About Us 關於我們
The Consumer Credit Oversight Board Task Force (CCOB Task Force) was set up in July 2021 and is led by the Ministry of Finance (MOF), Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) to drive the enactment of the CCA. This effort is undertaken in close collaboration with the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT), the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP) and Malaysia Co-operative Societies Commission (SKM).
What are the functions of CCOB?
The establishment of the CCOB is intended to regulate non-bank credit providers and credit service providers.
Enactment of the CCA CCA的頒布
The enactment of the Consumer Credit law is to ensure fair treatment of borrowers. Currently, there are multiple laws governing consumer credit activities and there are fragmented regulatory and supervisory frameworks and varying level of protection accorded to consumers.
Phased Approach 分階段方法
The transformation of the consumer credit regulatory landscape will be completed in phases. This approach was taken to facilitate a smooth transition and minimise any unintended disruptions in the consumer credit industry while enabling the CCOB to enhance its capability and capacity to assume greater responsibilities over time. The phased approach is further explained below:
消費信貸監理格局的轉變將分階段完成。採取這種方法是為了促進平穩過渡並最大限度地減少消費信貸行業的任何意外中斷,同時使 CCOB 能夠增強其能力和能力,隨著時間的推移承擔更大的責任。分階段法進一步解釋如下: