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Band Lineup and In-Plane Effective Mass of InGaAsP or InGaAlAs on InP Strained-Layer Quantum Well

Takuya Ishikawa, Member, IEEE, and John E. Bowers, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract  要旨

We describe the band lineups of InGaAlAs on (001) InP as well as InGaAsP on (001) InP system with strain effects, based on the Harrison model. We show that the compressive strain does not affect the band position so much, and tensile strain raises the band position in the InGaAsP system. It is also shown that both compressive and tensile strains raise the band positions in the InGaAlAs system. The conduction and valence band positions of InGaAs, InGaAsP, and InGaAlAs relative to InP valence band are given in approximate formulas as a function of the strain. We calculate the energy versus in-plane wave vector relationship of the InGaAsP / InGaAs ( P ) InGaAsP / InGaAs ( P ) InGaAsP//InGaAs(P)\operatorname{InGaAsP/InGaAs}(\mathbf{P}) on InP InP InP\operatorname{InP} and InGaAlAs/InGa(Al)As on InP strained quantum-well systems. We obtain the in-plane effective mass of the strained quantumwell system by fitting the dispersion relationship to a parabolic curve. The in-plane effective masses of several kinds of strained quantum-well systems are listed.
われわれは、ハリソンモデルに基づいて、(001)InP上のInGaAlAsと(001)InP上のInGaAsPのひずみ効果を考慮したバンドラインナップを記述する。圧縮ひずみはバンド位置にあまり影響せず、引張ひずみはInGaAsP系のバンド位置を上昇させることを示す。また、InGaAlAs系では、圧縮ひずみと引張ひずみの両方がバンド位置を上昇させることを示した。InPの価電子帯に対するInGaAs、InGaAsP、InGaAlAsの伝導帯と価電子帯の位置は、ひずみの関数として近似式で与えられる。我々は、 InP InP InP\operatorname{InP} 上の InGaAsP / InGaAs ( P ) InGaAsP / InGaAs ( P ) InGaAsP//InGaAs(P)\operatorname{InGaAsP/InGaAs}(\mathbf{P}) とInP上のInGaAlAs/InGa(Al)As歪量子井戸系のエネルギー対面内波ベクトルの関係を計算した。この分散関係を放物線曲線にフィッティングすることにより、歪量子井戸系の面内有効質量を求めた。数種類の歪量子井戸系の面内有効質量を示す。

I. Introduction  I.はじめに

IN the last several years, strained quantum wells have attracted the interest of many researchers working in the semiconductor laser field. Many interesting possibilities of strained quantum wells have been proposed and demonstrated [1]-[3]. Higher optical gain [4], or a very large modulation bandwidth [5], [6] may be obtained by use of the compressive strained quantum well. Polarization-insensitive optical gain may be obtained by use of tensile strained quantum wells [7], [8].
In order to determine the material properties in strained quantum well system, we must know the band lineup of the bulk material first. Although several reports have been presented [9]-[13], the band lineups of InGaAsP on InP system with strain effects are still ambiguous. We describe the band lineups of InGaAlAs on InP as well as InGaAsP on InP InP InP\operatorname{InP} with strain effects, based on the Harrison model [14].
歪み量子井戸系の材料特性を決定するためには、まずバルク材料のバンドラインナップを知る必要がある。これまでにいくつかの報告がなされているが[9]-[13],InP上のInGaAsPの歪み効果を考慮したバンドラインナップはまだ曖昧である。本論文では、Harrisonモデル[14]に基づき、InP上のInGaAlAsと、ひずみ効果を考慮した InP InP InP\operatorname{InP} 上のInGaAsPのバンドラインナップを記述する。
Precise calculation of the optical gain [4], [18], [19] as well as the analytical approximation of the laser properties [22] have been demonstrated. However, it is still useful to know the effective mass of the strain quantum well system.
We describe the in-plane effective mass of an InGaAsP on InP and InGaAlAs on InP strained quantum well systems.
We assume that the quantum well layers are on a (001) InP substrate, which is commonly used for long-wavelength semiconductor lasers. We will describe the composition of InGaAsP InGaAsP InGaAsP\operatorname{InGaAsP} as In 1 x Ga x As y P 1 y In 1 x Ga x As y P 1 y In_(1-x)Ga_(x)As_(y)P_(1-y)\mathrm{In}_{1-x} \mathrm{Ga}_{x} \mathrm{As}_{y} \mathrm{P}_{1-y} or ( x , y ) ( x , y ) (x,y)(x, y), and the composition of InGaAlAs as In 1 x z Ga x Al z In 1 x z Ga x Al z In_(1-x-z)Ga_(x)Al_(z)\operatorname{In}_{1-x-z} \mathrm{Ga}_{x} \mathrm{Al}_{z} As or ( x , z x , z x,zx, z ) in this paper.
量子井戸層は、長波長半導体レーザーで一般的な(001)InP基板上にあると仮定する。本論文では、 InGaAsP InGaAsP InGaAsP\operatorname{InGaAsP} の組成を In 1 x Ga x As y P 1 y In 1 x Ga x As y P 1 y In_(1-x)Ga_(x)As_(y)P_(1-y)\mathrm{In}_{1-x} \mathrm{Ga}_{x} \mathrm{As}_{y} \mathrm{P}_{1-y} または ( x , y ) ( x , y ) (x,y)(x, y) 、InGaAlAsの組成を In 1 x z Ga x Al z In 1 x z Ga x Al z In_(1-x-z)Ga_(x)Al_(z)\operatorname{In}_{1-x-z} \mathrm{Ga}_{x} \mathrm{Al}_{z} Asまたは( x , z x , z x,zx, z )として記述する。

II. Band Lineup  II.バンド・ラインナップ

A. Calculation Procedure

We need to consider two things in order to determine the band lineup of a certain strained quantum-well system. First, we must know the unstrained band lineup of a bulk material, when the material has its own lattice constant. It has been reported that the band discontinuity ratio of the conduction band of lattice-matched InGaAsP on InP system is about 0.35 0.4 0.35 0.4 0.35-0.40.35-0.4 [9]-[13]. We might use the band discontinuity ratio to determine the unstrained band lineup, and this could make the procedure very simple. However, we cannot apply this method to an arbitrary composition of InGaAsP. Our goal in this section is to determine the band lineup for any composition of InGaAsP (or InGaAlAs), therefore we develop a method which enables us to do so. The method will be described in the next part. The second procedure we pursue is to consider the change in energy induced by a strain. The procedure is straightforward, and will be given in the later part.
ある歪量子井戸系のバンドラインナップを決定するためには、2つのことを考慮する必要がある。第一に、バルク材料がそれ自身の格子定数を持つ場合、その材料の非歪みバンドラインナップを知る必要がある。格子整合したInP上のInGaAsPの伝導帯のバンド不連続比は 0.35 0.4 0.35 0.4 0.35-0.40.35-0.4 程度であることが報告されている[9]-[13]。このバンド不連続面比を用いて無歪バンドラインナップを決定すれば、非常に簡単な手順で決定できるかもしれない。しかし、この方法をInGaAsPの任意の組成に適用することはできない。本セクションの目的は、任意の組成のInGaAsP(またはInGaAlAs)のバンドラインナップを決定することであり、そのためにそれを可能にする方法を開発する。その方法については次のパートで説明する。我々が追求する第二の手順は、ひずみによって誘発されるエネルギーの変化を考慮することである。この手順は簡単で、後編で説明する。

