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霹雳州州务大臣公司与 LESTARI
SOLARIS SDN BHD(公司编号 1134023-W)之间的 采矿权协议




霹雳州务大臣公司 (MENTERI BESAR INCORPORATED) 是一家根据霹雳州务大臣 (公司) 法令 2/1951 成立的法人团体,其办事处位于霹雳州技术贸易中心 (PTTC) 第 16 楼,Bandar Meru Raya,Off Jalan Jelapang,30020 Ipoh,Perak(以下简称“MB Inc.”);




A. 鉴于,MB Inc. 已根据《矿产法》(下文定义)获得勘探许可证,可勘探本附表第二部分(a)中规定的所有土地(以下简称“地块 A”)和第二部分(b)中规定的所有土地(以下简称“地块 B”)内的矿产(地块勘探许可证) 而地块B分别称为“地块A探矿许可证”和“地块B探矿许可证”,统称为“探矿许可证”),如本合同附件一所附的平面图上分别以红色和蓝色标记(地块A和地块B以下统称为“该地块”),其面积大约总和如本合同附表第三部分(a)和第三部分(b)所述,经营者认为其中含有本合同附表第四部分所规定的资源量(以下称为“资源量”)。
B. 鉴于,运营商是一家根据马来西亚法律注册成立的公司,并拥有通过开采、采石或采矿提取资源所需的必要经验、技术专长和技能。
C. 鉴于,根据本协议规定的条件,双方同意签订本采矿权协议,以开展约定项目(定义如下)。


1 定义与解释

1.1 除本协议中已定义的术语和表述外,除非上下文另有要求,本协议中出现的词语和表述应具有以下含义:


当局 承诺费


:指本附表第五部分所述的款项,由运营商按照本附表第五部分所述的方式支付给 MB Inc.。此承诺费应在本协议期限内由 MB Inc. 持有,并根据本协议使用。承诺费的百分之二十五 (25%) 将被视为不可退还的管理费,并从承诺费中扣除(以下简称“管理费”)。运营商不得使用承诺费来抵消特许权使用费的任何部分,但本协议最后一个月的特许权使用费除外。本协议到期或终止时,且本协议中有任何相反的具体规定,MB Inc. 应在扣除管理费和运营商根据本协议应付的所有其他款项(包括但不限于任何未支付的贡品、修复和恢复所述土地的费用和/或任何产生的罚款或罚金)后,将承诺费退还给运营商。
指 2003 年矿产(霹雳)法令,包括根据该法令制定的附属法规和规则以及任何重新颁布或重新认证的法定法规或任何修改或替换该法令的法规;

指 2008 年《矿产(霹雳)条例》,包括据此制定的附属法规和规则,以及对其重新制定或重新认证的任何法规或对其进行修订或取代的任何法规;
指 2008 年矿产(霹雳)条例;



是指第 4.2 (a) 条所定义的采矿作业,其条款见本协定第 9 条;
4.2 (a) 并按照第 9 条的规定

派对 指 MB Inc. 或运营商;
指 MB 公司或运营商;

关联公司:指符合《2016 年公司法》赋予该用语含义的关联公司;
2016 年法案;
版权费 :具有第 6.1 条所赋予的含义;
霹雳州 Darul Ridzuan 为非工作日。
1.2 除上下文另有要求外:
(i) 所有提及的法规和条例均包括经修改、重新核准或重新颁布的法规和条例。本法所含或提及的词语和表述应解释为具有本法所赋予的含义;
(ii) 凡提及“人”,包括任何个人、公司、法人、商行或其他法人团体;及
(iii) 所有对附录、序言、附表、附件、附件和条款的引用均指本协议的附录、序言、附表、附件、附件和条款。本协议的附录、附表、附件和附件应被视为、阅读和解释为本协议的重要组成部分。
(iv) 本协议中的标题仅为方便参考而插入,不应被视为、阅读或解释为本协议的重要组成部分。
(v) 仅表示单数的词语应包括复数,反之亦然;表示男性的词语应包括女性和中性,反之亦然。
(vi) “本协议”或任何类似表述应指本协议以及可能不时或随时生效的任何补充书面协议。

2 先决条件

2.1 尽管本协议有任何规定,本协议须以运营商承担费用并满足以下条件为前提(以下简称“条件”):
MB Inc. 成功获得: (i)从 Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 续签 A 地块勘探许可证;以及
(ii) 更新 Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 的 B 地块勘探许可证
先决条件 1 须于 MB Inc. 从 Pejabat Tanah 及 Galian Perak 取得地块 A 探矿许可证及地块 B 探矿许可证续期时视为已满足。
在满足先决条件 1 后,MB Inc. 成功采购:
(i)霹雳州保护局为 A 地段发放引水许可证;和
(ii) 霹雳州保护局为地块 B 颁发的招工许可证
自先决条件 1 满足之日起六 (6) 个月内。
先决条件 2 须于霹雳州保护局就地块 A 和地块颁发建造许可证后视为已满足 被 MB Inc. 接收
(根据第 2.1(a)(i)和(ii)条颁发的勘探许可证以及根据第 2.1(b)(i)和(ii)条由霹雳州勘探局颁发的勘探许可证在下文中统称为“勘探批准” )。
(c)先决条件 3
在满足先决条件 2 后,运营商成功采购以下产品并承担以下费用和开支:
(一)地块可行性研究报告 ; 和
(一)地块可行性研究报告 ; 和
当 MB Inc. 根据本协议第 2A 条收到该土地的可行性研究报告时,先决条件 3 即视为满足。

在满足先决条件 3 后,MB Inc. 成功采购以下产品:
(i)Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 已批准 A 地块的采矿租约;以及
(二)Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 批准 B 地块的采矿租约
自先决条件 3 满足之日起六 (6) 个月内。
当 MB Inc. 从 Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 分别或合并收到地块 A 和地块 B 的采矿租约批准时,先决条件 4 即视为得到满足。
(e)先决条件 5
在满足先决条件 4 后,MB Inc. 成功采购以下产品:
(i) 国家森林管理局颁发相关 Warta Kerajaan 令,取消 A 地块的森林保护区资格;和
(二)国家林业局颁发相关 Warta Kerajaan 令,取消 B 地块的森林保护区
自先决条件 4 满足之日起九 (9) 个月内。
当 MB Inc. 从 Percetakan Nasional Berhad 收到地块 A 和地块 B 的相关 Warta Kerajaan 时,先决条件 5 即视为得到满足。
(f)先决条件 6
在满足先决条件 5 后,MB Inc. 成功采购以下产品:
(i)Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 授予的 A 地块采矿租约;和
(二)Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 的 B 地块采矿租约
先决条件 5 满足后六 (6) 个月内。
当 MB Inc. 从 Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 收到地块 A 和地块 B 的采矿租约(单独或合并)时,先决条件 6 即视为已满足。
(三)Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran 提供的侵蚀和沉积控制计划(ESCP)(如有必要);
(四)矿产与地质局的 SKSPM;和
(v)Pejabat Tanah 和 Galian Perak 的矿物莱森佩明达汉 (LPBM)
(以下统称为“其他批准”)在满足先决条件 6 之后十二 (12) 个月内。
运营方应以自身而非 MB Inc. 的名义申请环境影响评估 (EIA) 批准(如有必要)、环境管理计划 (EMP)(如有必要)以及侵蚀和沉积控制计划 (ESCP)(如有必要)。运营方应以 MB Inc. 的名义向 Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains 申请 Surat Kelulusan Skim Pengendalian Melombong (SKSPM)。
当运营商收到来自 Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains 的 Surat Kelulusan Skim Pengendalian Melombong (SKSPM) 以及来自 Pejabat Tanah & Galian Perak 的 Lesen Pemindahan Bahan Mineral (LPBM) 时,先决条件 7 即视为已满足。
当运营商收到来自 Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains 的 Surat Kelulusan Skim Pengendalian Melombong (SKSPM) 以及来自 Pejabat Tanah & Galian Perak 的 Lesen Pemindahan BahanMineral (LPBM) 时,先决条件 7 即视为已满足。
2.2 运营商应自费准备为满足先决条件所需的所有报告、文件和/或其他信息,并支付所有必要的款项,无论 MB Inc. 或运营商是否有义务遵守这些义务并及时向 MB Inc. 提交这些义务。如果 MB Inc. 有义务履行先决条件,运营商特此确认 MB Inc. 的义务仅与提交/申请有关,运营商应负责准备提交/申请所需的所有文件和/或支付所有款项。
2.3 在有条件期限内(如本文所定义),运营商应承担所有费用、成本、税费,包括但不限于未来年度租金、设备和机械、劳动力、厂房和燃料以及为本协议目的所需的所有其他工作和/或事物,但明确规定由 MB Inc. 承担成本和开支的情况除外。
2.4 Subject to Clause 2A, in the event any of the Conditions Precedent are not fulfilled within the respective time periods specified therein,) (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditional Period"), and such non-fulfilment is not due to the fault of either MB Inc. or the Operator, MB Inc. and the Operator shall each be entitled, without prejudice to any rights and remedies available to it in respect of any antecedent breach by the Operator or MB Inc., as the case may be, to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other party, whereupon MB Inc. shall refund the Commitment Fee less the Administrative Fee and less any sums due from the Operator for any fines, penalties, rehabilitation work, reinstatement to the Operator within ninety ( 90 ) days of the date of termination.
2.4 在不违反第2A条规定的情况下,如果任何先决条件未能在规定的期限内满足(以下简称 "条件期限"),且未满足的原因并非MB Inc.或经营者的过错,则MB Inc.和经营者均有权在不影响其就经营者或MB Inc.之前的违约行为所享有的任何权利和补救措施的情况下,通过书面通知对方立即终止本协议、在此情况下,MB Inc.应在终止之日起九十(90)天内向经营者退还扣除管理费后的承诺费,以及扣除经营者应支付的任何罚款、处罚、修复工作、恢复原状等费用。
2.5 Subject to Clause 2A, where any of the Conditions Precedent are not fulfilled within the Conditional Period due to the failure and/or default of the Operator, then MB Inc. shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the Operator thereafter the Commitment Fee shall be forfeited to MB Inc., the Operator shall further reimburse/indemnify MB Inc. for any sums due from the Operator for any fines, penalties, rehabilitation work, reinstatement and this Agreement shall be terminated and neither Party shall have any claim against the other except for rights and liabilities already accrued. For the avoidance of doubt, the non-compliance with any conditions precedent due to the failure of the Operator to comply with Clause 2.2 shall constitute the Operator's failure and/or default pursuant to this Clause 2.5.
2.5 根据第2A条的规定,如果由于经营者的失败和/或违约导致任何先决条件未能在有条件期限内满足,则MB Inc.有权通过向经营者发出书面通知的方式立即终止本协议,随后MB Inc.应没收承诺费、经营者应进一步偿还/赔偿 MB Inc.应向经营者支付的任何罚款、罚金、修复工 程、恢复原状等费用,本协议应予终止,除已产生的权利和责任外,任何一方均不得向 另一方提出任何要求。為免生疑問,營運商因未能遵守第 2.2 條而不符合任何先決條件,將構成本第 2.5 條所指的營運商的失責及/或違約。
2.6 Subject to Clause 2A, where any of the Conditions Precedent are not fulfilled within the Conditional Period due to the failure and/or default of MB Inc., then the Operator shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to MB Inc. and thereafter the Commitment Fee less the Administrative Fee and less any sums due from the Operator for any fines, penalties, rehabilitation work, reinstatement shall be refunded to the Operator within ninety (90) days of the date of termination and this Agreement shall be terminated and neither Party shall have any claim against the other except for rights and liabilities already accrued.
2.6 在不违反第2A条规定的情况下,如果由于MB Inc.的失误和/或违约而导致任何先决条件未能在有条件期限内满足,则经营者有权通过书面通知MB Inc.立即终止本协议、应在终止之日起九十(90)天内,将承诺费减去管理费,再减去经营者应支付的任何罚款、罚金、修复工程、恢复原状等款项退还给经营者,本协议即告终止,除已产生的权利和责任外,任何一方均不得向另一方提出任何要求。
2.7 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in the event where the Conditions Precedent are not fulfilled as aforesaid, MB Inc. may at its discretion, if requested by the Operator, grant an extension of time to fulfil the Conditions Precedent provided that the Operator shall have reasonable justification for requiring such extension and furnishes MB Inc. with proof of such justification.
2.7 尽管有任何相反的规定,如果上述先决条件未得到满足,MB Inc.可在经营者提出要求的情况下,酌情延长满足先决条件的时间,条件是经营者有合理的理由要求延长时间,并向 MB Inc.
The date of satisfaction of Condition Precedent 7 shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Effective Date" whereupon this Agreement shall cease to be conditional.
先决条件 7 满足之日在下文中称为 "生效日",届时本协议将不再附带条件。

