一、 目的 1. Purpose 确定与质量有关的管理、执行和验证人员的职责与权限,减少、消除和防止与产品、过程和质量体系有关的不合格。确保本公司质量体系的有效运行。 Determine the responsibilities and authority of quality-related management, execution and verification personnel to reduce, eliminate and prevent non-conformities related to products, processes and quality systems. Ensure the effective operation of the company's quality system. 2、 适用范围 2. Scope of application 适用于本公司各部门与质量有关的管理、执行和验证人员,对公司高层管理者、部门负责人以及其他与质量有关的人员进行规定,明确其质量职责,对各岗位的任职要求加以规定。 It is applicable to the quality-related management, execution and verification personnel of all departments of the company, and stipulates the company's senior managers, department heads and other quality-related personnel, clarifies their quality responsibilities, and stipulates the requirements of each position. 3、 职责与权限 3. Responsibilities and authority 从事与质量有关的管理、执行和验证工作的人员须执行以下职责: Personnel engaged in quality-related management, execution, and verification are required to perform the following duties: a.采取措施,防止产品、过程和质量体系出现不合格; a. Take measures to prevent non-conformities in products, processes and quality systems; b.确认和记录与产品、过程和质量体系有关的问题; b. Identify and document issues related to products, processes and quality systems; c.通过规定的渠道,采取、推荐或提出解决质量问题的方法; c. Take, recommend or propose ways to solve quality problems through the prescribed channels; d.对实施效果进行跟踪验证; d. Track and verify the implementation effect; e.对不合格品的进一步加工、交付采取控制措施,直到缺陷或不满足情况得到纠正。 e. Take control measures for the further processing and delivery of non-conforming products until the defects or non-conformities are corrected. f.顾客对内部职能部门的需求,按顾客特殊要求再进行分配。 f. The customer's demand for internal functional departments will be redistributed according to the customer's special requirements. 4 、 岗位目录 4. Job directory 岗位名称 Job Title | 页码 page number | 岗位名称 Job Title | 页码 page number | 总经理 managing director | 03 | 食品安全小组组长 Leader of the Food Safety Group | 04 | 内审员 Internal auditors | 05 | 生产部经理 Production Manager | 06 | 班组长 Team leader | 07 | 操作工 Operator | 08 | 质检部经理 Quality Control Manager | 09 | 业务部经理 Business Unit Manager | 10 | 办公室经理 Office Manager | 11 | 验收员 Acceptor | 12 |
职务名称 Job title | 总经理 managing director | 所属部门 Affiliation | 公司 firm | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 无 | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 理解并掌握相关BRCGS食品安全管理体系标准与程序 Understand and master the relevant BRCGS food safety management system standards and procedures | 2 | 熟悉企业业务和运营流程 Familiarity with enterprise business and operational processes | 3 | 具有极强的市场预测和决策能力,能不断地创新创造,灵活应变,处事果断 With strong market forecasting and decision-making ability, can continue to innovate and create, flexible and decisive | 4 | 具有极强的沟通、组织协调能力 Strong communication, organization and coordination skills | 5 | 善于制定企业发展的战略及具备把握企业发展全局的能力 Good at formulating enterprise development strategies and have the ability to grasp the overall development of enterprises | 6 | 了解国家相关的政策、法律法规 Understand the relevant national policies, laws and regulations | 7 | 良好的中英文写作、口语、阅读能力,具备基本的网络知识 Good skills in writing, speaking and reading in English and Chinese, with basic knowledge of the Internet | 8 | 良好的敬业精神和职业道德操守,有很强的感召力和凝聚力,为人干练、踏实 Good professionalism and professional ethics, strong charisma and cohesion, capable and practical | | | | | | | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 对新产品开发、销售、生产、质量、行政人事、采购、财务等方面管理全面负责 Responsible for the management of new product development, sales, production, quality, administrative personnel, procurement, finance, etc | 有权确定对质量有影响的所有员工的职责权限以及相互关系 The authority to determine the responsibilities and relationships of all employees who have an impact on quality | 2 | 制订公司的业务计划、质量方针与质量目标,并确保公司各级人员理解、贯彻执行 Formulate the company's business plan, quality policy and quality objectives, and ensure that the company's personnel at all levels understand and implement them | 有权审定公司具体规章、奖罚条例,审定公司工资资金分配方案 It has the right to examine and approve the company's specific regulations, reward and punishment regulations, and the company's salary and fund distribution plan | 3 | 为质量体系的有效运行,确定并提供充分的资源和必要条件 Identify and provide sufficient resources and necessary conditions for the effective operation of the quality system | 有权审核签发以公司名义发出的文件 It has the authority to review and issue documents issued in the name of the company | 4 | 主持管理评审,按期对公司质量体系进行评审,确保其持续的适宜性和有效性 Preside over the management review, review the company's quality system on a regular basis to ensure its continued suitability and effectiveness | 有权召集、主持总经理办公会议,检查、督促和协调各部门的工作进展 Have the right to convene and preside over the general manager's office meeting, inspect, supervise and coordinate the work progress of various departments | 5 | 