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Concordia University Health Services

PConcordia 康科迪亚


For FREE, individual smoking cessation counselling, contact a Health Promotion Specialist at Concordia University Health Services
Get contact information HERE

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I550 de Maisonneuve W, GM-200 5।4-848-2424 ext. 3565
I550 de Maisonneuve W,GM-200 5।4-848-2424 ext. 3565

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Quitting Tobacco for Cood in a Nutshell

1.To quit using tobacco for good you need to recognize that you are addicted to nicotine. When you don't get it you experience negative emotions. You don't like feeling these negative emotions so you continue to smoke.
2.To effectively quit using tobacco for good, you need to develop an attitude where you dedicate and commit yourself to achieving a smoke-free life. Your mind has to be made up so that nothing will get in the way of achieving this most important goal!!!! You need to see quitting as a gift you are giving yourself rather than a deprivation.
3.To quit using tobacco for good you need to develop and implement effective, nicotine-free coping strategies that you can use to manage the temporary, negative emotions that come when your brain stops getting nicotine.
3. 要永远戒烟,您需要制定并实施有效的无尼古丁应对策略,以应对大脑停止摄入尼古丁时产生的暂时负面情绪。

Your Plan to Quitting Smoking For Good

If you have ever tried quitting smoking before you will attest to the fact that it can be a very difficult thing to do. As such, to quit smoking for good you need a plan. The information and exercises in this book are your plan. As with anything else worth having, achieving a tobacco-free life requires effort. Addictions are tough to break. Putting in the effort and energy is necessary to ensure success. Therefore, the most important feature of successfully breaking free from tobacco use is this:

You need to immerse yourself in the smoking cessation process!!

This means that: 这意味着:
  • quitting smoking becomes the number one project in your life. Of course, you continue to fulfill your school and work responsibilities, but quitting smoking is always on your mind because it is the number one thing you can do to improve your health and life!!!
  • you read through this entire booklet and do all the exercises.
  • you think about quitting and the role of tobacco in your life any chance you get (e.g. on the bus, walking etc).
  • you visualize your life as a non-smoker and think about how fantastic it will be to be free of tobacco!
  • you read about smoking cessation whenever you can. You make time for it. Some quit smoking resources are provided below.
  • you talk to people who have effectively quit smoking and ask them how they did it, what challenges they faced and what has kept them smoke-free.Also, ask them for any advice they would have that can help you in your process.
The information and exercises in this booklet that form your plan are divided into 3 main sections. They are:
这本小册子中的信息和练习,构成了您的计划,分为 3 个主要部分。它们是:
  1. Understand nicotine addiction. Of the over 4,000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke, only one keeps you coming back: NICOTINE. Once you acknowledge that you are addicted to nicotine and understand how nicotine addiction happens, you will be in an excellent position to go smoke-free.
    了解尼古丁成瘾。在烟草烟雾中发现的 4000 多种化学物质中,只有一种会让你上瘾:尼古丁。一旦你承认自己对尼古丁上瘾,并了解尼古丁成瘾的原因,你就会处于一个很好的位置,可以戒烟。
  2. Cultivate an attitude of dedication and commitment to smoke-free living. In essence, you need to see quitting smoking as a gift you are giving yourself rather than a deprivation. This is an extremely important point. If you don't adopt this attitude, your chances of successfully quitting will be severely compromised.
  3. Identify, develop and implement coping strategies to manage the temporary, negative emotions that come from nicotine withdrawal. There are hundreds of nicotine-free ways to cope with negative emotions. Discover them, build them, and use them.

Some Smoking Cessation Resources

The Quitting Smoking section of the Health Services website has information on smoking cessation as well as links to on-line resources as well as books and hot lines. They include:
I Quit Now: "Want to quit smoking? Maybe you're still hesitating. We have what you need to help you break free from tobacco on your own." Has telephone and text message support. From Tobacco-Free Quebec.
Break it Off: This campaign from Health Canada and the Canadian Cancer Society "helps young adults quit smoking and stay smoke-free."
On the Road to Quitting: You can download this booklet, from Health Canada.
Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking is the world's best-selling self-help book to quit smoking. The Easy Way website offers 10 Best Tips to Help You Stop Smoking.
Alan Carr 的戒烟简易方法是世界上最畅销的自助书籍,用于戒烟。Easy Way 网站提供了 10 条帮助您戒烟的最佳建议。
Nova's "The Dope on Nicotine" visually shows how nicotine affects the brain and leads to addiction.

The Plan 计划

There are two main ways to proceed with this plan: cut down or quit "cold turkey" (without cutting down). The choice is yours. However, this booklet encourages you to use the cut down method for two main reasons. Firstly, by cutting down you will gradually decrease the amount of nicotine that reaches your brain in the course of a day. This lets your brain progressively adjust to nicotine withdrawal. Secondly, and more important, as you decrease the amount that you smoke, you will have the opportunity to put in place the coping strategies that you are developing. In essence, this gives you a chance to try these coping strategies out and to refine them before you are actually smoke-free. You will be able to discover what works and what doesn't, and to make changes so that these strategies will work once you are totally smoke-free!!
What follows is your quit smoking plan outlined week by week if you choose the cut down method. Check off the box next to the activity once it is complete. This will help you stay on track. If you choose the "cold turkey" method, set a quit date, complete all the activities in the booklet, and then apply all you have learned on your quit day and beyond.

Week 1: 第一周:

Immerse yourself in the quit smoking process. Dedicate yourself to quitting. Read about it. Think about it. Talk about it. Visualize it. Do all the exercises in this booklet. See previous page for more information.
  • Decide on a quit date. We suggest that this date be 3 weeks from the day you begin the plan. It can be any day of the week. Use a calendar to clearly mark your quit date. We have provided a calendar template for you on the back page to plan your quit. Tell people about your quit date. Post your quit date on the fridge, your computer or on the bathroom mirror where you can see it everyday. As for which date to choose, you should do it at a time when you are in your regular rhythm of life. Your nicotine addiction creates a "nicotine filter" which will find numerous reasons why every choice for a date is a bad choice ("Can't do it now because it is exam time", "Can't do it now because it is the beginning of the semester", "Can't do it now because it's the holidays", "Can't do it now because I just broke up with someone.") There will never be a "perfect" time. The sooner the better.
    确定戒烟日期。我们建议这个日期距离您开始计划的那天 3 周。可以是一周中的任何一天。使用日历清楚地标记您的戒烟日期。我们在背面为您提供了一个日历模板,以便计划您的戒烟日期。告诉别人您的戒烟日期。在冰箱、电脑或浴室镜子上张贴您的戒烟日期,每天都能看到。至于选择哪个日期,您应该在生活的正常节奏中进行。尼古丁成瘾会形成一个“尼古丁过滤器”,会找到很多理由来证明每个日期选择都是一个糟糕的选择(“现在不能戒烟,因为是考试时间”,“现在不能戒烟,因为学期开始了”,“现在不能戒烟,因为是假期”,“现在不能戒烟,因为我刚和某人分手”)。永远不会有一个“完美”的时机。越早越好。
Determine a cut down plan. If you choose to cut down, use the calendar on the back page to determine how many cigarettes you will smoke each day. For example, if you currently smoke 20 cigarettes a day and you will quit in 3 weeks, you will cut down by one a day from the beginning of the process until quit day. If you currently smoke 7 cigarettes a day you will cut down by one cigarette every 3 days. Write down on the calendar how many cigarettes you have available each day. You can smoke less than that amount, but never more. Don't save up cigarettes to transfer to other days.
确定一个减少计划。如果选择减少,使用背面的日历确定每天吸烟的数量。例如,如果您目前每天吸烟 20 支,而您将在 3 周内戒烟,您将从过程开始每天减少一支,直到戒烟日。如果您目前每天吸烟 7 支,您将每 3 天减少一支。在日历上写下每天可用的香烟数量。您可以吸烟少于该数量,但绝不可超过。不要储存香烟以转移到其他日子。
Cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke each day according to your calendar
  • Separate smoking from all your activities. There is a strong association between smoking and some of your activities such as talking on the phone, driving, working on the computer etc. From the minute you begin this program, when you smoke you don't do anything else...you smoke while still (don't walk and smoke) and alone (don't smoke with anyone else or in front of the TV or computer). You will likely realize how boring smoking is, and how strong the associations are between your activities and smoking. (You might not even want a coffee if you can't have a cigarette with it.) Break those associations now!! When quit day comes you will not have to struggle with the urge to smoke as you engage in those activities because you will have already broken the connection. Furthermore, you will re-discover the pleasures that tobacco has come to take the credit for. For example, you may discover that it is in fact the coffee you enjoy, not the cigarette.
Read the entire section on nicotine addiction
■ Do exercise NCI: Nicotine Addiction and Me
■ 进行锻炼 NCI:尼古丁成瘾和我
Do exercise Att1: The Benefits of Going Smoke-free
进行锻炼 Att1:戒烟的好处
Do exercise Att2: The Costs of Smoking: Money and Time
进行锻炼 Att2:吸烟的成本:金钱和时间
Do exercise Att3: How Using Tobacco Fits with My Values
进行锻炼 Att3:吸烟如何符合我的价值观
Do exercise Att4: How Using Tobacco Fits with My Goals
进行锻炼 Att4:吸烟如何符合我的目标
Read Att5: Disputing the Myths About Smoking
阅读 Att5:打破关于吸烟的神话
  • Begin exercise Cope1: Monitoring my Tobacco Use (in center page)
    开始运动 Cope1:监控我的烟草使用(在中心页面)
Read introduction to section 3: Build Coping Strategies
阅读第 3 节介绍:建立应对策略
Read "A Few Words About Quit Smoking Aids"
  • Do exercise Cope 2: Overcoming the Barriers to Becoming Smoke-free, Part 1: My Reasons to Quit/My Reasons to Continue
    进行锻炼 Cope 2:克服成为戒烟者的障碍,第一部分:我戒烟的理由/我继续戒烟的理由
Do exercise Cope 3: My Strengths
做运动 应对 3:我的优势
Do exercise Cope 4: What Makes Me Happy
做运动 应对 4:什么让我快乐
Begin to list your coping strategies in exercise Cope10: My List of Coping Strategies
开始在练习 Cope10 中列出你的应对策略清单:我的应对策略清单

Week 2: 第二周:

  • Continue immersing yourself in the quit smoking process. Continue living your dedication to quiting. Read about it. Think about it. Talk about it. Visualize it. Do all the exercises in this booklet.
Continue separating smoking from all your activities. (See week 1). When you smoke, that is all you do. Smoke alone and still.
继续将吸烟与所有活动分开。 (见第 1 周)。 当你吸烟时,那就是你所做的一切。 独自吸烟,仍然如此。
  • Continue keeping track of all the cigarettes you smoke with exercise CopeI: Monitoring My Tobacco Use
    继续使用运动 CopeI 来跟踪您吸烟的所有香烟:监控我的烟草使用
  • Continue cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke each day according to your calendar
Begin exercise Cope5: Planning for Challenging Times
开始练习 Cope5: 应对挑战时期的规划
Do exercise Cope6: Overcoming the Barriers to Becoming Smoke-free, Part 2
进行锻炼 Cope6:克服成为戒烟者的障碍,第 2 部分
  • Do exercise Cope7: What to Do With Extra Money and Extra Time
    处理 Cope7:如何处理多余的金钱和多余的时间
  • Do exercise Cope8: Identify Rewards
    进行锻炼 Cope8:识别奖励
  • Read Cope9: Symptoms of Recovery and How to Manage Them
    阅读 Cope9:康复症状及如何管理它们
  • Continue to list your coping strategies in exercise Cope10: My List of Coping Strategies
    继续在练习 Cope10 中列出您的应对策略清单:我的应对策略清单
  • Begin to fill out your wallet card Coper1 (on center page).
    开始填写您的钱包卡 Coper1(在中心页上)。

