融资目标与代币分配 (Funding Scale and Token Allocation) Funding Scale and Token Allocation
退出策略 (Exit Strategy) Exit Strategy
模型交易平台 (Model Trading Platform) Model Trading Platform
模型训练师接单平台 (Model Trainer Marketplace) Model Trainer Marketplace
模型利益分配与工作量证明机制 (Model Profit Distribution and Proof-of-Work Mechanism) Model Profit Distribution and Proof-of-Work Mechanism
链上存证与生成 (On-Chain Proof and Generation) On-Chain Evidence and Generation
1. 摘要 (Executive Summary) 1. Executive Summary
IXX.AI 是一个开创性的开放式 AI 模型市场,旨在让全球用户能够轻松创建并商业化利用 AI 模型。通过结合尖端的 AI 技术和区块链技术,IXX.AI 打破了 技术的高门槛,降低了参与和创作成本,并提供强大的版权保护机制。该平台通过构建庞大的高质量商业许可图像库,以及用户友好的 AI 生成工具,帮助用户在 AI 创作中实现商业价值。 IXX.AI is a pioneering open AI model marketplace that aims to make it easy for global users to create and commercialize AI models. By combining cutting-edge AI and blockchain technologies, IXX.AI breaks down the high barriers to entry for technology, reduces participation and creation costs, and provides a robust copyright protection mechanism. The platform builds a vast library of high-quality commercially licensed images and provides user-friendly AI generation tools to help users achieve commercial value in AI creation.
当前, 技术因其复杂性,使得普通用户难以参与其中,且现有平台在版权保护和模型商业化方面存在显著缺陷。IXX.AI 通过引入工作量证明机制(Proof-of-Work)和区块链记录机制,确保模型的原创性和版权归属,解决了这些痛点。 The current technology is too complex for ordinary users to participate in, and the existing platforms have significant shortcomings in copyright protection and model commercialization. IXX.AI solves these pain points by introducing a proof-of-work mechanism and blockchain recording mechanism to ensure the originality and copyright of the models.
IXX.AI 以图像生成领域为切入点,专注于提供支持文本生成图像、视频、3D 模型等 AI 应用的基础设施。平台通过打造一个开放、透明且高效的 AI 模型市场,不仅为创作者、企业用户提供了创作和商业化机会,还为整个行业带来了新的商业模式与发展潜力。 IXX.AI focuses on providing infrastructure for AI applications that support the generation of images, videos, and 3D models from text. By creating an open, transparent, and efficient AI model market, the platform not only provides creators and businesses with opportunities for creation and commercialization, but also brings new business models and development potential to the entire industry.
2. 公司概述 (Company Overview) Company Overview
公司名称: IXX.AI Company Name: IXX.AI
平台名称: IXX Platform Name: IXX
标语: "Your AI, Your World." Your AI, Your World.
2.1 公司简介 2.1 Company Profile
IXX. AI 是全球领先的开放式 AI 模型市场,致力于通过降低 AI 技术门槛,让每个人都能轻松创建并商业化利用 AI 模型。公司以推动 AI 技术的普及和民主化为使命,帮助创作者、企业用户、开发者从中受益。IXX.AI 结合尖端的 AI 技术和区块链技术,为用户提供丰富的商业许可图像库、强大的生成工具和基于区块链的版权保护服务,确保用户能够在合法、安全的环境中实现 AI 创作和商业应用。 IXX. AI is a leading open AI model marketplace that aims to make AI technology accessible to everyone by lowering the barriers to entry. The company's mission is to democratize and 普及化 AI technology, benefiting creators, businesses, and developers alike.
Combining cutting-edge AI and blockchain technologies, IXX. AI provides users with a rich library of commercially licensed images, powerful generation tools, and blockchain-based copyright protection services, ensuring that users can create and commercialize AI in a legal and secure environment.
IXX.AI 的平台通过全球文化整合和社区驱动的模式,与来自不同文化背景的模型训练师合作,为用户提供多样化和个性化的 AI 模型和内容。平台通过开放生态系统,让全球用户共同参与 AI 模型的开发和商业化,从而为全球 AI 生态系统做出贡献。 IXX.AI's platform, through its global cultural integration and community-driven model, collaborates with model trainers from diverse cultural backgrounds to provide users with diverse and personalized AI models and content. Through an open ecosystem, the platform allows global users to participate in the development and commercialization of AI models, thereby contributing to the global AI ecosystem.
2.2 平台定位 ## 2.2 Platform Positioning
的平台定位是成为全球首选的商业 模型市场。我们通过为用户提供高质量的 模型和生成工具,解决了当前 AI 技术高门槛、版权保护不足和模型商业化困难等痛点。我们的平台不仅提供了强大的技术支持,还建立了一个活跃的创作者和开发者社区,推动 AI 技术在各个行业的广泛应用。 's platform is positioned to become the world's first choice for commercial models. By providing users with high-quality models and generation tools, we have addressed the pain points of high barriers to entry, insufficient copyright protection, and commercialization difficulties in current AI technology. Our platform not only provides strong technical support, but also builds a vibrant community of creators and developers, promoting the wide application of AI technology in various industries.
IXX.AI 的独特优势在于其多层次的商业模式,包括模型销售、内容许可、订阅服务和 API 接口访问。通过这些服务,我们为用户创造了多样化的商业机会,并确保他们能够在不断发展的 AI 市场中占据有利位置。 IXX.AI has a unique advantage in its multi-layered business model, including model sales, content licensing, subscription services, and API access. Through these services, we create diverse business opportunities for our users and ensure that they can gain a favorable position in the ever-evolving AI market.
我们的愿景是创建一个开放、创新、包容的 AI 生态系统,使所有用户都能通过 AI 技术实现自己的创意与商业梦想。无论是独立创作者、企业用户还是开发者,IXX.AI 都为他们提供了一个强大的平台,使他们能够在全球AI革命中脱颖而出。 Our vision is to create an open, innovative and inclusive AI ecosystem, enabling all users to achieve their creative and commercial dreams through AI technology.
Whether you're an independent creator, an enterprise user, or a developer,IXX.AI provides you with a powerful platform to stand out in the global AI revolution.
2.3 公司使命与愿景 2.3 Company Mission and Vision .AI 的使命是通过降低 AI 技术的复杂性,赋能全球用户,让每个人都能创造并商业化利用 模型。平台相信每个人都有创造力,且每个人都是未来的参与者。通过推动 AI 技术的普及,IXX.AI 致力于创建一个活跃的 AI 模型市场,让所有贡献者都能从中受益,促进 AI 技术的民主化和商业化。 .AI's mission is to empower users worldwide by simplifying AI technology, enabling everyone to create and commercialize models. The platform believes that everyone has creativity and is a future participant. By promoting the popularity of AI technology, IXX.AI is committed to creating a vibrant AI model market, allowing all contributors to benefit, thereby promoting the democratization and commercialization of AI technology.
公司的愿景是打造一个开放、创新、包容的 AI 生态系统,赋能全球创作者和企业用户,让他们通过 AI 技术实现创意与商业梦想。无论是独立创作者、企业用户还是开发者,IXX.AI 都为其提供一个强大的平台,使其能够在全球 AI 革命中脱颖而出。 The company's vision is to build an open, innovative, and inclusive AI ecosystem that empowers global creators and enterprise users to achieve their creative and business dreams through AI technology. Whether you are an independent creator, an enterprise user, or a developer, IXX.AI provides a powerful platform for you to stand out in the global AI revolution.
3. 市场分析 (Market Analysis) 3. Market Analysis
3.1 市场规模与潜力 ## 3.1 Market Size and Potential
全球 AI 模型市场正在经历飞速增长,预计到 2025 年,AI 生成内容市场的规模将达到数千亿美元。这一增长主要源于以下驱动因素: The global AI model market is experiencing rapid growth, and the AI-generated content market is projected to reach trillions of dollars by 2025. This growth is mainly driven by the following factors:
企业对自动化和个性化内容生成的需求:越来越多的企业依赖 AI 来优化创作流程、提升效率,并满足客户对个性化内容的需求。 The growing demand for automated and personalized content generation: More and more companies are relying on AI to optimize their creation process, improve efficiency, and meet customer demand for personalized content.
创意产业的技术融合:设计、媒体、广告等行业对于高效、智能的创作工具的需求日益增加,推动了 Al 模型在这些领域的应用。 The technological integration of creative industries: The increasing demand for efficient and intelligent creative tools in the design, media, advertising, and other industries has driven the application of AI models in these fields.
AI 技术的普及与进步:随着生成对抗网络(GAN)、深度学习 (Deep Learning) 等技术的成熟,AI 模型在图像生成、视频生成、文本生成等领域展现出极高的商业价值。 The 普及与进步 of AI technology: With the maturity of technologies such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and deep learning, AI models have shown great commercial value in areas such as image generation, video generation, and text generation.
IXX. AI 正是在这一背景下应运而生,通过降低 AI 模型创作的门槛,让更多用户能够参与到 AI 生成内容的生产和商业化中,填补了现有市场中的空白。平台利用先进的 AI 技术和区块链版权保护机制,解决了当前市场中普遍存在的版权纠纷、创意剽窃等问题,确保模型和生成内容能够合法、安全地投入商业使用。 IXX. AI emerged in this context. By lowering the threshold for AI model creation, it allows more users to participate in the production and commercialization of AI-generated content, filling the gap in the existing market. The platform utilizes advanced AI technology and blockchain copyright protection mechanisms to address the rampant copyright disputes and creative plagiarism in the current market, ensuring that models and generated content can be used commercially legally and securely.
3.2 目标市场 ## 3.2 Target Market
IXX.AI 的目标市场涵盖多个领域,满足不同用户群体的需求: IXX.AI operates in a wide range of sectors, catering to the needs of diverse user groups:
创意产业: Creative industries:
。 设计师、插画师、动画师、摄影师、创意工作者、NFT 艺术家、元宇宙设计师、区块链开发者等,通过 AI 模型生成高质量的图像、视频和 3D 模型,提升工作效率并拓展创意表现形式。 Designers, illustrators, animators, photographers, creative professionals, NFT artists, metaverse designers, and blockchain developers use AI models to generate high-quality images, videos, and 3D models, improving work efficiency and expanding creative expression.
2. 企业用户: 2. Corporate User
广告代理商、内容制作公司、游戏开发商等企业用户,依赖 AI 生成大量创意内容,以满足商业需求并降低生产成本。IXX.AI 为这些企业提供了一个高效、合法的 AI 模型平台,解决版权和生成效率问题。 Advertising agencies, content production companies, and game developers rely on AI to generate large amounts of creative content to meet business needs and reduce production costs. IXX.AI provides these companies with an efficient and legal AI model platform that addresses copyright and generation efficiency issues.
3. 开发者与研究人员: 3. Developers and Researchers:
AI 开发者和研究人员可以在 IXX.AI 平台上获取丰富的模型和数据集,进行创新性的 AI 应用开发与研究,推动技术进步。 AI developers and researchers can access a wealth of models and datasets on the IXX.AI platform for innovative AI application development and research, driving technological progress.
4. AI 爱好者与学习者: ## AI Enthusiasts and Learners: 4.
对 技术有兴趣的普通用户,通过 IXX. I 友好的生成工具,能够轻松创建 内容并参与到 生态中,满足他们的学习和探索需求。 Ordinary users who are interested in technology can easily create content and participate in the ecosystem through the user-friendly generation tools of IXX. , meeting their learning and exploration needs.
当前 AI 模型市场的竞争激烈,主要竞争对手包括 Midjourney、Civitai、Runway 等知名平台。尽管这些平台具备一定优势,但 IXX.AI 通过独特的产品定位和技术创新,创造了显著的竞争优势。 The current AI model market is highly competitive, with major rivals including well-known platforms such as Midjourney, Civitai, and Runway. Although these platforms have certain advantages, IXX.AI has created a significant competitive advantage through its unique product positioning and technological innovation.
优势:Midjourney 以其艺术化的图像生成能力著称,并拥有活跃的创作者社区。 Advantages: Midjourney is known for its artistic image generation capabilities and has a vibrant creator community.
全球文化整合与开源生态:IXX.AI 通过全球训练师社区和开源的模式,生成更符合多样化文化需求的内容,而不仅限于预设风格。 Global cultural integration and open source ecosystem: IXX.AI, through a global trainer community and an open source model, generates content that is more in line with diverse cultural needs, rather than being limited to preset styles.
开放生态系统:平台支持用户上传、分享、销售模型,使得内容创作更加开放和商业化。 Open ecosystem: Platform supports users to upload, share and sell models, making content creation more open and commercial.
Civitai Civil AI
优势:Civitai 是一个开放的模型分享社区,允许用户自由上传和分享 AI 模型。 Advantages: Civitai is an open model sharing community that allows users to freely upload and share AI models.
版权保护与商用模型标准:IXX.AI 通过严格的版权管理机制,确保每个模型的合法性,并提供商用模型标准,解决 Civitai 平台上的版权问题。 Copyright protection and commercial model standards: IXX.AI ensures the legality of each model through a strict copyright management mechanism and provides commercial model standards to solve copyright issues on the Civitai platform.
