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O) Sebating in English:
As Oritical Thinking. Appraach to Effective Oppeaking


语言应用 类 के 语言应用类
Gary Rybold (美) 著



高等学校英语拓展系列教䑾 高等学校英语拓展系列教程




本书作者从丰富的国内外英语辩论培训经验出发, 针对中国学习者在辩论方面的需求和特点, 介绍了辩论的基本知识和技巧,重在通过培养思辨能力帮助学习者提高辩论及沟通技能, 在语言与观点的交锋中锤炼思维, 开阔视野。
  • 选材精要, 涉及辩论形式、评判规则、思辨技巧、陈词技巧、资料收集、辩题分析、立论驳论等基本内容。
内容讲解清晰简洁, 辅以具体的举例说明, 易于理解掌握。
活动设计易于操作, 以小见大, 针对性强。
  • 以思辨方法和技巧的培养与运用为切入点, 促进学习者辩论水平及思维能力的提高。
  • 配套教学资源丰富。随书所附DVD包含国内最为普及的两种辩论形式的录像。更多教学资源及辩论录像将通过高等英语教学网 (http:// www. heep. cn) 陆续提供。
高等英语教育出版分社宗旨: Higher English Education Publishing House Mission:
推动科研 - 服务教学・坚持创新外研社・高等英语教育出版分社 FLTRP Higher English Education Publishing
传真: 010-88819400 Fax: 010-88819400

结屋 高等学校英语拓展系列教程

语言应用类 Language Application Class

语言技能缕 源头

语言文化类专业㭊语类 翻译

O) Sebating in English:
As Evilical Shinking. Appraach to Effective Oppeaking

Gary Rybold(美) 著



惞问:刘润清 胡壮麟

主任:文秋芳 石 坚

委员: (以姓氏笔画为序)
于晓言 王守仁 王克明 王秀银 王晓红 王斌 上 路马龙海 邓杉车丽娟 卢志鸿 田祥斌 李毅任拈梅刘爱军孙宁李小飞李健 余慕鸿 沈素㴖张15. 平张桂萍 苑春鸣郑仰成赵萱赵蓉胡超胡英佣宫桓刚 祝风英 秦荻辉 徐志英 常玉田 章汝雙程冷然谢福之 廖华英 冀成会 Andrew Lynn Gary Rybold


作为一套开放式教材, 拓展系列教程将根据高校教学要求不断充实。

第十版 (中国版) Stephen E. Lucas (美)

Specially Adapted for Chinese Readers


Dr. Stephen E. Lucas是演讲学领域的国际权威学者, 也是演讲与交流艺术的实践者。卢卡斯博士针对中国瑛语演讲学习者 “量身定制”的《演讲的艺术》(中国版)既保留了原书精䯘,又融入了中国特色,更具实用性与适用性。
《演讲的艺术》第十版 (中国版) 具有以下特色:
  • 系统介绍英语演讲的基本原则、方法及各类型演讲的技巧,融理论讲解、技能指导与实例评析于一体,结构清哳,语言生动。
  • 内容编排与练习设计充分考虑国内英语演讲教学需要, 注重选材的丰富多样与技能的循序渐进, 便于教学, 易于掌握。
  • 通过有效的指导与各类引导思考、比较与分析的任务, 提高学生在交流中的文化意识、创新精神与思辨能力。
  • 新增竞技性演讲章节, 评析国内演讲大赛实例, 指点参赛技巧。
  • CD-ROM 光盘提供演讲示范录像、著名演讲视频以及辅助学习资源; 各章Internet Connection板块提供精选资源网站, 帮助学生丰富知识, 拓展视野。
被誉为“演讲圣经”的《演讲的艺术》自1983年出版以来,始终高居美国演讲教科书销售榜榜首。目前全球上千所大学使用本书作为演讲课教材, 数千万读者因为本书而受益终生。《演讲的艺术》是大学英语演讲课程的首选教材, 也是学习者参加演讲赛事、提高演讲水平、提升综合素养的必备参考书。

Acknowledgements 致谢

This book would not have been possible without the inspiration of my students-both Chinese and American. I have learned far more from them than they learned from me. It is a privilege to work with students who want to take an extra step in their education by debating.
Some of those students served as voices in the writing of this book. In particular, the recommendations of Zhang Ruifang, Chris Hacela, and Zhou Qian were important. Friends such as Sheri Dalrymple, Jeff Travis, and Bill Eddy assisted in earlier drafts.
In learning my craft I have also had the joy of collaborating with dozens of coaches. From my earliest debating days with Larry Woodard to coaching national championship teams with Larry Radden, Edwin Tiongson and Craig Grossman, I have learned the best rewards of debate are friends you can count on.
The administrations of both of my campuses, Beijing Foreign Studies University and Irvine Valley College, were supportive throughout the process. Vice-dean of the School of English and International Studies Jin Limin and Irvine Valley College President Glenn Roquemore encouraged me to discover the best ways
to develop our mutual students. The administration of the South Orange County Community College District, under the direction of Dr. Raghu Mathur, went to extra lengths to help me to qualify for a Fulbright-Hayes Scholarship so I could conduct debate research in China.
Much of this book derives from that research and additional insight from my Ph.D. supervisor, Wu Yi'an. Her guidance on Sociocultural Theory in second language acquisition has been especially encouraging for the engagement approach to this book.
My FLTRP (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press) editor, Zhao
Chunmei, spent countless hours editing my work to increase the appropriateness of writing for a Chinese audience. I am grateful for her patience and perseverance in the process. I also wish to thank several anonymous reviewers who helped her in the process.
My best blessing in this world is my wife, Chen Xiaoqing. She sacrificed time from her own research to read chapters and provide insight. With both of our writing schedules daily life can be a beautiful balancing act of cleaning and cooking, researching and reading, teaching and traveling. Her love makes every day of my journey joyous. I thank God for the day we met.

Preface 序言

Technology and globalization have spread opportunities around the world. Yet these same forces have also brought about changes at an unprecedented pace. Peter Lyman of the UC Berkeley School of Information warns that "with the amount of stored information growing at a rate of about a year, a real change in our human ecology is taking place. Specialized knowledge is updated so often that it has a half-life-the time a piece of information stays current-as short as five years."1
技术和全球化已经将机会传播到世界各地。然而,这些力量也带来了前所未有的变化。加州大学伯克利分校信息学院的彼得·莱曼警告说,“随着存储信息量以每年约 的速度增长,我们的人类生态正在发生真正的变化。专业知识更新如此频繁,以至于其半衰期-信息保持当前的时间-短至五年。”1
Even with this quickly changing environment students are still rewarded for memorizing information that will soon be outdated. Worse yet, students cram for exams and as soon as the test is over they forget most of what they "knew."
Specifically, in language instruction we can be "left with verbalism, whereby learners do nothing more than listen to lectures, take notes, and memorize abstract definitions. If language instruction is limited to this type of activity, conceptual knowledge will have no power to be generalized to specific concrete communicative situations and will essentially be useless."2
Debating in English strives to be different from this type of education. Of course, you will need to learn concepts in this book. But these concepts should not be treated as checkmarks for taking an exam. Instead you need to participate in activities to make these concepts part of who you are, so that you can be a better thinker and a better speaker in English.
Debate is at the same time content and theory, practice and activity. Debating is active learning. You cannot sit back and passively watch a PowerPoint presentation and take a test. You must think and speak. You must listen and assess ideas. In other words, debating is the type of activity where you must stay engaged.
辩论同时是内容和理论,实践和活动。辩论是积极学习。你不能坐下来被动地观看 PowerPoint 演示并参加考试。你必须思考和演讲。你必须倾听和评估想法。换句话说,辩论是一种你必须保持参与的活动类型。
Think of this book as a new tool box of ideas to help you to build your ability to express your thinking while speaking. I wrote this book to provide you with all of the basic tools to get you started. However, you must do the activities (listed throughout the book) to practice each of the new tools and build on the tools you have mastered. As you learn and practice you will be part of an evaluation process where others will make comments to help you to move to the next level of development.
It is hoped that this type of engagement will better prepare you for a world where knowledge changes all the time, where you will be hired to find the relevant information, analyze and evaluate it and then communicate your thinking in group collaboration.
Set your goals high.
Professor Gary Rybold Gary Rybold 教授
Irvine Valley College 伊尔湖谷学院
Beijing Foreign Studies University

Contents 目录

Chapter 1 Welcome to Debate ..... 1
第一章 欢迎来到辩论 ..... 1

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Debate ..... 10
第二章 辩论基础 ..... 10

Chapter 3 Critical Thinking in Debate. ..... 27
第三章 辩论中的批判性思维 ..... 27

Chapter 4 Developing Effective Public Speaking Skills ..... 39
第四章 发展有效的公共演讲技巧 ..... 39

Chapter 5 Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speaking ..... 47
第五章 即兴演讲和即兴演讲 ..... 47

Chapter 6 Listening and Flowing. ..... 63
第六章 听力和流动 ..... 63

Chapter 7 Motions ..... 76
第 7 章 运动 ..... 76

Chapter 8 Researching ..... 88
第 8 章 研究 ..... 88

Chapter 9 Propositional Case Development ..... 97
第 9 章 命题案例开发 ..... 97

Chapter 10 Oppositional Counter-case Development ..... 110
第 10 章 反对性反案发展 ..... 110

Chapter 11 Refutation and Rejoinder ..... 124
第 11 章 反驳和答辩 ..... 124

Chapter 12 Logical Fallacies ..... 133
第 12 章 逻辑谬误 ..... 133

Chapter 13 Competing in Debate Tournaments ..... 141
第 13 章 辩论比赛中的竞争 ..... 141

Appendices 附录
Appendix 1 Glossary of Debate Terms. ..... 146
附录 1 辩论术语词汇表 ..... 146

Appendix 2 Fallacy List ..... 159
附录 2 谬误清单 ..... 159

Appendix 3 How to Conduct a Debate Tournament ..... 170
附录 3 如何举办辩论比赛 ..... 170
Hundreds of millions of people in China are learning English. For many students, speaking in English is quite challenging. Debating in English may be more so because students might think the concept of an argument is negative and they consider it a form of quarreling. Therefore, while debating is a great way to develop their oral English skills, students may not even want to participate.
However, debating does not have to be unpleasant and difficult. In fact, the comment I hear most from students I have trained is "debating is fun!" As you learn to debate it becomes easier and more enjoyable. If you have opportunities to compete in tournaments you will find the excitement of competition also creates an atmosphere where you make new friends. Even though you may have a heated argument with students from the other side, debates usually end with a handshake and friendly conversation. You will find debating to be a fun activity, where you are allowed to be competitive, but develop interpersonal relationships along the way.
Of course, students do not debate just for fun. They strive to learn debate for great gains in their thinking and speaking abilities in English, so that they will better participate and be more competitive in a globalized world.

Why Debate 为什么要辩论

Development of Applied Skills

In a scientific survey, human resource professionals were asked what applied skills were most needed for the 21 st century workplace. Those professionals did not focus on reading and writing or even computer skills. Rather, the three utmost skills they think important to be competitive are:
在一项科学调查中,人力资源专业人员被问及 21 世纪职场最需要的应用技能。这些专业人员并没有关注阅读和写作,甚至也不是计算机技能。相反,他们认为在竞争中最重要的三项技能是:
  • Oral Communication 口头沟通
  • Professionalism/Work Ethic
  • Teamwork/Collaboration 团队合作/协作
These are the same skills that can be developed by debate.

Oral Communication 口头沟通

Debating in English is like a short-term immersion into an English language environment. It will help you with three aspects of oral communication.
First, it will help your fluency and speed. When you first start learning debate, you may need to think and search for proper words. But with practice and experience the words will come faster.
Second, debate will help you with increased accuracy in thinking and language use. It is as though the debate is a group collaboration effort to improve your oral English clarity. In debating, the other team, by arguing against you, is actually asking you to be more accurate in your language and your ideas. The judge or your teacher will also give comments to help you to increase your ability to express yourself accurately in English.
Third, debate will help you with the complexity of your thinking and language. You will research new ideas, acquire new concepts and vocabulary in the process. You will find new ways to express yourself. As you do these things, your language and thinking will become more sophisticated, and you will move on from just memorizing and reciting from a textbook. You will increasingly be required to form and express your own thoughts that others can understand. As this process develops you will feel more self-confident in speaking, either to one person or in front of a large audience.

Professionalism/Work Ethic

Debate will help you to present a professional image to the audience. To be a good debater, you will have to do research and preparation. You will need to meet time schedules. Everything from practice to tournament trains you to act in a professional manner. In professional life this is referred to as "having a high concern for the task." In other words, you are able to get things done.
Teamwork/Collaboration 团队合作/协作
Teamwork or collaboration goes beyond just building good relationships. Debate involves working within relationships to solve problems with other people. This means developing the abilities to express ideas, hear the ideas of others, analyze and evaluate arguments, establish criteria for the best results while working within a group. Debate is a team effort. You will need to divide assignments among teammates. You will practice with others to help everyone's improvement. And you will have partners who will count on you to do your best. In professional life this is referred to as "having a high concern for people." In other words, as you get things done you build strong relationships.

Development of Other Skills

Critical Thinking 批判性思维

The most powerful influence that debate will have on your life is the ability to think better. There is a great deal of research pointing to the intellectual benefits of debating. Research has also shown that people may not think as well when speaking in a second language as they do in their first language, UNLESS they are trained to think in their second language. Debating is not an easy thing for most people, even in their native language. It takes real courage to debate in a second language. But, through the activity of debating, you can learn how to better analyze and evaluate thinking and how to present your ideas in organized and persuasive ways. Ultimately, debating will develop your confidence in reasoning.
The end result of debating in English is to develop your critical thinking skills while orally communicating. Development of your thinking is woven into the development of your speaking. It is accurate to say that students learn to be better thinkers so they can become better debaters and students become better debaters as they become better thinkers.
Researching and Writing 研究和写作
As a debater you will be responsible to educate yourself on a wide range of topics by reading and researching in depth. You will discover new models of writing with the reading you do. You will also learn how to make logical arguments supported with evidence. This type of extensive "input"-by reading widely, and "output"-by producing arguments and logical reasoning, helps you to form a good writing style. Most debaters claim that debating helps them to improve as writers as well as speakers.

Listening and Note-taking

Active listening is another skill you will develop. Debate requires you to closely follow and think about what the other debaters say. You also need to take detailed notes in order to effectively refute what the other team argues and put forward your own arguments. This type of critical listening encourages debaters to be actively engaged in thinking.

Worldview 世界观

Your viewpoint on the world will start to change with debating. Some people claim that they find "their voice" through debating and develop who they are as a person. You will become more involved with understanding national

and international issues. As you explore these issues you will begin to see the world as more complex, which allows you to understand the values of other people which, in turn, should increase your crosscultural awareness. You will find yourself becoming more fair-minded as you see that there are many ways to view the world.
Competence and Confidence
As you learn to debate you will also increase your autonomy in learning and better learn how to work out issues and solve problems by yourself. You will become better able to persevere in the face of challenging intellectual activities that you come across in your life. This type of confidence often comes when you become better at expressing your ideas.

Getting Started 入门指南

Since debating is a skill, you cannot learn to debate by reading a book. You cannot learn to debate by listening to lectures. The only way to learn how to debate is by debating. You must go through the steps and make mistakes along the way. Initially, you may be concerned with losing face. And like students around the world, you have taken so many exams that you are used to a question having only "one" correct answer. But now in learning debate you will make mistakes-lots of them-and you will come up with your own answers. You may present arguments that are irrelevant or illogical because you don't have enough information or understanding of the topic. You may miss an argument because the other team is speaking so fast that you can't understand them. You may run out of time before you run out of ideas or run out of ideas before you run out of time. These are all parts of the learning process. This is the way of developing into a better speaker and a better thinker.
The "Five Ps" for effective speaking can help your improvement: Preparation and Practice Prevent Poor Performance.
有效演讲的“五个 P”可以帮助你提高:准备和实践可以避免糟糕的表现。
In debating, if you want to be successful, you will need to prepare properly. First, you will need to prepare your body with the right food, sufficient sleep and plenty of water. Second, you will need to prepare your mind with proper attitude, lots of reading and discussion. Third, you will need to do other preparations prior to the debate, such as topic research, gathering materials like pens and paper.
But more than anything else, if you want to be successful, you will need to practice. Sometimes you can practice alone. If you read something you think you might use in a debate, you can practice putting the ideas into your own words. Even after a debate, you can give a speech which you already gave during the debate round over again to try out ways to improve it. There are exercises in this book designed to encourage you to practice by yourself. You should also practice with your partner. Sometimes you will know the topic area you are going to debate. You and your partner can discuss strategies or major arguments you will present or you think the other team will present. Some debaters will even simulate a full debate to develop better strategies and ideas to support their position and attack the ideas of the other team.
In the classroom, listening to other debaters in action is another opportunity to practice. Even as an audience, you can have a learning experience by listening to the arguments, taking notes and weighing the arguments on both sides. You will be training your brain by watching the debate and imagining how you would argue if you were one of the debaters.
You can maximize your efforts at becoming a good debater if you will do the following:
Read the assigned chapter before coming to class. This book is not written so that you can be better in written examinations. But, the book is designed so you can learn skills in a systematic fashion. Reading will be the beginning. It will familiarize you with what you are going to learn in class and help you to make the most of the class.
Take the assignments seriously. The book and your teacher will provide many opportunities to develop your skills. You should try your best to finish the assignments. When debating in class, always give your best performance.
Learn to be a great note-taker. If you miss what the other debaters are saying during a debate, it will be difficult to provide a good analysis and evaluation of their arguments. Your short-term memory cannot go far. Good notes will help you to recall. Therefore, practice taking notes as much as possible-in practice debates, when observing others, or during your lecture classes. When you have a break after taking the notes, speak the notes aloud, try to explain everything you have noted down. Not only will this reinforce your memory of ideas, it will train you to explain the arguments of others.
Practice as much as possible. You should develop a habit of practicing your speeches outside of class. You can practice in a group or with your partner. But you will especially need to practice by yourself, trying out new ideas and explaining the ideas of others. Ultimately, the people who perform the best are the ones who practice the most.
Go to debate tournaments. Competition can bring out the best in you. It can provide new opportunities for you to perfect your skills. In competition you will need to collaborate with your partner, listen to the arguments of different people, and learn from the comments of the judges. This type of practice becomes a laboratory for ideas that cannot be duplicated in the classroom. It may be a tournament co-organized by your school with other schools or an "intramural" tournament where only the students from the same school compete against each other. As a beginner if you do not have the confidence to participate in a tournament, you can just go to watch others debate. Sometimes this type of modeling can help you to see what you need to do.
Learn to seek and accept constructive criticism. In a debate not everyone can win the top prize. Judges will explain who won and who lost and why. You may not agree with the decision, but you should listen and learn. It is a great exercise

for developing your critical thinking skills. In the classroom your teacher and fellow students will also offer comments to help you to improve. Most people are giving you these comments to help you. Listen to them, take notes, ask clarifying questions and learn.
Give good feedback to your classmates. Besides seeking constructive criticism from others, you also need to assess the ideas of others and give them constructive criticism. You need to be honest about your thoughts, but you also have to present your critique in a way that can be easily accepted and helps to build the relationship. You must have a high concern for the task and a high concern for the relationship.

Conclusion 结论

You have now become a student of debate. This means you should be committed to developing your critical thinking skills through oral communication. I sincerely believe there is nothing better than debate to help you to become a better speaker and a better thinker. It will take effort on your part, but it will be well worth it.

Activities 活动

  1. Discuss with a partner: What do you expect to achieve through debating?
  2. Start debating with easy and fun value topics. Choose one of the topics below, prepare a two-minute speech on both sides. Be sure to provide reasons to support your ideas. Form teams with classmates who choose the same topic and assign the side, with 2-4 members on each side. Give alternate speeches for and against the topic.
    从容易且有趣的价值话题开始辩论。选择以下话题之一,准备一场双方各两分钟的演讲。一定要提供支持你观点的理由。与选择相同话题的同学组成团队,分配双方,每边 2-4 名成员。轮流演讲支持和反对该话题。
  • A dog is a better pet than a cat.
  • McDonald's is better than KFC.
  • Traveling by car is better than traveling by train.
  • Rice is better than noodles.
  • Fall is better than spring.
  • A trip to the US is better than a trip to Europe.
  • A trip to the mountains is better than a trip to the beaches.
  • Blue is a better color than green.

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History of Debate 辩论的历史

Debate has a long history. In the West, debating traditions started during the Golden Age of Greece over 2,000 years ago and continued with the Roman Empire. Aristotle, in the 4th century BC, created a form of logic so that citizens of Athens would be able to test the arguments being made in court or public decisions. Debating is often called the heart of democracy. This means that different sides of an issue can be heard so that proper decisions can be made.
辩论有着悠久的历史。在西方,辩论传统始于希腊黄金时代,距今已有两千多年,并延续至罗马帝国时期。公元前 4 世纪,亚里士多德创立了一种逻辑形式,以便雅典市民能够审查法庭或公共决策中提出的论点。辩论常被称为民主的核心。这意味着问题的不同方面可以被听取,以便做出正确的决定。
Debate in China can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period (770-221 BC) when "the hundred schools of philosophical thought" questioned and tested the great ideas of the day in writing or orally. Confucius developed a type of dialecticism as a way to see things in their appropriate contexts. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907) debate blossomed in the form of discussion and disputation on religious metaphysics. Qing tan (pure talk) and ting yi (court discussion) are two forms of debate in ancient Chinese history.
中国的辩论可以追溯到春秋战国时期(公元前 770-221 年),当时“百家争鸣”在书面或口头上质疑和检验当时的伟大思想。孔子发展了一种辩证法,作为一种看待事物的方式。唐代(618-907 年)辩论在宗教形而上学的讨论和辩论中蓬勃发展。清谈和廷议是中国古代历史上的两种辩论形式。
Today, debating can be found around the world in a variety of contexts. Law makers in legislatures and lawyers in courtrooms debate against each other. Debates take place frequently in the House of Commons in Great Britain and between presidential hopefuls in the US. In business, debates also occur widely. Jim Collins in his book, Good to Great, wrote that the best companies in the US have executives who argue and debate in pursuit of the best results. In this book we will focus on academic debate as it exists in schools around the world.

Elements of a Debate

In order for an oral communication activity to be classified as a debate three elements are necessary: a topic to debate, debate teams on two opposing sides, and a judge to decide a winner.

Topic 主题

A debate topic can be called a resolution, a motion or a proposition. A debatable topic should have arguments available on both sides. This is referred to as the "ground" of a debate. Controversial issues are the most suitable topics for debate. Topics should be about issues with common knowledge and significance so that an ordinary student would have access to the information necessary to debate either side. Debates can be about facts or values or policies. An example of a fact debate would be "The recession is over." An example of a value debate would be "Economic development is more important than environmental protection." An example of a policy debate would be "Private automobile ownership should be substantially reduced in China." Different types of arguments are required for debates on different types of topics. Chapter 5 will provide detailed explanations.
辩论主题也可以称为决议、动议或提案。一个有争议的主题应该在两方都有可用的论点。这被称为辩论的“基础”。有争议的问题是最适合进行辩论的主题。主题应该围绕着有共同认知和重要性的问题,这样普通学生就可以获取必要的信息来辩论双方。辩论可以围绕事实、价值观或政策展开。事实辩论的例子是“衰退已经结束了。”价值辩论的例子是“经济发展比环境保护更重要。”政策辩论的例子是“中国的私人汽车所有权应大幅减少。”不同类型的辩题需要不同类型的论点。第 5 章将提供详细说明。

Debate Teams on Two Opposing Sides

In academic debate, teams are randomly assigned to the side they will support in the debate. The precondition for a debate is that "two teams agree to disagree on a specific topic." You do not need to have strong personal convictions for the side you are defending. You only have to present the best arguments in support of your side. The team in a debate that affirms the motion can be called the Affirmative, the Government, the Proposition, or the Pro; and the side that negates the motion can be called the Negative, the Opposition, or the Con. Usually, the Proposition is abbreviated as Prop, and the Opposition as Opp.
在学术辩论中,团队会随机被分配到他们在辩论中支持的一方。辩论的前提是"两支团队同意在特定话题上不同意"。你不需要对你所支持的一方有强烈的个人信念。你只需要提出支持你所在一方的最好的论点。在辩论中,支持动议的一方可以被称为“肯定方”、“政府方”、“提案方”或“赞成方”;而反对动议的一方可以被称为“否定方”、“反对方”或“反对者”。通常情况下,提案方被缩写为 Prop,否定方被缩写为 Opp。
Your job in a debate is not to convince the other team to accept your arguments and abandon their own, but to persuade the judge or the audience to think your arguments are better and vote for your side.
Judges are sometimes called adjudicators, especially in British parliamentary debate and All-Asian debate. The judge is a necessary element of a debate, or else you are just having communication. Judges are usually more experienced debaters, or instructors who decide which side did the better job of debating. How do they do this? Ideally, judges should be objective. They should not decide who won the debate based on personal beliefs that they held on topics or teams before the debate began. Judges should also be knowledgeable about the rules to be able to make appropriate decisions. At the end of the debate round, judges make a decision on who won and provide reasons for their decision in an oral or written form or both. In many cases, judges give an oral critique at the end so that debaters can learn from the experience.

Major Formats of Debate

Debate formats are rules to be followed to ensure that all debaters have fair and equal opportunities to win. Formats provide the time limits and speaking order for the debaters. Although formats are usually consistent for a particular style of debate such as American or British parliamentary debate, the rules are often slightly modified to suit the needs of specific competitions or classroom exercises. For example, a speech could be reduced from seven to five minutes. In spite of the variations among different formats, two principles remain constant: Debate teams on the propositional side and oppositional side have the same amount of speaking time and they alternate in giving their speeches.
Formats have much to do with the different range of topics: changing and fixed. With changing topic formats, motions are different for every round. This type of debate, usually called parliamentary debate, is very popular around the world and can have two, three or four competitors on each side of the motion. In the fixed topic format, the motion remains the same throughout the tournament, month, or school year. It is very popular in the US where high school and college students debate in one-on-one debate, called Lincoln-Douglas (after the famous Abraham Lincoln-Stephen Douglas debates in 1858) or in debate with two people on a team, called cross-examination debate or policy debate.
格式与不同范围的主题有很大关系:变动和固定。随着主题格式的变化,每一轮的观点都不同。这种类型的辩论通常被称为议会辩论,在世界各地都非常受欢迎,并且每一边可以有两个、三个或四个竞争者。在固定主题格式中,运动在整个比赛、月份或学年中保持不变。这在美国非常流行,在那里高中和大学学生进行一对一辩论,称为林肯-道格拉斯辩论(以 1858 年著名的亚伯拉罕·林肯 - 斯蒂芬·道格拉斯辩论为名)或与两人组成的辩论团队进行辩论,称为交叉审问辩论或政策辩论。

Parliamentary Debate 议会辩论

In parliamentary debate, the motion is announced only 15 to 25 minutes before the beginning of the debate. Debaters must extemporize their arguments and are not allowed to bring into the round any materials from which to read (except the notes they write during preparation). The number of debaters involved in each format varies. American parliamentary (AP) debate has one team on each side, with two persons on each team. All-Asian (AA) debate has one team on each side, with three persons on each team. For British parliamentary (BP) debate, there are two teams on either side, with two persons on each team.
Since parliamentary debate evolved from the British parliamentary system, the teams supporting the motion are called the Government, while those against the motion are called the Opposition (as in "loyal opposition"a different party who wants to see different changes to improve the current system. In the parliamentary system many parties may want to advance proposals and debate against the ruling party. The party with the most votes in Parliament is in charge of the government and has the authority to implement changes). A recent development in debate has changed the term "government team" to "propositional team" since they have to support the proposition or motion.

American Parliamentary (AP) Debate
美国议会辩论(AP 辩论)

This format of debate is used by the National Parliamentary Debate Association (NPDA) in the US and for many years at the FLTRP CUP National English Debating Competition. Motions can be announced in two ways. First, a committee or Chief Adjudicator directing the tournament decides the exact wording of a motion and announces it to the entire tournament participants. This group announcement enables the tournament participants to limit the preparation time so that every debate starts at the same time. A second way is to provide each room with a list of three motions and let the debaters rank the motions. A rank of third automatically gets excluded, while if both teams rank the same motion as their first preference it will be the motion to be debated. If
辩论的这种形式被美国国家议会辩论协会(NPDA)使用,并在 FLTRP CUP 全国英语辩论比赛中使用多年。提案可以通过两种方式宣布。首先,指导比赛的委员会或首席裁判员决定提案的确切措辞,并宣布给整个比赛参与者。这一群体公告使得比赛参与者可以限制准备时间,以便每场辩论同时开始。第二种方式是为每个房间提供三个提案,并让辩手们对提案进行排名。排名第三的自动被排除,而如果两支队伍将同一提案排名为首选,那么这个提案将被辩论。如果第一和第二选择有分歧,抛硬币决定提案。

there is a disagreement on the first and second choice a flip of a coin will decide the motion.
There is no set rules for classroom debates and the preparation time is decided by the teacher. For convenience, a motion may be given to the class prior to the debate. In that way students can research and prepare for a few days. The wording of motions is a decision of the class and teacher.
In competition, debaters have a preparation period ranging from 15 to 25 minutes depending on the specific tournament rules. Tournament rules usually explicitly spell out details concerning issues such as coaching during preparation, and the usage of electronic resources and research materials. In some tournaments, coaching and group preparation are allowed, while in other tournaments debaters are required to work by themselves on preparing the topic. Sometimes debaters are allowed to access the Internet via computers or cellphones, while other tournaments permit only hard copy of research files to be used. Debaters must check the rules in advance to see what is allowed and prohibited in a particular tournament. Regardless of the variations in rules, it is common in all parliamentary debates that debaters are only allowed to bring in notes they have written on the topic during the preparation period.
在辩论比赛中,辩手有一个准备时间,根据具体比赛规则的不同,范围从 15 到 25 分钟不等。比赛规则通常明确规定了有关辅导、准备期间的使用电子资源和研究资料等问题的细节。在一些比赛中,允许辅导和团体准备,而在其他比赛中,辩手需要独自准备主题。有时,辩手可以通过计算机或手机访问互联网,而其他比赛只允许使用研究文件的硬拷贝。辩手必须提前查看规则,了解在特定比赛中允许和禁止的事项。尽管规则有所不同,但在所有的议会辩论中,辩手只允许在准备期间写在主题上的笔记。
Below are the speaking order and time limits:
Constructive Speeches (Build new arguments)
Leader of the Proposition/Prime Minister Constructive 7 minutes
提案方领袖/建设性 7 分钟总理
Leader of the Opposition Constructive 8 minutes
反对方领袖建设性 8 分钟
Member of the Proposition Constructive 8 minutes
提案方成员建设性 8 分钟
Member of the Opposition Constructive 8 minutes
反对派建设性成员 8 分钟
Rebuttal Speeches (No new arguments)
Leader of the Opposition Rebuttal 4 minutes
反对派领袖反驳 4 分钟
Leader of the Proposition/Prime Minister Rebuttal 5 minutes
提案方领袖/首相反驳 5 分钟
Total 40 minutes 总共 40 分钟
The Leader of the Opposition has the first rebuttal speech, and the Leader of the Proposition finishes the debate. This means that two of the debaters speak twice and the other two speak once.
During the constructive speeches, debaters from the other team may ask questions by raising a "Point of Information (POI)." The purpose of asking a POI is to clarify an issue or ask a question or to point out a flaw in the speaker's reasoning. A POI is not allowed during the first
在建设性发言期间,来自另一队的辩手可以通过提出“信息点(POI)”来提问。提出 POI 的目的是澄清问题、提出问题或指出发言者推理中的缺陷。在建设性发言的第一分钟或最后一分钟,或在反驳性发言期间,不允许提问 POI。POI 应该简短明了,不超过 15 秒。发言者有权决定是否接受问题。提问者可以站起来问“信息点?”发言者可以通过说“陈述你的观点”来接受问题,或者通过说“现在不是时候”来拒绝问题。提问者不应一次提出多个问题,也不应在被拒绝后立即再次站起来。没有确切的 POI 提问或回答数量。如果你经常打断发言者,裁判会认为你很无礼。如果你不接受任何 POI,裁判会认为你很胆怯。这两种情况都会导致你的分数减少。通常,每次演讲回答两到三个 POI 就足够了。

or last minute of a constructive speech, or anytime during a rebuttal speech. A POI should be short and concise, taking no more than 15 seconds. The speaker who has the floor has the control over whether to take the question or not. The questioner may stand up and ask "Point of Information?" The speaker may accept the question by saying "State your point," or decline the question by saying "Not at this time." The questioner should not ask more than one question at a time and should not stand up again immediately after being declined. There is no exact number on the amount of POIs to ask or answer. If you interrupt the speaker too often the judge will think you are rude. If you do not take any POI, the judge will think you are afraid. Both cases can cause your points to be reduced. Typically, two or three POIs answered per speech are sufficient.
The first speaker of each team provides the rebuttal speech. This means they must take notes throughout the debate and be able to summarize the main points they are winning. Speakers are not allowed to present new arguments in their rebuttal speeches. If this happens, debaters from the other side may point out to the judge that the argument is new and should be excluded. To do this, the debater stands up and says, "Point of Order." The judge stops the time and asks the debater to "State your point." Then the debater must explain why the argument is new. The debater offering the argument may be allowed by the judge
每个团队的第一位发言人提供反驳发言。这意味着他们必须在辩论过程中做笔记,并能够总结他们所赢得的主要观点。发言人在反驳发言中不允许提出新的论点。如果发生这种情况,来自另一方的辩手可以向裁判指出该论点是新的,应该被排除在外。为此,辩手站起来说:“抗议”。裁判停止计时并要求辩手“陈述你的观点”。然后辩手必须解释为什么这个论点是新的。提出该论点的辩手可能会被裁判允许解释为什么这个论点不是新的。此时,裁判有三种不同的选择。裁判可以决定该论点不是新的,并宣布:“抗议不成立”,该论点被记录下来。如果裁判认为该论点是新的,他们会说“抗议成立”,该论点被排除在外。如果裁判说“暂时保留意见”,这意味着该论点的地位将在辩论结束时决定。 <b0></b0>

to provide an explanation why the argument is not new. At that point, the judge has three different options. The judge can decide the argument is not a new one and announce, "Point not well-taken" and the argument is flowed. If the judge decides the argument is new, they say "Point well-taken" and the argument is excluded. If the judge says "Taken under consideration," it means that the status of argument will be decided at the end of the debate.
Other than the time allowed right before the debate starts, no additional preparation time is given between speeches. Debaters are expected to rise to speak as soon as the other team has finished.
At the end of the debate, the judge decides who won by looking at the substantive arguments in the round. As the arguments develop the debaters will argue about how to decide the round and how to weigh the issues against each other. Judges take all of the arguments into consideration in their decisions.
Judges decide who won the debate and then assign speaker points. The speaker points on a scale of 3 to 30 (up to 50 at the FLTRP CUP) are a general indication of how well the individual debaters performed in the round. Judges look to the performance of every debater in regards to delivery, organization, refutation, reasoning, and case construction. As a consequence of two different evaluation procedures (issues for the decision, speaker points), the winning team may have lower points than the losing team because they are not as skilled at speaking or organizing, but they have the most significant arguments. However, some contests may require the winning team to also have the highest points. In this case, a winner is usually decided first and points are assigned to match the decision.
裁判决定谁赢得了辩论,然后分配演讲者积分。积分在 3 到 30 的范围内(在 FLTRP 杯赛上最高可达 50)是对每位辩手在该轮表现如何的一般指示。裁判会关注每位辩手在演讲、组织、反驳、推理和案例构建方面的表现。由于两种不同的评估程序(决定问题、演讲者积分),获胜团队的积分可能比输掉的团队低,因为他们在演讲或组织方面不够娴熟,但他们有最重要的论点。然而,有些比赛可能要求获胜团队也具有最高的积分。在这种情况下,通常会先决定获胜者,然后分配积分以符合决定。

British Parliamentary (BP) Debate
英国议会辩论(BP 辩论)

In BP debate (also called Worlds Style as in World Universities Debate
在 BP 辩论中(也称为世界风格,如世界大学辩论)
Championship or WUDC), four teams compete at the same time with two twoperson teams on each side. The name of each speaker is based on the British government system.
在 BP 辩论中,四支队伍同时竞争,每边有两支两人组成的队伍。每位演讲者的名字基于英国政府体制。
This format has been used extensively by the International Debate Education Association and FLTRP CUP has changed to this format since 2010.
国际辩论教育协会和外研社杯自 2010 年起广泛采用这种辩论格式。
The preparation time is 15 minutes in BP debate. There is no group preparation. Each team must prepare their arguments separately and all compete against the other three teams. It may even occur that two teams from the same school are in the debate (unlike AP). The adjudicator will decide which teams do the better debating based on the strength of their arguments (matter) and the style of their delivery (manner). There is no winning side, only team rankings from first place to fourth place. The top team in the debate would be awarded three points; the second-ranking team receives two points; the third-ranking team, one point; and the last team, zero point. The teams with the most points in the preliminary rounds in the tournament advance to the elimination rounds.
BP 辩论的准备时间为 15 分钟。没有团队准备时间。每支队伍必须分别准备他们的论点,并与其他三支队伍竞争。甚至可能出现来自同一所学校的两支队伍参与辩论(与 AP 不同)。裁判将根据他们的论点(内容)的强度和演讲风格(方式)来决定哪支队伍辩论更好。没有获胜方,只有从第一名到第四名的队伍排名。辩论中的头名队伍将获得三分;第二名队伍获得两分;第三名队伍获得一分;最后一支队伍获得零分。在预赛轮次中得分最高的队伍将晋级淘汰赛。
In BP debate, POIs may be asked by all eight debaters. There is a protected time without any POIs in the first and last minute of the speech. A Point of Order is not allowed.
在 BP 辩论中,所有八名辩手都可以提问 POIs。演讲的第一分钟和最后一分钟有保护时间,期间不允许提问。不允许提出议事规则。
The speaking order and time limits are as follows:
First opening propositional/Prime Minister 7 minutes
第一位开场提案者/首相 7 分钟
First opening oppositional/Opposition Leader 7 minutes
第一次开场反对/反对领袖 7 分钟
Second opening propositional/Deputy Prime Minister minutes
第二次开场提议/副首相 分钟
Second opening oppositional/Deputy Opposition Leader minutes
第二次开场反对/副反对领袖 分钟
First closing propositional/Member of the Government minutes
第一次闭幕命题/政府成员 分钟
First closing oppositional/Member of the Opposition 7 minutes
第一次闭幕反对/反对派成员 7 分钟
Second closing propositional/Government Whip 7 minutes
第二次闭幕命题/政府鞭笞 7 分钟
Second closing oppositional/Opposition Whip_ 7 minutes
辩论结束后,裁判必须根据 1 到 100 分的比例为每位辩手分配演讲者积分。每个团队的两名辩手的总分必须与他们的排名相匹配。换句话说,第一名团队也必须获得最高的总发言者积分。同一团队的一名辩手可以获得比另一名辩手更多的分数,只要他们的总分与排名相匹配。
Total 56 minutes
At the end of the debate the adjudicator must assign speaker points to each debater on a scale of 1 to 100 points. The total points of the two debaters on each team must match their ranking. In other words, the first place team must also receive the highest total speaker points. One debater on the team may receive substantially more points than the other debater on the same team, as long as their total points match their ranking.