2a 可行性研究报告

2A. 1 For purposes of obtaining the Feasibility Study Report in accordance with Clause 2.1(c) (i) and (ii), the Operator shall conduct exploration works on the said Land for the Resources and lanthanides (hereinafter referred to as "the Exploration Works"). Such Feasibility Study Report shall be verified by a competent person
2A.1 为根据第 2.1(c)(i)和(ii)条获得可行性研究报告,经营者应在上述土地上进行资源和镧系元素勘探工程(以下简称 "勘探工程")。该可行性研究报告应由合格人员核实

appointed by the Operator and approved by MB Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Competent Person"). The Exploration Works shall be conducted in accordance with the acceptable international standard. The Operator shall bear and pay all expenses in carrying out the Exploration Works. MB Inc shall not under any circumstances whatsoever be liable to bear, or reimburse the Operator for, any costs incurred/expended by the Operator for the Exploration Works.
由经营者指定并经 MB 公司批准的 "合格人员"(以下简称 "合格人员")。勘探工程应按照可接受的国际标准进行。经营者应承担和支付进行勘探工程的所有费用。在任何情况下,MB Inc.均无责任承担或偿还经营者为勘探工程发生/支出的任何费用。
2A.2 The Operator shall not conduct any Exploration Works in areas on the said Land that are prohibited by the provisions of the Exploration Approvals which may include but not limited to, residential dwellings, forest reserves (if not provided for), and farm or plantation land (if any).
2A.2 经营者不得在上述土地上勘探批准书规定禁止的区域进行任何勘探工程,这些区域可能包括但不限于住宅、森林保护区(如果没有规定)以及农场或种植园土地(如果有)。
2A.3 The Operator shall keep and allow MB Inc. to view at its request a record of all person(s) entering and exiting the said Land which shall note sufficient details thereto including the name, qualification, purpose of entering, and time of entry and exit of the said person(s). As far as reasonably practical, the Operator shall ensure that the only person(s) entering and exiting the Exploration Area are limited to its authorized employees, agents, servants and/or contractors that are required for the Exploration Works only.
2A.3 经营者应保存所有进出上述土地的人员的记录,并允许 MB Inc.在合理可行的情况下,经营者应确保进出勘探区的人员仅限于勘探工程所需的授权雇员、代理人、受雇人和(或)承包人。
2A.4 All the rights granted under this Agreement shall be subject always to the terms and conditions imposed by all the relevant and applicable Exploration Approvals and any other provision of law and regulation for the time being in force, including but not limited to, regulations and laws relating to the environmental protection and rehabilitation of the Exploration Area and/or its surrounding areas under the Environmental Quality Act 1976 and/or any other relevant Acts, statutes, regulations, legislations, guidelines and any other such relevant provisions.
2A.4 本協議授予的所有權利須始終受所有相關和適用的勘探批准所施加的條 款和條件以及當時生效的任何其他法律和法規的規定所規限,包括但不限於 1976 年《環境質量法》和(或)任何其他相關法令、成文法、規例、立法、指 引和任何其他相關規定中與勘探區和(或)其周邊地區的環境保護和恢復有關的 規例和法律。
2A.5 For the avoidance of any doubt, the right to conduct Exploration Works given under this Agreement shall be for the Resources and lanthanides only.
2A.5 為免生疑問,本協議賦予的進行勘探工程的權利只限於資源和镧系元素。
2A.6 The Operator shall carry out the Exploration Works in accordance with the terms and condition of this Agreement and all the relevant and applicable laws, regulations, enactments for the time being in force and directives and practice directions of any government and/or quasi-government agency having jurisdiction over the subjectmatter of this Agreement.
2A.6 作业者应按照本协定的条款和条件以及当时有效的所有相关和适用法律、 规章、法令和对本协定事项具有管辖权的任何政府和(或)准政府机构的指令和 做法指示进行勘探工程。
2A. 7 The Operator shall carry out the Exploration Works in fulfilment of its obligations in good faith and with due diligence, efficiency, expediency, economy whilst performing the same in a manner reasonably acceptable under the relevant international industry standards and practices or otherwise to the satisfaction of MB Inc..
2A.7. 运营方应本着诚意和应有的勤奋、效率、权宜、节约进行勘探工程以履行其义务,同时以有关国际行业标准和惯例合理接受的方式进行,或以其他方式使MB Inc.满意。
2A. 8 Unless otherwise agreed, the Operator shall restore the said Land to its former state and condition insofar as is reasonably practicable in a safe condition to the reasonable satisfaction of MB Inc. in addition to any requirements for rehabilitation under the relevant provisions of law and in relation thereto, store any excavated soil type in separate storage facilities (if any) which shall be returned in order of removal upon the
2A.8 除非另有约定,否则经营者应在合理可行的范围内将上述土地恢复到以前的状态和安全状 况,使 MB Inc.

expiry of the Feasibility Study Period or sooner termination of this Agreement.
2A.9 The Operator shall make good with all practicable speed after its occurrence all damage to fences, walls, hedges, gates, drains, culverts, roads, and similar conveniences and infrastructure caused by any act, omission or default of the Operator.
2A.9 因经营者的任何行为、不行为或过失而对围栏、围墙、篱笆、大门、排水沟、涵洞、道路及类似便利设施和基础设施造成的一切损害,经营者应在损害发生后以一切可行的速度予以修复。
2A. 10 The Operator shall within thirty (30) days from the completion of the Exploration Works remove from the said Land all vehicles, plant, machinery, buildings, apparatus and other items brought thereto failing which MB Inc. reserves the right, with fourteen (14) days written notice, to remove the same and the costs of which shall be borne by the Operator.
2A.10 经营者应在勘探工程完成后三十(30)天内将所有车辆、厂房、机械、建筑物、仪器和其他物品运离上述土地,否则MB Inc.保留在发出十四(14)天书面通知后将其运走的权利,其费用应由经营者承担。
2A.11 The Operator shall ensure that its employees, personnel, agents and contractors will at all times, insofar as practically possible, that the Exploration Works are conducted on the said Land in such a manner so as to cause minimum damage and/or interference to:
2A.11 经营者应确保其雇员、人员、代理人和承包者在任何时候均在实际可能的范围内,在上述土地上进行勘探工程时,尽量减少对下列方面造成损害和(或)干扰:
(i) the surface of the land;
(i) 土地表面;
(ii) crops, trees, pastures, grasses or other vegetation, or livestock (if any); and
(ii) 农作物、树木、牧场、草地或其他植被或牲畜(如有);以及
(iii) buildings, infrastructures, and improvements.
(iii) 建筑物、基础设施和改良。
2A.12 The Operator shall maintain and keep in repair any paths of entry or access utilised during the Feasibility Study Period having regard to their condition at the commencement of this Agreement or in a condition fit for use; whichever being the higher standard.
2A.12 營運人須保養和維修在可行性研究期內使用的任何進出通道,保養 和維修須與本協議開始時的狀況相同或適合使用,以較高者為準。
2A.13 The Operator shall not use or permit to be used the said Land and/or the paths leading thereto for any purpose other than for the Exploration Works and for access respectively without the express written permission of MB Inc..
2A.13 未经MB Inc.明确书面许可,经营者不得将上述土地和/或通往上述土地的道路用于或允许用于勘探工程和出入以外的任何目的。
2A.14 The Operator shall immediately notify MB Inc. in writing of any finding in the said Land of object(s) of archaeological or historical nature and its location and following the finding of any such object(s), the Operator shall take all reasonable measures to avoid disturbing such object(s) until further direction by MB Inc. and/or by any government or quasi-government agency having jurisdiction over such object(s).
2A.14 在上述土地上发现任何考古或历史文物时,经营者应立即书面通知 MB Inc.
2A.15 The Operator shall allow access of the said Land at all times to MB Inc., with or without notice, for the purposes of inspecting the Exploration Works and all documents or records pertaining thereto and the Operator shall cooperate and assist the inspection and shall not obstruct, intimidate or interfere with the aforesaid inspection.
2A.15 运营方应允许 MB Inc.在通知或不通知的情况下随时进入上述土地,以检查勘探工程及与此有关的所有文件或记录,运营方应配合和协助检查,不得阻碍、恐吓或干扰上述检查。
2A.16 The Operator is allowed to assign the Exploration Works or any component thereof to any third parties without the prior consent of MB Inc. PROVIDED THAT the Operator shall notify MB Inc. of such assignment.
2A.16 允许经营者将勘探工程或其任何组成部分转让给任何第三方,而无需事先征得 MB Inc.但经营者应将此类转让通知 MB Inc.
2A.17 The Operator may subcontract the whole or part of the Exploration Works without the prior consent of MB Inc. PROVIDED THAT the Operator shall notify MB Inc. of such
2A.17 经营者可以不经MB Inc.事先同意,将全部或部分勘探工程分包出去。但经营者应将此情况通知MB Inc.

assignment and in any event, the Operator shall be responsible for the acts and defaults of any subcontractor, its servants and agents, as it they were the acts of the Operator.
2A.18 The Operator shall submit before the expiry of the Feasibility Study Period, the Feasibility Study Report summarising and concluding comprehensively and in sufficient detail an evaluation of the viability of the said Land for the purposes of long-term mining works of the Resources and lanthanides which shall include the following:
2A.18 經營者須於可行性研究期屆滿前提交可行性研究報告,就上述 土地進行長期資源和镧系元素開採工程的可行性作出全面及足夠詳 細的評估總結和結論,其中須包括以下各項:
(i) copies of geological, environmental, geochemical and geophysical data acquired by the Operator in the course of the Exploration Works that are necessary and relevant to MB Inc for the efficient planning of any potential long-term mining works on the said Land;
(i) 运营方在勘探工程过程中获得的地质、环境、地球化学和地球物理数据的副 本,这些数据对 MB Inc 有效规划上述土地上任何潜在的长期采矿工程是必 要和相关的;
(ii) the estimation of mineable areas, when and where such areas have been identified, which shall include details of the grade and quantity of the proven, probable and possible Resources and lanthanides and the anticipated mining conditions;
(ii) 在已确定可开采区域的情况下,对可开采区域进行估算,其中应包括探 明、推定和可能的资源和镧系元素的品位和数量以及预期开采条件的详 细信息;
(iii) copies of geological, technical, financial and economic reports prepared by or for the Operator that are necessary and relevant to MB Inc. for the efficient planning of any potential long-term mining works on the said Land;
(iii) 经营者编写的或为经营者编写的地质、技术、财务和经济报告副本,这些报 告对于 MB Inc;
(iv) information in sufficient detail on the equipment used to carry out the exploration work, including the results of tests conducted of proposed mining technologies, but not equipment design data; and
(iv) 关于进行勘探工作所用设备的足够详细的资料,包括对拟议采矿 技术进行测试的结果,但不包括设备设计数据;以及
(v) a statement of the quantity of Resources, lanthanides and other resources (if any) recovered as samples or for the purpose of testing.
(v) 作为样品或为测试目的回收的资源、镧系元素和其他资源(如有)的数量说 明。
2A.19 The Feasibility Study Report shall be submitted to MB Inc. notwithstanding:
2A.19 可行性研究报告应提交给 MB Inc:
(i) the election of the Operator not to continue with the Exploration Works, in which case the Operator shall submit the aforesaid data and information obtained up to that point;
(i) 经营者选择不继续进行勘探工程,在这种情况下,经营者应提交到那时为止获得的上述数据和资料;
(ii) if, upon completion of the Exploration Works, the Operator nevertheless expresses no interest in pursuing any mining works thereto; or
(ii) 在勘探工程完成后,经营者仍表示无意继续进行任何采矿工程;或
2A. 20 The Operator shall submit to the relevant authorities a periodical report (hereinafter referred to as the "Periodical Report") as and when required by the relevant authorities which shall comply with any requirements of any relevant authorities.
2A.20. 经营者应按有关当局的要求向其提交定期报告(以下简称 "定期报告"),该报告应符合任何有关当局的要求。
2A. 21 If the Operator is in the opinion that the Resources on the Said Land are viable and the Operator intends to proceed with the Mining Operation on the Said Land, then the Operator shall notify MB Inc. of the same upon submission of the Feasibility Study Report to MB Inc..
2A.21 如果经营者认为上述土地上的资源是可行的,并且经营者打算在上述土地上进行采矿作业,则经营者应在向 MB Inc.
2A. 22 In the event the Operator does not inform MB Inc. that the Resources on the Said Land are viable and that the Operator intends to proceed with the Mining Operation on the Said Land upon submission of the Feasibility Study Report to MB Inc., in accordance with Clause 2A.21, OR the Operator informs MB Inc. that it does not intend to proceed with the Mining Operations, then either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect pursuant to Clause 2.4.
2A.22 如果根据第 2A.21 条,在向 MB Inc. 提交可行性研究报告后,经营者没有通知 MB Inc.
2A. 23 The Operator confirms that it is a policy of MB Inc. that if lanthanides are present in the Said Land, such lanthanides shall be extracted prior to any other resources being extracted subject to the approval of the Authorities to extract the Lanthanides.
2A.23 运营方确认,MB 公司的政策是,如果上述土地上存在镧系元素,则应在当局批准开采镧系元素后,在开采任何其他资源之前开采这些镧系元素。
2A. 24 In the event the Operator gives MB Inc. the notice as stated in Clause 2A. 21 herein, and the Feasibility Study Report states that lanthanides are present on the Said Land, MB Inc. shall within ninety (90) days of its receipt of the Feasibility Study Report have the right to suspend this Agreement for a period as determined by MB Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Suspension Period") by giving notice in writing to the Operator of its intention to do so and during such period may request for proposals from any other operator(s) (hereinafter referred to as "the Third Party Lanthanide Operator") to extract the lanthanides on the Said Land (hereinafter referred to as "the Lanthanides Extraction Operation") during the Suspension Period. The Operator may also submit its proposal to MB Inc. on the Lanthanides Extraction Operation. MB Inc. shall be at liberty to award the Lanthanides Extraction Operation to any party it deems fit. In the event MB Inc. fails to exercise the right to suspend this Agreement within the aforesaid ninety (90) day period, then Condition Precedent 2 shall be deemed to be fulfilled and the Operator shall proceed with the mining of the Resources in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, MB Inc. shall not be required to state the Suspension Period, but shall only be required to inform the Operator that they are suspending the Agreement until such time MB Inc. informs the Operator that the suspension has been lifted.
2A.24 如果经营者向 MB Inc.在收到可行性研究报告后九十(90)天内,MB Inc.(在此期间,MB Inc.可要求任何其他经营者(以下简称 "第三方镧系元素经营者")提 交建议书,以便在暂停期内在上述土地上提取镧系元素(以下简称 "镧系元素提取作业")。经营者也可就镧系元素开采作业向 MB Inc.MB Inc.有权将镧系元素提取业务授予其认为合适的任何一方。如果MB Inc.未能在上述九十(90)天期限内行使中止本协议的权利,则先决条件2应 被视为已经满足,经营者应根据本协议的条款继续开采资源。为免生疑问,MB Inc. 无需说明暂停期,而只需通知经营者他们正在暂停本协议,直至 MB Inc. 通知经营者暂停期已解除。
2A. 25 In the event MB Inc. appoints the Third Party Lanthanide Operator to conduct the Lanthanides Extraction Operation, any income derived from the Lanthanides Extraction Operation by the Third Party Lanthanide Operator shall belong solely to MB Inc. and/or the Third Party Lanthanide Operator and/or the State, without having to account to the Operator in any manner whatsoever. In the event the Operator's proposal in Clause 2A. 24 is accepted by MB Inc., such acceptance shall be conditional upon the execution of a formal agreement on terms to be mutually agreed upon between the parties. In the event no formal agreement is executed, then MB Inc. may proceed to award the Lanthanides Extraction Operation to a Third Party Lanthanide Operator.
2A.25 如果甲基溴公司指定第三方镧系元素经营者进行镧系元素开采作业,第三方镧系 元素经营者从镧系元素开采作业中获得的任何收入应完全归甲基溴公司和/或第三方镧系 元素经营者和/或国家所有,而无需以任何方式向经营者说明。如果第 2A.如果甲基溴公司接受第 2A.如果没有签署正式协议,MB Inc.可将镧系元素提取作业授予第三方镧系元素经营者。
2A. 26 MB Inc. and/or the other operator shall not be required to make any payments and/or compensation to the Operator for any reason whatsoever.
2A.26 MB Inc.和/或其他运营商无需以任何理由向运营商支付任何款项和/或赔偿。
2A.27 This Agreement shall continue upon MB Inc informing the Operator that the suspension of this Agreement has been lifted. For the avoidance of doubt, the Tenure of this Agreement shall be as stated in Part IX of the Schedule and shall not be
2A.27 當 MB Inc 通知營運者本協議的暫停執行已被撤銷時,本協議應繼 續生效。为免生疑问,本协议的有效期应如附表第九部分所述,且不得