。 更专业的商业化支持:平台提供透明的收益分配和商用支持,确保创作者能够从他们的模型中获利。 A more professional commercial support: The platform provides transparent revenue sharing and commercial support, ensuring that creators can benefit from their models.
Runway The source text "Runway" has multiple possible translations depending on the context. Here are some options:
**1. Physical Runway:** If the source text refers to a physical runway, the translation is simply "Runway."
**2. Figurative Runway:** If the source text refers to a figurative runway, such as "His career is on the runway to success" or "The team is on the runway for the championship game," the translation is "On track."
**3. Specific Context:** If the source text refers to a specific runway, such as the name of a runway at an airport, the translation is the same as the source text, unless there is a more common English name for that runway.
Without further information about the source text, it is impossible to provide a more accurate translation. Please provide additional context or information to help me understand the intended meaning of the source text
优势:Runway 提供多种 AI 工具,尤其在视频编辑和内容创作领域表现出色。 Advantages: Runway provides a variety of AI tools, particularly excelling in video editing and content creation.
开放的模型市场:IXX.AI 提供一个开放的模型市场,支持图像、视频和 3D 模型生成工具,涵盖范围更广。 IXX.AI provides an open model market that supports image, video, and 3D model generation tools, covering a wider range.
智能模型调度:平台通过智能调度机制,自动优化用户的内容生成过程,使生成结果更加符合商业需求。 Smart model scheduling: Through intelligent scheduling mechanism, the platform automatically optimizes the user's content generation process, making the generated results more in line with business needs.
3.4 市场趋势 ## 3.4 Market Trends
随着 AI 技术的不断进步,特别是生成式 AI 模型的发展,市场对 AI 生成内容的需求不断扩大。包括 With the continuous advancement of AI technology, especially the development of generative AI models, the market demand for AI-generated content is 不断扩大. Including:
- **AI writing assistants:** Such as Jasper, ShortlyAI, and Rytr, which can help users generate various types of text content, such as articles, social media posts, and marketing materials.
- **AI art generators:** Such as DALL-E 2 and Midjourney, which can generate digital art based on user descriptions or text prompts.
- **AI code generators:** Such as Codex from OpenAI and GitHub Copilot, which can generate code snippets or assist with code writing tasks.
The demand for AI-generated content is driven by several factors, including the need for efficiency, creativity, and personalization. AI-generated content can save time and resources, generate unique and engaging content, and tailor content to specific audiences.
Stable Diffusion、DALL-E 2、Imagen、Flux等先进模型的出现,使得 AI 在图像生成、视频编辑等 The emergence of advanced models such as Stable Diffusion, DALL-E 2, Imagen and Flux has enabled AI to perform image generation, video editing and other tasks with high quality and creativity
领域的应用越来越广泛。 Its application in the field is becoming increasingly widespread.
此外, 随着 AI 技术民主化的加速, 越来越多的个人用户开始使用 AI 工具进行创作。IXX.AI 通过降低技术门槛和简化内容创作流程, 为这一趋势提供了强有力的支持。 In addition, with the acceleration of the democratization of AI technology, more and more individual users have begun to use AI tools for creation. IXX.AI provides strong support for this trend by lowering the technical threshold and simplifying the content creation process.
未来趋势还包括生成式 AI 技术在 文本生成视频、文本生成3D模型、虚拟世界构建等领域的扩展应用, IXX.AI 作为图像生成的领军平台, 将充分利用这些市场机会, 进一步推动 AI 模型的普及与商业化应用。 Future trends also include the extended application of generative AI technology in text-to-video generation, text-to-3D model generation, and virtual world construction. IXX.AI, as a leading image generation platform, will take full advantage of these market opportunities to further promote the popularization and commercialization of AI models.
4. 核心产品 (Core Products) Core Products
IXX.AI 的核心产品体系为用户提供一个强大、便捷且安全的 AI 模型创建和商业化平台。通过结合先进的技术、丰富的资源和独特的商业模式,IXX.AI 提供了从内容生成、模型交易到版权保护的全方位服务, 确保用户能够轻松创建并合法使用高质量的 AI 模型。 IXX.AI provides users with a powerful, convenient and secure AI model creation and commercialization platform as its core product system. Through a combination of advanced technology, rich resources and unique business model, IXX.AI provides full range of services from content generation, model transaction to copyright protection, ensuring that users can easily create and legally use high-quality AI models.
4.1 商业许可图像库 4.1 Commercial license image library
IXX.A| 提供了一个庞大的高质量商业许可图像库, 作为平台用户的重要资源。为了解决用户在创作和训练 AI 模型时的素材问题, IXX. AI 将采购并整合 1 亿到 5 亿张商业许可的图像, 这些图像均经过严格审核, 确保其拥有明确的商业使用权。用户可以使用这些图像进行各种创意和商业应用, 无需担心版权问题。平台还将根据市场需求和用户反馈, 不断扩充图像库, 确保素材的丰富性和实用性。 IXX.A provides a vast library of high-quality commercially licensed images, serving as a vital resource for platform users. To address users' needs for materials when creating and training AI models, IXX. AI will procure and integrate 100 million to 500 million commercially licensed images, all of which have undergone rigorous review to ensure they have clear commercial usage rights. Users can utilize these images for various creative and commercial applications without copyright concerns. The platform will also continuously expand the image library based on market demands and user feedback, ensuring the abundance and practicality of the materials.
4.2 AI 模型市场 4.2 AI Model Market
IXX.AI 的 AI 模型市场为创作者提供了一个开放的生态系统, 用户可以在这里上传、分享、下载并商业化 AI 模型。该市场不仅涵盖了图像生成、视频生成和 3D 模型生成等多个领域, 还通过用户评价和模型评估机制, 确保高质量的模型能够获得更多的曝光机会。 IXX.AI's AI model marketplace provides an open ecosystem for creators to upload, share, download and commercialize AI models. This marketplace not only covers various fields such as image generation, video generation and 3D model generation, but also ensures high-quality models can gain more exposure opportunities through user reviews and model evaluation mechanisms.
开放市场:用户可以在平台上自由上传、购买、出售模型,并从中获取收益。 Open Market: Users can freely upload, purchase, and sell models on the platform, and generate revenue from them.
模型评估与反馈系统:平台引入了用户评分机制, 确保高质量模型在市场中获得更多的关注, 同时为模型开发者提供优化建议。 Model evaluation and feedback system: This platform introduces a user rating mechanism to ensure that high-quality models receive more attention in the market, while also providing optimization suggestions to model developers.
模型优化服务:对于希望进一步提升模型性能的用户, 平台提供模型优化和微调服务, 帮助开发者更好地满足市场需求。 Model optimization service: For users who want to further improve model performance, the platform provides model optimization and fine-tuning services to help developers better meet market needs.
4.3 图像、视频和 3D 模型生成工具 ## 4.3 Image, Video and 3D Model Generation Tools
IXX.AI 提供了一系列功能强大且用户友好的生成工具, 支持从文本生成图像、视频到 3D 模型。这些工具经过精心设计, 既能满足专业用户的需求, 也能够让没有编程经验的用户轻松使用。 IXX.AI offers a range of powerful and user-friendly generative tools, supporting the generation of images, videos, and 3D models from text. These tools are meticulously designed to meet the needs of professional users while also making them easy to use for those without programming experience.
图像生成工具:通过简单的文本提示, 用户可以生成高质量的图像, 并通过平台的编辑工具进行进一步修改和优化。 Image generation tools: Through simple text prompts, users can generate high-quality images, which can be further edited and optimized through the platform's editing tools.
视频生成工具:支持从文本生成短视频, 并提供智能剪辑和特效添加功能, 使用户能够快速生成符合市场需求的创意视频。 Video Generation Tool: Supports generating short videos from text, and provides intelligent editing and special effects functions, enabling users to quickly generate creative videos that meet market demand.
3D 模型生成工具:IXX.AI 提供了一套基于文本描述的 3D 模型生成工具,帮助用户快速创建复杂的 3D 模型,并支持进一步的编辑和优化。 3D model generation tool: IXX.AI provides a set of 3D model generation tools based on text descriptions, helping users quickly create complex 3D models and support further editing and optimization.
这些生成工具与平台的智能调度系统紧密结合,能够自动优化生成参数,确保输出内容的高质量和个性化。 These generative tools and platforms are tightly integrated with the intelligent scheduling system, which can automatically optimize the generation parameters, ensuring the high quality and personalization of the output content.
4.4 模型训练和微调服务 4.4 Model Training and Fine-tuning Service
IXX.AI 为用户提供了完善的模型训练和微调服务,支持从预训练模型(PUC)到微调模型的全流程管理。用户可以通过平台提供的预训练模型快速上手,同时利用 IXX.AI 的独有技术对模型进行微调,以满足特定的应用需求。 IXX.AI provides users with comprehensive model training and fine-tuning services, supporting the entire process management from pre-trained models (PUCS) to fine-tuned models. Users can quickly get started with the pre-trained models provided by the platform, and at the same time use IXX.AI's unique technology to fine-tune the model to meet specific application needs.
逐步训练模型:平台通过结合底层模型与各种LoRA、Checkpoint、Textual Inversion、 Hypernetwork、Aesthetic Gradient、LyCORIS、Controlnet、Poses、Wildcards、Other等模型,逐步训练出适合不同场景需求的大型模型。 The platform gradually trains large-scale models suitable for different scenarios by combining underlying models with various LoRA, Checkpoint, Textual Inversion, Hypernetwork, Aesthetic Gradient, LyCORIS, Controlnet, Poses, Wildcards, and other models.
分层训练技术:平台采用训练集拆分和图层分层技术,以更加精细化的方式对模型进行训练,确保生成内容的高质量输出,并有效消除 "AI 感"。 Layered training technology: The platform adopts training set splitting and layer hierarchy technology to train the model in a more refined way, ensuring high-quality output of the generated content and effectively eliminating the "AI sense".
生成参数优化:系统能够自动根据用户输入的提示词,优化生成参数,包括图像分辨率、风格和颜色等,确保输出内容符合预期。 Parameter Optimization: The system can automatically optimize generation parameters based on user-specified prompts, including image resolution, style, and color, to ensure that the output content meets expectations.
4.5 版权保护服务 Copyright protection service 4.5
IXX.AI 提供基于区块链技术的版权保护服务,确保用户在平台上生成的模型和内容的版权归属清晰可见,且不可篡改。通过这一服务,平台为每个模型和生成内容提供链上存证,确保其原创性和合法性。 IXX.AI provides copyright protection services based on blockchain technology, ensuring that the copyright of models and content generated on the platform by users is clearly visible and cannot be tampered with. Through this service, the platform provides on-chain evidence for each model and generated content, ensuring its originality and legality.
区块链存证:每个生成的内容都会通过 FLOW Blockchain 记录其版权信息,确保透明度和不可篡改性。 Blockchain-based Verification: Every generated content will have its copyright information recorded through FLOW Blockchain, ensuring transparency and immutability.
智能合约:平台利用智能合约技术自动执行交易和版权费用分配,确保每个参与者的权益能够得到保障。 Smart Contract: The platform leverages smart contract technology to automate transactions and copyright fee distribution, ensuring that the rights of all participants are protected.
安全可靠的版权认证:通过平台的认证服务,创作者可以为自己的作品获得合法的版权保护,从而进一步促进其作品的商业化应用。 Safe and reliable copyright certification: Through the platform's certification service, creators can obtain legal copyright protection for their works, thereby further promoting the commercial application of their works.
4.6 社区功能 ## 4.6 Community Features
IXX.AI 致力于打造一个充满活力的创作者社区,用户可以在这里分享作品、讨论技术、进行合作,并从社区中获取灵感和支持。社区功能不仅促进了知识共享和创新,还为用户提供了更多的创作机会和市场曝光。 IXX.AI is dedicated to building a vibrant community of creators where users can share their work, discuss technology, collaborate, and get inspiration and support from the community. Community features not only facilitate knowledge sharing and innovation but also provide creators with more opportunities and market exposure.
创作者社区:用户可以在平台上展示他们的作品,与其他创作者互动,获得反馈和建议。 Creator Community: Users can showcase their work on the platform, interact with other creators, and receive feedback and suggestions.
合作与知识分享:平台为用户提供了合作机会和创作资源,通过合作项目促进社区的共同成长。 Cooperation and knowledge sharing: the platform provides users with opportunities for collaboration and creative resources, promoting the common growth of the community through collaborative projects.
社区奖励机制:IXX.AI 推出了一系列激励措施,鼓励用户积极参与社区活动和知识共享,进一步增强用户的活跃度和忠诚度。 Community incentive mechanism: IXX.AI has launched a series of incentive measures to encourage users to actively participate in community activities and knowledge sharing, further enhancing user engagement and loyalty.
