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Congenital angiolipoma of the chest wall in a child: A case report and review of literature

Parichehr Tootoonchi 帕里切赫爾·圖通奇Pediatrics Ward, Amir Al Momenin Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Islamic Azad University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 科學,德黑蘭,伊朗。

Accepted 1 March, 2021
### 繁體中文翻譯: 2021 年 3 月 1 日接受

Abstract 摘要 **摘要**

Angiolipoma is the most common soft tissue tumor in human trunk and extremities, mostly affecting young male patients; however, in children, it occurs rarely and the most involved area has not been determined.

A 9 year old girl was admitted to the pediatrics ward because of a newly arousal of pain associated with suddenly rapid increasing of the size of an old mass on the right side of her chest wall for almost one month without any history of trauma to the area; she had the lesion since her birthday.
9 歲女童因右側胸壁舊有腫塊突然快速增大並伴隨疼痛,已近一個月。無外傷史,腫塊自出生即存在,故入院小兒科診療。

Otherwise, her physical examination and laboratory tests were unremarkable. Findings of different types of imaging of the mass were in favor of a benign chest wall lesion.

A surgical excision was performed and histopathologic report of the lesion was consistent with typical features of a non-infiltrating angiolipoma. The patient recovered uneventfully with complete resolution of lesion.

No recurrence of the tumor was observed in the patient in the following 30 months. This report seems to be the first documented case of congenital non-infiltrating angiolipoma of the chest wall in a child.
在接下來的 30 個月內,患者的腫瘤沒有復發。本報告似為胸壁先天性非浸潤性血管脂肪瘤的兒童首例文獻報導。

Review of literature has shown that in children, angiolipoma is mostly a single, benign lesion commonly appears in the face or the spinal region, with complete recovery after a simple surgical excision and no recurrence.
## 文學評論顯示,在兒童中,脂肪瘤大多數是單一的、良性病灶,通常出現在臉部或脊椎區域,在簡單的手術切除後可以完全恢復,並且沒有復發。

Keywords: Angiolipoma, non-infiltrating, child, chest wall, review.
Email: parichehr.tootoonchi@gmail.com.

INTRODUCTION ## 繁體中文翻譯: **引言**

Angiolipoma is a rare type of soft tissue tumors presents as a vascular variant of lipoma and represents approximately 5 to of all lipomas in humans (Jo and Fletcher, 2013; Choong, 2004; Bang et al., 2012).
血管脂肪瘤是一種罕見的軟組織腫瘤,表現為脂肪瘤的血管變異,約佔人類所有脂肪瘤的 5% 到 (Jo 和 Fletcher,2013 年;Choong,2004 年;Bang 等人,2012 年)。

It is composed of mature adipocytes with prominent vascular supply including small vessels and capillaries which characteristically contain fibrin thrombi (Kransdorf et al., 1991; Gupta et al., 2016).
它由成熟的脂肪細胞組成,其中有發育良好的血管供應,包括小血管和毛細血管,它們的特徵是含有纖維蛋白血栓(Kransdorf 等人,1991 年;Gupta 等人,2016 年)。

Angiolipomas are slowly growing benign subcutaneous lesions, most commonly affecting young male patients in the second and third decades of life (Bang et al., 2012).
血管脂肪瘤是一種生長緩慢的良性皮下病灶,最常影響第二、三個十年齡段的年輕男性患者(Bang 等人,2012)。

It is the most frequent tumor in the trunk and the extremities of young people (Lee et al., 2011); however, its pathogenesis remains unclear. Generally, these masses can appear in the skin or deeply seated within underneath soft tissues (Murphey et al., 2004).
來源文字: 它是在年輕人軀幹和四肢最常出現的腫瘤(李等人,2011 年);然而,其發病機制仍不清楚。一般來說,這些腫塊可能出現在皮膚或深部軟組織下方(Murphey 等人,2004 年)。 翻譯文本:它是在年輕人軀幹和四肢最常出現的腫瘤(李等人,2011 年);然而,其發病機制仍不清楚。一般來說,這些腫塊可能出現在皮膚或深部軟組織下方(Murphey 等人,2004 年)。

In spite of primary clinical diagnosis of the mostly superficial mass lesions, the diagnosis of deep seated soft tissue tumors often requires performing imaging methods in the patient.

