Quick Links 快速連結
My work PC is an old potato, and Chrome makes its fans cry whenever I open a lot of tabs. I always thought it was just my aging computer’s fault, until I switched to Firefox and found out it was Chrome all along.
我的工作用電腦已經老舊不堪,只要我在 Chrome 開很多分頁,風扇就會哀號不已。我一直以為只是我的老電腦的問題,直到我改用 Firefox 後才發現,罪魁禍首其實是 Chrome。
Everything That Chrome Can Do and More
Chrome 的所有功能,以及更多
For as long as I can remember, Chrome has been my go-to. All my passwords, bookmarks, and extensions are always available wherever I log into my Google account. I only use the browser on my PC, which is why I’ve never felt the need to upgrade it. At least until recently, when it started to struggle when I installed a couple of new Chrome extensions.
從我記事以來,Chrome 就一直是我的首選瀏覽器。所有密碼、書籤和擴充功能,只要登入我的 Google 帳戶就能隨時使用。我只有在個人電腦上使用這個瀏覽器,因此從來沒有覺得需要升級它。至少直到最近,在我安裝幾個新的 Chrome 擴充功能後,它開始吃力了。
I figured it’s finally time to add more RAM to this machine or say farewell to it entirely. For the time being, I switched to Firefox. I made a new account for it and linked it to the sync chain on the PC and my phone. To my surprise, my old timer PC runs it just fine, even with a ton of tabs open. No more angry fan noises.
我想是時候為這台機器加裝更多記憶體了,不然就只能跟它說再見了。目前,我先改用 Firefox。我為它創建了一個新帳戶,並將其連結到個人電腦和手機上的同步鏈。令我驚訝的是,我的老舊電腦運行它非常順暢,即使開啟大量分頁也沒有問題。再也沒有惱人的風扇噪音了。
And even more surprisingly, Firefox does everything Chrome does. The sync works perfectly across devices. You get a huge selection of browser add-ons, and you can customize a lot of the interface. It even has many neat features that Chrome doesn’t.
更令人驚訝的是,Firefox 的功能與 Chrome 完全相同。跨裝置同步功能完美運作。您可以選擇大量的瀏覽器附加元件,並且可以自訂許多介面。它甚至還擁有許多 Chrome 沒有的巧妙功能。
The one feature it doesn’t have is the ability to turn regular web pages into web apps that you can launch from the desktop or taskbar. That’s something I wish the devs would add, but except for this nitpick, I don’t think I’ll be switching back to Chrome. Let me try to convince you why you should try Firefox too.
它唯一缺少的功能是將普通網頁轉換為可在桌面或工作列啟動的網頁應用程式。我希望開發人員能新增這個功能,但除了這個小缺點外,我想我不會再切換回 Chrome 了。讓我來說服你為什麼你也應該試試 Firefox。
Superior Tab Management 優越的分頁管理
Other than the search tabs feature, managing tabs in Chrome hasn’t changed in almost two decades (I’m not counting “Tab Groups” because they’re messy and confusing). A lot of people keep countless tabs open and all Chrome gives you is a cramped-up bar filled with tiny buttons that hide the text. Good luck finding a tab without hovering over each one.
除了搜尋分頁功能外,Chrome 的分頁管理功能將近二十年來都沒有改變(我不算「分頁群組」,因為它們很凌亂且令人困惑)。很多人會開啟無數個分頁,而 Chrome 給你的只是一個擠滿了隱藏文字的小按鈕的狹窄欄位。不將滑鼠停留在每個按鈕上,你很難找到一個分頁。
Firefox has similar tab bars and buttons, but it has something Chrome doesn’t: Firefox View. Firefox View is a window where you can see all your open tabs in one place. It’s conveniently stashed in a corner and opens with a single click.
Firefox 也有類似的分頁欄和按鈕,但它擁有 Chrome 沒有的功能:Firefox 檢視。Firefox 檢視是一個視窗,您可以在其中一覽所有開啟的分頁。它方便地藏在角落裡,只需點擊一下即可開啟。
You can sort the open tabs by recent activity or just by tab order. You can also search for open tabs.
You can cycle through recently closed tabs, the entire search history, and even the tabs you’ve got open on other devices—all easily accessible, searchable, and sortable. There’s also a recent browsing tab where all the open tabs, recent tabs, and tabs from other devices are pooled together.
If you’re someone who keeps a lot of tabs open and wastes too much time rummaging through them, trust me, you’ll love Firefox View.
如果你是一個開啟很多分頁,又浪費太多時間在分頁間搜尋的人,相信我,你會愛上 Firefox 檢視的。
Built-in Pocket So You Never Lose a Link
內建 Pocket,讓您永不遺失連結
You know when you don’t want to lose a link, but it’s also not important enough to bookmark? Firefox has a button for that. It’s called Pocket and it keeps all your links safe in a tidy little collection.
你知道當你不想遺失一個連結,但它又不重要到需要儲存為書籤的時候嗎?Firefox 有個按鈕可以做到這點。它叫做 Pocket,它將所有連結安全地保存在一個整潔的小收藏中。
Even more importantly, it does so with a single click. Just click the tiny Pocket icon next to the address bar once, and it’ll be added to your saved collection. The collection syncs directly with your Firefox profile, so you can access it anywhere.
更重要的是,它只需點擊一下即可完成。只需點擊一次位址列旁的小型 Pocket 圖示,它就會被添加到您的已儲存收藏中。該收藏會直接與您的 Firefox 個人檔案同步,因此您可以在任何地方存取它。
To view your saves, you can open the Pocket app and find all your saved URLs in a beautiful layout. You can organize, tag, and archive the collections too.