5. 产品路线 (Product Roadmap) 5. Product Roadmap
IXX.AI 的产品路线规划分为三个主要阶段, 每个阶段都旨在提升平台的功能、扩展用户体验, 并推动 AI 技术在全球范围内的广泛应用与商业化。我们的目标是通过这些阶段性的发展, 逐步构建一个强大的 AI 模型生态系统, 赋能全球创作者、企业和开发者。 ## IXX.AI's product roadmap is divided into three main phases, each aimed at **enhancing platform functionalities, expanding user experiences, and promoting the widespread adoption and commercialization of AI technology on a global scale**.
Through these phased advancements, **we aspire to progressively establish a robust AI model ecosystem, empowering global creators, businesses, and developers**.
时间:第1-12个月 Time: Months 1-12
1. 平台基础设施搭建: 1. Infrastructure construction
构建 IXX.AI 的核心平台,包括 AI 模型市场、生成工具和商业许可图像库。 Construction of the core platform of IXX.AI, including the AI model market, generation tools, and commercially licensed image library.
部署 IXX-Bee 云算力平台,确保平台具备处理大规模 AI 计算任务的能力。 Deploy IXX-Bee cloud computing platform to ensure that the platform has the ability to handle large-scale AI computing tasks.
2. 图像资源库扩展: 2. Image resource library expansion
购买 1 亿到 5 亿张高质量的商业许可图像, 作为平台用户的基础资源, 并开始建立内部素材库。 Purchase 100 million to 500 million high-quality commercially licensed images as the basic resources for platform users, and start to build an internal material library.
模型市场启动: Model market launch:
推出 Stable Diffusion AI 模型市场, 允许用户上传、分享和商业化 AI 模型。 Launch the Stable Diffusion AI model marketplace, allowing users to upload, share, and commercialize AI models.
引入模型评估机制和用户评分系统, 确保市场中的高质量模型获得更多曝光。 Introduce a model evaluation mechanism and user rating system to ensure that high-quality models in the market gain more exposure.
模型训练服务上线: Model training service online:
推出预训练模型 (PUC) 服务, 帮助用户便捷地进行模型训练和微调, 降低技术门槛。 - 提供在线学习资源和教程, 支持用户学习 AI 模型开发和生成技术。 - We have launched the Pre-trained Model (PUC) service to assist users in model training and fine-tuning, lowering the technical barrier.
- We are offering online learning resources and tutorials to help users learn about AI model development and generation techniques.
5. 社区功能启动: 5. Community Function Activation:
启动创作者社区, 提供讨论、作品展示和合作机会, 推动知识共享和创意交流。 Launch a creator community to provide opportunities for discussion, work display, and collaboration, and promote knowledge sharing and creative exchange.
时间:第13-24个月 Time: 13-24 months
1. 多媒体生成工具开发: 1. Development of multimedia generation tools:
开发基于文本的 3D 模型生成工具,允许用户通过简单的文本描述生成 3D 模型,并提供强大的编辑工具。 Develop a **text-based 3D model generation tool**. This tool empowers users to generate 3D models from **simple text descriptions** and equips them with **robust editing tools**.
推出 AI 驱动的视频生成和编辑工具,支持用户快速创建高质量的视频内容。 Launch AI-powered video generation and editing tools to empower users to quickly create high-quality video content.
开发 AI 驱动的音乐与音效生成工具,丰富内容创作的可能性。 Develop AI-powered music and sound effects generation tools, enriching the possibilities of content creation.
2. 高级编辑器上线: 2. Advanced editor launched:
推出类似 Photoshop 的多媒体编辑器,支持图像、视频和 3D 模型的编辑。 Launch a Photoshop-like multimedia editor that supports editing images, videos, and 3D models.
集成 AI 驱动的智能辅助功能,如自动背景、角色和场景生成,进一步降低创作门槛。 Integrate AI-powered intelligent assistance functions, such as automatic background, character, and scene generation, to further lower the threshold for creation.
3. 模型训练优化: ## 3. Model Training Optimization
通过"训练集拆分"和"图层分层"技术,优化模型训练过程,提高输出内容的真实感和质量。 By using "training set splitting" and "graph layer splitting" techniques, this technology optimizes the model training process and improves the quality and realism of the output content.
持续扩展 IXX.AI 的大型模型库, 增强平台的生成能力和多样性。 Continuously expand the IXX.AI large model library to enhance the platform's generative capabilities and diversity.
深化与 FLOW Blockchain 的整合,增强链上版权保护的功能,确保每个模型和生成内容的版权信息透明且不可篡改。 Deepen the integration with FLOW Blockchain to enhance the function of copyright protection on the chain, ensuring that copyright information for each model and generated content is transparent and tamper-proof.
Phase III: 创意世界的构建 (Building an Immersive Creative World) Phase III: Building an Immersive Creative World
时间:第25-36个月 Time: 25-36 months
1. 个人世界构建工具推出: 1. Unveiling the personal world-building tool:
开发用户友好的世界构建工具,允许用户基于文本生成的图像、视频和 3D 模型创建自己的虚拟世界。 Develop user-friendly world-building tools that allow users to create their own virtual worlds based on text-generated images, videos, and 3D models.
提供预设场景、角色和故事模板,降低世界构建的复杂性,帮助用户快速创建丰富的虚拟环境。 By providing preset scenarios, characters and story templates, we can simplify the complexity of world-building and help users create rich virtual environments quickly.
游戏化与电影化功能上线: The gamification and film functions are online
提供下—代 AI 工具,帮助用户将其虚拟世界转化为互动式游戏或电影。 Provide next-generation AI tools that empower users to transform their virtual worlds into interactive games or movies.
。 支持多视角互动体验,使用户能够从不同的角度体验内容,丰富叙事方式和用户参与度。 Support multi-perspective interactive experience, allowing users to experience content from different perspectives, enriching narrative methods and user engagement.
3. 世界分享与协作平台构建: 3. Building a platform for global sharing and collaboration:
建立一个虚拟世界地图和社交平台,帮助用户发现并连接其他创作者,共同打造更加宏大的虚拟世界。 Establish a virtual world map and social platform to help users discover and connect with other creators, and work together to create a more grand virtual world.
提供协作创作工具,支持多个创作者共同参与项目开发,进一步丰富创意内容的深度和广度。 Provide collaborative creation tools to support multiple creators to participate in project development, further enrich the depth and breadth of creative content.
4. 商业化支持扩展: ## 4. Business support expansion:
扩展平台的商业化支持功能,帮助用户将其创作的虚拟世界、游戏或电影内容变现,通过版权授权、内容销售等方式获取收益。 Extend the platform's commercialization support capabilities to help users monetize their virtual worlds, games or movie content through copyright licensing, content sales and other methods to generate revenue.
技术架构 (Technical Architecture) Technical Architecture IXX.AI 的技术架构设计结合了自主研发的 IXX-Bee 云算力平台、第三方云服务以及基于区块链的版权保护机制,旨在为用户提供高效、安全且可扩展的 AI 模型生成和交易平台。IXX. AI 利用最前沿的人工智能技术,包括深度学习、生成对抗网络(GAN)、自然语言处理(NLP)和 3D 模型生成,确保用户能够生成高质量的内容,并保护其版权和数据隐私。 The technical architecture of IXX.AI integrates the self-developed IXX-Bee cloud computing platform, third-party cloud services, and a blockchain-based copyright protection mechanism, aiming to provide users with an efficient, secure, and scalable AI model generation and trading platform. IXX. AI leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, including deep learning, generative adversarial networks (GANs), natural language processing (NLP), and 3D model generation, ensuring that users can generate high-quality content while protecting their copyrights and data privacy.
IXX-Bee 是 IXX.AI 自主研发的云算力平台,专为支持大规模的 AI 模型训练和生成任务而设计。通过 IXX-Bee,平台能够提供强大的分布式计算能力,处理复杂的 AI 计算需求,同时与第三方云服务平台集成,确保平台具有灵活的可扩展性和高可用性。 IXX-Bee is a cloud computing platform independently developed by IXX.AI,專為支持大規模的 AI 模型訓練和生成任務而設計。通過 IXX-Bee,平台能夠提供强大的分布式计算能力,处理复杂的 AI 计算需求,同时与第三方云服务平台集成,确保平台具有灵活的可扩展性和高可用性 IXX-Bee is a cloud computing platform independently developed by IXX.AI, especially designed to support large-scale AI model training and generation tasks. Through IXX-Bee, the platform is able to provide powerful distributed computing capabilities, handle complex AI computing needs, and integrate with third-party cloud service platforms to ensure that the platform has flexible scalability and high availability.
分布式计算架构:IXX-Bee 采用分布式计算架构,能够高效处理大规模的数据和复杂的 AI 任务,为平台的 AI 模型训练提供强大的算力支持。 Distributed computing architecture: IXX-Bee adopts a distributed computing architecture, which can efficiently handle large-scale data and complex AI tasks, providing powerful computing power support for the platform's AI model training.
算力贡献机制:平台允许用户接入自己的计算资源,成为平台的算力提供者。通过参与平台的计算任务,用户能够获得相应的奖励,形成去中心化的算力网络。 Computational power contribution mechanism: The platform allows users to access their own computing resources to become the platform's computing power providers. By participating in the platform's computing tasks, users can obtain corresponding rewards, forming a decentralized computing power network.
第三方云服务整合:平台通过整合外部云服务,确保在高峰期也能平稳运行,并根据需求动态扩展计算资源,提高系统的稳定性和用户体验。 Third-party cloud services integration: The platform integrates external cloud services to ensure smooth operation during peak periods, dynamically scales computing resources based on demand, and improves system stability and user experience.
自动调度与优化:IXX.AI 系统能够根据用户需求自动调度模型和算力资源,确保生成任务的高效执行和最佳性能。 Automatic scheduling and optimization:
The IXX.AI system can automatically schedule model and computing resources according to user needs, ensuring efficient execution and optimal performance of generation tasks.
6.2 AI 模型调度与优化系统 ## 6.2 AI Model Scheduling and Optimization System
IXX.AI 的智能调度系统可以自动优化生成任务,根据用户的输入和需求动态调整生成参数,确保最终输出的高质量。系统利用深度学习和生成对抗网络(GAN)技术优化模型性能和生成内容。 IXX.AI's intelligent scheduling system can automatically optimize the generation of tasks, dynamically adjust the generation parameters based on user input and needs, and ensure the high quality of the final output. The system utilizes deep learning and generative adversarial network (GAN) technology to optimize model performance and generate content.
智能调度系统:平台会根据生成任务的复杂性,自动调度最合适的 AI 模型和算力资源,减少用户操作复杂度,同时提高模型生成的效率。 Intelligent scheduling system: The platform will automatically dispatch the most suitable AI model and computing resources based on the complexity of the generation task, reducing the complexity of user operation and improving the efficiency of model generation.
参数优化系统:系统利用深度学习和 GAN 技术,根据用户输入的提示词动态调整图像、视频或 3D 模型的生成参数(如分辨率、风格、颜色等),确保最终输出内容符合用户预期。 Parameter optimization system: The system uses deep learning and GAN technology to dynamically adjust the generation parameters of images, videos, or 3D models (such as resolution, style, color, etc.) according to the prompt words input by the user, ensuring that the final output content meets the user's expectations.
实时反馈与优化:用户可以在生成过程中查看实时预览,并根据需要对生成内容进行微调,系统会根据这些调整实时优化输出。 Real-time feedback and optimization: Users can view the real-time preview during the generation process and fine-tune the generated content as needed. The system will optimize the output in real-time based on these adjustments.
6.3 版权保护与区块链存证 ### 6.3 Copyright Protection and Blockchain Evidence
IXX.AI 的区块链技术为用户提供了先进的版权保护机制,确保平台上生成的每个 AI 模型和内容的原创性和合法性。平台利用 FLOW Blockchain 记录和验证模型和生成内容的版权信息,并通过智能合约确保交易和版权分配的透明性。 IXX.AI's blockchain technology provides users with an advanced copyright protection mechanism, ensuring the originality and legality of every AI model and content generated on the platform. The platform leverages FLOW Blockchain to record and verify the copyright information of models and generated content, and utilizes smart contracts to ensure the transparency of transactions and copyright allocation.
链上存证:每个模型和生成内容的版权信息都会记录在 FLOW Blockchain 上,确保其透明、不可篡改,并为用户提供可靠的版权证明。 On-chain Proofing: Copyright information for each model and generated content will be recorded on the FLOW Blockchain, ensuring transparency, immutability, and providing users with reliable proof of copyright.
工作量证明机制 (Proof-of-Work):系统通过记录模型的训练过程、参数和计算资源贡献,确保每个模型的原创性和开发者的权益。 Proof-of-Work mechanism: The system ensures the originality and rights of each model by recording the training process, parameters, and computing resource contributions of the model.
智能合约:通过智能合约,平台自动执行交易和收益分配,确保每个参与者(包括模型开发者、算力贡献者和创意提供者)获得公平的收益。 Smart contracts: Through smart contracts, the platform automatically executes transactions and revenue distribution, ensuring that each participant (including model developers, computing power contributors, and creative providers) gets a fair share of the benefits.