对本公司的采购产品质量,销售合同评审和产品质量负全责 Responsible for the quality of the company's purchased products, sales contract review and product quality | 有权提出企业的更新改造发展规划方案、预算外开支计划 It has the right to put forward the enterprise's renovation and transformation development plan and extra-budgetary expenditure plan | 6 | 加强对员工的质量教育和知识、技能培训,提高员工素质 Strengthen the quality education and knowledge and skills training of employees to improve the quality of employees | | 7 | 主持公司的全面经营管理工作,组织实施董事会决议 Preside over the overall operation and management of the company, and organize the implementation of the resolutions of the board of directors | | 8 | 处理公司重大突发事件 Deal with major emergencies in the company | | 9 | 推进公司企业文化的建设工作 Promote the construction of the company's corporate culture | | | | | | | | | | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 不限 Unlimited | 年 龄 Age | 30-55 | 知 能 | 领导力 Leadership | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 学 历 Education | 大专以上 College degree or above | | 应变力 Strain | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 经 历 Experience | 管理工作5年以上,丰富的企业管理经验 More than 5 years of management work, rich experience in enterprise management | | 计划力 Planning | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | | | | 创造力 creativity | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | | 工作环境 Working environment | 工作场所 workplace | 办公室 office | | 专业知识 Expertise | 接受过领导能力开发、战略管理、组织变革、战略人力资源管理、经济法、财务管理等方面培训 He has received training in leadership development, strategic management, organizational change, strategic human resource management, economic law, financial management, etc | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | Office办公软件 Office office software | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | | | | |
职务名称 Job title | 食品安全小组组长 Leader of the Food Safety Group | 所属部门 Affiliation | 公司 firm | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 总经理 managing director | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 理解并掌握相关BRCGS食品安全管理体系标准与程序 Understand and master the relevant BRCGS food safety management system standards and procedures | 2 | 熟悉企业业务和流程,在团队管理方面有极强的领导技巧和才能 Familiar with enterprise business and process, strong leadership skills and talent in team management | 3 | 熟悉企业全面运作,具有先进的管理理念以及很强的战略制定与实施能力,有广泛的客户资源和社会资源 Familiar with the overall operation of the enterprise, with advanced management concepts and strong strategy formulation and implementation capabilities, with a wide range of customer resources and social resources | 4 | 敏锐的市场洞察力、优秀的项目组织能力和市场开拓能力 Keen market insight, excellent project organization ability and market development ability | 5 | 严谨的策划组织能力及人事管理和沟通能力、商务谈判能力 Rigorous planning and organization skills, personnel management and communication skills, and business negotiation skills | 6 | 具有协助总经理经理做好企业发展方向决策的能力 Have the ability to assist the general manager to make decisions on the development direction of the enterprise | 7 | 具有组织协调本公司各部门之间工作的能力 Have the ability to organize and coordinate the work of various departments of the company | 8 | 良好的敬业精神和职业道德操守,有很强的感召力和凝聚力,责任心、事业心强 Good professionalism and professional ethics, strong charisma and cohesion, strong sense of responsibility and dedication | | | | | | | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 确保质量体系在公司内有效运行,组织内部质量体系审核,对质量体系运行情况和审核情况进行跟踪管理 Ensure the effective operation of the quality system in the company, organize internal quality system audits, and track and manage the operation and audit of the quality system | 有权组织、监督公司各项规划和计划的实施 Have the right to organize and supervise the implementation of the company's plans and plans | 2 | 组织对研制、生产产品持续的质量改进和全过程的质量控制,对产品质量负责 Organize continuous quality improvement and quality control of the whole process of research and production products, and be responsible for product quality | 有权指导公司人才队伍的建设工作 Have the right to guide the construction of the company's talent team | 3 | 协助总经理搞好生产管理、物流管理和设备控制等,组织好均衡生产和批次管理等现场质量控制管理 Assist the general manager to do a good job in production management, logistics management and equipment control, etc., and organize on-site quality control management such as balanced production and batch management | | 4 | 将公司内部管理制度化、规范化 Institutionalize and standardize the company's internal management | | 5 | 制定公司组织结构和管理体系相关的管理、业务规范和制度 Formulate management, business norms and systems related to the company's organizational structure and management system | | 6 | 按时提交公司发展现状报告、发展计划报告 Submit the company's development status report and development plan report on time | | 7 | 完成总经理经理临时下达的任务 Complete the tasks temporarily assigned by the general manager | | | | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 不限 Unlimited | 年 龄 Age | 30-50 | 知 能 | 领导力 Leadership | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 学 历 Education | 大专以上 College degree or above | | 应变力 Strain | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 经 历 Experience | 管理工作经历5年以上,较为丰富的分管业务的管理经验 More than 5 years of management experience, rich management experience in charge of business | | 计划力 Planning | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | | | | 创造力 creativity | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | | | 工作场所 workplace | 办公室 office | | 专业知识 Expertise | 接受过领导能力开发、战略管理、组织变革、战略人力资源管理、经济法、财务管理等方面培训 He has received training in leadership development, strategic management, organizational change, strategic human resource management, economic law, financial management, etc | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | Office办公软件 Office office software | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | | | | |
职务名称 Job title | 内审员 Internal auditors | 所属部门 Affiliation | 相关部门 Relevant departments | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 管理者代表 Representatives of managers | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 理解并掌握相关BRCGS食品安全管理体系标准与程序 Understand and master the relevant BRCGS food safety management system standards and procedures | 2 | 熟悉国际质量体系专业知识 Familiar with international quality system expertise | 3 | 熟悉内部审核方面的要求(体系、过程和产品审核),审核技巧/审核准备/审核报告/纠正措施 Familiar with internal audit requirements (system, process and product audit), audit skills/audit preparation/audit report/corrective actions | 4 | 能找出有利于受审部门改进管理体系过程的建议 Be able to identify recommendations that will benefit the audited department to improve the management system process | 5 | 熟悉公司的企业管理状况,善于发现质量管理体系运行中存在的问题并指导采取措施加以改正 Familiar with the company's enterprise management status, good at finding problems in the operation of the quality management system and guiding measures to correct them | 6 | 良好的英文阅读与理解能力 Good English reading and comprehension skills | 7 | 具有较强的学习、分析、理解、沟通和协调能力 Strong learning, analytical, comprehension, communication and coordination skills | 8 | 工作态度认真,积极负责,具有较强的创新意识 Serious working attitude, positive and responsible, with a strong sense of innovation | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 遵守相应的审核要求,传达、阐明审核要求 Comply with the appropriate audit requirements, communicate and clarify the audit requirements | 有权监督生产各部门的质量体系文件执行情况 Have the right to supervise the implementation of quality system documents in all production departments | 2 | 根据审核组的安排,充分准备审核资料,公正、严明、科学地进行审核工作 According to the arrangement of the audit team, fully prepare the audit materials, and carry out the audit work fairly, strictly and scientifically | 有权要求生产及各部门按质量标准执行生产和其它任务 It has the right to require production and other departments to perform production and other tasks according to quality standards | 3 | 在确定的范围内实施审核,保持客观性 Conduct audits within a defined scope and maintain objectivity | | 4 | 实事求是地记录审核结果,要求完整、清晰、正确,并对其真实准确性负责 Document audit results realistically, be complete, clear, and correct, and be responsible for their truthfulness and accuracy | | 5 | 报告审核结果 Report on the results of the audit | | 6 | 验证由审核结果导致的纠正措施的有效性 Verify the effectiveness of corrective actions resulting from audit results | | 7 | 收存、保管、提交与审核有关的文件。保守审核文件的机密,对特殊信息谨慎处理。 Receiving, keeping, and submitting documents related to auditing. Maintain the confidentiality of audit documents and handle special information with care. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 不限 Unlimited | 年 龄 Age | 22-50岁 22-50 years old | 知 能 | 领导力 Leadership | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | | 学 历 Education | 大专以上学历 College degree or above | | 应变力 Strain | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | | 经 历 Experience | 具有2年以上相关工作经历 More than 2 years of relevant work experience | | 计划力 Planning | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | | | | | 创造力 creativity | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | 内审员资格证 Internal Auditor Qualification Certificate | 工作环境 Working environment | 工作场所 workplace | 办公室以及生产场所 Offices as well as production sites | | 专业知识 Expertise | 受过相关质量管理体系的内审员培训 Trained as an internal auditor in the relevant quality management system | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | | | | |
职务名称 Job title | 生产部经理 Production Manager | 所属部门 Affiliation | 生产部 Production Department | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 总经理 managing director | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 理解并掌握相关BRCGS食品安全管理体系标准与程序 Understand and master the relevant BRCGS food safety management system standards and procedures | 2 | 熟悉公司生产的工艺工序、工作原理 Familiar with the company's production process and working principle 熟练掌握公司产品及生产工艺技术应用方面的知识 Proficient in the knowledge of the company's products and production process technology application | 3 | | 4 | 系统掌握管理知识技能 Systematically master management knowledge and skills | 5 | 熟练操作办公软件 Proficient in office software | 6 | 具备较强的口头及书面沟通能力和商务洽谈能力 Strong oral and written communication skills and business negotiation skills | 7 | 积极主动、灵活应变、认真负责; Proactive, flexible, conscientious and responsible; | 8 | 能吃苦耐劳,沟通协调能力强,具有较强的管理能力和影响力,具有团队精神 Able to bear hardships and stand hard work, strong communication and coordination skills, strong management ability and influence, and team spirit | | | | | | | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 根据生产加工流程和技术要求确定所需人员的资格条件、工作步骤,分配工作任务 According to the production and processing process and technical requirements, determine the qualifications and work steps of the required personnel, and assign work tasks | 有权拒绝使用不合格原辅材料进行生产 It has the right to refuse to use unqualified raw and auxiliary materials for production | 2 | 分析市场供应状况,对目前及未来的供应情况进行预测,完成相关分析报告 Analyze the market supply situation, forecast the current and future supply situation, and complete the relevant analysis report | 有权在生产出现问题时,制止生产 The right to stop production when there is a problem with it | 3 | 负责与技术部门密切合作开发新产品,革新技术和工艺流程以及改进产品质量 Responsible for working closely with the technical department to develop new products, innovate technologies and processes, and improve product quality | 有权对违反规定的部门人员提出处罚建议 It has the right to make recommendations for punishment of department personnel who violate the regulations | 4 | 制定与实施库存计划和生产成本控制计划,负责部门的工作计划和任务执行 Develop and implement inventory plans and production cost control plans, and be responsible for the work plan and task execution of the department | 有权监控整个部门生产、工艺流程并提出改进意见 Have the right to monitor the production and process flow of the entire department and propose improvements | 5 | 负责与供应商的价格谈判 Responsible for price negotiation with suppliers | 有权直接向公司领导反馈公司生产方面的问题 Have the right to directly feedback the company's production problems to the company's leaders | 6 | 编制部门预算,审批部门工作各个环节的费用 Prepare departmental budgets and approve expenses for all aspects of the department's work | 对直接下级的上岗有否决权,对直接下级的下岗有建议权 It has the right of veto on the posts of direct subordinates and the right to make suggestions on the dismissals of direct subordinates | 7 | 协调制定维修、改造生产设施和设备的工作制度和工作流程 Coordinate and formulate work systems and work processes for the maintenance and renovation of production facilities and equipment | | 8 | 主持部门员工的任用、培训和考核等各项工作 Preside over the appointment, training and assessment of department employees | | 9 | 负责部门人员及生产安全,完成生产任务 Responsible for department personnel and production safety, and complete production tasks | | | | | | | | | | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 男优先 Male preferred | 年 龄 Age | 28-50岁 28-50 years old | 知 能 | 领导力 Leadership | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 学 历 Education | 大专以上学历 College degree or above | | 应变力 Strain | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 经 历 Experience | 3年以上生产作业管理工作经验 More than 3 years of experience in production operation management | | 计划力 Planning | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | | | | 创造力 creativity | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | | 年 龄 Age | 工作场所 workplace | 办公室以及生产场所 Offices as well as production sites | | 专业知识 Expertise | 受过生产作业管理、管理学、管理技能开发、项目管理、产品知识等方面的培训 He has been trained in production operation management, management, management skills development, project management, product knowledge, etc | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | | | | |
职务名称 Job title | 班组长 Team leader | 所属部门 Affiliation | 生产部 Production Department | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 生产部经理 Production Manager | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 身体健康,能吃苦耐劳 In good health, able to bear hardships and stand hard work | 2 | 工作态度好,责任心强 Good working attitude and strong sense of responsibility | 3 | 有一定组织管理能力 Have certain organizational and management skills | 4 | 组织纪律强,能模范地遵守制度 Strong organizational discipline and exemplary adherence to the system | 5 | 有团队精神,全局观念 There is team spirit and a global concept | 6 | 有敬业精神 Professionalism | | | | | | | | | | | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 按照计划部门下达的生产任务组织安排好生产线的生产,确保生产任务的按时完成。 