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Exploring Bayesian Optimization

Breaking Bayesian Optimization into small, sizeable chunks.

Authors 作者

Affiliations 机构

Apoorv Agnihotri

Indian Insitute of Technology Gandhinagar

Nipun Batra

Indian Insitute of Technology Gandhinagar

Published 已发布

May 5, 2020 2020 年 5 月 5 日



Many modern machine learning algorithms have a large number of hyperparameters. To effectively use these algorithms, we need to pick good hyperparameter values. In this article, we talk about Bayesian Optimization, a suite of techniques often used to tune hyperparameters. More generally, Bayesian Optimization can be used to optimize any black-box function.

Mining Gold! 黄金开采!

Let us start with the example of gold mining. Our goal is to mine for gold in an unknown landInterestingly, our example is similar to one of the first use of Gaussian Processes (also called kriging), where Prof. Krige modeled the gold concentrations using a Gaussian Process.
在这里,Krige 教授使用高斯过程对金的浓度进行建模。

让我们从黄金开采的例子开始。我们的目标是在一片未知的土地上开采黄金 1 有趣的是,我们的例子类似于高斯过程(也称克里金)的首次运用之一。
. For now, we assume that the gold is distributed about a line. We want to find the location along this line with the maximum gold while only drilling a few times (as drilling is expensive).

Let us suppose that the gold distribution f(x)f(x) looks something like the function below. It is bi-modal, with a maximum value around x=5x = 5. For now, let us not worry about the X-axis or the Y-axis units.
让我们假设金子分布 f(x)f(x) 看起来类似下面的函数。它是双峰的,最大值大约在 x=5x = 5 附近。目前,让我们不担心 X 轴或 Y 轴的单位。

Initially, we have no idea about the gold distribution. We can learn the gold distribution by drilling at different locations. However, this drilling is costly. Thus, we want to minimize the number of drillings required while still finding the location of maximum gold quickly.

We now discuss two common objectives for the gold mining problem.

We will soon see how these two problems are related, but not the same.

Active Learning 主动学习

For many machine learning problems, unlabeled data is readily available. However, labeling (or querying) is often expensive. As an example, for a speech-to-text task, the annotation requires expert(s) to label words and sentences manually. Similarly, in our gold mining problem, drilling (akin to labeling) is expensive.
对于许多机器学习问题,未标记的数据是 readily available。然而,标记(或查询)往往很昂贵。例如,对于语音转文本的任务,注释需要专家手动标记单词和句子。同样,在我们的金矿问题中,打孔(类似于标记)很昂贵。

Active learning minimizes labeling costs while maximizing modeling accuracy. While there are various methods in active learning literature, we look at uncertainty reduction. This method proposes labeling the point whose model uncertainty is the highest. Often, the variance acts as a measure of uncertainty.

Since we only know the true value of our function at a few points, we need a surrogate model for the values our function takes elsewhere. This surrogate should be flexible enough to model the true function. Using a Gaussian Process (GP) is a common choice, both because of its flexibility and its ability to give us uncertainty estimates Gaussian Process supports setting of priors by using specific kernels and mean functions. One might want to look at this excellent Distill article on Gaussian Processes 高斯过程 to learn more. 了解更多。

Please find this amazing video from Javier González on Gaussian Processes.

由于我们只在一些点上知道我们函数的真实值,我们需要一个替代模型来代表函数在其他地方取值。这个替代模型应该足够灵活,可以模拟真实函数。使用高斯过程(GP)是一个常见的选择,因为它既灵活,又能给出不确定性的估计。高斯过程支持通过使用特定的核函数和均值函数来设置先验。你可能会对这篇出色的 Distill 文章感兴趣。

Our surrogate model starts with a prior of f(x)f(x) — in the case of gold, we pick a prior assuming that it’s smoothly distributed Specifics: We use a Matern 5/2 kernel due to its property of favoring doubly differentiable functions. See Rasmussen and Williams 2004 and scikit-learn, for details regarding the Matern kernel. . As we evaluate points (drilling), we get more data for our surrogate to learn from, updating it according to Bayes’ rule.
我们的替代模型从 f(x)f(x) 的先验开始——以黄金为例,我们选择假设其呈平滑分布 3 细节:我们使用 Matern 5/2 核,因其偏爱具有二阶可微性质的函数。有关 Matern 核的详细信息,请参阅 Rasmussen 和 Williams 2004 年的著作以及 scikit-learn。随着我们评估点(钻探),我们会获得更多数据供替代模型进行学习,并根据贝叶斯法则进行更新。

Each new data point updates our surrogate model, moving it closer to the ground truth. The black line and the grey shaded region indicate the mean (μ)(\mu) and uncertainty (μ±σ)(\mu \pm \sigma) in our gold distribution estimate before and after drilling.
每个新数据点更新我们的替代模型,使其更接近真实情况。黑线和灰色阴影区域表示在钻探前后我们对金属分布估计的均值 (μ)(\mu) 和不确定性 (μ±σ)(\mu \pm \sigma)

In the above example, we started with uniform uncertainty. But after our first update, the posterior is certain near x=0.5x = 0.5 and uncertain away from it. We could just keep adding more training points and obtain a more certain estimate of f(x)f(x).
在上面的例子中,我们从均匀不确定性开始。但在我们的第一个更新后,后验在 x=0.5x = 0.5 附近是确定的,在离其远的地方是不确定的。我们可以继续添加更多训练点,并获得对 f(x)f(x) 更确定的估计。

However, we want to minimize the number of evaluations. Thus, we should choose the next query point “smartly” using active learning. Although there are many ways to pick smart points, we will be picking the most uncertain one.

This gives us the following procedure for Active Learning:

  1. Choose and add the point with the highest uncertainty to the training set (by querying/labeling that point)
  2. Train on the new training set
  3. Go to #1 till convergence or budget elapsed

Let us now visualize this process and see how our posterior changes at every iteration (after each drilling).