All-Asian (AA) Debate 全亚洲(AA)辩论

This format of parliamentary debate has two teams with three debaters on each team. The teams are called the Government and the Opposition. Preparation time is 15 minutes.
这种议会辩论的格式有两支队伍,每支队伍有三名辩手。队伍分为政府和反对派。准备时间为 15 分钟。
The speaking order and time limits are as follows:
Prime Minister Constructive 7 minutes
总理建设性 7 分钟
Leader of the Opposition Constructive 7 minutes
反对党领袖建设性 7 分钟
Deputy Prime Minister Constructive 7 minutes
副总理建设性 7 分钟
Deputy Leader of the Opposition Constructive 7 minutes
反对党副领袖建设性讨论 7 分钟
Government Whip Summary 7 minutes
政府鞭挥霍概要 7 分钟
Opposition Whip Summary 7 minutes
反对党鞭挥霍概要 7 分钟
Opposition Reply Speech 4 minutes
反对派回复讲话 4 分钟
Government Reply Speech minutes
政府回复讲话 分钟
Total 50 minutes 总共 50 分钟
Like AP debate, the last two speeches in AA debate are rebuttal speeches that provide a review of the major clash in the debate and reasons why their team is winning the debate. The speech may be given by either of the first two speakers of the team (only the whip is prevented from giving this speech).
就像 AP 辩论一样,AA 辩论中的最后两次发言是反驳性发言,对辩论中的主要冲突进行回顾,并说明他们的团队为何赢得了辩论。这次发言可以由团队的前两名发言人之一发表(只有 whip 被禁止发表此发言)。
Just like AP debate, there are POIs in AA debate. However, there are no Point of Order allowed. In this case, the adjudicator must make an independent
就像 AP 辩论一样,AA 辩论中也有 POI。然而,不允许提出 Point of Order。在这种情况下,裁判必须独立做出决定,判断论点是否是新的。如果论点是新的,那么裁判必须忽略它。

decision on whether the argument is new or not. If the argument is new, then the adjudicator must ignore it.
就像 AP 辩论一样,AA 辩论中的最后两次发言是反驳性发言,对辩论中的主要冲突进行回顾,并说明他们的团队为何赢得了辩论。这次发言可以由团队的前两名发言人之一发表(只有 whip 被禁止发表此发言)。
The result of the debate is determined on matter (argument construction, refutation, logic) and manner (delivery). A third element, method (organizational dynamics) is also considered. In AA debate, adjudicators are asked to vote on the substantive arguments in the debate, but must still give higher points to the winning team. Each speaker gets up to 100 points based on:
辩论的结果取决于内容(论证构建,反驳,逻辑)和方式(表达)。第三个元素,方法(组织动态)也会被考虑。在辩论中,裁判被要求对辩论中的实质性论点进行投票,但仍然必须给予获胜团队更高的分数。每位发言人最多可以获得 100 分,基于:
  • Matter-40 points 内容-40 分
  • Manner-40 points 方式-40 分
  • Method-20 points 方法-20 分
A reply speech is worth only 50 points. This means that each team can receive a total of 350 points for the round.
回复发言只值 50 分。这意味着每个团队本轮最多可以获得 350 分。

Speaker Duties 演讲者职责

The first four speeches in all three formats have similar speaker duties. But, since the amount of speeches and debaters vary, the later speeches are different. Below are the duties for the first four speeches. The specifics on how to develop cases and strategies for each speaker are presented in later chapters.

Constructive Speeches 构造性演讲

First propositional speech. The main duty of the first speaker of the propositional team is to set up the "case," which includes what the propositional team is proposing and what reasons there are for the plan such as harms to solve and advantages to achieve.

Case construction 案例构建

  • Greet the house (All debaters start with a greeting to all present and thanks to the judge, who is called the "Speaker of the House.")
  • State the motion 提出议题
  • Define key terms 定义关键术语
  • Give a background to the problem
  • Provide a thesis (plan)
  • Provide reasons why the motion should be adopted (advantages)
First oppositional speech. The main duty of the first speaker of the oppositional team is to set up the "counter-case" which may include an alternative proposal, reasons to adopt the alternative, reasons to not adopt the proponent's proposal, and refutation of the case.

Counter-case construction

  • Greeting 问候
  • Disagreements on definition (clarification)
  • Rebuttal of Proposition's case
  • Direct refutation of the case
  • No need 不需要
  • No solvency 没有解决能力
  • No advantages 没有优势
  • Counter-case arguments 反例论点
  • Disadvantages of the plan
  • Infeasibilities of the plan
  • The philosophy/values of the Proposition that should not be endorsed
  • Counter-proposal with benefits
Second propositional speech. The main duty of the second speaker of the Proposition is to provide rejoinder to the case presented by the first speaker and refute the counter-case of the Opposition. If there is any time left, new arguments to support the motion can be advanced.
  • Refute the counter-case of 1st oppositional speaker
  • Rebuild the case of 1st propositional speaker
  • May add new arguments to the case of 1st propositional speaker
Second oppositional speech. The main duty of the second speaker of the Opposition is to provide rejoinder to all arguments in the debate. Since this is a constructive speech new arguments may be added.
  • Continue refutation of case of 1st propositional speaker
  • Rebuild arguments of 1st oppositional speaker
  • May add new arguments to the counter-case of 1 st oppositional speaker

Rebuttal Speeches 反驳发言

Since there are a different number of speeches in the three formats there are some variations among the different types of rebuttal speeches.
AP Debate AP 辩论
The last two speeches are given by the first two speakers. In these speeches, the debaters synthesize and let the judge know why they are winning the round.
Oppositional Rebuttal Speech
  • Present voting issues for the Opposition based on what 2nd oppositional speaker discusses - These voting issues are a summary of why the Opposition is winning the debate.
  • NO NEW ARGUMENTS 不要提出新的论点
Propositional Rebuttal Speech
  • Refute the voting issues of the Opposition
  • Answer any new arguments presented by 2nd oppositional speaker (These are the only new arguments allowed in the rebuttals since this is the first opportunity to answer the points of 2nd oppositional speech)
  • Present voting issues for the Proposition

BP Debate BP 辩论

The last four speeches are given by the lower house, which means these debaters are separate teams from the first four speakers (upper house). Though the lower house debaters have different roles, they need to support the ideas of the upper house. If they attack the ideas of the upper house team on the same side of the

motion they will be ranked lower by the adjudicator. Attacking the ideas of your side of the motion is called "knifing."

First Closing Propositional Speech

  • Defend the general direction and case of the opening propositional team
  • Continue refutation of the opening oppositional team
  • Develop a new argument that is different from, but consistent with the opening propositional team, no knifing

First Closing Oppositional Speech

  • Defend the general direction taken by the opening oppositional team
  • Continue general refutation of the opening propositional team
  • Provide specific refutation of the closing propositional team
  • Provide new oppositional arguments

Second Closing Propositional Speech

  • Summarize the entire debate from the point of view of the propositional team
  • Defend the general viewpoint of both propositional teams with a special eye toward the first closing propositional arguments
  • NO NEW ARGUMENTS 禁止提出新的论点

Second Closing Oppositional Speech

  • Summarize the entire debate from the point of view of the oppositional team
  • Defend the general viewpoint of both oppositional teams with a special eye toward the first closing oppositional arguments

AA Debate AA 辩论

The job of the third speakers in AA debate is the same:
AA 辩论中第三位发言人的工作是相同的:
  • Refute and rejoin the arguments presented by the speakers before them
  • Remind adjudicator of the arguments within the case or counter-case that they are winning
  • Summarize the other speeches
The fourth speech for each side in AA debate can be delivered by either the first or second speaker from the team. As in AP debate these speeches synthesize the arguments that are winning them the debate:
辩论中每一方的第四次发言可以由该队的第一名或第二名发言人发表。与 AP 辩论类似,这些发言综合了赢得辩论的论点。
  • Outline the major clash points
  • Provide reasons why their team is winning the clash

Cross-examination Debate (Policy Debate)
交叉审讯辩论 (政策辩论)

Parliamentary debate is the dominant form of English language debate in China, especially the AP and BP debate. Debating in parliamentary style requires a broad knowledge and an ability to construct case very quickly on a variety of topics.
议会辩论是中国主要的英语辩论形式,尤其是 AP 和 BP 辩论。以议会形式进行辩论需要广泛的知识和在各种主题上快速构建案例的能力。
Cross-examination debate offers an opportunity to develop a completely different skill set. Since the fixed topic debate gives advanced warning about the actual wording of the motion (usually called a "resolution" in cross-examination debate), debaters are encouraged to do extensive research, bring the research files with them and develop complex arguments. They usually read prepared arguments and evidence during the debate.
Instead of POIs, this style of debate has a cross-examination period. After each constructive speech, the other side asks questions (usually for three minutes), thereby helping to develop questioning and answering skills.
这种辩论风格并不是提问, 而是有一个交叉质询时期。在每次建设性发言之后,对方提出问题(通常为三分钟),从而有助于发展提问和回答的技能。
Teams who support the motion are called the Affirmative and those against the motion are called the Negative in cross-examination debate.
Here are the speaking order and time limits:
Constructive Speeches (Build new arguments)
First Affirmative Constructive (1AC)_8 minutes
第一正方构建性(1AC)_8 分钟
Cross-examination (by ) 3 minutes
质询(由 进行)3 分钟
First Negative Constructive (1NC) 8 minutes
首次否定建设(1NC)8 分钟
Cross-examination (by ) 3 minutes
质询(由 进行)3 分钟
Second Affirmative Constructive (2AC) 8 minutes
第二肯定建设性陈述(2AC)8 分钟
Cross-examination (by 1NC) 3 minutes
交叉询问(由 1NC 进行)3 分钟
Second Negative Constructive (2NC) 8 minutes
第二否定建设性陈述(2NC)8 分钟
Cross-examination (by ) 3 minutes
盘问(由 )3 分钟
Rebuttal Speeches (No new arguments)
First Negative Rebuttal (INR) 5 minutes
第一反方反驳(INR)5 分钟
First Affirmative Rebuttal (IAR) 5 minutes
第一肯定辩驳(IAR)5 分钟
Second Negative Rebuttal (2NR) 5 minutes
第二否定辩驳(2NR)5 分钟
Second Affirmative Rebuttal (2AR) 5 minutes
第二肯定辩驳(2AR)5 分钟
Preparation time ( 10 minutes per team)_ 20 minutes
每队准备时间(10 分钟)_20 分钟
Total 总计
84 minutes 84 分钟

Preparation Time 准备时间

Since the teams show up with prepared arguments it is not necessary to give a preparation period before the debate begins. Instead, each team has a total of 10 minutes throughout the debate round to prepare their arguments before a debater gets up to speak. For instance, if the first negative speaker uses four minutes of the preparation time, then the negative team has six minutes left for the rest of preparation.
由于团队带有准备好的论点,因此在辩论开始之前不需要给予准备时间。相反,每个团队在整个辩论轮中有共计 10 分钟的时间来准备他们的论点,然后演讲者开始讲话。例如,如果第一个反方演讲者使用了四分钟的准备时间,那么剩下的六分钟将留给反方团队进行剩余的准备。

Speaker Duties 演讲者职责

The speaker duties for case and counter-case development are roughly the same.
In this format the affirmative side gets the first speech and the last speech. The negative side gets two consecutive speeches (the Second Negative Constructive
在这种格式中,肯定方先发言,也是最后一个发言。否定方有两个连续的发言机会(第二个否定构建和第一个否定反驳),这被称为“否定阵营”。肯定方的优势在于能够在法官听到的第一件事和最后一件事中构建辩论。否定方的优势在于否定阵营有 13 分钟来发展论点,而第一个肯定反驳发言人只有五分钟来回答阵营。

and the First Negative Rebuttal), which is called the "negative bloc." The advantage for the Affirmative is to be able to frame the debate in the first thing and the last thing the judge hears. The advantage for the Negative is that the negative bloc has 13 minutes to develop the arguments, while the first affirmative rebuttal speaker only has five minutes to answer the bloc.
The same as in parliamentary debate, the constructive speeches in crossexamination debate are where new arguments are presented to support the affirmative case or to support the counter-case of the Negative. The rebuttal speeches are only for extending or refuting the arguments that come out of the constructive speeches. No new arguments are allowed to be advanced because it would not be very fair (or a good debate) if the last affirmative speaker waited for the last speech to present their best arguments.

Conclusion 结论

Debate has a long and proud history. Over the years, rules have been established to make debate a fair opportunity for all. The formats of debate allow for an equal chance for debaters to influence the judge and the audience. These rules specify the speaking order and time limits. The three parliamentary formats described in this chapter have different strengths.
The AP format has an emphasis on individual arguments throughout the debate. This type of debate looks to specific arguments. For this reason the first speakers must stay engaged throughout the debate. It also has the least amount of time involved so more debates can be held in a day. Practice is also easier since only four debaters are involved.
AP 格式在辩论中强调个别论点。这种辩论类型着眼于具体论点。因此,第一发言人必须在整个辩论中保持参与。这种格式所需时间最少,因此一天可以举行更多的辩论。练习也更容易,因为只涉及四名辩手。
The BP format is more general and philosophical in nature. Since four teams are competing against each other, even those on the same side of the motion, the importance of individual matter and manner is elevated over the direct refutation of arguments. Beginning debaters may find it easier to give only one speech in this format. It is also easier to have tournaments in BP format since eight debaters
BP 格式更具一般性和哲学性质。由于四支队伍相互竞争,即使是在同一立场上的辩手,个人的态度和方式的重要性也高于直接驳斥论点。初学者可能会发现在这种格式中只发表一次演讲更容易。在 BP 格式中举办比赛也更容易,因为每场辩论有八名辩手,只需要一半的房间和裁判员,相比 AP 辩论。

are in one debate, only half as many rooms and adjudicators as in AP debate are needed.
在一场辩论中有八名辩手,只需要一半的房间和裁判员,相比 AP 辩论,BP 格式更容易举办比赛。
The AA format tries to combine the AP and BP formats. Matter, manner, and method are considered by the adjudicator, but a winner must be declared. Since there are three members per team, different collaboration skills develop. This format also allows more debaters to compete per round than AP debate without any additional adjudicators or rooms required.
AA 格式试图结合 AP 和 BP 格式。裁判员考虑事情、方式和方法,但必须宣布一个获胜者。由于每队有三名成员,不同的合作技能得到发展。这种格式还允许比 AP 辩论更多的辩手在每轮比赛中竞争,而无需额外的裁判员或房间。
Cross-examination debate allows students to prepare more on a long-term topic. This type of depth is enhanced by question and answer period where debaters can point out the flaws of the opposite side or explain their positions.

Activities 活动

  1. Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each format of debate. Debate in class which format is better, in the format you will defend.
  2. Would you prefer to start the debate with the first propositional speech or end with an oppositional speech? Write a short paper to discuss: "The position in which I would prefer to debate is... and the reason is..."
This book is designed to help you to become a better speaker and a better thinker. In the West, better thinking is often called critical thinking. You may even find other terms for critical thinking such as "higher-order thinking" or "problemsolving thinking." What constitutes critical thinking? Why is critical thinking better than other forms of thinking, say, creative thinking or logical thinking or analytical thinking or imaginative thinking or dialectical thinking?
Dozens of definitions for critical thinking have been provided over the years, which might answer these two questions. One of the most easy-to-understand definitions explains critical thinking as "thinking about thinking to make thinking better." Another definition given by Dr. Richard Paul puts it in this way: "Critical thinking is a system of thinking that unlocks all other systems." This book adapts this definition to: "Critical thinking is a system of analysis and evaluation used to increase the understanding of any other system."
Some people interpret critical thinking as having a negative meaning, which pertains to criticism or rejection of other people's ideas. In academic settings, however, critical thinking has a positive meaning which involves the analysis and evaluation of ideas.

Debate and Critical Thinking

So what is the connection between debate and critical thinking? Initially, debate provides systems for constructing ideas to support or attack an issue and presenting the ideas orally. These systems involve ways of thinking, so that as you learn how to debate you are actually learning critical thinking. At the same time, debating is also a form of practice. As you learn the systems you will become better enabled to express your ideas orally. So you are becoming a better speaker

and a better thinker at the same time. In other words, as you become a better debater you are becoming a better critical thinker; as you become a better critical thinker you are becoming a better debater. Debate offers content and practice at the same time, all done with a goal to increase the oral English skills and thinking skills.
Some people think of debate like mental gymnastics where you build your thinking abilities through practice and competition. Others like to think of debate like a laboratory where the best ideas are tested.
Of course, there are some competitive aspects of debate: Winners are chosen and sometimes awards given. But, each debate is actually more of a collaborative effort to improve thinking skills of the participants. As a debate progresses speakers will present their best ideas. Each team will explain the weaknesses in the other team's arguments and offer their own critical thinking. This goes back and forth with each debater practicing their thinking and speaking until they shake hands at the end of the debate. So the debate itself is like a collaborative group effort to test out each other's ideas.
After the debate, evaluations are offered by the judge or the audience. This critique process provides specific feedback on how debaters can improve.
So, while many people think only about the competitive aspects, debating can be one of the best educational experiences for improving your critical thinking while speaking.

Developing Critical Thinking

Two things are necessary to develop critical thinking: tools and practice.
First, a critical thinking system is like a box of tools. If you were building a house, you would need tools such as hammers and saws. If you don't have the right tools you might not be able to do the best job in your building. Critical thinking

provides a system of thinking tools for you to use when understanding and constructing arguments. While this chapter is just a basic introduction to critical thinking, throughout the book you will find many different thinking tools to help you with debating when you are evaluating the significance of an argument or explaining the logic of a fallacy, etc. Good debating is effectively using the tools of critical thinking.
Second, a tool is only as good as the person who uses it. Debate provides experiences to develop the use of critical thinking tools. Few students will ever find themselves in a position of debating when they hold a professional job. But they will find themselves in positions where they must use their thinking and speaking skills to solve problems. Although there are many concepts in debating that add to the overall system of critical thinking, you should think of debate mostly as an activity to provide practice to sharpen your tools. Debating in English is a great way for you to develop your oral critical thinking abilities. The practice that debate offers is like a one-hour immersion program where you think, speak, listen, and write in English.
Public speaking is difficult for most people even in their first language. Many people feel they just aren't logical. Debate may be essential in developing the skills to talk through a problem using critical thinking. Debate requires you to come up with your best thinking while being able to evaluate the thinking of others, and then communicate those ideas to a third party (usually the judge who will provide feedback on how to get better with your debating and therefore thinking and speaking). The beautiful thing about this process is that your thinking, speaking and debating skills improve at the same time. Once again, this development process requires that you learn some thinking tools and then practice using these tools.