    Week 3: 第三周:
口 Continue immersing yourself in the quit smoking process. Continue living your dedication to quiting. Read about it. Think about it. Talk about it. Visualize it. Do all the exercises in this booklet.
  • Continue separating smoking from all your activities. (See week 1). When you smoke, that is all you do. Smoke alone and still.
    继续将吸烟与所有活动分开。(参见第 1 周)。当你吸烟时,那就是你所做的全部。独自吸烟,保持安静。
  • Continue cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke each day according to your calendar
  • Continue keeping track of all the cigarettes you smoke with exercise CopeI
    继续使用 CopeI 运动跟踪您吸烟的所有香烟
  • Continue exercise Cope5: Planning for Challenging Times
    继续锻炼 Cope5: 应对挑战时期的规划
  • Continue to list your coping strategies in exercise Cope10: My List of Coping Strategies
    继续在练习 Cope10 中列出您的应对策略清单:我的应对策略清单
  • Continue filling out your wallet card in exercise Cope11
    继续填写您的钱包卡在练习 Cope11

Week 4 and beyond
第 4 周及以后

As you begin week 4 , you will be smoke-free. The task from now on is to remain smoke free.
当您开始第 4 周时,您将成为无烟者。从现在开始,任务是保持无烟。
  • Monitor your progress. Find a way to mark that you are on track. For example, you can get a calendar and place a star or other mark for each day you don't use tobacco. Alternatively, you can put the amount of money you have saved into a jar and watch it accumulate quickly. Be creative in finding a way to monitor.
  • Review the benefits you have achieved. From the minute you quit using tobacco you will begin to experience benefits. Think about how wonderful these are!! Some common early benefits include more energy, more time, more money, clearer and brighter skin, better breath, and you smell nicer. Think about the many more benefits that you will achieve as you remain smoke-free. You may experience some symptoms of withdrawal (see Cope9). Remind yourself that these are temporary and that there are many things you can do to overcome them.
    回顾您已经获得的好处。从您戒烟的那一刻起,您将开始感受到好处。想想这些有多么美好!!一些常见的早期好处包括更多的能量,更多的时间,更多的钱,更清晰和更明亮的皮肤,更好的呼吸,以及您闻起来更好闻。想想您作为不吸烟者将获得的更多好处。您可能会经历一些戒断症状(参见 Cope9)。提醒自己这些是暂时的,并且有许多事情可以帮助您克服它们。
Celebrate your success. Quitting smoking can be very difficult. Every day you remain smoke-free deserves some acknowledgement of the success. Reward yourself (review your rewards sheet: exercise Cope8).
庆祝你的成功。戒烟可能非常困难。每天保持不吸烟都值得一些成功的认可。奖励自己(查看您的奖励表:运动 Cope8)。
  • If you ever have a slip or relapse, read "In case of a Slip" at the end of the booklet to identify and put in place strategies to return to smoke-free living.

Understand Nicotine Addiction

Of the over 4,000 compounds in tobacco, only one is responsible for a person continuing to smoke: NICOTINE!!! If the nicotine in tobacco were to be removed, a smoker (nicotine addict) would lose the desire to smoke, just as a person who is living with alcoholism would lose the desire to drink beer if the alcohol were removed. The only reason you continue to smoke is because you are addicted to nicotine. So, how does this substance make a person come back to tobacco over and over again, despite a long list of potential consequences of continued use? Read on to find out.
烟草中的 4000 多种化合物中,只有一种是导致人继续吸烟的原因:尼古丁!如果烟草中的尼古丁被去除,吸烟者(尼古丁成瘾者)将失去吸烟的欲望,就像一个酗酒者如果去除酒精就会失去喝啤酒的欲望一样。你继续吸烟的唯一原因是你对尼古丁上瘾。那么,尽管有长长的潜在后果清单,为什么这种物质会让一个人一次又一次地回到烟草中呢?继续阅读以了解更多。

Understand Nicotine Addiction

How Does Nicotine Addiction Happen

What follows is a scientific summary of nicotine addiction. If science is not your thing, skip to the bottom to read the information in the "Nicotine Addiction in Plain English" box.
Tobacco leaves contain nicotine, and when they burn, the nicotine is released
Nicotine occurs naturally in tobacco leaves. When a person lights a cigarette, the tobacco leaves and other added compounds reach and gases and particles are released. The particles are seen as smoke, and the sum total of these particles is called tar. Over 4,000 compounds have been identified in the tar and gases released from burning tobacco. About 40 of these compounds are known to cause cancer. Nicotine itself does not cause cancer and is relatively harmless to health in the amounts found in cigarettes. However, it is the only compound that keeps a person coming back to tobacco.
尼古丁在烟草叶中自然存在。当一个人点燃一支香烟时,烟草叶和其他添加的化合物达到 ,释放出气体和颗粒。这些颗粒被视为烟雾,这些颗粒的总和被称为焦油。已经在焦油和燃烧烟草释放的气体中鉴定出了 4000 多种化合物。其中大约有 40 种已知会导致癌症。尼古丁本身不会导致癌症,在香烟中所含量相对较少对健康相对无害。然而,尼古丁是唯一使人继续吸烟的化合物。
Inhaled cigarette smoke contains nicotine that quickly reaches the brain via the lungs When a person inhales, nicotine from the burning tobacco enters the lungs, is absorbed into the bloodstream, and is transported to the brain. The nicotine leaves the bloodstream and "bathes" the cells of the brain.

Brain cells communicate with each other through neurotransmitters and receptors

At this point, a brief review of how nerve cells communicate is needed to fully understand nicotine addiction. Nerve cells, such as those in the brain, do not actually touch each other. They are separated by a small space called a synapse. In order for a message (an electrical current) to be transmitted from nerve cell A to nerve cell , neurotransmitters from cell are released into the synapse and they bind to specific receptors on cell . When enough receptors are filled, an electrical current begins in cell that continues to the end of that cell where it meets cell , and more neurotransmsitters are released from cell which bind to the receptors on cell and the message continues.
在这一点上,需要简要回顾神经细胞如何进行通信,以充分理解尼古丁成瘾。神经细胞,比如大脑中的细胞,实际上并不直接接触。它们之间被一个称为突触的小空间隔开。为了让信息(电流)从神经细胞 A 传递到神经细胞 ,细胞 释放的神经递质进入突触并结合到细胞 上的特定受体上。当足够多的受体被填满时,电流从细胞 开始,在细胞末端遇到细胞 ,细胞 释放更多的神经递质,结合到细胞 上的受体上,信息继续传递。
Nicotine overpowers receptors in an area of the brain that is responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward The nicotine molecule has a shape that fits perfectly into the receptors on nerve cells in the pleasure/reward center of the brain. These receptors are not meant to accept nicotine. When a person uses tobacco, a large number of nicotine molecules reach the brain, bind to these receptors and spark a message in the pleasure/reward center of the brain, where there wasn't one before. This stimulation of the pleasure center is felt by the tobacco user as pleasurable.

The body breaks down nicotine; levels in the blood and brain drop; and the brain becomes "unhappy"

The body recognizes nicotine as a foreign substance. The liver breaks down nicotine that is circulating in the blood into compounds that are eliminated in the urine. The moment a person puts out a cigarette, the level of nicotine in the blood (and the brain) begins to decrease. This results in a decrease in the stimulation of the pleasure/reward center of the brain and the person begins to experience negative emotions such as irritability, anxiety, and sadness. Of course, the smoker doesn't enjoy this negative state of mind, so as it builds s/he reaches for a cigarette, takes a few puffs and the pleasure center is stimulated again. These negative emotions are relieved for a short period, until nicotine levels drop again after the cigarette is put out. It is important to note that once this vicious cycle has begun, the smoker does not smoke to create pleasure; rather, s/he smokes to relieve negative emotions. Smoking does not create a "high"; it temporarily removes a low!!!

Nicotine Addiction in Plain English

Understand Nicotine Addiction

How Addictive is Nicotine?

Dr. Jack E. Henningfield of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and Dr. Neal L. Benowitz of the University of California at San Francisco are respected experts in the field of addiction. They independently ranked six substances based on five problem areas (listed below). They were asked to rank the substances on a scale of 1 to 6 , where 1 is the most serious and 6 is the least serious. As you can see from the tables below, they ranked nicotine as the most difficult to quit (dependence). Nicotine was rated more difficult to quit than heroin or cocaine.
国家药物滥用研究所的杰克·E·亨宁菲尔德博士和加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校的尼尔·L·贝诺维茨博士是成瘾领域的尊敬专家。他们根据五个问题领域(下面列出)独立排名了六种物质。他们被要求按照 1 到 6 的比例对这些物质进行排名,其中 1 是最严重的,6 是最不严重的。从下面的表格中可以看出,他们将尼古丁排名为最难戒断的物质(依赖性)。尼古丁被评为比海洛因或可卡因更难戒断。
The point of showing this is to demonstrate that quitting smoking can be difficult. However, millions of people quit every year. Quitting smoking can be much easier if you have a plan and the right attitude.
Withdrawal: Presence and severity of characteristic withdrawal symptoms.
Reinforcement: A measure of the substance's ability, in human and animal tests, to get users to take it again and again, and in preference to other substances.
Tolerance: How much of the substance is needed to satisfy increasing cravings for it, and the level of stable need that is eventually reached. Dependence: How difficult it is for the user to quit, the relapse rate, the percentage of people who eventually become dependent, the rating users give their own need for the substance and the degree to which the substance will be used in the face of evidence that it causes harm.
Intoxication: Though not usually counted as a measure of addiction in itself, the level of intoxication is associated with addiction and increases the personal and soclal damage a substance may do.
Henningfield ratings 亨宁菲尔德评级
Substance 物质 Withdrawal 撤回 Reinforcement 强化 Tolerance 容忍 Dependence Intoxication 依赖中毒
Nicotine 尼古丁 3 4 2 1 5
Heroin 海洛因 2 2 1 2 2
Cocaine 可卡因 4 1 4 3 3
Alcohol  1 3 3 4 1
Caffeine 咖啡因 5 6 5 5 6
Marijuana 大麻 6 5 6 6 4

Benowitz ratings 贝诺维茨评级

Substance 物质 Withdrawal 撤回 Reinforcement 强化 Tolerance 容忍 Dependence 依赖 Intoxication 醉态
Nicotine 尼古丁 4 4 1 6
Heroin 海洛因 2 2 2 2 2
Cocaine 可卡因 3* 1 1 3 3
Alcohol  1 3 3 4 1
Caffeine 咖啡因 4 5 5 5 5
Marijuana 大麻 5 6 6 6 4
Adapted from Philip J. Hilts in the New York Times, August 21994.
改编自 1994 年 8 月《纽约时报》的菲利普·J·希尔茨。
Also, from the experience of the Haight Ashbury Drug Clinic in San Francisco, professionals listed drugs in the order of speed with which a person progresses from experimentation and social use to habituation, abuse and addiction. Their list is as follows, with the substance at the top of the list representing the most "addictive":
  1. Nicotine 尼古丁
  2. "Crack" cocaine (smoking or IV)
  3. Heroin (smoking or IV)
  4. Methamphetamine (IV) 甲基苯丙胺(静脉注射)
  5. Cocaine (snorting) 可卡因(鼻吸)
  6. Amphetamine (oral) 安非他命(口服)
  7. Sedative-hypnotics 镇静催眠药
  8. Marijuana 大麻
  9. Caffeine 咖啡因
  10. PCP
  11. Ecstasy (MDMA) 狂喜(MDMA)
  12. LSD
  13. Mescaline/peyote 麦斯卡林/仙人掌

Understand Nicotine Addiction

NIC 1: Nicotine Addiction and Me

One of the features of nicotine addiction is that the brain sets up a "nicotine filter" where any information that supports continuing to smoke gets attention ("My grandmother smoked her whole life and died in her sleep at a ripe old age", "You could get hit by a bus tomorrow", "Smoking helps me manage stress" etc.) and any information that supports quitting is ignored ("Half the people who smoke regularly will die of smoking-related causes", "Tobacco use is the number one preventable cause of death in Canada" etc.). If your "nicotine filter" is up you might be thinking "I am not addicted to nicotine", "It's just a bad habit" or "I can quit anytime I want to". Take the quiz below to see if you exhibit some of the signs of nicotine addiction. A "yes" answer indicates addictive behaviour.