The visualization shows that one can estimate the true distribution in a few iterations. Furthermore, the most uncertain positions are often the farthest points from the current evaluation points. At every iteration, active learning explores the domain to make the estimates better.

Bayesian Optimization 贝叶斯优化

In the previous section, we picked points in order to determine an accurate model of the gold content. But what if our goal is simply to find the location of maximum gold content? Of course, we could do active learning to estimate the true function accurately and then find its maximum. But that seems pretty wasteful — why should we use evaluations improving our estimates of regions where the function expects low gold content when we only care about the maximum?
在前一节中,我们选择了一些点,以便确定金含量的准确模型。但是,如果我们的目标只是为了找到最大金含量的位置呢?当然,我们可以进行主动学习来准确估计真正的函数,然后找到它的最大值。但这似乎相当浪费 — 为什么我们要在我们只关心最大值的地方改善估计函数期望低金含量的地区呢?

This is the core question in Bayesian Optimization: “Based on what we know so far, which point should we evaluate next?” Remember that evaluating each point is expensive, so we want to pick carefully! In the active learning case, we picked the most uncertain point, exploring the function. But in Bayesian Optimization, we need to balance exploring uncertain regions, which might unexpectedly have high gold content, against focusing on regions we already know have higher gold content (a kind of exploitation).

We make this decision with something called an acquisition function. Acquisition functions are heuristics for how desirable it is to evaluate a point, based on our present modelMore details on acquisition functions can be accessed at on this link.. We will spend much of this section going through different options for acquisition functions.
我们通过一个称为收购函数的东西做出这个决定。收购函数是根据我们当前的模型评估一个点的可取性的启发式算法 4 有关收购函数的更多细节可在此链接获取。我们将在本节大部分时间内讨论不同的收购函数选项。

This brings us to how Bayesian Optimization works. At every step, we determine what the best point to evaluate next is according to the acquisition function by optimizing it. We then update our model and repeat this process to determine the next point to evaluate.

You may be wondering what’s “Bayesian” about Bayesian Optimization if we’re just optimizing these acquisition functions. Well, at every step we maintain a model describing our estimates and uncertainty at each point, which we update according to Bayes’ rule
at each step. Our acquisition functions are based on this model, and nothing would be possible without them!

Formalizing Bayesian Optimization

Let us now formally introduce Bayesian Optimization. Our goal is to find the location (xRd{x \in \mathbb{R}^d}) corresponding to the global maximum (or minimum) of a function f:RdRf: \mathbb{R}^d \mapsto \mathbb{R}. We present the general constraints in Bayesian Optimization and contrast them with the constraints in our gold mining exampleThe section below is based on the slides/talk from Peter Fraizer at Uber on Bayesian Optimization:
现在让我们正式介绍贝叶斯优化。我们的目标是找到与函数 f:RdRf: \mathbb{R}^d \mapsto \mathbb{R} 的全局最大值(或最小值)对应的位置( xRd{x \in \mathbb{R}^d} )。我们介绍贝叶斯优化中的一般约束,并将其与我们的金矿开采示例中的约束进行对比 5 。以下部分基于 Uber 的 Peter Fraizer 关于贝叶斯优化的幻灯片/演讲内容:

General Constraints 一般约束

Constraints in Gold Mining example

ff’s feasible set AA is simple, e.g., box constraints.
ff 的可行集 AA 很简单,例如,箱式约束。
Our domain in the gold mining problem is a single-dimensional box constraint: 0x60 \leq x \leq 6.
在黄金采矿问题中,我们的定义域是一个单维度的箱式约束: 0x60 \leq x \leq 6
ff is continuous but lacks special structure, e.g., concavity, that would make it easy to optimize.
ff 是连续的,但缺乏特殊结构,例如凹凸性,这使得优化变得困难。
Our true function is neither a convex nor a concave function, resulting in local optimums.
ff is derivative-free: evaluations do not give gradient information.
ff 是无导数的:评估不提供梯度信息。
Our evaluation (by drilling) of the amount of gold content at a location did not give us any gradient information.
ff is expensive to evaluate: the number of times we can evaluate it is severely limited.
ff 的评估成本很高:我们能够对其进行评估的次数严重受限。
Drilling is costly. 钻探成本高昂。
ff may be noisy. If noise is present, we will assume it is independent and normally distributed, with common but unknown variance.
ff 可能存在噪音。如果存在噪音,我们将假设其独立且服从正态分布,具有常见但未知的方差。
We assume noiseless measurements in our modeling (though, it is easy to incorporate normally distributed noise for GP regression).
在我们的建模中假设无噪声的测量(尽管很容易将正态分布噪声纳入 GP 回归)。

To solve this problem, we will follow the following algorithm:

  1. We first choose a surrogate model for modeling the true function ff and define its prior.
    我们首先选择一个代理模型来对真实函数 ff 进行建模,并定义其先验。
  2. Given the set of observations (function evaluations), use Bayes rule to obtain the posterior.
  3. Use an acquisition function α(x)\alpha(x), which is a function of the posterior, to decide the next sample point xt=argmaxxα(x)x_t = \text{argmax}_x \alpha(x).
    使用一个收购函数 α(x)\alpha(x) ,它是后验函数的一个函数,来决定下一个样本点 xt=argmaxxα(x)x_t = \text{argmax}_x \alpha(x)
  4. Add newly sampled data to the set of observations and goto step #2 till convergence or budget elapses.
    将新采样数据添加到观察集合中,并进行步骤 #2 直到收敛或预算耗尽。

Acquisition Functions 获取函数

Acquisition functions are crucial to Bayesian Optimization, and there are a wide variety of options Please find these slides from Washington University in St. Louis to know more about acquisition functions. . In the following sections, we will go through a number of options, providing intuition and examples.
收集函数对贝叶斯优化至关重要,有各种各样的选择 6 请查阅华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校的这些幻灯片以了解更多有关收集函数的内容。在接下来的部分中,我们将介绍多种选择,并提供直觉和示例。