affected and/or extended by virtue of the suspension, and the suspension shall only affect the obligations of the Parties.
2A. 28 Condition Precedent 3 shall be fulfilled once: -
2A.28 先决条件 3 必须满足下列条件: -
(a) The Operator gives notice to MB Inc. pursuant to Clause 2A.21; and
(a) 经营者根据第2A.21条向MB Inc.发出通知;并且
(b) Either of the following occurs: -
(b) 发生以下任一情况:-
(i) the Feasibility Study Report states that lanthanides are not present on the Said Land; or
(i) 可行性研究报告指出上述土地不存在镧系元素;或
(ii) the Feasibility Study Report states that lanthanides are present on the Said Land and MB Inc. does not exercise its right under Clause 2A.24 to suspend the Agreement or waives such right; or
(ii) 可行性研究报告指出上述土地上存在镧系元素,且MB Inc.未行使第 2A.24 条规定的中止该协议的权利或放弃该权利;或
(iii) the Feasibility Study Report states that lanthanides are present on the Said Land and MB Inc. exercises its right under Clause 2A.24 to suspend the Agreement, and thereafter lifts the suspension.
(iii) 可行性研究报告指出上述土地上存在镧系元素,MB 公司根据第 2A.24 条 行使其权利中止本协议,并随后解除中止。
For the avoidance of doubt, in the event the Feasibility Study Report is not submitted to MB Inc. within the Feasibility Study Period, Clause 2.5 shall be applicable.
为避免疑义,如果可行性研究报告未在可行性研究期内提交给 MB Inc.



3.1 The Operator shall within thirty (30) days of the date of this Agreement provide to MB Inc. a Project Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Project Plan") that shall comply with any requirements of any relevant authorities and shall be sufficiently comprehensive by normal and prevailing international industry standards and good practice for an objective assessment to be made and shall inter alia detail plans (including all the necessary timeframes and milestones thereto) for:
3.1 经营者应在本协议签订之日起三十(30)天内向 MB 公司提供一份项目计划(以下简称 "项目计划"),该计划应符合任何有关当局的要求,并应按照正常和通行的国际行业标准 和良好做法足够全面,以便进行客观评估,除其他外,还应详细说明以下方面的计划(包 括所有必要的时间框架和里程碑): 1:
(i) the development, operations and rehabilitation programs throughout the tenure of this Agreement;
(i) 本协定有效期内的开发、运营和修复计划;


3A. 1 The Operator shall pay the Commitment Fee to MB Inc in accordance with Part V of the Schedule hereto. This Clause shall be applicable whether or not the condition(s) precedent in this Agreement (if any), have been fulfilled.
3A.1 经营者应根据本协议附表第五部分向MB Inc支付承诺费。无论本协议中的先决条件(如有)是否满足,本条款均应适用。


4.1 The Parties covenant with each other that:
4.1 双方相互约定

(a) it is their intention that this Agreement shall operate between them in accordance with the principles of good faith, with fairness and without
(a) 双方均有意使本协定在双方之间按照诚信、公平和无争议的原则实施; (b) 双方均有意使本协定在双方之间按照诚信、公平和无争议的原则实施。

detriment to the interests of any of them and in the course of the performance of this Agreement if any unfairness to any Party is disclosed or anticipated then the Parties hereto shall use their best endeavours to act in a fair and equitable manner to the satisfaction of the Parties hereto.
在履行本协定的过程中,如果发现或预计对任何一方不公平,则本协定各方应尽最大努 力,以公平和公正的方式行事,使本协定各方满意。
4.2 MB Inc. warrants, agrees and covenants to and with the Operator that:
4.2 MB Inc.向经营者保证、同意并承诺:
(a) upon and subject to the fulfilment of the Conditions Precedent as stated in Clause 2.1 and subject to the Operator fulfilling all their other obligations in this Agreement including but not limited to the payment of the Royalty and the Tribute, MB Inc. hereby grants to the Operator the exclusive right to carry out the mining operations on the Said Land and to extract, store, transport, remove, distribute, process and refine (if applicable), and sell all Resources only from the Said Land including any by-products of the Resources arising from the aforementioned operations subject to the necessary rights and approvals (hereinafter referred to as the "Mining Operations").
(a) 在满足第 2.1 条所述先决条件的前提下,以及在经营者履行其在本协议中的所有 其他义务(包括但不限于支付特许权使用费和贡品)的前提下,MB Inc.特此授予经营者在上述土地上进行采矿作业的专有权,以及开采、储存、运输、移除、分 配、加工和提炼(如适用)以及销售上述土地上的所有资源(包括上述作业产生的资源副产品) 的专有权,但须获得必要的权利和批准(以下简称 "采矿作业")。
(b) upon the fulfilment of the Conditions Precedent as stated in Clause 2.1 above and subject to the Operator fulfilling all its other obligations in this Agreement including but not limited to the payment of the Royalty and the Tribute, MB Inc. hereby grants and authorizes the Operator its agents, servants and workmen and others nominated by it the right to enter and remain upon the Said Land for the purpose of Mining Operations, and for the transportation, storage and/or removal of the Resources subject always to the applicable laws in force.
(b) 在上述第 2.1 条所述先决条件得到满足的情况下,并在经营者履行其在本协议中 的所有其他义务,包括但不限于支付特许权使用费和贡品的前提下,MB Inc. 特此授予并授权经营者其代理人、受雇人和工人及其提名的其他人进入并留在上述土地上进行采矿作业以及运输、储存和/或移走资源的权利,但须始终遵守现行适用法律。
(c) If MB Inc deems it necessary for the Mining Operations, MB Inc. shall, at the Operator's cost, do all such acts and things as reasonably required to obtain necessary right of way or temporary occupation licenses for the Operator to enter and remain upon the Land PROVIDED THAT the Operator shall promptly provide all documents and payments as required by MB Inc. for the aforesaid purposes. In the event where, the exploration work is required, the Operator shall conduct the exploration in accordance with acceptable international standards at the Operator cost.
(c) 如果MB Inc.认为有必要进行采矿作业,MB Inc.应采取一切合理所需的行动和措施,以获得必要的通行权或临时占用许可证,以便经营者进入和留在土地上,条件是经营者应立即提供MB Inc.为上述目的所要求的所有文件和付款,费用由经营者承担。如果需要进行勘探工作,经营者应按照可接受的国际标准进行勘探,费用由经营者承担。
(d) to take reasonable steps on their part and do all such acts and things as necessary and within their power and authority to carry into effect the provisions of this Agreement.
(d) 采取合理措施,并在其权力和授权范围内采取一切必要的行动和措施,使本协定 的各项规定生效。
(e) MB Inc. shall permit the Operator to have quiet enjoyment of Said Land without any disturbance or interference to carry out Mining Operations as long as the Operator observes and performs all covenants, terms and conditions as stipulated under this Agreement as herein contained for the initial duration as stipulated in Part IX of the Schedule hereto. For avoidance of any doubt, at the Operator's cost, the Operator shall clear and
(e) MB Inc.应允许经营者在本协议附表第九部分规定的初始期限内,在不受任何干扰或干涉的情况下安静地享用上述土地,以开展采矿作业,只要经营者遵守和履行本协议规定的所有契约、条款和条件。為免生疑問,經營者須負擔費用,清理及處理礦場。

evict any squatters on the Said Land for the purposes of the Agreed Project, and agrees to accept the Said Land on an "as is where is" basis.
为实施商定的项目而驱逐上述土地上的任何寮屋居民,并同意按 "现状 "接受上述土 地。
(f) MB Inc. agrees that if the Mining Lease is revoked by the Authorities through no default of the Operator, MB Inc. shall submit an appeal (hereinafter referred to as "Appeal") with the Authorities against such revocation by the relevant Authorities, within fourteen (14) Working Days from the date of its receipt of such revocation. In the event the Appeal is rejected, MB Inc. and the Operator shall each be entitled, without prejudice to any rights and remedies available to it in respect of any antecedent breach by the Operator or MB Inc., as the case may be, to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other party, whereupon MB Inc. shall refund to the Operator the Commitment Fee less the Administrative Fee and all other sums due to MB Inc. from the Operator pursuant to this Agreement.
(f) MB Inc.同意,如果当局撤销采矿租赁合同并非由于经营者的过失,MB Inc.应在收到撤销通知之日起十四(14)个工作日内向当局提出上诉(下称 "上诉")。在上诉被驳回的情况下,MB Inc.和经营者均有权在不损害其就经营者或MB Inc.(视情况而定)先前的任何违约行为所享有的任何权利和补救措施的情况下,通过向另一方发出书面通知立即终止本协议,MB Inc.应向经营者退还承诺费减去管理费以及经营者根据本协议应向MB Inc.支付的所有其他款项。
(g) Subject to the terms and conditions hereunder and the due compliance of the Operator thereto, MB Inc. agrees not do anything to repudiate, frustrate, disrupt or cause to be terminated or revoked this Mining Rights Agreement or the Mining Lease.
(g) 在遵守本协议的条款和条件以及经营者适当遵守这些条款和条件的前提下,MB Inc. 同意不采取任何行动推翻、挫败、破坏或导致终止或撤销本采矿权协议或采矿租赁合同。