Yes No 是 否
I have smoked in places where it is forbidden to smoke.

ㅁ If I am in a bar/restaurant with others, I will leave them to go

outside to smoke. 外面抽烟。
a I feel nervous or anxious if I run out of cigarettes.

- I make sure to always have enough cigarettes so that I
- 我确保总是有足够的香烟,这样我就可以

won't run out. 不会用完。
I I have tried to quit smoking in the past without success.

I If I don't smoke for a while, I get irritated, nervous or

anxious. 焦虑。
- I have lied to people about my smoking.
- 我对人们谎称我抽烟。

口 I hide my smoking from people.

- I have avoided going to places where I knew I wouldn't be
- 我已经避免去我知道我不会去的地方

able to smoke. 能够抽烟。
- I get irritated by people who talk to me about my smoking or
- 我讨厌那些跟我谈论吸烟的人

who encourage me to quit.

口 - I have asked a complete stranger for a cigarette.
Yes No 是 否
ㅁ My smoking has a pattern (e.g. I smoke as soon as I finish a meal, or I smoke on a work break) and if for any reason I can't smoke at those usual times I get nervous/irritable/anxious.
I get up in the morning and have a cigarette right away.
  • I have done without certain things so that I would have enough money to buy cigarettes.
  • I have smoked even though I was sick and couldn't go to school or work.
  • I have smoked cigarette butts (either mine or another person's).
  • I have done something uncomfortable in order to smoke, such as go outside in very cold weather.
  • I have smoked 2 (or even 3 cigarettes) in a row before going somewhere where I knew I wouldn't be able to smoke (or right after not being able to smoke for some time).
    我在去一个我知道不能吸烟的地方之前,连续抽了 2(甚至 3)支香烟,或者在一段时间不能吸烟后立即抽了。

Build the Right Attitude

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance. As such, in order to effectively quit using tobacco you need to approach it with a plan and immerse yourself in the smoking cessation process. An extremely important part of that plan is to cultivate an attitude of dedication and commitment to smoke-free living. Many people believe that motivation and willpower are what are needed to become a non-smoker. However, this is misleading. Both motivation and willpower can come and go: they will be with you when things are going well, and they will usually disappear when times are tough. What will help you be successful at quitting forever is to cultivate an attitude that will take you through the tough times. This is where dedication and commitment come in. When you are dedicated and committed to a goal there is nothing that can stand in your way of reaching it. The exercises in this section of the workbook all have the objective of helping you develop dedication and commitment to smoke-free living. You need to see quitting smoking as a gift you are giving yourself and not a deprivation. Again, it is important to repeat that unless you have made up your mind that quitting is the most important thing that you can do for your health and your life, your efforts to go smoke-free will likely be short lived, if going smoke-free happens at all.
尼古丁是一种极易上瘾的物质。因此,为了有效戒烟,您需要制定计划并全身心投入戒烟过程。计划中一个极其重要的部分是培养一种致力于无烟生活的态度。许多人认为,戒烟需要动力和意志力。然而,这是误导的。动力和意志力都会有起有落:当一切顺利时它们会与您同在,而在困难时期它们通常会消失。帮助您永久戒烟成功的是培养一种能帮助您度过困难时期的态度。这就是致力和承诺的作用所在。当您致力和承诺于一个目标时,没有什么能阻止您实现它。本工作手册中的练习都旨在帮助您培养致力和承诺于无烟生活的态度。您需要将戒烟视为您给自己的一份礼物,而不是一种剥夺。 重申一遍,除非你已下定决心戒烟对于你的健康和生活至关重要,否则你努力戒烟的努力可能会很短暂,甚至根本不会戒烟。

Build the Right Attitude

ATT 1: The Benefits of Going Smoke-free
ATT 1:戒烟的好处

Too often, those trying to help people to quit smoking stress the bad things that will happen if they continue to smoke. Many smokers ignore this information, saying that they know it all. We believe that focusing on the positives of quitting can help you build that dedication and commitment to smoke-free living. Just look at the wonderful things that are waiting for you in your smoke-free life. On the next page review the benefits of going smoke-free. Check off any of the benefits that you would like to experience. Don't be limited to the ones we have included. Go even further and add some of your own personal benefits at the end.
Build the Right Attitude

ATT 2: The Cost of Smoking: Money and Time
ATT 2:吸烟的成本:金钱和时间

Most tobacco users are unaware of the amount of money they spend on tobacco each year as well as the amount of time they spend smoking each year. Take a few minutes to calculate how much of these two resources you commit to your tobacco use. If you buy tobacco and roll your own or buy cigarettes illegally in bulk (e.g. ziplock bags) then the formula below will not work. You can still calculate how much you spend by figuring out how frequently you buy tobacco and for what price.

How Much Money I Spend on Tobacco Each Year

A. Determine how many cigarettes you smoke each day on average: cigarettes per day
A. 确定您每天平均吸烟多少支:每天香烟
B. Multiply A by 365 to identify how many cigarettes you smoke each year: cigarettes each year
B. 将 A 乘以 365,以确定您每年吸食多少支香烟:每年香烟
C. Divide by the number of cigarettes in the packs that you buy (either 20 or 25 cigarettes per pack)__ packs per year
C. 将 除以您购买的包装中的香烟数量(每包 20 或 25 支)__包每年
D. If you buy cigarettes by the pack, Multiply by the price of a pack of cigarettes (price of packs of cigarettes I buy= -)
D. 如果您按包装购买香烟,请将 乘以一包香烟的价格(我购买的香烟包装的价格= -)

___ spent on cigarettes each year

If you buy cigarettes by the carton, divide by the number of packs in a carton (usually 8 or 10) to determine the number of cartons of cigarettes you smoke each year: cartons. Then multiply the number of cartons per year by the price of a carton spent on cigarettes each year
如果您按整盒购买香烟,请将 除以一整盒香烟的包装数量(通常为 8 或 10)来确定您每年吸烟的整盒数量:盒。然后将每年的整盒数量乘以一整盒的价格 ,这样您就可以得出每年在香烟上花费的

How Much Time I Spend Smoking. Each Year

A. Determine how many cigarettes you smoke each day, on average: cigarettes per day
A. 确定您每天平均吸烟多少支:每天支数
B. Multiply A by the number of minutes it takes you to smoke a cigarette (usually between 5 and 10 minutes)
B. 将 A 乘以您吸一支香烟所需的分钟数(通常在 5 到 10 分钟之间)
minutes it takes me to smoke a cigarette minutes spent smoking each day
吸一支香烟需要 分钟 每天吸烟的分钟数
C. Multiply B by 365 to identify the number of minutes you spend smoking each year minutes spent smoking each year
将 B 乘以 365,以确定您每年吸烟的分钟数。
D. Divide by 60 to determine the number of hours you spend smoking each year hours spent smoking each year
D. 将 除以 60,以确定您每年吸烟的小时数。
E. Divide by 24 to determine the number of days you spend smoking each year
E. 将 除以 24,以确定您每年吸烟的天数
days spent smoking each year

The Benefits of Going Smoke-free

Listed below are some of the many benefits of going smoke-free. Review this list and check off any of the benefits that you would like to achieve. Add your own benefits at the end.

Proven Health Benefits 已证实的健康益处
By quitting smoking a person will REDUCE his/her risk of:

Cardiovascular diseases including:
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm (weak spots in heart

    vessels) 船只
  • Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

    Stroke (which can lead to death or paralysis)
  • Heart attack 心脏病发作
  • Peripheral vascular disease (circulatory problems)
  • High blood pressure 高血压
    Cancer of the: 癌症的:
    B Bladder 膀胱
    Esophagus 食道
    G Kidney G 肾
    L Larynx L 喉部
  • Blood (leukemia) 血液(白血病)
  • Lung 
    Mouth 嘴巴
  • Pancreas 胰脏
  • Stomach 
    Respiratory diseases including:

口 Pneumonia 肺炎
  • Chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎
  • Emphysema/COPD 肺气肿/慢性阻塞性肺病
  • Influenza (the "flu") 流感(“流感”)
    The common cold 普通感冒
    Other health benefits include REDUCED risk of:
  • High cholesterol (LDL) 高胆固醇(LDL)
  • Headaches 头痛
  • Migraines 偏头痛
  • Stomach ulcers 胃溃疡
  • Chronic bowel disease (Crohn's Disease)

    Tooth decay (cavities) 龋齿(蛀牙)
    Gum disease 牙龈疾病
  • Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症
    Sleep problems (trouble falling asleep and/or frequent

    waking) 醒着)
  • Cataracts 白内障
    Age-related macular degeneration (eye disease that

    leads to blindness) 导致失明)
  • Thyroid disease (Grave's Disease)
    甲状腺疾病(Grave's 病)
  • Hip fractures 髋部骨折
    L Low bone density

    Female smokers will REDUCE their risk of:
  • Cancer of the cervix (womb)
  • Menstrual problems 月经问题
  • Fertility problems 生育问题
  • Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)

    A low birth weight baby
  • Pregnancy complications 怀孕并发症
    Male smokers will REDUCE their risk of:
  • Erectile dysfunction (impotence)

    Fertility problems (problems with sperm)

Other Benefits Include: 其他好处包括:

More time for yourself
  • More money 更多的钱
  • More energy/vitality 更多的能量/活力
Increased life expectancy
  • Better quality of life
  • Increased sense of control/more freedom
Feel more socially acceptable
  • Reduced embarrassment 减少尴尬
  • House, hair and clothes will smell better
  • Decreased risk of diseases of household members from second-hand smoke
  • Decreased guilt of harming family
Be more considerate to non-smokers, children and animals
B Build more, and effective, coping skills
  • Become a good role model
  • Increased sense of self-esteem
  • Feel proud of yourself
  • Others feel proud of you
Increased confidence in setting and achieving goals
  • Decreased dry mouth 减少口干
Decreased sore throat 喉咙痛减轻
D Decreased coughing D 减少咳嗽
Decreased yellow teeth/fingers/hair
Skin won't age as quickly/better skin
Increased sense of taste
Increased sense of smell
Better and more sex
  • Be calmer/more focused 更冷静/更专注
  • Get a new identity
  • Don't support tobacco companies anymore
  • Decreased negative impact on the environment
  • Freedom from nicotine urges and cravings
  • Decrease nagging feeling of always wanting to quit
Decrease chance of a house fire**

Other benefits I may experience

from quitting that are not listed here:

  • Millions of acres of forests have been cleared to plant tobacco. Millions of trees have been cut down to provide wood to cure tobacco. Pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers are used to grow tobacco. Forty percent of the garbage in the streets and on the world's shorelines is tobacco related. Birds and fish die from accidentally eating tobacco butts.....and the list goes on.
** Cigarettes are the number one known cause of fire-related fatalities in Canada. Cigarettes are the leading cause of residential fires in Canada. Fires started by cigarettes tend to result in more deaths and more property damage than fires started by other sources.

