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Group Operation Parameter settings

The following procedures maximize group operation by tuning parking assignments, peak detection and landing call bypass parameters.
The group optimization applies to either an Embedded group (parameter 1-58=0) or a (KGC) Kone Group Controller or a (DCS) Destinations Control System. (parameter 1-58=1). These instructions do not apply to group operations when parameter 1-58 is set to values other than 1 or 0 .
组优化适用于嵌入式组(参数 1-58=0)或 (KGC) 通力组控制器或 (DCS) 目的地控制系统。(参数 1-58=1)。当参数 1-58 设置为非 1 或 0 的值时,这些说明不适用于组操作。

1.0 Set the following parameters in each elevator controller in the group
1.0 在组中的每个电梯控制器中设置以下参数

Parameter  参数 Explanation  解释
1-1, Main floor  主楼层 1-1 Set to the building main floor.
1 3 2 , P a r k i n g d e l a y 1 3 2 , P a r k i n g d e l a y 1-32,Parkingdelay\mathbf{1 - 3 2 , ~ P a r k i n g ~ d e l a y ~} Generally set to 15 seconds. For duplex set to 30 seconds.
通常设置为 15 秒。对于双工,设置为 30 秒。
1-33, Group parking  1-33 号,团体停车位 Set to value 2. Allows group controller to park this elevator.
设置为值 2。允许组控制器停放此电梯。

1-67 号,汽车到大厅 在上升高峰期
1-67, Cars to lobby
during up peak
1-67, Cars to lobby during up peak| 1-67, Cars to lobby | | :--- | | during up peak |

从设置值开始 1 / 阿拉伯数字 1 / 阿拉伯数字1//21 / 2 的团体人数。示例:6 辆车组设置为值 3。调整为或多或少的电梯以适应建筑。
Start with setting to value equal to 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 of group size. Example:
6-car group set to value 3. Adjust to more or fewer elevators to
suit building.
Start with setting to value equal to 1//2 of group size. Example: 6-car group set to value 3. Adjust to more or fewer elevators to suit building.| Start with setting to value equal to $1 / 2$ of group size. Example: | | :--- | | 6-car group set to value 3. Adjust to more or fewer elevators to | | suit building. |

1-69 岁,中学 入口
1-69, Secondary
1-69, Secondary entrance| 1-69, Secondary | | :--- | | entrance |

设置建筑物的第二个主入口。如果没有第二个主 入口,可设置在主楼层或其他楼层停车的地方 是需要的。
Set to building second main entrance. If no second main
entrance, can be set to main floor or other floor where parking
is desired.
Set to building second main entrance. If no second main entrance, can be set to main floor or other floor where parking is desired.| Set to building second main entrance. If no second main | | :--- | | entrance, can be set to main floor or other floor where parking | | is desired. |
1-70, Hall call bypass  1-70,霍尔呼叫旁路

设置为 60% 60%60%60 \%。这是电梯容量的百分比。当 LWD 达到此值时,升降舵会绕过着陆呼叫。 根据建筑条件或多或少进行调整。
Set at 60 % 60 % 60%60 \%. This is percentage of elevator capacity. When
LWD reaches this value, elevator bypasses landing calls.
Adjust to more or less according to building conditions.
Set at 60%. This is percentage of elevator capacity. When LWD reaches this value, elevator bypasses landing calls. Adjust to more or less according to building conditions.| Set at $60 \%$. This is percentage of elevator capacity. When | | :--- | | LWD reaches this value, elevator bypasses landing calls. | | Adjust to more or less according to building conditions. |
8-20, Car Size  8-20, 车型

这是以乘客数量计算的汽车尺寸。将容量除以 200 磅示例:容量 4000。轿厢尺寸 =4000 / 200=20 =4000 / 200=20=4000//200=20=4000 / 200=20
This is car size in number of passengers. Divide capacity by
200 lbs. Example: capacity 4000. Car size = 4000 / 200 = 20 = 4000 / 200 = 20 =4000//200=20=4000 / 200=20.
This is car size in number of passengers. Divide capacity by 200 lbs. Example: capacity 4000. Car size =4000//200=20.| This is car size in number of passengers. Divide capacity by | | :--- | | 200 lbs. Example: capacity 4000. Car size $=4000 / 200=20$. |
8-21, Car Speed  8-21,车速 Elevator Speed in M/S. Example 700 FPM = 3.5 M/S.
电梯速度(以 m/s 为单位)。示例 700 FPM = 3.5 m/s。
8-22, Peak Load up  8-22,峰值负载增加

设置为 40% 作为起点。设置 电梯离开主楼层。被组控制器用作 信息以自动检测 UP 峰值。较低的值 弥补峰值的可能性更大,更高的值不太可能。
Set at 40% as a starting point. Sets the load value for an
elevator leaving the main floor. Used by group controller as
information to automatically detect up peak. A lower value
makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely.
Set at 40% as a starting point. Sets the load value for an elevator leaving the main floor. Used by group controller as information to automatically detect up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely.| Set at 40% as a starting point. Sets the load value for an | | :--- | | elevator leaving the main floor. Used by group controller as | | information to automatically detect up peak. A lower value | | makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely. |

8-24,高峰期汽车呼叫 停止
8-24, Peak car call
8-24, Peak car call stops| 8-24, Peak car call | | :--- | | stops |

设置为 3 作为起点。离开大厅的电梯 更多的 car 调用,则该值将被组识别 根据需要上升高峰。较低的值更有可能构成峰值, 值越高的可能性较小。
Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby with
more car calls then this value will be recognized by the group
as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely,
a higher value less likely.
Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby with more car calls then this value will be recognized by the group as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely.| Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby with | | :--- | | more car calls then this value will be recognized by the group | | as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely, | | a higher value less likely. |

8-25,峰着陆 呼叫停止
8-25, Peak landing
call stops
8-25, Peak landing call stops| 8-25, Peak landing | | :--- | | call stops |

设置为 3 作为起点。电梯离开大厅 响应此许多登陆调用将被 组作为需要的 Up Peak。较低的值构成峰值更多 可能,更高的值不太可能。
Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby in
response to this many landing calls will be recognized by the
group as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more
likely, a higher value less likely.
Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby in response to this many landing calls will be recognized by the group as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely.| Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby in | | :--- | | response to this many landing calls will be recognized by the | | group as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more | | likely, a higher value less likely. |
Parameter Explanation 1-1, Main floor Set to the building main floor. 1-32,Parkingdelay Generally set to 15 seconds. For duplex set to 30 seconds. 1-33, Group parking Set to value 2. Allows group controller to park this elevator. "1-67, Cars to lobby during up peak" "Start with setting to value equal to 1//2 of group size. Example: 6-car group set to value 3. Adjust to more or fewer elevators to suit building." "1-69, Secondary entrance" "Set to building second main entrance. If no second main entrance, can be set to main floor or other floor where parking is desired." 1-70, Hall call bypass "Set at 60%. This is percentage of elevator capacity. When LWD reaches this value, elevator bypasses landing calls. Adjust to more or less according to building conditions." 8-20, Car Size "This is car size in number of passengers. Divide capacity by 200 lbs. Example: capacity 4000. Car size =4000//200=20." 8-21, Car Speed Elevator Speed in M/S. Example 700 FPM = 3.5 M/S. 8-22, Peak Load up "Set at 40% as a starting point. Sets the load value for an elevator leaving the main floor. Used by group controller as information to automatically detect up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely." "8-24, Peak car call stops" "Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby with more car calls then this value will be recognized by the group as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely." "8-25, Peak landing call stops" "Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby in response to this many landing calls will be recognized by the group as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely."| Parameter | Explanation | | :--- | :--- | | 1-1, Main floor | Set to the building main floor. | | $\mathbf{1 - 3 2 , ~ P a r k i n g ~ d e l a y ~}$ | Generally set to 15 seconds. For duplex set to 30 seconds. | | 1-33, Group parking | Set to value 2. Allows group controller to park this elevator. | | 1-67, Cars to lobby <br> during up peak | Start with setting to value equal to $1 / 2$ of group size. Example: <br> 6-car group set to value 3. Adjust to more or fewer elevators to <br> suit building. | | 1-69, Secondary <br> entrance | Set to building second main entrance. If no second main <br> entrance, can be set to main floor or other floor where parking <br> is desired. | | 1-70, Hall call bypass | Set at $60 \%$. This is percentage of elevator capacity. When <br> LWD reaches this value, elevator bypasses landing calls. <br> Adjust to more or less according to building conditions. | | 8-20, Car Size | This is car size in number of passengers. Divide capacity by <br> 200 lbs. Example: capacity 4000. Car size $=4000 / 200=20$. | | 8-21, Car Speed | Elevator Speed in M/S. Example 700 FPM = 3.5 M/S. | | 8-22, Peak Load up | Set at 40% as a starting point. Sets the load value for an <br> elevator leaving the main floor. Used by group controller as <br> information to automatically detect up peak. A lower value <br> makes up peak more likely, a higher value less likely. | | 8-24, Peak car call <br> stops | Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby with <br> more car calls then this value will be recognized by the group <br> as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more likely, <br> a higher value less likely. | | 8-25, Peak landing <br> call stops | Set to 3 as a starting point. An elevator leaving the lobby in <br> response to this many landing calls will be recognized by the <br> group as need for up peak. A lower value makes up peak more <br> likely, a higher value less likely. |

1.1 Set parking floors PAM, PAS and PAR
1.1 设置停车楼层 PAM、PAS 和 PAR

When setting up parking parameters, always leave at least one elevator in the group without a parking assignment. For example, if a 4-car group set PAM, PAS and PAR#1. Do not set PAR#2. Three elevators will park and the 4 th 4 th  4^("th ")4^{\text {th }} elevator will remain available to park when one of the other parking floors is vacated.
设置停车参数时,请始终在组中至少保留一部电梯,而无需分配停车。例如,如果一个 4 辆车组设置 PAM、PAS 和 PAR#1。不要设置 PAR#2。三部电梯将停放,当其他停车场楼层之一腾空时, 4 th 4 th  4^("th ")4^{\text {th }} 电梯仍可停放。
Parking assignments are entered into individual elevators. The parking assignment is then passed to the group controller. The group controller knows all the parking assignments and assigns elevators as they become available to park according to parking priority.
The parking assignment programmed into elevator # 1 # 1 #1\# 1 is 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} priority. Parking assignment in elevator #2 is 2 nd 2 nd  2^("nd ")2^{\text {nd }} priority and parking assignment in elevator #3 is 3 rd 3 rd  3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} priority and so on.
优先将编程到电梯 # 1 # 1 #1\# 1 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 中的停车分配。电梯 #2 中的停车分配是 2 nd 2 nd  2^("nd ")2^{\text {nd }} 优先的,电梯 #3 中的停车分配是 3 rd 3 rd  3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} 优先的,依此类推。
The parking floor with the highest priority will be the first floor to be filled when an elevator becomes available.

