Sample PDF
Drag the local PDF file directly into this window, or click the first button in the upper right corner of this page to upload your local PDF file and the Immersive Translation extension will start translating your PDF file immediately.
The translation result will be displayed on the right side of the page, so you can easily cross-reference the original PDF file.
Let's enjoy the immersive translation experience together! Notes:
Immersive Translate extension supports exporting bilingual PDF, please click the “Translate All & Download” button
If the PDF page is a picture, the translated page will be a blank page, because we only translate the text part.
Some PDF documents may have overlapping translations, if this happens, you can select the text box of the translation, and then drag, zoom, or delete the text box to get a better reading experience. As shown in the figure below:
4. The shortcut control style button provides a convenient way to control the translation effect: