这是用户在 2024-4-10 20:43 为 https://www38.polyu.edu.hk/eAdmission/secure/registrationPreparation.do?applnId=1648979&choiceId=555... 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

Registration Preparation

All admittees are required to submit the originals or certified true copies of all academic documents to the Academic Registry of PolyU for verification before proceeding to online programme registration.

To avoid any delay with your registration, please submit your documents as soon as possible after accepting the admission offer and meeting the condition(s). Failure to provide required documents for verification or any discrepancies found in the submitted documents may lead to cancellation of your offer and registration at the University. Fees paid will not be refunded.

Preparing Your Documents for Verification

  1. You are encouraged to attach a cover sheet to the documents being sent to PolyU for verification.

  2. Please note that the University ONLY ACCEPTS original documents that are submitted in sealed envelopes directly from the official awarding bodies, or certified true copies that are duly declared by the Registry of the awarding institution, a notary public*, or Consulate General. In cases where transcripts and certificates are not in English or Chinese, an official certified translation in English must be provided by one of the aforementioned authorized parties.

  3. Electronic copies are highly preferred. Please ask a central unit of your awarding bodies (e.g. Registry or equivalent) to send us the electronic copies of your documents using an official email account (e.g. xxx@polyu.edu.hk). If the awarding bodies cannot send us an electronic version of the official documents, please ask them to send us hard copy of the official documents by express post. The envelope should be sealed, signed and stamped by the Registrar or by an authorised official of your institution.

  4. All documents submitted will not be returned. Please do not send us any originals which cannot be re-issued.

* Declaration from the Commissioner of Oaths at a Home Affairs enquiry centre in Hong Kong (民政事務署) is generally not preferred and will only be accepted on a case-by-case basis with strong justification.

Email Address: ar.reg@polyu.edu.hk
Mailing Address: Academic Registry, M101, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact Number: +852 2333 0600

Please carefully review the below information and ensure that you submit all the required documents for the verification of your academic qualifications mentioned in your online application.

1. Post-secondary Qualifications

a) from PolyU / CityU

PolyU (excluding PolyU-SPEED) or CityU (excluding Joint University programmes, CityU-SCOPE and non-local students) students / graduates are NOT required to submit their post-secondary qualifications for our verification. PolyU will retrieve your qualifications from our own records / records from CityU*.

*In case that records cannot be retrieved, you are required to request CityU to send us the official copy of your final transcript.

b) awarded by institutions in Mainland China

Official Final Transcripts

You should submit your degree certificates/ diplomas and official final transcript in accordance with points 2 and 3 of the “Preparing Your Documents for Verification” section. The transcript should include results for all the coursework and project(s) taken towards your degree award, together with the final GPA and an explanation of the grading system. If your final score/ GPA, or the details of the grading system, is not shown on the final transcript, please request the Registry of your institution to issue an official letter certifying such information. The letter must include your full name, title of your awarded degree, the signature of an authorised official, and the official stamp of your institution.

Degree Certificate (学位证书) and Academic Credential(毕业证书)

We will verify your Degree Certificate (学位证书) and Academic Credential (毕业证书) via official online platforms directly with the Online Verification Code (在线验证码) you provided at eAdmission. Please ensure the Online Verification Code (在线验证码) of your Academic Credential (毕业证书) remains valid until the end of your online programme registration period. Noting that the code will expire 180 days after issuance, please extend the code if needed (https://www.chsi.com.cn/xlcx/rhyq.jsp).Please provide your latest Online Verification Code via the submission form at the end of this page.

For students who are in their final year of study or have graduated before 2008, as online verification is not available, please submit an official letter of graduation issued by the Registrar of your institution together with your official final transcript. The letter should include your full name, date of birth, title and classification of your awarded degree, study mode and duration, date of conferment, and the signature of an authorised official with the official stamp of your institution.

c) awarded by other institutions

You should submit your degree certificates/ diplomas and official final transcript in accordance with points 2 and 3 of the “Preparing Your Documents for Verification” section. The transcript should include results for all the coursework and project(s) taken towards your degree award, together with the final GPA and an explanation of the grading system.

Final year students whose awards are confirmed but pending formal conferment are required to submit a letter of graduation certification issued by the Registry of your institution. The letter should include your full name, date of birth, title of your awarded degree, the authorised official’s signature, the official stamp of your institution and preferably the date of conferment and award classification.

2. Score Reports of GMAT, GRE, IELTS and TOEFL

IELTS* score report will be verified online. You are therefore not required to submit a hard copy unless you are asked to do so.

For TOEFL, GMAT and GRE, please authorise the awarding bodies to release official results to PolyU electronically for online verification. Below are the respective PolyU codes:

GRE 3404
TOEFL* 0732

* Please make sure that online results remain valid for verification before your assigned online programme registration period.

3. Professional Qualifications

You should ask your awarding institution to send us the letter of certification / official membership proof for our verification in accordance with points 2 and 3 of the “Preparing Your Documents for Verification” section.

As the following professional qualifications can be verified online, admittees possessing any of these professional qualifications are NOT REQUIRED to send us hard copies of the certification/ membership proof.

Name of Awarding Body Professional Qualification Title Programme(s)
1. ACCA Certified Public Accountant 21046
2. HKICPA Certified Public Accountant 21046
3. Nursing Council of Hong Kong Cert. of Reg. 53070

Once the verification process is complete, the status of your qualifications will be updated to "Completed" in the below list.

Please refrain from inquiring about the verification status unless it remains unchanged 5 working days before your programme registration period. Rest assured, if any additional supporting documents are required, we will contact you directly before your scheduled registration.

Post-Secondary Qualification Verification Status
Bachelor's degree
Birmingham City University
Degree Certificate : Not yet completed
Academic Credential : Not yet completed
Bachelor's degree

Academic Credential : Not yet completed
Degree Certificate : Not yet completed
English Language Test Verification Status
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
Test Date: Dec 2023
Not yet completed