B. Band Lineup with No Strain

It should be noted that “unstrained” has a different meaning from “lattice-matched.” We start with the band lineups of the binary materials, which compose either InGaAsP or InGaAlAs. We use the Harrison model [14] for describing the band lineups of InP , InAs , GaP InP , InAs , GaP InP,InAs,GaP\operatorname{InP}, \operatorname{InAs}, \mathrm{GaP}, and GaAs. The lineups are shown in Fig. 1. We set the valence band energy of InP InP InP\operatorname{InP} as the origin of the energy. Experimentally determined value of Δ E c : Δ E v = Δ E c : Δ E v = DeltaE_(c):DeltaE_(v)=\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}: \Delta E_{\mathrm{v}}= 0.65 : 0.35 0.65 : 0.35 0.65:0.350.65: 0.35 used for AlAs/GaAs to determine the AlAs position [15], because Harrison model cannot give the good value only for AlAs.
無歪み "は "格子整合 "とは異なる意味であることに注意されたい。InGaAsPまたはInGaAlAsを構成する二元材料のバンドラインナップから始める。我々は、 InP , InAs , GaP InP , InAs , GaP InP,InAs,GaP\operatorname{InP}, \operatorname{InAs}, \mathrm{GaP} とGaAsのバンドラインナップを記述するためにHarrisonモデル[14]を使用します。ラインアップを図1に示す。 InP InP InP\operatorname{InP} の価電子帯エネルギーをエネルギーの原点とした。 Δ E c : Δ E v = Δ E c : Δ E v = DeltaE_(c):DeltaE_(v)=\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}: \Delta E_{\mathrm{v}}= の実験値 0.65 : 0.35 0.65 : 0.35 0.65:0.350.65: 0.35 は、AlAs/GaAsの場合、HarrisonモデルがAlAsに対してのみ良い値を与えることができないため、AlAsの位置を決定するために使用した[15]。
We can obtain the conduction and valence band positions of In 1 x Ga x As y P 1 y In 1 x Ga x As y P 1 y In_(1-x)Ga_(x)As_(y)P_(1-y)\mathrm{In}_{1-x} \mathrm{Ga}_{x} \mathrm{As}_{y} \mathrm{P}_{1-y} (or In 1 x z Ga x Al z As In 1 x z Ga x Al z As In_(1-x-z)Ga_(x)Al_(z)As\mathrm{In}_{1-x-z} \mathrm{Ga}_{x} \mathrm{Al}_{z} \mathrm{As} ) relative to the InP valence band as the following steps. The procedure for InGaAsP will be explained, and the procedure for InGaAlAs is similar.
以下の手順で、InPの価電子帯に対する In 1 x Ga x As y P 1 y In 1 x Ga x As y P 1 y In_(1-x)Ga_(x)As_(y)P_(1-y)\mathrm{In}_{1-x} \mathrm{Ga}_{x} \mathrm{As}_{y} \mathrm{P}_{1-y} (または In 1 x z Ga x Al z As In 1 x z Ga x Al z As In_(1-x-z)Ga_(x)Al_(z)As\mathrm{In}_{1-x-z} \mathrm{Ga}_{x} \mathrm{Al}_{z} \mathrm{As} )の伝導帯と価電子帯の位置を求めることができる。InGaAsPの手順を説明するが、InGaAlAsの手順も同様である。

Fig. 1. Band lineups of the binary materials which compose InGaAsP or InGaAlAs. The valence band energy of InP InP InP\operatorname{InP} is set to zero. Harrison model is used for determine the lineups of InP, InAs, GaP, and GaAs. Experimentally determined value of Δ E c : Δ E v = 0.65 : 0.35 Δ E c : Δ E v = 0.65 : 0.35 DeltaE_(c):DeltaE_(v)=0.65:0.35\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}: \Delta E_{\mathrm{v}}=0.65: 0.35 is used for AlAs/GaAs tc determine the AlAs position.
図1.InGaAsPまたはInGaAlAsを構成する二元物質のバンドラインナップ。b0>の価電子帯エネルギーはゼロとした。InP、InAs、GaP、GaAsのラインアップの決定にはハリソンモデルを使用。実験的に決定された Δ E c : Δ E v = 0.65 : 0.35 Δ E c : Δ E v = 0.65 : 0.35 DeltaE_(c):DeltaE_(v)=0.65:0.35\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}: \Delta E_{\mathrm{v}}=0.65: 0.35 の値は、AlAs/GaAsに使用され、AlAsの位置を決定する。