4.3 The Operator warrants to MB Inc. that:
4.3 经营者向 MB Inc. 保证

(a) the Operator shall bear and pay all expenses in applications for approvals and Mining Operations on the Said Land including but not limited to the future annual rental fee, equipment and machinery, labour, plant and fuel and all other works and/or things required for the purposes of this Agreement save for where it is expressly stated to be at MB Inc.'s cost and expense. All the necessary licenses, consents, permits, approvals and/or reports as may be required for the conduct of the Mining Operations, including but not limited to those as stated in the Conditions Precedent, shall, subject to Clause 4.2 (c) be obtained by the Operator at the Operator's sole cost and expense. In addition to all payments specifically mentioned herein, the Operator shall bear any and all payments due to or required by the Authorities for the purposes of rehabilitation of the Said Land and it shall bear all costs and expenses imposed by the Authorities whether on MB Inc. or otherwise, in relation to:
(a) 运营方应承担并支付在上述土地上申请批准和采矿作业的所有费用,包括但不 限于未来的年租金、设备和机械、劳动力、厂房和燃料以及本协议所需的所有其 他工程和/或事项,但明确规定由 MB Inc.承担费用和开支的除外。在不违反第4.2(c)条规定的情况下,经营者应获得进行采矿作业可能需要的所有必要的执照、同意书、许可证、批准书和/或报告,包括但不限于先决条件中所述的执照、同意书、许可证、批准书和/或报告,其费用和开支由经营者自行承担。除本条款具体提及的所有付款外,经营者应承担当局为恢复上述土地而应支付或要求支付的任何及所有款项,并应承担当局强加给MB Inc.或其他方面的所有成本和费用,这些成本和费用与以下方面有关:
(i) the right to conduct the Mining Operations;
(i) 进行采矿作业的权利;
(ii) the Mining Operations;
(ii) 采矿作业;
(iii) any post-mining works; and
(iii) 任何采矿后工程;以及
(iv) all other mining related matters.
(iv) 所有其他与采矿有关的事项。
(b) the Operator further undertakes that it shall be solely responsible and liable for any fines and penalties that may be imposed for any offences or contravention that may be committed by it, its servants or agents against
(b) 经营者还承诺,对于因其本人、其受雇人或代理人违反以下规定而可能被处以的罚款和处罚,经营者应负全部责任和义务

any of the provisions of the Mineral Enactment or the relevant rules for the time being in force thereunder.
(c) it shall not unreasonably stock pile but shall duly distribute and sell all Resources extracted from the Said Land through the Mining Operations.
(c) 不得不合理地囤积,但应妥善分配和出售通过采矿作业从上述土地上开采的所 有资源。
(d) it shall not sell the Resources to any party below the acceptable market value of the Resources and further not practice any methods of sales, marketing, extraction and processing which is unethical and/or illegal. The Operator may sell the Resources to any affiliates, associates, related companies and/or related persons of the Operator without first obtaining the written consent of MB Inc. PROVIDED THAT the Operator shall inform the same to MB Inc.;
(d) 不得以低于资源可接受的市场价值向任何一方出售资源,也不得采用任何不道德和/或非法的销售、营销、开采和加工方法。经营者可将资源出售给经营者的任何附属公司、联营公司、相关公司和/或相关人 士,而无需事先获得 MB Inc.但经营者应将此情况告知MB Inc.;
(e) it shall conduct the Mining Operations in relation to the Resources and its by-products only (if applicable) and acknowledges that its rights hereunder shall be limited thereto.
(e) 其应仅就资源及其副产品(如适用)开展采矿作业,并承认其在本协议项下的权利仅限于此。
(f) that in the event that minerals or prospects other than the Resources are discovered or obtained in the course of the Mining Operations, it shall:
(f) 如果在采矿作业过程中发现或获得资源以外的矿物或前景,则应
i. firstly, inform MB Inc. of the same in writing within fourteen (14) days thereof specifying in sufficient detail the type of mineral or prospect, the location wherein it was discovered, its quantity and grade (if possible); and
i. 首先,在十四(14)天内书面通知 MB Inc.
ii. secondly, obtain the prior written consent of MB Inc. and mutually agree to the commercial terms thereto before exploring, prospecting, extracting, removing, transporting, storing, distributing, processing, refining, selling, marketing, or otherwise deal with the same if so desired by the Operator.
ii. 其次,在勘探、探矿、开采、移除、运输、储存、分配、加工、提炼、销售、营销或经营者希望的其他处理之前,事先征得 MB Inc.
(g) in the event that the Authorities issues rules, regulations, directions and the like with regards to the conduct of mining operations or anything envisaged under this Agreement, or for reasons of expedience or any reason whatsoever, the Operator agrees to abide by any practice directions issued by MB Inc. for the aforementioned reasons and such directions shall be deemed to be a term of this Agreement provided such directions do not materially change the nature of this Agreement or the relationship between the Parties.
(g) 如果当局就采矿作业的进行或本协定设想的任何事项发布规则、条例、指示等,或出于权宜之计或任何原因,经营者同意遵守MB Inc.出于上述原因发布的任何实践指示,这些指示应被视为本协定的一项条款,但这些指示不得实质性地改变本协定的性质或双方之间的关系。
(h) the Operator shall comply with all laws, by-laws, rules, regulations, and/or guidelines made by the government, state government, local authority and/or any other Authority that are in force, or shall come to force, and shall indemnify MB Inc. for any losses, claims, fines, penalties and/or damages suffered by MB Inc. as a result of non-compliance with the same.
(h) 经营者应遵守政府、州政府、地方当局和/或任何其他当局制定的现行或即将生 效的所有法律、细则、规则、条例和/或准则,并应赔偿 MB Inc.因不遵守这些法 律、细则、规则、条例和/或准则而遭受的任何损失、索赔、罚款、处罚和/或损 害。

(i) it shall at all times comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws, regulations, rules, orders and other requirements of all authorities having jurisdiction, and in particular, the provisions of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (Act 694). The Operator confirms that MB Inc. takes a very serious view of any breach of this warranty, and in addition to termination of this Agreement, it could result in criminal prosecution.
(i) 在任何时候都应遵守所有适用的反腐败法律、法规、规则、命令和所有具有管辖权的当局的其他要求,特别是《2009 年马来西亚反腐败委员会法案》(第 694 号法案)的规定。经营者确认,MB Inc. 将严肃对待任何违反本保证的行为,除终止本协议外,还可能导致刑事起诉。
(j) the Operator shall submit all the necessary documents including but not limited to periodical reports, maps, progress reports, sampling statistics, chemical analysis, summaries, surveys, technical data, tabulated data, graphs, profiles, sections and all documents required by the local authorities and any other applicable regulations therein, in compliance with the form, format, time limits and other requirements thereunder to MB Inc. to be submitted to the relevant authorities if so requested.
(j) 经营者应提交所有必要的文件,包括但不限于定期报告、地图、进度报告、取 样统计、化学分析、总结、调查、技术数据、表格数据、图表、剖面图、切 面图以及地方当局和任何其他适用法规所要求的所有文件,并应符合 MB Inc.的格式、形式、时限和其他要求,以便在接到要求时提交给有关当局。
(k) the Operator agrees to accept the Said Land on an "as is where is" basis, without vacant possession, and shall be liable to evict all squatters and/or trespassers on the Said Land it its own cost and expense.
(k) 经营者同意按 "现状 "接受上述土地,不空置,并有责任驱逐上述土地上的所有僭建物和/或侵入者,费用自理。
(1) upon the expiry or termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, whether before or after the Effective Date, the Operator shall reinstate and rehabilitate the Land as required by all laws, by-laws, regulations and/or requirements imposed by the Relevant Authorities. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause 4.3(1) shall apply whether or not the conditions precedent have been fulfilled.
(1) 在本協議因任何原因屆滿或終止時,不論是在生效日期之前或之後,經營者須按 照所有法律、附例、規例及/或有關當局施加的規定,恢復及修復該土地。為免生疑問,不論先決條件是否已達成,第 4.3(1)條均適用。
(m) upon the expiry or termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, whether before or after the Effective Date, the Operator shall do all things necessary, including but not limited to sending a written request/notification to the relevant departments/agencies, to transfer/assign the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Approvals (if any), Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (if any) and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESCP) (if any) to MB Inc. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause ) shall apply whether or not the conditions precedent have been fulfilled.
(m) 在本協議因任何原因屆滿或終止時,不論是在生效日期之前或之後, 經營者須作出一切必要的事情,包括但不限於向有關部門/機構發 出書面要求/通知,將環境影響評估批文(如有)、環境管理計劃 (如有)及沉積物控制計劃(如有)轉移/轉讓予 MB Inc.为免生疑问,无论先决条件是否已经满足,本条款 ) 均应适用。

5 TRIBUTE 5 致敬

5.1 The Operator shall pay to MB Inc. a Tribute based on a rate and in the manner as stipulated in Part VII(a) of the Schedule to this Agreement in accordance with Clause 7 hereto.
5.1 经营者应根据本《协定》第 7 条,按照本《协定》附表第七部分(a)规定的费率和方式向 MB Inc.
5.2 MB Inc. shall be entitled to access all information pertaining to the Operator's selling price, purchasers and all other such information relevant to the sale of the Resources. The Operator shall, upon request by MB Inc., furnish all purchase orders, invoices, quotations, receipts and/or other relevant documents to MB Inc..
5.2 MB Inc.有权获取与经营者的销售价格、购买者有关的所有信息,以及与资源销售 有关的所有其他信息。经营者应根据MB Inc.的要求,向MB Inc.提供所有订购单、发票、报价单、收据和/或其他相关文件。
6.1 The Operator shall bear the royalty payable to the state government for the Resources (hereinafter referred to as "the Royalty") that may be imposed by and payable to the Authorities in respect of the Resources extracted by the Operator from the Said Land in accordance with Clause 7 herein.
6.1 经营者应承担州政府根据本协议第 7 条就经营者从上述土地上开采的资源可能征收和应向当局支付的资源使用费(以下简称 "使用费")。

7 PAYMENT 7 付款

7.1 MB Inc. shall, at the beginning of each month, submit its invoice payable for the Tribute and Royalty (hereinafter referred to as "the Payment") on Resources removed by the Operator from the Said Land and sold in the preceding month. For the purpose of computing the Tribute payable to MB Inc., the quantity of Resources removed from the Said Land shall be determined based on records maintained by the Operator.
7.1 MB Inc. 应在每月初提交上月经营者从上述土地上开采并出售的资源的应缴贡品和特许权使用费的发票(以下简称 "付款")。为计算应付给 MB 公司的贡 献,应根据经营者保存的记录确定从上述土地上开采的资源数量。
7.2 The Operator shall pay the amount properly invoiced, before 7 th of each month PROVIDED THAT the operator has received the relevant invoice from MB Inc. in accordance with Clauses 7.1.
7.2 运营方应在每月 7 日前支付适当的发票金额,前提是运营方已根据第 7.1 条收到 MB Inc.
7.3 If any payment to be made under this Agreement shall not be paid by the due date, interest per annum shall accrue on the overdue amount, commencing on the first day after the due date until the date payment is made by the Operator.
7.3 如根据本协定应支付的任何款项未能在到期日之前支付, ,则应从到期日后的第一天起,按逾期款项的年利率计算利息,直至经营者付款之日为止。
7.4 If the Operator disputes the whole or any part of the invoice issued by MB Inc., the Operator shall pay the entire amount of MB Inc.'s invoice and state the amount disputed and the reason. In the event no amicable solution can be reached between the Parties, the Operator shall be entitled to pursue the matter under the dispute resolution provisions of this Agreement.
7.4 如果经营方对MB Inc.开具的发票的全部或部分内容有异议,经营方应支付MB Inc.发票的全部金额,并说明有异议的金额和原因。如果双方无法达成友好的解决方案,经营方有权根据本协议的争议解决条款进行追究。
7.5 The Operator shall give at least sixty (60) days' notice in writing informing MB Inc. of the expected exhaustion or depletion of the Resources on the Said Land or the premature termination of the Mining Operations.
7.5 运营方应至少提前六十(60)天书面通知 MB Inc.
7.6 The Operator shall as and when required, without any delay whatsoever pay the Royalty due to the State.
7.6 经营者应按要求及时向国家支付特许权使用费。

