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Decision Making

- *Decision*: A choice made from available alternatives.
- *决定*:从可用的替代方案中做出的选择。

- *Decision Making*: Identifying problems/opportunities and resolving them.
- *决策*:识别问题/机会并解决它们。

Types of Decisions

1. *Programmed Decisions*: Repetitive situations where decision rules can be applied.
1. *程序化决策*:可以应用决策规则的重复情况。

2. *Nonprogrammed Decisions*: Unique, poorly defined situations with significant consequences.
2. *非程序化决策*:独特的、定义不明确的情况,会产生重大后果。

Conditions for Decision Making

- *Certainty*: All necessary information is available.
- *确定性*:所有必要的信息均可用。

- *Risk*: Clear goals, but outcomes are uncertain.
- *风险*:目标明确,但结果不确定。

- *Uncertainty*: Known goals but incomplete information.
- *不确定性*:目标已知但信息不完整。

Decision-Making Models

1. **Classical Model**
1. **经典模型**

The classical model is rooted in rational economic assumptions. It represents an idealized version of decision-making where managers are fully rational, seeking the most economically sound outcomes. Key points:

- **Normative Approach**: The model suggests how decisions **should** be made, not necessarily how they are made in reality
- **规范方法**:该模型建议**应如何**做出决策,而不一定是现实中如何做出决策

- **Maximization of Goals**: Managers aim to select the decision that maximizes organizational objectives.
- **目标最大化**:管理者的目标是选择最大化组织目标的决策。

- **Assumptions**:
- **假设**:

- **Clear Goals**: Managers operate with well-defined goals.
- **明确的目标**:管理者以明确的目标运作。

- **Certainty**: Full information is available, and alternatives can be accurately compared.
- **确定性**:可获得完整信息,并且可以准确比较替代方案。

- **Rational Decision Making**: Managers use logic to weigh alternatives and calculate the best possible outcome.
- **理性决策**:管理者使用逻辑来权衡替代方案并计算最佳可能结果。

- **Economic Return**: Decisions are made to achieve maximum economic benefit.
- **经济回报**:做出决策以实现最大的经济利益。

2. **Administrative Model**
2. **管理模式**

The administrative model, developed by Herbert A. Simon, provides a more realistic approach to decision-making, acknowledging the limitations managers face in complex environments. Key elements include:
由赫伯特·A·西蒙 (Herbert A. Simon) 开发的管理模型提供了一种更现实的决策方法,承认管理者在复杂环境中面临的局限性。关键要素包括:

- **Bounded Rationality**: Managers cannot process all the information due to cognitive and time constraints. They work within these limits.
- **有限理性**:由于认知和时间的限制,管理者无法处理所有信息。他们在这些限制内工作。

- **Satisficing**: Instead of finding the "optimal" solution, managers settle for a decision that meets the minimum criteria of acceptability—this is known as "good enough" decision-making.
- **满意**:管理者不是寻找“最佳”解决方案,而是满足于满足最低可接受标准的决策,这被称为“足够好”的决策。

- **Descriptive Model**: It focuses on how decisions are actually made rather than how they should be made (in contrast to the classical model).
- **描述性模型**:它侧重于实际如何做出决策,而不是应该如何做出决策(与经典模型相反)。

- **Assumptions**:
- **假设**:

- **Unclear Goals**: Goals may be vague or conflicting, and managers may not even be aware of all the problems.
- **目标不明确**:目标可能模糊或相互冲突,管理者甚至可能没有意识到所有问题。

- **Limited Information**: The available information is often incomplete or ambiguous.
- **信息有限**:可用信息通常不完整或不明确。

- **Simplified Problems**: Managers simplify problems rather than addressing all dimensions.
- **简化问题**:管理者简化问题而不是解决所有方面。

- **First Acceptable Solution**: Rather than exhaustively seeking the best solution, managers pick the first satisfactory one.
- **第一个可接受的解决方案**:管理者不是穷尽一切寻找最佳解决方案,而是选择第一个令人满意的解决方案。

3. **Political Model**
3. **政治模型**

This model addresses decision-making in organizations where managers and groups have different interests and power dynamics come into play. It recognizes that decisions are often the result of negotiation, coalition-building, and bargaining. Key points:

- **Coalitions**: Informal alliances among managers or groups that support a specific goal.
- **联盟**:支持特定目标的管理者或团体之间的非正式联盟。

- **Conflict and Ambiguity**: Different managers or departments may have diverse interests, making information ambiguous and the decision-making process more political.
- **冲突和模糊性**:不同的经理或部门可能有不同的利益,导致信息模糊,决策过程更加政治化。

- **Bargaining**: Decisions are made through discussions, compromises, and negotiations among coalition members rather than a purely rational process.
- **讨价还价**:决策是通过联盟成员之间的讨论、妥协和谈判做出的,而不是纯粹理性的过程。

- **Assumptions**:
- **假设**:

- **Diverse Interests**: Organizations consist of various groups with different goals, values, and priorities.
- **多样化的兴趣**:组织由具有不同目标、价值观和优先事项的不同群体组成。

- **Incomplete Information**: Information is often ambiguous, and decision-makers don't have the capacity to process all available data.
- **不完整信息**:信息通常是含糊不清的,决策者没有能力处理所有可用数据。

- **Decision Outcomes**: The final decisions are often shaped by the relative power and influence of different coalitions or groups.
- **决策结果**:最终决策通常取决于不同联盟或团体的相对权力和影响力。

Decision-Making Process

1. *Recognition*: Identify a problem or opportunity.
1. *识别*:识别问题或机会。

2. *Diagnosis and Analysis*: Analyze the root cause.
2. *诊断分析*:分析根本原因。

3. *Develop Alternatives*: Generate solutions.
3. *开发替代方案*:生成解决方案。

4. *Select Alternative*: Choose the best solution that aligns with organizational goals.
4. *选择替代方案*:选择符合组织目标的最佳解决方案。

5. *Implementation*: Ensure the chosen solution is executed.
5. *实施*:确保所选解决方案得到执行。

6. *Evaluation*: Gather feedback to assess the success of the decision.
6. *评估*:收集反馈以评估决策是否成功。

Decision Styles

- *Directive*: Prefers simple, clear-cut solutions.
- *指令*:喜欢简单、明确的解决方案。

- *Analytical*: Seeks complex solutions based on data.
- *分析*:根据数据寻求复杂的解决方案。

- *Conceptual*: Looks for creative solutions by consulting others.
- *概念性*:通过咨询他人寻找创造性的解决方案。

- *Behavioral*: Concerned with how decisions impact others.
- *行为*:关心决策如何影响他人。

Common Biases in Decision Making

- *Anchoring Bias*: Over-relying on initial impressions.
- *锚定偏差*:过度依赖初始印象。

- *Sunk Cost Effect*: Continuing with a failing decision due to past investments.
- *沉没成本效应*:由于过去的投资而继续做出失败的决定。

- *Confirmation Bias*: Valuing evidence that supports existing beliefs.
- *确认偏差*:重视支持现有信念的证据。

- *Groupthink*: Group members suppress dissenting opinions.
- *群体思维*:群体成员压制不同意见。

Decision-Making Techniques

- *Brainstorming*: Generating ideas in a group setting.
- *头脑风暴*:在小组环境中产生想法。

- *Evidence-Based Decision Making*: Using hard data to inform choices.
- *基于证据的决策*:使用硬数据来告知选择。

- *Point-Counterpoint*: Assigning groups to debate opposing views.
- *观点-对立*:分配小组讨论相反的观点。

- *Postmortem/After-Action Review*: Reviewing decisions to learn from outcomes.
- *事后分析/行动后审查*:审查决策以从结果中学习。