Probability of Improvement (PI)

This acquisition function chooses the next query point as the one which has the highest probability of improvement over the current max f(x+)f(x^+). Mathematically, we write the selection of next point as follows,
此获取函数选择下一个查询点,该点具有在当前最大 f(x+)f(x^+) 上的改进概率最高。从数学上讲,我们将下一个点的选择写为以下形式,

xt+1=argmax(αPI(x))=argmax(P(f(x)(f(x+)+ϵ))) x_{t+1} = argmax(\alpha_{PI}(x)) = argmax(P(f(x) \geq (f(x^+) +\epsilon)))
xt+1=argmax(αPI(x))=argmax(P(f(x)(f(x+)+ϵ))) \begin{aligned} x_{t+1} & = argmax(\alpha_{PI}(x))\\ & = argmax(P(f(x) \geq (f(x^+) +\epsilon))) \end{aligned}

where,  其中,

Looking closely, we are just finding the upper-tail probability (or the CDF) of the surrogate posterior. Moreover, if we are using a GP as a surrogate the expression above converts to,

xt+1=argmaxxΦ(μt(x)f(x+)ϵσt(x))x_{t+1} = argmax_x \Phi\left(\frac{\mu_t(x) - f(x^+) - \epsilon}{\sigma_t(x)}\right)

where,  其中,

The visualization below shows the calculation of αPI(x)\alpha_{PI}(x). The orange line represents the current max (plus an ϵ \epsilon) or f(x+)+ϵ f(x^+) + \epsilon. The violet region shows the probability density at each point. The grey regions show the probability density below the current max. The “area” of the violet region at each point represents the “probability of improvement over current maximum”. The next point to evaluate via the PI criteria (shown in dashed blue line) is x=6x = 6.
下面的可视化展示了 αPI(x)\alpha_{PI}(x) 的计算。橙色线表示当前最大值(加上 ϵ \epsilon )或 f(x+)+ϵ f(x^+) + \epsilon 。紫色区域显示了每个点的概率密度,灰色区域显示了当前最大值以下的概率密度。紫色区域在每个点的“面积”表示“改善当前最大值的概率”。根据 PI 准则(以虚线蓝线显示),下一个要通过 PI 准则评估的点是 x=6x = 6

Intuition behind ϵ\epsilon in PI
对 PI 中 ϵ\epsilon 的直觉

PI uses ϵ\epsilon to strike a balance between exploration and exploitation. Increasing ϵ\epsilon results in querying locations with a larger σ\sigma as their probability density is spread.
PI 使用 ϵ\epsilon 来在探索和开发之间取得平衡。增加 ϵ\epsilon 会导致查询具有更大 σ\sigma 的位置,因为它们的概率密度被扩散。

Let us now see the PI acquisition function in action. We start with ϵ=0.075\epsilon=0.075.
现在让我们看看 PI 获取函数的运作。我们从 ϵ=0.075\epsilon=0.075 开始。

Looking at the graph above, we see that we reach the global maxima in a few iterationsTies are broken randomly.. Our surrogate possesses a large uncertainty in x[2,4]x \in [2, 4] in the first few iterationsThe proportion of uncertainty is identified by the grey translucent area.. The acquisition function initially exploits regions with a high promisePoints in the vicinity of current maxima, which leads to high uncertainty in the region x[2,4]x \in [2, 4]. This observation also shows that we do not need to construct an accurate estimate of the black-box function to find its maximum.
观察上面的图表,我们看到在少数迭代中达到全局极值 7 。平局被随机打破...在前几次迭代 8 中,我们的代理具有较大的不确定性 x[2,4]x \in [2, 4] 。不确定性的比例由灰色半透明区域识别。收获函数最初利用具有很高承诺的区域 9 。当前极值附近的点,这导致该地区的不确定性很高 x[2,4]x \in [2, 4] 。这一观察还表明,我们不需要构建对黑盒函数的准确估计,即可找到其最大值。

The visualization above shows that increasing ϵ\epsilon to 0.3, enables us to explore more. However, it seems that we are exploring more than required.
上面的可视化显示,将 ϵ\epsilon 增加到 0.3,可以让我们更多地探索。然而,看起来我们探索的超过了所需的范围。

What happens if we increase ϵ\epsilon a bit more?
如果我们再增加 ϵ\epsilon 会发生什么?

We see that we made things worse! Our model now uses ϵ=3\epsilon = 3, and we are unable to exploit when we land near the global maximum. Moreover, with high exploration, the setting becomes similar to active learning.
我们发现我们让事情变得更糟了!我们的模型现在使用 ϵ=3\epsilon = 3 ,而且当我们接近全局最大值时,我们无法进行利用。而且,高探索度使得情况类似于积极学习。

Our quick experiments above help us conclude that ϵ\epsilon controls the degree of exploration in the PI acquisition function.
我们上述的快速实验有助于我们得出结论: ϵ\epsilon 控制了 PI 获取函数中的探索程度。

Expected Improvement (EI)

Probability of improvement only looked at how likely is an improvement, but, did not consider how much we can improve. The next criterion, called Expected Improvement (EI), does exactly thatA good introduction to the Expected Improvement acquisition function is by this post by Thomas Huijskens and these slides by Peter Frazier! The idea is fairly simple — choose the next query point as the one which has the highest expected improvement over the current max f(x+)f(x^+), where x+=argmaxxix1:tf(xi) x^+ = \text{argmax}_{x_i \in x_{1:t}}f(x_i) and xix_i is the location queried at ithi^{th} time step.
改进概率只关注改进的可能性,但并未考虑我们可以改进多少。下一个标准叫做期望改进(EI),确切地做到了这一点 10 。关于期望改进获取函数的良好介绍可参见 Thomas Huijskens 的这篇帖子以及 Peter Frazier 的这些幻灯片!其理念相当简单——选择下一个查询点,其在当前最大 f(x+)f(x^+) 之上具有最高的期望改进,其中 x+=argmaxxix1:tf(xi) x^+ = \text{argmax}_{x_i \in x_{1:t}}f(x_i)xix_i 是在 ithi^{th} 时间步骤处进行查询的位置。