Fig. 2. Working plane to determine the band lineup of a certain composition of quaternary InGaAsP. Ternary materials corresponding the point A ( x 0 , 1 ) A x 0 , 1 A(x_(0),1)\mathrm{A}\left(x_{0}, 1\right) and B ( 0 , y o ) B ( 0 , y o ) B(0,yo)B(0, y o) have the same bandgap energy as the quatemary material.
図2.ある組成の4元系InGaAsPのバンドラインナップを決定するための作業平面。点 A ( x 0 , 1 ) A x 0 , 1 A(x_(0),1)\mathrm{A}\left(x_{0}, 1\right) B ( 0 , y o ) B ( 0 , y o ) B(0,yo)B(0, y o) に対応する3元系材料は、4元系材料と同じバンドギャップエネルギーを持つ。
  1. We calculated the bandgap energy of quatemary InGaAsP by
E g ( x , y ) = x y E g ( GaAs ) + ( 1 x ) y E g ( InAs ) + x ( 1 y ) E g ( GaP ) + ( 1 x ) ( 1 y ) E g ( InP ) + x ( x 1 ) [ y C In Ga ( InGaAs ) + ( 1 y ) C In Ga ( InGaP ) ] + y ( y 1 ) [ x C As P ( GaAsP ) + ( 1 x ) C As P ( InAsP ) ] E g ( x , y ) = x y E g ( GaAs ) + ( 1 x ) y E g ( InAs ) + x ( 1 y ) E g ( GaP ) + ( 1 x ) ( 1 y ) E g ( InP ) + x ( x 1 ) y C In Ga ( InGaAs ) + ( 1 y ) C In Ga ( InGaP ) + y ( y 1 ) x C As P ( GaAsP ) + ( 1 x ) C As P ( InAsP ) {:[E_(g)(x","y)=xyE_(g)(GaAs)+(1-x)yE_(g)(InAs)],[+x(1-y)E_(g)(GaP)],[+(1-x)(1-y)E_(g)(InP)],[+x(x-1)[yC_(In-Ga)(InGaAs):}],[{:+(1-y)C_(In-Ga)(InGaP)]],[+y(y-1)[xC_(As-P)(GaAsP):}],[{:+(1-x)C_(As-P)(InAsP)]]:}\begin{aligned} E_{\mathrm{g}}(x, y)= & x y E_{\mathrm{g}}(\mathrm{GaAs})+(1-x) y E_{\mathrm{g}}(\operatorname{InAs}) \\ & +x(1-y) E_{\mathrm{g}}(\mathrm{GaP}) \\ & +(1-x)(1-y) E_{\mathrm{g}}(\operatorname{InP}) \\ & +x(x-1)\left[y C_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{Ga}}(\mathrm{InGaAs})\right. \\ & \left.+(1-y) C_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{Ga}}(\operatorname{InGaP})\right] \\ & +y(y-1)\left[x C_{\mathrm{As}-\mathrm{P}}(\mathrm{GaAsP})\right. \\ & \left.+(1-x) C_{\mathrm{As}-\mathrm{P}}(\operatorname{InAsP})\right] \end{aligned}
where C In Ga ( InGaAs ) C In Ga ( InGaAs ) C_(In-Ga)(InGaAs)C_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{Ga}}(\mathrm{InGaAs}) is the bandgap nonlinearity of InGaAs, for example.
ここで C In Ga ( InGaAs ) C In Ga ( InGaAs ) C_(In-Ga)(InGaAs)C_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{Ga}}(\mathrm{InGaAs}) は、例えばInGaAsのバンドギャップ非線形性である。