6.4 深度学习与生成对抗网络 (GAN) 6.4 Deep Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
IXX.AI 平台集成了最新的深度学习和生成对抗网络(GAN)技术,为图像生成、视频生成和 3D 模型生成提供先进的算法支持。这些技术能够大幅提高生成内容的真实性和视觉质量。 IXX.AI platform integrates the latest deep learning and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) technologies to provide advanced algorithm support for image generation, video generation and 3D model generation. These technologies can significantly improve the realism and visual quality of generated content.
深度学习技术:平台通过深度学习模型处理复杂的自然语言输入,生成高度个性化的图像、视频和 3D 模型输出。 Deep learning technology: The platform uses deep learning models to process complex natural language inputs and generate highly personalized image, video, and 3D model outputs.
GAN 技术:GAN 技术通过生成器和判别器的对抗训练,不断优化生成内容的视觉效果,确保输出的图像和视频内容更加逼真、细淢。 GAN technology: GAN technology constantly optimizes the visual effect of generated content through the adversarial training of generators and discriminators, ensuring that the output image and video content is more realistic and detailed.
6.5 训练集拆分与图层分层技术 6.5 Training set splitting and level layering technology
IXX.AI 采用了训练集拆分和图层分层技术,以提高模型训练的效率和输出质量。这些技术通过对不同的素材、图层进行独立处理和训练,确保生成内容在细节和整体效果上达到更高的标准。 IXX.AI employs training set splitting and layer-by-layer technology to improve model training efficiency and output quality. These technologies ensure that the generated content meets higher standards in terms of detail and overall effect by independently processing and training different materials and layers.
训练集拆分:平台将模型训练任务分解为更小的子任务,独立训练不同的材质、光影效果和纹理细节,从而提升模型在复杂场景下的表现能力。 Training set split: The platform decomposes the model training task into smaller sub-tasks, which are trained independently for different materials, lighting effects, and texture details, thereby enhancing the model's ability to perform in complex scenarios.
图层分层:系统将图像或 3D 模型的各个元素(如背景、前景、阴影、光效等)逐一分离进行训练,确保每个元素的质感和效果在生成时都能得到完美展现。 Layer by layer: The system separates and trains individual elements of an image or 3D model (such as background, foreground, shadows, lighting, etc.) one by one, ensuring that the texture and effect of each element are perfectly displayed during generation.
6.6 安全与隐私保护 6.6 Security and Privacy Protection
IXX.AI 平台高度重视用户数据的安全与隐私保护, 采用先进的加密技术和访问控制机制, 确保用户数据在传输和存储过程中的安全性和合规性。 IXX.AI attaches great importance to user data security and privacy protection, adopting advanced encryption technology and access control mechanisms to ensure the security and compliance of user data during transmission and storage.
端到端加密:所有数据在传输和存储过程中均经过端到端加密,确保数据在平台上的安全性。 End-to-end encryption: All data is end-to-end encrypted during transmission and storage, ensuring data security on the platform.
角色访问控制 (RBAC):平台采用基于角色的访问控制机制, 确保只有授权用户能够访问敏感数据。 Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): The platform uses a role-based access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data.
隐私合规:IXX.AI 遵循全球数据隐私法规(如 GDPR), 确保用户数据得到充分保护, 平台提供透明的隐私政策和数据使用声明。 Privacy compliance: IXX.AI complies with global data privacy regulations (such as GDPR) to ensure that user data is adequately protected. The platform provides transparent privacy policies and data usage statements.
6.7 数据管理与大数据分析 ## 6.7 Data Management and Big Data Analysis
IXX.AI 利用大数据技术管理和分析平台上的海量用户数据, 通过分析用户行为和偏好, 为用户提供个性化的模型推荐和优化服务。 With advanced big data technology, IXX.AI manages and analyzes massive user data on the platform. By analyzing user behavior and preferences, it provides personalized model recommendations and optimization services to users.
大数据处理:平台采用分布式数据存储和处理系统, 能够实时分析大量用户数据, 并根据这些数据优化用户体验。 Big data processing: The platform uses a distributed data storage and processing system that can analyze a large amount of user data in real time and optimize the user experience based on this data.
个性化推荐系统: 通过机器学习算法, 平台能够根据用户的历史行为和偏好, 智能推荐最符合需求的 AI 模型和生成工具。 Personalized Recommendation System: By leveraging machine learning algorithms, the platform can intelligently recommend the most suitable AI models and generation tools based on users' historical behaviors and preferences.
性能优化:通过数据分析, IXX.AI 不断优化模型性能和平台响应速度,提升整体用户体验。 Performance Optimization: Through data analysis, IXX.AI continuously optimizes model performance and platform response speed, improving overall user experience.
7. 商业模式 (Business Model) 7. Business Model
IXX.AI 的商业模式基于 Web3 技术, 通过去中心化架构和智能合约实现多样化的收入来源, 并为平台用户提供透明、公平的收益分配。以下是 IXX.AI 平台的主要收入来源和定价策略。 ## IXX.AI's Business Model
IXX.AI's business model is based on Web3 technology. Through its decentralized architecture and smart contracts, IXX.AI achieves diversified revenue streams while providing transparent and fair profit distribution to its users. The following are the main revenue sources and pricing strategy of the IXX.AI platform:
7.1 收入来源 (Revenue Streams) 7.1 Revenue Streams
1. 模型销售与交易佣金: 1. Commission for model sales and transactions:
用户可以在平台上创建、上传和销售 AI 模型。每次交易发生时, 平台将从交易额中收取一定比例的佣金。通过智能合约自动执行交易和收益分配,确保交易过程透明且安全。 Users can create, upload and sell AI models on the platform. The platform will charge a certain percentage of commission from the transaction amount for each transaction. Transactions and income distribution are automatically executed through smart contracts, ensuring that the transaction process is transparent and secure.
平台上的交易包括模型的单次销售、长期授权和模型的订阅服务, 用户可以灵活选择适合自己的交易方式。 The transactions on the platform include one-time sales of models, long-term licenses and subscription services of models. Users can flexibly choose the transaction method that suits them.
内容许可与使用费用: Content license and usage fee:
IXX.AI 提供的 AI 生成工具使用户能够创建高质量的图像、视频和3D模型。用户可以选择将生成的内容进行商业化,并通过平台进行内容授权交易。每次内容授权交易,平台将收取一定比例的使用费用。 IXX.AI provides AI generative tools that allow users to create high-quality images, videos, and 3D models. Users can choose to commercialize the generated content and trade content licenses through the platform. For each content licensing transaction, the platform will charge a certain percentage of usage fees.
平台支持去中心化存储和分发,确保用户可以安全地将内容用于商业目的,同时保护其版权。 The platform supports decentralized storage and distribution, which ensures that users can safely use the content for commercial purposes while protecting their copyright.
3. 订阅服务: 3. Subscription services:
IXX.AI 提供多层级的订阅服务,用户可以根据需求选择不同的功能和服务。订阅级别包括基础功能、进阶工具以及专属的去中心化生成工具等。 IXX.AI offers tiered subscription services, allowing users to select different features and services based on their needs. Subscription levels include basic functions, advanced tools, and dedicated decentralized generation tools.
In addition to the translation, I would like to suggest the following:
* You may want to consider adding a brief description of each subscription level to provide users with a better understanding of the options available.
* You may also want to include a link to the IXX.AI website so that users can learn more about the subscription services.
高级订阅用户将享有更多的特权,例如更强大的生成能力、专属的模型和资源库访问权限,以及更快速的技术支持。 Advanced subscribers will enjoy more privileges, such as stronger generation capabilities, access to exclusive models and resource libraries, and faster technical support.
4. 用户治理与代币经济: ## 4. User Governance and Token Economics:
## 4. User Governance and Tokenomics:
## 4. User Governance and Token Economy:
## 4. User Governance and Tokenomics:
## 4. User Governance and Token Economy:
## 4. User Governance & Token Economics:
IXX.AI平台通过治理机制,用户可以持有平台的治理代币,参与平台的管理和决策。代币持有者可以通过投票决定平台的发展方向、收益分配比例等。治理代币同时具有经济价值,用户可以通过持有和交易代币获取收益。 IXX.AI platform adopts a governance mechanism that allows users to hold governance tokens and participate in the management and decision-making of the platform. Token holders can vote on the direction of the platform's development, revenue allocation, and other issues. Governance tokens also have economic value, and users can obtain 收益 by holding and trading tokens.
平台还将推出代币奖励机制,激励用户参与内容创作、模型交易和社区治理,进一步增强用户的参与度和平台的活跃性。 The platform will also introduce a token reward mechanism to incentivize users to participate in content creation, model trading, and community governance, further enhancing user engagement and platform activity.
5. API访问与开发者支持: ## 5. API Access and Developer Support:
IXX.AI 提供开放的API接口,允许企业和开发者将平台的AI模型生成能力集成到他们的应用程序中。API访问将按使用量收费,具体定价根据调用次数和使用功能的复杂性而定。 IXX.AI provides open API interfaces, allowing companies and developers to integrate the platform's AI model generation capabilities into their applications. API access will be charged according to usage, with specific pricing based on the number of calls and the complexity of the functions used.
开发者还可以通过参与平台的去中心化开发者社区,获得代币奖励,并通过智能合约实现自动化的收益分配。 Developers can also participate in the platform's decentralized developer community to earn token rewards and achieve automated revenue distribution through smart contracts.
广告与赞助机会: Advertising and sponsorship opportunities:
IXX.AI 平台通过广告展示和赞助机会获取额外收入。广告内容将与平台的AI生成和Web3社区紧密相关,确保广告的高效性和用户的接受度。 The IXX.AI platform generates additional revenue through advertising displays and sponsorship opportunities. Advertising content will be closely related to the platform's AI generation and Web3 community, ensuring advertising effectiveness and user acceptance.
。 平台还将为赞助商提供专属的品牌推广机会, 特别是在去中心化内容生成和虚拟世界构建领域。 The platform will offer sponsors exclusive branding opportunities, especially in decentralized content generation and virtual world building.
模型的定价将基于其复杂性、受欢迎程度、使用频率等因素。平台将提供定价建议,但最终价格由模型创建者决定。交易佣金将通过智能合约自动计算并分配。 The model's pricing will be based on factors such as its complexity, popularity, and usage frequency. The platform will provide pricing suggestions, but the final price will be determined by the model creator. Transaction commissions will be automatically calculated and distributed through smart contracts.
2. 内容许可费: 2. Content License Fee:
内容许可费根据图像、视频和3D模型的质量、授权范围和使用场景来制定。平台提供灵活的定价选项,用户可以选择单次许可或长期授权,满足不同商业需求。 The content licensing fee is determined based on the quality, licensing scope, and use scenario of the images, videos, and 3D models. The platform provides flexible pricing options, allowing users to choose between one-time licenses and long-term authorizations to meet different business needs.
3. 订阅服务定价: 3. Subscription service pricing:
订阅服务分为多个等级,从基础会员到高级会员,用户可以根据需求选择适合的订阅方案。高级订阅提供更多的功能和服务,价格也相应提高。 Subscription services are divided into multiple tiers, from basic to advanced, users can choose the right subscription plan according to their needs. Advanced subscriptions offer more features and services, and the price is also higher accordingly.
4. API访问定价: 4. API Access Pricing:
API访问的定价基于调用次数和使用功能的复杂性,企业和开发者可以根据需求选择不同的套餐。定价将透明且灵活,以适应不同规模的开发需求。 The pricing of API access is based on the number of calls and the complexity of the functions used. Enterprises and developers can choose different plans according to their needs. Pricing will be transparent and flexible to accommodate different scales of development needs.
5. 代币经济与收益分配: 5. Token Economy and Revenue Distribution:
。 平台的治理代币不仅用于决策投票,还可以在二级市场交易。代币持有者可以通过参与平台治理和社区活动获得代币奖励,并通过智能合约自动分配收益。 The platform's governance token is not only used for voting on decisions, but also can be traded on the secondary market. Token holders can earn token rewards by participating in platform governance and community activities, and the 收益 are automatically distributed through smart contracts.
代币的价格将根据市场供需波动,但平台将确保其价值与平台的实际使用和参与度紧密相关。 The price of the token will fluctuate according to market supply and demand, but the platform will ensure that its value is closely linked to the actual use and participation of the platform.
Alkaid 拥有多年互联网行业经验,曾负责超过 1.5 亿用户的运营,成功运营过一家知名图片版权平台,深谙图片版权市场。此外,他主导过多个云游戏项目,成功扭转了一个亏损平台的局面,实现快速增长和盈利。早期职业生涯中,他还参与搭建过交易所的运营体系,积累了丰富的市场运作经验。在 Web3 领域,Alkaid 深入了解去中心化应用的市场动态和商业化机遇,致力于推动 AI 与区块链技术的融合。 With over a decade of experience in the internet industry, Alkaid has managed operations for over 150 million users. Notably, he successfully operated a well-known image copyright platform, demonstrating deep expertise in the image copyright market. Additionally, he led multiple cloud gaming projects, successfully transforming a loss-making platform into one experiencing rapid growth and profitability. Early in his career, he also participated in building a trading platform's operational system, gaining extensive market operation experience. In the Web3 domain, Alkaid has a profound understanding of the market dynamics and commercial opportunities associated with decentralized applications and is dedicated to promoting the integration of AI and blockchain technologies.