Ultra-sonography is the choice method for diagnosing small and superficial lesions (Choong, 2004; Bang et al., 2012; Sheybani et al., 2016; Shin et al., 2016), whereas, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the best modality for diagnosing of the larger and deeper masses (Jo and Fletcher, 2013; Murphey et al., 2004; Sheybani et al., 2016; Navarro, 2009; Navarro et al., 2009).
超音波是診斷小型表淺病灶的首選方法(Choong,2004;Bang 等人,2012;Sheybani 等人,2016;Shin 等人,2016),而磁振造影(MRI)是診斷較大和較深腫塊的最佳模式(Jo 和 Fletcher,2013;Murphey 等人,2004;Sheybani 等人,2016;Navarro,2009;Navarro 等人,2009)。

Besides, it is the most sensitive imaging procedure for excluding the invasion of the surrounding structures by the mass (Matsuoka et al., 1988).
此外,它是排除腫塊侵犯周圍結構最敏感的影像檢查程序(Matsuoka 等人,1988)。

Ultimately, in most of cases, a definite diagnosis is made by histopathologic section of the lesion (Sheybani et al., 2016; Navarro, 2009).
最終,在大多数情况下,通过病灶的组织病理切片可以做出明确的诊断(Sheybani 等,2016;Navarro,2009)。

Despite, there is a broad spectrum of benign soft tissue tumors presented in children, including vascular and/or adipocytic lesions, just a few reports of angiolipoma in children mentioned in the literature; nevertheless, congenital variants have rarely reported in the articles.
來源文本:儘管兒童軟組織腫瘤中存在廣泛的良性腫瘤,包括血管和/或脂肪細胞病灶,但文獻中僅提到兒童血管脂肪瘤的報告很少;然而,文章中很少報導先天性變異。 翻譯文本: 儘管兒童軟組織腫瘤中存在廣泛的良性腫瘤,包括血管和/或脂肪細胞病灶,但文獻中僅提到兒童血管脂肪瘤的報告很少;然而,文章中很少報導先天性變異。

Angiolipoma may present as painless soft tissue masses or according to its size and location may compress

nearby structures. This tumor has been barely reported in the chest wall, and as we searched the literature, it sounds that it has not been reported as a congenital lesion in a child's chest wall.

The author presents the case and reviews childhood angiolipomas reported in the literature.


A 9 year old girl presented to our clinic with a mass on the right side of her chest wall. She complained of newly arousal of pain in the lesion with suddenly rapid increasing of its size since almost one month earlier. The pain was not permanent and had no referral to anywhere.
一名 9 歲的女孩因胸壁右側腫塊而到我院就診。大約一個月前,她開始出現病灶疼痛,腫塊突然迅速增大。疼痛不持續,沒有轉移到任何地方。

Her parents mentioned that the mass has existed since her birthday as a greenish almost centimeter size lump with gradually slow growth over time, but with no previous history of any pain or tenderness. Every history of recent trauma to the mass or surrounding area was denied. Other personal or family history of the case was unremarkable.
她的父母提到,自她出生以來,腫塊一直存在,呈現綠色,大小約 ,隨著時間推移逐漸緩慢生長,但之前沒有任何疼痛或壓痛的病史。腫塊或周圍區域最近外傷史皆為陰性。病歷中其他個人或家族病史並無特別之處。

On physical examination, there was a relatively firm well-circumscribed 5 *7 centimeter smooth protuberance with tenderness associated with greenish color changes on some parts of overlying skin, located at the right anterior part of the chest wall at the mid-axillary line direction (Figure 1A and B).
體格檢查顯示,胸壁右前側中腋線方向,有一個相對堅硬且界線分明的 5*7 公分的圓滑突起,伴隨壓痛,覆蓋皮膚上部分區域出現綠色色變(圖 1A 和 1B)。
No adhesion to the surrounding or underneath tissues as well as overlying skin was found. There was no evidence of bruising or bleeding near the mass or in other parts of the body. No evidence of hepatosplenomegaly or lymphadenopathy was detected on the physical examination.
沒有發現與周圍或下方的組織以及覆蓋的皮膚有任何粘連。 沒有發現腫塊附近或身體其他部位有任何瘀傷或出血的證據。 身體檢查沒有發現肝脾腫大或淋巴結病的證據。

Other aspects of physical examination were normal. All the laboratory tests including Protrombin Time (PT) and Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) as well as International Normalizing Ratio (INR) were within normal ranges.
**其他身體檢查方面均屬正常。所有實驗室檢查,包括凝血酶原時間 (PT) 和部分凝血活酶時間 (PTT) 以及國際標準化比值 (INR),均在正常範圍內。**

The report of superficial ultra-sonography of soft tissue has revealed a hyper echoic heterogenous mass with millimeter in dimension included cystic and tubular areas in favor of dilated vessels. Moreover, no invasion of the mass to pectorals muscles or underneath ribs was seen. Furthermore, no pathologic lymph node in axillary or supra clavicular region was detected.

