. take C. must take D. took
一个。 会拿 B. 拿 C. 必须拿 D. 拿

KeyB essential 引导的that从句用虚拟语气,should加动词原形should 可以省略

10) The biography reveals an_______ network of relationships among the royal family.

A. integral B. intellectual C. intricate D. intelligent
A.整体 B.智力 C.复杂 D.智能

Key C intricate 错综复杂的 integral 必需的,完整的


Directions For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each sentence.
说明:对于以下每个句子,有四个选项,分别标记为 A、B、C 和 D。

1. His _____ to the violin began in his childhood, and has lasted for 20 years.
1. 他对小提琴的_____始于童年,至今已持续了20年。

A. dilemma B. temptation C. supervision D. devotion
A.困境 B.诱惑 C.监督 D.奉献

KeyD devotion 深爱,挚爱

2. The transformation that cloud computing is bringing to the world is nothing_____ astounding令人震惊的.
2. 云计算给世界带来的变革nothing_____令人震惊。

A.  more than B. less than C. short of D. else than
一个。 大于 B. 小于 C. 短于 D. 其他

KeyC nothing short of 可以说是;无异于

3. With about 1,000 people still missing and thousands more displaced离开家园, rescue workers are_____ to help.
3. 仍有约1000人失踪,数千人流离失所,救援人员are_____提供帮助。

A. drawing on B. stepping up C. trying out D. opening up
A.借鉴 B.加强 C.尝试 D.开放

KeyB step up 增加(数量等)

4. I enjoyed the book because I could _____ all of the main characters.
4. 我喜欢这本书,因为我可以_____所有的主要人物。

A.  keep up with B. connect with C. tie with D. identify with
一个。 跟上 B. 与 C 联系 与 D. 认同

KeyD identify with 某人产生共鸣

5. Diverse _____ the dishes of fish are, they all imply an optimistic view of good fortune.
5. 鱼的菜肴_____多种多样,都暗示着对好运的乐观看法。

A. since B. as C. though D. if
A.自 B. 为 C. 虽 D. 若

Key B as引导的让步状语从句,表示强调,形容词在句子开头,用倒装句;though引导的从句倒装

6. When facing differences, some choose ____ , while some choose to find peace in our diverse nature.

A. confrontation B. conviction C. contemplation D. connection
A.对峙 B.信念 C.沉思 D.联系

KeyA confrontation 对抗;对峙;冲突

7. By will, I mean the desire and motivation to ____ .

A. open up B. rid of C. put out D. follow through
A.打开 B.摆脱 C.放下 D.贯彻

Key: D follow through 保持,坚持
Key: D follow through 保持,坚持

8. Data gathered for this article was accurate at time of publishing but is ____ to change.
8. 为本文收集的数据在发布时是准确的,但可以更改。

A.  bound B. entitled C. subject D.  obliged
一个。 装订 B. 标题 C. 主题 D. 义务

KeyC subject to 使经受;使遭受

9. You need someone with the right ___ to help you run your business.
9. 你需要一个有合适的人来帮助你经营你的业务。

A. expertise B. specialty C. specification D. exclusion
A.专业知识 B.专业 C.规格 D.排除

Key A expertise 专门知识;专长 specialty 专业 specification 规格,规范,说明书

10. A _____ amount of research has been done on our psychological development.
10. 关于我们的心理发展的研究_____多。

A. considerate B. considerable C. constructive D. consistent
A.体贴 B.相当 C.建设性 D.始终如一

KeyB considerable相当多的
键:B 相当相当多的