2) We calculate the ternary composition whose bandgap energy is the same as the quaternary material calculated by (2.1). Usually, there exist two ternary compositions to satisfy the situation. These two ternary compositions correspond to points A ( x 0 , 1 ) A x 0 , 1 A(x_(0),1)A\left(x_{0}, 1\right) and B ( 0 , y 0 ) B 0 , y 0 B(0,y_(0))B\left(0, y_{0}\right) in Fig. 2.
2) バンドギャップエネルギーが(2.1)で計算された4元物質と同じになる3元組成を計算する。通常、この状況を満たす3元組成は2つ存在する。この2つの3元組成は、図2の点 A ( x 0 , 1 ) A x 0 , 1 A(x_(0),1)A\left(x_{0}, 1\right) B ( 0 , y 0 ) B 0 , y 0 B(0,y_(0))B\left(0, y_{0}\right) に対応する。

3) We determine the band lineups of two ternary materials specified above. We assume that the band discontinuity Δ E c : Δ E v Δ E c : Δ E v DeltaE_(c):DeltaE_(v)\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}: \Delta E_{\mathrm{v}} is constant if we go along on a boundary of the square in Fig. 2 from a certain binary material to another.
3) 上に示した2つの3元物質のバンドラインナップを決定する。ある二元物質から別の二元物質へ、図2の正方形の境界に沿って進むと、バンドの不連続面 Δ E c : Δ E v Δ E c : Δ E v DeltaE_(c):DeltaE_(v)\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}: \Delta E_{\mathrm{v}} は一定であると仮定する。

4) We can obtain the band lineup of the quaternary material by interpolating the band lineups of two temary materials.
4) 2つの二次物質のバンドラインナップを補間することで、四次物質のバンドラインナップを得ることができる。
Parameters Used for the Calculations (2) [15]
計算に使用したパラメータ(2) [15]
Parameter  パラメータ Symb  シンブ olUnit InP  インピー InAs GaP  ガリウム燐酸 GaAs  ガリウムひそリン AlAs
Lattice constant  格子定数 d "Å"\AA 5.8688 6.0684 5.4512 5.6533 5.6611
Bandgap energy  バンドギャップエネルギー E 5 E 5 E_(5)E_{5} eV  電子ボルト 1.35 0.36 2.74 1.42 2.95
Elastic stiffness constant
dyn / cin 2 dyn / cin 2 dyn//cin^(2)\mathrm{dyn} / \mathrm{cin}^{2} 8.329 14.120 11.880 12.020
Elastic stiffness constant
dyn / cm 2 dyn / cm 2 dyn//cm^(2)\mathrm{dyn} / \mathrm{cm}^{2} 4.526 6.253 5.380 5.700
Hydrostatic deformation potential for
a a a^(')a^{\prime} eV  電子ボルト 4.5 4.1 7.9 6.8 6.3
conduction band Hydrostatic deformation potential for valence band
伝導帯 価電子帯の静水圧変形ポテンシャル
a a aa eV  電子ボルト 2.9 2.5 3.0 2.7 2.6
Shear deformation potential for Yalence band
b b bb eV  電子ボルト -2.0 -1.8 -1.5 -1.7 -1.5