2. 技术负责人 (CTO) - Travis 2. Technical Director (CTO) - Travis
Travis 拥有 8 年的协同场景架构与编辑器开发经验,精通技术架构设计与优化,且在 AI 技术和 Web3 应用上有丰富的实践经验。在 GitHub 上获得 26K 星,确保 IXX.AI 的技术领先地位。Travis 还参与过多个去中心化项目的开发,熟悉区块链技术,为平台的技术创新和社区建设提供了强大的支持。 Travis has 8 years of collaborative scene architecture and editor development experience. He is proficient in technical architecture design and optimization, and has extensive practical experience in AI technology and Web3 applications. He has 26K stars on GitHub, ensuring the technical leadership of IXX.AI. Travis has also participated in the development of multiple decentralized projects, is familiar with blockchain technology, and provides strong support for the platform's technological innovation and community construction.
3. 产品经理 - Shinra 3. Product Manager - Shinra
Shinra 拥有丰富的云计算平台建设经验,负责 IXX.AI 的产品策略制定和实施。他在架构设计和用户体验优化方面表现出色,确保了平台的易用性和功能的先进性。同时,他对 Web3 的发展趋势有深入的 Shinra has extensive experience in cloud platform construction and is responsible for the product strategy development and implementation of IXX.AI. He has excelled in architectural design and user experience optimization, ensuring the platform's ease of use and advanced functionality. At the same time, he has a deep understanding of Web3's development trends.
了解,致力于将 IXX.AI 打造为一个支持去中心化创作者和开发者的创新平台。 Sure, I understand. I will translate the text to English, keeping the HTML tag and providing the translation directly without any additional text.
Here is the translation:
Understand, committed to building IXX.AI into an innovative platform that supports decentralized creators and developers.
4. 产品运营经理 (Product Operations Manager) - Energy 4. Product Operations Manager - Energy
Energy 曾担任百万 DAU 游戏工具类软件的产品经理,并参与去中心化交易所的搭建,负责 Dapp 模块的运营与开发。作为全栈开发者,他成功推出了多款应用,尤其是在 Web3 和区块链项目的市场扩展方面,展现了卓越的领导力与执行力。 Energy served as a product manager for a game utility software with millions of DAUs, and participated in the construction of a decentralized exchange, where he was responsible for the operation and development of the Dapp module. As a full-stack developer, he has successfully launched multiple applications, demonstrating exceptional leadership and execution capabilities, especially in market expansion for Web3 and blockchain projects.
5. 高级前端开发人员 - PromiseX 5. Senior Front-End Developer - PromiseX
PromiseX 精通前端工程化,擅长从 0 到 1 构建复杂的 Web 应用和 SaaS 解决方案。他曾在知名图片版权平台独立负责核心功能模块的开发,如富文本编辑器和自动化工作流,推动了团队的技术进步。此外,PromiseX 对 Web3 前端架构有深入研究,推动了IXX.AI 在去中心化前端开发中的进步。 PromiseX is proficient in front-end engineering and excels in building complex Web applications and SaaS solutions from scratch. He has independently developed core functional modules for a well-known image copyright platform, such as rich text editors and automated workflows, driving the team's technological advancement. In addition, PromiseX has in-depth research on Web3 front-end architecture, and promoted the progress of IXX.AI in decentralized front-end development.
6. 运维负责人 - Smith 6. Operations Manager - Smith
Smith 拥有丰富的自动化运维开发和安全保障经验,曾为国际大型会议和联合国教科文组织提供安全服务支持。他确保了 IXX.AI 平台在全球范围内的稳定运行,并为 Web3 相关的安全性需求提供了强有力的技术保障。 Smith has extensive experience in automated operation and maintenance development and security, and has provided security service support for international conferences and UNESCO. He has ensured the stable operation of the IXX.AI platform globally and provided strong technical support for security requirements related to Web3.
7. 高级后端开发 - Light 7. Advanced backend development - Light
Light 曾在知名图片版权平台负责 3 亿 + 内容的维护及后台系统搭建,专注于平台大数据处理的稳定性与高效性。作为后端开发负责人,他还参与了 IXX.AI 在区块链技术上的集成,为平台的数据安全与性能优化提供了后盾。 Light worked on the maintenance of 300 million+ content and backend system construction in a well-known image copyright platform, focusing on the stability and efficiency of platform big data processing. As the backend development manager, he also participated in the integration of IXX.AI in blockchain technology, providing support for data security and performance optimization of the platform.
9. 融资目标与代币分配 (Funding Scale and Token Allocation) 9. Funding Scale and Token Allocation
IXX.AI 的融资目标是通过发行平台代币 IXX 来支持平台的持续发展,涵盖技术开发、市场推广、社区建设和用户激励等多个方面。通过合理的代币分配和严格的机制设计,IXX.AI 致力于为所有参与者创造长期价值。 IXX.AI's financing goal is to support the platform's sustainable development through the issuance of platform tokens IXX, covering various aspects such as technology development, market promotion, community building and user incentives. Through reasonable token allocation and strict mechanism design, IXX.AI is committed to creating long-term value for all participants.
9.1 种子轮融资目标 ## 9.1 Seed Round Funding Goal
初始价格:0.025 美元/枚 IXX 代币 Initial price: $0.025 per IXX token.
种子轮融资目标: 500 万美元 Seed round financing target: $5 million
销售份额: 种子轮的 代币,即机构将持有 2 亿枚代币 Sales share:
锁仓机制: 机构销售部分代币有 1 年的锁仓期,1年内无法售出 Locking mechanism: Institutions that sell some tokens have a 1-year lock-up period and cannot be sold within 1 year
9.2融资规模与代币分配 (Funding Scale and Token Allocation) ## Funding Scale and Token Allocation
IXX.AI 计划发行 10 亿枚 IXX 代币,并通过以下方式进行分配: IXX.AI plans to issue 1 billion IXX tokens and distribute them as follows:
团队 (30%): Team (30%):
。 30% 的 IXX 代币将保留给团队,作为团队发展的长期激励。这部分代币将用于吸引和保留顶尖人才,支持技术创新和平台的持续优化,同时为了增强市场用户信心,确保代币经济的稳健健康,保留的团队代币将有5年期的锁仓,每年2月1日解锁6%的代币。 30% of the IXX tokens will be allocated to the team as long-term incentives for team development. This portion of tokens will be used to attract and retain top talent, support technological innovation and the continuous optimization of the platform. At the same time, in order to enhance market user confidence and ensure the stable and healthy development of the token economy, the reserved team tokens will be locked up for a period of 5 years, with 6% of the tokens unlocked on February 1st of each year.
解锁份额 Unlock share
第一年 First year
第二年 Second year
第三年 The third year
第四年 Fourth year
第五年 The fifth year
的代币将用于销售,通过种子轮融资等方式筹集资金。这些资金将主要用于平台的技术开发、市场推广和社区建设,确保 IXX.AI 的快速成长和市场渗透。 The tokens of ` ` will be used for sale to raise funds through methods such as seed rounds. These funds will be mainly used for the platform's technology development, market promotion and community building, ensuring the rapid growth and market penetration of IXX.AI.
20%机构,代币一年锁仓期,每个机构的购买额度不超过 20% institutions, with a one-year lock-up period for tokens, and the purchase quota for each institution shall not exceed
20%用户,代币一年锁仓期,每个地址的购买额度不超过 20% of users, tokens are locked up for a year, and the purchase quota for each address does not exceed
社区营销 (20%): Community marketing (20%):
的 IXX 代币将用于社区营销,激励更多用户加入和参与平台。通过空投、推广活动和其他社区激励措施,IXX.AI 将建立一个强大且富有活力的社区生态系统。 's IXX tokens will be used for community marketing to encourage more users to join and participate in the platform. Through airdrops, promotional activities and other community incentive measures, IXX.AI will establish a strong and vibrant community ecosystem.
平台用户激励 (10%): Platform user incentive (10%):
的 IXX 代币将专门用于激励平台用户,鼓励用户通过生成作品、炼制模型、参与平台活动等方式积极参与,推动平台的长期发展和内容生态的丰富。 “IXX” tokens will be exclusively used to incentivize users to actively participate in the platform by creating works, refining models, and participating in platform activities, to promote the platform's long-term development and enrich its content ecosystem.
不增发, 固定总量: No additional issuance, fixed total amount:
。 IXX 代币的总发行量为 10 亿枚,不会进行额外增发,确保代币的稀缺性和持有者的长期利益。 The total supply of IXX tokens is 1 billion, and no additional issuance will be made, ensuring the scarcity of the tokens and the long-term interests of holders.
2. 用户激励与手续费折扣: ## 2. User Incentives and Fee Discounts:
IXX 代币不仅用于平台内的交易,还将作为用户激励和奖励的一部分。用户在平台上进行操作 (如生成作品、炼制、参与社区活动等)都将获得 IXX 代币奖励,进一步提高用户的参与度和平台活跃度。 The IXX token is not only used for in-platform transactions, but will also be part of user incentives and rewards. Users will be rewarded with IXX tokens for their participation in platform activities such as creating works, refining, and participating in community events, further enhancing user engagement and platform activity.
持有 IXX 代币的用户还可以在平台交易和铸造 AI 模型时享受手续费折扣,持有量越大,享受的折扣越多,激励用户长期持有和使用 IXX 代币。 Users holding IXX tokens can also enjoy transaction fee discounts when trading and casting AI models on the platform. The larger the holding, the greater the discount, encouraging users to hold and use IXX tokens for the long term.
。 我们将启动种子轮融资,通过发行 IXX 代币筹集资金,用于平台的持续开发、市场推广和社区建设。种子轮投资者将获得 IXX 代币,成为平台早期的支持者和受益者。 ## Translated Text:
We will launch a seed round of financing to raise funds for the platform's continued development, marketing, and community building through the issuance of IXX tokens. Seed round investors will receive IXX tokens, becoming early supporters and beneficiaries of the platform.
2. 空投计划 (Airdrop): 2. Airdrop
IXX.AI 将定期通过社区活动和官网发布空投计划,回馈早期支持者和活跃用户。用户可以通过关注我们的社交媒体、官网公告等方式参与空投活动,获得免费的 IXX 代币。 IXX.AI will regularly launch airdrop programs through community activities and official website announcements to reward early supporters and active users. Users can participate in airdrop activities and obtain free IXX tokens by following our social media and official website announcements.
3. 平台活跃奖励: 3. Platform Activity Rewards:
用户在 IXX 平台上进行日常操作(如登录、浏览作品、铸造作品等)都将获得 IXX 代币奖励。这一激励机制鼓励用户活跃使用平台,并通过日常活动逐步积累代币。 Users who perform daily operations on the IXX platform (such as logging in, browsing works, and minting works) will be rewarded with IXX tokens. This incentive mechanism encourages users to actively use the platform and gradually accumulate tokens through daily activities.
4. 营销与推广奖励: 4. Marketing and Promotion Rewards:
IXX 代币还将用于奖励在平台营销和推广活动中表现突出的用户。通过推荐新用户、参与在线或线下活动等方式,用户可以获得额外的 IXX 代币奖励。 The IXX tokens will also be used to reward users who perform well in platform marketing and promotion activities. Users can earn additional IXX token rewards by recommending new users, participating in online or offline activities, and other methods.
9.5 融资资金的使用 (Use of Funds) 9.5 Use of financing proceeds
通过种子轮融资和代币分发筹集的资金将用于以下几个关键领域: The funds raised through seed round financing and token distribution will be used in the following key areas:
1. **Product Development and Technology:** To accelerate the development of our core product, the XXX platform, and enhance its functionalities and user experience. This includes ongoing research and development efforts, as well as the recruitment of top engineering talent.
2. **Community Building and Growth:** To expand our global community of users and developers, and foster a vibrant ecosystem around the XXX platform. This will involve engaging in strategic marketing initiatives, hosting community events and hackathons, and providing comprehensive support to our users.
3. **Ecosystem Development and Partnerships:** To establish strategic partnerships with key players in the blockchain industry, including exchanges, wallets, and other decentralized applications. This will help us integrate the XXX platform into the broader crypto ecosystem and leverage the expertise of other leading projects.
4. **Marketing and Business Development:** To increase awareness and adoption of the XXX platform, and attract new users and businesses to our ecosystem. This will involve targeted marketing campaigns, participation in industry events, and the development of strategic partnerships with other organizations.
5. **Team Expansion and Operations:** To grow our team of experienced professionals and build a strong operational foundation for the project. This includes hiring talent across various disciplines, such as engineering, marketing, community management, and legal.