Color Doppler surveys showed no vascular markings. These findings recommended a benign chest wall lesion including vascular mass with low flow veno lymphatic malformation.

A spiral computed tomography scan (CTscan) of lungs and mediastinum with and without contrast in bone window has ordered and has shown an image of soft tissue mass in the right lateral side of the chest wall which was over pectorals and serratus anterior muscles with almost millimeter in dimension. There was no invasion to deep internal organs as well as no obviously enhancement in post contrast images. These features were in support of the ultra-Sonographic findings and brought up a benign chest wall lesion.
# 螺旋電腦斷層掃描 (CT 掃描) 檢查報告 ## 肺部及縱隔:有對比及無對比骨窗掃描 檢查日期: 病人姓名: 檢查號碼: **檢查結果:** 右胸壁側方發現一軟組織腫塊影,位於胸大肌及前鋸肌上方,外觀近似 毫米,經對比劑注射後並無明顯強化。腫塊影像並未侵犯深部器官。此特徵與超音波檢查結果一致,顯示為一良性胸壁病灶。 ## 注意事項: - 本報告僅供參考,詳細診斷結果需由臨床醫師綜合評估。 - 若有進一步問題,請洽詢您的醫師。 **報告醫師:** ## 技術人員: ## 附註: - 需確認實際數值。

A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with and without contrast was performed. In T1-weighted sections without contrast, low
(繁體中文) 使用對比劑和不使用對比劑進行磁振造影 (MRI)。在沒有對比劑的 T1 加權切片中,低
Figure 1A. The mass lesion from anterior view.
圖 1A. 前视图的肿块。
signal tubular structures were observed in subcutaneous fatty tissues with significant enhancement in contrast images (Figure 2A and B).
皮下脂肪組織中觀察到信號管狀結構,在對比影像中顯著增強。 (圖 2A 和 2B)
T2-weighted sections without contrast revealed fluid signals inside the high signal tubular structures with no significant enhancement in contrast images (Figure 2C and D).
T2 加權無對比切片顯示高信號管狀結構內部有液體信號,在對比影像中沒有明顯的強化(圖 2C 和圖 2D)。
These findings supported the diagnosis of dilated vessels too. Therefore, a decision was made in order to remove the mass by surgical excision.

During the operation, it was revealed that the mass was placed under the subdermal fatty tissue, over pectoralis major muscle with some involvement of the muscle fascia, but no invasion to underneath muscles, nerves or vessels.

It grossly appeared without a capsule or any vascularity. The mass was resected on bloc and has sent for biopsy. In histopathology report of the lesion, the specimen was well-circumscribed and unencapsulated, contained subcutaneous fatty tissue with centimeter in dimension. Its external surface was unremarkable.
Figure 1B. The mass lesion in left lateral decubitus view.
圖 1B. 左側臥位之腫塊。
Figure 2A. MRI of the chest. T1- weighted, without contrast and without fat suppression.
圖 2A。胸部 MRI。T1 加權,無對比無脂肪抑制。
Figure 2B. MRI of the chest. T1- weighted, with contrast and without fat suppression.
圖 2B。胸部 MRI。T1 加權,使用對比劑且未進行脂肪抑制。
Figure 2C. MRI of the chest. T2-weighted, without contrast and without fat suppression.
圖 2C。 胸部核磁共振。T2 加權,無對比劑,無脂肪抑制。
Figure 2D. MRI of the chest.T2-weighted, with contrast and with fat suppression.
圖 2D。胸部核磁共振成像。T2 加權,對比增強,脂肪抑制。
The consistency of the mass lesion was rubbery and areas of cystic formation, brownish discoloration and myxoid changes were identified, which distance from nearest margin was 0.3 centimeter.
病灶質地堅韌,伴有囊性形成、褐色變色和黏液樣改變,距離最近的切緣為 0.3 厘米。

The lesion was entirely composed of mature adipocytes arranged in irregular lobes interspersed throughout vascular spaces circumscribed with thin fibrose septa and areas of abundant small sized blood vessels that were more prominent at the peripheral localization.

In addition, fibrin thrombi were noted within occasional vascular lumens (Figure and ).
此外,偶爾的血管腔內可見纖維蛋白血栓(圖 )。
These findings are consistent with typical features of a non-infiltrating angiolipoma. After operation, the surgeon prescribed an elastic bandage over the area of removed lesion in order to prevent fluid accumulation.
## 傳統中文翻譯: 這些發現與非浸潤性血管脂肪瘤的典型特徵一致。手術後,外科醫生在切除病灶的區域上覆蓋了一個彈性繃帶,以防止液體積聚。

In a follow up visit, after one month, there was some mass formation on the lesion removal site with cyst consistency which was the result of no applying of the bandage by the patient.

A MRI was ordered again and the images have revealed a cystic collection of fluid in favor of seroma. The cyst lesion was aspirated and the bandage was applied.
再次進行 MRI 掃描,影像顯示疑似血清腫的囊狀積液。囊腫病灶已被抽吸,並已包紮。

At the next follow up visit performed two weeks later, the site of operation was completely closed, flatted and cleared. The patient recovered uneventfully with complete resolution of pain. No recurrence of tumor was observed in the following 30 months.
兩週後進行的下次追蹤檢查,手術部位已完全閉合、平坦且乾淨。病人恢復良好,疼痛完全消失。術後 30 個月未觀察到腫瘤復發。
Figure 3A. Photo of biopsy section of the mass lesion. Based on the histomorphologic findings, fibrin thrombi were noted in some vessels and the sections showing adipose tumor containing proliferation of capillary vessels.
圖 3A。腫塊病灶的活检切片照片。根據組織形態學結果,部分血管中見到了纖維蛋白血栓,且切片顯示含有毛細血管增生的脂肪瘤。
Figure 3B. Photo of biopsy section of the mass lesion. Mature adipocytes arranged in irregular lobes interspersed throughout vascular spaces as well as fibrin thrombi were noted in some vessels.
圖 3B. 腫塊病灶的活檢切片照片。 成熟脂肪細胞以不規則的葉狀排列,散布於血管間隙和某些血管中的纖維蛋白血栓中。


Angiolipomas are benign acquired subcutaneous mesenchimal tumors most commonly affected young males.

This article introduces a case of congenital noninfiltrating angiolipoma of the chest wall in a 9 year old girl presented to our clinic with newly arousal of pain and tenderness in an old mass as well as rapidly enlargement of its size for almost one month with seemingly no history of trauma.
本文介绍一名 9 岁女孩,因旧肿块疼痛和触痛加重以及肿块大小在一个月内迅速增大,无明显外伤史,到我诊就诊,确诊为先天性非浸润性血管脂肪瘤。

The tumor has appeared in the chest wall since her birthday and had a slow growth over time with no history of pain or tenderness. As we searched the literature, there were reported a few cases (50 cases) of angiolipoma in childhood (Table 1).
腫瘤自她生日以來一直出現在胸壁,並且隨著時間的推移緩慢生長,沒有疼痛或壓痛的病史。當我們搜索文獻時,發現了一些關於兒童血管脂肪瘤的病例報告(50 例)(表 1)。
Generally, twenty five cases (52%) appeared in males versus twenty three cases (48%) in females. The sex of two cases not determined because of no access to the two non-English articles' full text.

Twenty six cases (53%) occurred before 11 years of age and twenty four cases (47%) occurred from 11 till 20 years of age in children.
二十六個病例(53%)發生在 11 歲之前,二十四個病例(47%)發生在 11 歲到 20 歲的兒童中。

According to the location, the frequency of lesions has occurred more than one time was as follows: 18 cases in the facial region (37.5%), 16 cases in spinal regions (33%), 4 cases in knee, 2 cases in neck, 2 cases in chest wall, 2 cases in back or lower back, 2 cases in ankle, 2 cases in orbit and 2 cases in forearm.
根據位置,病灶發生頻率超過一次如下: 18 例在面部(37.5%),16 例在脊柱區域(33%),4 例在膝蓋,2 例在頸部,2 例在胸壁,2 例在背部或下背部,2 例在足踝,2 例在眼眶和 2 例在前臂。

