How does Geberit contribute to sustainable construction?

How does Geberit contribute to sustainable construction?

The construction and operation of buildings cause around 37% of all global CO2 emissions. Sustainable construction is therefore becoming increasingly important. In order to identify a building as sustainable, more and more investors and building owners are relying on external certification. In this process, a building is evaluated on the basis of various criteria (see box).
建築物的建造和營運造成全球約 37%的二氧化碳排放量。因此,可持續建築變得日益重要。為了將一座建築物認定為可持續建築,越來越多的投資者和建築物所有者依賴外部認證。在此過程中,一座建築物會根據各種標準(見方框)進行評估。

How do Geberit products contribute to certification?

Depending on the certification system, each criterion (energy balance, water, mobility, etc.) receives a different number of points. The use of resources, including water, is one of the higher weighted categories. This involves water-saving flushing systems, drinking water hygiene, use of grey water and rainwater and efficient wastewater disposal. With its water-saving flushing technology, Geberit contributes to a building's overall higher sustainability performance. Geberit also scores in the "Material" category with products made of recyclable material (PE piping systems) or also with solutions that contribute to a high level of space and material savings, such as the SuperTube drainage system.
依據認證制度,每個準則(能源平衡、水、流動性等)會獲得不同的分數。包括水在內的資源使用是權重較高的類別之一。這涉及到節水沖水系統、飲用水衛生、灰水和雨水的使用以及高效的廢水處理。吉博力憑藉其節水沖水技術,為建築物的整體可持續性表現做出貢獻。吉博力在“材料”類別中也表現出色,其產品採用可回收材料(PE 管道系統)製成,或者其解決方案有助於實現高水平的空間和材料節省,例如 SuperTube 排水系統。

Environmental Product Declarations

Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) also have a direct influence on the points awarded. They provide a transparent, quantified and comparable basis of information on the ecological footprint of building products. At Geberit, products with an EPD now account for 30% of sales.
環境產品宣告(EPD)亦對評分有直接影響。它們為建築產品的生態足跡提供了透明、量化且可比較的資訊基礎。在吉博力,具有 EPD 的產品目前佔銷售額的 30%。

Three examples

These three buildings from the Netherlands, Poland and Hungary from the latest issue of the newsletter “eView” were certified according to the international criteria of the sustainability standards BREEAM, LEED and WELL.
從最新一期的通訊「eView」中得知,來自荷蘭、波蘭和匈牙利的這三座建築物,已依據永續性標準 BREEAM、LEED 及 WELL 的國際準則獲得認證。

The Valley 山谷

A tailor-made solution for efficient drainage with reduced water consumption was developed, for example, by the Dutch Geberit team for the building complex "The Valley" in Amsterdam (NL). Architecturally sensational, this building also impresses with its sustainability performance. It received the "BREEAM Excellent" award from the British standard for sustainable building "BREEAM".
為達到高效率排水且降低用水量,荷蘭吉博力團隊為阿姆斯特丹(荷蘭)的建築群「谷地」研發出一套量身訂做的解決方案。此建築在建築設計上引起轟動,其永續性表現也令人印象深刻。它獲得了英國永續建築標準「BREEAM」所頒發的「BREEAM 優秀」獎項。

Varso Place

“Varso Place" is also more than just another skyscraper in the Polish capital. The building complex with its 300-metre-high tower has given new life to a once run-down street. In addition, "Varso Place" received several certificates for its socially and ecologically sustainable construction. Geberit piping systems in particular are responsible for the water quality awarded the WELL certificate.
「Varso Place」不只是波蘭首都的另一座摩天大樓。這座建築群及其 300 米高的塔樓為一條曾經破敗的街道賦予了新的生命。此外,「Varso Place」因其在社會和生態方面的可持續建設而獲得了多個證書。尤其是吉博力管道系統確保了水質,因而獲得了 WELL 證書。

MOL Campus

"MOL Campus" cannot be overlooked either. With a height of 143 metres, the 28-storey headquarters of the Hungarian oil and natural gas company MOL is considered the tallest office building in Hungary. For its sustainability performance, the building was awarded the "BREEAM Excellent" rating of the BREEAM standard - and is registered for the highest award of the LEED standard, "LEED Platinum".
「MOL 校園」亦不容忽視。匈牙利石油天然氣公司 MOL 的 28 層總部高 143 米,被視為匈牙利最高的辦公樓。就其可持續性表現而言,該建築獲得了 BREEAM 標準的「BREEAM 優秀」評級,並已註冊申請 LEED 標準的最高獎項「LEED 鉑金級」。

A key criterion for the award was the heating and cooling system, which runs entirely on renewable energy. Greywater and rainwater are purified, stored and reused for flushing toilets and watering the green areas. The entire building is equipped with the Geberit Pluvia roof drainage system.

Sustainable buildings 永續建築

Certification standards such as LEED, BREEAM or DGNB make the sustainability performance of buildings transparent.
諸如 LEED、BREEAM 或 DGNB 等認證標準使建築物的永續性能透明化。

In each case, the building is assessed on the basis of a detailed catalogue of criteria from a certification organisation. The composition and weighting of the criteria differ from label to label. Most of them work with a point system.

  • The assessment or certification always refers to the building, not to individual products.
  • In addition to environmental issues such as a building's electricity and heat requirements, emissions or resource use, life cycle costs, social aspects (e.g. accessibility), building management, mobility (public transport connections) and the surroundings (green spaces) are also relevant for certification.

Three standards have become established internationally: LEED, BREEAM and DGNB. Depending on the market, important local labels are added, for example Minergie in Switzerland, WELL in Poland and Scandinavia, or NABERS and Green Stars in Australia.
國際上已確立了三項標準:LEED、BREEAM 及 DGNB。視市場而定,還會加入重要的當地標籤,例如瑞士的 Minergie、波蘭和斯堪的納維亞的 WELL,或澳洲的 NABERS 及 Green Stars。

Main picture: Varso Place was awarded BREEAM and WELL certificates for the high quality of its construction.  Copyright: Jarosław Kąkol
主圖:Varso Place 因其高品質的建築而獲得 BREEAM 和 WELL 證書。版權:Jarosław Kąkol

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