We believe that this comprehensive approach will enable us to achieve our vision of creating a decentralized and user-friendly platform that empowers individuals to take control of their digital identities and data
技术开发: 持续开发和优化 IXX 平台的核心功能,提升用户体验,确保平台在技术上的领先地位。 Technical development: Continuously develop and optimize the core functions of the IXX platform, improve user experience, and ensure the platform's leading position in technology.
市场推广: 扩大IXX 平台的市场影响力, 通过多渠道营销策略吸引更多用户和开发者参与平台生态。 Market promotion: Expand the market influence of the IXX platform, attract more users and developers to participate in the platform ecology through multi-channel marketing strategies.
社区建设: 激励和支持社区成员的参与, 建立一个活跃且富有凝聚力的 Web3 社区, 推动平台的可持续发展。 Community Building: To incentivize and support community members' engagement, create a vibrant and cohesive Web3 community, and drive platform's sustainable development.
IXX.AI 的财务预测基于平台发展阶段、用户增长预期和业务模式的推进。随着平台的逐步完善和用户群体的扩大, IXX.AI 预计将在未来几年内实现显著的收入增长和盈利。 IXX.AI's financial forecast is based on the platform's development stage, user growth expectations and business model advancement. As the platform continues to improve and the user base expands, IXX.AI expects to achieve significant revenue growth and profitability in the coming years.
10.1 第一阶段(Year 1: 平台建设与用户获取) 10.1 Stage 1 (Year 1: Platform construction and user acquisition)
战略重点: 平台基础设施建设、图像库扩展、用户群体的初步获取。 Strategic Priorities: Platform Infrastructure Development, Image Library Expansion, and User Acquisition.
收入预测: 无商业收入 No commercial revenue
说明: 第一年的重点在于完成平台基础设施建设、图库购买以及用户群体的初步获取。该阶段不开展商业行为, 主要投入在产品开发和市场推广上。 Explanation: The first year mainly focuses on completing the platform infrastructure construction, purchasing the image library, and acquiring the initial user base. No commercial activities will be carried out during this phase, and the main investment will be in product development and market promotion.
预计成本: 500 万美元 Estimated cost: 5 million USD
图库购买: 250 万美元 $2.5 million for image library purchases
。 产品研发:100 万美元 Product development: $1 million
技术基础设施:50 万美元 $500,000 for technology infrastructure
团队薪资及运营:100万美元 Team salaries and operations: \$1 million
10.2 第二阶段(Year 2:扩张与商业化启动) ## 10.2 Phase Two (Year 2: Expansion and Commercialization Launch)
目标: 吸引更多用户, 推动初步商业化, 同时获得进一步投资。 Goals:
* Attract more users.
* Promote initial commercialization.
* Secure further funding.
预计收入: 100 万美元 Expected revenue: 1 million USD
主要收入来源: Main income sources:
模型销售: 平台上线后, AI 模型市场开始吸引早期创作者和企业用户, 贡献大部分收入。 Model sales: After the platform went online, the AI model market began to attract early creators and corporate users, contributing most of the revenue.
内容许可: 用户生成的内容开始商业化, 贡献剩余收入。 ## Content Licensing: User-generated content begins to commercialize, and revenue is shared.
预计成本: 800 万美元 Estimated cost: 8 million dollars
技术优化与维护、市场推广、社区建设和运营成本。 Technical optimization and maintenance, market promotion, community building, and operational costs.
投资需求: 在第二年寻求进一步融资, 以支持市场扩展和技术优化。 Investment needs: Seeking further financing in the second year to support market expansion and technology optimization.
目标: 扩大用户基础, 增加平台商业化收入, 并通过投资继续扩展平台功能。 Goal: expand user base, increase platform commercialization revenue, and further expand platform functionality through investment.
预计收入: 500 万美元 Expected revenue: $5 million
主要收入来源: Main income sources:
模型销售: 随着用户群体扩大,模型销售持续增长,贡献显著收入。 Model sales: As the user base expands, model sales continue to grow, contributing significantly to revenue.
内容许可: 更多用户生成内容用于商业用途,带来稳定收入。 Content licensing: More user-generated content for commercial use, generating stable income.
订阅服务: 高级订阅用户开始增加,订阅服务收入显现。 Subscription service: The number of senior subscription users began to increase, and revenue from subscription services became apparent.
预计成本: 1500 万美元 Estimated cost: US$15 million
技术升级、全球市场推广和用户支持。 Technology upgrades, global market expansion, and customer support.
投资需求: 第三年将需要进一步投资,用于支持用户群的扩展和市场增长。 Investment needs: Further investment will be needed in the third year to support user base expansion and market growth.
10.4 第四阶段 (Year 4: 扩展与多元化收入) Year 4: Expansion and Income Diversification
目标: 扩大平台知名度,提升商业化收入。 Goal: To increase platform awareness and boost commercial revenue.
预计收入: 1500 万美元 Expected revenue: 15 million USD
主要收入来源: Main income sources:
模型销售:作为 AI 模型市场的重要参与者,模型销售成为主要收入来源。 Model sales: As an important participant in the AI model market, model sales have become a major source of income.
内容许可: 平台知名度提升,内容许可收入增加。 Content licensing: The platform's visibility has increased, and revenue from content licensing has increased.
订阅服务与 API 访问: 高级订阅用户和企业 API 访问需求推动额外收入。 Subscription services and API access: Increased revenue driven by premium subscription users and enterprise API access needs.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
预计成本: 2000 万美元 $20 million
11. 风险分析 (Risk Analysis) ## Risk Analysis
在推进 IXX.AI 平台的发展过程中,我们需要面对并管理多种潜在风险。这些风险可能会对平台的运营、市场表现、用户增长及长期发展产生影响。以下是主要的风险类别及应对策略。 In the process of advancing the development of the IXX.AI platform, we need to face and manage various potential risks. These risks may have an impact on the platform's operation, market performance, user growth, and long-term development. The following are the main risk categories and coping strategies.
AI 模型市场和 Web3 生态系统竞争激烈,现有的大型平台和新兴初创公司都在争夺市场份额。IXX.AI 需要不断创新和优化,才能在竞争中脱颖而出。 The AI model market and Web3 ecosystem are highly competitive, with large established platforms and emerging startups vying for market share. IXX.AI needs to constantly innovate and optimize to stand out in the competition.
应对策略: Sure, here is the translation of the source text to English:
# Coping strategies:
不断提升平台的技术优势,推出独特的功能和服务,以满足用户的多样化需求。 Continuously improve the technical advantages of the platform, launch unique features and services to meet the diversified needs of users.
强化品牌建设和市场推广,提升 IXX.AI 在全球市场的知名度和影响力。 Strengthen brand building and market promotion, to enhance the global awareness and influence of IXX.AI.
通过用户反馈和市场研究,及时调整产品路线和战略,确保平台始终保持市场领先地位。 Through user feedback and market research, we can timely adjust the product roadmap and strategy to ensure that the platform maintains its leading market position.
IXX.AI 依赖于复杂的技术架构, 包括区块链、智能合约、深度学习和去中心化计算等。如果技术实现过程中出现漏洞或不足, 可能导致平台运行不稳定或安全问题。 IXX.AI relies on a complex technical architecture, including blockchain, smart contracts, deep learning and decentralized computing. If there are vulnerabilities or deficiencies in the technical implementation, it may lead to platform instability or security issues.
应对策略: Sure, here is the translation of the source text to English:
# Coping strategies:
采用严格的代码审查和安全测试流程, 确保平台的每个功能模块在上线前都经过全面验证。 Through rigorous code review and security testing processes, it is ensured that each functional module of the platform undergoes comprehensive verification before going live.
定期进行技术升级和优化, 及时修复潜在漏洞, 并提高系统的稳定性和抗风险能力。 Perform regular technical upgrades and optimizations, promptly fix potential vulnerabilities, and improve the system's stability and resilience.
与行业领先的安全专家和机构合作, 持续监控和提升平台的安全防护能力。 In partnership with industry-leading security experts and organizations, we continuously monitor and enhance the platform's security capabilities.
11.3 合规风险 (Regulatory Risk) 11.3 Regulatory Risk
风险描述: Risk description:
Web3 和区块链技术的应用在全球范围内面临不同的法律和监管挑战。各国对代币发行、智能合约、数据隐私等方面的法律要求各不相同, IXX.AI 可能面临法律合规风险。 The application of Web3 and blockchain technology faces different legal and regulatory challenges around the world. Legal requirements for token issuance, smart contracts, and data privacy vary from country to country. [IXX.AI](https://ixx.ai/) may face legal compliance risks.
应对策略: Sure, here is the translation of the source text to English:
# Coping strategies:
设立专门的合规团队, 紧密跟踪全球主要市场的法律法规变化, 确保平台运营符合相关法律要求。 Establish a dedicated compliance team to closely track changes in laws and regulations in major global markets and ensure that platform operations comply with relevant legal requirements.
在平台架构设计中, 预留合规调整空间, 以便根据不同市场的法律要求进行快速调整。 Reserve space for regulatory adjustments in platform architecture design to facilitate quick adjustments according to legal requirements in different markets.
与法律顾问和行业协会合作, 主动参与政策讨论, 为制定更合理的监管框架贡献力量。 Working with legal counsel and industry associations, actively participate in policy discussions and contribute to the development of a more reasonable regulatory framework.
11.4 用户获取和留存风险 (User Acquisition and Retention Risk) 11.4 User Acquisition and Retention Risk
风险描述: Risk description:
吸引和留住用户是平台成功的关键。如果 IXX.AI 未能有效获取足够的用户或未能维持用户的活跃度和忠诚度, 可能影响平台的增长和盈利能力。 Attracting and retaining users is key to the success of the platform. If IXX.AI fails to effectively acquire sufficient users or maintain user activity and loyalty, it may impact the platform's growth and profitability.
通过空投、激励计划和推广活动吸引新用户,并通过用户体验优化、社区活动等方式提升用户留存率。 Attract new users through airdrops, incentive programs, and promotional events. Enhance user retention through user experience optimization, community activities, and more.
根据用户反馈不断改进平台功能,提供符合用户需求的创新服务,增强用户粘性。 Continuously improve platform functions based on user feedback, provide innovative services that meet user needs, and enhance user stickiness.
强化社区运营,建立一个活跃且充满活力的用户生态,推动用户之间的互动和合作,增加用户的归属感。 Strengthen community operations, build an active and vibrant user ecosystem, promote interaction and cooperation among users, and enhance users' sense of belonging.
IXX 代币的价值受市场供需、投资者情绪和整体加密货币市场波动的影响。如果代币价值不稳定或下跌,可能影响用户信心和平台的经济健康。 The value of the IXX token is affected by market supply and demand, investor sentiment, and overall cryptocurrency market fluctuations. If the token value is unstable or falls, it may affect user confidence and the economic health of the platform.
应对策略: Sure, here is the translation of the source text to English:
# Coping strategies:
设计稳健的代币经济模型,通过通缩机制、代币锁仓和长期激励计划,稳定 IXX 代币的市场价值。 Design a robust token economic model to stabilize the market value of the IXX token through deflationary mechanisms, token locking, and long-term incentive plans.
增强代币的实际应用场景和使用频率,提高 IXX 代币的内在价值,减少市场波动带来的负面影响。 Enhance the actual application scenarios and frequency of use of the enhanced token, improve the intrinsic value of the IXX token, and reduce the negative impact of market fluctuations.
保持透明的代币发行和流通策略,定期向社区公开代币的使用情况和未来计划,增强用户和投资者的信任。 Maintain a transparent token issuance and circulation strategy, disclose token usage and future plans to the community regularly, and enhance user and investor trust.
11.6 市场接受度和技术普及风险 (Market Adoption and Technology Adoption Risk) Market Adoption and Technology Adoption Risk
风险描述: Risk description:
Web3 技术和去中心化平台仍然处于早期发展阶段,市场接受度和用户对新技术的熟悉程度有限。如果 Web3 技术的普及速度不及预期,可能影响平台的用户增长和收入。 Web3 technologies and decentralized platforms are still in their early stages of development, with limited market acceptance and user familiarity with the new technology. If the adoption of Web3 technologies is slower than expected, it could impact the platform's user growth and revenue.
应对策略: Sure, here is the translation of the source text to English:
# Coping strategies:
加强用户教育,通过提供简单易用的产品体验和详细的教程,降低用户的技术使用门槛。 Strengthen user education, reduce the technical usage threshold for users by providing simple and easy-to-use product experiences and detailed tutorials.
与其他 Web3 项目和社区合作,推动去中心化技术的普及和应用,扩大 IXX.AI 的潜在用户群体。 In collaboration with other Web3 projects and communities, promote the adoption and application of decentralized technologies, and expand the potential user base of IXX.AI.
・提供传统 Web2 和 Web3 技术的无缝集成,逐步引导用户从传统平台迁移到去中心化平台,增强用户的接受度。 Provide seamless integration of traditional Web2 and Web3 technologies, gradually guiding users to migrate from traditional platforms to decentralized platforms, and enhancing user acceptance.
