Deviatoric Stress

In subject area: Engineering

An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the Earth suddenly slip past one another, that is, when the differential (deviatoric) stress in the Earth exceeds the rock strength.

From: Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition), 2022

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Deviatoric Stress

To understand a yield stress and plastic material behavior, it is necessary to learn about one other type of stress, the deviatoric stress. The stress tensor may be decomposed into a spherical (or hydrostatic) stress and a deviatoric stress. The spherical stress is that part of the stress tensor that is basically equal in all directions, that is, just like hydrostatic pressure. The deviatoric stress is what is left after the spherical stress is taken out. One way of thinking about it is that the spherical stress might be said to be the part of the stress tensor trying to compress a material body (or pull it apart) uniformly in all directions and the deviatoric part of the stress is what attempts to distort its shape.

In terms of the three principal stresses the spherical stress is


We could then calculate the three principal deviatoric stress components by subtracting the spherical stress from each principal stress component:


If we do not have the principal stress components, we can calculate the deviatoric stress from the stress tensor components as


There are several things to note here. The off-diagonal components of the deviatoric stress tensor are the same as the regular stress tensor. The only components that are changed are the ones on the diagonal. Each of those has subtracted from it one third of the sum of the diagonal components, which is I1/3. Now, the deviatoric stress also has invariants, and one of these is extremely important:


Rather than use the same notation as the regular stress invariants, it is customary to define these deviatoric invariants as follows:


The important invariant here is J2, which we use later when we discuss yield stress. And, like before, we can use these invariants to find the three principal deviatoric stress components by solving the cubic equation:


This is similar to equation (7.6) except for that J1 is zero and does not appear. We also show an example of the deviatoric stress when we talk about yield stress.

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Problems in Linear Elasticity and Fields

O.C. Zienkiewicz, ... J.Z. Zhu, in The Finite Element Method: its Basis and Fundamentals (Seventh Edition), 2013 Mean stress and deviatoric stress

Similar to strain, we can split the stress into its mean and deviatoric parts. The mean stress is defined by


We shall also refer to p as a pressure. The deviatoric stress is then defined as


The split form for stress and strain will be useful when we discuss stress-strain relations and later in Chapter 10 for incompressible problems.

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Sheet deformation processes

Z. Marciniak, ... S.J. Hu, in Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming (Second Edition), 2002

2.4.3 The deviatoric or reduced component of stress

In Figure 2.6, the components of stress remaining after subtracting the hydrostatic stress have a special significance. They are called the deviatoric, or reduced stresses and are defined by


In plane stress, this may also be written in terms of the stress ratio, i.e.


The reduced or deviatoric stress is the difference between the principal stress and the hydrostatic stress.

The theory of yielding and plastic deformation can be described simply in terms of either of these components of the state of stress at a point, namely, the maximum shear stresses, or the deviatoric stresses.

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Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains

Bernt Aadnøy, Reza Looyeh, in Petroleum Rock Mechanics, 2011

3.3 Average and deviatoric stresses

An average stress is defined as:


By decomposing an existing stress state as given in Equation 1.3, we may define the total stress as the sum of the average stress and another stress term, which is known as deviatoric stress as given below:

(3.6)σxτxyτxzτxyσyτyzτxzτyzσz =σm000σm000σm +(σxσm)τxyτxzτxy(σyσm)τyzτxzτyz(σzσm)

The reason for splitting the stress into two components is that many failure mechanisms are caused by the deviatoric stresses.

It can easily be seen that the deviatoric stress actually reflects the shear stress level. It is therefore important to also determine the principal deviatoric stresses. The method used is identical to that of Equation 3.2, except σx is replaced by σxm and so on. The deviatoric invariants can therefore be obtained by substituting the normal stress components in the invariants of Equation 3.4. The result is:


Note 3.2: The physical interpretation of the above invariants is that any stress state can be decomposed into its hydrostatic and deviatoric stress components. The hydrostatic component causes volume change in the body, but no shape change. The deviatoric component is the reason for the shape change, and the eventual rise in the shear stresses.

Equation J2 is often used in calculations of shear strength of materials, and it is known as Von Mises theory of failure. This will be discussed in Chapter 5.

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Deformation in the context of energy geostructures

Lyesse Laloui, Alessandro F. Rotta Loria, in Analysis and Design of Energy Geostructures, 2020

4.5.2 Volumetric and deviatoric stresses

In many cases, it is useful to decompose the stress tensor in a volumetric (i.e. spherical) part and a deviatoric (i.e. distortional) part. The above can be mathematically expressed as


where p is a scalar quantity called mean stress and sij is a tensor characterised by zero trace called deviatoric stress tensor (or stress deviator). The mean stress can be written in rectangular Cartesian coordinates as


The deviatoric stress tensor in rectangular Cartesian coordinates reads


where sii=σiip.

Eq. (4.13) can therefore be rewritten in matrix form as


It can be noted that by definition the shear stresses are not influenced by adding a volumetric component in the stress tensor formulation (4.13).