Deposit to Authorities 向当局交存

7.7 Notwithstanding the above and subject to the terms and conditions herein contained, the Operator shall bear any deposit as required by the local and/or federal authorities for the purposes of any licenses, leases, approvals etc. granted pursuant to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Deposit"). The Deposit paid by the Operator to MB Inc. as required by the local and/or federal authorities (if any) shall be retained by MB Inc. until six (6) months after receipt of the refund from the local and/or federal authorities.
7.7 尽管有上述规定,在遵守本协议所载条款和条件的前提下,经营者应承担地方和/或联邦当局为根据本协议授予的任何执照、租约、批准等所要求的任何押金(以下简称 "押金")。经营者按地方和/或联邦当局的要求向MB Inc.支付的保证金(如有)应由MB Inc.保留,直至收到地方和/或联邦当局的退款后六(6)个月。
7.8 MB Inc. may at any time make such deductions therefrom as may be sufficient, whether by way of compensation for any damages, or otherwise which may be liable for pursuant
7.8 MB Inc. 可随时从中扣除足够的款项,无论是作为对任何损害的补偿,还是作为根据以下条款应承担的其他责任

to the terms of this Agreement, and without prejudice to the rights of MB Inc. to any further sum for which the Operator may be liable hereunder. In the event that MB Inc. make any such deductions, MB Inc. shall notify the Operator in writing. For avoidance of doubt, MB Inc. shall also make such deductions should the Operator fail to do any rehabilitation works in accordance to the rehabilitation plan as provided by the Operator and verified by an independent third party appointed by MB Inc..
在不影响MB Inc.根据本协定的条款对经营者可能应承担的任何其他款项的权利的情况下。如果MB Inc.进行任何此类扣款,MB Inc.应书面通知经营者。为免生疑问,如果经营者没有按照经营者提供的并经MB Inc.指定的独立第三方核实的修复计划进行任何修复工程,MB Inc.也应扣除上述款项。
7.9 The Deposit shall be maintained at all times during the entire Agreement, and shall not be set-off or be treated as payment of or towards the Tribute and/or Royalty. In the event of any deductions by the local and/or federal authorities, the Operator shall within (14) days from a written notice, make the necessary payments to MB Inc. to replenish the Deposit to its original sum.
7.9 在整个协议期间,保证金应始终保持,不得抵消或被视为贡品和/或版权费的付款。如果地方和/或联邦当局扣款,经营者应在收到书面通知后(14)天内向 MB 公司支付必要的款项,将保证金补充到原来的数额。
7.10 The Deposit shall be refunded to the Operator without interest within thirty (30) days of the expiry of the six (6) month period in accordance to the terms in Clause 7.6, subject to the following:
7.10 在六(6)个月期限届满后三十(30)天内,根据第7.6条的条款,押金应无息退还给经营者,但须遵守以下规定:
7.10.1 the Operator has made all necessary payments to relevant state and/or federal agencies and no such sum shall remain outstanding;
7.10.1 经营者已向有关州和/或联邦机构支付了所有必要的款项,且没有任何未付款项;
7.10.2 the Operator has made all payment to MB Inc. and/or MB Inc. as envisaged herein and no such sum shall remain outstanding;
7.10.2 经营者已按本条款的规定向 MB Inc;
7.10.3 the Operator has not breached any terms or conditions herein which has not been resolved or remedied;
7.10.3 运营方未违反本协议中的任何条款或条件,且尚未得到解决或补救;
7.10.4 The Operator has complied with all directives and instructions as reasonably required in accordance to the terms and conditions herein; and
7.10.4 经营者遵守了根据本条款和条件合理要求的所有指令和指示;并且
7.10.5 there are no fines and/or penalties issued to the Operator or MB Inc. due to the Agreed Project.
7.10.5 运营方或 MB 公司未因协议项目被处以罚款和/或处罚。

Security Deposit 押金

7.11 The Operator shall on the Effective Date pay to MB Inc. a sum as stated in Part VIII of the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Security Deposit").
7.11 经营者应在生效日向 MB Inc. 支付本合同附表第八部分所列的款项(以下简称 "保证金")。
7.12 The Security Deposit shall be held by MB Inc. throughout the tenure of this Agreement in the sum as stated above and the Operator shall not be entitled to setoff against any sums due from the Operator to MB Inc. at any time.
7.12 在本协议有效期内,保证金应由MB Inc.按上述金额持有,经营者无权在任何时候抵消经营者应付MB Inc.的任何款项。
7.13 In the event any provisions in this Agreement provides that MB Inc. shall refund the Security Deposit to the Operator, such refund shall be less any sums due to MB Inc. from the Operator pursuant to this Agreement including but not limited to any outstanding payments of Tribute and/or Royalty, any fines and/or penalties, rehabilitation work, and all other purposes as stated in this Agreement, and shall
7.13 如果本《协议》中的任何条款规定MB Inc.应向经营者退还保证金,则退还金额应减去经营者根据本《协议》应向MB Inc.支付的任何款项,包括但不限于任何未支付的贡品和/或特许权使用费、任何罚款和/或处罚、修复工作以及本《协议》中规定的所有其他用途,并且应包括但不限于任何未支付的贡品和/或特许权使用费、任何罚款和/或处罚、修复工作以及本《协议》中规定的所有其他用途。

take place within six (6) months of such lawful termination and/or expiry of this Agreement.


8.1 The Operator shall use a weighbridge to record the quantity of Resources actually removed from the Said Land. MB Inc. and/or its authorised representative(s) and/or agents shall at any time be permitted to enter and inspect all the books, records and measurement systems in place by the Operator with regards to the Resources extracted and removed. In the event MB Inc. discovers any discrepancies between any of the records kept by the Operator and the weighbridge figures, or the weighbridge is found to be faulty or has been tampered with, MB Inc. shall be entitled to use its own records for purposes of calculating the Tribute and/or Royalty. MB Inc. shall also be entitled to stop all operations on the said Land until the weighbridge has been repaired to MB Inc.'s satisfaction or until MB Inc. receives further approval from the relevant authorities (whichever is earlier).
8.1 经营者应使用地磅记录从上述土地上实际移走的资源数量。MB Inc.和/或其授权代表和/或代理人应随时获准进入并检查经营者有关开采和移走资源的所有账簿、记录和测量系统。如果MB Inc.发现经营者保存的任何记录与地磅的数字不符,或发现地磅有问题或被篡改,MB Inc.应有权使用自己的记录来计算贡品和/或特许权使用费。MB Inc.还有权停止上述土地上的所有作业,直到地磅修复到 MB Inc.满意的程度,或直到 MB Inc.得到有关当局的进一步批准(以较早者为准)。


9.1 The Parties agree that the Operator shall commence Mining Operations on the Land within the time prescribed in the Mining Lease granted by the Authorities to MB Inc. or nine (9) months from the Effective Date of this Agreement (whichever is earlier) and shall thereafter continuously carry on such Mining Operations until the lawful termination or expiry of this Agreement. The Operator shall as and when required throughout the tenure of this Agreement submit the relevant mining operation report as required by the Authorities within the time as prescribed by the Authorities. Such report shall be prepared at the Operator's sole cost and expense.
9.1 締約雙方同意,經營者應在當局批予MB Inc.的採礦契約所規定的時限內,或在本協議生效日期起九(9)個月內(以較早者為準),開始在該幅土地上進行採礦業務,其後並應繼續進行該等採礦業務,直至本協議合法終止或屆滿為止。The Operator shall as and when required through the tenure of this Agreement submit the relevant mining operation report as required by the Authorities within the time as prescribed by the Authorities.該報告須由經營者自行承擔費用及開支。
9.2 The Operator shall carry on the Mining Operations in a proper, efficient and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the law, the Mineral Enactment, the Mineral Regulations, the express and implied regulations and conditions of Said Land and to the satisfaction of the relevant Authorities and MB Inc..
9.2 经营者应根据法律、矿产法规、矿产条例、明示和暗示的规定以及上述土地的条件,以适当、有效和勤勉的方式进行采矿作业,并使有关当局和MB Inc.满意。
9.3 The Operator is hereby required to submit a copy of the monthly production record to the relevant Authorities and to MB Inc. by the of the following month.
9.3 经营者必须在下一个月的 之前向有关当局和 MB Inc.
9.4 MB Inc. through its authorised representatives may at any time, enter upon and view during reasonable business hours the Said Land or survey or other purpose and to inspect all records of the Resources sold.
9.4 MB Inc. 可随时通过其授权代表,在合理的工作时间内进入上述土地查看,或进行调查或其他目的,并检查所售资源的所有记录。
9.5 The Operator acknowledges that MB Inc. may award similar and/or other works on other demarcated plots or sites adjoining, adjacent or nearby the Said Land to other parties (hereinafter referred to as "Other Operators") and as such, the Operator shall not at any time prohibit, impede or obstruct howsoever such Other Operators to such other demarcated plots or sites via designated access routes and allow reasonable access or easements over the Said Land (if necessary or as directed by MB Inc.) during the currency of this Agreement to the said plots or sites to the Other
9.5 经营者承认,MB Inc.可能会将毗邻、邻近或靠近上述土地的其他划定地块或场地的类似和/或其他工程授予其他方(以下简称 "其他经营者"),因此,经营者在任何时候都不得禁止、阻碍或妨碍其他经营者通过指定通道进入上述其他划定地块或场地,并允许其他经营者合理进入上述土地或在上述土地上留出地役权(如有必要或根据MB Inc.的指示)。在本协议有效期内,允许其他经营者进入上述地块或场地(如有必要或由 MB Inc.
Operators and/or MB Inc. In furtherance of the above, MB Inc. may request the Operator and the Other Operators to attend operational meetings from time to time to set the boundaries in relation to the entire project and make such policy decisions to protect and that is beneficial to MB Inc.'s interest in the entire project and the Operator shall duly comply with such reasonable meeting requests by MB Inc..
经营者和/或 MB 公司为促进上述工作,MB Inc.可要求经营者和其他经营者不时参加业务会议,以确定与整个项目有关的边界,并做出政策决定,以保护和有利于 MB Inc.
9.6 The Operator shall at all times ensure that any access roads, drainage and power transmission lines and any other structures by any public agency or authority at the vicinity and at the Said Land are not encroached, damaged or affected in any way whatsoever.
9.6 经营者在任何时候均应确保任何公共机构或当局在上述土地附近的任何通路、排水和输电线路以及任何其他结构不受任何侵占、破坏或影响。
9.7 The Operator shall build and maintain any access roads and/or other shared facilities, whether on the Said Land or on any adjacent or other plots or sites (with consent from MB Inc.), that it may require in order to carry out the Mining Operations and allow MB Inc. and/or its authorised representatives and/or its agents and/or the Other Operators unfettered right of access to the said roads, shared facilities and/or the Said Land; and shall further allow reasonable use of the said access roads and shared facilities to any third party(ies) as directed by MB Inc..
9.7 经营者应在上述土地上或任何邻近或其他地块或地点(经MB Inc.同意)修建和维护其开展采矿作业可能需要的任何通道和/或其他共用设施,并允许MB Inc.和/或其授权代表和/或其代理人和/或其他经营者不受限制地使用上述道路、共用设施和/或上述土地;还应允许任何第三方按照MB Inc.的指示合理使用上述通道和共用设施。
9.8 The Operator shall reserve a zone or as directed by MB Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Reserved Zone") on the Said Land for the purposes of building access roads and/or shared facilities and the Reserved Zone shall be located on the Said Land as close to the boundary as possible or in such a way so as to minimize its impact on the Mining Operations of the Said Land and/or other plots or sites. The Reserve Zone, if placed close to the boundary, shall stretch along the said boundary with a width as instructed by MB Inc. or any relevant authorities, or of an area sufficient for the purposes envisaged herein.
9.8 经营者应在上述土地上预留一个区域或按照MB Inc.的指示预留一个区域(下称 "预留区"),用于修建通道和/或共用设施,预留区应尽可能靠近边界,或尽量减少对上述土地和/或其他地块或场地的采矿作业的影响。如果保留区靠近边界,则应沿着上述边界延伸,其宽度应符合 MB 公司或任何相关当局的指示,或其面积足以实现本协议所设想的目的。
9.9 The Operator shall ensure that it does not do any act or omit to take any action so as to give rise to a cause of action in tort or otherwise against MB Inc. and/or the Operator in general; in particular the Operator shall refrain from causing any nuisance or interruption, trespass or transgression to the neighbouring plots with the Said Land and/or any other lands and any third party. The Operator further understands that MB Inc., as the Mining Lease holder is developing the Said Land and other neighbouring plots as well as further developing the area and the business of Resources. As such, the Operator shall adhere to policy guidelines implemented by MB Inc. from time to time and the Operator agrees that it shall not do anything that may affect MB Inc.'s interest in the business of Resources in the Said Land and neighbouring plots.
9.9 "经营者 "应确保不采取任何行动或不采取任何行动,以免引起对 MB Inc. 和/或 "经营者 "的侵权行为或其他行为;"经营者 "尤其应避免对上述土地和/或任何其他土地的邻近地块和任何第三方造成任何滋扰或干扰、侵入或侵犯。经营者进一步理解,MB 公司作为采矿许可证持有者,正在开发上述土地及其他邻近地块, 并进一步发展该地区和资源公司的业务。因此,经营者应遵守 MB Inc. 不时实施的政策方针,经营者同意不做任何可能影响 MB Inc.
9.10 The Operator shall be solely responsible for all aspects of security of the Mining Operations, the Said Land, the Resources therein, and machinery, infrastructure, plant, apparatus, etc. thereon and shall implement sufficient security measures and protocols guarding and ensuring the safety of all aforesaid matters.
9.10 运营方应全权负责采矿作业、上述土地、其中的资源以及机械、基础设施、厂房、仪器等各方面的安全,并应实施充分的安全措施和规程,保护和确保所有上述事项的安全。
9.11 In addition to the provisions of Clause 9.10 above, the Operator shall formulate and implement occupational health and safety policies dealing with all such risks arising
9.11 除上文第 9.10 条的规定外,经营人还应制定和实施职业健康与安全政策,以应对以下所有风险