In this acquisition function, t+1tht + 1^{th} query point, xt+1x_{t+1}, is selected according to the following equation.
在此获取功能中, t+1tht + 1^{th} 查询点 xt+1x_{t+1} 根据以下方程式被选择。

xt+1=argminxE(ht+1(x)f(x)  Dt) x_{t+1} = argmin_x \mathbb{E} \left( ||h_{t+1}(x) - f(x^\star) || \ | \ \mathcal{D}_t \right)

Where, ff is the actual ground truth function, ht+1h_{t+1} is the posterior mean of the surrogate at t+1tht+1^{th} timestep, Dt\mathcal{D}_t is the training data {(xi,f(xi))} xx1:t\{(x_i, f(x_i))\} \ \forall x \in x_{1:t} and xx^\star is the actual position where ff takes the maximum value.
其中, ff 是实际的基本真实函数, ht+1h_{t+1}t+1tht+1^{th} 时间步骤处替代模型的后验均值, Dt\mathcal{D}_t 是训练数据 {(xi,f(xi))} xx1:t\{(x_i, f(x_i))\} \ \forall x \in x_{1:t} , 而 xx^\starff 取得最大值的实际位置。

In essence, we are trying to select the point that minimizes the distance to the objective evaluated at the maximum. Unfortunately, we do not know the ground truth function, ff. Mockus
本质上,我们试图选择使目标函数在最大值处评估的距离最小化的点。不幸的是,我们不知道基本真实函数 ff 。Mockus
proposed the following acquisition function to overcome the issue.

xt+1=argmaxxE(max{0, ht+1(x)f(x+)}  Dt) x_{t+1} = argmax_x \mathbb{E} \left( {max} \{ 0, \ h_{t+1}(x) - f(x^+) \} \ | \ \mathcal{D}_t \right)
xt+1= argmaxxE(max{0, ht+1(x)f(x+)}  Dt) \begin{aligned} x_{t+1} = \ & argmax_x \mathbb{E} \\ & \left( {max} \{ 0, \ h_{t+1}(x) - f(x^+) \} \ | \ \mathcal{D}_t \right) \end{aligned}

where f(x+)f(x^+) is the maximum value that has been encountered so far. This equation for GP surrogate is an analytical expression shown below.
其中 f(x+)f(x^+) 是迄今为止遇到的最大值。高斯过程替代模型的这个方程是下面所示的解析表达式。

EI(x)={(μt(x)f(x+)ϵ)Φ(Z)+σt(x)ϕ(Z),if σt(x)>00,if σt(x)=0 EI(x)= \begin{cases} (\mu_t(x) - f(x^+) - \epsilon)\Phi(Z) + \sigma_t(x)\phi(Z), & \text{if}\ \sigma_t(x) > 0 \\ 0, & \text{if}\ \sigma_t(x) = 0 \end{cases}
EI(x)={[(μt(x)f(x+)ϵ) σt(x)>0Φ(Z)]+σt(x)ϕ(Z),0, σt(x)=0 EI(x)= \begin{cases} [(\mu_t(x) - f(x^+) - \epsilon) & \ \sigma_t(x) > 0 \\ \quad * \Phi(Z)] + \sigma_t(x)\phi(Z),\\ 0, & \ \sigma_t(x) = 0 \end{cases}
Z=μt(x)f(x+)ϵσt(x)Z= \frac{\mu_t(x) - f(x^+) - \epsilon}{\sigma_t(x)}

where Φ()\Phi(\cdot) indicates CDF and ϕ()\phi(\cdot) indicates pdf.
其中 Φ()\Phi(\cdot) 表示累积分布函数(CDF), ϕ()\phi(\cdot) 表示概率密度函数(PDF)。

From the above expression, we can see that Expected Improvement will be high when: i) the expected value of μt(x)f(x+)\mu_t(x) - f(x^+) is high, or, ii) when the uncertainty σt(x)\sigma_t(x) around a point is high.
根据上述表达式,我们可以看到,当:i) μt(x)f(x+)\mu_t(x) - f(x^+) 的期望值较高时,或者,ii)在一个点周围的不确定性 σt(x)\sigma_t(x) 较高时,预期改善将会很大。

Like the PI acquisition function, we can moderate the amount of exploration of the EI acquisition function by modifying ϵ\epsilon.
与 PI 采集函数类似,我们可以通过修改 ϵ\epsilon 来调节 EI 采集函数的探索量。

For ϵ=0.01\epsilon = 0.01 we come close to the global maxima in a few iterations.
ϵ=0.01\epsilon = 0.01 中,我们在几次迭代中接近全局极大值。

We now increase ϵ\epsilon to explore more.
现在我们增加 ϵ\epsilon 以进行更多探索。

As we expected, increasing the value to ϵ=0.3\epsilon = 0.3 makes the acquisition function explore more. Compared to the earlier evaluations, we see less exploitation. We see that it evaluates only two points near the global maxima.
正如我们预期的那样,增加值到 ϵ=0.3\epsilon = 0.3 会使获取函数进行更多探索。与之前的评估相比,我们看到少了一些开发。我们发现它只评估了全局极大值附近的两个点。

Let us increase ϵ\epsilon even more.
让我们进一步增加 ϵ\epsilon

Is this better than before? It turns out a yes and a no; we explored too much at ϵ=3\epsilon = 3 and quickly reached near the global maxima. But unfortunately, we did not exploit to get more gains near the global maxima.
这比以前好吗?结果是肯定和否定的;我们在 ϵ=3\epsilon = 3 处探索得太多,很快就接近了全局最大值。但不幸的是,我们没有充分利用以获得更多的收益。

PI vs Ei

We have seen two closely related methods, The Probability of Improvement and the Expected Improvement.