Organize and arrange the production of the production line according to the production tasks issued by the planning department to ensure the timely completion of the production tasks. | 有权制止违反操作的工人停止操作 It has the right to stop workers who violate the operation to stop the operation | 2 | 指挥、监督操作员严格按工艺、技术要求和作业程序规定进行工作 Command and supervise the operators to work in strict accordance with the process, technical requirements and operating procedures | 有权监督每一个生产岗位的操作规范 Have the right to supervise the operation specifications of each production position | 3 | 协助质检部(质量)对生产线的实物质量和质量管理进行控制 Assist the quality inspection department (quality) to control the physical quality and quality management of the production line | 有权在生产过程中或产品工序质量出现问题时暂停生产,并及时报告 It has the right to suspend production during the production process or when there is a problem with the quality of the product process, and report it in time | 4 | 负责监督进行设备的日保养,对保持设备完好运行负责。 Responsible for supervising the daily maintenance of the equipment, and responsible for keeping the equipment in good condition. | | 5 | 负责做好生产线内部的协调工作,做好各种日常质量管理记录,检查员工的工作质量与质量记录。 Responsible for the coordination of the production line, do a good job of various daily quality management records, and check the work quality and quality records of employees. | | 6 | 对本班生产线和安全操作规范进行监控,严防安全事故发生 Monitor the production line and safety operation specifications of the class to prevent safety accidents | | 7 | 加强对本班组中的设备、工具、半成品、在产品及材料的控制管理 Strengthen the control and management of equipment, tools, semi-finished products, products and materials in the team | | 8 | 负责组织生产现场的文明生产,“6S”定置管理。 Responsible for organizing the civilized production of the production site and the "6S" fixed management. | | 9 | 对本班组中生产出现的异常情况及时处理,并上报主管领导 Deal with the abnormal situation in the production of the team in a timely manner and report to the supervisor | | 10 | 积极完成上级领导安排的其他工作 Actively complete other tasks assigned by superiors | | | | | | | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 不限 Unlimited | 年 龄 Age | 22-40岁 22-40 years old | 知 能 | 领导力 Leadership | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | | 学 历 Education | 高中以上学历 High school degree or above | | 应变力 Strain | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | | 经 历 Experience | 2年以上生产作业管理工作经验 More than 2 years of working experience in production and operation management | | 计划力 Planning | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | | | | | 创造力 creativity | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | | 工作环境 Working environment | 工作场所 workplace | 生产场所 Production site | | 专业知识 Expertise | | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | | | | |
职务名称 Job title | 操作员 operator | 所属部门 Affiliation | 生产部 Production Department | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 班组长 Team leader | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 身体健康,能吃苦耐劳 In good health, able to bear hardships and stand hard work | 2 | 工作态度好,责任心强 Good working attitude and strong sense of responsibility | 3 | 有较强的服从意识和较好的团队精神 Have a strong sense of obedience and good team spirit | 4 | 能遵守纪律和各项规章制度 Able to abide by discipline and various rules and regulations | 5 | 有上进心,热爱本职工作,工作有事业心,责任感强 Self-motivated, love their job, enterprising and responsible | 6 | 具有独立完成本职工作的能力 Have the ability to complete their own work independently | | | | | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 严格按照操作规程、安全规程、检修规程等进行操作和工作,搞好安全生产,发现前工序产品问题及时报告 Operate and work in strict accordance with the operating procedures, safety regulations, maintenance procedures, etc., do a good job in safe production, and report the problems of the products in the front process in a timely manner | | 2 | 认真检查、维护、保养好使用的设备,防止设备事故,提高生产安全率 Carefully inspect, maintain and maintain the equipment used, prevent equipment accidents, and improve production safety | | 3 | 认真、按时完成线长下达的工作任务 Conscientiously and on time to complete the work tasks assigned by the line leader | | 4 | 做好产品标识,对其正确性负责并保护好产品的检验、试验状态标识。 Do a good job of product identification, be responsible for its correctness and protect the inspection and test status of the product. | | 5 | 节约原材料、节约用水、电等 Save raw materials, save water, electricity, etc | | 6 | 认真做好生产原始记录。不弄虚作假,紧急任务能加班加点服从安排 Conscientiously do a good job of production original records. Do not cheat, and can work overtime and obey the arrangement for urgent tasks | | 7 | 认真做好交、接班工作,搞好岗位和设备的清洁卫生 Conscientiously do a good job in handing over and taking over shifts, and do a good job in the cleanliness and sanitation of posts and equipment | | 8 | 不擅离职守,不串岗位,不乱操作其它岗位的设备 Do not leave your post without permission, do not string posts, and do not operate the equipment of other positions | | 9 | 坚持文明生产,做好“6S”定置管理。 Adhere to civilized production and do a good job in "6S" fixed management. | | | | | | | | | | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 不限 Unlimited | 年 龄 Age | 18-45岁 18-45 years old | 知 能 | 领导力 Leadership | □极需要 □需要 ■不需要 □ extreme need □ need ■No | | 学 历 Education | 初中以上文化 Junior high school or above | | 应变力 Strain | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | | 经 历 Experience | 1年以上生产操作工作经验 More than 1 year working experience in production and operation | | 计划力 Planning | □极需要 ■需要 □不需要 □ extreme need ■ need □ do not need | | | | | 创造力 creativity | □极需要 □需要 ■不需要 □ extreme need □ need ■No | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | | 工作环境 Working environment | 工作场所 workplace | 生产场所 Production site | | 专业知识 Expertise | | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | | | | |
职务名称 Job title | 质检部经理 Quality Control Manager | 所属部门 Affiliation | 质检部 Quality Inspection Department | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 总经理 managing director | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 理解并掌握相关BRCGS食品安全管理体系标准与程序 Understand and master the relevant BRCGS food safety management system standards and procedures | 2 | 编写并负责组织实施公司程序文件、质量体系文件和工作指导文件 Prepare and be responsible for organizing the implementation of the company's program documents, quality system documents and work guidance documents | 3 | 精通、掌握公司质量管理工作和公司主要工艺要求 Proficient in and master the company's quality management work and the company's main process requirements | 4 | 具有本公司技术或管理工作经验,熟悉公司的运作方式,熟悉公司产品的生产流程及性能特点,对相关产品有一定的了解 Have the company's technical or management work experience, familiar with the company's mode of operation, familiar with the company's product production process and performance characteristics, and have a certain understanding of related products | 5 | 掌握并能辅导所属员工质量成本管理、产品安全性、产品责任、统计技术基本概念等方面知识 Master and be able to coach employees in terms of quality cost management, product safety, product responsibility, basic concepts of statistical technology, etc | 6 | 为人诚实、细心,办事认真,协调能力强,沟通能力强,组织能力强,自律性强,有强烈的责任心、事业心和服务精神。 Honest, careful, conscientious, strong coordination skills, strong communication skills, strong organizational skills, strong self-discipline, strong sense of responsibility, dedication and service spirit. | 7 | 掌握QC七大手法等的基本要求 Master the basic requirements of the seven major methods of QC | | | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 负责公司质量管理体系的建立与维护,为实现公司生产经营目标和计划任务,制定策略和措施; Responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the company's quality management system, and formulate strategies and measures to achieve the company's production and operation goals and planned tasks; | 有权要求相关部门认真贯彻落实由质检部(质量)组织整体实施的质量体系文件 It has the right to require relevant departments to conscientiously implement the quality system documents implemented by the quality inspection department (quality) organization as a whole | 2 | 加强与其他相关职能部门的联系,发展和巩固与供方及客户之间的长期友好合作 Strengthen the contact with other relevant functional departments, develop and consolidate long-term friendly cooperation with suppliers and customers | 有权监督检查生产部门和其他相关生产作业情况是否符合标准 It has the right to supervise and inspect whether the production department and other related production operations meet the standards | 3 | 组织、监督本部门各业务环节按计划进行日常质量管理活动 Organize and supervise the daily quality management activities of each business link of the department as planned | 有权在生产出现质量失控时,暂停出现问题工段,并及时报告 It has the right to suspend the problematic section when the quality of production is out of control, and report it in time | 4 | 负责本部门工作计划和任务执行 Responsible for the work plan and task execution of the department | 有权对违反规定的人员提出处罚建议 It has the right to recommend punishment for those who violate the regulations | 5 | 定期组织开展本部门员工培训及本部门知识的公司级培训活动,不断提高员工业务素质及道德修养 Regularly organize and carry out company-level training activities for employees of the department and knowledge of the department, and continuously improve the professional quality and moral cultivation of employees | 有权直接向总经理反馈公司产品、过程、体系质量方面工作的信息 Have the right to directly feedback the company's product, process, system quality information to the general manager | 6 | BRCGS推进实施工作督导与追踪 BRCGS promotes the supervision and follow-up of the implementation work | 对直接下级的上岗、下岗有建议权 Have the right to make suggestions on the appointment and dismissal of direct subordinates | 7 | 负责本部门年/月度目标的实施和完成 Responsible for the implementation and completion of the department's annual/monthly goals | | 8 | 负责分承包方质量业绩评定,产品标识、过程控制等质量活动 Responsible for quality performance evaluation, product identification, process control and other quality activities of the subcontractor | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 不限 Unlimited | 年 龄 Age | 30-50 | 知 能 | 领导力 Leadership | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 学 历 Education | 大专以上 College degree or above | | 应 变 力 Resilience | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 经 历 Experience | 有5年以上品质管理工作经验,熟悉质量体系的推进工作 Have more than 5 years of experience in quality management, and be familiar with the promotion of quality system | | 计 划 力 Planning | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | | | | 创 造 力 Creativity | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | 内审员资格证书 Internal Auditor Qualification Certificate | | 工作场所 workplace | 办公室以及生产场所 Offices as well as production sites | | 专业知识 Expertise | 掌握BRCGS质量标准与体系 Master the BRCGS quality standards and system | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | 熟练操作电脑、会办公自动化 Proficient in computer operation and office automation | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | | | | |
职务名称 Job title | 业务部经理 Business Unit Manager | 所属部门 Affiliation | 业务部 Business Department | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 总经理 managing director | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 理解并掌握相关BRCGS食品安全管理体系标准与程序 Understand and master the relevant BRCGS food safety management system standards and procedures | 2 | 编写并负责组织实施公司程序文件、质量体系文件和工作指导文件 Prepare and be responsible for organizing the implementation of the company's program documents, quality system documents and work guidance documents | 3 | 精通、掌握公司质量管理工作和公司主要工艺要求 Proficient in and master the company's quality management work and the company's main process requirements | 4 | 具有本公司采购工作经验,熟悉公司的运作方式,熟悉公司产品的生产流程及性能特点,对相关产品的有一定的了解 Have the company's procurement work experience, familiar with the company's mode of operation, familiar with the company's product production process and performance characteristics, and have a certain understanding of related products | 5 | 掌握并能辅导所属员工质量成本管理、产品安全性、产品责任、统计技术基本概念等方面知识 Master and be able to coach employees in terms of quality cost management, product safety, product responsibility, basic concepts of statistical technology, etc | 6 | 为人诚实、细心,办事认真,协调能力强,沟通能力强,组织能力强,自律性强,有强烈的责任心、事业心和服务精神。 Honest, careful, conscientious, strong coordination skills, strong communication skills, strong organizational skills, strong self-discipline, strong sense of responsibility, dedication and service spirit. | 7 | 掌握APQP,PPAP等的基本要求 Master the basic requirements of APQP, PPAP, etc | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 采购计划制定、预算编拟,制度之建立; Procurement plan formulation, budget preparation, system establishment; | 有权要求公司相关部门认真贯彻落实由业务部组织实施的质量体系文件 It has the right to require the relevant departments of the company to conscientiously implement the quality system documents organized and implemented by the business department | 2 | 外包(协)、供应厂商开发调查与推荐; Outsourcing (co-ordinating) and supplier development research and recommendation; | 有权监督检查公司有关供应管理程序的贯彻落实情况 It has the right to supervise and inspect the implementation of the company's relevant supply management procedures | 3 | 生产用原辅材料、配件购入成品之询价、估价、比价、议价及定价; Inquiry, valuation, price comparison, negotiation and pricing of finished products purchased from raw and auxiliary materials and accessories for production; | 有权拒接采购来源不明的物资 The right to refuse to purchase materials from unknown sources | 4 | 负责制定和监控公司的年/月度销售计划 Responsible for developing and monitoring the company's annual/monthly sales plan | | 5 | 厂商交期、数量的指示与控制; Indication and control of manufacturer's delivery date and quantity; | 有权提出解除为通过综合评价的分承包方的合格分承包方资格 It has the right to propose to disqualify as a qualified subcontractor who has passed the comprehensive evaluation | 6 | 外包(协)、供应厂商品质问题及数量异常处理 Outsourcing (co-ordinating), supplier quality problems and quantity exception handling | 对直接下级的上岗、下岗有建议权 Have the right to make suggestions on the appointment and dismissal of direct subordinates | 7 | 请款、付款之整理、审查; Collation and review of inquisitions and payments; | | 8 | 组织市场调查和分析,做好售后服务、顾客信息反馈工作,协助技术、质保推进产品质量改进工作 Organize market research and analysis, do a good job in after-sales service and customer information feedback, and assist in technology and quality assurance to promote product quality improvement | | 9 | 市场行情调研及采购成本合理化之事宜 Market research and rationalization of procurement costs | | 10 | 负责部门全体员工的考核和工作统筹 Responsible for the assessment and work coordination of all employees of the department | | 11 | 其他有关采购事宜与总经理交办之事项 Other matters related to procurement and matters assigned by the general manager | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 不限 Unlimited | 年 龄 Age | 25-45 | 知 能 | 领 导 力 Leadership | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 学 历 Education | 大专以上 College degree or above | | 应 变 力 Resilience | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 经 历 Experience | 有3年以上采购管理工作经验,了解汽车零配件行业行情,熟悉采购流程 More than 3 years of experience in procurement management, understand the market of auto parts industry, and be familiar with the procurement process | | 计 划 力 Planning | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | | | | 创 造 力 Creativity | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | | 工作环境 Working environment | 工作场所 workplace | 办公室、业务单位 Offices, business units | | 专业知识 Expertise | 熟悉供应商开发、管理、评定的步骤 Familiar with the steps of supplier development, management and evaluation | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | 会操作电脑 Able to operate a computer | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | 熟悉公司产品及其所采购产品的知识 Knowledge of the company's products and the products they purchase | | | |