Build the Right Attitude

ATT 3: How Using Tobacco Fits With My Values
ATT 3:使用烟草与我的价值观相符

An addiction can make a person behave in ways that are inconsistent with their values. (For example, a student eats organic food as much as possible because she believe it is healthier and has less chemicals and pesticides, yet she uses tobacco, which is a crop that uses toxic pesticides that are not allowed to be used in the food industry) Examining your values and identifying how tobacco fits or doesn't fit with them helps shift your attitude to one that is favourable to smoke-free living. A value is something that is important to you...something that has worth. In the spaces below, list some of the values that you hold and that you live your life by. Then identify how smoking fits with the value as well as how quitting smoking fits with the value. If you have a hard time identifying your values there is a list at the end of this exercise that can stimulate your thoughts. One example is provided to get you started.
Example. What I value:
My health 我的健康
How using tobacco fits with this value: I can't think of a way that smoking fits with being healthy.
How quitting tobacco fits with this value: clearly, when I quit smoking my health will improve. I will reduce my risk of a variety of illnesses including some cancers, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases and more.

1. What I value:
1. 我所重视的是:

How using tobacco fits with this value:
How quitting tobacco fits with this value:
  1. What I value: 我重视的是:
How using tobacco fits with this value:
How quitting tobacco fits with this value:
  1. What I value: 我重视的东西:
How using tobacco fits with this value:
How quitting tobacco fits with this value:
  1. What I value: 我重视的东西:
How using tobacco fits with this value:
How quitting tobacco fits with this value:

5. What I value:
5. 我所重视的是:

How using tobacco fits with this value:
How quitting tobacco fits with this value:
  1. What I value: 我重视的东西:
How using tobacco fits with this value:
How quitting tobacco fits with this value:
  1. What I value: 我重视的东西:
How using tobacco fits with this value:
How quitting tobacco fits with this value:
Some Values 一些价值
Accomplishment, 成就 Challenge 挑战 Creativity 创造力
Success 成功 Change 变化 Decisiveness 果断性
Adaptability 适应性 Charity, giving, 慈善,给予 Dependability 可靠性
Adventure 冒险 generosity 慷慨 Devotion 奉献
Amusement, 娱乐 Cleanliness 清洁 Dignity 尊严
entertainment, 娱乐 Collaboration, 合作 Discipline 纪律
recreation 娱乐 teamwork 团队合作 Discovery 发现
Assertiveness 自信主义 Commitment 承诺 Economy 经济
Balance 平衡 Communication 通讯 Education, 教育
Beauty, 美丽 Community 社区 learning, 学习
Attractiveness 吸引力 Competence 能力 knowledge 知识
Belonging 归属 Competition 竞争 Efficiency 效率
Bravery, courage 勇气,勇气 Consciousness 意识 Energy 能源
Career 职业 Consistency 一致性 Excellence 卓越
Calmness, serenity, 平静,宁静, Control 控制 Expertise 专业知识
tranquility 宁静 Cooperation 合作 Fairness, equality 公平,平等

信仰,灵性 名望 家庭 时尚 金融安全 自由,自由 友谊 节俭 乐趣 善良 感恩 成长,改善,发展 努力 健康,健身
Faith, spirituality
Financial security
Freedom, liberty
Hard work
Health, fitness

contentment, joy,
Logic, reason
Love, romance

Positive attitude,
Prestige, affluence
Problem Solving
Prosperity, wealth,
Relaxation, rest

资源尊重 安全分享 简单技能 孤独稳定力量传统信任真相多样智慧
Safety, security

ATT 4: How Using Tobacco Fits With My Goals
ATT 4:如何使用烟草符合我的目标

Many of those who use tobacco are unaware of how it can interfere with reaching life goals, such as financial security or having a family. Below, list some of the goals you have for yourself and seriously think about how continuing to smoke will help you achieve those goals. Also, think about how quitting smoking will help you to better achieve these goals.
Example: One of the goals I have in life is to: Be financially secure
How does using tobacco contribute to achieving this goal? I can't see a way that spending thousands of dollars a
    year on tobacco can contribute to my financial security.
How does stopping to use tobacco contribute to achieving this goal? I can put the money I would have spent on
    tobacoo into a compounded interest savings account, which will improve my financial situation. On average,
    people who use tobacco have less net worth, less savings, and make less money. Just looking at the statistics, I
    would prefer to be in the category of non-smokers who, on average, make more money and have more savings.
    Also, many employers are reluctant to hire a person who smokes, as smokers take more days off from work, take
    more breaks and cost the company more in health insurance. By becoming a non-smoker, this won't be a barrier
    for me in seeking a good job.

1. One goal I have in life is to:
1. 我在生活中的一个目标是:

How does using tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
How does quitting tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?

2. One goal I have in life is to:
2. 我在生活中的一个目标是:

How does using tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
How does quitting tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
  1. One goal I have in life is to:
How does using tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
How does quitting tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?

4. One goal I have in life is to:
4. 我在生活中的一个目标是:

How does using tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
How does quitting tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?

5. One goal I have in life is to:
5. 我在生活中的一个目标是:

How does using tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
How does quitting tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
  1. One goal I have in life is to:
How does using tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
How does quitting tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
  1. One goal I have in life is to:
How does using tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?
How does quitting tobacco contribute to achieving this goal?

ATT 5: Disputing the Myths About Smoking
ATT 5:驳斥有关吸烟的神话

Nicotine is addictive. As such, the truth about the effects of tobacco as well as accurate information about quitting are often overshadowed by myths. These myths are often propagated by the tobacco industry through advertising, marketing, product placement and other tactics. A smoker may use these myths to justify continuing to smoke. In order to effectively quit smoking, a person needs to break down their "nicotine filter" and critically examine these myths. Here are a few common myths about tobacco and the reasons why they are a myth.

The consequences of continuing to smoke won't happen to me.

The pleasure/reward center of the brain of a smoker enjoys being stimulated by nicotine. Any attempt to stop giving nicotine to the brain will be blocked. One way this happens is that a "nicotine filter" is created, where the brain entertains only information that supports continued smoking, and ignores (or rationalizes away) information that supports the quit. For many smokers, this rationalization takes the form of "These bad things won't happen to me" or "I'm different". The truth is that the toxins in tobacco smoke are not selective. Half of regular tobacco users will die of smoking related causes. There is no way to predict who will die and who won't. Also, the vast majority of regular tobacco users will experience negative consequences (including disability, illness and decreased quality of life) related to tobacco use. It is not reasonable to believe that one person is not vulnerable to these consequences while others are.

Smoking helps reduce stress.

Smoking does not reduce stress. In fact, it causes stress. The brain of a smoker is addicted to nicotine, and when nicotine levels in the brain drop (which begins as soon as a smoker puts out a cigarette) the brain starts "demanding" more. This is experienced by the smoker as irritability and stress. In essence, not smoking creates stress. Of course, as soon as the smoker takes a puff, the brain gets nicotine and stops "asking" for it. This is interpreted by the smoker as stress relief. Also, stress is a stimulating experience. Blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate and respiration increase when a person experiences stress. Tobacco also stimulates the body by increasing blood pressure and heart rate; therefore, it doesn't relieve stress. Finally, deep breathing is an effective short-term, relaxation strategy that can be used to manage stress. Every time a smoker takes a "drag" they breathe deeply and this may be another reason why a person thinks that it relieves stress. The truth is that nicotine does not create a "high", it temporarily removes a low!

Sure, smoking is unhealthy, but a lot of other things are just as bad for you.

Tobacco use is responsible for 45,000 Canadian deaths each year, and many, many more suffer from terrible health problems because of it. Smoking is far, far worse than other health hazards. As one researcher put it "cigarette smoking remains the number one preventable cause of death in Canada and its impact on the health of Canadians continues to be an unacceptable burden." Half of the people who smoke will die of smoking related causes. Not very good odds!! Sure, you may be "hit by a bus" any day, as they say, but you usually look both ways before you cross the street. You don't intentionally put yourself in harm's way. Choosing to smoke and choosing not to quit is putting yourself in harm's way.
吸烟每年导致 4.5 万加拿大人死亡,更多人因此患上严重健康问题。吸烟远远比其他健康危害更糟糕。正如一位研究人员所说,“吸烟仍然是加拿大第一大可预防死因,对加拿大人健康的影响仍然是不可接受的负担。” 一半吸烟者将死于与吸烟有关的原因。这并不是很好的几率!当然,你可能随时会被“公共汽车”撞倒,但通常在过马路之前你会看两边。你不会故意置自己于危险之中。选择吸烟和选择不戒烟是置自己于危险之中。

I'll gain weight if I quit.

Research indicates that most people do not gain weight when they quit smoking. Those who do gain weight usually gain less than 3 kilograms. Most people who gain weight after quitting will lose it. Research shows that, on average, people who smoke gain weight as they age. Research also confirms that there is no difference in the average weight of ex-smokers compared to smokers, therefore, quitting smoking is not associated with significant weight gain. Also, the coping strategies that you build to quit smoking are the exact same ones you can use to manage weight. Many people find that when they quit smoking they also adopt other health-enhancing behaviors such as better nutrition and increased physical activity, both of which contribute to achieving a healthy weight.
研究表明,大多数人戒烟后并不会增加体重。那些增加体重的人通常增重不超过 3 公斤。大多数戒烟后增重的人最终会减掉这部分体重。研究显示,一般来说,吸烟的人随着年龄增长会增加体重。研究还证实,戒烟者的平均体重与吸烟者没有显著差异,因此,戒烟与体重显著增加无关。此外,你用来戒烟的应对策略也可以用来控制体重。许多人发现,戒烟后他们还会采取其他有益健康的行为,如改善营养和增加体育活动,这两者都有助于保持健康体重。

I'm young. I'll quit in the next few years.

The vast majority of people who smoke started before the age of 20 . Most young people who smoke daily don't expect to continue smoking, but most are still smoking five years later and beyond. Being young does not make a person immune to becoming addicted. Nicotine is a very addictive substance. Don't get caught up in the belief that you will be able to quit whenever you want. Now is the time to stop.
绝大多数吸烟的人在 20 岁之前开始吸烟。大多数每天吸烟的年轻人并不指望会继续吸烟,但大多数人在五年后甚至更久仍在吸烟。年轻并不意味着一个人不会上瘾。尼古丁是一种非常容易上瘾的物质。不要陷入认为你随时都能戒烟的信念中。现在是停止的时候。

Smoking looks sexy. 吸烟看起来性感。

Or at least, that's what the tobacco industry would like you to think. Smoking causes deep wrinkles and sagging skin (not very sexy). Yellow teeth and skin, gum disease and tooth loss are some of the effects of smoking (not very sexy). The smell of tobacco on a person is distasteful to most people (not very sexy). And, as non-smokers can tell you, kissing someone who smokes is not tasty, let alone sexy. Men who smoke are at a greater risk of erectile dysfunction. In both men and women, those who smoke have sex less often and rate sex as less enjoyable. Studies reveal that smokers are rated as less attractive than non-smokers. Research also indicates that both women and men find confidence, intelligence, sense of humour, cleanliness and a healthy body to be the qualities they find most attractive in a partner. Smoking is not consistent with most of these qualities.

One cigarette won't hurt.

There is a saying in the smoking cessation world that states "You're a puff away from a pack-a-day". Many people who quit smoking hope for a day when they can have "just one". This is not an option for a person who is struggling with an addiction. Would you suggest that it is OK for a recovering heroin addict to do just a little bit of heroin? Or what about a recovering alcoholic to have just one drink? Of course not. Having "just one" stimulates the nicotine receptors in the brain, and the addiction can take hold again. A person may also feel guilty or shameful after "breaking down", and this contributes to a negative emotional state of mind that can lead to continued use. The research on social smokers demonstrates that many don't remain social smokers in the long-term. Occasional smokers either become regular smokers or stop using tobacco altogether.

I smoke light cigarettes/I only smoke a little, so it's not so bad.

