We believe in the power of testimony and the importance of sharing the goodness of what the Father is doing (See Revelation 19:10 and I Samuel 7:12). Use this form to share with us how the Lord has used Bethel's online services, events, Zoom, classes etc to impact or transform your life. 我们相信见证的力量和分享天父所作善的重要性(见启示录19:10和撒母耳记上7:12)。使用此表格与我们分享主如何使用伯特利的在线服务、活动、Zoom、课程等来影响或改变您的生活。
Your Name 您的姓名
Email Address 电子邮件地址
Where do you live? 你住在哪里?
We love to celebrate our global community and would love to know where you are located. 我们喜欢庆祝我们的全球社区,并想知道您的位置。
Todays Date 今天的日期
Date of Healing/Ministry 痊愈/事工的日期
Please list the date of your healing or the date you received ministry 请列出你医治的日期或你接受事工的日期
Related to 相关内容
Share which of Bethel's online services, events, Zoom, classes, engagement this testimony is related to. 分享伯特利的在线服务、活动、Zoom、课程、参与与此见证相关的哪些内容。
Please share what type of testimony this is. 请分享这是什么类型的见证。
Share your testimony of how God revealed Himself and transformed you through the online activity below. 通过下面的在线活动分享你对上帝如何启示自己并改变你的见证。
It would be great if you could let us know if there's a specific message, class, Zoom call, key dates, and what it was like before and after interacting with the content/ministry. 如果您能让我们知道是否有特定的消息、课程、Zoom 通话、关键日期以及与内容/事工互动之前和之后的情况,那就太好了。
Do we have your permission to share this testimony? 我们是否得到你的许可来分享这个见证?
We love hearing your testimonies and would love to be able to share them with our global online community via email or social media. 我们喜欢听到您的见证,并希望能够通过电子邮件或社交媒体与我们的全球在线社区分享。
Any other details you'd like to share? 您还有什么其他细节想分享吗?
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