In each of the following location just 1 case has been reported: lower extremity, thigh, foot, back of the tongue, frontal bone, mandible, upper lip, nose, eyelid, hard palate, and parotid as well as pectoralis major muscle.
在下列每一個位置只報告了 1 例:下肢、大腿、腳、舌背、額骨、下顎骨、上唇、鼻子、眼瞼、硬顎和腮腺以及胸大肌。

In the face, cheek was the most common area for tumor presentation (5 cases, ). Therefore, it sounds that the pattern of tumor involvement in children is different from adults in whom most of the cases appeared on the trunk or
面部,面頰是最常呈現腫瘤的部位(5 例, )。因此,聽起來兒童的腫瘤侵犯模式不同於成人,成人在軀幹或
Table 1. Summary of Reported Angiolipomas in childhood in the literature.
Author 作者 Age Sex Location ## 地點 (Location) Histopathology type 組織病理學類型 Additional finding 更多發現
Caucci (1959) (1959) newborn 新生兒** Forearm 前臂
Cvetinović et al. (1988)
Cvetinović 等人 (1988)
5 month 五月 Neck 頸部
Reilly et al. (1988)
6 month 六個月 Female 女性 Parotid 腮腺 ## Noninfilltrating 不浸潤
Shahi et al. (2014)
9 month 9 個月 (9 個月) Female 女性 Is there anything else? Buccal mucosa 頰黏膜 Infiltrating 滲透
Sandvik et al. (2015)
1 year 1 年 Male 男性 Spinal 脊髓 Noninfiltrating 非浸潤性
Takahashi et al. (1998)
高橋 [他] 等人 (1998 年)
1 year 1 年 Female 女性 Tongue 舌头 # Noninfiltrating 無浸潤
Jaiswal et al. (2020)
Jaiswal 等人 (2020 年)
1.5 year 1.5 年 Female 女性 Spinal epidural 脊髓硬膜外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Maier (1962) 梅爾 (1962) 1.5 year 1.5 年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Spinal epidural 脊椎硬膜外 Infiltrating 滲透
Stimpson (1971) 史汀生(1971) 2 year 2 年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Pectoralis major muscle 胸大肌 Infiltrating 滲透
Feinfield et al. (1988)
費恩菲德等人(1988 年)
3 year 三年 Male 男性 Eyelid 眼瞼 Noninfiltrating 無浸潤
Carruth and Meyer (2015)
3 year 3 年 Male 男性 Orbit 軌道 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Gonzalcz-Crussi et al. (1996)
## 貢薩雷斯-克魯西等人(1996 年)
3 year 3 年 Male 男性 Knee 膝蓋 Infiltrating 滲透
Weitzner and Moynihan (1978)
魏茨納和莫尼漢 (1978)
4 year 4 年 Male 男性 Cheek  Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Gelabert-González et al. (2002) 重試    錯誤原因 4 year 4 年 Male 男性 Thoracic spinal 胸椎 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Turgut (2004) 圖爾古特(2004) 4 year 4 年 Male 男性 Thoracic spinal 胸椎 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Arenaz-Búa et al., (2010)
Arenaz-Búa 等人,(2010 年)
5 year 五年 Male 男性 Cheek  Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Kasper and Cowan (1931)
卡斯珀和科恩 (1931)
6 year 6 年 Male 男性 Spinal epidural 脊椎硬膜外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Chew et al. (1980)
6 year 六年 Male 男性 Knee 膝蓋 Infiltrating 滲透
Gonzalcz-Crussi et al. (1996)
## 貢薩雷斯-克魯西等人(1996 年)
6.5 year 6.5 年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Knee 膝蓋 Infiltrating 滲透
Koopmann (1988) 庫普曼 (1988) 7 year 7 年 Male 男性 Nose 鼻子 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Table 1. Continues. 繼續 ## 續表 1
Aljerian et al. (2019)
7 year 7 年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Orbit 軌道 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Yeo et al. (2018)
葉等人 (2018)
7 year 7 年 Male 男性 Foot  Infiltrating 滲透
Regan et al. (1946)
雷根等人(1946 年)
8 year 8 歲 Male 男性 Lower extremity 下肢 Infiltrating 滲透 Multiple 多重
Flaggert et al. (1986)
弗拉格特等人 (1986)
8 year 8 年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Hard palate 硬腭 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Sah et al. (2012)
Sah et al. (2012) Sah 等人(2012 年)
9 year 9 歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Upper lip 上唇 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤 Congenital 先天性
Alvi et al. (1998)
10 year 10 年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Cheek  Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Aniceto et al. (1990)
Source Text: Aniceto et al. (1990) Translation Text: 安尼西托等人 (1990)
11 year 11 年 Male 男性 Cheek  Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Chew et al. (1980)
11 year 11 年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Ankle 腳踝 Infiltrating 滲透
Michilli et al. (1993)
12 year 12 年 Male 男性 Spinal extradural 椎管外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Akhaddar et al. (2000)
阿卡達等人(2000 年)
12 year 十二年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Spinal epidural 脊椎硬膜外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Ali and El-Zuebi (1996)
13 year 13 年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Cheek  Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Shetty and Prabhu (2009)
Source Text: Shetty and Prabhu (2009) Translation: **雪蒂和普拉布 (2009)**
13 year 十三歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Face 面容 ## Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
İlyas et al. (2016)
伊利亚斯等人 (2016)
13 year 13 歲 Male 男性 Knee 膝蓋 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Matsuoka et al. (1988)
松岡等人 (1988)
14 year 十四歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Neck 頸部 Infiltrating 滲透
Raghavendra et al. (2007)
拉加文德拉等人(2007 年)
14 year 十四歲 Male 男性 Spinal 脊髓 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Fernández et al. (1994)
費爾南德斯等人 (1994 年)
14 year 十四年 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Spinal epidural 脊椎硬膜外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Kumar et al. (2013)
(2013 年),庫馬爾等
15 year 15 歲 Male 男性 Forearm & back 前臂和背部 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤 Multiple 多重
Shetty and Prabhu (2009)
Source Text: Shetty and Prabhu (2009) Translation: **雪蒂和普拉布 (2009)**
16 year 16 歲 Male 男性 Mandible 下頜骨 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤

## 赫拉韋特-岡薩雷斯和加西亞-阿路(2009) ## zh-TW: 赫拉韋特-岡薩雷斯和加西亞-阿路(2009) ## zh-TW: 赫拉韋特-岡薩雷斯和加西亞-阿路(2009) ## zh-TW: 赫拉韋特-岡薩雷斯和加西亞-阿路(2009) ## zh-TW: 赫拉韋特-岡薩雷斯和加西亞-阿路(2009) ## zh-TW: 赫拉韋特-岡薩雷斯和加西亞-阿路(2009) ## zh-TW: 赫拉韋特-岡薩雷斯和加西亞-阿路(2009) ##
Gelabert-González and García-
Allu (2009)
16 year 16 歲 Male 男性 Spinal extradural 椎管外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Lo Re and Michelacci, 1969
羅·瑞 (Lo Re) 和米歇拉克 (Michelacci),1969 年
16 year 16 年 Male 男性 Spinal epidural 脊椎硬膜外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤 Congenital 先天性
Petrella et al. (2005)
佩特里拉等人(2005 年)
16 year 16 歲 Male 男性 Spinal epidural 脊椎硬膜外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Atilgan et al. (2014)
阿提爾根等人 (2014)
16 year 16 歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Frontal bone 額骨 Infiltrating 滲透
Pearson et al. (1970)
皮爾森等人(1970 年)
17 year 17 歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Spinal extradural 椎管外 Infiltrating 滲透
Lacour et al. (2018)
拉庫爾等人(2018 年)
17 year 17 歲 Male 男性 Thoracic spinal epidural
Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Labram et al. (1999)
拉布拉姆等人 (1999)
17 year 17 歲 Male 男性 Spinal epidural 脊椎硬膜外 Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Vijay et al. (2015)
## 傳統中文翻譯: Vijay 等人 (2015) ## 說明: * 我將原文的英文作者姓名翻譯為中文,並加上 "等人" 表示複数作者。 * 我將出版年份 (2015) 加在括號内,放置於作者姓名之後。 * 我使用了最常用的學術文献引用格式,方便讀者查找原文献。
17 year 17 歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Ankle 腳踝 Infiltrating 滲透
Komatsu et al. (2013)
小松等 (2013)
18 year 18 歲 Male 男性 Chest wall 胸壁 Infiltrating 滲透
Deviri et al. (1987)
18 year 18 歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Chest wall & lower back
Noninfiltrating 不浸潤 Multiple 多重
Shetty and Prabhu (2009)
Source Text: Shetty and Prabhu (2009) Translation: **雪蒂和普拉布 (2009)**
19 year 19 歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Face 面容 ## Noninfiltrating 不浸潤
Chew et al. (1980)
19 year 19 歲 Female 女性 Is there anything else? Thigh 大腿 Infiltrating 滲透
extremities (Lee et al., 2011; Lin and Lin, 1974; Howard and Helwig, 1960). It sounds that this is the first report of a chest-wall non-infiltrating angiolipoma in a child presented since birthday.
四肢(Lee 等人,2011 年;林和林,1974 年;霍華德和赫爾維格,1960 年)。聽起來,這是自出生以來兒童胸壁非浸潤性脂肪瘤的首份報告。