Parameter Symb olUnit InP InAs GaP GaAs AlAs Lattice constant d "Å" 5.8688 6.0684 5.4512 5.6533 5.6611 Bandgap energy E_(5) eV 1.35 0.36 2.74 1.42 2.95 Elastic stiffness constant dyn//cin^(2) 8.329 14.120 11.880 12.020 Elastic stiffness constant dyn//cm^(2) 4.526 6.253 5.380 5.700 Hydrostatic deformation potential for a^(') eV 4.5 4.1 7.9 6.8 6.3 conduction band Hydrostatic deformation potential for valence band a eV 2.9 2.5 3.0 2.7 2.6 Shear deformation potential for Yalence band b eV -2.0 -1.8 -1.5 -1.7 -1.5| Parameter | Symb | olUnit | InP | InAs | GaP | GaAs | AlAs | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Lattice constant | d | $\AA$ | 5.8688 | 6.0684 | 5.4512 | 5.6533 | 5.6611 | | Bandgap energy | $E_{5}$ | eV | 1.35 | 0.36 | 2.74 | 1.42 | 2.95 | | Elastic stiffness constant | $\mathrm{dyn} / \mathrm{cin}^{2}$ | | | 8.329 | 14.120 | 11.880 | 12.020 | | Elastic stiffness constant | $\mathrm{dyn} / \mathrm{cm}^{2}$ | | | 4.526 | 6.253 | 5.380 | 5.700 | | Hydrostatic deformation potential for | $a^{\prime}$ | eV | 4.5 | 4.1 | 7.9 | 6.8 | 6.3 | | conduction band Hydrostatic deformation potential for valence band | $a$ | eV | 2.9 | 2.5 | 3.0 | 2.7 | 2.6 | | Shear deformation potential for Yalence band | $b$ | eV | -2.0 | -1.8 | -1.5 | -1.7 | -1.5 |
Parameters. Used for the Calculations (1) [15]
パラメータ計算に使用したパラメータ (1) [15].
Bandgap Nonlinearity  バンドギャップ非線形性 (eV)  (eV)
C In Ga ( InGaP ) C In Ga ( InGaP ) C_(In-Ga)(InGaP)\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{Ga}}(\mathrm{InGaP}) 0.70
C In Ga C In Ga C_(In-Ga)\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{Ga}} (InGaAs) 0.51
C In A 1 C In A 1 C_(In-A1)\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{A} 1} (InAlAs) 0.99
C As P C As P C_(As-P)\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{As}-\mathrm{P}} (InAsP) 0.23
C As P C As P C_(As-P)\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{As}-\mathrm{P}} (GaAsP) 0.30
C Al Ga C Al Ga C_(Al-Ga)\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{Al}-\mathrm{Ga}} (AIGaAs) -0.04
Bandgap Nonlinearity (eV) C_(In-Ga)(InGaP) 0.70 C_(In-Ga) (InGaAs) 0.51 C_(In-A1) (InAlAs) 0.99 C_(As-P) (InAsP) 0.23 C_(As-P) (GaAsP) 0.30 C_(Al-Ga) (AIGaAs) -0.04| Bandgap Nonlinearity | (eV) | | :---: | :---: | | $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{Ga}}(\mathrm{InGaP})$ | 0.70 | | $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{Ga}}$ (InGaAs) | 0.51 | | $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{In}-\mathrm{A} 1}$ (InAlAs) | 0.99 | | $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{As}-\mathrm{P}}$ (InAsP) | 0.23 | | $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{As}-\mathrm{P}}$ (GaAsP) | 0.30 | | $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{Al}-\mathrm{Ga}}$ (AIGaAs) | -0.04 |