from the Mining Operations to protect the health and safety of all persons on the Said Land including but not limited to employees of the Operator and any personnel of MB Inc. reasonably expected to enter the Said Land from time to time. Such policies shall comply with any regulations imposed by DOSH from time to time, including but not limited to registration under 'Sistem Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Malaysia (МуККР). In the event the Operator is required to submit any policies to DOSH the Operator shall do so promptly and furnish a copy of the same to MB Inc. for its safekeeping.
在采矿作业过程中,MB Inc.应制定政策,保护在上述土地上的所有人的健康和安全,包括但不限于经营者的雇员和MB Inc.合理预期不时进入上述土地的任何人员。这些政策应符合卫生部不时实施的任何规定,包括但不限于在 "Sistem Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Malaysia(МуККР)"下注册。如果经营者被要求向 DOSH 提交任何政策,经营者应立即提交,并向 MB Inc.
9.12 The Operator shall submit to MB Inc. a contingency plan to respond effectively to incidents that are likely to cause serious harm to the surrounding environment and other reasonably foreseeable emergencies that may arise from the Mining Operations; and such plans shall establish special procedures and provide for adequate and appropriate equipment for dealing with such incidents and emergencies which shall include, but not limited to, arrangements for raising a general alarm on the Said Land and on the other plots within its immediate vicinity and the carrying out of periodic emergency response exercises.
9.12 运营方应向 MB Inc. 提交一份应急计划,以有效应对可能对周围环境造成严重危害的事 故和采矿作业可能引发的其他可合理预见的紧急情况;该计划应制定特别程序,并提供足 够和适当的设备,以处理此类事件和紧急情况,其中应包括但不限于在上述土地及其周边其 他地块上拉响总警报的安排,以及定期开展应急演习。
9.13 With reference to Clauses 9.10 and 9.12, the Operator shall formulate the aforementioned measures, protocols, policies and plans, and thereafter adequately train sufficient designated employees to implement the said measures, protocols and policies to the reasonable satisfaction of MB Inc. before the commencement of the Mining Operations.
9.13 关于第 9.10 条和第 9.12 条,经营者应制定上述措施、规程、政策和计划,然后对 足够的指定员工进行充分培训,以便在采矿作业开始之前执行上述措施、规程和政策, 并达到 MB Inc.的合理满意程度。
9.14 The Operator shall take all precaution and measures to prevent pilferage of the Resources, whether by its own personnel or third parties, and shall in any event during the currency of this Agreement be solely responsible for any pilferage thereto. MB Inc. shall not in any way be responsible or affected by such pilferage, whether by way of reduction of payment of the Tribute and/or Royalty or otherwise suffer any losses as a result thereof.
9.14 经营者应采取一切预防措施和手段,防止自己的人员或第三方盗用资源,并在本协 议有效期内对盗用资源行为负全部责任。MB Inc. 不应以任何方式对这种偷窃行为负责或受到影响,无论是减少应缴贡 献和/或特许权使用费,还是因此遭受任何损失。
9.15 Notwithstanding anything on the contrary, the Operator and MB Inc. acknowledge and agree on the importance of conducting sufficient corporate social responsibilities in the surrounding area of the Said Land and creating a positive impact through its activities on the environment and to local communities. In furtherance of this, the Operator shall allocate a certain amount of fund annually to be mutually agreed by MB Inc. and the Operator, which shall be channelled to MB Inc. on the first month of each year for MB Inc. to formulate and execute a long term corporate social responsibility plan & program on behalf of the Operator that shall benefit the needs and requirements of the local residents and community as well as creating a harmonious relationship with the local residents and communities.
9.15 尽管有相反的规定,但经营者和 MB 公司承认并同意在上述土地周边地区充分履行企业社会责任的重要性,并通过其活动对环境和当地社区产生积极影响。为此,经营者应每年拨出一定数额的资金(由 MB 公司和经营者共同商定),在每年的第一个月拨给 MB 公司,用于 MB 公司代表经营者制定和执行长期的企业社会责任计划和方案,以满足当地居民和社区的需要和要求,并与当地居民和社区建立和谐的关系。


10.1 The Parties hereto acknowledge that in order to increase output and optimize the Mining Operations from time to time, it may become necessary for Mineral Waste from other operations to be deposited within the Said Land and whereupon the
10.1 双方确认,为了不时提高产量和优化采矿作业,可能有必要将其他作业产生的矿产废料堆放 在上述土地上,届时
Mining Operations can be undertaken by the Operator. Under the circumstances, MB Inc. shall give a written notice to deposit Mineral Waste procured from other parties on such parts of the Said Land as MB Inc. may determine on consultation with the Operator at no cost to MB Inc..
经营者可进行采矿作业。在这种情况下,MB Inc.应发出书面通知,将从其他方采购的矿产废料存放在上述土地上由 MB Inc.在与经营者协商后决定的部分,MB Inc.不承担任何费用。
10.2 The Mineral Waste so deposited shall be utilized as potential resource for tailings by the Operator and all Resources extracted thereupon shall be subject to the same terms of this agreement mutatis mutandis.
10.2 作业者应将如此堆放的矿物废料作为尾矿的潜在资源加以利用,由此提取的所有资源应比照适用本协议的相同条款。

11 保险/工人赔偿

11.1 The Operator shall insure and keep itself insured at all times against any liability that it may incur under the Workmen's Compensation Act 1952 [Act 273] or any other law applicable in respect of workmen or machinery or any other assets employed under or in connection with MB Inc. and shall name MB Inc. as a coinsured under the said policy.
11.1 经营者应随时投保并保持自己在 1952 年《工人赔偿法》[第 273 号法案]或任何其他 适用于 MB 公司雇用的工人或机械或任何其他资产或与 MB 公司有关的法律下可能 承担的任何责任,并应将 MB 公司列为上述保单的共同被保险人。
11.2 The Operator shall report to MB Inc. immediately within 24 hours of any accident involving fatal or bodily injury that occurs on the Said Land.
11.2 如果在上述土地上发生任何造成人员伤亡的事故,经营者应在 24 小时内立即向 MB Inc.

12 声明和保证

12.1 Each Party hereto has entered into this Agreement in reliance on the following representations and warranties made by each Party hereto on the other Party hereto:
12.1 本协议的每一方均依据其对另一方做出的以下陈述和保证签订本协议:
(a) it has the power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated by it;
(a) 它有权力和授权签订和履行本协议项下的义务,并完成本协议拟进行的交易;
(b) this Agreement will constitute its legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations.
(b) 本协议将构成其合法、有效、有约束力和可强制执行的义务。
(c) no judgement has been entered against the Party in legal proceedings and no arbitral or administrative award has been given and there are no pending or, to its knowledge, threatened, litigation, arbitration or administrative actions or proceedings before any court, arbitrator or governmental, regulatory or administrative agency or authority which, by itself or together with other actions or proceedings, if determined adversely to it, would materially adversely affect its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
(c) 没有在法律诉讼中作出对该缔约方不利的判决,没有作出任何仲裁或行政裁 决,也没有在任何法院、仲裁员或政府、监管或行政机构或当局进行的未决或 据该缔约方所知可能进行的诉讼、仲裁或行政行动或程序,这些行动或程序本 身或连同其他行动或程序如果作出对该缔约方不利的裁决,将对该缔约方履行 本协议义务的能力产生重大不利影响。

13 时间就是生命

13.1 Time whenever mentioned shall be deemed to be the essence of this Agreement.
13.1 凡提及时间,均应将其视为本协议的实质内容。

14.1 This Agreement shall not constitute a partnership or any agency between the Parties. No Party has the power or the right to bind, commit or pledge the credit of any other Party.
14.1 本协议不构成双方之间的合伙关系或任何代理关系。任何一方均无权约束、承诺或抵押任何其他方的信用。

15 内部争议解决与法院管辖权

15.1 Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the Parties during the term of this Agreement or upon or subsequent to its discharge or termination concerning the construction or effect of this Agreement or the rights, duties, obligations or liabilities of any Party under or by virtue of this Agreement or as to any matter connected with or arising out of this Agreement shall first be referred by either Party to the other Party and the Parties may be represented by any person of its choice including its ultimate major Shareholder who shall use their best efforts to negotiate in good faith and settle such dispute or difference amicably within twenty one (21) days of such referral
15.1 在本协议有效期内,或在本协议解除或终止时或其后,双方之间出现任何有关本协议的解释或效 果,或任何一方根据或凭借本协议所享有的权利、职责、义务或责任,或与本协议有关或由 本协议引起的任何事项的争议或分歧,应首先由任何一方提交另一方,双方可由其选择的任 何人士(包括其最终主要股东)代表,他们应尽最大努力进行真诚谈判,并在提交后二十 一(21)天内友好解决争议或分歧。
15.2 If and only if such dispute or difference cannot be settled within the aforesaid twenty-one (21) days, either Party may thereafter refer the dispute or difference to be settled by the courts in Malaysia (which shall have exclusive jurisdiction).
15.2 如果且仅如果该争议或分歧不能在上述二十一(21)天内解决,任何一方均可随后将该争 议或分歧提交马来西亚法院解决(该法院拥有专属管辖权)。


16.1 The validity, construction and performance of the Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Malaysian Law.
16.1 本协议的有效性、解释和履行受马来西亚法律管辖,并根据马来西亚法律进行解释。

17 FORCE MAJEURE 17 不可抗力

17.1 No Party shall be liable for failure of any obligation under this Agreement including the obligation to pay the Tribute and/or Royalty to the extent that such failure is due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Party concerned being an instance of force majeure including but not limited to the riots, strike, civil commotion, insurrection, sabotage, fire, floods, epidemics, labour disturbance movement control order, government enforced lockdown, any movement restriction imposed by the government, any pandemic, or any form of act of God.
17.1 任何一方均不对本协议规定的任何义务(包括支付贡品和/或特许权使用费的义务)的失 败承担责任,如果这种失败是由于超出有关方合理控制范围的不可预见的情况(包括但不 限于暴乱、罢工、内乱、叛乱、破坏、火灾、洪水、流行病、劳工骚乱行动管制令、政 府强制封锁、政府施加的任何行动限制、任何大流行病或任何形式的天灾)造成的。
17.2 If the force majeure event continues for a continuous period exceeding six (6) months, the Operator shall have the option to either: -
17.2 如果不可抗力事件持续时间超过六(6)个月,经营人应有权选择: -
(a) terminate this Agreement whereupon the Operator will yield vacant possession of the Said Land to MB Inc. free of encumbrances. Thereafter MB Inc. shall refund the Commitment Fee to the Operator within ninety (90) days of the date of termination after deducting the Administrative Fee and all other sums payable by the Operator pursuant to this Agreement including but not limited to any outstanding Tribute, Royalty, costs for rehabilitation and reinstatement of the Said Land, and/or any fines or penalties incurred; or
(a) 终止本协议,届时,经营者应将上述土地的空置占有权移交给MB Inc.,不得附带任何负担。此后,MB Inc.应在终止之日起九十(90)天内,在扣除管理费和经营者根据本协议应支付的所有其他款项(包括但不限于任何未支付的贡品、特许权使用费、上述土地的恢复和复原费用和/或任何罚款或处罚)后,向经营者退还承诺费;或

(b) continue with this Agreement whereupon this Clause shall no longer apply notwithstanding the force majeure event is continuing. For the avoidance of doubt, the Tribute, Royalty and all other payments specified herein shall resume after the expiry of the six (6) month period stated above. For the avoidance of doubt, the Operator may still terminate this Agreement after electing to continue pursuant to this Clause in the event the force majeure event is still subsisting.
(b) 继续履行本协议,此时,尽管不可抗力事件仍在继续,本条款将不再适用。为免生疑问,在上述六(6)个月期限届满后,应恢复支付贡品、特许权使用费和本协议规定的所有其他款项。为避免疑义,在不可抗力事件仍然存在的情况下,经营者在根据本条款选择继续履行本协定后,仍可终止本协定。