Critical Thinking Through the Paul-Elder Model (PEM)

The Paul-Elder Model (PEM) is an effective critical thinking tool for debate. It is also effective with ANY subject matter or situation. Once you learn the model, it will provide you with better thinking in many situations. This chapter provides the basics of this model. Only through repeated practice will you develop your ability to use this tool of critical thinking. Also, as you become a better debater you will discover new ways to apply this tool of critical thinking. The PEM consists of two parts: elements of thinking and intellectual standards of thinking.
保罗-埃尔德模型(PEM)是一种有效的辩论批判性思维工具。它在任何主题或情境下都很有效。一旦你掌握了这个模型,它将在许多情况下帮助你更好地思考。本章介绍了这个模型的基础知识。只有通过反复练习,你才能发展出运用这种批判性思维工具的能力。同时,随着你成为更好的辩手,你会发现新的运用这种批判性思维工具的方法。PEM 由思维要素和思维的智力标准两部分组成。

Elements of Thinking 思维要素

The elements of thinking provide aspects for you to analyze an argument. A good metaphor is to think about these elements like the different windows through which to observe a house. Each window will give you a different view in the understanding of what the house looks like inside. There are eight elements of thinking: purpose, questions, information, inferences, concepts, assumptions, consequences, and points of view. There is no specific order for these elements. When analyzing something through the elements, you may choose to use only one or several of them.
Purpose. In a debate, you always want to determine the purpose you want to achieve first. Are you trying to compare the pros and cons of a policy? Are you trying to weigh values? Are you trying to develop a plan to solve a problem? Knowing the purpose of a debate is the first step toward analyzing the topic and establishing a case.
Questions. What major issues are involved in the purpose? What problems or harms need to be addressed? Why isn't the current system taking care of the problems? What is the basis of the values being debated? What actions could be taken? Are there benefits for taking any specific action?
Information. What information do you have to argue for or against the topic? Do you have any specific experience that could help you to answer the questions? Are there facts or opinions that can help to guide you? What is the source of the information? Is the information accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the issue in discussion? What is the quality of the information being used by the other team?
Inferences. Once you hear the questions and information what conclusions can you draw? What is the relationship between a problem and its solution? Is there a connection between two different pieces of evidence? Can you compare two arguments to see if they are consistent or contradictory?
Concepts. Is there any philosophical idea or theory you need to understand or argue about? Is there a definition that needs to be provided? Do the introduced criteria need to be justified?
Assumptions. What things have been taken for granted on the topic? Has a change happened that would alter the approach that should be taken?
Consequences. What are the good things and bad things that come from the arguments under consideration? Are these good and bad things on a personal or societal level? What will happen if a plan is instituted? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the actions in discussion?
Points of view. In a debate there are two opposite points of view. Other points of view could also come in if you consider the opinions of different experts or countries involved. These various points of view need to be understood and evaluated. What type of language frames the arguments? Is the language or position objective or appropriate for the issue at hand? How are the arguments phrased? Is the position accurate for the question at hand?
Learning how to analyze is one of the keys to being a better debater. The elements provide tools for you to use so that you can properly place your efforts. At this point in the book, these elements are very general. The important thing for now is to learn that whenever analyzing an argument there are appropriate elements for you to investigate. As we progress in the book you will see how the elements apply in actual debates. Remember not all elements will apply to every argumentative situation.

Intellectual Standards of Thinking

The intellectual standards of thinking provide a system for evaluation of the elements of thinking. The nine standards are: clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, significance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness. Each of the nine standards can be applied to any of the eight elements, so you can evaluate the quality of thinking at multiple levels. Your evaluation during a debate should concern two things: How can I develop the best possible arguments? How can I discover the flaws in the arguments presented by others? To continue the house metaphor, when you look through the window of a kitchen what would you see to make it a great kitchen?
Clarity. Are the arguments understandable? Is there a vagueness that does not allow for understanding of a specific element? For example, is the purpose clear?
Accuracy. Is the information being used true and complete? Are the conclusions being drawn appropriately from the information available?
Precision. Are there enough details to satisfy the specific requirements? Does the action have sufficient conditions presented to solve the problem (i.e. enough money)?
Relevance. How much does the element relate to the issue at hand? Does the opponent's argument actually refute something you say?
Significance. How important is something? Can its significance be measured? There may also be several values involved in a debate. When looking to the quality of the values can you determine which are more important and why? Is the significance you present greater than the significance the other team presents?
Depth. When evaluating an issue, is there a need for understanding other specifics within the issue?
Breadth. When evaluating an issue, are there other areas of interest necessary for understanding the complete picture?
Logic. Does the argument make sense? Do the conclusions come from the analysis and evidence provided?
Fairness. Is an objective position being taken? Are there other points of view that need to be considered to minimize ethnocentrism or egocentrism?
The critical thinking tools of elements and intellectual standards provide a beginning list for improving your thinking. The elements of thinking give you ways to analyze an argument. The intellectual standards provide ways to evaluate the quality of the argument. For example, when you analyze the "purpose" of an argument the standards ask you to evaluate the clarity of the argument or the relevance or the logic. In a sense if you learn the eight elements and the nine standards you actually have 72 ways to analyze and evaluate any issue.
元素和智力标准的批判性思维工具为改善您的思维提供了一个起始列表。思维的元素为您提供了分析论点的方法。智力标准提供了评估论点质量的方法。例如,当您分析一个论点的“目的”时,标准要求您评估论点的清晰度、相关性或逻辑性。从某种意义上说,如果您学会了八个元素和九个标准,实际上您有 72 种方法来分析和评估任何问题。
Of course, as a beginner you are not asked to do 72 ways of analysis and evaluation in an hour-long debate round. Nor will you be expected to master critical thinking by reading this chapter. Only application of these tools to actual situations can help you to develop critical thinking. This is where practice becomes important.
当然,作为初学者,在一个小时的辩论中不会要求您进行 72 种分析和评估。您也不会被期望通过阅读本章节来掌握批判性思维。只有将这些工具应用于实际情况才能帮助您发展批判性思维。这就是练习变得重要的地方。
The elements and intellectual standards of thinking allow us to analyze and evaluate an argument. An argument is like a building. When we build we have to make sure that our construction is strong so the building doesn't fall. Critical thinking allows you to know whether your argument construction is strong. So what does it take to make a strong argument? According to British philosopher, Stephen Toulmin, argument construction has three main parts: claim, data, and warrant.
Claim. The claim is a statement you make about the issue you are addressing. Claims can be statements about facts, values, or policies. For example, the statement: "Air pollution is bad for human health" is a claim of fact.
Data. Data is various forms of information used to prove claims, in other words, evidence used to support claims. If you use evidence that says "Air pollution causes children to get asthma" then you are providing some information to support the claim of harm. Other words for data are grounds, evidence, support, proof, documentation, or substantiation.
Warrant. The warrant is the analysis that puts the claim and data together and makes sense of the argument. In other words, the warrant provides the connection between the claim and data. The warrant asks if there is a relevant link between the two statements. To provide the warrant for the claim and data above: "We know that asthma is not a good thing for human health and that air pollution causes asthma, therefore we can understand that air pollution is bad for human health." A warrant is like glue that holds two things together.
Here is a logical argument construction:
If an argument is sound usually the three parts of the Toulmin Model work together in relevant and logical ways. If the argument is unsound then there is at least one part of the model where thinking is wrong. For example, consider the argument: "Air pollution is bad for human health because there are over 500 McDonald's Restaurants in Beijing." Both claim and data may be true but at the warrant level there is no obvious relationship between the harm of air pollution and McDonald's.
如果一个论点是合理的,通常 Toulmin 模型的三个部分会以相关和逻辑的方式一起运作。如果论点不合理,那么模型中至少有一个部分的思维是错误的。例如,考虑这个论点:“空气污染对人类健康有害,因为北京有 500 多家麦当劳餐厅。”主张和数据可能都是真实的,但在保证层面上,空气污染的危害与麦当劳之间没有明显的关系。
Here is how this unsound argument would look in a diagram:
The Toulmin Model can be used to increase the strength of your arguments and can give you a way to understand the weaknesses of your opponent's ideas. We will discuss the Toulmin Model in detail in Chapter 12 when fallacies are discussed.
图尔敏模型可用于增强您的论点的力量,并帮助您理解对手观点的弱点。我们将在第 12 章详细讨论图尔敏模型时讨论谬误。

Conclusion 结论

Argument construction is the basis of critical thinking. The PEM provides 72 ways of analysis and evaluation for every argument. With development and practice you should be able to use them to understand, explain and argue about arguments, and be able to better express your thinking using analytical tools like the Toulmin Model.
论证结构是批判性思维的基础。PEM 提供了 72 种分析和评估每个论证的方式。通过发展和实践,你应该能够使用它们来理解、解释和讨论论证,并且能够更好地运用像陶尔敏模型这样的分析工具来表达你的思想。

Activities 活动

  1. Type up a list of the elements and intellectual standards of thinking to use as a reference whenever you need to do critical thinking. Print out the list and place it somewhere convenient so it is there for constant reference.
  2. Read an article in China Daily opinion pages. Use the elements of thinking to analyze what the author is writing, and then evaluate it using the intellectual standards of thinking. Explain your analysis and evaluation in class.

Chapter Appendix 章节附录

Developing Arguments Through SEE-I
通过 SEE-I 发展论点
SEE-I (pronounced "seeing eye") is an excellent way for you to develop critical thinking and argument construction. It serves as a simple organizational tool to work out your arguments in advance. It is also an efficient way for others to analyze and evaluate your arguments.
SEE-I(发音为“seeing eye”)是您发展批判性思维和论证构建的绝佳方式。它作为一个简单的组织工具,帮助您提前整理您的论点。它也是他人分析和评估您论点的有效方式。
There are four parts in a SEE-I:
SEE-I 有四个部分:
S-Statement. In this part you would write a statement in response to a question or topic. If the topic was: "What is the most important concept in the first chapter?" A statement could be: "The most important concept in Chapter 1 is that thinking in oral English comes with appropriate practice."
E-Elaboration. In this part you would write an explanation of what the statement means. It should be at least five or six sentences. A good way to do this is to start with the words "In other words." To continue the above statement, a good elaboration would be: "In other words, oral English is different from written English skills. When one listens and speaks the logic of an idea, one is developing critical thinking skills. This skill will not come from reading and writing, but only from oral practicing. This practice can be in a variety of forms such as individual reviewing of information aloud, practicing with teammates, or competing in a tournament. Of course, the more speaking I do, the more I will train my brain."
E-Example. In this part you would provide an example to support your elaboration (another five or six sentences). A good way to do this is to start with the words "For example." For the above elaboration an example might be: "For example, when I go to a tournament I will have to listen to the

ideas of the other team. Then I will need to state my own argument. I need to explain my reasons for the argument, and provide a logical argument why the other team is wrong. This means that my brain has to process in English in a variety of ways. As I do that, thinking while speaking becomes easier."
I-Illustration. In this part you would provide a metaphor, diagram, or other devices to clarify your position. A good way to start this would be "This is like." An illustration for the above example would be: "This is like a basketball player who wants to be good at free throws. They can only become better by practicing that specific skill."

Activities 活动

  1. Write a SEE-I on the topic: "What is the most important reason for developing oral English skills?”
    在主题上写一个 SEE-I:“发展口语英语技能最重要的原因是什么?”
  2. Pick any of the elements of thinking and write a SEE-I on why it is important to critical thinking.
    选择思维要素中的任何一个,并写一个 SEE-I,说明为什么批判性思维很重要。
  3. Share your SEE-Is with other students in the class, using the intellectual standards to evaluate their thinking and how to improve their writing.
    与班上其他学生分享你的 SEE-I,使用智力标准来评估他们的思维,并提出如何改进他们的写作。

Dereloping Effective Public Speaking Stills

Aristotle said that not only it is important to have something to say, but one must know how to say it. Good public speaking is essential to debate and becoming a better speaker is one of the main benefits of learning to debate. Debating is an excellent way for English language learners to develop their speaking skills. More than just having a conversation, debating requires you to analyze and evaluate situations as you speak in a spontaneous manner. Many students who have learned to debate find their oral communication skills improved as far as fluency, accuracy, and complexity of their language are concerned.
To be a better debater, you need to overcome nervousness, increase credibility and convey meaning in your communication.

Overcoming Nervousness 克服紧张

Public speaking can be a frightening experience for most people. Most people feel nervous, or, have stage fright when they speak in front of a group. In psychology this nervousness is called "the fight or flight response." Your body tries to protect you from what your brain thinks as a dangerous situation. When speaking in public, the brain misinterprets the situation as a danger and then tries to protect you by causing chemicals to race through you body.
The chemicals in your body will cause your heart to beat faster. It may cause your breathing to increase (some people actually become "out of breath" when speaking) and cause your stomach to feel "butterflies." The chemicals also hit the joints in your legs and arms which cause you to have extra movement. All of these reactions heat up your body and make you sweat. You could be so uncomfortable that your whole body may shake.
"The fight or flight response" is natural, but it can be controlled. Just like any skill with which we become more at ease through practice, public speaking can become easier with sufficient practice. In fact, a little bit of stress may actually enhance your performance, increase your enthusiasm and focus your attention. However, you need to ensure you have only a little stress. The best way to reduce your anxiety is still the "Five Ps": Preparation and practice prevent poor performance.
"战斗或逃跑反应"是自然的,但它可以被控制。就像任何通过练习变得更加熟练的技能一样,公共演讲通过充分的练习可以变得更容易。事实上,一点点压力实际上可能会增强您的表现,增加您的热情并集中您的注意力。然而,您需要确保只有一点点压力。减轻焦虑的最佳方法仍然是“五个 P”:准备和练习防止糟糕的表现。

-Preparation -准备

There are many things you can do to prepare your body and mind for a public speaking experience.
Preparation of your body. Whenever you are going to speak in public you will want to be at your physical and mental best. This means that you need to get a good night's sleep before your performance. You need to eat the right food and have enough energy for the time you are speaking. If you are in a tournament you need to be sure to rest between rounds and drink plenty of water. Whenever you feel anxious, relax and do some deep breathing.
Preparation of your mind. You can prepare with a positive attitude. Think of the way you want to perform and have the attitude that you are in a learning situation. During your speeches remember to act confidently and you will become confident. No matter how you are feeling, "fake it until you make it." Instead of worrying about how you feel, remember to focus on your audience and your message.

Practice 练习

Practice is an essential part of developing your skills and reducing your anxiety. Whenever you practice, be sure to perform the same way you want to when you are in front of the audience. This means if you are practicing alone or in a small group, say your speech aloud. Practice with the same notes you will use. Practice with all of the speaking skills, i.e. using your voice and your body to get your

meaning across to the audience. The key to practice may be the total amount of times you practice. You need to develop your own style through hours of practice.

Increasing Credibility 提高可信度

As you speak the audience will evaluate your credibility. People usually tend to judge a person's credibility in the first few seconds and then look for reasons to support their first impression. Therefore, if you seem confident from the beginning you will have a better chance to capture the audience's interest and establish your credibility. If the audience likes your style or finds you credible they will give you positive feedback that will make you feel more comfortable and then increase your confidence. Think of it this way, there are both content and relationship aspects in communication. Besides understanding the words you are saying, the audience also has emotional responses to what you are saying.
Your building of credibility starts with the audience when they first see you. Therefore, dress appropriately for the situation. You may be casual for a classroom debate, but in tournaments debaters often dress in what is called "business interview attire." And also, the audience will judge from your materials how organized you are. You may lose credibility if you write your notes on little scraps of paper and then look lost when you shuffle through papers to find your point. The audience will also determine if you are "likable" from the way you speak and smile. No matter how you are feeling, remember to speak and act with confidence.
With increasing credibility also comes more effectiveness. In most public speaking situations you are trying to persuade the audience to accept your ideas. An effective delivery helps you to get your ideas across, which in turn enhances your credibility. The audience listens more attentively to engaging speakers. In fact, sometimes a better speaker may sound more persuasive to the audience in spite of the fact that their arguments may not be as good as other less effective speakers' arguments.

Conveying Meaning in Your Communication

A broad definition of communication provides that "communication happens whenever someone places meaning on something." In other words if you do something or say something and someone else thinks something about what you do or say, then it has meaning for them and communication has taken place, even though you may not have intended the meaning or been active with your actions or words. In fact, the meaning that the receiver of your message perceives might not be equivalent to what you want to send.
The meaning of the communication is therefore in the mind of the receiver of the message. Words themselves do not have meanings, although they do have definitions. The way you say the words actually brings them to life. Therefore, when you give a speech in a monotone, you are not doing justice to the full meaning of the language.
Of course, the meaning you want to express begins with the words you choose. But your voice, your gestures and postures, your eye contact and your facial expressions all play a part in the meaning you try to communicate.

Voice 声音

Many people believe when they give a speech they must become an actor on stage. Sometimes passion can help to "sell" your point. However, what the audience really wants from you is enthusiasm instead of hyperbole or excessive acting. You do need to bring the words to life, and to give meaning to the words. If you speak in a monotone, the audience will think you do not care about what you say. On the other hand, the audience also wants you to be genuine. If you sound over-passionate, the audience will think you are dishonest and will not believe you as much.
You can train your voice from three aspects to better convey meaning in debate:
Speed. Debaters sometimes are criticized for speaking too fast at the expense of conveying meaning. Debate has time restraints; therefore, before their time runs out, debaters will either have to speak faster or not cover everything they want to say. As a beginning debater you may have long pauses as you search for words. With practice, you will speak faster. You will notice that you become quicker at putting ideas together so they flow out of your mouth smoothly. However, while trying to bring more information into the debate, you need to balance your presentation with clear articulation so that others understand you.
Tone. Your tone of voice must match the emotional content of the words you are saying. Find the tone suitable for your information. If your information is sad, a lower tone may more accurately express the sadness, while a higher tone may be used to communicate excitement.
Vocal Variety. Of course, the words you choose convey the complexity of your thoughts. But the nuances of the complexity of your language choices also come out in the way that you speak. The volume of your voice can communicate. You will need to speak loud enough for all the audience to hear, but sometimes a whisper has more meaning and intensity than shouting. It may be that the most important aspect of the argument comes in the middle of a long speech. If you know that some information has more relevance or significance, you can stress the words, pause a bit, and change the tone and volume of your voice. This is referred to as "vocal variety" and it is as important to the complexity of your language as the sophistication of diction, syntax or reasoning.

Bearing 风度态度

Nonverbal communication helps to transmit meaning from one person to another. If the audience and judge make meaning of something you do, you are communicating to them. This means that everything you do (or do not do) during a debate round could be communicating something to the audience. Be aware of how your nonverbal behavior affects the audience and the judge's evaluation of you as a speaker, especially with your confidence and credibility.
Conduct yourself politely and appropriately. Do not put your head on the table while the other team has the floor. Do not tell jokes to your partner or laugh at the other team. Stay involved with the ongoing debate by taking notes during the entire time. Even if you are the first speaker and may not speak again, you may still need to ask questions of your opponent team. Bear in mind that you are learning a great deal from the other speakers on how you can debate better in the next round.
When it is your time to speak, gather your notes and walk with confidence to the place where you will speak. Place your notes on the table or lectern. Look at the audience, take a deep breath and begin your speech with confidence. Maintain good posture. If you can't read your notes, bring them up to you. Do not block your face with your notes. If you can explain your ideas without looking at the notes, put them down, and use your hands to gesture.