C. Energy Correction Induced by Strain

Suppose that the lattice constant of a substrate is d s d s d_(s)d_{\mathrm{s}} and the lattice constant of an epitaxial layer with no strain is d e d e d_(e)d_{e}, a strain ε ε epsi\varepsilon is defined as
基板の格子定数を d s d s d_(s)d_{\mathrm{s}} 、ひずみのないエピタキシャル層の格子定数を d e d e d_(e)d_{e} とすると、ひずみ ε ε epsi\varepsilon は次のように定義される。
ε = d e d s d s ε = d e d s d s epsi=(d_(e)-d_(s))/(d_(s))\varepsilon=\frac{d_{\mathrm{e}}-d_{\mathrm{s}}}{d_{\mathrm{s}}}
The energy correction in the conduction band induced by the strain can be described as [15]
Δ E str , c = 2 a C 11 C 12 C 11 ε Δ E str , c = 2 a C 11 C 12 C 11 ε DeltaE_(str,c)=2a^(')(C_(11)-C_(12))/(C_(11))epsi\Delta E_{\mathrm{str}, \mathrm{c}}=2 a^{\prime} \frac{C_{11}-C_{12}}{C_{11}} \varepsilon
where a a a^(')a^{\prime} is the hydrostatic deformation potential for the conduction band, C 11 C 11 C_(11)C_{11} and C 12 C 12 C_(12)C_{12} are the elastic stiffness constants. The energy corrections in the heavy and light hole valence bands are [15]
ここで a a a^(')a^{\prime} は伝導帯の静水圧変形ポテンシャル、 C 11 C 11 C_(11)C_{11} C 12 C 12 C_(12)C_{12} は弾性剛性定数である。重いホールと軽いホールの価電子帯のエネルギー補正は[15]である。
Δ E str , hh = ( 2 a C 11 C 12 C 11 + b C 11 + 2 C 12 C 11 ) ε Δ E str , lh = ( 2 a C 11 C 12 C 11 b C 11 + 2 C 12 C 11 ) ε Δ E str , hh = 2 a C 11 C 12 C 11 + b C 11 + 2 C 12 C 11 ε Δ E str , lh = 2 a C 11 C 12 C 11 b C 11 + 2 C 12 C 11 ε {:[DeltaE_(str,hh)=(2a(C_(11)-C_(12))/(C_(11))+b(C_(11)+2C_(12))/(C_(11)))epsi],[DeltaE_(str,lh)=(2a(C_(11)-C_(12))/(C_(11))-b(C_(11)+2C_(12))/(C_(11)))epsi]:}\begin{aligned} \Delta E_{\mathrm{str}, \mathrm{hh}} & =\left(2 a \frac{C_{11}-C_{12}}{C_{11}}+b \frac{C_{11}+2 C_{12}}{C_{11}}\right) \varepsilon \\ \Delta E_{\mathrm{str}, \mathrm{lh}} & =\left(2 a \frac{C_{11}-C_{12}}{C_{11}}-b \frac{C_{11}+2 C_{12}}{C_{11}}\right) \varepsilon \end{aligned}
where a a aa and b b bb are the hydrostatic deformation potential and shear deformation potential for the valence band, respectively.
ここで a a aa b b bb はそれぞれ価電子帯の静水圧変形ポテンシャルとせん断変形ポテンシャルである。

The parameters used in this paper are listed in Tables I and II [15]. We used the linear interpolation for calculating d , a , a d , a , a d,a,a^(')d, a, a^{\prime}, and b b bb of ternary or quaternary materials, and the interpolation weighted by the lattice constant for calculating C 11 C 11 C_(11)C_{11} and C 12 C 12 C_(12)C_{12} of ternary or quaternary materials.
本論文で使用したパラメータを表Iと表IIに示す[15]。三元または四元物質の d , a , a d , a , a d,a,a^(')d, a, a^{\prime} b b bb の計算には線形補間を用い、三元または四元物質の C 11 C 11 C_(11)C_{11} C 12 C 12 C_(12)C_{12} の計算には格子定数で重み付けした補間を用いた。

D. Band Discontinuity Ratio

Now, we can plot the strain dependence of the band discontinuity ratio between two materials. Since the band positions of the heavy and light holes split with strain, we should define two band discontinuity ratio as follows:
Q e ( for HH ) = Δ E c | Δ E c | + | Δ E v , HH | Q e ( for LH ) = Δ E c | Δ E c | + | Δ E v , LH | Q e (  for  HH ) = Δ E c Δ E c + Δ E v , HH Q e (  for  LH ) = Δ E c Δ E c + Δ E v , LH {:[Q_(e)(" for "HH)=(DeltaE_(c))/(|DeltaE_(c)|+|DeltaE_(v,HH)|)],[Q_(e)(" for "LH)=(DeltaE_(c))/(|DeltaE_(c)|+|DeltaE_(v,LH∣)|)]:}\begin{aligned} & Q_{\mathrm{e}}(\text { for } \mathrm{HH})=\frac{\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}}{\left|\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}\right|+\left|\Delta E_{\mathrm{v}, \mathrm{HH}}\right|} \\ & Q_{\mathrm{e}}(\text { for } \mathrm{LH})=\frac{\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}}{\left|\Delta E_{\mathrm{c}}\right|+\left|\Delta E_{\mathrm{v}, \mathrm{LH} \mid}\right|} \end{aligned}<