The scatter plot above shows the policies’ acquisition functions evaluated on different pointsEach dot is a point in the search space. Additionally, the training set used while making the plot only consists of a single observation (0.5,f(0.5))(0.5, f(0.5)). We see that αEI\alpha_{EI} and αPI\alpha_{PI} reach a maximum of 0.3 and around 0.47, respectively. Choosing a point with low αPI\alpha_{PI} and high αEI\alpha_{EI} translates to high riskSince “Probability of Improvement” is low and high rewardSince “Expected Improvement” is high. In case of multiple points having the same αEI\alpha_{EI}, we should prioritize the point with lesser risk (higher αPI\alpha_{PI}). Similarly, when the risk is same (same αPI\alpha_{PI}), we should choose the point with greater reward (higher αEI\alpha_{EI}).

Thompson Sampling 汤普森抽样

Another common acquisition function is Thompson Sampling
. At every step, we sample a function from the surrogate’s posterior and optimize it. For example, in the case of gold mining, we would sample a plausible distribution of the gold given the evidence and evaluate (drill) wherever it peaks.

Below we have an image showing three sampled functions from the learned surrogate posterior for our gold mining problem. The training data constituted the point x=0.5x = 0.5 and the corresponding functional value.
下面是一幅图像,显示了我们在黄金采矿问题上学习的替代后验的三个样本函数。训练数据包括点 x=0.5x = 0.5 及其对应的函数值。

We can understand the intuition behind Thompson sampling by two observations:
通过两点观察我们可以理解 Thompson 采样的直觉:

The visualization above uses Thompson sampling for optimization. Again, we can reach the global optimum in relatively few iterations.

Random 随机

We have been using intelligent acquisition functions until now. We can create a random acquisition function by sampling xx randomly.
直到现在,我们一直在使用智能采集函数。我们可以通过随机抽样 xx 来创建一个随机采集函数。

The visualization above shows that the performance of the random acquisition function is not that bad! However, if our optimization was more complex (more dimensions), then the random acquisition might perform poorly.

Summary of Acquisition Functions

Let us now summarize the core ideas associated with acquisition functions: i) they are heuristics for evaluating the utility of a point; ii) they are a function of the surrogate posterior; iii) they combine exploration and exploitation; and iv) they are inexpensive to evaluate.

Other Acquisition Functions

We have seen various acquisition functions until now. One trivial way to come up with acquisition functions is to have a explore/exploit combination.

Upper Confidence Bound (UCB)

One such trivial acquisition function that combines the exploration/exploitation tradeoff is a linear combination of the mean and uncertainty of our surrogate model. The model mean signifies exploitation (of our model’s knowledge) and model uncertainty signifies exploration (due to our model’s lack of observations).
α(x)=μ(x)+λ×σ(x)\alpha(x) = \mu(x) + \lambda \times \sigma(x)

The intuition behind the UCB acquisition function is weighing of the importance between the surrogate’s mean vs. the surrogate’s uncertainty. The λ\lambda above is the hyperparameter that can control the preference between exploitation or exploration.
UCB 收购功能背后的直觉是权衡替代的平均值与替代的不确定性之间的重要性。上述 λ\lambda 是可以控制开发或探索偏好的超参数。

We can further form acquisition functions by combining the existing acquisition functions though the physical interpretability of such combinations might not be so straightforward. One reason we might want to combine two methods is to overcome the limitations of the individual methods.

Probability of Improvement + λ ×\lambda \ \times Expected Improvement (EI-PI)
改进概率 + λ ×\lambda \ \times 预期改进 (EI-PI)

One such combination can be a linear combination of PI and EI. We know PI focuses on the probability of improvement, whereas EI focuses on the expected improvement. Such a combination could help in having a tradeoff between the two based on the value of λ\lambda.
其中一种组合可以是 PI 和 EI 的线性组合。我们知道 PI 侧重于改进的概率,而 EI 侧重于预期改进。这样的组合可以根据 λ\lambda 的值在两者之间取得权衡。

Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound (GP-UCB)
高斯过程上置信界限 (GP-UCB)

Before talking about GP-UCB, let us quickly talk about regret. Imagine if the maximum gold was aa units, and our optimization instead samples a location containing b<ab < a units, then our regret is aba - b. If we accumulate the regret over nn iterations, we get what is called cumulative regret.
在讨论 GP-UCB 之前,让我们快速谈谈遗憾。想象一下,如果最大黄金量为 aa 个单位,而我们的优化反而对包含 b<ab < a 单位的位置进行抽样,那么我们的遗憾就是 aba - b 。如果我们在 nn 次迭代中累积遗憾,就得到了所谓的累积遗憾。

GP-UCB’s GP-UCB 的 formulation is given by:

αGPUCB(x)=μt(x)+βtσt(x) \alpha_{GP-UCB}(x) = \mu_t(x) + \sqrt{\beta_t}\sigma_t(x)

Where tt is the timestep.
其中 tt 是时间步长。

Srinivas et. al. Srinivas 等人 developed a schedule for β\beta that they theoretically demonstrate to minimize cumulative regret.
开发了一个时间表 β\beta ,他们在理论上证明了最小化累积遗憾。

Comparison 对比

We now compare the performance of different acquisition functions on the gold mining problemTo know more about the difference between acquisition functions look at these amazing slides from Nando De Freitas. We have used the optimum hyperparameters for each acquisition function. We ran the random acquisition function several times with different seeds and plotted the mean gold sensed at every iteration.
我们目前对黄金开采问题上不同收获函数的表现进行比较 14 要了解更多关于收获函数之间的差异,请查看 Nando De Freitas 的这些精彩幻灯片。我们已经为每个收获函数使用最佳的超参数。我们多次使用不同种子运行了随机收获函数,并绘制了每次迭代时感知到的黄金的平均值。