According to other studies, just three cases have appeared congenitally in childhood (Caucci, 1959; Sah et al., 2012; Lo Re and Michelacci, 1969). Therefore, almost all the reported cases in the literature were acquired (47 cases, 94%).
根據其他研究,在兒童時期僅出現三例先天性病例(Caucci,1959;Sah 等,2012;Lo Re 和 Michelacci,1969)。因此,文獻中幾乎所有報告的病例都是後天獲得的(47 例,94%)。

Furthermore, despite multiple lesions are frequently appeared in adults (Lin and Lin, 1974), in children occurrence of multiple masses are rare; only 3 cases include an eight year old boy with two huge lesions in lower extremity (Regan et al., 1946), a fifteen year old boy with multiple painful skin lesions over forearm and back (Kumar et al., 2013) and an eighteen year old girl with two lesions of chest wall and lower back (Komatsu et al., 2013) had been reported.
此外,儘管成人常出現多發性病灶(Lin and Lin, 1974),但兒童發生多發性腫塊的情況則較為罕見。僅有 3 個案例包括一名小腿有兩個巨大病灶的八歲男孩(Regan et al., 1946)、一名手臂和背部有多個疼痛性皮膚病灶的十五歲男孩(Kumar et al., 2013)和一名胸壁和下背部有兩個病灶的十八歲女孩(Komatsu et al., 2013)的報導。

It is interesting that, as we could find, there were just four case reports of chest wall angiolipoma in adults mentioned in the literature; all of them were acquired; of the cases appeared in young adult patients.
The cases included a tumor in a 25 year old male (Hamano et al., 2013), a postero-lateral thoracoabdominal wall mass in a 41 year old male (Biondetti et al., 1982), a tumor in a 42 year old female (Mayooran et al., 2016) and a tumor in right chest wall in a 68 year old female (Sakamoto et al, 2019).
25 歲男性腫瘤 (Hamano 等人,2013 年)、41 歲男性胸腹壁後側腫塊 (Biondetti 等人,1982 年)、42 歲女性腫瘤 (Mayooran 等人,2016 年) 和 68 歲女性右胸壁腫瘤 (Sakamoto 等人,2019 年)。

All of the cases except one case (Sakamoto et al, 2019) had definite diagnosis of infiltrating angiolipoma and half of them were described as asymptomatic (Mayooran et al., 2016; Sakamoto et al, 2019).
除了坂本等人(2019 年)的一例外,所有病例均有浸潤性脂肪瘤的明確診斷,其中一半的病例被描述為無症狀(Mayooran 等人,2016 年;坂本等人,2019 年)。

Contrary to the type of reported cases in adults' chest wall, present case was of non-infiltrating type and has appeared as a congenital lesion.
According to the literature, in adulthood these lesions are seen more commonly in a younger age group; generally in pubescent patients and are rare before puberty.