12. 退出策略 (Exit Strategy) 12. 退出策略
IXX.AI 的退出策略旨在为投资者、创始团队以及早期支持者提供多样化的资本回报途径,确保在未来的市场发展中实现资本增值。随着平台的发展和成熟,我们将探索以下几种主要的退出方式。 IXX.AI's exit strategy is designed to provide diversified capital return paths for investors, founding teams, and early supporters, ensuring capital appreciation in future market developments. As the platform grows and matures, we will explore the following key exit strategies.
策略描述: Description:
通过与其他大型科技公司或相关产业的战略合作,IXX.AI 有望成为并购目标。并购可以帮助平台快速扩展市场份额、获取更多资源和技术支持,从而实现退出。 Through strategic partnerships with other large technology companies or related industries, IXX.AI is expected to become a potential M&A target. Mergers and acquisitions can help the platform rapidly expand its market share, gain more resources and technical support, and thereby achieve exit.
潜在路径: Potential path:
寻找与 IXX.AI 业务有协同效应的公司,推动战略合作或被收购,以实现平台技术、用户基础和市场影响力的整合。 Seeking companies with synergistic effects with IXX.AI's business to promote strategic cooperation or be acquired, in order to integrate platform technology, user base and market influence.
主动寻求与行业内领先企业的并购谈判,特别是在 AI 技术和 Web3 领域的公司,提升平台的整体估值。 Proactively seek acquisition negotiations with leading companies in the industry, especially companies in the fields of AI technology and Web3, to increase the overall valuation of the platform.
投资者回报: Investor returns:
通过并购,投资者可以获得现金回报或收购方的股票,具体形式视并购协议而定。 Through mergers and acquisitions, investors can receive cash returns or shares of the acquiring company, depending on the terms of the merger agreement.
12.2 首次公开募股 (Initial Public Offering, IPO) 12.2 Initial Public Offering (IPO)
策略描述: Description:
随着 IXX.AI 平台的成熟和市场影响力的扩大,公开上市将是一个重要的退出途径。IPO 可以为公司提供更多的融资机会,同时为早期投资者和员工提供资本退出的机会。 With the maturity of the IXX.AI platform and the expansion of its market influence, public listing will be an important exit path. An IPO can provide the company with more financing opportunities, while also providing early investors and employees with capital exit opportunities.
潜在路径: Potential path:
在时机成熟时,启动 IPO 进程,将 IXX.AI 推向公开资本市场。此举不仅可以提升公司在全球市场的知名度,还可以为未来的扩展计划提供充足的资金支持。 Launch the IPO process when the time is right to bring IXX.AI to the public capital market. This will not only raise the company's profile in the global market, but also provide ample financial support for future expansion plans.
选择适合的平台上市,如纳斯达克或其他主要证券交易所,吸引全球范围内的投资者。 Choose a suitable platform for listing, such as the Nasdaq or other major stock exchanges, to attract investors worldwide.
投资者回报: Investor returns:
策略描述: Description:
IXX.AI 平台的核心之一是 IXX 代币。通过在去中心化交易所(DEX)和主流加密货币交易所上市,IXX 代币可以在二级市场上进行交易, 为投资者和早期支持者提供流动性。 One of the core elements of the IXX.AI platform is the IXX token. By listing on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and mainstream cryptocurrency exchanges, IXX tokens can be traded on the secondary market, providing liquidity for investors and early supporters.
在平台启动并取得一定市场影响力后, 推动 IXX 代币在主流加密货币交易所上市, 提高代币的流动性和市场价值。 After the platform is launched and achieves a certain level of market impact, promote the listing of IXX tokens on mainstream cryptocurrency exchanges to increase token liquidity and market value.
确保 IXX 代币在多个交易所同时上市, 吸引广泛的投资者群体, 并通过持续的市场推广, 保持代币的市场需求。 Ensure that IXX tokens are simultaneously listed on multiple exchanges to attract a wide range of investor groups and maintain market demand for tokens through continuous market promotions.
通过代币上市, 投资者可以在二级市场上出售 IXX 代币, 实现资本退出。随着平台的成功和代币需求的增长, 代币持有者还可能获得显著的价格增值。 Through token listing, investors can sell IXX tokens on the secondary market to realize capital withdrawal. With the success of the platform and the growth of token demand, token holders may also obtain significant price appreciation.
12.4战略合作与联盟 (Strategic Partnerships and Alliances) ## 12.4 Strategic Partnerships and Alliances
策略描述: Description:
与其他 Web3 项目或传统企业建立战略合作关系, 推动平台的发展和技术创新, 并在合适的时机通过战略投资或股份置换实现退出。 Establish strategic partnerships with other Web3 projects or traditional companies to promote the platform's development and technological innovation, and achieve exits through strategic investment or equity swaps at appropriate times.
潜在路径: Potential path:
与行业内领先的去中心化平台、AI 技术公司或大型企业集团建立深度合作关系, 可能包括技术共享、用户群体整合或市场合作。 Establish deep cooperative relationships with leading decentralized platforms, AI technology companies or large enterprise groups in the industry, which may include technology sharing, user group integration or market cooperation.
在合作过程中, 通过引入战略投资者或达成股份置换协议, 逐步实现投资者的资本退出。 Capital withdrawal of investors will be gradually realized through the introduction of strategic investors or the conclusion of share swap agreements during the cooperation process.
投资者回报: Investor returns:
通过战略合作和联盟,投资者可能通过股份置换或战略投资回报的形式获得退出机会,同时享受合作带来的平台增值。 Through strategic partnerships and alliances, investors may have exit opportunities in the form of share swaps or strategic investment returns, while also enjoying platform value-added brought by the collaboration.
12.5 代币销毁与稀缺性提升 (Token Burn and Scarcity Enhancement) 12.5 Token Burn and Scarcity Enhancement
策略描述: Strategy Description:
IXX.AI 计划每年定期销毁一部分代币, 以提升 IXX 代币的稀缺性和市场价值。随着代币供应量的减少,持有代币的价值可能会显著提升,为投资者提供额外的资本回报。 IXX.AI plans to destroy a portion of its tokens on a regular basis each year to increase the scarcity and market value of IXX tokens. As the token supply decreases, the value of the tokens held may increase significantly, providing investors with additional capital returns.
潜在路径: Potential path:
按照通缩机制, 每年 6 月 1 日销毁 的 IXX 代币, 直到代币总量减少到 5 亿枚为止。 According to the deflation mechanism, IXX tokens are burned every year on June 1 until the total token supply is reduced to 500 million.
定期公布销毁计划和进展, 增强市场对代币稀缺性和未来价值的信心。 Regularly publish destruction plans and progress to enhance market confidence in token scarcity and future value.
投资者回报: Investor returns:
通过代币销毁机制, 投资者可以享受到 IXX 代币的价格提升带来的资本增值, 实现部分或全部退出。 Through the token 销毁机制, investors can enjoy capital appreciation brought by the price increase of IXX tokens, and realize partial or complete exit.
## Note:
* The sentence "通过代币销毁机制" can also be translated as "By using the token 销毁机制". This is a more literal translation of the sentence, but it is a bit awkward in English. The current translation is smoother but still accurate.
* In finance, "销毁" means to "remove from circulation". So the “ token 销毁机制" in this sentence refers to a system that permanently removes tokens from circulation. This can have the effect of increasing the value of the remaining tokens.
* Here, “ capital appreciation” refers to the increase in the value of an asset over time. In this case, the asset is the IXX token.
* “ partial or complete exit” refers to the process of selling some or all of one's investment in an asset.
15. 模型利益分配与工作量证明机制 (Model Profit Distribution and Proof-ofWork Mechanism) 15. Model Profit Distribution and Proof-of-Work Mechanism
IXX.AI 平台的模型利益分配与工作量证明机制(Proof-of-Work, PoW)旨在确保平台的所有参与者—包括模型创作者、训练师、资源提供者和平台本身—都能够根据其贡献获得公平的回报。通过智能合约和区块链技术, 平台实现了透明、自动化的收益分配和工作量证明体系, 确保利益分配的公正性和激励机制的有效性。 IXX.AI's model benefit sharing and Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism aim to ensure that all platform participants - including model creators, trainers, resource providers, and the platform itself - receive fair returns according to their contributions. Through smart contracts and blockchain technology, the platform achieves transparent, automated revenue sharing and PoW systems, ensuring the fairness of benefit distribution and the effectiveness of incentive mechanisms.
IXX.AI平台通过区块链技术, 对每个参与者在模型开发、训练和使用过程中所做的贡献进行精确记录。这些贡献包括但不限于计算资源的提供、数据集的贡献、模型训练和微调等。 The IXX.AI platform uses blockchain technology to precisely record the contributions of each participant in model development, training, and usage. These contributions include, but are not limited to, the provision of computing resources, the contribution of datasets, and model training and fine-tuning.
每个任务的完成情况、所使用的资源和工作时间等信息都将被加密记录在区块链上, 形成不可篡改的工作量证明。 The completion status, resource usage, and working time of each task will be encrypted and recorded on the blockchain, forming an immutable proof of work.
用户可以通过提供计算资源(如 GPU、TPU 等)参与平台的模型训练任务, 并通过工作量证明机制获得相应的奖励。提供更多计算资源的用户将获得更多的 IXX 代币奖励。 Users can participate in the platform's model training tasks by providing computing resources (such as GPUs, TPUs, etc.) and receive corresponding rewards through a proof-of-work mechanism. Users who provide more computing resources will receive more IXX tokens as rewards.
平台根据贡献的计算资源类型、质量和数量, 自动计算用户应得的回报, 并通过智能合约自动分配收益。 The platform automatically calculates the rewards users deserve according to the type, quality, and quantity of computational resources contributed, and automatically distributes the rewards through smart contracts.
数据集贡献 (Dataset Contribution): "Dataset Contribution"
。 用户可以通过上传高质量的数据集供模型训练使用,并通过工作量证明机制获得代币奖励。平台会根据数据集的规模、质量和使用次数等因素,确定数据贡献者的收益比例。 Users can contribute to the model's training by uploading high-quality datasets and earn token rewards through a proof-of-work mechanism. The platform will determine the revenue share of data contributors based on factors such as the scale, quality, and usage of the datasets.
数据集的贡献信息将被记录在区块链上,确保数据贡献者的权益得到保障,同时防止数据盗用或未经授权的使用。 Contributions to the dataset will be recorded on the blockchain, ensuring that the rights of data contributors are protected, while preventing data theft or unauthorized use.
4. 模型训练与优化 (Model Training and Optimization): ## Model Training and Optimization
模型训练师在平台上完成的每一项训练任务都将获得工作量证明,平台通过智能合约自动评估训练师的贡献,确保训练师根据其工作量和贡献获得相应的报酬。 The work of each model trainer on the platform will be certified, and the platform will automatically evaluate the contribution of the trainer through smart contracts, ensuring that the trainer receives corresponding compensation based on his workload and contribution.
平台还支持对模型进行持续优化,训练师可以根据优化后的模型性能提升,获得额外的奖励。 The platform also supports continuous model optimization, and trainers can earn additional rewards based on the performance improvement of the optimized model.
15.2 模型利益分配机制 (Model Profit Distribution Mechanism) ## Model Profit Distribution Mechanism
1. 收益分配规则 (Profit Distribution Rules): Profit Distribution Rules:
。 平台上的每一笔模型交易、租赁或使用费用都会通过智能合约进行分配。分配规则预先写入智能合约,保证收益分配的透明性和公平性。 Every transaction, lease, or usage fee for a model on the platform is distributed through a smart contract. The distribution rules are pre-written into the smart contract, ensuring the transparency and fairness of 收益分配.
收益分配的基本规则包括模型创作者的基础收益、训练师的工作量证明收益、数据集贡献者的分成、计算资源提供者的奖励,以及平台的服务费用。 ## The basic rules of revenue distribution include:
* **Basic income for model creators:** This is the income that model creators receive for their work.
* **Work-based income for trainers:** This is the income that trainers receive for the work they put into training the model.
* **Revenue sharing for dataset contributors:** This is the income that dataset contributors receive for their contribution to the dataset.
* **Rewards for computing resource providers:** This is the income that providers of computing resources receive for their contribution.
* **Platform service fees:** This is the income that the platform receives for its services.
模型创作者收益 (Creator Earnings): Model Creator Income
模型创作者是平台收益分配的主要受益者。根据模型的销售价格、使用频率和用户评价,创作者可以获得模型交易金额的一定比例作为直接收益。 The model creators are the main beneficiaries of the platform's revenue sharing. Depending on the sales price, usage frequency and user ratings of the model, creators can get a certain proportion of the model transaction amount as direct revenue.
平台支持多种收益分配模式,包括一次性销售收益、按次使用分成和长期授权收益等,创作者可以根据自身需求选择合适的模式。 The platform supports a variety of revenue sharing models, including one-time sales revenue, pay-per-use revenue sharing, and long-term authorization revenue. Creators can choose the appropriate model based on their needs.