The random strategy is initially comparable to or better than other acquisition functionsUCB and GP-UCB have been mentioned in the collapsible. However, the maximum gold sensed by random strategy grows slowly. In comparison, the other acquisition functions can find a good solution in a small number of iterations. In fact, most acquisition functions reach fairly close to the global maxima in as few as three iterations.
随机策略最初与其他收获函数相当或更好 15 UCB 和 GP-UCB 已在可折叠部分中提到。然而,随机策略感知到的最大黄金增长缓慢。相比之下,其他收获函数可以在少量迭代中找到一个好的解决方案。事实上,大多数收获函数在仅三次迭代中就接近全局最大值。

Hyperparameter Tuning 超参数调优

Before we talk about Bayesian optimization for hyperparameter tuning
, we will quickly differentiate between hyperparameters and parameters: hyperparameters are set before learning and the parameters are learned from the data. To illustrate the difference, we take the example of Ridge regression.

θ^ridge=argminθ  Rpi=1n(yixiTθ)2+λj=1pθj2 \hat{\theta}_{ridge} = argmin_{\theta\ \in \ \mathbb{R}^p} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \left(y_i - x_i^T\theta \right)^2 + \lambda \sum\limits_{j=1}^{p} \theta^2_j
θ^ridge=argminθ  Rpi=1n(yixiTθ)2+λj=1pθj2 \begin{aligned} \hat{\theta}_{ridge} = & argmin_{\theta\ \in \ \mathbb{R}^p} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \left(y_i - x_i^T\theta \right)^2 \\ & + \lambda \sum\limits_{j=1}^{p} \theta^2_j \end{aligned}

In Ridge regression, the weight matrix θ\theta is the parameter, and the regularization coefficient λ0\lambda \geq 0 is the hyperparameter.
在岭回归中,权重矩阵 θ\theta 是参数,而正则化系数 λ0\lambda \geq 0 是超参数。

If we solve the above regression problem via gradient descent optimization, we further introduce another optimization parameter, the learning rate α\alpha.
如果我们通过梯度下降优化来解决上述的回归问题,我们还会引入另一个优化参数,即学习率 α\alpha

The most common use case of Bayesian Optimization is hyperparameter tuning: finding the best performing hyperparameters on machine learning models.
Bayesian Optimization 最常见的用例是超参数调优:找到机器学习模型上表现最好的超参数。

When training a model is not expensive and time-consuming, we can do a grid search to find the optimum hyperparameters. However, grid search is not feasible if function evaluations are costly, as in the case of a large neural network that takes days to train. Further, grid search scales poorly in terms of the number of hyperparameters.

We turn to Bayesian Optimization to counter the expensive nature of evaluating our black-box function (accuracy).

Example 1 — Support Vector Machine (SVM)
示例 1 — 支持向量机(SVM)

In this example, we use an SVM to classify on sklearn’s moons dataset and use Bayesian Optimization to optimize SVM hyperparameters.
在这个例子中,我们使用支持向量机(SVM)对 sklearn 的 moons 数据集进行分类,并使用贝叶斯优化来优化 SVM 的超参数。

Let us have a look at the dataset now, which has two classes and two features.

Let us apply Bayesian Optimization to learn the best hyperparameters for this classification task Note: the surface plots you see for the Ground Truth Accuracies below were calculated for each possible hyperparameter for showcasing purposes only. We do not have these values in real applications. . The optimum values for <C, γC, \ \gamma> have been found via running grid search at high granularity.
让我们对这个分类任务应用贝叶斯优化来学习最佳的超参数 17 注意:您下面看到的地面真实准确性的表面图是为了展示目的而对每个可能的超参数进行计算得到的。在实际应用中,我们并没有这些值。最佳的 < C, γC, \ \gamma > 值是通过以高精度运行网格搜索找到的。

Above we see a slider showing the work of the Probability of Improvement acquisition function in finding the best hyperparameters.

Above we see a slider showing the work of the Expected Improvement acquisition function in finding the best hyperparameters.

Comparison 对比

Below is a plot that compares the different acquisition functions. We ran the random acquisition function several times to average out its results.

All our acquisition beat the random acquisition function after seven iterations. We see the random method seemed to perform much better initially, but it could not reach the global optimum, whereas Bayesian Optimization was able to get fairly close. The initial subpar performance of Bayesian Optimization can be attributed to the initial exploration.

Other Examples 其他示例

Example 2 — Random Forest
示例 2 - 随机森林

Using Bayesian Optimization in a Random Forest Classifier.

We will continue now to train a Random Forest on the moons dataset we had used previously to learn the Support Vector Machine model. The primary hyperparameters of Random Forests we would like to optimize our accuracy are the number of Decision Trees we would like to have, the maximum depth for each of those decision trees.

The parameters of the Random Forest are the individual trained Decision Trees models.

We will be again using Gaussian Processes with Matern kernel to estimate and predict the accuracy function over the two hyperparameters.
我们将再次使用 Matern 核的高斯过程来估计和预测这两个超参数上的准确性函数。

Above is a typical Bayesian Optimization run with the Probability of Improvement acquisition function.

Above we see a run showing the work of the Expected Improvement acquisition function in optimizing the hyperparameters.

Now using the Gaussian Processes Upper Confidence Bound acquisition function in optimizing the hyperparameters.

Let us now use the Random acquisition function.

The optimization strategies seemed to struggle in this example. This can be attributed to the non-smooth ground truth. This shows that the effectiveness of Bayesian Optimization depends on the surrogate’s efficiency to model the actual black-box function. It is interesting to notice that the Bayesian Optimization framework still beats the random strategy using various acquisition functions.