1 PAM parking. Set the following parameter in elevator \#1 (parameter 1-50=1) - 1-30 = main floor. Set to same value as parameter 1-1, main floor. Makes parking at the main floor the highest priority for group parking. 2 PAS parking. Set the following parameter in elevator \#2 (parameter 1-50 = 2). This is second priority for group parking. same value as parameter 1-69, secondary entrance. If there is no secondary entrance. This parking floor can be set to another floor. For groups that have an express zone adjacent to the main floor and no secondary entrance, it is recommended to make the PAS parking floor the same as the main floor. If PAM and PAS are set to the same floor, main (1-1) and secondary entrance (1-69) parameters must also be set to the same floor. With PAM and PAS set to the same floor, the group will park 2 elevators at the main floor. } 1  PAM parking. Set the following parameter in   elevator \#1 (parameter 1-50=1)   -   1-30 = main floor. Set to same value as   parameter 1-1, main floor.   Makes parking at the main   floor the highest priority for   group parking.  2  PAS parking. Set the following parameter in   elevator \#2 (parameter 1-50 = 2).   This is second priority for   group parking.   same value as parameter 1-69, secondary   entrance.   If there is no secondary   entrance. This parking floor   can be set to another floor.   For groups that have an   express zone adjacent to the   main floor and no secondary   entrance, it is recommended   to make the PAS parking floor   the same as the main floor. If   PAM and PAS are set to the   same floor, main (1-1) and   secondary entrance (1-69)   parameters must also be set to   the same floor. With PAM   and PAS set to the same floor,   the group will park 2 elevators   at the main floor.  {:[[1,{:[" PAM parking. Set the following parameter in "],[" elevator \#1 (parameter 1-50=1) "],[" - "],[" 1-30 = main floor. Set to same value as "],[" parameter 1-1, main floor. "]:},{:[" Makes parking at the main "],[" floor the highest priority for "],[" group parking. "]:}],[2,{:[" PAS parking. Set the following parameter in "],[" elevator \#2 (parameter 1-50 = 2). "]:},{:[" This is second priority for "],[" group parking. "],[" same value as parameter 1-69, secondary "],[" entrance. "]:}],[{:[" If there is no secondary "],[" entrance. This parking floor "],[" can be set to another floor. "]:}],[{:[" For groups that have an "],[" express zone adjacent to the "],[" main floor and no secondary "],[" entrance, it is recommended "],[" to make the PAS parking floor "],[" the same as the main floor. If "],[" PAM and PAS are set to the "],[" same floor, main (1-1) and "],[" secondary entrance (1-69) "]:}],[" parameters must also be set to "],[" the same floor. With PAM "],[" and PAS set to the same floor, "],[" the group will park 2 elevators "],[" at the main floor. "]]}\left.\begin{array}{|l|l|l|}\hline 1 & \begin{array}{l}\text { PAM parking. Set the following parameter in } \\ \text { elevator \#1 (parameter 1-50=1) } \\ \text { - } \\ \text { 1-30 = main floor. Set to same value as } \\ \text { parameter 1-1, main floor. }\end{array} & \begin{array}{l}\text { Makes parking at the main } \\ \text { floor the highest priority for } \\ \text { group parking. }\end{array} \\ \hline 2 & \begin{array}{l}\text { PAS parking. Set the following parameter in } \\ \text { elevator \#2 (parameter 1-50 = 2). }\end{array} & \begin{array}{l}\text { This is second priority for } \\ \text { group parking. } \\ \text { same value as parameter 1-69, secondary } \\ \text { entrance. }\end{array} \\ \begin{array}{l}\text { If there is no secondary } \\ \text { entrance. This parking floor } \\ \text { can be set to another floor. }\end{array} \\ \begin{array}{l}\text { For groups that have an } \\ \text { express zone adjacent to the } \\ \text { main floor and no secondary } \\ \text { entrance, it is recommended } \\ \text { to make the PAS parking floor } \\ \text { the same as the main floor. If } \\ \text { PAM and PAS are set to the } \\ \text { same floor, main (1-1) and } \\ \text { secondary entrance (1-69) }\end{array} \\ \text { parameters must also be set to } \\ \text { the same floor. With PAM } \\ \text { and PAS set to the same floor, } \\ \text { the group will park 2 elevators } \\ \text { at the main floor. }\end{array}\right\}
PAR parking. PAR (park area) parking is a group of adjacent floors forming a park area. If an elevator is stopped within the park area the elevator will not move to the parking floor. If an elevator is assigned to park in the park area and travels from outside the parking area it will go to the park floor as defined by parameter 130.
PAR 停车场。PAR(公园区)停车场是一组相邻的楼层组成一个公园区域。如果电梯停在公园区域内,电梯将不会移动到停车场楼层。如果电梯被分配停在公园区域并从停车场外部行驶,它将到达参数 130 定义的公园楼层。
KGC allows three PARs in addition to PAM and PAS parking. Embedded group allows as many as five PAR parking areas. PAR parking is made by priority. PAR #1 is third priority (after PAM (#1), PAS (#2)). PAR #2 is 4 th 4 th  4^("th ")4^{\text {th }} priority; PAR #3 is 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} priority.
除了 PAM 和 PAS 停车外,KGC 还允许三个 PAR。嵌入式组允许多达五个 PAR 停车区。PAR 停车位是优先泊车的。PAR #1 是第三优先级(仅次于 PAM (#1)、PAS (#2))。PAR #2 是 4 th 4 th  4^("th ")4^{\text {th }} 优先权;PAR #3 是 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 优先级。
NOTE! When setting parking assignments, there should always be at least one more car than there are parking assignments. For example: 4-car group: Make 3 parking assignments only. Set PAM in Car #1, PAS in car #2, PAR#1 in car #3 and no parking assignment in car #4.
注意!设置停车分配时,应始终至少多于停车分配数的 1 辆车。例如:4 辆车组:仅分配 3 个停车位。在车 #1 中设置 PAM,在车 #2 中设置 PAS,在车 #3 中设置 PAR#1,并且在车 #4 中设置无停车分配。
Set PAR parking parameters in each elevator according to the table below.
根据下表设置每台电梯的 PAR 停车参数。
PAR #1 PAR #2 PAR #3
Param  参数 Description  描述
  电梯 #3 ( 1 50 = 3 ) ( 1 50 = 3 ) (1-50=3)(1-50=3)
Elevator #3
( 1 50 = 3 ) ( 1 50 = 3 ) (1-50=3)(1-50=3)
Elevator #3 (1-50=3)| Elevator #3 | | :---: | | $(1-50=3)$ |
  电梯 #4 ( 1 50 = 4 ) ( 1 50 = 4 ) (1-50=4)(1-50=4)
Elevator #4
( 1 50 = 4 ) ( 1 50 = 4 ) (1-50=4)(1-50=4)
Elevator #4 (1-50=4)| Elevator #4 | | :---: | | $(1-50=4)$ |
  电梯 #5 ( 1 50 = 5 ) ( 1 50 = 5 ) (1-50=5)(1-50=5)
Elevator #5
( 1 50 = 5 ) ( 1 50 = 5 ) (1-50=5)(1-50=5)
Elevator #5 (1-50=5)| Elevator #5 | | :---: | | $(1-50=5)$ |
Value  价值 Value  价值 Value  价值
1 30 1 30 1-301-30