职务名称 Job title | 办公室经理 Office Manager | 所属部门 Affiliation | 办公室 office | 直属领导 Direct Leadership | 总经理 managing director | 基 本 要 求 Basic requirements | 1 | 理解并掌握相关BRCGS食品安全管理体系标准与程序 Understand and master the relevant BRCGS food safety management system standards and procedures | 2 | 编写并负责组织实施与办公室有关的程序文件和工作指导文件 Prepare and be responsible for organizing and implementing the procedures and work guidance documents related to the office | 3 | 熟知国家和地方相关的法律法规和规定 Familiar with relevant national and local laws, regulations and regulations | 4 | 具有本公司管理工作经验,熟悉公司的运作方式,熟悉公司产品的性能特点,对相关产品有一定的了解。 Have the company's management work experience, familiar with the company's operation mode, familiar with the performance characteristics of the company's products, and have a certain understanding of related products. | 5 | 掌握并能辅导所属员工质量成本管理、产品安全性、产品责任、统计技术基本概念等方面知识 Master and be able to coach employees in terms of quality cost management, product safety, product responsibility, basic concepts of statistical technology, etc | 6 | 为人诚实、细心,办事认真,协调能力强,沟通能力强,组织能力强,自律性强,有强烈的责任心、事业心和服务精神。 Honest, careful, conscientious, strong coordination skills, strong communication skills, strong organizational skills, strong self-discipline, strong sense of responsibility, dedication and service spirit. | | | | | | | | | 工 作 职 责 Job Responsibilities | 工 作 权 限 Limits on the right to work | 1 | 统理部门内所有事务,负责办公室工作的计划、组织、实施、协调、检查、改进。 Manage all affairs in the department, and be responsible for the planning, organization, implementation, coordination, inspection and improvement of office work. | 有权要求公司相关部门认真贯彻落实由办公室组织整体实施的质量体系文件 It has the right to require the relevant departments of the company to conscientiously implement the quality system documents implemented by the office as a whole | 2 | 指导办公室公室、人力资源室、资料室及行政后勤的工作 Directs the work of the office, human resources room, data room and administrative logistics | 有权对员工违反公司制度的行为提出处罚建议 The company has the right to propose penalties for employees who violate the company's policies | 3 | 定期组织开展部门员工培训,不断提高员工业务素质和道德修养 Organize and carry out regular training for department employees to continuously improve their professional quality and moral accomplishment | 有权向公司领导反馈经营计划、质量方针、质量目标方面工作的信息 Have the right to feedback the information on the work of the business plan, quality policy and quality objectives to the company's leaders | 4 | 组织监督部门内各业务环节按计划执行业务工作 Organize and supervise the implementation of business work in each business link within the department as planned | 有权直接向公司领导反馈公司管理方面工作的信息 Have the right to directly feedback information on the company's management work to the company's leaders | 5 | 负责本部门年/月度目标的实施和完成 Responsible for the implementation and completion of the department's annual/monthly goals | 对直接下级的上岗有否决权,对直接下级的下岗有建议权 It has the right of veto on the posts of direct subordinates and the right to make suggestions on the dismissals of direct subordinates | 6 | 负责监督各部门年/月度目标的实施和完成情况 Responsible for supervising the implementation and completion of annual/monthly goals for each department | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 上 列 职 务 应 具 备 基 本 资 格 及 条 件 The above positions should have basic qualifications and qualifications | 个人条件 Personal conditions | 性 别 Sex | 不限 Unlimited | 年龄 age | 25-45 | 知 能 | 领 导 力 Leadership | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 学 历 Education | 大专以上 College degree or above | | 应 变 力 Resilience | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | 经 历 Experience | 有3年以上企业办公室门工作经验,熟悉企划、人力资源工作 More than 3 years of work experience in corporate offices, familiar with planning and human resources | | 计 划 力 Planning | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | | | | | 创 造 力 Creativity | ■极需要 □需要 □不需要 ■Extreme need □ need □ need | 技 能 | 职业证书 Vocational certificates | | 工作环境 Working environment | 工作场所 workplace | 办公室 office | | 专业知识 Expertise | 企业管理或工商管理 Business Administration or Business Administration | | | | | 操作设备 Operate the equipment | | | 危 险 性 Risk | 基本无危险,无职业病危险 There is basically no danger and no danger of occupational diseases | | 其 它 Others | | | | |