Body Control 身体控制

You should try to have good body control. This means to balance your weight on both feet. Sometimes when people get nervous they shift their weight from leg to leg or even move their feet back and forth. This is called "happy feet" and it undermines your credibility. Also avoid extra movement of your body or your hands. If you move your hands too much as if you are "talking of your hands," it usually communicates nervousness and causes distraction.

Gestures 手势

Gestures do not have to be dramatic. Smooth and flowing gestures just in front of your body can be more effective. You need to use your hands to help you to make a point. Do not gesture below

your waist, which is called "flick gesture." Gesturing with both hands below your waist makes you look like a penguin.

Eye Contact 眼神交流

Having proper direct eye contact helps the speaker to communicate better. Initially, it may take some practice for you to become confident enough to look people directly in the eyes, but it makes a statement of your confidence. It shows you are establishing rapport with the audience and you are making a connection. Your eyes should be either looking at notes or looking at people in the eyes. You should try to give a complete thought (a sentence or two) to one person before moving on with the next idea to another person. You should make sure to look at everyone in the audience at some point during the speech.
Having good eye contact allows you to check if your message is getting through. If you look at the judge or audience and see confusion, then you may need to clarify. If the judge is taking notes, you are probably making sense.

Facial Expressions 面部表情

This section finishes with the need to understand the importance of facial expressions. The eyes work with the face to convey meaning. You can easily prove this to yourself with a little experiment (done best with a partner): With a big smile on your face, say loudly, "I am so happy!" Now put a big frown on your face and try to say the same thing. Notice that the muscles in your face change the tone and it doesn't sound very happy. Smiling is an important emotional communicator.

Conclusion 结论

Developing a winning delivery style takes practice. So, whenever you are giving your speeches, either in individual practice or in the classroom, you should try to develop a good style. In every speech you should try to bring the words to life in an enthusiastic and genuine manner. Oral communication is a complete package

where you use all your available abilities to get your message across and persuade the audience.

Activities 活动

  1. The way you say your words changes the meaning. Here is a sentence: "There are 10 ways to read this sentence." Say it in 10 different ways. Change the way each time and list what meaning you have. For example: There are 10 ways to read this sentence?-Ten and only 10 ? Why not 11 ?
    说话的方式改变了意义。这里有一个句子:"有 10 种方法来阅读这个句子。" 以 10 种不同的方式说出来。每次改变方式,并列出你得到的意义。例如:有 10 种方法来阅读这个句子?- 十个,只有十个?为什么不是十一个?
  2. Get an article from China Daily. Read the first paragraph of the article in a monotone with no vocal expressions. Then read the rest of the article, this time bringing the words to life with changes in tone, speed and loudness. Write comments on what meaning changes from the first paragraph to the rest of the article.
  3. Find a good piece of literature (a passage from a short story, a poem, etc.). Read the words and bring them to life. Express the words with meaning. Look for places for appropriate gestures. Practice this several times until you think you convey the meaning you want.
Impromptu and extemporaneous speeches are used as tools to develop the abilities of debaters to speak well "on their feet," which are indispensable in debating. These speeches are different from prepared speeches that are written out word for word and recited or read out from a manuscript. In the case of impromptu and extemporaneous speeches, you will use only a few notes and you won't memorize and recite the speech word for word.
Impromptu speaking (also called spontaneous speaking) allows for very little preparation time. In speech competitions students are given a topic and have a specified time limit (usually around seven minutes) to prepare and deliver the speech. While most speakers prepare for two minutes and speak for five minutes, some students think for just one minute and then speak for six minutes. Topics usually are quotations, for example, "What a delight it is to have friends come afar." Sometimes, a single word, or an object can be given as something to speak about. This type of speech uses a wide variety of examples from history, philosophy, and literature to movies, sports, and pop culture. Little preparation time only allows you to put a few words on a note card or a simple outline from which to speak.
Extemporaneous speaking usually allows for a longer preparation time. In competitions, students in the US are allowed 30 minutes to prepare a sevenminute speech. These speeches are usually based on questions about current events, i.e. "What should be done to reduce air pollution?" Students are allowed to refer to research materials and are required to cite their sources during the speech. They can bring research files and once they receive their topic, they search their files and write an outline. Since the speech is not to be written out word for word, note cards are used to write down the outline, key words, or any sources and statistics.
Both impromptu speaking and extemporaneous speaking develop critical thinking and oral communication skills. This type of speaking, without a manuscript, is an excellent way to practice fluency and quick thinking. Both speech types follow a linear organizational model that is often referred to as argumentative. In other words, you should take a position on the topic and then support that position with arguments in your speech. This organizational model is sometimes referred to as an "instant organizational technique" because with practice you would be able to quickly analyze a topic and clearly explain your thinking to the audience.
Impromptu speeches use broader examples for proof, while in the extemporaneous speeches more details and evidence are required. Here is how the model works with each type:

Impromptu Speaking Model

Introduction. In the introduction you should try to get the attention and interest of the audience. First impressions are important, so you need to establish your credibility with a relevant and clear introduction, delivered with confidence and enthusiasm. Often an example from daily life, the news, or something with which the audience is familiar is a good start for your speech. Some introductions may use a piece of literature or statistics. You should strive to engage your audience quickly within the first 30 seconds.
介绍。在介绍中,您应该努力吸引观众的注意和兴趣。第一印象很重要,因此您需要以相关和清晰的介绍来建立自己的信誉,要自信和热情地表达。通常,来自日常生活、新闻或观众熟悉的事物的例子是演讲的好开端。有些介绍可能会使用一部文学作品或统计数据。您应该在最初的 30 秒内迅速吸引观众。
State the topic. Immediately after the introduction let the audience know the specific wording of the topic.
Provide a thesis statement. This consists of taking a position and making an argument:
  • Taking a position. You should let the audience know the argumentative position you are taking on the topic. Do you agree or disagree with the topic? Do you think the topic is valid or not?
  • Making an argument. State clearly why you hold your position. We call this an

    overarching argument. You might say something like "This quotation is valid because..." and then let the audience know your thinking. This overarching argument may be several sentences wherein you give your reasons "why" the topic is analyzed the way you want to analyze it. If the topic is a single word or object, you need to come up with an argument about what you want to say that is relevant to the topic. This portion of the speech usually takes less than 20 seconds.
    全面的论点。您可以说类似于“这个引语是有效的,因为…”,然后让观众知道您的想法。这个全面的论点可能是几个句子,您在其中阐述您认为该主题被分析的原因。如果主题是一个单词或对象,您需要提出一个关于您想要表达的与主题相关的论点。演讲的这部分通常不超过 20 秒。
Provide a preview. List the main points that you will use to support your overarching argument. You do not need to provide too much information here. Just let the audience know what your main points will be. It might help to use signposting by numbering each of your main points, i.e. "My first point is ...; my second point is ...; my third point is ..."
Elaborate on the body of the speech. The body should be about of the speech and should provide the details and arguments that support your thesis statement. Each point can use supporting examples, statistics, theories, testimonials, logic, or other types of evidence for proof. Argumentation in the body of the speech is generally presented with two to five main points. Beginners usually find three main points allow them to provide enough support for their thesis statement. Each main point lasts approximately one minute.
详细阐述演讲的主体部分。主体部分应占演讲的约 ,并应提供支持您论文声明的详细信息和论据。每个观点可以使用支持性例子、统计数据、理论、证词、逻辑或其他类型的证据来证明。演讲主体中的论证通常以两到五个主要观点呈现。初学者通常发现三个主要观点足以为其论文声明提供足够的支持。每个主要观点大约持续一分钟。
Summarize the speech. After the elaboration on the body, you should restate (in the past tense) your topic, thesis statement and preview. For example, "Today, we have found that the quotation is valid because... We supported this with main point one, main point two, and main point three."
Conclude. Finish your speech in a confident manner and remind your audience about the introduction. This is why it is important to have a specific and relevant introduction so you can refer to it during your conclusion.
An outline of impromptu speaking model looks like this:

Extemporaneous Speaking Model

While the extemporaneous speaking model is similar to that of impromptu speaking, more depth in your argument is required. Since the topic will usually be a question about current events, it is important to be accurate and relevant with your evidence.
Introduction. The introduction should be directly relevant to the topic. You may get the attention and interest of the audience in a creative way or get straight down to the topic with a statement of the current situation. Once again, first impressions are important. Let the audience know that you have done your research and understood the issue. Many times speakers will use evidence to

establish the significance of or the question about the issue. However you should use no more than one minute to introduce the topic.
State the topic. Be sure to tell your audience the exact wording of the topic. Sometimes, the topic will be in the form of a question, such as: "What should China do about air pollution?"
Provide a thesis statement. After stating the topic you must provide your position and explain why you take this position. For the topic above, you could answer: "China must take a stronger position on green energy because the damage done needs new technology." It is this overarching answer that you will justify with the arguments in the body of your speech.
提供论文声明。在陈述主题之后,您必须提供您的立场并解释为什么采取这个立场。对于上面的主题,您可以回答:“中国必须在绿色能源上采取更强硬的立场,因为造成的破坏需要新技术。” 就是这个全面的答案,您将用演讲正文中的论点来证明。
Provide a preview. Just like the impromptu speech you should list the main points that you will use to support your overarching argument. Let the audience know what your main points will be briefly. It might help to signpost each main point.
Elaborate on the body of the speech. Like the impromptu speech the body should be of your speech. You need to provide evidence to support your position. In each of the main points you will need several arguments to illustrate your point. You can organize the speech as a persuasive speech where you analyze the problem, cause, and solution. Or you can organize the speech in an informative way to educate the audience about the issue by discussing the major subtopics under the overall topic. In Chapter 3 we have discussed how arguments are constructed using claim-data-warrant. You will need to construct a series of arguments in your speech. You will need to make claims (your main points and subpoints). You will need to provide warrants (your analysis of why the argument helps to answer the question). You will need to provide data (evidence to support your claims and warrant). Don't read the evidence word for word. Instead you need to paraphrase the information. When you use some evidence from other sources, you need to tell the audience the publication information. This is called a source citation. For example, if you found some data from China
详细阐述演讲的主体部分。就像即兴演讲一样,主体部分应该是你演讲的 。你需要提供证据来支持你的立场。在每个主要观点中,你需要几个论点来阐明你的观点。你可以将演讲组织成一场说服性演讲,分析问题、原因和解决方案。或者你可以以信息性的方式组织演讲,通过讨论整体主题下的主要子主题来教育听众。在第三章中,我们已经讨论了如何使用主张-数据-保证构建论点。你需要在演讲中构建一系列论点。你需要提出主张(你的主要观点和次要观点)。你需要提供保证(你分析为什么这个论点有助于回答问题)。你需要提供数据(证据来支持你的主张和保证)。不要逐字阅读证据。相反,你需要用自己的话重新表述信息。当你使用其他来源的一些证据时,你需要告诉听众出版信息。这被称为来源引用。例如,如果你从中国找到了一些数据。
Daily, tell the audience "According to China Daily on March 5..." Usually, each main point will have at least three to five subpoints with claims, warrants and data.
每天,告诉观众“根据 3 月 5 日的《中国日报》报道…” 通常,每个主要观点都会有至少三到五个带有主张、理由和数据的子观点。
Summarize. In the past tense, you need to pose the question, along with the answer you have provided and the main supporting arguments you have offered.
Conclude. Refer back to the introduction as a way to show the completeness of your argument.
Here is how the outline of an extemporaneous speech looks like:
Introduction 引言
Topic statement 主题陈述
Thesis statement 论文声明
I. Your position on the topic
一. 你对话题的立场

II. Overarching argument
二. 全面的论点

Preview of main points

I. Heading of main point one
I. 主要要点一的标题

II. Heading of main point two
II. 主要要点二的标题

III. Heading of main point three

Body 正文
I. Main point one (supporting argument)
A. Supporting evidence (claim-data-warrant)
A. 支持证据(主张-数据-保证)
B. Supporting evidence (claim-data-warrant)
B. 支持证据(主张-数据-保证)
C. Supporting evidence (claim-data-warrant)
C. 支持证据(主张-数据-保证)
II. Main point two (supporting argument)
A. Supporting evidence (claim-data-warrant)
A. 支持证据(主张-数据-保证)
B. Supporting evidence (claim-data-warrant)
B. 支持证据(主张-数据-保证)
C. Supporting evidence (claim-data-warrant)
C. 支持证据(主张-数据-保证)
III. Main point three (supporting argument)
III. 主要观点三(支持论点)
A. Supporting evidence (claim-data-warrant)
A. 支持证据(主张-数据-保证)

Practicing 练习

Both styles of speaking are ways to help you to develop as a better thinker and a better speaker. You can practice these speeches with a partner or alone. Giving impromptu and extemporaneous speeches by yourself provides you with an opportunity to think about what to say, organize your thoughts, and then explain your thoughts without the common anxiety you might experience when speaking in front of the audience. The more you practice, the better you will become at thinking, organizing your thoughts, and speaking meaningfully on your feet. Your delivery will also develop at the same time, making your speech more effective.

Assessment 评估

Part of learning to be a better speaker and a better thinker is to be a critical listener. When other students are speaking you need to be able to make effective evaluation of what you have just heard. When providing your critique you should be able to provide reasons why the speech is good and what needs to improve. Here is a checklist to help you to determine the quality of an extemporaneous speech. Impromptu speech assessment is similar but do not need to consider cited evidence.
  • Speeches should be between six to eight minutes long. (Preparation time included in impromptu speech.)
  • Speeches should follow the linear organizational model.
  • Introduction should gather the attention and interest of the audience.
  • Topic should concern relevant and significant aspects of the topic area.
  • Thesis statement should be clear.
  • Preview and summary should be accurate.
  • Speech needs to have logical proof for all claims.
  • Proof should be paraphrased.
  • Source citations need to be given for all proof.
  • Delivery should exhibit appropriateness for the situation.
  • Genuine and enthusiastic manner.
  • Good vocal variety. 良好的声音变化。
  • Good body control. 良好的身体控制。
  • Good use of gestures.
  • Direct eye contact to the audience.
  • Good use of notes (3" card, no excessive reading, key words only).
    善于使用笔记(3" 卡片,不要过度阅读,只写关键词)。

Conclusion 结论

Impromptu and extemporaneous speaking are excellent activities to develop your thinking and speaking abilities. They both use a linear organizational model which helps you to keep your arguments clear and make your thinking quicker.

Activities 活动

  1. Find some quotations you like. Write down why you think the quotation is true or valid. Think of at least three supporting arguments.
Here are some quotations to get you started:
  • No pain, no gain.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words.
  • A man should not travel afar while his parents are still alive.
  • If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  • Effort is more important than brains.
  • Women hold up half of the sky.
  • Failure is the mother of success.
  • There should be education for everyone without distinction.
  • Skill wins over noble birth.
  1. Practice giving impromptu speeches. Choose a topic and give an impromptu speech using the linear model. Do not worry about the time limits. Take as long as you want to prepare and speak.
  2. Pick a fresh topic and try to prepare for two minutes and speak for five minutes. Practice with a partner who can help you to measure the time and give you comments until you are confident you can do it alone.
  3. Read the editorial or opinion page of a newspaper. Find an article that discusses a problem, cause, and solution. Practice using source citations by saying "According to..." and give the publication information. Also practice paraphrasing by explaining the evidence in your own words. Be prepared to discuss your article in class.
  4. Read at least five articles on the same topic to find additional supporting evidence for the article in Activity 4. Or, find evidence on the other side of the controversy.
    阅读至少五篇关于同一主题的文章,为活动 4 中的文章寻找额外的支持证据。或者,寻找有关争议另一方面的证据。
  5. Prepare an extemporaneous speech on the topic: "What should we do about...?" Use a simple structure such as problem-causesolution. Prepare as long as you like and speak as long as you like. Once you have practiced with this technique on several different topics, give each speech again, making sure the time is between six to eight minutes. Be sure to use the winning delivery skills you have learned in Chapter 4.
    就主题“我们应该怎么做…”准备即兴演讲。使用简单的结构,比如问题-原因-解决方案。准备多长时间以及演讲多长时间都没关系。一旦你用这种技巧练习了几个不同的主题,再次进行每次演讲,确保时间在六到八分钟之间。一定要运用你在第 4 章学到的获胜的表达技巧。

Chapter Appendix 1 附录 1

An Example of Impromptu Speech

Topic question: A man should not travel afar while his parents are still alive.-Confucius.

Introduction: 简介:

I really enjoy traveling - the excitement of meeting new people, trying new foods, and seeing new sights. But it wasn't always as enjoyable to travel. Twenty-five hundred years ago, in the days of Confucius, longdistance travel usually meant months and years away from home and loved ones. If something went wrong, it would be a long time before the traveler could return.
我非常喜欢旅行 - 结识新朋友、尝试新食物和看到新景点的兴奋。但旅行并不总是那么令人愉快。两千五百年前,在孔子时代,长途旅行通常意味着离家和亲人数月甚至数年。如果出了什么问题,旅行者要很久才能回家。

Topic: 主题:

For this reason, Confucius warned: A man should not travel afar while his parents are still alive.
Position and overarching argument:
I have often traveled to China from my home in California and my 92-yearold father, so I wonder if this quotation has any validity for us today. I will argue this quotation no longer applies to us. Although it may have been
我经常从加利福尼亚的家乡去中国旅行,还有我 92 岁的父亲,所以我想知道这个引语对我们今天是否仍然有效。我会认为这个引语不再适用于我们。尽管它可能曾经是我们祖先的坚实指导,但技术已经改变了我们今天的旅行和交流方式。

solid guidance for our ancestors, technology has changed the way we travel and communicate today.
Preview: 预览:
In order to support this position of change, first I will talk about telephone communication, then the Internet and finally, jet transportation.
Main point one: 主要观点一:
In the days of Confucius getting a message home was difficult. But, nowadays almost everyone has a cellphone. In fact, China has over 500 million cellphone users. So now anyone in the country can phone home whenever they want. Text messaging may be even more convenient. It is easy to type out a message so another person can read it even without having to say anything. I am sure that if my family needed to reach me they would be able to do so any time. So not only could I know if there was an emergency, I can also make a call any time I just want to catch up.
在孔子时代,传递信息回家很困难。但是,如今几乎每个人都有手机。事实上,中国有超过 5 亿手机用户。因此,现在国内任何人都可以随时打电话回家。短信可能更方便。很容易输入一条消息,这样另一个人甚至不用说话也能读到。我相信,如果我家人需要联系我,他们随时都能做到。因此,不仅我可以知道是否有紧急情况,我也可以随时打电话,只是想聊聊天。
Cellphones make it so easy to stay in touch, so I can travel with confidence. Another technology even enables me to communicate without paying for a call and perhaps even communicate with millions at the same time. Of course, this technology is the Internet.

Main point two: 主要观点二:

Email has made it so that I can send a longer message to several people at the same time. This way I can write a letter to my father and send it at when my father may still be sleeping in California. When he wakes up he can read my letter. I really enjoy writing reports with photos about my latest travels and sending to my father or dozens of friends so they can know about my latest experiences. The Internet has other broader opportunities. I can set up a blog and let other people read and respond to my writing. New communication technology like twitter allows people to use the Internet to communicate on their cellphones or through their

laptops. In this way people can keep up with short messages that literally can be sent to millions of people.
I don't have to worry about traveling because the Internet allows me to make quick and extensive messages. But what happens if something is wrong and I need to travel back to Los Angeles?