公园地板 公园内 面积
Park floor
within park
Park floor within park area| Park floor | | :--- | | within park | | area |

定义停车位 楼层内 PAR #1
Define parking
floor within
PAR #1
Define parking floor within PAR #1| Define parking | | :--- | | floor within | | PAR #1 |

定义停车位 楼层内 PAR #2
Define parking
floor within
PAR #2
Define parking floor within PAR #2| Define parking | | :--- | | floor within | | PAR #2 |

定义停车位 楼层内 PAR #3
Define parking
floor within
PAR #3
Define parking floor within PAR #3| Define parking | | :--- | | floor within | | PAR #3 |
1 37 1 37 1-371-37 PAR used  使用的 PAR 1 1 1
1 38 1 38 1-381-38

园区 下限
Park area
lower limit
Park area lower limit| Park area | | :--- | | lower limit |

定义最低 PAR 的地板 #1
Define lowest
floor for PAR
Define lowest floor for PAR #1| Define lowest | | :--- | | floor for PAR | | #1 |

定义最低 PAR 的地板 #2
Define lowest
floor for PAR
Define lowest floor for PAR #2| Define lowest | | :--- | | floor for PAR | | #2 |

定义最低 PAR 的地板 #3
Define lowest
floor for PAR
Define lowest floor for PAR #3| Define lowest | | :--- | | floor for PAR | | #3 |
1 39 1 39 1-391-39

园区 上限
Park area
upper limit
Park area upper limit| Park area | | :--- | | upper limit |

定义最高 PAR 的地板 #1
Define highest
floor for PAR
Define highest floor for PAR #1| Define highest | | :--- | | floor for PAR | | #1 |

定义最高 PAR 的地板 #2
Define highest
floor for PAR
Define highest floor for PAR #2| Define highest | | :--- | | floor for PAR | | #2 |

定义最高 PAR 的地板 #3
Define highest
floor for PAR
Define highest floor for PAR #3| Define highest | | :--- | | floor for PAR | | #3 |
PAR #1 PAR #2 PAR #3 Param Description "Elevator #3 (1-50=3)" "Elevator #4 (1-50=4)" "Elevator #5 (1-50=5)" Value Value Value 1-30 "Park floor within park area" "Define parking floor within PAR #1" "Define parking floor within PAR #2" "Define parking floor within PAR #3" 1-37 PAR used 1 1 1 1-38 "Park area lower limit" "Define lowest floor for PAR #1" "Define lowest floor for PAR #2" "Define lowest floor for PAR #3" 1-39 "Park area upper limit" "Define highest floor for PAR #1" "Define highest floor for PAR #2" "Define highest floor for PAR #3"| | | PAR #1 | PAR #2 | PAR #3 | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :---: | :---: | | Param | Description | Elevator #3 <br> $(1-50=3)$ | Elevator #4 <br> $(1-50=4)$ | Elevator #5 <br> $(1-50=5)$ | | | Value | Value | Value | | | $1-30$ | Park floor <br> within park <br> area | Define parking <br> floor within <br> PAR #1 | Define parking <br> floor within <br> PAR #2 | Define parking <br> floor within <br> PAR #3 | | $1-37$ | PAR used | 1 | 1 | 1 | | $1-38$ | Park area <br> lower limit | Define lowest <br> floor for PAR <br> #1 | Define lowest <br> floor for PAR <br> #2 | Define lowest <br> floor for PAR <br> #3 | | $1-39$ | Park area <br> upper limit | Define highest <br> floor for PAR <br> #1 | Define highest <br> floor for PAR <br> #2 | Define highest <br> floor for PAR <br> #3 |
For those elevators with no parking assignments, leave the above parameters at the default value.