"Light" cigarettes contain the same harmful compounds as regular cigarettes, including lead, ammonia, benzene, DDT, butane gas, carbon monoxide, arsenic, and polonium 210. People who smoke light cigarettes try to obtain more nicotine by inhaling deeper or smoking more. The result: smokers of light cigarettes tend to have lung cancer lower in the lungs. There is no such thing as a safe cigarette. Also, smoking just a little is related to significant negative health effects. Research reveals that even "occasional" (less-than-daily) smoking, smoking only a few cigarettes per day, or smoking "without inhaling" can increase a person's risk of heart disease and shorten their life. Another problem with smoking "just a little" is that most people can't do it for long. Soon, they find themselves smoking every day, several times a day; and the more they smoke, the more they damage their health.
“轻”香烟含有与普通香烟相同的有害化合物,包括铅、氨、苯、DDT、丁烷气、一氧化碳、砷和钋 210。吸食“轻”香烟的人会尝试通过深呼吸或多吸烟来获得更多尼古丁。结果是:吸食“轻”香烟的人往往患有较低位置的肺癌。没有安全的香烟。此外,即使吸烟量很少,也会导致显著的负面健康影响。研究表明,即使是“偶尔”(少于每天一次)吸烟、每天只吸几支香烟或“不吸入”吸烟都会增加一个人患心脏病的风险并缩短寿命。吸烟“少许”的另一个问题是,大多数人无法长时间坚持。很快,他们会发现自己每天吸烟,一天几次;而他们吸烟越多,损害健康就越严重。

The best way to quit is "cold turkey".

Again, smoking is an addiction. Effectively quitting requires a plan, which includes building and rehearsing skills to cope with negative emotions. Your attitude towards smoking is an important factor in quitting. If you see quitting as a deprivation you will likely not remain smoke-free. You will probably "whiteknuckle" your way through the urges to smoke. You can't keep doing that forever: eventually you will be worn down. On the other hand, if you see quitting as the best gift you can give yourself, quitting and remaining smoke-free will be easier. Some people are successful at quitting cold turkey. These people have usually given a lot of thought to how tobacco fits with their values and beliefs and have decided that there is no role for tobacco in their life. The best way to quit is to understand nicotine addiction, to adopt a positive attitude to smoke-free living and to build skills to manage the negative emotions created by nicotine withdrawal.

It's easy to quit smoking.

There are many reasons why individuals smoke. Even though many know the effects that smoking can have on their health, this doesn' discourage them or make it any easier for them to stop. This is because they are addicted to nicotine. When experts in the field of addiction consider physiological and psychological factors, nicotine addiction is rated stronger than heroin, cocaine, and all the other substances of abuse. Cigarette manufacturers have spent a tremendous amount of money and time to study tobacco, and they have modified their product to make it more addictive. It's good business for them when people become addicted. They work hard to get people smoking and keep them smoking. Quitting requires a focused effort. Although it can be difficult to quit smoking, quitting can be easier by approaching it with a plan and a positive attitude.

I enjoy smoking. 我喜欢抽烟。

A person addicted to nicotine believes that they enjoy smoking; just like a person addicted to alcohol believes they enjoy alcohol, a person addicted to crack believes they enjoy crack, and a person addicted to heroin believes they enjoy heroin. This is the nature of an addiction. It's not that a person enjoys smoking, rather they don't feel good when they are not smoking. Smoking becomes such a significant part of an individual's lifestyle that they continue to smoke, not because they enjoy it, but because they feel miserable if they don't.

Smoking is cool. 吸烟很酷。

Many young people start smoking because they believe it makes them look cool and more mature, and because their friends smoke. In fact smoking does the opposite. It causes premature aging by drying out the skin and producing wrinkles. Other effects of tobacco use are smelly clothes, smelly hair and breath, and yellow-stained teeth. None of these is perceived as cool by the vast majority of people. There used to be a time when many people thought that smoking was cool. This attitude was promoted by the tobacco industry. This is no longer true. The vast majority of people see tobacco use in a negative light, including people who use tobacco.

My smoking doesn't affect anyone else.

It's a free country. If a person wants to smoke, what right does anyone else have to stop them? This is a valid point, and if an individual wants to smoke it is up to them. However, smokers are affecting other people's health by subjecting others to second-hand smoke, which has been linked to a variety of illnesses in non-smokers including lung cancer. Furthermore, much of the tobacco consumed in North America and Europe is farmed in countries where child labor is common. Children turn to picking tobacco to add to the family income and as a result they don't go to school to receive an education. Therefore, tobacco consumption in North America affects people as far away as Africa and Asia. Forests are being cut down to make fields to grow tobacco and to get wood to process tobacco. This has a negative effect on the environment, including promoting global warming. Animals, such as birds, accidently eat cigarette butts and die. It has been estimated that up to of garbage on city streets and on the shorelines of the world is tobacco related. These are some of the many reasons indicating how using tobacco affects others and the planet.
这是一个自由的国家。如果一个人想抽烟,其他人有什么权利阻止他们呢?这是一个有效的观点,如果一个人想抽烟,那就由他们自己决定。然而,吸烟者通过让他人暴露于二手烟而影响其他人的健康,二手烟已被证实与非吸烟者患上多种疾病,包括肺癌有关。此外,北美和欧洲消费的大部分烟草是在儿童劳动常见的国家种植的。孩子们转而采摘烟草来增加家庭收入,结果是他们不去学校接受教育。因此,北美的烟草消费影响着非洲和亚洲等遥远地方的人们。森林被砍伐以种植烟草和获取加工烟草所需的木材。这对环境产生负面影响,包括促进全球变暖。动物,如鸟类,会不小心吞食烟蒂而死亡。据估计,全球城市街道和海岸线上高达 的垃圾与烟草有关。这些是一些表明吸烟如何影响他人和地球的许多原因之一。
Although some people die as young as late 20 's or early 30 's, it is true that most of the diseases suffered by smokers occur after the age of 50 . These smoking-related illnesses can be long-term, miserable, debilitating and fatal. On the other hand, many individuals suffer from illnesses long before this age, which include gangrene, ulcers and respiratory diseases. The problem is, the earlier an individual starts to smoke and the longer they smoke, the more likely they are to suffer from a smoking-related disease. Also, smokers suffer more from a wide variety of negative heath effects of smoking, including an increased risk of a cold, the flu, pneumonia and more. In general, smokers at all ages have poorer health than their non-smoking (or ex-smoking) counterparts.
尽管有些人在 20 多岁末期或 30 多岁初期就去世,但大多数吸烟者患病的情况发生在 50 岁以后。这些与吸烟有关的疾病可能是长期的、痛苦的、致残的和致命的。另一方面,许多人在这个年龄之前就患有疾病,包括坏疽、溃疡和呼吸道疾病。问题在于,一个人开始吸烟的时间越早,吸烟时间越长,他们患吸烟相关疾病的可能性就越大。此外,吸烟者更容易受到各种吸烟负面健康影响的影响,包括感冒、流感、肺炎等风险增加。总的来说,吸烟者在各个年龄段的健康状况都比不吸烟(或戒烟)的人差。

I'll quit when I'm pregnant.

It may be harder to get pregnant if you smoke as smoking is linked to infertility. If you smoke during pregnancy you have an increased chance of miscarriage and complications during pregnancy. Numerous research studies indicate that the development of the fetus is negatively affected by the compounds in tobacco. Also, there is a higher risk of many problems for the child throughout their life if the mother smokes during pregnancy. It might take you a couple of attempts to actually stop smoking, so your chances of success with quitting are better the earlier you start the quitting process. Many women continue to smoke despite making a promise that they wouldn't smoke should they become pregnant.

Build Coping Strategies
COPE1: Monitoring My Tobacco Use
构建应对策略 COPE1:监控我的烟草使用

One important aspect of quitting smoking is to identify times, moods, or situations where the urge to smoke is greatest, as these could present a challenge to quitting. Use the workspaces below to keep track of all the cigarettes that you smoke each day. Enter the time of day, need (1=don't need cigarette, very high need), mood and any comments.
戒烟的一个重要方面是识别吸烟冲动最强烈的时间、心情或情境,因为这些可能对戒烟构成挑战。请使用下面的工作空间记录每天吸烟的所有香烟。输入每天的时间、需求(1=不需要香烟, 非常需要)、心情和任何评论。
Keep this sheet and a pen/pencil with your pack of cigarettes so you don't forget. (You can cut out one panel for each day.) Enter the information as soon as you finish the cigarette. If you need more sheets you can photocopy these.
Date: 日期:

(break from work, out with friends, home alone etc.)
No. 不。 Time 时间
Date: 日期:

(happy, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, etc.)

(break from work, out with friends, home alone etc.)
No. 不。 Time 时间
Date: 日期: Need 需要 Mood/Emotions 情绪/情感 Comments 评论
No. 不。 Time 时间 (happy, sad, lonely, stressed , bored, etc.)
(break from work, out with friends, home alone etc.)
Date: 日期:

(happy, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, etc.)

(break from work, out with friends, home alone etc.)
No. 不。 Time 时间
Date: 日期: Need 需要 Mood/Emotions 情绪/情感 Comments 评论
No. 不。 Time 时间 (happy, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, etc.)
(break from work, out with friends, home alone etc.)
Date: 日期:

(happy, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, etc.)
Comments 评论
No. 不。 Time 时间
Date: 日期:

(happy, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, etc.)

(break from work, out with friends, home alone etc.)
No. 不。 Time 时间
Date: 日期:

(happy, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, etc.)
(break from work, out with frients, home alone etc.)
No. 不。 Time 时间

Build Coping Strategies
COPE11: Wallet Card
构建应对策略 COPE11:钱包卡

This is your wallet card. Cut it out, fill it out, fold it in half and keep it with you at all times. After completing exercise COPE2, review your "Reasons to Quit" and add your top 5 reasons
这是您的钱包卡。剪下来,填写完整,对折一半,随身携带。完成运动 COPE2 后,回顾您的“戒烟原因”,并添加您的前 5 个原因。
Date: 日期:

(happy, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, etc.)

(break from work, out with friends, home alone etc.)
No. 不。 Time 时间
Date: 日期:

(happy, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, etc.)

(break from work, out with friends, home alone etc.)
No. 不。 Time 时间

Personal Strategies for Smoke-free Living

8 .
9 .

Build Coping Strategies 构建应对策略

The only reason you continue to smoke, despite wishing to quit, is because you are addicted to nicotine. When you stop using tobacco, your brain stops getting nicotine and this usually results in the experience of negative emotions. It is extremely important to note that these negative emotions will go away whether you smoke or you don't. This urge is short-lived, only lasting a minute or two. As time goes by without smoking, these negative emotions will occur less frequently and will be less strong, until eventually they will go away altogether.
The amount of time it takes for the urge to disappear varies from person to person. Within three (3) days of quitting smoking, all the nicotine in your system will be eliminated. However, the receptors that nicotine stimulates in the pleasure/reward area of your brain still have a "memory" and will "ask" for more nicotine, which you will experience as irritability, anxiety, nervousness, craving for a cigarette etc. This means that you will likely have the urge to smoke even after the nicotine is gone from your body. Those who adopt a positive attitude to smoke-free living (i.e. see quitting as a gift rather than a deprivation) will generally experience much weaker urges that will disappear sooner than someone who hasn't adopted a positive attitude to smoke-free living.
The goal of this section of the quit smoking plan is to help you build dozens upon dozens of non-nicotine coping strategies to manage the negative emotions that you will likely experience when you quit. When you feel bad and have the urge to smoke, turn to one of these strategies rather than turn to tobacco. Not only are these coping strategies effective for helping you quit smoking, they are also effective in many other situations that require you to cope with negative emotions. This part of the plan is never finished: you can always keep adding to your list of coping strategies as you think of new ones.
There are two main types of coping strategies: cognitive and behavioural. Cognitive strategies are those in which you change the way you think about a situation, such as viewing quitting as a gift rather than a deprivation, remembering that the urge is temporary and will go away, and reminding yourself that smoking creates stress rather than helps manage it. Behavioral strategies are those where you actually do something to manage the negative emotions. Behavioral strategies include exercising, drinking a glass of water, deep breathing, singing, doing a hobby etc.
As you do each exercise in the coping section, note the coping strategies that you feel will be most effective and write them on "My List of Coping Strategies" (exercise COPE10). Review the list and transfer some of your best ideas to your wallet card (exercise COPEII), which will be your quick reference for coping strategies any time you need it.
在应对部分进行每项练习时,请注意您认为最有效的应对策略,并将它们写在“我的应对策略清单”(练习 COPE10)上。回顾清单,并将一些最好的想法转移到您的钱包卡上(练习 COPEII),这将成为您需要时随时查阅的应对策略快速参考。

