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Apache Kafka  阿帕奇卡夫卡

More than 80% of all Fortune 100 companies trust, and use Kafka.
超过 80% 的财富 100 强公司信任并使用 Kafka。

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.
Apache Kafka 是一个开源分布式事件流平台,被数千家公司用于高性能数据管道、流分析、数据集成和任务关键型应用程序。

  • Manufacturing  制造业

    10 out of   10

  • Banks  银行

    7 out of   10

  • Insurance  保险

    10 out of   10

  • Telecom  电信

    8 out of   10

See Full List
10/10 Largest insurance companies
10/10 Largest manufacturing companies
10/10 Largest information technology and services companies
8/10 Largest telecommunications companies
8/10 Largest transportation companies
7/10 Largest retail companies
7/10 Largest banks and finance companies
6/10 Largest energy and utilities organizations

Above is a snapshot of the number of top-ten largest companies using Kafka, per-industry.
以上是按行业划分的十大使用 Kafka 的最大公司数量的快照。

Core Capabilities  核心能力

  • High Throughput  高通量

    Deliver messages at network limited throughput using a cluster of machines with latencies as low as 2ms.
    使用延迟低至 2 毫秒的计算机集群,以网络有限的吞吐量传递消息。

  • Scalable  可 伸缩

    Scale production clusters up to a thousand brokers, trillions of messages per day, petabytes of data, hundreds of thousands of partitions. Elastically expand and contract storage and processing.
    将生产集群扩展到多达 1000 个代理、每天数万亿条消息、PB 级数据、数十万个分区。弹性扩展和收缩存储和处理。

  • Permanent storage  永久储存

    Store streams of data safely in a distributed, durable, fault-tolerant cluster.

  • High availability  高可用性

    Stretch clusters efficiently over availability zones or connect separate clusters across geographic regions.

Ecosystem  生态系统

  • Built-in Stream Processing

    Process streams of events with joins, aggregations, filters, transformations, and more, using event-time and exactly-once processing.

  • Connect To Almost Anything

    Kafka’s out-of-the-box Connect interface integrates with hundreds of event sources and event sinks including Postgres, JMS, Elasticsearch, AWS S3, and more.
    Kafka 开箱即用的 Connect 接口集成了数百个事件源和事件接收器,包括 Postgres、JMS、Elasticsearch、AWS S3 等。

  • Client Libraries  客户端库

    Read, write, and process streams of events in a vast array of programming languages.

  • Large Ecosystem Open Source Tools

    Large ecosystem of open source tools: Leverage a vast array of community-driven tooling.

Trust & Ease Of Use

  • Mission Critical  关键任务

    Support mission-critical use cases with guaranteed ordering, zero message loss, and efficient exactly-once processing.

  • Trusted By Thousands of Orgs

    Thousands of organizations use Kafka, from internet giants to car manufacturers to stock exchanges. More than 5 million unique lifetime downloads.
    数以千计的组织都在使用卡夫卡,从互联网巨头到汽车制造商再到证券交易所。超过 500 万次独特的终生下载。

  • Vast User Community  庞大的用户社区

    Kafka is one of the five most active projects of the Apache Software Foundation, with hundreds of meetups around the world.
    Kafka 是 Apache 软件基金会最活跃的五个项目之一,在世界各地举办了数百场聚会。

  • Rich Online Resources  丰富的在线资源

    Rich documentation, online training, guided tutorials, videos, sample projects, Stack Overflow, etc.
    丰富的文档、在线培训、指导教程、视频、示例项目、Stack Overflow 等。