Main point three: 主要观点三:

In ancient days it would take weeks to travel back home if you found out there was a problem. But, now, traveling to the next village can be as simple as getting on a bus. And if I would need to travel across the ocean, modern jet transportation makes it easy. In fact, you may not know this-If there was an emergency often airlines would make special accommodations to be sure you can get on a flight, and you may even get special pricing. So, if I needed to go home quickly, I could be able to make it home in less than a day.

Summary: 摘要:

Today we have found that Confucius may have been accurate for his time and that a man should not travel afar while his parents are still alive. But today, telephones, the Internet and jet transportation have changed things so we can travel with confidence.

Conclusion: 结论:

So whenever I travel I don't worry about leaving my father. I know if there was an emergency I would be able to respond. And if there was no emergency I know that he would like to hear the stories of the foods I eat, the sights I see, and the new friends I meet.

Chapter Appendix 2 附录 2 章

An Example of Extemporaneous Speech
Topic question: What should California do about its prison overcrowding crisis?

Introduction: 简介:

For the state of California, 2009 was a very bad year. As the Los Angeles Times reported on June 3,2009 , the state must cut billion dollars to be able to balance its state budget. This problem was made worse with a court decision from the federal government earlier in the year. The court decided that prisons in California were so overcrowded that tens of thousands of prisoners needed to be released. As the Advertiser from Australia wrote on February 11, 2009, the court decision reported the overcrowding was so bad that it violated the rights of the prisoners. Since California cannot afford to build new facilities it is important for us to ask the question:
对于加利福尼亚州来说,2009 年是一个非常糟糕的一年。正如洛杉矶时报在 2009 年 6 月 3 日报道的那样,该州必须削减数十亿美元才能平衡其州预算。这个问题在年初联邦政府的一项法院裁决之后变得更加严重。法院裁定加利福尼亚的监狱过度拥挤,成千上万的囚犯需要被释放。正如澳大利亚的广告商在 2009 年 2 月 11 日写道,法院的裁决称监狱的过度拥挤严重到侵犯了囚犯的权利。由于加利福尼亚无法负担修建新设施,我们有必要提出一个问题:

Topic: 主题:

What should California do about its prison overcrowding crisis?

Position and overarching argument:

This crisis has come about because tough laws are misguided and need to be changed. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, in the long term, California will have to take on measures to drastically reform its criminal justice system.

Preview: 预览:

In order to justify this position I will first, discuss the nature of the problem. Second, I will explain the causes of the problem. Third, I will explore the various solutions.
Main peint one: 主要观点一:
In order to fully understand this problem, let's look first, to the scope of the problem, second, to the health issues and third, to the human rights abuses.
California is the most overcrowded of all state prison systems. According to The New York Times on February 11,2009, the cells are all full and now bunks are stacked three deep and set up in gymnasiums which were not designed for sleeping. The LA Times reported on February 12, 2009 that the system was designed to hold 84,000 inmates, but now 158,000 prisoners are incarcerated.
加利福尼亚州是所有州监狱系统中最过度拥挤的。根据 2009 年 2 月 11 日《纽约时报》的报道,牢房已经全部满员,现在铺位已经堆叠成三层,并设置在原本不是用来睡觉的体育馆里。2009 年 2 月 12 日《洛杉矶时报》报道称,该系统原本设计可容纳 84,000 名囚犯,但现在有 158,000 名囚犯被监禁。
The medical conditions have deteriorated greatly. Berkeley Law Professor Franklin Zimring wrote in the LA Times on October 25, 2008 that the prisons themselves have become dungeons. The result has been a need for billion in spending to bring the medical facilities to adequate levels. As The Irish Times claimed on February 11, 2009 there is a great risk of infectious disease. As The Lancet reported on March 6, 2009, 64 prisoners died last year from a system that, at times, is outright depravity.
医疗条件已经急剧恶化。伯克利法学教授弗兰克林·齐姆林格(Franklin Zimring)在 2008 年 10 月 25 日《洛杉矶时报》上写道,监狱本身已经变成了地牢。结果是需要 十亿美元的支出来将医疗设施提升到适当水平。正如《爱尔兰时报》2009 年 2 月 11 日所称,存在感染疾病的巨大风险。正如《柳叶刀》2009 年 3 月 6 日报道的,去年有 64 名囚犯死于有时是彻头彻尾的堕落的系统。
All of these add up to a violation of the rights of the prisoners. The NY Times on February 14 quoted the Federal Court decision against California that the state had violated the constitutional rights of the prisoners. The 8th Amendment of the US Constitution forbids the use of "cruel and unusual punishment." The courts have long held that overcrowding is not acceptable.
所有这些加起来构成了对囚犯权利的侵犯。《纽约时报》2 月 14 日援引了联邦法院针对加利福尼亚的裁决,指出该州侵犯了囚犯的宪法权利。美国宪法第八修正案禁止使用“残忍和不寻常的惩罚”。法院长期以来一直认为拥挤是不可接受的。
Now that we know the scope of this problem has put prisoner at health risk and violated their constitutionally guaranteed rights let's find out how California got into this mess.
Main poincine: 主要观点:
Politicians in California trying to get reelected have passed a series of laws so they can look "tough on crime." Laws such as three strikes, mandatory minimum sentencing, and high parole standards have led to high costs.
加利福尼亚的政客们为了连任而通过了一系列法律,以便显得“对犯罪严厉”。 三罢法、强制最低刑期和高假释标准等法律导致了高昂的成本。
Three strikes laws mean that if a criminal has committed a third felony the prisoner will go to jail for 25 years. It might only be a minor offense that would normally get only a short sentence of a few years. The NY Times of February 12, 2009 reported that the 34,000 prisoners who are in California prisons because of three strikes cost million per year.
三罢法意味着如果罪犯犯下第三项重罪,囚犯将被判入狱 25 年。 这可能只是一项本来只会被判几年徒刑的轻微犯罪。 2009 年 2 月 12 日的《纽约时报》报道称,因为三罢法而被关押在加利福尼亚监狱的 3.4 万名囚犯每年造成了 百万美元的费用。
Mandatory minimum sentencing requires drug offenders with a certain amount of drugs to be sentenced without any judge discretion or reduction. This means that prisoners will go to jail for many years without parole, sometimes on a first offense.
强制最低刑期要求毒品犯持有一定数量的毒品将被判刑,没有法官的裁量权或减刑。 这意味着囚犯将在狱中度过多年,没有假释,有时甚至是在第一次犯罪时。
Parole itself is another cause. Usually, when someone gets out of prison they are paroled in California. This means a minor parole violation will put the criminal back in prison. California paroles of their prisoners. The NY Times February 22, 2009 compares this with an for the rest of the states. No wonder the article documented that 70,000 prisoners are in prison for parole violations.
假释本身是另一个原因。通常,当有人从监狱释放出来时,他们会在加利福尼亚获得假释。这意味着即使是轻微的假释违规也会让罪犯重新入狱。加利福尼亚对他们的囚犯实行假释。2009 年 2 月 22 日的《纽约时报》将这一情况与其他州进行了比较。难怪文章记录称,有 7 万名囚犯因假释违规而被关押在监狱中。
All of these have led to an overcrowded and expensive system. The LA Times February 22, 2009 provided that each prisoner costs taxpayers per year.
所有这些都导致了一个拥挤且昂贵的系统。2009 年 2 月 22 日的《洛杉矶时报》提到,每名囚犯每年为纳税人造成了一定费用。
So laws like three strikes, mandatory minimums, and high parole rates have led to high costs. What can be done about it?
Main point three: 三个主要观点:
My solutions involve both federal and state action.
The LA Times on February 16, 2009 recommended that California take advantage of the Rapid Repeat system. With this federal program 30,000 immigrants in the California system can agree to be deported. If immigrants in the program come back to the US they are put into federal prisons and not back into the California system.
2009 年 2 月 16 日,《洛杉矶时报》建议加利福尼亚利用快速重复系统。通过这个联邦计划,加利福尼亚系统中的 3 万名移民可以同意被驱逐出境。如果该计划中的移民回到美国,他们将被送入联邦监狱,而不是重新进入加利福尼亚系统。
The state of California certainly needs to take action to reform its laws. According to the February 10, 2009 edition of The NY Times million could be saved with reforms on sentencing.
加利福尼亚州肯定需要采取行动改革其法律。根据 2009 年 2 月 10 日《纽约时报》的报道,通过对判决进行改革,可以节省 百万美元。
As ABC News reported on March 11, 2009 perhaps the most immediate reform could take place if the Governor could pardon all parole violators except those who have committed violent or sexual crimes.
正如 ABC 新闻在 2009 年 3 月 11 日报道的那样,也许最紧迫的改革可以在州长赦免所有违反假释规定的人员,除了那些犯有暴力或性犯罪的人。

Summary: 摘要:

Today we have learned about the problem with California's prison overcrowding crisis. We have seen this problem involves the health and rights of tens of thousands of prisoners. The problem has been caused by overambitious laws and therefore, our solutions must involve reform of these laws.

Conclusion: 结论:

California is faced with financial problems and has several issues to face. However, with proper reforms California will be able to lessen its prison overcrowding crisis and hopefully have a better year in 2010.
加利福尼亚面临着财政问题,并且有几个问题需要解决。然而,通过适当的改革,加利福尼亚将能够减轻其监狱过度拥挤危机,并有望在 2010 年度有一个更好的年度。
During a debate you will do much more listening than speaking. Instead of the casual listening you do in conversations, debate requires that you do critical listening. In addition to being able to understand the arguments of other debaters, you must be able to take effective notes of those arguments so you can refute them during your own speeches. If you don't refute an argument (either because you didn't understand it or you didn't write it down and could not remember it) then your opponents will win that point. This responsibility is referred to as the "burden of refutation." If a team does not respond to arguments the other team has put forth, then "silence is admission": They have failed to refute and therefore lost on those arguments. Chapter 11 will provide details on refutation.
It is essential for you to listen effectively to both the other team and to your partner. However, the short-term memory or working memory of the brain is not very efficient at processing a large amount of information at any given time. We usually can only remember about seven items at a time in our short-term memory. This limited capacity of processing information means that taking notes is a vital part of active listening and debating. By taking notes you can stay involved in the debate for if you lose your attention you will probably lose the debate.
You must take good notes of what the other team is saying. You should also make a note of your own arguments before it is your turn to speak. This very specialized skill of listening can help you to develop into a better speaker and a better thinker in a second language.
Good notes are organized, accurate, concise, complete, and understandable. They are able to help you to tell the audience, judge, and other team exactly what argument you are discussing and how your answer refutes their argument.

Flow Sheet 流程表

The notes in a debate are taken on a flow sheet. It is called a flow sheet because the paper is divided into columns equal to the number of speeches given in a round, so that notes are written next to each other and flow across the paper. A simple flow sheet would look like this:
First Prop speaker First Opp speaker Second Prop speaker
第一正辩手 第一反辩手 第二正辩手

The environment 环境
should be sacrificed 应该被牺牲
A bad environment 一个糟糕的环境
for the economy. 为经济。
In AP debate you may only speak from the notes you have written during the preparation time and the debate. Therefore, your flow sheet is usually the only reminder of the arguments exchanged. It is important to keep your flow sheet organized.
在 AP 辩论中,你只能从准备时间和辩论中写的笔记中发言。因此,你的流程表通常是交换的论点的唯一提醒。保持你的流程表有条理是很重要的。
Each argument needs to have its own space as it goes across the flow sheet. In order to keep it organized you may want to use several pieces of paper. This will allow you enough room to keep the arguments straight.
For example, let's say that you are the first propositional speaker. In your preparation time you would write an outline of your case on the far left column so that you can refer to it when speaking. The preparation time is not enough for you to write out your speech word for word, so you will have to extemporize. You should outline all of the main arguments for the first speech on your flow sheet, so that when you have finished speaking you are ready to write the responses of the Opposition. The responses of the Opposition would be written in the second column. Your team's refutation would then be written in the third column and so on.
When the Opposition has some direct refutation, write those arguments next to your arguments. If the other team doesn't talk about one of your arguments you will want to make note of it on your flow sheet so you can point it out to the judge.
When the other team comes up with a totally new argument, such as a disadvantage against your plan, you should write this new argument on an empty space on your flow sheet or even start with a fresh piece of paper. This allows you to track arguments in their proper place to be clear and organized with your refutation.
If the other side listed three arguments for one claim, it would be clearer to number the arguments and refer to them by number. You may even use arrows to indicate where the arguments fit on your flow sheet.
Sometimes debate can get a bit fast, so partners may need to cooperate with each other on their flow sheets so they don't miss any arguments.
To see how an actual flow sheet for a complete debate looks like, you can refer to the appendicies of this chapter.

Role of Rejoinder in Flow Sheet

We have already discussed the burden of proof where "those who assert must prove" and the burden of refutation where "silence is admission." To add to that knowledge we also have the burden of rejoinder. A good debate is like a table tennis match where the ball is hit back and forth. In the same way in debate we watch an argument hit back and forth as it progresses through the round. The flow sheet should reflect the exchange of ideas. When a team serves an argument, the other team needs to respond to that argument. If they do not respond they should lose that point. If they do respond, then the first team has the responsibility to provide a rejoinder or to "answer the answer." So in this case, debaters may want to remind the judge of the flow of the arguments from both sides.
The flow sheet is a tool that allows the arguments to be tracked. Many judges tell debaters they will let the flow sheet speak for them. In other words, they will be objective and only consider what they note down in their decision. Judges need to stay in the round and take notes on every speech. So should you! Even if you are done speaking, keep taking notes. In AP debate, the first speaker of each team will give the rebuttal speech to complete their case. So they must stay on top of the whole debate until the end. The second speaker, though only has one chance to speak, can still raise questions (POIs) throughout the debate round, and therefore it's important to stay in and play an active role till the end. A complete flow sheet also helps when you debrief the round with your coach after the debate.
流程表是一种工具,可以追踪论点。许多裁判告诉辩手,他们会让流程表代表他们发言。换句话说,他们会客观地只考虑他们在决定中记录的内容。裁判需要留在现场并记录每次演讲。你也应该这样做!即使你讲完了,也要继续记录。在 AP 辩论中,每个团队的第一名演讲者将发表反驳演讲以完成他们的论点。因此,他们必须一直保持对整个辩论的掌握直到结束。尽管第二名演讲者只有一次发言机会,但仍然可以在整个辩论过程中提出问题(POIs),因此保持参与并在结束前发挥积极作用非常重要。一份完整的流程表在辩论后与教练讨论这场辩论时也会有所帮助。

British Parliamentary (BP) Note-taking

The BP format does not necessarily follow the same guidelines above. AP format uses an inductive style with more line-by-line analysis. In BP debate, adjudicators do not have to consider the flow of the arguments, but instead deductively look to the manner and matter of each of the eight debaters. This more general approach to the philosophical issues in the debate means that notes are usually taken for each speech, independent from what the other debaters say. Many adjudicators use two sheets of paper, each divided into four quarters. Each quarter will have notes on a speech. These notes will guide their decision and oral critique. Since the adjudicator looks to the manner and matter of each speaker, the notes are aimed at highlighting strengths and weaknesses in these areas. The adjudicator may also make side notes about POIs asked and taken.
BP 格式不一定遵循上述相同的指导方针。AP 格式采用归纳风格,更多地进行逐行分析。在 BP 辩论中,裁判员不必考虑论点的流程,而是从演讲者的方式和内容出发进行演绎式的审视。辩论中对哲学问题的这种更一般的处理意味着通常会为每次演讲做笔记,独立于其他辩手说的内容。许多裁判员使用两张纸,每张纸分成四个部分。每个部分都会有关于一次演讲的笔记。这些笔记将指导他们的决定和口头批评。由于裁判员关注每位演讲者的方式和内容,这些笔记旨在突出这些方面的优点和缺点。裁判员还可能在 POI 的提问和回答方面做侧面记录。
Since the holistic approach of BP debate focuses on the persuasiveness of each speaker, line-by-line analysis of the arguments is not as important. In this case, debaters may start with a few notes, but the key thing is to have a rough outline of what you plan to say during your speech, rather than a flow of ideas throughout the debate.
由于 BP 辩论的整体方法侧重于每位演讲者的说服力,因此对论点的逐行分析并不那么重要。在这种情况下,辩手可能会从几点开始,但关键是要对你计划在演讲中说的内容有一个大致的轮廓,而不是在整个辩论过程中的思路流。

Shorthand and Abbreviations

Sometimes the information in debate comes rather quickly. You have little time for taking notes, so good note-taking skills are essential. These notes will only be used for a short time, so they do not have to be neat or spelled correctly. As long as you can read them for your speech the notes will serve their purpose. Regardless of the format, shorthand and abbreviations will help you in the efficiency of your note-taking. Once you get used to them they will become part of your everyday note-taking. For example, the word "because" is frequently used in debate. Shorthand for "because" is " ." If someone makes a statement and does not provide an explanation you might jot down "b/c?" as a reminder to yourself that the other debater does not provide a reason for the conclusion made during the speech. If someone uses the word "increase" it is much easier to write an up arrow than the word. Abbreviations are also common in notetaking. If someone says "the World Health Organization" it is common sense to write "WHO." Any shorthand and abbreviations you come up with will be as long as you (and perhaps your partner) can understand it.
有时辩论中的信息传递得相当迅速。你没有太多时间做笔记,因此良好的记笔记技巧至关重要。这些笔记只会用于短时间,所以它们不必整洁或拼写正确。只要你能在演讲时读懂它们,这些笔记就能发挥作用。无论格式如何,速记和缩写都会帮助你提高记笔记的效率。一旦你习惯了它们,它们就会成为你日常记笔记的一部分。例如,在辩论中经常使用单词“because”。"because"的速记是" ." 如果有人发表了一种观点但没有提供解释,你可以记下"b/c?"作为提醒,告诉自己对方在演讲中没有给出结论的原因。如果有人使用了单词“increase”,写一个向上箭头 比写单词要容易得多。缩写在记笔记中也很常见。如果有人说“世界卫生组织”,写“WHO”是常识。只要你(也许还有你的搭档)能理解,你想出的任何速记和缩写都是可以的。
Consistence in choice of shorthand is important. If you keep changing the symbols you use, sometimes you may not remember what certain symbols represent. Pick certain symbols and stick with them till you form a habit. Only when you automatically use them and recognize them instantly, do these symbols work for you. Here is a short list of symbols that might serve as hints for your own shorthand and abbreviations:
agent of action 行动的代理 A of A
billion bil
cost benefit analysis 成本效益分析
disadvantage DA
dropped [D] 丢弃 [D]
enforcement enf 执法 enf
evidence ev 证据 ev
funding fund 资金基金
impact imp 影响 imp
increase  增加
inherency inh 内在性
is/equals = 是/等于
greater than > 大于
less than < 小于 <
linear / 线性 /
link  链接
million mil 百万
not  不是
not equal  不相等
number # 数字
observation , obs
policy , pol 政策
quantify  量化
question? 问题?
should s/ 应该是/
should not  不应该
significance sig 意义 sig
solvency sol 偿付能力 sol
status quo  现状
therefore  因此
thousand or M  或 M
topicality  时效性
uniqueness  独特性
voting issue VI 投票问题 VI
with  带有
without w/o 没有 w/o

Conclusion 结论

The ability to process information is crucial in debating, which involves both efficient listening and note-taking. You need to keep your flow sheet organized. Taking a good flow sheet in a debate round means that you can effectively listen in the round, which can help you to understand your notes and be able to paraphrase arguments, provide refutations and rejoinders.