18.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either Party in the event:
18.1 在下列情况下,任何一方均可终止本协议
(a) the other Party is persistently in breach of its obligation to pay the Tribute and/or Royalty. For the purposes of this Clause 18.1(a), "persistently in breach" shall mean any three (3) breaches within a six (6) month period;
(a) 另一方持续违反其支付贡品和/或特许权使用费的义务。就本第 18.1(a)条而言,"持续违约 "是指在六(6)个月内发生三(3)次违约;
(b) the other Party fails to commence the Mining Operation in accordance with Clause 9.1 hereto;
(b) 另一方未能根据本合同第 9.1 条开始采矿作业;
(c) save for where Clauses 18.1(a) and 18.1(b) apply, where the other Party is in breach of this Agreement, and such Party fails to take all necessary action to remedy any breach of this Agreement within thirty (30) days from the service of any written notice by the other Party hereto complaining of such breach;
(c) 除第 18.1(a)和 18.1(b)条适用的情况外,如另一方违反本协议,而该方未能 在本协议另一方发出书面通知控诉该违约行为后三十(30)天内采取一切必 要行动纠正任何违约行为;
(d) the other Party has made any material misrepresentation or untrue warranty to induce the other Party to enter into this Agreement; and/or
(d) 另一方作出任何重大失实陈述或不真实保证以诱使另一方签订本协议;和/或
(e) the other Party fails to maintain the Mining Lease, Approvals and Other Approvals in accordance with this Agreement.
(e) 另一方未能按照本协议维持采矿租赁、批准和其他批准。
(f) of the Dissolution of any Party;
(f) 任何一方解散;
(g) a Party becomes insolvent or is wound-up or files or has a petition filed against it for its insolvency or winding-up or becomes unable to pay its debts generally as they fall due or makes a general assignment or arrangement or scheme of compromise with or for the benefit of its creditors or a liquidator, receiver, judicial manager, trustee, administrator, agent or similar officer is appointed for the defaulting Party or over all or a material part of the assets of the defaulting Party; or
(g) 一方无力偿债或清盘,或提出或收到针对其无力偿债或清盘的申请,或无力偿付其到期债务,或与债权人或为债权人的利益作出一般转让或安排或妥协计划,或为违约方或为违约方的全部或大部分资产指定清算人、接管人、司法管理人、受托人、管理人、代理人或类似人员;或
(h) a Party ceases or threatens to cease to carry on the whole or any substantial part of its business other than in the course of reconstruction or amalgamation approved by the other Parties (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld); or
(h) 一方停止或威胁停止经营其全部或大部分业务,但经其他各方批准(不得无理拒绝批 准)的重建或合并除外;或
Then in any such event the terminating Party may be by written notice forthwith determine this Agreement but without prejudice to any right of either Party to sue for any antecedent breach of this Agreement by the other.
18.2 In the event of a termination, the Parties agree that the following will ensue:
18.2 在终止合同的情况下,双方同意采取以下措施:
(a) if termination is due to MB Inc.'s default, the Agreement shall stand terminated, and:
(a) 如果终止协议是由于 MB Inc:
(i) MB Inc. shall refund to the Operator the Security Deposit and the Commitment Fee less the Administrative Fee and any other sums due and owing to MB Inc. pursuant to this Agreement including but not limited to any outstanding Royalty, MB Inc.'s Tribute, costs for rehabilitation and reinstatement of the Said Land, and/or any fines or penalties incurred within ninety (90) days of the date of termination;
(i) MB Inc.应向经营者退还保证金和承诺费,但须扣除管理费以及根据本协 议应退还给 MB Inc.的任何其他款项,包括但不限于任何未付的特许权使 用费、MB Inc.的贡品、上述土地的恢复和复原费用和/或终止之日起九十 (90) 天内发生的任何罚款或处罚;
(ii) MB Inc. shall pay to the Operator a sum of RM100,000.00 being agreed liquidated damages for all expenses incurred and losses suffered by the Operator including but not limited to loss of future profit; and
(ii) MB Inc.应向经营者支付100,000.00马币,这是商定的违约赔偿金,用于赔偿经营者的所有费用和损失,包括但不限于未来利润损失;以及
(iii) Thereafter the Parties shall have no claim whatsoever against each other save for any antecedent breaches of this Agreement.
(iii) 此后,除本协定的任何先前违约行为外,双方不得向对方提出任何索赔。
(b) if termination is due to the Operator's default, the Agreement shall stand terminated, and:
(b) 如终止协议是由于经营者违约,则协议应予终止,并且, (c) 如终止协议是由于经营者违约,则协议应予终止,并且, (d) 如终止协议是由于经营者违约,则协议应予终止:
(i) the Security Deposit and the Commitment Fee shall be forfeited to MB Inc. and in addition, the Operator shall pay to MB Inc. all other sums due from the Operator pursuant to this Agreement including but not limited to any outstanding Royalty, MB Inc.'s Tribute, costs for rehabilitation and reinstatement of the Said Land, and/or any fines or penalties incurred;
(i) 保证金和承诺费应没收给 MB Inc.,此外,经营者应向 MB Inc.支付根据 本协议经营者应支付的所有其他款项,包括但不限于任何未付的特许权使用 费、MB Inc.的贡品、上述土地的恢复和复原费用和/或任何罚款或处罚;
(ii) the Operator shall pay to MB Inc. a sum of RM100,000.00 each being agreed liquidated damages for all expenses incurred and losses suffered by MB Inc. including but not limited to loss of future profit; and
(ii) 经营者应向MB Inc.支付100,000.00马币的违约赔偿金,以补偿MB Inc.的所有开支和损失,包括但不限于未来利润的损失;以及
(iii) Thereafter the Parties shall have no claim whatsoever against each other save for any antecedent breaches of this Agreement.
(iii) 此后,除本协定的任何先前违约行为外,双方不得向对方提出任何索赔。
18.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in the above sub clauses, this Agreement is deemed terminated upon the termination of the Mining Lease. Upon such termination, MB Inc. shall refund the Commitment Fee and Security Deposit to the Operator within ninety (90) days of the date of termination after deducting the Administrative Fee and all other sums payable by the Operator pursuant to this
18.3 尽管上述分条款有任何规定,本协议在采矿租赁合同终止时视为终止。一旦终止,MB Inc.应在终止之日起九十(90)天内,在扣除管理费和经营者根据本协议应支付的所有其他款项后,向经营者退还承诺费和保证金。
Agreement including but not limited to any outstanding Royalty, Tribute, costs for rehabilitation and reinstatement of the Said Land, and/or any fines or penalties incurred.
18.4 Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated notwithstanding the Parties have fulfilled all their obligations and are not in breach of any condition, if any Party shall receive a notice from the Perak State Government to terminate and/or revoke this Agreement on the basis of state interest, national interest, interest of national security, government policy and public policy, provided that a copy of the notice from the Perak State Government is first extended to the Operator. Upon such termination:
18.4 尽管本《协议》有任何规定,如果任何一方收到霹雳州政府基于国家利益、民族利益、国家安全利益、政府政策和公共政策而发出的终止和/或撤销本《协议》的通知,尽管双方已履行所有义务且未违反任何条件,本《协议》仍可终止,但须先将霹雳州政府通知的副本送交经营者。终止时
(a) MB Inc. shall refund the Security Deposit and the Commitment Fee to the Operator within ninety (90) days of the date of termination after deducting the Administrative Fee and all other sums payable by the Operator pursuant to this Agreement including but not limited to any outstanding Royalty, MB Inc.'s Tribute, costs for rehabilitation and reinstatement of the Said Land, and/or any fines or penalties incurred; and
(a) MB Inc.应在终止之日起九十(90)天内,在扣除管理费和经营者根据本协 议应支付的所有其他款项(包括但不限于任何未付特许权使用费、MB Inc.的贡 献、上述土地的恢复和复原费用和/或任何罚款或处罚)后,将保证金和承 诺费退还给经营者;以及 (b) MB Inc.应在终止之日起九十(90)天内,在扣除管理费和经营者根据本协 议应支付的所有其他款项(包括但不限于任何未付特许权使用费、MB Inc.
(b) Thereafter the Parties shall have no claim whatsoever against each other save for any antecedent breaches of this Agreement.
(b) 此后,除本协定的任何先前违约行为外,双方不得向对方提出任何索赔。
18.5 For the purposes of this clause, what constitutes "national interest", "interest of national security", "government policy" and "public policy" shall be solely made and determined by the government and such determination shall for all intent and purposes be final and conclusive and shall not be opened to any challenge whatsoever.
18.5 就本条款而言,何为 "国家利益"、"国家安全利益"、"政府政策 "和 "公共政策", 应完全由政府制定和确定,而且就所有意图和目的而言,这种确定应是最终和决定性的, 不得提出任何质疑。

19 NOTICE 19 注意事项

19.1 All notices, requests or communications to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed to be duly served if sent by prepaid registered post addressed or delivered to the respective addresses mentioned above of the Parties hereto.
19.1 根据本协定发出的所有通知、要求或函件,如以预付邮资的挂号信寄往或送达本协定 双方的上述各自地址,应视为已正式送达。


20.1 Unless otherwise agreed by the unanimous decision of the Parties all information obtained in relation to this Agreement shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed by the Parties otherwise than to each other or:
20.1 除非经双方一致同意,否则就本协定所获得的所有信息均应保密,双方除向对方或
(a) to their, or their respective related corporations directors, offices, employees, auditors, bankers, financiers, financial advisors and legal advisors;
(a) 他们或他们各自相关公司的董事、办事处、雇员、审计员、银行家、金融家、财务顾问和法律顾问;
(b) if and to the extent required pursuant to any necessarily applicable legislation or other legal requirement or pursuant to the rules or regulations of a recognized stock exchange or similar trading market applicable to the
(b) 如果根据任何必要的适用法律或其他法律规定,或根据适用于以下情况的公认证 券交易所或类似交易市场的规则或条例有此要求,并以其要求为限
Party so disclosing or to a related corporation of that Party after prior notification to and consultation with the other Party;
(c) if and to the extent that it may in the opinion of the disclosing Party be necessary or desirable to disclose to any government or competent authority, in connection with applications for approvals, Authorities and consents in relation hereto;
(c) 在披露方认为有必要或适宜向任何政府或主管当局披露的情况下,以及在此范围 内,与申请与本协议有关的批准、授权和同意有关的情况下;
(d) to any financial institution or financier in connection with any finance arranged or sought to be arranged; or
(d) 在与任何已安排或寻求安排的融资有关联的情况下,向任何金融机构或融资人提供;或
(e) to bona fide potential purchasers, transferees or assignees of a Party's participating interest or part thereof;
(e) 缔约方参与权益或部分参与权益的善意潜在购买者、受让人或受让人;
(i) in the case of a disclosure pursuant to Sub-Clause 20.1(a) the disclosing Party shall ensure that the relevant related corporation does not do or omit to do anything which, if it were a Party, would constitute a breach of this Clause 21;
(i) 在根据第 20.1(a)款进行披露的情况下,披露方应确保相关关联公司不做或不 做任何其作为缔约方时会构成违反本第 21 条的行为;
(ii) any disclosure pursuant to Sub-Clause 20.1(d) and Clause 20.1(e) shall only be made for the purposes of satisfying such institution or potential purchaser, transferee or assignee as to the value and commercial viability of the Agreed Project;
(ii) 根据第 20.1(d)款和第 20.1(e)款作出的任何披露,只能是为了使该 机构或潜在买方、受让方或受让人对商定项目的价值和商业可行性 感到满意;
(iii) any disclosure pursuant to Sub-Clause 20.1(d) above shall only be made subject to the person to whom the disclosure is made covenanting and agreeing that the relevant information shall not be disclosed to any other person whomsoever for any purposes whatsoever (but this Proviso shall not apply to any bona fide disclosure by a Party to its independent legal advisers in relation to matters relevant to this Agreement, nor shall it apply to information already in the public domain).
(iii) 根據上文第 20.1(d)款作出的任何披露,只可在披露對象承諾及同意 不會為任何目的向任何其他人士披露有關資料的情況下作出(但本 條文不適用於一方就與本協議有關的事宜向其獨立法律顧問作出的 任何善意披露,亦不適用於已在公共領域的資料)。
21.1 Each Party shall bear its own costs, legal fees and other expenses incurred in the preparation, negotiation and execution of this Agreement.
21.1 各方应承担自己在准备、谈判和执行本协定过程中产生的成本、法律费用和其他开 支。
21.2 The stamp duty payable on this Agreement shall be borne by the Operator.
21.2 本协议的印花税由经营者承担。


22.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon the representatives, successors in title and permitted assigns of each of the Parties hereto.
22.1 本协议对协议各方的代表、所有权继承人和允许的受让人具有约束力。

