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Humble Exits  谦逊的结束

Jack Welch allegedly passed a note across the table to Jerry Seinfeld. “$5 million per show” it said. Extending Seinfeld for a 10th season would have earned Jerry $110 million.
杰克·韦尔奇据称在桌子上传了一张纸条给杰瑞·塞菲尔德,上面写着“每集 500 万美元”。如果延长《宋飞传》到第十季,杰瑞将赚取 1.1 亿美元。

He declined. He was done with the show.

That someone could quit when the show was doing so well baffled critics. But to Jerry, it was kind of the point. The book Seinfeldia writes:

Seinfeld noted that there was only one way to find out where the show’s true peak was—by hitting the downturn, something that didn’t interest him.
Seinfeld 指出,要找到节目真正的巅峰,唯一的方法就是经历低谷,而这并不吸引他。

Jerry told the New York Times: ‘‘I wanted to end the show on the same kind of peak we’ve been doing it on for years. I wanted the end to be from a point of strength.”

It’s hard to overstate how rare this is.

Leaving on top is, I think, something all of us aspire to, in one form or another. But it’s hard because those who make it to the top tend to be grinders, optimists, relentlessly dedicated to what they do. They made it far because they looked past the challenges competitors didn’t want to face and just kept plowing ahead. So the ability to wake up one day and say, “No more, I’m out,” is polar opposite to their prevailing skillset.

It’s not hard to imagine a world where Seinfeld – dewy-eyed from money and fame – kept the show going for years, past the point where the audience lost interest and was forced into a sad, wistful, end. A lot of stuff ends that way.

Companies end that way. Careers end that way. Investment strategies end that way.

There are skills that help at one stage but backfire at another. Relentless dedication and optimism to something undergoing structural change is one of them.

Why did Seinfeld turn down the money? Well, he was already rich. But part of the reason he quit, he later said, was because the show was based on recreating real events from his and Larry David’s normal life. And they put so much time into the show that they were running out of material, because it had been so long since they’d experienced a normal life. Watching people order at a deli. Or what happens when you board a plane. Building comedy around mundane observations didn’t work when they had no time to observe.
Seinfeld 为什么拒绝了这笔钱?嗯,他已经很富有了。但他后来说,他辞职的部分原因是因为这个节目是基于重现他和 Larry David 正常生活中的真实事件。他们花了很多时间在这个节目上,以至于他们用尽了素材,因为他们已经很久没有体验过正常的生活了。看人们在熟食店点餐。或者登机时会发生什么。在缺乏观察时间时,围绕平凡观察建立喜剧是行不通的。

There are many similar examples in business and investing:

In each case it’s the actual success – not bad luck, not a mistake, not unfortunate timing – that sets up the potential downfall.

Quitting – or adjusting, or changing paths – on top is so hard, because no one knows where the top is. But if there’s any reliable way to sense when it’s approaching, it’s when your success pushes you away from doing things that had been fundamental to that success. This is so obvious. But it’s elusive because success has a tendency of blinding you to both what caused it and how those causes have changed over time.
放弃 - 或调整,或改变道路 - 顶部很难,因为没有人知道顶部在哪里。但如果有任何可靠的方法来感知它何时接近,那就是当你的成功让你远离做曾经对成功至关重要的事情时。这是如此明显。但它很难捉摸,因为成功有一种让你盲目于导致成功的因素以及这些因素随时间如何变化的倾向。

One of the neat things about Seinfeld is that it was one of the most successful shows of all time, run by people who understood how fragile success can be. Every season, from the first to the last, brought a conversation of, “Are we sure we can do this again? Do we still have what it takes? Is the recipe for success still valid?” One day they woke up and said, “No.” That humility solidified their legacy.

The point here is the value of embracing humility in the face of success. It is so rare. But it’s when it should be embraced the most. This is something everyone in business, investing, careers, life, etc. can and should learn from, especially as the economy and almost every investment market booms.

The topic of getting rich vs. staying rich is undervalued because the former can be driven by luck, but the latter is almost pure strategy and tactics.