训练师与资源提供者收益 (Trainer and Resource Provider Earnings): Trainer and Resource Provider Earnings
训练师和资源提供者根据他们在模型开发和训练过程中所做的贡献,通过工作量证明机制获得收益。平台根据他们提供的工作量、资源和数据质量,自动分配收益。 Trainers and resource providers are rewarded through a workload-based mechanism based on their contributions to the model development and training process. The platform will automatically distribute revenue based on the workload, resources, and data quality they provide.
例如,在一个复杂的模型训练任务中,训练师可能获得训练收入的 ,数据贡献者和计算资源提供者分别获得 和 的收益。 For example, in a complex model training task, the trainer may earn of the training income, while the data contributor and the computing resource provider earn and of the revenue, respectively.
平台服务费用 (Platform Service Fees): Platform Service Fees
。 平台从每笔交易中收取一定比例的服务费用,用于支持平台的运营、维护和持续开发。服务费用的比例将根据市场情况和平台的运营需求进行动态调整。 The platform charges a certain percentage of service fees for each transaction to support the operation, maintenance and continuous development of the platform. The percentage of service fees will be dynamically adjusted according to market conditions and platform operation requirements.
平台的服务费用透明公开,用户可以随时查看交易的具体分成比例,确保费用的合理性和透明性。 The platform's service fees are transparent and 公开, and users can check the specific 分成比例 of each transaction at any time, ensuring the reasonableness and transparency of the fees.
15.3 动态收益调整与激励机制 (Dynamic Profit Adjustment and Incentive Mechanism) ### 15.3 Dynamic Profit Adjustment and Incentive Mechanism
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平台内的收益分配比例并非一成不变,而是可以根据市场需求、用户行为和模型性能进行动态调整。智能合约会根据预设条件自动调整分配比例,确保激励机制的公平性和有效性。 The distribution of earnings within the platform is not fixed, but can be dynamically adjusted according to market demand, user behavior, and model performance. Smart contracts automatically adjust the distribution ratio based on preset conditions, ensuring the fairness and effectiveness of the incentive mechanism.
例如,某些高需求的模型可能会触发更高的收益分成比例,或者当某个训练任务特别复杂时,训练师的收益比例也会相应提高。 For example, certain high-demand models may trigger higher revenue sharing ratios, or when a training task is particularly complex, the trainer's revenue share will also be increased accordingly.
长期激励与奖励计划 (Long-Term Incentives and Reward Programs): Long-Term Incentives and Reward Programs (LTIP)
为了鼓励用户长期参与平台的生态建设,IXX.AI 推出了代币锁仓奖励计划。用户可以选择将其收益的一部分进行锁仓,锁仓期间可获得额外的代币奖励。 To encourage users' long-term participation in platform eco-construction, IXX.AI has launched a token lock-up reward program. Users can choose to lock up part of their earnings, and receive additional token rewards during the lock-up period.
。 平台还推出了贡献排行榜和激励计划,定期奖励对平台发展有重要贡献的用户,如提供大量计算资源、贡献高质量数据集或开发出高性能模型的用户。 The platform has also launched a contribution ranking and incentive plan, regularly rewarding users who have made significant contributions to the platform's development, such as providing a large amount of computing resources, contributing high-quality datasets, or developing high-performance models.
15.4 透明性与用户保障 (Transparency and User Protection) 15.4 Transparency and User Protection
所有收益分配和工作量证明均通过智能合约执行,智能合约的代码公开透明,用户可以随时查看合约条款和执行记录,确保分配过程的公正性。 All revenue allocation and proof of work are executed through smart contracts, and the code of the smart contract is publicly transparent. Users can view the contract terms and execution records at any time to ensure the fairness of the allocation process.
。 平台还提供了用户友好的界面,让用户可以方便地查看自己的工作量证明、收益分配情况和历史交易记录。 The platform also provides users with a friendly interface, allowing them to easily check their workload certificates, income distribution, and transaction history.
2. 用户权益保障 (User Rights Protection): User Rights Protection
IXX.AI 致力于保护用户的权益,所有工作量证明和收益分配记录都存储在区块链上,不可篡改,确保用户的贡献得到公平的认可和回报。 IXX.AI is committed to protecting the rights of users. All proof of work and income distribution records are stored on the blockchain, which cannot be tampered with, ensuring that users' contributions are fairly recognized and rewarded.
。 平台设有争议解决机制,当用户对收益分配或工作量证明有异议时,可以通过智能合约提出仲裁请求,平台将基于区块链记录和合约条款,做出公正的裁决。 The platform is equipped with a dispute resolution mechanism. When users have objections to the revenue distribution or workload verification, they can submit an arbitration request through the smart contract. The platform will make a fair ruling based on the blockchain records and contract terms.
16. 链上存证与生成 (On-Chain Proof and Generation) On-Chain Proof and Generation
IXX.AI 平台通过区块链技术,为模型的生成过程、版权保护和交易记录提供透明、不可篡改的链上存证和生成服务。此功能旨在确保平台上的所有模型和内容的合法性、原创性以及交易的透明度,为用户和创作者提供强有力的知识产权保护和信任保障。 IXX.AI platform utilizes blockchain technology to offer users a transparent and tamper-proof on-chain record-keeping and generation service for model creation process, copyright protection, and transaction history. This feature aims to guarantee the legitimacy, originality, and transparency of all models and content on the platform, providing users and creators with robust intellectual property protection and trust guarantees.
16.1链上存证(On-Chain Proof) 16.1 On-Chain Proof
模型生成过程记录 (Recording Model Generation Process) ## Recording Model Generation Process
每一个模型的生成过程,包括初始设计、数据集的选择、训练步骤、参数调整等,都会被详细记录在区块链上。这些记录形成了模型的 "生成日志",可用于证明模型的原创性和开发过程的合法性。 The generation process of each model, including initial design, data set selection, training steps, parameter adjustment, etc., will be recorded in detail on the blockchain. These records form the "generation logs" of the model, which can be used to prove the originality of the model and the legitimacy of the development process.
这些数据不可篡改,任何对模型生成过程的变动都会在区块链上留下永久记录,确保创作者的权益得到保护。 The data is immutable, and any changes to the model generation process will be permanently recorded on the blockchain, ensuring the protection of the creator's rights.
IXX.AI uses blockchain technology to store certificates of models and generated content on the chain, ensuring that the ownership and right to use of each model can be verified. When creators upload models, the platform automatically generates a unique hash value, which is recorded on the blockchain together with the generation log of the model, forming a copyright certificate on the chain.
用户在购买或使用模型时,可以验证该模型的版权信息,确保其使用的模型是合法授权的,避免版权纠纷。 When purchasing or using the model, users can verify the model's copyright information to ensure that the model they are using is legally authorized, avoiding copyright disputes.
3. 交易记录与存证 (Transaction Recording and Proof) 3. Transaction Recording and Proof
所有模型交易、租赁和授权行为都通过智能合约执行,并在区块链上记录交易细节。这些记录包括交易金额、交易双方的信息、交易时间和模型的使用条件等。 All model transactions, leases, and authorizations are executed through smart contracts and transaction details are recorded on the blockchain. These records include the transaction amount, information of both parties in the transaction, transaction time, and the conditions of use of the model.
区块链上的交易记录透明公开,任何用户都可以查看和验证,确保交易过程的公平和透明,防止欺诈行为。 The transaction records on the blockchain are transparent and publicly available, allowing any user to view and verify them, ensuring the fairness and transparency of the transaction process and preventing fraudulent 行為.
智能合约驱动的模型生成 (Smart Contract-Driven Model Generation) Model Generation Driven by Smart Contracts
IXX.AI 平台的模型生成过程通过智能合约自动执行。用户在平台上输入生成请求,智能合约根据预设的模型参数、数据集和训练要求,自动生成相应的模型或内容。 IXX.AI platform's model generation process is automatically executed through smart contracts. Users input generation requests on the platform, and the smart contract automatically generates the corresponding model or content based on the preset model parameters, data sets, and training requirements.
智能合约确保生成过程的每一步都严格按照规定执行,任何偏差或错误都会被记录在区块链上,用户可以随时查看生成过程的详细信息。 Smart contracts ensure that every step of the generation process is strictly followed as stipulated, and any deviations or errors will be recorded on the blockchain, allowing users to view the details of the generation process at any time.
2. 生成内容的链上存储 (On-Chain Storage of Generated Content) 2. On-Chain Storage of Generated Content
生成的模型、图像、视频或其他内容可以选择性地存储在去中心化存储系统(如 IPFS 或 Arweave)上,并与区块链记录相连接。这确保了生成内容的长期可访问性和安全性,同时防止未经授权的篡改或删除。 The generated models, images, videos, or other content can be selectively stored on a decentralized storage system (such as IPFS or Arweave) and linked to blockchain records. This ensures the long-term accessibility and security of generated content, while preventing unauthorized tampering or deletion.
用户可以通过区块链验证生成内容的来源和完整性,确保内容的真实性和可信度。 Users can verify the source and integrity of generated content through the blockchain, ensuring the authenticity and credibility of the content.
3. NFT 铸造与认证 (NFT Minting and Certification) 3. NFT Minting and Certification
IXX.AI 平台支持将生成的内容铸造成 NFT(非同质化代币),并在区块链上进行认证。这些 NFT 代表了特定内容的唯一性和所有权,创作者可以通过 NFT 市场进行交易,进一步实现内容的商业化。 IXX.AI platform supports generating content as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and certifying them on blockchain. These NFTs represent the uniqueness and ownership of specific content, which creators can trade on NFT markets to further commercialize their content.
NFT 铸造过程中,平台会自动生成相关的链上记录,包括所有者信息、铸造时间、内容描述等,确保NFT 的合法性和可追溯性。 During the NFT minting process, the platform will automatically generate relevant on-chain records, including owner information, minting time, content description, etc.,
to ensure the legitimacy and traceability of NFTs.
16.3 透明性与信任机制 (Transparency and Trust Mechanism) ## Transparency and Trust Mechanism
公开可验证的存证系统 (Publicly Verifiable Proof System) Openly Verifiable Proof System
IXX.AI 的链上存证和生成系统完全公开透明,所有存证记录和生成数据都可以通过区块链进行验证。用户、创作者和第三方可以随时访问这些记录,验证模型和内容的真实性。 The IXX.AI on-chain notarization and generation system is completely open and transparent. All notarization records and generation data can be verified through the blockchain. Users, creators, and third parties can access these records at any time to verify the authenticity of the models and content.
这种透明性增强了用户对平台的信任,特别是在处理涉及知识产权和高价值内容的交易时,用户可以确信他们所购买或使用的内容是经过合法授权的。 This transparency enhances user trust in the platform, especially in transactions involving intellectual property and high-value content. Users can be confident that the content they purchase or use is legally authorized.
2. 去中心化的合规支持 (Decentralized Compliance Support) 2. Decentralized compliance support
。 平台通过区块链技术为全球用户提供去中心化的合规支持。所有链上存证记录都可以作为法律证据,在发生版权争议时提供有力支持。 The platform provides decentralized compliance support for global users through blockchain technology. All on-chain evidence records can be used as legal evidence to provide strong support in case of copyright disputes.
。 平台还与法律机构和合规专家合作,确保链上存证和生成的过程符合不同司法管辖区的法律要求,帮助用户和创作者维护其合法权益。 The platform also collaborates with legal institutions and compliance experts to ensure that the process of chain-of-custody and generation complies with the legal requirements of different jurisdictions, helping users and creators safeguard their legitimate rights.
16.4 用户权益保护 (User Rights Protection) User Rights Protection
IXX.AI 通过链上存证机制,确保所有内容的知识产权得到充分保护。创作者在上传内容时,可以选择性地对内容进行加密,并通过智能合约控制内容的访问权限,防止未经授权的使用。 IXX.AI ensures that all content is fully protected by intellectual property rights through on-chain evidence mechanism. Creators can optionally encrypt the content when uploading it and control the content access rights through smart contracts to prevent unauthorized use.
。 平台为用户提供了一整套工具,用于管理和保护其内容的知识产权,包括自动化的侵权检测和申诉机制。 The platform provides users with a full set of tools to manage and protect the intellectual property of their content, including automated infringement detection and appeal mechanisms.
2. 争议解决与仲裁 (Dispute Resolution and Arbitration) ## Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
。在链上存证的基础上,IXX.AI 为用户提供透明的争议解决机制。当发生版权争议或交易纠纷时,用户可以提交链上存证记录作为证据,平台会根据智能合约条款进行自动化仲裁。 On the basis of blockchain evidence, IXX.AI provides users with a transparent dispute resolution mechanism. When there is a copyright dispute or a transaction dispute, users can submit blockchain evidence records as evidence, and the platform will automatically arbitrate according to the terms of the smart contract.
争议解决过程公开透明,仲裁结果永久记录在区块链上,确保各方的权益得到公平对待。 The dispute resolution process is open and transparent, and the arbitration results are permanently recorded on the blockchain, ensuring that the interests of all parties are treated fairly.