这是用户在 2024-5-20 14:32 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


1. What is the topic / discipline of your research area?
1. 是什么主题/学科的研究领域吗?

2. What is your study about?
2. 什么是你的研究?

3. What made you think that your study is worth doing?
3. 是什么让你认为你的研究是值得做的?

4. What is the main problem / issue are you going to tackle?
4. 什么是主要的问题是你要解决?

5. What is the main debates related to the problem/issue?
5. 什么是主要的辩论相关的问题/问题?

6. What is the current debates related to the problem/issue?
6. 什么是当前的辩论有关的问题/问题?

7. Generally, what the literature says about the problem / issue?
7. 一般来说,什么样的文献说,关于该问题/问题?

8. How are you going to tackle the problem / issue?
8. 你打算怎么解决这个问题/问题?

9. What is the contribution (to the body of knowledge) of your study in your field?
9. 什么是的贡献(身体的知识)的研究,在你的领域?

10. What are the main problem statement for your study?
10. 什么是主要问题的声明对于你的研究?

11. What is your expected finding before starting your study?
11. 什么是您的预计发现在开始你的研究?

12. How did you review previous studies?
12. 你怎么会审查以前研究?

13. Who is the main authors / experts / leading researcher in the area of your investigation?
13. 谁是主要提交人/专家/领先的研究人员在该地区的调查?

14. Can you mention 3 main journals you have reviewed related to your field?
14. 你能提3个主要的杂志你已经审查了有关你的场?

15. Now, can you mention the title of your study?
15. 现在,你可以提及标题为你的研究?

16. What is the ‘novel’ / "original' aspect of your study?
16. 什么是'新的'/"原始'方面你的研究?

17. What are the variables involved in your study, and why you decided to choose them?
17. 有什么变量参与在你的研究,并为什么你决定选择他们吗?

18. Briefly explain the theoretical / conceptual framework underpinnings your study?
18. 简要地解释理论/概念框架基础你的研究?

19. What is the research design of you study? Why used quantitative not qualitative or not mixed method (or vice versa)
19. 什么是研究设计的,你的研究? 为什么使用定量不定性或不混合的方法(反之亦然)

20. What instrument are you going to use – pilot test, validity and reliability?
20. 什么工具你要利用试点测试、有效性和可靠性?

21. How did you analyze your data?
21. 怎么你分析你的数据?

22. How the statistical analysis used in your study appropriate to answer your research questions?
22. 如何统计分析使用在研究适合于回答你的研究的问题?

23. Have you tested all the assumption related to your data?
23. 你有没有测试了所有的假设关系到您的数据呢?

24. How did you get your sample? What is your sampling technique?
24. 你怎么得到你的样本? 你是什么样的技术?

25. How far can you generalize the finding?
25. 你怎么就可以概括,找到?

26. Can you summarize the main finding of your study?
26. 你可以总结的主要发现您的研究?

27. Is there any direct impact in term of the practical implication of the finding?
27. 是否有任何直接的影响,在术语的实际含义的发现?

28. Are you satisfied with the outcome of your study – If not, how could you improve your study / procedure / framework?
28. 你是否满意结果的研究,如果没有,你怎么改善你的研究/程序/框架?

29. What aspects of your methodology differ from others?
29. 什么的方方面面的方法不同于其他人吗?

30. Have you faced any difficulty in conducting your study, and how did you overcome it?
30. 你有没有遇到任何困难进行研究,和您是怎么克服?

31. What is the best advice or recommendation can you give to the future candidate related to this topic?
31. 什么是最好的咨询意见或者建议你可以给未来的候选人有关这个主题?

32. Can you now consider yourself as an expert in this field? Why?
32. 你可以现在考虑自己作为专家在这一领域? 为什么?

33. Why do you think that your thesis has achieved the PhD level?
33. 为什么你认为你的论文已取得的博士学位的水平?