想要查看你的儲存項目?打開 Pocket 應用程式,就能以簡潔美觀的版面找到所有儲存的網址。你也可以整理、標籤化和歸檔這些收藏。
Keep Your Real Email Safe
Firefox Relay is an in-built privacy feature for protecting your real email addresses. When you’re signing up for a website, instead of giving out your real email address, you can share any of the five randomly generated Relay emails that Firefox provides.
Firefox Relay 是內建的隱私功能,用於保護你的真實電子郵件地址。註冊網站時,無需提供你的真實電子郵件地址,你可以使用 Firefox 提供的五個隨機生成的 Relay 電子郵件地址中的任何一個。
Any emails sent to these aliases will be forwarded to your real email address. That way, the real email addresses stay hidden, but you still get your mail sent to them. There is also a handy Firefox Relay extension that autofills these burners when you’re filling out forms with email addresses.
寄到這些別名信箱的電子郵件都會轉寄到你的真實電子郵件地址。這樣,你的真實電子郵件地址就能保持隱藏,同時你仍然可以收到寄往這些信箱的郵件。此外,還有一個方便的 Firefox Relay 擴充功能,可以在填寫包含電子郵件地址的表格時自動填寫這些一次性信箱。
Built-in Screenshot Tool
Firefox makes it super convenient to take screenshots. You don’t need to install any clunky browser extensions. Just right click anywhere, and click “Take Screenshot.” You can choose a full-page view or select an area to capture. It also detects web page elements, so you can capture perfect rectangular or square screenshots.
Firefox 讓截圖變得超級方便。你無需安裝任何笨重的瀏覽器擴充程式。只需右鍵點擊任何位置,然後點擊「擷取螢幕畫面」。你可以選擇全頁檢視或選擇要擷取的區域。它還能偵測網頁元素,因此你可以擷取完美的矩形或正方形螢幕畫面。
I know Chrome has a screenshot tool hidden in the developer options, but it’s not user-friendly at all.
我知道 Chrome 在開發人員選項中隱藏了一個螢幕截圖工具,但它完全不友善。
Handy ChatGPT Button in the Right-Click Menu
右鍵選單中的實用 ChatGPT 按鈕
If you use ChatGPT or other AI bots like it often, you’ll appreciate how Firefox handles them. In Firefox, you can quickly send ChatGPT a prompt with a single click.
如果你經常使用 ChatGPT 或其他類似的 AI 機器人,你會欣賞 Firefox 的處理方式。在 Firefox 中,你可以單擊一下快速將提示發送給 ChatGPT。
Just right-click anywhere on any webpage (or select a chunk of text) and ask ChatGPT to “Summarize,” “Explain this,” or “Quiz me.” It’ll open an AI Chatbot panel on the side where you can ask follow-ups or tweak the original prompt. If you don't find it on your Firefox, open Settings and look for the "AI Chatbot" feature in your Firebox Labs settings.
只需右鍵點擊網頁上的任何位置(或選取一段文字),然後要求 ChatGPT「摘要」、「解釋一下」或「考考我」。它會在側邊開啟一個 AI 機器人聊天面板,你可以在其中提出後續問題或調整原始提示。如果你的 Firefox 找不到此功能,請打開設定,在你的 Firebox Labs 設定中查找「AI 機器人」功能。
Other Thoughtful Touches
I also found some neat little features that Chrome doesn't have natively.
我還發現了一些 Chrome 本身沒有的一些不錯的小功能。
Picture-In-Picture for Any Video
On Firefox, you can pop out any video into its own little window. That way, you can watch multiple videos side by side, or work on other tabs or apps while the video plays in the corner. You can use this Picture in Picture feature by clicking the tiny pop-out icon that shows up when you play a video. Very handy.
在 Firefox 上,你可以將任何影片彈出到它自己的小視窗中。這樣,你可以並排觀看多個影片,或者在角落播放影片的同時處理其他分頁或應用程式。你可以點擊播放影片時出現的小型彈出圖示來使用此畫中畫功能。非常方便。
Firefox Omnibar Is Far More Useful Than Chrome’s
Firefox 的全能網址列比 Chrome 的好用得多
You can only search with the default engine on Chrome’s address bar. Firefox lets you pick how you want to run a search each time. Simply click the small search engine icons to quickly search with Wikipedia, Bing, or DuckDuckGo.
你只能使用 Chrome 位址列上的預設引擎進行搜尋。Firefox 允許你每次都選擇要如何執行搜尋。只需點擊小型搜尋引擎圖示即可快速使用維基百科、Bing 或 DuckDuckGo 進行搜尋。
Network Settings to Configure Browser Proxies
Most people will probably not need this feature, but it’s nice to have. If your ISP is blocking a website for some reason, you can configure a proxy in the network settings to bypass those restrictions.
大部分人可能用不到這個功能,但有總是好的。如果你的 ISP 因為某些原因封鎖了某個網站,你可以在網路設定中設定 proxy 來繞過這些限制。
Smooth Scroll 流暢捲動
Firefox has a buttery smooth scrolling animation that I enjoy. This one’s an aesthetic preference, so you might prefer Chrome’s version.
Firefox 擁有我非常喜歡的絲滑順暢捲動動畫。這屬於個人美感偏好,你可能比較喜歡 Chrome 的版本。
Mutes Auto-Playing Videos
Some websites autoplay videos, full volume, which I’m sure everybody hates. Firefox automatically mutes playback for videos like that.
有些網站會自動播放影片,而且音量全開,我想大家都討厭這樣吧。Firefox 會自動將此類影片靜音。
Using Firefox for just a week convinced me to change the default browser on my phone and PC, and I don’t intend to change back any time soon. Why don't you give it a try?
只用了 Firefox 一個星期,我就決定將它設為手機和電腦的預設瀏覽器,而且短期內不打算換回去了。你也試試看吧?