They present as painless or tender subcutaneous nodules and have no tendency to recurrence (Arenaz-Búa et al., 2010; Howard and Helwig, 1960); however, infiltrating angiolipomas usually appear in patients over 30 years of age, and there is a recurrence rate of . Besides, infiltrating angiolipomas have not been found to undergo malignant transformation
無痛或觸痛的皮下結節,且無復發傾向(Arenaz-Búa 等人,2010 年;Howard 及 Helwig,1960 年);然而,浸潤性脂肪瘤通常出現在 30 歲以上的患者身上,復發率為 。此外,尚無發現浸潤性脂肪瘤會發生惡性轉化。
(Arenaz-Búa et al., 2010; Lin and Lin, 1974; Howard and Helwig, 1960). In the review of literature of children with angiolipoma, just 15 cases ( ) were of infiltrative type and most of the reported cases (33 cases, 59%) like our case had non-infiltrating histopathology.
(Arenaz-Búa 等人,2010 年;Lin 及 Lin,1974 年;Howard 及 Helwig,1960 年)。在血管脂肪瘤患童之文獻回顧中,僅 15 例 ( ) 屬浸潤型,且大多數報告的病例 (33 例,59%) 如我們的案例是無浸潤的組織病理學檢查結果。

It is noteworthy that similar to adults, the treatment of an angiolipoma in children is surgical excision (Arenaz-Búa et al., 2010; Lin and Lin, 1974; Howard and Helwig, 1960) which ranges from simple excision in non-infiltrating cases to wide surgical excision in infiltrating angiolipoma.
值得注意的是,與成人相似,兒童血管脂肪瘤的治療方法也是手術切除(Arenaz-Búa 等人,2010;Lin 和 Lin,1974;Howard 和 Helwig,1960),範圍從非浸潤性病例的簡單切除到浸潤性血管脂肪瘤的廣泛手術切除。

Furthermore, the studies have shown that non-infiltrating cases have no tendency to recur (Arenaz-Búa et al., 2010; Lin and Lin, 1974; Howard and Helwig, 1960).
此外,研究顯示,非浸潤性病例沒有復發的傾向 (Arenaz-Búa 等人,2010 年;Lin 和 Lin,1974 年;Howard 和 Helwig,1960 年)。

Like to reported cases in the literature, a simple surgical excision of the lesion has performed on our case; identical to other reported children, she hadn't experienced any recurrence on follow up visits.


In conclusion, angiolipomas are rarely seen in the chest wall region of the children, especially as a congenital mass. The presented case showed the typical clinical, imaging and histological findings of a non-infiltrating angiolipoma.
## 翻譯: 總之,胸壁血管脂肪瘤在兒童中很少見,尤其是先天性腫塊。 呈案例顯示非浸潤性血管脂肪瘤的典型臨床、影像學和組織學表現。

Furthermore, its behavior regards to natural history, response to surgical excision and recurrence is identical to other non-infiltrating tumors.

The more striking features in this case are its existence since the birthday as a single lesion, the uncommon location as well as the unusual way of its presentation after a long period of its asymptomatic existence with slow growth.

Furthermore, review of literature has shown that children with angiolipoma mostly presented with single acquired benign lesion which appears most commonly in the face or spinal region.

The lesions usually have non-infiltrating histopathology and recovered uneventfully with simple surgical excision without occurring of any recurrence.
Written informed consent for publication of the case report and any accompanying images, without any potential identifying information, was provided by the parents of the patient.

Conflicts of interest 利益衝突

The author declares no conflict of interest.
## 繁體中文翻譯: 作者聲明沒有任何利益衝突。


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## 傳統中文翻譯: ## 原文: Arenaz-Búa J, Luáces R, Lorenzo Franco F, García-Rozado A, Crespo Escudero JL, Fonseca Capdevila E, López-Cedrún JL, 2010。頭頸部脂肪瘤:兩例報告及文獻回顧。口腔頜面外科雜誌,39(6): 610-615。 ## 參考資料: ## 其他信息: * 文献标题翻译: 头颈部脂肪瘤:两例报告及文献回顾 * 作者: Arenaz-Búa J, Luáces R, Lorenzo Franco F, García-Rozado A, Crespo Escudero JL, Fonseca Capdevila E, López-Cedrún JL * 发表时间:2010 年 * 发表期刊:口腔颌面外科杂志,卷 39,第 6 期,610-615 页 ## 希望以上翻译能满足您的需求,如有其他问题,请随时提问。
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Citation: Tootoonchi P, 2021. Congenital angiolipoma of the chest wall in a child: A case report and review of literature. Int Res J Med Med Sci, .
## 引文:Tootoonchi P, 2021。小兒胸壁先天性血管脂肪瘤:病例報告及文獻回顧。Int Res J Med Med Sci,