23.1 This Agreement shall commence with effect from the date hereof and shall continue with full force and effect for the entire period as stated in Part IX of the Schedule hereto unless otherwise earlier terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
23.1 本协定自签订之日起生效,并在本协定附表第 IX 部分规定的整个期限内具有充分效力, 除非根据本协定的条款提前终止本协定。
23.2 In the event the ML Term is less than the Specified Term, MB Inc. shall prior to the expiry of the Mining Lease make the necessary applications to the Authorities, at the Operator's sole cost, for the extension of the Mining Lease. MB Inc.'s duty pursuant to this Clause 23.2 is only to make the necessary submission of the renewal application, and MB Inc. shall not be responsible for the outcome of the same. In the event MB Inc. does not obtain the renewal of the Mining Lease, this Agreement shall expire at the end of the ML Term.
23.2 如果有效期少于规定期限,MB Inc. 应在采矿租赁合同到期前向当局提出必要的延期申 请,费用由经营者自行承担。MB Inc.根据本第23.2条的规定,其职责仅为提交必要的延期申请,MB Inc.不应对申请结果负责。如果 MB Inc. 没有获得采矿租赁合同的延期,本协议将在采矿租赁合同期结束时失效。
23.3 Upon the expiry of this Agreement, MB Inc. hereby grants to the Operator the right of first refusal to conduct mining operations on the Said Land. In the event MB Inc. does not renew this Agreement with the Operator and MB Inc. receives and/or makes an offer or any other form of pre-contractual arrangement from/to a different operator to conduct mining operations on the Said Land ("Offer"), MB Inc. shall give written notice of the Offer to the Operator, stating the terms thereof. In the event the Operator, within fourteen (14) days of its receipt of the aforesaid Offer, gives notice to MB Inc. of its acceptance of the terms contained in the Offer, then MB Inc. shall award the mining rights on the Said Land to the Operator on the same terms as contained in the Offer. In the event the Operator does not give such notice to MB Inc., then the right of first refusal herein shall lapse, and MB Inc may make the award to the different operator in accordance with the Offer. If MB Inc. does not proceed with the different operator for any reason, then this clause shall apply to any future offers or any other form of pre-contractual arrangement made/received to/by MB Inc. This clause 23.3 shall survive the termination and/or expiry of this Agreement.
23.3 本协议期满后,MB Inc.特此授予经营者在上述土地上开展采矿业务的优先权。如果MB Inc.不与经营者续签本协议,并且MB Inc.收到和/或向另一家经营者提出在上述土地上进行采矿作业的要约或任何其他形式的合同前安排("要约"),MB Inc.应将要约书面通知经营者,并说明其条款。如果经营者在收到上述 "要约 "后十四(14)天内向MB Inc.发出通知,表示接受 "要约 "中的条款,则MB Inc.应按照 "要约 "中的相同条款将上述土地上的采矿权授予经营者。如果经营者未向MB Inc.发出上述通知,则此处的优先购买权失效,MB Inc.可根据要约将上述土地的开采权授予不同的经营者。如果MB Inc.出于任何原因不与不同的运营商签约,则本条款应适用于MB Inc.今后提出/收到的任何要约或任何其他形式的合同前安排。本条款第 23.3 条在本协议终止和/或到期后继续有效。


24.1 If any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement should at any time be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect the operation, construction or interpretation of any other provisions of this Agreement, to the extent that the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision(s) shall be treated for all purposes as severed from this Agreement.
24.1 如果本协议的任何一条或多条规定在任何时候在任何方面无效、非法或不可执行,其无效性、非法性或不可执行 性不应影响本协议任何其他规定的实施、解释或诠释,只要无效、非法或不可执行的规定就所有目的而言被视为从本 协议中分离。
24.2 Neither Party shall be at liberty to assign any of its right; benefits title and interest in this Agreement to any other Party without the prior written consent of the other (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) save that this restriction shall not apply to any assignments to a Related Corporation.
24.2 未经另一方事先书面同意(不得无理拒绝同意),任何一方不得随意将其在本协议中 的任何权利、利益、所有权和权益转让给任何其他方,但本限制不适用于向关联公 司的任何转让。

25 INDEMNITY 25 赔偿

25.1 If during the continuance of this Agreement it shall be found that any of the warranties or undertakings on the part of any of the Parties herein have not in all
25.1 如果在本协议有效期内,发现本协议中任何一方的保证或承诺在所有情况下未

material respects been carried out or complied with or are otherwise untrue or incorrect in any material respect, a Party (being the innocent Party) shall, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies given hereunder or in law or under equity, be entitled to seek specific performance of this Agreement against the other Party (being the defaulting Party), but failure to exercise this right shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights of the innocent Party. Further such Party (being the defaulting Party) shall indemnify the other Party (being the innocent Party) against all losses, actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, damages and expenses (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which the Party (being the innocent Party) may incur, suffer or sustain by reason of any breach by the Party (being the defaulting Party) of such covenants, conditions or stipulations contained in this Agreement.
如一方(即無辜方)在本協議下或在法律上或衡平法上享有的其他權利及補救,在不損害其在本協議下或在法律上或衡平法上享有的其他權利及補救的情況下,有權要求另一方(即違約方)具體履行本協議,但不行使此項權利並不構成無辜方放棄任何其他權利。此外,該方(即違約方)須就另一方(即無辜方)因該方(即違約方)違反本協 議所載的契諾、條件或規定而可能招致、蒙受或承受的一切損失、訴訟、法律程序、 申索、要求、費用、損害賠償及開支(包括按全數彌償基準計算的法律費用)作出彌償。
25.2 Notwithstanding anything stated or implied to the contrary in this Agreement, the Operator hereby covenants to indemnify MB Inc. against any claims for death and/or personal injury and/or property damage and any other claims that may result from negligent acts and/or omissions on the part of the Operator, its employees and/or agents arising out of the Mining Operations.
25.2 尽管本《协议》中有任何相反的规定或暗示,经营者特此承诺,对于因采矿作业引起的经营者、其雇员和/或代理人的过失行为和/或疏忽而造成的死亡和/或人身伤害和/或财产损失以及任何其他索赔,经营者应向MB Inc.作出赔偿。
25.3 At no time shall MB Inc. be in any way liable to the Operator and/or any other parties for losses sustained or liabilities incurred whatsoever for any negligence, act, omission or breach by the Operator with regard to its operation of the Mining Operations at the Said Land and shall keep MB Inc. indemnified of the same at all times.
25.3 在任何时候,MB Inc.均不得以任何方式对经营者和/或任何其他方因经营者在上述土地的采矿作业中的任何疏忽、作为、不作为或违约行为而遭受的损失或承担的任何责任负责,并应始终保持对MB Inc.的赔偿。
25.4 The Operator hereby agrees to indemnify MB Inc against all claims, losses, fines, penalties and/or damages suffered/incurred by MB Inc as a result of anything done or omitted to be done by the Operator.
25.4 经营者特此同意赔偿 MB Inc 因其所做或未做的任何事情而遭受/招致的所有索赔、损失、罚 款、处罚和/或损害。

26 TAXES 26 税收

26.1 Any sums payable by the Operator under this Agreement are exclusive of any taxes and MB Inc. shall issue invoice(s) to reflect the amount of taxes payable. For avoidance of doubt, the issuance of the invoice is only to facilitate payment of taxes and shall not be construed in anyway whatsoever as a condition precedent for payment of the such sums.
26.1 运营方根据本协议应支付的任何款项均不包括任何税款,MB Inc.应开具发票,以反映应支付的税款数额。为免生疑问,开具发票只是为了方便纳税,无论如何不得解释为支付税款的先决条件。

27 INSURANCE 27 保险

27.1 MB Inc. undertakes no responsibility in respect of any life, health, accident, travel and/or any other insurance which may be necessary or desirable for the servants and/or agents of the Operator for the purposes of carrying out the purpose envisaged in this Agreement and the Operator shall ensure that, wherever necessary, adequate insurance is affected for this purpose.
27.1 MB Inc.对经营者的受雇人和/或代理人为实现本协议所设想的目的而可能需要或适宜投保的任何人寿、健康、事故、旅行和/或任何其他保险不承担任何责任,经营者应确保在必要时为此目的投保足够的保险。
27.2 The Operator shall further, wherever necessary, effect adequate insurance against any
27.2 必要时,经营者还应针对下列情况投保适当的保险

reasonably foreseeable claim that may be made by any third party as a result of any negligence or otherwise of the Operator and/or its servants and agents in carrying out the purpose envisaged in this Agreement.
27.3 The Operator shall produce and verify, if requested by MB Inc., a copy of the aforesaid insurance policy or policies.
27.3 如果 MB 公司提出要求,经营者应出示并核实上述保险单的副本。
27.4 Notwithstanding the provisions under this Clause, the Operator acknowledges that it enters the said Land and undertakes its obligations under this Agreement at its own risk and shall be fully responsible for the life, health, travel, general well-being and all other relevant aspects of its servants and/or agents for the purposes of carrying out the purpose as envisaged in this Agreement and shall be fully liable for the consequences of neglect thereto.
27.4 尽管有本条的规定,但经营者承认,其进入上述土地和承担本协议规定的义务的风险由其自己承担,并应对其仆人和/或代理人的生命、健康、旅行、一般福利和所有其他有关方面负全部责任,以实现本协议所设想的目的,并应对疏忽造成的后果负全部责任。

28 股权、董事职位的变化

28.1 Throughout the tenure of this Agreement, the Operator shall notify MB Inc. in the event there are any changes in the shareholding and/or directorships of the Operator.
28.1 在本协议有效期内,如果经营者的股权和/或董事职位发生变化,经营者应通知 MB Inc.


29.1 The Operator shall at all times keep MB Inc. informed of the details of the subcontractors appointed by them to manage the Project, and in the event of a change of the subcontractor, MB Inc. shall be informed prior to such new subcontractor commencing work.
29.1 经营者应随时将其为管理项目而指定的分包商的详细情况通知 MB Inc.,如果分包商 发生变化,应在新的分包商开始工作之前通知 MB Inc.。
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have duly executed this Agreement.
Signed for and on behalf of
Witness 见证人
姓名:NOR NFANZMY BN ABD MANAN诺-恩范兹米-本-阿卜杜-马南

霹雳州 MENTERI BESAR 法团首席执行官
(NRIC: 760102-14-5581)
Director 主任
Đirector/ Secretary 主任/秘书
Part 部分 Item 项目 Description 说明
I The Operator 操作员
Lestari Solaris Sdn Bhd (1134023-W)
No. 14B, Persiaran Greentown 4, Greentown Avenue,
30450 Ipoh, Perak.

地块 A 的面积(参见序言 A)
Area of Plot A
(referred to in Recital A)

Hulu Perak 地区 Mukim Belukar Semang,如附录 1 中红色标示。
Mukim Belukar Semang, Daerah Hulu Perak as
demarcated in red in Appendix 1.

地块 B 的面积(在叙述部分 A 中提及)
Area of Plot B
(referred to in Recital A)

Hulu Perak 地区 Mukim Belukar Semang,如附录 1 中蓝色标示。
Mukim Belukar Semang, Daerah Hulu Perak as
demarcated in blue in Appendix 1.

地块 A 的测量(在记录 A 中提及)
Measurement of Plot A
(referred to in Recital A)
Approximately 597 acres.
约 597 英亩。

地块 B 的测量(在记录 A 中提及)
Measurement of Plot B
(referred to in Recital A)
Approximately 255 acres.
约 255 英亩。

资源(在序言 A 中提及)
(referred to in Recital A)
Tin resources. 锡资源。
Commitment Fee 承诺费

1.a) 180,000.00 马币的款项应在本协议签署后 30 天内支付(以下简称 "第一笔款项"); b) 180,000.00 马币的款项应在运营商根据第 2A.21 条发出通知后支付(以下简称 "第二笔款项")。(b) 在运营商根据第 2A.21 条发出通知后,应支付一笔 180,000.00 马币的款项(下称 "第 二批款项"),否则 MB 公司可终止本协议,第一批款项将被完全没收;以及 在生效日期应支付一笔 240,000.00 马币的余额(下称 "第三批款项"),否则 MB 公司可终止本协议,第一批款项和第二批款项将被完全没收。本协议终止后,应适用本协议第 18.2 条的规定。
1. RM600,000.00 to be paid in the following
a) A sum of RM180,000.00 shall be payable
within 30 days from the execution of this
Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the
First Tranche");
b) A sum of RM180,000.00 shall be payable upon
the Operator delivering the notice pursuant to
Clause 2A.21 (hereinafter referred to as "the
Second Tranche") failing which MB Inc. may
terminate this Agreement whereupon the
First Tranche shall be forfeited absolutely;
A balance sum of RM240,000.00 shall be
payable on the Effective Date (hereinafter
referred to as "the Third Tranche"), failing
which MB Inc. may terminate this Agreement
whereupon the First Tranche and Second
Tranche shall be forfeited absolutely. Upon
termination of this Agreement, the provisions
of Clause 18.2 herein shall be applicable.

完成可行性研究报告的时间(第 2.1(c)(i)和(ii)条所述)
Time for Completion of
Feasibility Study Report
(referred to in Clause
2.1 (c)(i) and (ii))

在先决条件 2 满足之日起四 (4) 个月内。
Within four (4) months of the date of satisfaction of
Condition Precedent 2.

贡品(在第 5 条中提及)
Tribute (referred to in
Clause 5)

(i) 每月十万马来西亚林吉特(RM100,000.00);
(i) A sum of Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred Thousand
(RM100,000.00) per month;
Plans showings the Said Land
(referred to in Recital A)
(见记录 A)