Example 3 — Neural Networks
示例 3 - 神经网络

Let us take this example to get an idea of how to apply Bayesian Optimization to train neural networks. Here we will be using scikit-optim, which also provides us support for optimizing function with a search space of categorical, integral, and real variables. We will not be plotting the ground truth here, as it is extremely costly to do so. Below are some code snippets that show the ease of using Bayesian Optimization packages for hyperparameter tuning.
让我们通过这个示例来了解如何应用贝叶斯优化来训练神经网络。在这里,我们将使用 scikit-optim ,它还为我们提供了对具有分类、整数和实数变量搜索空间的优化函数的支持。我们将不在这里绘制真实情况,因为这样做的成本非常昂贵。下面是一些代码片段,展示了使用贝叶斯优化软件包进行超参数调优的便利性。

The code initially declares a search space for the optimization problem. We limit the search space to be the following:

log_batch_size = Integer( low=2, high=7, name='log_batch_size' ) lr = Real( low=1e-6, high=1e0, prior='log-uniform', name='lr' ) activation = Categorical( categories=['relu', 'sigmoid'], name='activation' ) dimensions = [ dim_num_batch_size_to_base, dim_learning_rate, dim_activation ]

Now import gp-minimize 现在导入 gp-minimize Note: One will need to negate the accuracy values as we are using the minimizer function from scikit-optim.
注意:我们需要对准确度数值取反,因为我们正在使用 scikit-optim 中的最小化函数。
from scikit-optim to perform the optimization. Below we show calling the optimizer using Expected Improvement, but of course we can select from a number of other acquisition functions.
scikit-optim 导入以执行优化。下面我们展示如何使用期望改善来调用优化器,当然我们也可以从多种其他收益函数中进行选择。

# initial parameters (1st point) default_parameters = [4, 1e-1, 'relu'] # bayesian optimization search_result = gp_minimize( func=train, dimensions=dimensions, acq_func='EI', # Expctd Imprv. n_calls=11, x0=default_parameters )

In the graph above the y-axis denotes the best accuracy till then, (f(x+))\left( f(x^+) \right) and the x-axis denotes the evaluation number.

Looking at the above example, we can see that incorporating Bayesian Optimization is not difficult and can save a lot of time. Optimizing to get an accuracy of nearly one in around seven iterations is impressive!The example above has been inspired by Hvass Laboratories’ Tutorial Notebook showcasing hyperparameter optimization in TensorFlow using scikit-optim.

Let us get the numbers into perspective. If we had run this optimization using a grid search, it would have taken around (5×2×7)(5 \times 2 \times 7) iterations. Whereas Bayesian Optimization only took seven iterations. Each iteration took around fifteen minutes; this sets the time required for the grid search to complete around seventeen hours!

Conclusion and Summary 结论和摘要

In this article, we looked at Bayesian Optimization for optimizing a black-box function. Bayesian Optimization is well suited when the function evaluations are expensive, making grid or exhaustive search impractical. We looked at the key components of Bayesian Optimization. First, we looked at the notion of using a surrogate function (with a prior over the space of objective functions) to model our black-box function. Next, we looked at the “Bayes” in Bayesian Optimization — the function evaluations are used as data to obtain the surrogate posterior. We look at acquisition functions, which are functions of the surrogate posterior and are optimized sequentially. This new sequential optimization is in-expensive and thus of utility of us. We also looked at a few acquisition functions and showed how these different functions balance exploration and exploitation. Finally, we looked at some practical examples of Bayesian Optimization for optimizing hyper-parameters for machine learning models.

We hope you had a good time reading the article and hope you are ready to exploit the power of Bayesian Optimization. In case you wish to explore more, please read the Further Reading section below. We also provide our repository to reproduce the entire article.

Embrace Bayesian Optimization

Having read all the way through, you might have been sold on the idea about the time you can save by asking Bayesian Optimizer to find the best hyperparameters for your fantastic model. There are a plethora of Bayesian Optimization libraries available. We have linked a few below. Do check them out.

Acknowledgments 致谢

This article was made possible with inputs from numerous people. Firstly, we would like to thank all the Distill reviewers for their punctilious and actionable feedback. These fantastic reviews immensely helped strengthen our article. We further express our gratitude towards the Distill Editors, who were extremely kind and helped us navigate various steps to publish our work. We would also like to thank Dr. Sahil Garg for his feedback on the flow of the article. We would like to acknowledge the help we received from Writing Studio to improve the script of our article. Lastly, we sincerely thank Christopher Olah. His inputs, suggestions, multiple rounds of iterations made this article substantially better.
本文得益于众多人的贡献。首先,我们要感谢所有 Distill 的审阅人员,他们提供了细致而有建设性的反馈。这些出色的审阅工作极大地加强了我们的文章。我们进一步表达我们对 Distill 编辑们的感激之情,他们非常友善,并帮助我们完成了发表工作的各个步骤。我们还要感谢 Sahil Garg 博士对文章结构的反馈。我们要感谢 Writing Studio 在改进文章结构方面给予的帮助。最后,我们由衷地感谢 Christopher Olah。他的建议和多轮迭代使这篇文章得到了长足的改善。

Further Reading 进一步阅读

  1. Using gradient information when it is available.

    • Suppose we have gradient information available, we should possibly try to use the information. This could result in a much faster approach to the global maxima. Please have a look at the paper by Wu, et al.
      to know more.
  2. To have a quick view of differences between Bayesian Optimization and Gradient Descent, one can look at this amazing answer at StackOverflow.
    为了快速了解贝叶斯优化和梯度下降之间的差异,可以查看 StackOverflow 上的这个出色的答案。

  3. We talked about optimizing a black-box function here. If we are to perform over multiple objectives, how do these acquisition functions scale? There has been fantastic work in this domain too! We try to deal with these cases by having multi-objective acquisition functions. Have a look at this excellent notebook for an example using gpflowopt.
    我们在这里讨论了优化黑盒函数。如果我们要执行多个目标,这些获取函数如何扩展呢?在这个领域已经有了一些出色的工作!我们尝试通过使用多目标获取函数来处理这些情况。请查看这个出色的笔记本,以了解使用 gpflowopt 的示例。

  4. One of the more interesting uses of hyperparameters optimization can be attributed to searching the space of neural network architecture for finding the architectures that give us maximal predictive performance. One might also want to consider nonobjective optimizations as some of the other objectives like memory consumption, model size, or inference time also matter in practical scenarios.

  5. When the datasets are extremely large, human experts tend to test hyperparameters on smaller subsets of the dataset and iteratively improve the accuracy for their models. There has been work in Bayesian Optimization, taking into account these approaches
    when datasets are of such sizes.

  6. There also has been work on Bayesian Optimization, where one explores with a certain level of “safety”, meaning the evaluated values should lie above a certain security threshold functional value
    . One toy example is the possible configurations for a flying robot to maximize its stability. If we tried a point with terrible stability, we might crash the robot, and therefore we would like to explore the configuration space more diligently.

  7. We have been using GP in our Bayesian Optimization for getting predictions, but we can have any other predictor or mean and variance in our Bayesian Optimization.

    • One can look at this slide deck by Frank Hutter discussing some limitations of a GP-based Bayesian Optimization over a Random Forest based Bayesian Optimization.

    • There has been work on even using deep neural networks in Bayesian Optimization for a more scalable approach compared to GP. The paper talks about how GP-based Bayesian Optimization scales cubically with the number of observations, compared to their novel method that scales linearly.

  8. Things to take care when using Bayesian Optimization.

    • While working on the blog, we once scaled the accuracy from the range [0, 1][0, \ 1] to [0, 100][0, \ 100]. This change broke havoc as the Gaussian Processes we were using had certain hyperparameters, which needed to be scaled with the accuracy to maintain scale invariance. We wanted to point this out as it might be helpful for the readers who would like to start using on Bayesian Optimization.

    • We need to take care while using Bayesian Optimization. Bayesian Optimization based on Gaussian Processes Regression is highly sensitive to the kernel used. For example, if you are using Matern kernel, we are implicitly assuming that the function we are trying to optimize is first order differentiable.

    • Searching for the hyperparameters, and the choice of the acquisition function to use in Bayesian Optimization are interesting problems in themselves. There has been amazing work done, looking at this problem. As mentioned previously in the post, there has been work done in strategies using multiple acquisition function to deal with these interesting issues.

    • A nice list of tips and tricks one should have a look at if you aim to use Bayesian Optimization in your workflow is from this fantastic post by Thomas on Bayesian Optimization with sklearn.

  9. Bayesian Optimization applications.

    • Bayesian Optimization has been applied to Optimal Sensor Set selection for predictive accuracy.

    • Peter Frazier in his talk mentioned that Uber uses Bayesian Optimization for tuning algorithms via backtesting.

    • Facebook uses Bayesian Optimization for A/B testing.

    • Netflix and Yelp use Metrics Optimization software like Metrics Optimization Engine (MOE) which take advantage of Parallel Bayesian Optimization.


  1. Interestingly, our example is similar to one of the first use of Gaussian Processes (also called kriging), where Prof. Krige modeled the gold concentrations using a Gaussian Process.
    在这里,Krige 教授使用高斯过程对金的浓度进行建模。
  2. Gaussian Process supports setting of priors by using specific kernels and mean functions. One might want to look at this excellent Distill article on Gaussian Processes 高斯过程 to learn more. 了解更多。

    Please find this amazing video from Javier González on Gaussian Processes.
  3. Specifics: We use a Matern 5/2 kernel due to its property of favoring doubly differentiable functions. See Rasmussen and Williams 2004 and scikit-learn, for details regarding the Matern kernel. [↩]
  4. More details on acquisition functions can be accessed at on this link.[↩]
  5. The section below is based on the slides/talk from Peter Fraizer at Uber on Bayesian Optimization: [↩]
  6. Please find these slides from Washington University in St. Louis to know more about acquisition functions. [↩]
  7. Ties are broken randomly.[↩]
  8. The proportion of uncertainty is identified by the grey translucent area.[↩]
  9. Points in the vicinity of current maxima[↩]
  10. A good introduction to the Expected Improvement acquisition function is by this post by Thomas Huijskens and these slides by Peter Frazier[↩]
  11. Each dot is a point in the search space. Additionally, the training set used while making the plot only consists of a single observation (0.5,f(0.5))(0.5, f(0.5))[↩]
  12. Since “Probability of Improvement” is low[↩]
  13. Since “Expected Improvement” is high[↩]
  14. To know more about the difference between acquisition functions look at these amazing slides from Nando De Freitas[↩]
  15. UCB and GP-UCB have been mentioned in the collapsible[↩]
  16. StackOverflow answer for intuition behind the hyperparameters.[↩]
  17. Note: the surface plots you see for the Ground Truth Accuracies below were calculated for each possible hyperparameter for showcasing purposes only. We do not have these values in real applications. [↩]
  18. Note: One will need to negate the accuracy values as we are using the minimizer function from scikit-optim.
    注意:我们需要对准确度数值取反,因为我们正在使用 scikit-optim 中的最小化函数。
  19. The example above has been inspired by Hvass Laboratories’ Tutorial Notebook showcasing hyperparameter optimization in TensorFlow using scikit-optim.[↩]
  20. Really nice tutorial showcasing hyperparameter optimization on a neural network available at this link. [↩]


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For attribution in academic contexts, please cite this work as

Agnihotri & Batra, "Exploring Bayesian Optimization", Distill, 2020.

BibTeX citation

  author = {Agnihotri, Apoorv and Batra, Nipun},
  title = {Exploring Bayesian Optimization},
  journal = {Distill},
  year = {2020},
  note = {https://distill.pub/2020/bayesian-optimization},
  doi = {10.23915/distill.00026}