A Few Words About Quit Smoking Aids

You may be aware that several products are available to help you during the quit process. They are described below. It is your choice as to whether or not you wish to use these products. As you make your decision, consider these points:
  • The manufacturers of these products claim that they will double your chances of quitting. However, independent research on the effectiveness of these products doesn't show an advantage to using them.
  • As with all medications, there are side effects associated with these substances. They range from mild irritation of the skin with the patch to an increased risk for suicide with the drug Zyban.
    与所有药物一样,这些物质也会有副作用。从贴片引起皮肤轻微刺激到使用 Zyban 药物增加自杀风险。
  • With the gum and the patch, your brain will still be getting nicotine (but you won't get the thousands of other chemicals from the cigarette). This means that you are still getting the substance you are addicted to. (We feel that this is similar to giving a person struggling with alcoholism alcohol to break an addiction to alcohol.)
  • These products may give you a false sense of security. If you think the product is doing all the work, you might not build the coping strategies or the right attitude that are necessary to effectively quit. If you decide to use any of these products you must still do all the work that is outlined in this booklet (or any other form of counselling). Counselling alone is more effective than using these aids alone. Counselling combined with quit smoking aids has been found to be no more effective than counselling alone.
  • None of these products is meant to be taken over a long period of time. You will eventually have to stop using them, and you may feel the negative emotions of quitting all over again when you stop with the aids.
  • The vast majority of those who have effectively quit smoking have done so without the help of any of these products.
There are 2 main types of products available (and others are being developed):
有 2 种主要类型的产品可用(其他产品正在开发中):
Nicotine replacement: Nicotine replacement comes in the form of gum, patch, inhaler, lozenge, etc. that contain nicotine. Nicotine gets absorbed through the skin or tissues in the mouth and travels in the blood until it reaches the brain. Because these products give the brain nicotine, they work by temporarily relieving the desire for nicotine, just as smoking a cigarette would do, but without all the harmful chemicals. They are available without a doctor's prescription with guidance from your pharmacist.
NOTE: E-cigarettes are becoming more widely-available. They are often promoted as a way to become smoke-free. However, the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and many other reliable, respected bodies identify many potential risks and harms associated with e-cigarettes, and do not recommend them as part of an effective smoking cessation strategy.
Zyban (bupropion) and Champix: These are medications that must be prescribed by a physician They work on the level of brain chemicals. They do not contain nicotine.
Zyban(氯胺酮)和 Champix:这些是必须由医生开处方的药物。它们作用于大脑化学物质的水平。它们不含尼古丁。

COPE2: Overcoming the Barriers to Becoming Smoke-free, Part 1: My Reasons to Quit, My Reasons to Continue
COPE2:克服成为无烟者的障碍,第 1 部分:我戒烟的原因,我继续的原因

Indicate in the boxes below as many reasons as you can think of to quit using tobacco and as many reasons as you can think of to continue using tobacco. Take a few days to think about this and add more reasons to the list as they emerge. Once complete, review your reasons to quit and highlight the five most important ones. Then transfer these five reasons
to your wallet card (COPE11) in the center page of this booklet.
Hint: Consult the list of benefits of quitting (exercise ATT1) to discover even more reasons to quit.
提示:查阅戒烟好处清单(参见 ATT1)以发现更多戒烟理由。

My Reasons to Quit Using Tobacco

5 .
8 .
9 .
My Reasons to Continue Using Tobacco

COPE3: My Strengths COPE3:我的优势

Everyone has strengths. These are the skills, talents, knowledge and personal traits that help a person better achieve life goals. Achieving smoke-free living is a life goal (and an extremely important one!!). Therefore, a person can use their strengths to achieve the goal of eliminating tobacco from their life. When asked what strengths they have, many people can't easily identify them, or may even be unaware of them. The purpose of this exercise is to help you identify the strengths that you have and how you can use them to quit smoking. If you have difficulty identifying your strengths, refer to the list at the bottom of the page. When you have completed the exercise, highlight the best (maybe 3-7) strategies you feel that you can use to stop using tobacco and transfer them to "My List of Coping Strategies" (exercise COPE10). We have provided one example to get you started.
每个人都有自己的优势。这些是技能、才能、知识和个人特质,帮助一个人更好地实现生活目标。实现无烟生活是一个生活目标(而且是一个非常重要的目标!!)。因此,一个人可以利用自己的优势来实现消除烟草的目标。当被问及他们有什么优势时,许多人不能轻易地识别出来,甚至可能对它们一无所知。这个练习的目的是帮助您识别自己的优势以及如何利用它们来戒烟。如果您难以识别自己的优势,请参考页面底部的列表。完成练习后,突出您认为可以用来戒烟的最佳(也许是 3-7 个)策略,并将它们转移到“我的应对策略清单”(练习 COPE10)。我们提供了一个示例来帮助您入手。

Example. One of my strengths is: 1 am creative

How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco: I can use my creativity to discover creative ways to cope with the negative emotions that can come along with quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I can do something creative like drawing, painting, or oreative writing.
  1. One of my strengths is:
How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:
  1. One of my strengths is:
How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:

3. One of my strengths is:
3. 我的一个优点是:

How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:

4. One of my strengths is:
4. 我的一个优点是:

How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:
  1. One of my strengths is:
How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:

6. One of my strengths is:
6. 我的一个优点是:

How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:
  1. One of my strengths is:
How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:
  1. One of my strengths is:
How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:

9. One of my strengths is:
9. 我的一个优势是:

How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:

10. One of my strengths is:
10. 我的一个优点是:

How I can use this strength to stop using tobacco:

Some Strengths 一些优势

Adaptable 适应性 Cooperative 合作 Eager 渴望 Innovative 创新 Patient 患者 Rational 理性 Self-directed 自我导向
Adventurous 冒险的 Courageous 勇敢 Energetic 充满活力 Intelligent 智能 People person 人际关系达人 Realistic 现实的 Sensible 明智
Ambitious 雄心勃勃 Creative 创意 Farsighted 有远见 Inventive 创新 Perseverance 毅力 Reflective 反射性 Spiritual 精神
Analytical 分析的 Critical thinker 批判性思维者 Flexible 灵活 Logical 逻辑 Planner 规划师 Reliable 可靠 Strong-minded 坚定的
Assertive 自信的 Curious 好奇 Generous 慷慨 Mature 成熟 Practical 实用 Resilient 弹性 Task-oriented 任务导向
Capable 有能力 Daring 大胆 Hard working 努力工作 Methodical 系统的 Precise 精确 Resourceful 足智多谋 Thoughtful 周到
Communicator 传达者 Dedicated 专用 Healthy 健康 Negotiator 谈判者 Problem solver 问题解决者 Responsible 负责任 Trustworthy 可靠
Compassionate 富有同情心 Deliberate 故意 Idealistic 理想主义 Optimistic 乐观 Progressive 渐进 Results-oriented 以结果为导向 Versatile 多才多艺
Confident 自信 Dependable 可靠 Imaginative 富有想象力 Organized 组织化 Project-oriented 项目导向 Self-aware 自我意识 Wise 聪明
Conscientious 认真的 Determined 决定的 Independent 独立 Passionate 充满激情 Purposeful 有目的性 Self-controlled 自控

COPE4: What Makes Me Happy

This activity is intended to help you identify things that make you happy. If the time comes in the quitting process where you feel sad and think of turning to tobacco, you can turn to some of the things that make you happy and give you joy instead. The urge to smoke is temporary. It will go away. Remind yourself that the feeling will go away and just do something else for that short period of time. Below, list 11 things that make you "happy", make you smile, and give you joy. Along with each one, identify ways you can adapt these things as a coping strategy. When you have finished, select a few of the ideas (3-7) you have listed and transfer them to "My List of Coping Strategies" (exercise COPE10). We have provided an example to get you started.
这项活动旨在帮助您识别让您快乐的事物。如果在戒烟过程中出现感到悲伤并想要转向吸烟的时候,您可以转向一些让您快乐并给您快乐的事物。吸烟的冲动是暂时的。它会消失。提醒自己这种感觉会消失,只需在那段短暂的时间内做其他事情。下面,列出使您“快乐”的 11 件事,让您微笑并给您快乐。对于每一件事,确定您可以将这些事物作为应对策略。完成后,选择您列出的一些想法(3-7 个),并将它们转移到“我的应对策略清单”(练习 COPE10)。我们提供了一个示例以帮助您入手。

Example: What makes me happy is: connecting with friends

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will: call a friend, -mail a friend, write a letter to a friend, visit a friend, invite a friend over, think about all the smoke-free activities I can do with my friends, think about how proud my friends will be of me
  1. What makes me happy is:
How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:
  1. What makes me happy is:
How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:
  1. What makes me happy is:
How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

4. What makes me happy is:
4. 使我快乐的是:

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

5. What makes me happy is:
5. 使我快乐的是:

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

6. What makes me happy is:
6. 使我快乐的是:

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

7. What makes me happy is:
7. 使我快乐的是:

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

8. What makes me happy is:
8. 使我快乐的是:

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

9. What makes me happy is:
9. 使我快乐的是:

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

10. What makes me happy is:
10. 使我快乐的是:

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

11. What makes me happy is:
11. 使我快乐的是:

How I can use this to manage negative emotions from quitting smoking. Instead of smoking I will:

COPE5: Planning for Challenging Times

Part of the plan to successfully becoming smoke-free is to foresee any situation that may be challenging and to plan for what you will do in that situation rather than smoke. Look at your cigarette-monitoring sheets (exercise COPEI) and identify which of the cigarettes you rated as most needed (an 8, 9 or 10). Look for any patterns. Perhaps it is the time of day, your mood, the person you are with, a situation or an event. Identify why the need of this cigarette is rated so high. Use the exercise below to help you plan what you will do in those times instead of smoke. When you have finished, select a few of the ideas (3-7) you have listed and transfer them to "My List of Coping Strategies" (exercise
成功戒烟计划的一部分是预见可能具有挑战性的情况,并计划在那种情况下该怎么做,而不是吸烟。查看您的香烟监控表(练习 COPEI),确定您评分最高的香烟是哪些(8、9 或 10)。寻找任何模式。也许是一天中的时间、您的心情、您在一起的人、一种情况或一个事件。确定为什么这支香烟的需求评分如此之高。使用下面的练习帮助您计划在那些时刻该怎么做,而不是吸烟。完成后,选择您列出的一些想法(3-7)并将它们转移到“我的应对策略清单”(练习)。
COPE10). We have provided an example to get you started.
Example: Time, mood, situation or event: 8:30 in the morning
例子:时间,心情,情况或事件:早上 8:30
Why is the need of this cigarette rated so high? I always have my first cigarette soon after I wake up in the morning. It's a habit to smoke at this time. Also, the nicotine level in my blood and brain are very low after not smoking overnight so my brain is craving nicotine pretty bad.
Instead of smoking in this situation I will: change my routine. I will get up, brush my teeth to have a fresh feeling in my mouth and then get in the shower. instead of spending 10 minutes smoking, I will use the time to put a healthy lunch together for school (work). On weekends I will go on a short walk first thing in the morning rather than smoke.
在这种情况下,我会改变我的日常。我会起床,刷牙让口腔有清新的感觉,然后洗澡。我不会花 10 分钟抽烟,而是利用这段时间为学校(工作)准备健康的午餐。周末早晨我会先去散步,而不是抽烟。
  1. Time, mood, situation or event:
Why is the need of this cigarette rated so high?
Instead of smoking in this situation I will:
  1. Time, mood, situation or event:
Why is the need of this cigarette rated so high?
Instead of smoking in this situation I will:
  1. Time, mood, situation or event:
Why is the need of this cigarette rated so high?
Instead of smoking in this situation I will:
  1. Time, mood, situation or event:
Why is the need of this cigarette rated so high?
Instead of smoking in this situation I will:
  1. Time, mood, situation or event:
Why is the need of this cigarette rated so high?
Instead of smoking in this situation I will:

COPE6: Overcoming the Barriers to Becoming Smoke-free,
Part 2
COPE6:克服成为无烟者的障碍,第 2 部分

Although there are numerous reasons to quit smoking, a person continues to smoke because the reasons to continue outweigh the reasons to quit. In the left column below, individually list your reasons to continue using tobacco (also known as barriers to becoming smoke-free) from Part 1 of this exercise (COPE2). In the right column next to each reason, brainstorm as many ways as possible to overcome the barrier. When you have finished, select a few of the coping strategies (perhaps 3-7) you have listed and transfer them to "My List of Coping Strategies" (exercise COPE10). We have provided an example to get you started. If you have listed more than 6 reasons in Part 1, use another sheet to complete this exercise.
尽管有许多戒烟的理由,但一个人继续吸烟是因为继续吸烟的理由超过了戒烟的理由。在下面的左列中,分别列出您继续使用烟草的理由(也称为成为无烟者的障碍),这些理由来自本练习的第一部分(COPE2)。在每个理由旁边的右列中,尽可能多地想出克服障碍的方法。完成后,选择您列出的几种应对策略(可能是 3-7 种),并将它们转移到“我的应对策略列表”(练习 COPE10)。我们提供了一个示例来帮助您入手。如果您在第 1 部分列出了超过 6 个理由,请使用另一张纸完成此练习。

My Reason to Continue
Using Tobacco

Some Ways to Overcome This Barrier to Becoming

it helps me
manage stress
1 :
2 : 3:

COPE7: What To Do With Extra Money and Extra Time

Another way in which you can discover coping strategies to deal with negative emotions from quitting is to identify what you can do with the money and time that you will be saving. Refer to exercise ATT2 where you calculated how much money and time you spend because of smoking. Place these amounts below. Then, think about what you could do with all that extra money and time. When you have finished, select the ones you are most excited about (perhaps 3-7) that you feel can help in times when you experience the urge to smoke and transfer them to "My List of Coping Strategies (exercise COPE10). Just reminding yourself of these wonderful things can be a great strategy to keep you smoke-free!
另一种发现应对戒烟带来的负面情绪的应对策略的方法是确定你可以用省下来的钱和时间做什么。参考练习 ATT2,计算因吸烟而花费的金钱和时间。将这些金额填写在下面。然后,想想你可以用所有这些额外的钱和时间做什么。完成后,选择你最感兴奋的事情(也许是 3-7 个),你觉得在你有吸烟冲动时可以帮助的事情,并将它们转移到“我的应对策略清单(练习 COPE10)”。提醒自己这些美好的事情就可以成为一个很好的策略,让你远离吸烟!

What else could I do with
我还能用 做什么?

each year
List below 10 things you could do with this amount of money each year
以下是您每年可以用这笔钱做的 10 件事情清单:

(line B from exercise ATT2 "How much time I spend smoking each year")
(来自 ATT2 练习的 B 行“我每年抽烟花费多少时间”)

List below 10 things you could do with this extra time
以下是您可以利用这段额外时间做的 10 件事情:

COPE8: Identify Rewards COPE8:确定奖励

Quitting smoking can be difficult, and one of the things that can help with achieving difficult goals is to reward yourself for the progress you have made. Although being smoke-free is the greatest reward of all, there are many other ways to reward yourself. In the spaces below identify some ways to reward yourself for remaining smoke-free. A reward should be something that you enjoy and that is beneficial. Use your "What Makes Me Happy Worksheet" (COPE4) to inspire ideas for rewards.
When you have a craving for a cigarette, and the thought come up: "Have just one; you deserve it!", implement one of these real rewards instead!
One of your coping strategies could be to remind yourself of the rewards that are awaiting you for remaining smokefree. When you have finished, review your list of rewards and identify how they could be used as coping strategies. Again, a simple reminder of the wonderful rewards that will be yours as you continue to be smoke-free can be a powerful way to cope with the (temporary) negative feelings that can come on when you quit smoking. Transfer the most practical coping strategies from this exercise to "My List of Coping Strategies" (exercise COPE10). We have given you an example to get you started.
你的应对策略之一可能是提醒自己,留在戒烟状态下等待你的奖励。完成后,请回顾你的奖励清单,并确定它们如何作为应对策略使用。再次简单地提醒自己,继续保持戒烟将获得美好奖励,这是应对戒烟时可能出现的(暂时的)负面情绪的有效方式。将这项练习中最实用的应对策略转移到“我的应对策略清单”(练习 COPE10)。我们已经给出一个示例,以帮助你开始。

My List of Rewards

Example: I will use the money I would have spent today on tobacco to buy a new plant for the apartment.

COPE9: Symptoms of Recovery and How to Manage Them

Withdrawal from nicotine is comprised of two parts: the physical and the psychological. The physical symptoms (related to the body no longer getting nicotine or the numerous other substances found in tobacco smoke), although annoying, are not life threatening. They are temporary: they will go away. These symptoms are a sign that your body is healing. Try to put a positive spin on them. They are your body's way of telling you how much it has changed as a result of smoking. The psychological part of quitting-which includes feelings of irritability, anxiety or nervousness-is often the greater challenge. The coping exercises in this booklet are intended to help you identify ways to cope with the psychological aspect of quitting.
Most people who quit smoking have some withdrawal symptoms. Use the information below to help you identify the withdrawal symptoms you may be experiencing. This information also includes an explanation for the symptoms as well as ways to cope with them. Check the box next to any strategy you may find helpful. Review the strategies you have checked and transfer the ones you think may be most useful to "My List of Coping Strategies" (exercise COPE10).
大多数戒烟的人都会出现一些戒断症状。使用下面的信息帮助您识别可能正在经历的戒断症状。这些信息还包括症状的解释以及应对方法。在您可能发现有帮助的策略旁边打勾。回顾您已经勾选的策略,并将您认为最有用的策略转移到“我的应对策略清单”(练习 COPE10)中。

Feeling nervous, irritable, or even depressed

Why this happens: The nicotine receptors in your brain are desperate to get nicotine. This desire for nicotine creates negative feelings, which are relieved temporarily by getting nicotine to the brain by smoking. However, there are many ways to deal with negative feelings that do not include nicotine. Another reason for experiencing irritability is that you may be grieving the loss of something that has been part of your life for a long time.
What you can do:
Examine your emotions and identify where they are coming from. Remember that it is those naggy nicotine receptors that are making you feel this way.
THESE FEELINGS WILL PASS. Remind yourself that negative feelings from stopping smoking are temporary and will go away.
Inform your family and friends that this may be a tough time for you and remind them that these symptoms, although frustrating, are temporary, and are a result of you doing something to benefit your health and your life.
Avoid stressful situations or those that you feel may frustrate you.
Practice relaxation exercises such as deep breathing, visualization, or meditation.
Physical activity often reduces the negative feelings because it stimulates the release of endorphins, which are "feel good" hormones. Go for a walk or a run, do some yoga, go to the gym etc.
Remind yourself over and over again that the progress you have made so far is something to be tremendously proud of. Starting to smoke again often increases the depressing feelings from the guilt of having returned to smoking.
Reduce or eliminate caffeine and other stimulants.
Remind yourself that this is, BY FAR, the most important thing you can do to improve your health and your life.

Craving for tobacco 渴望烟草

Why this happens: Tobacco has become such as part of your daily life that when you eliminate it your body will still desire it. Besides being a habit, your brain is addicted to nicotine and will do anything to get it. Anytime a situation arises where you used to smoke (called a trigger) you will likely think of smoking.
What you can do:
Cravings for cigarettes are strongest during the first few days of the smoke-free process. These cravings are short-lived. Remember, the urge to smoke will go away whether you smoke or you don't!!
Identify your triggers and avoid them if you can, at least in the early days of being smoke-free. Drinking alcohol is a major reason why people return to smoking because alcohol interferes with the ability to stick with decisions. Take a break from alcohol for a short while.
Replace tobacco in your routine with something else. A crossword puzzle with a morning coffee or a walk right after dinner are a few examples.
Cravings lessen over time. Most ex-smokers say that they only have an occasional urge to smoke about two to three weeks after they have quit. Remind yourself of that.
Distract yourself. Taking a walk, talking with friends and loved ones, doing a hobby, reading a book, or exercising are all examples of doing something more constructive with your time.
Do a mental task such as adding numbers, counting objects or remembering as much as you can about a situation in the past (E.g. What did you receive as gifts for your 18th birthday? Where did you celebrate it? Who was there?)
进行一项脑力任务,比如加法运算、计数物体或尽可能多地回忆过去某种情况(例如,你 18 岁生日收到了什么礼物?在哪里庆祝?谁在场?)
Try deep breathing.

Coughing 咳嗽

Why this happens: As the lungs heal, the cilia (tiny hair-like structures that move debris out of the lungs) that were damaged when you used to smoke begin to grow again. These remove the debris that has accumulated in your lungs. The lungs also produce more mucus to clean themselves.
What you can do:
Remember that coughing is just a sign that your body is healing.
Keep reminding yourself that your body needs to get rid of all the tar in your lungs. It has to come out somehow!
Drink lots of water, which is needed for the production of mucus.
Suck on sugarless hard candy.
  1. Sit or lie comfortably.
  2. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly button.
  3. Exhale completely through the mouth.
  4. Close your mouth lightly. Inhale through your nose quietly, counting to 4 . Make sure that the hand on your belly button is the one that moves out. This will ensure that you are breathing from the abdomen.
    轻轻闭上嘴巴。通过鼻子悄悄吸气,数到 4。确保肚脐上的手是移动的那只。这样可以确保你是从腹部呼吸的。
  5. Hold your breath for a count of 7 .
    屏住呼吸,数到 7。
  6. Exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. Again, make sure that the hand on the belly button is the one moving.
    通过嘴巴呼气,数到 8。再次确保肚脐上的手在移动。
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 5 three more times, for a total of 4 cycles. Breathe normally and observe how your body feels.
    重复第 3 步到第 5 步三次,总共 4 个周期。正常呼吸,观察身体感觉。
As with all the symptoms of recovery, remember that THIS TOO WILL PASS!

Feeling Tired 感觉疲倦

Why this happens: Nicotine is a stimulant, which means that it speeds up some of the body's processes. Feeling tired is the body's reaction to not having the nicotine. Energy levels will increase as the body gets more used to smoke-free living.

What you can do:

Fatigue typically happens in the afternoon. Try to plan activities that help keep energy levels running high, like a mid-afternoon walk.
Healthy eating habits, eating at regular intervals, and avoiding foods high in sugar can help reduce the effects of feeling tired.
Regular physical activity can increase energy levels and decrease the experience of being tired. Be physically active.

Feeling hungry/gaining weight

Why this happens: As your sense of smell increases, food smells and tastes better. Also, the grumbling in your stomach indicating that your digestive tract is returning to normal may be perceived as hunger. Thirst and the craving for nicotine may also be perceived as hunger. Your metabolism, which was slightly boosted by nicotine, returns to normal so you need less calories. If you continue to eat the same amount of calories you may gain weight.