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E.J. HEARN Ph.D., B.Sc. (Eng.) Hons., C.Eng., F.I.Mech.E., F.I.Prod.E., F.I.Diag.E., in Mechanics of Materials 1 (Third Edition), 1997

11.7 Shear or distortional strain energy

In order to consider the general principal stress case it has been shown necessary, in § 14.6, to add to the mean stress σ¯ in the three perpendicular directions, certain so-called deviatoric stress values to return the stress system to values of σ1, σ2 and σ3. These deviatoric stresses are then associated directly with change of shape, i.e. distortion, without change in volume and the strain energy associated with this mechanism is shown to be given by

shear strain energy =112G[(σ1σ2)2+(σ2σ3)2+(σ3σ1)2]per unit volume   =16G[σ21+σ22+σ23(σ1σ2+σ2σ3+σ3σ1)]per unit volume

This equation is used as the basis of the Maxwell – von Mises theory of elastic failure which is discussed fully in Chapter 15.

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Property relations based on the octahedral structure model with body-centered cubic mode for porous metal foams

P.S. Liu, X.M. Ma, in Materials & Design, 2020 Simplified expression

Using the concepts of deviatoric stress (σd) and mean principal stress (σm) in continuum mechanics, we have:


By substituting Eqs. (128) and (129) into Eq. (127), a simpler relation can be expressed as:


The above Eq. (130) is the mathematical relation expressed by the deviatoric stress for porous materials under triaxial loading failure, which is derived from the octahedral model theory. This is the relationship between the nominal deviatoric stress of failure and the porosity for these materials under triaxial loading. For the present modeling theory, the second item on the left side of Eq. (130) has a relatively small weight on the failure of the porous body, and the failure is mainly the result of the first item of deviatoric stress. Therefore, this equation can be further approximately expressed as follows:


Comparing with the foregoing relevant contents, the expressing form by the deviatoric stress in Eq. (130) is consistent with that for porous materials under uniaxial and biaxial loads. This indicates that there exists a unified inherent law in the mechanical behavior of porous materials under different tensile and/or compressive loads, and also reflects the practicability and adaptability of the octahedral model theory from one point of view.

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Incompressible Problems, Mixed Methods, and Other Procedures of Solution

O.C. Zienkiewicz, ... J.Z. Zhu, in The Finite Element Method: its Basis and Fundamentals (Seventh Edition), 2013

10.2 Deviatoric stress and strain, pressure, and volume change

The main problem in the application of a “standard” displacement formulation to incompressible or nearly incompressible problems lies in the determination of the mean stress or pressure which is related to the volumetric part of the strain (for isotropic materials). For this reason it is convenient to separate this from the total stress field and treat it as an independent variable. Using the Voigt notation of stress, recall from Section that the mean stress or pressure is given by


where m for the general three-dimensional state of stress is given by


For isotropic behavior the “pressure” is related to the volumetric strain, εv, by the bulk modulus of the material, K. Thus,


For an incompressible material K=(ν0.5) and the volumetric strain is simply zero.

The deviatoric strain d is defined by


where Id is a deviatoric projection matrix which also proves useful in problems with more general constitutive relations [2]. In isotropic elasticity the deviatoric strain is related to the deviatoric stress by the shear modulus G as


where the diagonal matrix [viz. Eq. (2.58a)]


is introduced because of the Voigt notation. A deviatoric form for the elastic moduli of an isotropic material is written as


for convenience in writing subsequent equations.

The above relationships are but an alternate way of determining the stress strain relations shown in Chapters 2 and 7Chapter 2Chapter 7 , with the material parameters related through


and indeed Eqs. (10.4) and (10.2) can be used to define the standard D matrix in an alternative manner.

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Introduction to Advanced Elasticity Theory

E.J. Hearn PhD; BSc(Eng) Hons; CEng; FIMechE; FIProdE; FIDiagE, in Mechanics of Materials 2 (Third Edition), 1997

8.21 Deviatoric strains

As for the deviatoric stresses the deviatoric strains are also defined with reference to some selected "false zero" or datum value,


Thus, referred to the new datum, the principal strain values become


and these are the so-called deviatoric strains. It may now be observed that the following relationship applies:


It can also be shown that the deviatoric strains are related to the principal strains as follows:

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Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics

Erling Fjær, ... Rasmus Risnes, in Developments in Petroleum Science, 2021 Geometric interpretation of the deviatoric stress invariants

The deviatoric stress invariants have a straightforward geometrical interpretation in principal stress space (see Section 2.1.2), as illustrated in Fig. 1.10. Eq. (1.48) is the equation of a circle centred on σ, with the normal pointing along the hydrostatic axis σ1=σ2=σ3. Thus the distance from a point (σ1,σ2,σ3) in principal stress space to the hydrostatic axis is

Figure 1.10. Geometrical interpretation of the deviatoric stress invariants in principal stress space. The dashed lines are the projections of the principal stress axes onto a deviatoric plane (i.e. a plane normal to the hydrostatic axis σ1 = σ2 = σ3, also called the π-plane) passing through the point (σ1,σ2,σ3). The angle ϑL is called the Lode angle.


It can further be shown (see e.g. Chen and Han, 1988) that the angle ϑL, called the Lode angle (in honour of the Lode, 1926 paper), indicated in Fig. 1.10, is given by the invariants as


(Note that since arccos is a multi-valued function, the Lode angle computed from Eq. (1.54) is not unique. If we choose the principal branch of arccos, then the result will be in the range 0 to 60 even if the actual stress state corresponds to another value.)

Using zL=I1/3=3σ, rL=2J2=2/3q, we see that (rL, ϑL, zL) define a cylindrical coordinate system in which the z-axis points along the hydrostatic axis, and the new x (from which ϑL is measured) is determined by pointing along the projection of the original x-axis (i.e. the σ1 axis) in the π-plane. These coordinates are known as the Lode coordinates or the Haigh–Westergaard coordinates.

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