Enterprise teams can now implement a test case review and approval process to ensure test cases meet organizational standards. This collaborative process makes it easy for teams to add confidence to the testing process by building a Test Case library that accurately defines your application.
Overview of test case statuses
Test Case Statuses are used to track the progress during the design of a Test Case, indicating whether a test case is being written, needs review, is approved for testing, or is in any other phase of your organization’s workflow. These test case statuses can be customized to meet your needs and approvals can be enabled on a per-project basis.
Test cases that are not approved show an icon of a piece of paper with a green pen next to the title. Approved test cases are ready to be tested.
TestRail 7.3 has three default Test Case statuses that are:
TestRail 7.3 具有三個默認的測試用例狀態,分別是:
Design: This is a Default status, every Test Case has this status once it is created or edited.
設計: 這是一個 默認 狀態,每個測試用例在創建或編輯時都有這個狀態。 -
Review: This status indicates that a Test Case is ready for reviewing and can be assigned to a reviewer for approval.
審查: 此狀態表示測試案例已準備好進行審查,並可以分配給審查人員進行批准。 -
Ready: This is an Approved status, it indicates that a Test Case is ready for testing.
準備就緒: 這是一個已批准 狀態,表示測試案例已準備好進行測試。
To learn more about reviewing test cases or creating your own Test Cases statuses, please see Reviewing Test Cases.
Customizing test case statuses
You can customize Test Case statuses to fit your team’s unique process.
A TestRail administrator can review the default test case statuses, edit existing statuses or add new statuses as needed. In order to configure statuses, go to Administration > Customizations > Case Statuses. To edit an existing status, click on the name of the status or the pencil icon on the right side of the table.
一位 TestRail 管理員可以查看默認的測試用例狀態,根據需要編輯現有狀態或添加新狀態。要配置狀態,請轉到管理 > 自定義 > 用例狀態。要編輯現有狀態,請單擊狀態的名稱或表格右側的鉛筆圖標。
Please keep in mind that there must always be one Default status that applies when a test case is created or edited and at least one Approved status.

To create a new Test Case status value:
- Click on the Add Case Status button.
點擊新增案件狀態按鈕。 - Assign a name to the new status.
為新狀態指定一個名稱。 - Set an abbreviation to display in grids and tables. Leave this empty if you want TestRail to use the full name.
在網格和表格中設置縮寫以顯示。如果您希望 TestRail 使用完整名稱,請將其留空。 - Enable This case status is an approved status so that a Test Case with a version in an Approved status appears in test runs that only use approved test cases.
啟用此案例狀態為已批准狀態,以便具有版本處於已批准狀態的測試案例出現在僅使用已批准測試案例的測試運行中。 - Enable Default? to mark it as the default status for new and updated cases. The default case status cannot be deleted.
啟用 預設? 以將其標記為新建和更新案例的默認狀態。默認案例狀態無法刪除。

Administrators can also grant permission to approve test cases based on the user roles responsible for reviewing test case changes. To set such role-based permission, go to Administration > Users & Roles > Roles and click on the check box next to Test Case Approval.
管理員還可以根據負責審查測試用例更改的用戶角色授予批准測試用例的權限。要設置此基於角色的權限,請前往管理 > 用戶和角色 > 角色,並點擊旁邊的核取方塊測試用例批准。

Enabling test case review process
Test Case Reviews are an optional setting available for each project. For any project where a review process is required, Administrators can enable Test Case Reviews. To do this, go to Administration > Projects > Edit and check the box next to Enable Test Case Approvals. This will enable statuses for test cases.
測試案例審查是每個專案可選的設定。對於任何需要審查流程的專案,管理員可以啟用測試案例審查。要做到這一點,請前往管理 > 專案 > 編輯,並勾選旁邊的方塊啟用測試案例批准。這將為測試案例啟用狀態。

By default, any test runs, which use all test cases will not include any test cases without a Ready status. If you wish to create test runs using non-approved cases, you can create a test run using specific cases or a dynamic filter. When applying a filter to a test run’s case selection, the status field will appear in the Selection Filter area of the dialog.
默認情況下,使用所有測試用例的任何測試運行將不包括任何沒有 Ready 狀態的測試用例。如果您希望創建使用未批准用例的測試運行,您可以使用特定用例或動態篩選器創建測試運行。當將篩選器應用於測試運行的用例選擇時,狀態字段將出現在對話框的 Selection Filter 區域中。

Test case review process 測試案例審查流程
The review process is made up of three steps:
- Assign a Test Case to a team member for design.
將測試案例分配給團隊成員進行設計。 - Review and collaborate until the Test Case is considered complete.
審查並協作,直到測試案例被認為完成。 - Approve the Test Case, indicating it is ready for testing.
When someone makes a change to a test case, its status will be reverted to default status, such as Design, indicating changes have been made, but not approved. The tester can then assign the test case to a reviewer who can approve the changes, deny changes, and add comments to the test case version.
Assigning test cases to team members and status
Once you identify a test case for design, you can assign it to a team member, add comments and helpful information, and update the case status all in one window. Choose a Test Case and on the right-side panel, you can see the People & Status section. Click on Change and then update the fields accordingly. Assigning a test to a user will send an email notification letting them know that a test case was assigned to them. Click here to learn how to customize email notifications.
一旦您為設計確定了一個測試案例,您可以將其分配給團隊成員,在一個窗口中添加評論和有用信息,並更新案例狀態。選擇一個 測試案例,在右側面板上,您可以看到 人員和狀態 部分。點擊 更改,然後相應地更新字段。將測試分配給用戶將發送電子郵件通知,讓他們知道測試案例已分配給他們。點擊這裡了解如何自定義電子郵件通知。

If Test Case Approvals are not enabled for a project, testers will still be able to assign and comment on test cases, but the status field will not be available.
It is also possible to assign and comment on test cases in bulk by selecting multiple test cases and clicking on the Assign To button on top of the cases.

You can also update the status of multiple test cases using the bulk edit screen for test cases. Select multiple test cases within a test suite, then press the Edit button.
Reviewing test cases 審查測試案例
Test Cases can be reviewed for detail and accuracy before testing. When someone makes a change to a test case, its status will be reverted to a default status, such as Design, indicating changes have been made, but not approved. The tester can then assign the test case to a reviewer who can approve the changes, deny changes, and add comments to the test case version. Any test run which uses All Test Cases will only include test cases that are approved.
Managing test case design workloads for team members
To review a Team Member’s test case design workload, click on a project’s TODO tab and then choose the TEST CASES sub-tab. Here, you can track test cases in non-approved states so users can see which test cases need attention, along with a quick view into recent comments on the test case.
要查看團隊成員的測試案例設計工作量,請點擊專案的 TODO 標籤,然後選擇 TEST CASES 子標籤。在這裡,您可以追蹤尚未獲批准狀態的測試案例,以便用戶可以看到哪些測試案例需要關注,並快速查看最近對測試案例的評論。

Administrators can grant permission to view the workloads of other testers to specific user roles. In order to do this, go to Administration > Users & Roles > Roles and click on the check box next to ToDo Workload for Other Users.
管理員可以授權特定使用者角色查看其他測試人員的工作量。要執行此操作,請前往管理 > 使用者與角色 > 角色,並勾選旁邊的核取方塊查看其他使用者的待辦工作量。