What you can do:

Use the coping strategies you have learned while becoming smoke-free to manage the urge to eat. (E.g. Distract yourself rather than eat or remind yourself of the benefits of being at a healthy weight). This includes adopting a positive attitude to eating a healthy diet.
Follow the Canada Food Guide to Healthy Eating. Eat a diet that contains a lot of plants (fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, beans, nuts and seeds) and a moderate amount of dairy (and alternatives) and meat (and alternatives)
Enjoy regular physical activity. Be physically active for 30 minutes, 5 or 6 days a week.
享受定期的体育活动。每周 5 或 6 天,每天进行 30 分钟的体育活动。
Avoid high-fat or high-sugar snack foods as well as processed foods.
Sometimes a person replaces one emotional crutch (smoking) with another (eating). Be aware if this is happening to you.

Constipation 便秘

Why this happens: Bowel movements also return to normal after you quit smoking.
What you can do:
Drink lots of water
A diet high in fibre-found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans-can help.
Enjoy regular physical activity.

Headache, dizziness, light-headedness

Why this happens: The carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke "knocks" oxygen out of your red blood cells, and less oxygen gets to your tissues. When you stop smoking, more oxygen gets to your brain and this can make you feel dizzy and light-headed or even give you a headache.
What you can do:
If you experience dizziness, sit down for a few minutes until it passes.
Take it easy for a while and don't overexert yourself.
Drinking lots of water may help ease your discomfort.
This symptom should only last a few days, at most. If these symptoms persist, check with your doctor.

Itching 瘙痒

Why this happens: Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it narrows the blood vessels. When you quit smoking, blood goes back to the vessels that were shrunk by nicotine, and this can create a feeling of itchiness. You may have weird itchy patches or generally feel itchy all over.

What you can do:

Buy yourself a back-scratcher and go with the flow, so to speak!
If that doesn't help, a cool ice pack (those nice soft gel packs that you can keep in the fridge or freezer) or a cold, wet face cloth can also help take the itch away.

Insomnia 失眠

Why this happens: Nicotine can affect how deeply you sleep. Once you stop smoking, your body no longer has its "fix" of nicotine. This symptom should go away within a few days. Note: Dreaming about smoking is a very common occurrence.
What you can do:
There are a number of things you can do to manage insomnia. Consult reliable information on sleep on the Internet (e.g., sleep information from Health Services), a book or a health professional.
Remind yourself that this is temporary and it is not worth smoking to relieve.

Concentration Problems 注意力问题

Why this happens: One of the effects of nicotine is to increase alertness and help with concentration. Most ex-smokers say that their concentration returns to normal within one or two weeks after stopping smoking.

What you can do:

Avoid situations that require a tremendous amount of concentration.
Use a to-do list to keep track of what needs to be done.
Carry a small pad and pen with you and write down the things you need to remember.

Build Coping Strategies 构建应对策略

COPE10: My List of Coping Strategies

The exercises that you have completed in the coping section have all had the goal of identifying coping strategies that you can use to manage the (temporary) negative feelings that often occur as a result of nicotine withdrawal from quilting smoking. In the spaces below, you will have transferred the most practical coping strategies from exercises in this booklet. You are not limited to the ones you identified from these exercises. If you have successfully used other coping strategies in the past when you quit, include those as well. Highlight (or circle) 10 strategies that you think will be most useful and transfer them to your wallet card (exercise COPEI1). You are not limited to using only the 10 strategies on your wallet card, so refer to this sheet often. The more strategies you have and use, the better prepared you will be to successfully quit smoking.
您在应对部分完成的练习都旨在确定您可以用来管理(暂时的)尼古丁戒断引起的常见负面情绪的应对策略。在下面的空格中,您将转移这本小册子中练习中最实用的应对策略。您不仅限于从这些练习中确定的策略。如果您以前成功使用其他应对策略来戒烟,请也包括在内。突出(或圈出)您认为最有用的 10 种策略,并将它们转移到您的钱包卡上(练习 COPEI1)。您不仅限于仅使用钱包卡上的 10 种策略,因此经常参考这张表。您拥有并使用的策略越多,您成功戒烟的准备就越充分。

9 .

In Case of a Slip

So you've had a slip. Perhaps it was during an evening out with friends. You may have had a few drinks, saw someone smoking, and "bummed" a cigarette. Maybe you were on a break, and a colleague offered you a cigarette; "Just one, you deserve it!" Perhaps it was after a long day, or after a conflict or argument. Whatever the situation, you gave yourself permission to have one cigarette, or a few. And now you may be feeling bad. Perhaps you are thinking, "I knew I couldn't do it; I should just give up!" This is a critical time in your quit; you can use the slip as an excuse to go back to smoking, OR, you can look at what went wrong and renew your commitment to remaining smoke-free for good.

Before we go on, let's review...

  • It's a fact: you are able to quit smoking. You have done it already!
  • A slip is not a complete failure; it is a temporary step backward.
  • Millions of people have quit smoking successfully. There are more former smokers in Canada now than current smokers. The fact is, many of these former smokers experienced a "slip" or "relapse" at some point during their quit.

What to do 做什么

1. Identify the trigger
1. 确定触发器

The first step is to become aware of the situation that triggered the slip. There are a number of high-risk situations where this can happen. These include:
  • Positive intrapersonal situations/emotional states (e.g. celebrations, an evening with friends, etc.)
  • Negative intrapersonal situations/emotional states (e.g. conflict, stress, anger, boredom, etc.)
  • Social pressures (both direct and indirect), including being around other smokers ("Just have one; you deserve it!").
  • Exposure to smoking-related cues (e.g. smelling cigarette smoke, being with a friend you always used to smoke with, seeing someone smoke on TV or in a movie).
  • Testing personal control (e.g. standing with former "smoking buddies" on a break to "prove" to yourself that you can resist)
  • Alcohol consumption is often accompanied by cues and temptations to smoke, and frequent exposure to these cues can erode the resolve to not smoke. There may also be a decrease in vigilance so that, under the influence of alcohol, the person may be less able to resist the cues and temptation to smoke.

2. Examine the situation
2. 检查情况

Once you have identified what triggered your urge to smoke, you can then examine what happened.
  • Was it one of the above circumstances, or a situation you had earlier identified as high-risk (e.g. from exercise COPE5 "Planning for Challenging Times)?
    是否是上述情况之一,或者是您之前确定为高风险的情况(例如,来自 COPE5“规划挑战时期”)?
-Were you: Hungry? Angry? Using Alcohol? Lonely? or Tired?
  • Did you rationalize having a cigarette (e.g. "I deserve it", "One won't hurt", "I was very stressed")?
  • Did you go into the situation knowing that you were going to smoke?
  • Did you have difficulty managing one or more of the symptoms of recovery (exercise COPE 9)?
    您是否在管理康复症状中遇到困难(运动 COPE 9)?

Honestly ask yourself: Did I use my coping strategies?

  • Did I use the numerous strategies I have developed to manage the negative emotions from quitting (exercise COPE10)?
    我是否使用了我开发的许多策略来管理戒烟带来的负面情绪(运动 COPE10)?
  • Did I use my wallet card (exercise COPE11)?
    我使用了我的钱包卡(运动 COPE11)吗?
  • Have I filled out my wallet card?
  • Did I have my wallet card with me?
  • Did I pull out my wallet card and seriously implement the15 strategies that are listed there for becoming and remaining smoke-free?
    我是否拿出我的钱包卡,并认真执行那里列出的 15 个戒烟策略?
  • Did I remember that my brain is asking for nicotine, which is what is making me uncomfortable.
  • Did I just wait, knowing that the craving would pass whether I smoked or not?
  • Did I breathe deeply?
  • Did I do something different (distract myself)?
  • Do I truly believe that quitting smoking is a gift I am giving myself (e.g. review my top five reasons for smoke-free living), or do I see quitting smoking as depriving myself of something that I enjoy?
It is very possible that you have answered "no" to some of the questions above. You worked hard to develop and establish your coping strategies, but they need to be implemented in order to be effective.

3. Review 3. 复习

  • Which of the 3 major areas of this program was the slip related to?
  • Understanding nicotine addiction: Do you understand that nicotine is the substance that keeps you coming back by making you feel uncomfortable? Do you acknowledge that these bad feelings will go away?
  • Building the right attitude: Do you believe that quitting smoking is a huge gift that you are giving yourself and that the time and energy you put into quitting will translate into huge benefits? Have you completed all the exercises in the "Build the Right Attitude" section?
  • Building coping strategies: Have you built a comprehensive repertoire of coping strategies to deal with the negative feelings of quitting? Have you tried out these strategies and refined them so that they are effective? Have you completed all the exercises in the "Build Coping Strategies" section?
  • Are there still some myths that you still buy into? Do you still believe, even a little bit, that smoking helps manage stress, or that smoking is cool? Review exercise ATT5: Disputing Myths About Smoking, exercise ATT3: How Using Tobacco Fits With My Values Worksheet, and exercise ATT4: How Using Tobacco Fits With My Goals Worksheet, and review the Benefits of Going Smoke-free sheet again (ATTI) to remind yourself why quitting is so important. It is by far the most important thing you can do to improve your health!
    你是否仍然相信一些谣言?你是否仍然认为吸烟有助于缓解压力,或者吸烟很酷?再次查看“争辩吸烟谣言”练习 ATT5,练习“吸烟如何符合我的价值观工作表”ATT3,练习“吸烟如何符合我的目标工作表”ATT4,以及再次查看戒烟的好处表(ATT1),提醒自己戒烟的重要性。这是改善健康的最重要的事情!
  • Are you unconsciously setting yourself up for a slip? Do you still have have some cigarettes hidden somewhere, "just in case"? Do you "test" your control by putting yourself in situations where you may be tempted? Do not "self-sabotage"—be your biggest supporter and set yourself up for success!

4. Plan 4. 计划

  • Develop strategies for the specific situation that led to the slip. These should include behavioural strategies (something you do, such as deep breathe) and cognitive strategies (the way you think, such as reminding yourself that the urge to smoke will go away whether you smoke or you don't). Prepare powerful counterarguments for your rationalizations. The next time you experience the situation, you will be prepared!
  • Don't allow yourself to get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Remember, since alcohol is the number one reason why people have a cigarette within the first few weeks of quitting, avoiding alcohol for the first few weeks of your quit is very, very helpful.


Don't look at quitting tobacco as giving up

something, or as if you are losing something. You are ridding yourself of something that has been stealing your health, your self-esteem, your money, your time, your looks, and years off your life. Instead look at quitting tobacco as giving yourself a very big gift; the gift of health, wellness, control, self-esteem, and life! What could be better than thatI

My Quit Smoking Countdown Calendar

Month: 月份:
Sunday 星期天 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六
Month: 月份:
Sunday 星期天 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六


If you decide to use the cut down method, you can use this calendar to plan your cutting down. Determine how many cigarettes you typically smoke each day and calculate a cutting down pattern that will leave you only I cigarette to smoke on the day before quit day. We have provided an example for a person who started the quit process on the 5th of the month and typically smokes 15 cigarettes a day.
如果您决定使用逐渐减少的方法,您可以使用这个日历来计划您的减少。确定您每天通常吸烟多少支,然后计算一个减少的模式,使您在戒烟前一天只剩下一支香烟可吸。我们为一个在月份的第 5 天开始戒烟过程且通常每天吸烟 15 支的人提供了一个示例。
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4 15 14 6 14 7 13 8 12 9 11 10
11 10 9 13 8 14 8 15 7 16 6 17
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  1. Nicotine in tobacco smoke gets into your lungs and then your brain, where it stimulates the pleasure/reward center. After you have finished a cigarette, the amount of nicotine in the brain drops and you begin to experience negative emotions. When you get another "hit" of nicotine by having another cigarette, bad feelings disappear (momentarily) as the pleasure/reward center is stimulated again. But nicotine levels drop once more, negative emotions return and the cycle of smoking continues to relieve these emotions.