Activities 活动

  1. Flow the news. Pick an English radio or TV news program and flow the news for five minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes. Increase the length of the program as you practice more and get better at it. When doing it by yourself, paraphrase the news after you flow it. You can also work with a partner and retell the news to each other after taking notes.
  2. Flow a lecture. Attend a lecture. Jot down detailed notes of the entire lecture. Speak from the notes and explain to a partner the content of the lecture.
  3. Flow a debate. When watching a debate, keep a flow sheet as described in this chapter. At the end of the debate, talk to the class about your decision as to who won and explain why. Use your flow sheet to guide your decision and comments.

Debate Flow Sheet for AP Debate Demonstration
AP 辩论演示的辩论流程表

Motion: University entrance slots should be allocated to provinces proportionally based on population.
Leader of the Proposition
Leader of the Opposition
Member of the Proposition
Member of the Opposition
plan pressure on Beijing
students = unfair 学生 = 不公平
students should compete 学生应该竞争
If unequal—spend more
money on ed
same paper not feasible
. time, money, and labor
. no need
. we promote equal by
elim boundaries 消除边界
. How do you reduce
. 你如何减少
. we solve corruption
. 我们解决腐败
better-no motivation, 没有动力更好,
other prov will follow
you must prove you
reduce corruption 减少腐败
you provide obstacles for
. we give same equal rights
we migration
我们 迁移
in low pop prov less slots
在低人口省 较少名额
fight for PKU  为北大而战
first tier benchmark
different = unfair: 不同=不公平
480 - Beijing 480 - 北京

Debate Flow Sheet for BP Debate Demonstration
BP 辩论演示的辩论流程表

Motion: Environmental concerns become less important during times of economic crisis.

2. Refer to the DVD for actual BP debate demonstration.
2. 请参考 DVD 以获取实际的 BP 辩论演示。

In a general legal sense, a motion is a proposal for action made by a legislative body. Parliamentary procedures around the world use the word "motion" to indicate the subject of matter under discussion at the time. In the parliamentary system such as that of the UK, Members of Parliament come up with motions for the House of Commons to consider. In the US Congress, Senators and Representatives use motions for conducting meetings, but also debate "resolutions." Resolutions are statements of approval or rejection about an issue.
In parliamentary procedures, a motion "on the floor" is open to debate between those who are in favor of the motion and those who object to it. In academic debate, teams assume propositional and oppositional sides of the motion. Depending on the type of academic debate, the motion can also be referred to as the topic, the resolution, or the proposition.

Differences in Motions of Different Formats

In parliamentary debate, the motion changes every round. Rules actually call for an extemporaneous nature to the motion. The motion must not be disclosed in advance and should be worded differently from any other topic already debated in the tournament. Since parliamentary debate allows for a limited preparation time, the motion usually is a simple sentence. For example, "China should ban the use of plastic bags."
In cross-examination debate the same motion is used for more than one tournament. In some cases, the motion may change monthly, while in other cases the same motion is debated for the entire year. This is also referred to as "switchsides debate" since teams have to debate on both sides of the motion throughout

the tournament. Teams in this style of debate have weeks or even months to prepare and hone their arguments. The motions need to have enough depth for long-term debating, so they are usually more complex. For example, "The United States federal government should substantially increase economic assistance to the developing countries."

Features of a Debatable Motion

  1. It is important to properly "frame" the issue in question so that the motion is debatable with fair ground to both sides. On the premise of "agreeing to disagree," the debaters should try to present the best arguments for their side. If one team violates this agreement by debating something not in the motion the debate might be unfair for the other side. In effect they are not giving the other team their ground in the debate. If a team has a topic that states the UN should take action, but they change the agent of action to some other country instead, then they are not affirming the topic given to them. And also, the motion should be phrased to assure that both sides have a fair chance to debate. If the ground is unbalanced, the debate will not be a good one. For example, it wouldn't be fair for those who are on the Opposition to debate a motion: "Murder should be illegal." First, murder is already illegal. Second, there aren't a lot of good reasons to legalize murder.
  2. The wording of the motion should make a simple statement. Complex statements with more than one action would be much more difficult to debate. If the topic was that "China should raise taxes and cut expenses," the propositional team would have two burdens to prove. In a sense, there would be two debates going on-one on taxes and the other on expenses. So if the propositional team proves China should raise taxes, but not cut expenses, they would probably lose the debate.
  3. Motions can be worded in a loose or tight manner, which are known as metaphorical or literal motions. A loose wording would allow for a liberal interpretation on a metaphorical motion such as "This house would go for the

    gold." The propositional team would have great latitude in deciding what type of issue to run, such as increasing Olympic sport training to increase gold medal account or changing mining regulations or banking policies on gold. A tight wording for a motion would be very specific about the action to be taken and would tolerate little digression from it. Usually this type of motion specifies who will take the action and what type of action should be taken, such as "China should reduce private automobile ownership."
    "黄金。" 提案团队在决定要运行的问题类型方面有很大的自由度,比如增加奥林匹克运动训练以增加金牌数量,或者改变有关黄金的采矿法规或银行政策。对于动议的措辞应该非常具体,关于要采取的行动,并且不容许偏离。通常这种动议会明确指定谁将采取行动以及应该采取什么类型的行动,比如“中国应该减少私人汽车拥有量。”
  4. The motions to be debated should not require a great deal of specific or personal knowledge. It would be unfair if one of the debaters started debating the problems within their own family. Other debaters simply could not be expected to know such personal information.
  5. The motion should involve something that has significance for the debaters and the general public. For instance, a motion regarding the food preference of the mother of one of the debaters wouldn't be of interest for the other debaters. However, a discussion on whether Chinese food is better than American food might yield an excellent debate. Current events make for great topics.

Types of Motions 运动类型

There are three types of propositions that come into play in motions: fact, value, and policy. In this section we will look to motions from the propositional side. Details on case development on both propositional and oppositional sides will be provided in Chapters 9 and 10.
在动议中涉及到三种命题类型:事实、价值和政策。在本节中,我们将从命题的角度来看待动议。关于命题方和反对方案的案例发展细节将在第 9 章和第 10 章中提供。

Proposition of Fact 事实命题

Debates on all types of propositions must rely upon facts that support the claims made by the debaters.
A proposition of fact makes a statement that can be objectively verified. Objectivity means that the type of measurement is outside of human opinions. In other words, there is a general agreement on the type of measurement, i.e.
事实命题是可以客观验证的陈述。客观性意味着测量类型超出了人类的意见。换句话说,对于测量类型有普遍的一致意见,即一公斤有 1,000 克。要验证这个命题,首先我们需要一个陈述,然后看看测量是否与陈述相匹配。如果一个陈述说约翰体重 100 公斤,那将是一个事实命题。我们有一个带有客观测量的陈述。对于一公斤的重量有一致意见,对于 100 公斤的重量也有一致意见。

a kilo has 1,000 grams in it. To verify the proposition, first we need to have a statement and then see if the measurement matches the statement. If a statement says that John weighs 100 kilos it would be a proposition of fact. We have a statement with an objective measurement. There is an agreement on how much a kilo weighs and there is an agreement on the weight of 100 kilos.
Some people will try to prove that a proposition of fact is "true." This may not be the most accurate word since all types of propositions could be claimed to look for "truth." Instead, for a proposition of fact we look to whether the proposition is "valid" or "invalid." If we say that John weighs 100 kilos and we put John on a scale and the scale says he weighs 100 kilos then we have verified that this proposition of fact is valid. If we say John is 100 kilos, but the scale says he is 115 kilos we still have a proposition of fact, but it is invalid. If we say John is at least 100 kilos and John weighs 115 kilos, our proposition of fact is valid. Since "at least" qualifies our statement, any weight over 100 kilos would be valid.
有些人会试图证明一个事实命题是“真实的”。这可能不是最准确的词,因为所有类型的命题都可以声称在寻找“真相”。相反,对于一个事实命题,我们要看这个命题是“有效的”还是“无效的”。如果我们说约翰体重 100 公斤,然后我们把约翰放在秤上,秤显示他体重 100 公斤,那么我们已经验证了这个事实命题是有效的。如果我们说约翰体重 100 公斤,但是秤显示他体重 115 公斤,那么我们仍然有一个事实命题,但是它是无效的。如果我们说约翰至少体重 100 公斤,而约翰体重 115 公斤,我们的事实命题是有效的。因为“至少”修饰了我们的陈述,任何超过 100 公斤的体重都是有效的。
When using critical thinking it is important to provide information to answer the question. When debating a fact proposition, debaters should be able to explain statistics, examples and expert testimonials that "prove" their points.
However, as a motion to debate, the proposition of fact is not the best choice. Usually, questions involving measurement are more simply answered by measuring rather than debating. Why would we want to debate that John is 100 kilos when we can simply get him on a scale?
然而,作为一种辩论动议,事实命题并不是最佳选择。通常,涉及测量的问题更容易通过测量来回答,而不是辩论。为什么我们要辩论约翰体重 100 公斤的问题,当我们可以简单地让他站在秤上呢?
This is not to say that propositions of facts aren't debated in legislative bodies. Before the US invaded Iraq there were many debates on whether Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. As it turned out no weapons were found. It is important to understand how facts guide our judgments. If in fact there were no weapons of mass destruction then we might be better able to debate a value proposition on whether the war was unjustified.

Proposition of Value 价值命题

A proposition of value can make a motion very debatable. Instead of the objective verification of fact propositions, value propositions ask to make subjective opinions or make value comparisons. Although it may be difficult to prove values the same way as we prove facts, it is important for us to come to answers about questions of value. And it is extremely important to know how we come to conclusions about whether something is good versus bad or right versus wrong.
Consider the value motion "Technology in the classroom lessens the educational experience." The propositional team supporting the motion would need to think of the bad things of technology, while the oppositional team needs to think of the good things of technology. A good motion should have room for arguments on both sides of the issue.
Several conditions need to be met to satisfy the proposition of value: definition, context, hierarchy of values, criteria, and proof. Any of these conditions may be accepted or refuted by the Opposition.
Definition. All motions call for definition of terms so that everyone knows what is being debated. In this case terms such as "technology in the classroom," "lessens," and "educational experience" all need to be clarified. It is not necessary for the propositional team to include all technologies or all educational experiences. They may narrow the motion to specific technology such as PowerPoint and specific educational experience such as developing oral communication skills. The proposition should be narrowed substantially as long as it does not unreasonably deprive the other team of its ground.
定义。所有动议都需要对术语进行定义,以便每个人都知道正在讨论的内容。在这种情况下,诸如“课堂技术”,“减少”和“教育经验”等术语都需要澄清。提案方并不需要包括所有技术或所有教育经验。他们可以将动议缩小到特定的技术,例如 PowerPoint 和特定的教育经验,比如培养口头沟通能力。只要不是不合理地剥夺了另一方的立场,提案就应该被大大地缩小。
Context. The motion can be further narrowed by discussing specific contexts. In a sense, this area is an extension of definition where the propositional team provides a contextual definition of the motion. For instance, on the motion of technology and educational experience, the propositional team could discuss PowerPoint presentations (PPT) in oral English classes in university settings.
背景。动议可以通过讨论具体的背景进一步缩小范围。在某种意义上,这个领域是定义的延伸,提案方提供了动议的背景定义。例如,在技术和教育经验的动议上,提案方可以讨论大学英语口语课堂上的 PowerPoint 演示(PPT)。
The oppositional team does have a right to argue that the context is unfair or too narrow. The oppositional team may even argue that holistically, technology helps educational experience.
Hierarchy of values. Any motion being debated could involve many different values. Some of these values might be in conflict with each other, which means the values cannot all be achieved equally at the same time. If they are in conflict, the propositional team should set up a hierarchy of values within the framework of the context or in the order of importance. In terms of our example on technology, the highest value could be "maximizing the learning of the students." However, if PPT is used in an oral English classroom, a conflicting value may be PPT is "easier for the teacher to lecture." If the students find the PPT lecture unengaging, we need to ask in the context of an oral communication class: Which is a higher value-ease of lecturing for the teacher, or engagement of the students for maximizing the learning.
Criteria. Once the hierarchy is established, how will we know whether it is met or not? In the above example, how much involvement is necessary for students to have a better educational experience for developing oral communication skills? This criterion could be established in a manner that points in a direction such as anything that reduces student discussion would lessen the educational experience. Another approach is to establish how much time should be spent in lecturing and how much time spent in activities. If the evidence says at least a involvement is best for learning, then anything less caused by technology would lessen the educational experience.
Proof. The context, value and criteria set a framework for making a value judgment. Now at this point the propositional team should try to provide as many arguments as possible to support their side of the motion. The proof can be set up in the form of "contentions" that flow through the criteria. Each contention should provide analysis and examples why the value judgment is accurate. To follow the same example as above, contention one could be: Technology reduces the amount of notes the students take therefore reducing

the information the students retain. Contention two could be: PPT focuses attention on remembering information rather than engaging the students in active learning. All contentions should be relevant to the framework set up in the first part of the speech.
学生保留的信息。争议二可能是:PPT 侧重于记忆信息,而不是让学生参与积极学习。所有争议都应与演讲第一部分设定的框架相关。

Proposition of Policy 政策提议

Both facts and values are necessary to debate policies. If a value has been established by the facts, then a logical question to ask is: "What should we do about it?" "Should" is the key word here. It means we "ought to do something different from the current policy, but not necessarily will." The word "should" allows debaters to discuss the most desirable action to take, even if they aren't in a position of authority to take such action. For example, the motion "The United States should withdraw all of its troops from Iraq" has been debated around the world for many years (since the war began!). Even though those debaters had no position of power in the US federal government, they still can debate the desirability of the action of withdrawal.
The word "should" implies that a change in the status quo is needed and a new action would make the system better. The term "status quo" in Latin means "current

system" or "the existing state of affairs." The team supporting the motion will usually call for a change in the status quo or at least a rejection of the values of the status quo. The propositional team will need to overcome the presumption that the status quo is doing fine, that in the absence of arguments, everything is working and should remain the same. In other words, when we debate a new policy we need to find reasons why the old policy

is bad or how it can be improved. If there is no problem in the status quo or the status quo has the means to fix itself, then why are we debating the specific motion?
The job for the Proposition is to prove to the judge how the system could be improved with changes. If the Opposition shows that the status quo has no problem or that the plan of the Proposition does more harm than good then they have shown that the Proposition has not overcome presumption and we should not change the status quo.
Proposition 的任务是向法官证明系统如何通过改变得以改进。如果反对方表明现状没有问题,或者 Proposition 的计划弊大于利,那么他们已经表明 Proposition 没有克服假设,我们不应改变现状。
If a motion has a verb calling for an action then it is a policy proposition. Sometimes the motion specifically tells us who should take the action, as in the US example above. Sometimes the motion does not specify the "doer" and allows the debaters to specify who will take the action. For example, "This house should reduce its carbon footprint." The house could be any country or entity.
如果动议中有一个要求采取行动的动词,那么这是一个政策提案。有时动议明确告诉我们谁应该采取行动,就像上面的美国例子一样。有时动议不指定“行动者”,允许辩论者指定谁将采取行动。例如,“这个团体应该减少碳足迹。” 这个团体可以是任何国家或实体。
When debating a proposition of policy debaters need to ask two main questions: "What should we do?", in other words, what is the proposed plan, and "Why should we do it?", in other words, what is the case, or the rationale of carrying out the proposed plan.
Plan. With a policy motion the debaters on the propositional side must defend what should be done. Of course, due to the time limits of debate, it is not possible to describe in detail the plan. But the plan must be precise enough so the other team knows what to debate. Outlining the plan in many debates takes less than a minute. It consists of the following four components:
  • Agent of action (Who will carry out the plan?). The propositional team must specifically tell us who is doing the plan. The choice of agent could be very wide, ranging from the United Nations, the government of a particular country, all the way to individuals sitting in the same room where the debate takes place. Remember that propositional team wants to prove desirability, so the appropriateness of the agent is important. If you were debating withdrawal

    in the war of Iraq then you would want the agent of action to be the US since another agent of action does not have authority over the US military.
  • Mandate (What must be done?). This section of the plan specifies what action will be taken. This would be like the specific parts of a new law or regulation. It should offer a time frame for when the action will be taken and how long it will last. The mandate could be based on a model from some other place or be unprecedented and unique. For example, to reduce air pollution during the Olympics, Beijing implemented a policy of restricting automobiles on the streets to even and odd days according to the number of license plates. If you wanted to do the same plan in a different place you could refer to the Beijing model in your plan. Or, you may propose to ban automobiles entirely, something that may not have an applicable model.
  • Funding (How to fund the plan, if money is needed?). If a plan is going to cost money, then it is important to specify where you will get the money to pay for it.
  • Enforcement (How to make sure the plan is carried out effectively?). A plan is only as good as its enforcement. How do you make sure the plan can be effectively enforced? Besides money, are there adequate resources (human, technological, social and cultural) to implement the plan? If the plan is similar to an existing policy that isn't working, how is your plan different in enforcement?
Case. Once the Proposition has a plan they need to demonstrate why the plan is desirable. The case establishes the reasons for the plan. Ultimately, the case should tell the benefits of adopting the plan or how they will improve the status quo. There are two major approaches: Those benefits could eliminate some problems, or they could be an improvement over the current practice. Depending on the subject matter of the debate there are many individual issues the debaters will discuss. But all of the smaller issues can be grouped into major categories called "stock issues." These stock issues exist in all policy debates. The

propositional team must prove all of the stock issues in order to justify a change of the status quo because if one thing is missing you haven't proven that the status quo should change. The stock issues of the case are: need, significance, inherency, solvency, and advantages.
  • Need (Why is there a need for the plan/action?). The need section is sometimes called harms. In other words, what bad things are happening at this moment that should be corrected? Or what harm will occur if the plan/action is not taken? The partial list of harms includes death, injury, lack of equality or opportunity, and decreases in quality of life, freedom or standard of living.
  • Significance (How important is the need?). The significance section contains the "quantity" of the need by providing statistics and the "quality" of the need by providing the values or reasons why the need is considered serious to us. Usually, the need and significance stock issues are provided at the same time.
-Inherency (What barriers stop the harm from being eliminated or prevented?). This stock issue explains why the harm is not eliminated in the status quo. It may be that there is no law to take care of the problem or that the law needs to be changed, modified or better enforced to address the problem. Or it may be that even with a law/policy in place, people's beliefs and attitudes, cultural traditions are standing in the way of effective implementation of the law/policy.
  • Solvency (How will the plan/action solve the problem?). This stock issue specifically shows how the plan will work to reduce or solve the need. In other words, how will the plan function to make the status quo better.
  • Advantages (What are the benefits of the plan/action?). This stock issue is added on to solving the need. It may not always be necessary to have additional advantages to the plan. Sometimes the significance of solving the need is enough. However, if you can think of additional desirable reasons to implement the plan it can add to the overall significance of your case thereby giving the judge more reasons to vote for you. For example, while reducing automobile

    usage with an even/odd system reduces air pollution, it also reduces traffic and makes getting to work more convenient. It also reduces petroleum consumption which will help bring prices down. It also increases revenue for public transportation sections which will enable them to improve service. So by providing "advantages" you provide additional benefits of the plan besides solving the problem at hand.
Motions of policy are usually considered the best to provide clash in a debate where both sides have many arguments to choose from. However, you cannot debate a policy unless you understand the values you are trying to achieve, and you cannot understand the values you are trying to achieve without knowing the facts that support those values. To phrase this situation in a philosophical wayhaving facts alone is useless unless you are using them to make a judgment of some kind. Making judgments without trying to make a change for the better is a waste of time. Debater should strive to come up with ideas to improve life. If we know the facts and they support a value, then we should adopt a policy to make society better.

Conclusion 结论

The debate motions are designed to set up controversies. Debaters need to engage the controversy to accomplish the task of debating on a particular issue. They do not need to have personal commitment to either side of the motion; instead, they are only required to present arguments that support the side assigned to them. This type of perspective-taking allows students to critically analyze the specific motion assigned to them.

Activities 活动

  1. Develop a proposition of fact, a proposition of value, and a proposition of policy for each of the following subjects:
  • Global warming 全球变暖
  • Taxation 税收
  • Intellectual property rights
  • UN peacekeeping 联合国维和
  • University education 大学教育
  1. Compare and contrast your propositions with other students' propositions in class using the PEM. Pick the best wording for each proposition.
    使用 PEM 在课堂上与其他学生的主张进行比较和对比。为每个主张选择最佳措辞。
  2. Choose a proposition from the above and come up with arguments for both sides.
In the Toulmin Model in Chapter 2 you learned about the three parts of argument construction: claim, data, and warrant. The data portion of the argument, obtained through researching, is a vital component of a sound argument. The first important principle one should learn in debate is "those who assert must prove." This means that in a debate whoever makes a claim must provide adequate information why the claim is valid. The responsibility of providing supporting data for one's claim is called the "burden of proof." Debaters should be able to defend the evidence they present. The better the evidence, the stronger the argument. Debaters will be easily attacked by the other side if the evidence is unclear, inaccurate or irrelevant. The process of finding evidence is researching. Evidence in a debate covers a wide range of information: facts, data, statistics, documents, testimonials/expert opinions, and examples.
在第 2 章的图尔敏模型中,您了解到论证构建的三个部分:主张、数据和担保。通过研究获得的论证数据是一个健全论证的重要组成部分。辩论中一个人应该学会的第一个重要原则是“断言者必须证明”。这意味着在辩论中,无论谁提出主张都必须提供充分的信息来证明这个主张的有效性。为自己的主张提供支持数据的责任被称为“举证责任”。辩手应该能够捍卫他们提出的证据。证据越好,论证就越有力。如果证据不清晰、不准确或不相关,辩手将很容易受到对方的攻击。寻找证据的过程就是研究。辩论中的证据涵盖了广泛的信息:事实、数据、统计数据、文件、证词/专家意见和例子。

Types of Evidence 证据类型

There are three basic types of evidence used in a debate: statistics, examples, and testimonials/expert opinions.

Statistics 统计数据

Statistics are used as evidence to "quantify" an issue. For example, if we were discussing Chinese population we could claim there are 1.3 billion people in China. Statistics often reveal the significance of the issue in discussion. Trustworthy statistics are generated by authoritative organizations or professional researchers who utilize widely acceptable methods. The better the methodology, the better we can trust the statistics generated. Debaters may not always need to analyze the specific methodology used to generate the statistics. The rule of thumb for reliability is the reputation of the source publishing the statistics. For example, if a credible publication cites statistics from government
统计数据被用作证据来“量化”一个问题。例如,如果我们在讨论中国的人口问题,我们可能会声称中国有 13 亿人口。统计数据通常揭示了讨论中问题的重要性。可信赖的统计数据由权威机构或专业研究人员利用广泛接受的方法生成。方法论越好,我们就越能相信生成的统计数据。辩论者可能并不总是需要分析用于生成统计数据的具体方法。可靠性的经验法则是发布统计数据的来源的声誉。例如,如果一个可信的出版物引用了政府的统计数据,比如预算数据,那么我们就会假设这些统计数据是可信的。

offices, such as budget figures, then we assume that the statistics are credible.

Examples 示例

Appropriate examples are strong evidence. The use of examples can turn something from abstract to concrete, general to specific, impersonal to private, distant to urgent. Sometimes examples can be used in combination with statistics to show how a problem exists or how a solution works. An example can also be used as a model for some action in the future (such as an even/odd license plate system to reduce air pollution used in one city might work in another city). The more relevant that the example fits the argument, the stronger the conclusion becomes.
Beware of the pitfalls: Whenever there is an example, there is often a counterexample. Examples can only be used to "support" your argument, but they cannot replace your argument.

Testimonials/Expert Opinions

When someone "testifies" about an issue they are said to provide testimonial evidence. If someone has experience with a particular issue they can be classified as an expert. Sometimes that experience is made from professional training where someone devotes years to a particular subject matter. Testimonials or expert opinions consist of interviews, lectures, essays, articles, and books written by those in a position to know about a subject. For example, when Al Gore did his documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, he cited several experts on climate change to show what was happening with global warming.
When using testimonials or expert opinions, we need to check the degree of bias involved in them. If someone is saying something because it will benefit them they are not considered objective. Since everyone has some degree of bias, when in doubt, it's better to check multiple experts or sources of information. If a person is competent and trustworthy they can be source of powerful evidence.

How to Present Evidence

Audiences expect that evidence should be presented in ways appropriate for the particular style of debate. In cross-examination debate, you need to present the evidence verbatim, therefore you have to use "direct quotations." This doesn't mean you must read the entire article or paragraph to the audience; instead you should read the relevant parts of the evidence that support your argument. In parliamentary debate evidence is paraphrased. Because you cannot bring up evidence from which to speak, the evidence is presented more in a narrative form.

Direct Quotation 直接引语

When you have a direct quotation, the evidence is part of your argument. The following are steps to follow when citing a direct quotation. First, make a claim. Second, provide a full source citation with the name and qualifications of the author, as well as the name, date and page number of the publication where the quotation is from. If the source is electronic you should refer to the website, and have the URL available. Third, read the evidence as it appears. In other words, do not edit or cut things out from the page where the quotation is published. It is acceptable to read only the sections of the evidence relevant to your point. In that case, underline the portions you want to use, but leave the rest there on the page for the judge and the other team's reference. Fourth, in your own words explain why the evidence supports your claim.
当您引用直接引语时,证据是您论点的一部分。引用直接引语时,请遵循以下步骤。首先,提出主张。其次,提供完整的来源引用,包括作者的姓名和资格,以及引语所在出版物的名称、日期和页码。如果来源是电子的,您应该参考网站,并提供 URL。第三,按照原样阅读证据。换句话说,不要编辑或删减引语所在页面的内容。可以只阅读与您观点相关的证据部分是可以接受的。在这种情况下,请划线标记您想使用的部分,但将其余部分留在页面上供评委和其他团队参考。第四,用自己的话解释为什么证据支持您的主张。
Here is an example:
My claim is that the Chinese government continues to support the license plate numbering system for reducing traffic in Beijing.
According to ChinaDaily.com.cn on April 5, 2009: "Beijing will extend its post-Olympic vehicle restrictions for another year in an effort to ease traffic congestion and reduce air pollution, the city's traffic officials said
根据 ChinaDaily.com.cn 于 2009 年 4 月 5 日的报道:"北京将延长其奥运后的车辆限行政策一年,以缓解交通拥堵和减少空气污染,该市交通官员周日表示。这一延长是被广泛预期的,因为中国首都的大多数居民支持减少道路上的汽车数量,呼吁更清洁的空气。根据车牌号码制定的限行政策,每个工作日将有 20%的城市 361 万辆车辆禁止上路。"
Sunday. The extension was widely expected as a majority of residents in the Chinese capital supported fewer cars on the road and cleaner air. The restrictions, based on license plate numbers, take 20 percent of the city's 3.61 million vehicles off roads each weekday."
This evidence shows that the plan is considered to reduce traffic and air pollution.
Paraphrasing - - 释义 - -
In parliamentary debate, you are not allowed to read the evidence when speaking. Instead, any evidence that you use must be presented using your own words. In most cases, source citation is not required, but the steps of making claims, presenting the evidence, and explaining the relevance and significance of the evidence are to be followed.
For example, you could paraphrase the above quote by saying that "in April Beijing extended the license plate system for another year as a way to reduce traffic and air pollution."
Because parliamentary debate is extemporaneous, debaters are not informed of the motions in advance, therefore it is not possible to do adequate research during the preparation time which is usually 15 to 30 minutes. The rules also vary on the type of research debaters can do during the preparation time. In some cases, you may only use printed materials during preparation. In other cases computer and Internet access are allowed (be sure to check the debate rules). Regardless of how you get the information, your paraphrased information needs to be clear, accurate, and relevant.
由于议会辩论是即兴辩论,辩手们事先不知道提案内容,因此在通常为 15 至 30 分钟的准备时间内无法进行充分的研究。辩论规则也因应在准备时间内允许的研究类型而有所不同。在某些情况下,您可能只能在准备期间使用纸质材料。在其他情况下,允许使用计算机和互联网(请务必查看辩论规则)。无论您如何获取信息,您的转述信息都需要清晰、准确和相关。

Where to Find Evidence

Before the Internet, brick-and-mortar libraries were the best source for information. Now, the Internet has dramatically increased individual's access to

information. Search engines such as Google or Baidu and online encyclopedias and dictionaries have made researching for information efficient and easy. Online academic journals and databases are usually available at public or university libraries.
If you do parliamentary debate, where you debate a fresh motion each round, keeping up with current events is essential. Newspapers and magazines provide general information. Almost all major newspapers have their own websites, where you can browse past issues and search for current and historical articles that are related with a certain topic. Some people prefer to get the actual paper copy of their favorite newspapers so they can keep up with changes. Some newspapers and magazines also have an editorial page where opinions on current events or policies are offered. They provide inspirations for building a case, because they are often criticism of the status quo, and often call for an action and argue for the benefits of the action. They give a glimpse of what a prototype of a "case" is like for beginning debaters.
Parliamentary debate requires debaters to have a broad knowledge of current events. For this reason, it is important to have a habit of reading major news sources, including both English news sources and Chinese news sources. Since the rules over the years have not allowed for computer access in debate tournaments, you should set up files of printed material to prepare for upcoming debates. If you are preparing for an international debate event, you may need to read more international sources to get a sense of the most salient issues that the people of the world, especially those of the country where the debate event is to be held, are most concerned with. Those issues are most likely to be the topic areas. If you anticipate a topic area before the tournament, you can do more thorough research before the tournament and be more prepared.

How to File Evidence

Quickly locating your evidence is important during debate. Preparation time is

limited, so you will want to "lay your hands" on your research materials within a few seconds. Currently, most tournaments will not allow you to use a computer filing system. The rationale is to have a level playing field by making sure that those who do not have computers or Internet access don't suffer a disadvantage. Many tournaments also do not want debaters to go online and find new proof during the preparation time. This means when you do research you will probably need a paper copy filing system.
In cross-examination debate, debaters will carry many boxes of paper files with them in addition to their computer files. Tens of thousands of different pieces of evidence can be in these files. Of course, throughout the debating season, they may only use a fraction of the evidence. But when they do need certain evidence, they must be able to find it quickly and then organize it so they can read it in their speech. Since they are using direct quotation they must have the exact evidence for everyone to see. The judge may also ask to see the evidence after the round to verify the information.
In parliamentary debate, debaters are not allowed to read the evidence during the debate. But, they may refer to any evidence they used during the preparation time. You will need to read the evidence before the tournament begins. It will help you to quickly find the needed evidence if you highlight significant and relevant information on the page, and if major arguments for and against a position are clearly marked.
After you read the evidence it should go into a filing system that makes it easy to access. The simplest and most economic way is to use file folders.

Brief Articles on the Same Topic

You may find several articles on the same topic. In that case you can read the articles and write up a brief where you summarize the most important information from these articles. In this brief you can outline the major arguments for and against a particular issue. The brief condenses the arguments so that you will be able to look at it very quickly and then take notes for your speech.

File Evidence by Subject

Whether you are filing complete articles or complex briefs, your goal is to find your information quickly. Most debaters file the evidence by subject. Articles or briefs on the same subject go into the same folder. Write the subject name on the tag of the folder and arrange the folders alphabetically. If one folder gets so bulky that it becomes difficult for you to find a piece of information you want, you can subdivide the folder into two, or more folders if necessary. For example, if you start with a file on global warming you will quickly find there is simply too much information to be contained in one folder. In this case, you may subdivide the "global warming" folder into two folders and label one as "problems of global warming" and the other as "causes of global warming." If, again, the "causes" folder gets too big, you may further divide this folder into "natural causes" and "human causes" folders. In the "human causes" folder you may further divide the folder into "transportation" and "electrical generation" folders. This process can go on and on, but the point is to make sure each folder is of manageable size and you can locate the needed information very quickly.
There are of course other ways of filing evidence depending on individual preference. It doesn't really matter what system you use as long as you can find the right evidence quickly.

How to Test Evidence

Not all evidence is equal. Some evidence is better than others. In the age of the Internet anyone can put information online. There is a big difference when we compare someone's blog and a paper published in a peer-reviewed academic journal on the same topic. The main issue is credibility. In other words, how do you know that the evidence is credible?

- Source of the Evidence
- 证据来源

The first test of the evidence is the source of the evidence: Where is this information from? Traditional everyday sources of information are TV, radio,

newspapers, magazines; more specialized are government or professional organizations' reports, books by professionals and academics, peer-reviewed academic journals. Traditional sources of information now have expanded to the Internet for easier and more convenient access for their readership. And the Internet now also has non-traditional sources of information, such as Wikipedia, personal blogs, webpages, and various websites that do not have paper versions. Ultimately, we need to know if the source has a reputation for telling the truth and using expert information.

Timeliness of the Evidence

Life goes on and situations change constantly. For this reason, all things being equal, the most recent evidence is usually the most effective. For example, when Barack Obama became the President of the United States he promised change. If you use evidence about the US based on the policies of George W. Bush it may be outdated compared to the massive shift in policy after the change of Presidents. Check to see if the evidence is up to date, still valid, or if anything has been changed or modified. Periodicals which are published on a regular (daily, weekly, monthly) basis provide the date on all information. More and more websites are also publishing the date when they upload the information. As you are researching you should note the date on all information.

Logic of the Evidence

Good evidence should support the claim being made. When the evidence fits with the claim it is considered to be relevant. In this sense, the logic of an argument is when the evidence "hangs together" with the point the debater is trying to make. If the evidence doesn't support what the debater is saying then the debater has failed the burden of proof. The warrant of an argument within the Toulmin Model analyzes how well the data supports the claim. Even if you use evidence from a credible source, if the data does not logically support the claim, the argument is not sound. This is called a fallacy and will be explained in detail in Chapter 12.
良好的证据应支持所提出的主张。当证据与主张相符时,被视为相关。在这种意义上,论证的逻辑是指证据与辩论者试图表达的观点“相互吻合”。如果证据不支持辩论者所说的内容,那么辩论者就未能承担举证责任。图尔敏模型中的论证依据分析数据支持主张的程度。即使您使用了可靠来源的证据,如果数据在逻辑上不支持主张,那么这个论证就是站不住脚的。这被称为谬误,并将在第 12 章中详细解释。
Critical thinking can be useful in testing the credibility of information, by looking to the assumptions, the accuracy, the precision, the inference, and the point of view of the information. This type of evaluation is especially needed in this age of information overload. The better you get at critical thinking the better you will be able to test the information.

Conclusion 结论

Research is an essential part of preparing for a debate. Not only will your chances for winning the debate improve with more research, you will find your confidence and credibility increase when you become a "mini-expert" on the issues being debated. You will be better able to clarify issues and provide evidence. Ultimately, you will become more persuasive.

Activities 活动

  1. Find an editorial from a major newspaper (printed or online). Do a deep reading to analyze and evaluate the article using the elements and standards of the PEM in Chapter 2. Take some notes and discuss with your classmates. What is the focal issue in the editorial? Why is the author supporting/opposing it? What are the reasons for the author's position? What change/action is proposed? What benefits will result from such a change/action? Are there any arguments against the author's point of view?
    找一篇来自主要报纸(纸质或在线)的社论。进行深入阅读,使用第 2 章 PEM 的要素和标准来分析和评估文章。做一些笔记并与同学讨论。社论的焦点问题是什么?作者为什么支持/反对它?作者立场的原因是什么?提出了什么变化/行动?这样的变化/行动将带来什么好处?有没有反对作者观点的论据?
  2. Start a research file revolving around the focal issue in the article you found. Find other evidence that either supports or rejects the author's position. Write briefs on both sides of the topic. Do an extemporaneous speech on the major issues in the articles.
  3. Generate a list of your favorite sources of evidence and websites to share with your classmates.

In debate, the propositional team bears the "burden of proof" by design because they are taking a position involving an action or a judgment. In other words, they are asserting something should be accepted. Those who assert must prove. Therefore, when the propositional team presents an overall "case" which argues that a certain action should be taken or a judgment should be made, they need to provide reasons why their arguments should be accepted.
In parliamentary debate, the propositional team will not have enough time to write out their case word-for-word. Instead, an outline of a case may be drafted out during the preparation time. Depending on personal preference, some outlines are fairly thorough and detailed while others can be very brief. The first speaker may have all subpoints listed (perhaps even numbered) so as to not confuse the organization of the speech, while later speakers may have made only a few rough notes to remind them a direction they may take. In all cases, debaters need to extemporize their speeches from their notes. Commonly, the first constructive speech is likely to be the best prepared of the entire debate. An efficient case construction allows propositional teams to quickly and clearly develop and present their arguments.
This chapter will first look to case development of policy motions and then to value motions. While facts exist in all debates, fact motions are rarely debated. The specific requirements for fact cases can be found in Chapter 7.
本章首先将讨论政策动议的案例发展,然后是价值动议。虽然事实存在于所有辩论中,但事实动议很少被辩论。有关事实案例的具体要求可以在第 7 章找到。

Case Development for Policy Motions

Policy debate specifically involves an action to be taken and whether or not the action is desirable. This allows both sides to take clear and relevant positions to be balanced against each other. The propositional side builds a case for taking an action. The oppositional side builds a case for not taking the action or taking

a different action. With policy motions the two sides weigh the impact of their respective case in the round like a scale: Which case has more benefits in consideration of their costs-"net benefits."
Of course, to be able to have a policy decision you must be able to understand the values behind the action since all laws and actions have values behind them. To be able to understand values you must understand the facts that support the values. So, policy motions require that debaters support a specific action that results in desirable consequences based on values proven by facts.
For this reason most policy motions contain the word "should." The word "should" means we "ought to do something, but not necessarily will." When lawmakers consider what will happen when a new law takes effect, they must make sure that the positive consequences outweigh the negative consequences. Likewise, debaters can take on the role of lawmakers and argue that the new policy would be an improvement of the status quo or the current system. There are two debate concepts that allow debaters to do this role-play: fiat and presumption.
由于这个原因,大多数政策动议中都包含“应该”这个词。 “应该”这个词意味着我们“应该做某事,但不一定会做”。 当立法者考虑新法律生效时会发生什么时,他们必须确保积极后果超过负面后果。 同样,辩手可以扮演立法者的角色,并辩称新政策将改善现状或当前体系。 有两个辩论概念允许辩手扮演这个角色:假设和推定。

- Fiat - 假设

Fiat is Latin which means "let it be done." The concept of fiat in debate assumes that the propositional team has the power to put the plan into effect as long as they can justify the benefits of the plan. It is assumed that all of the conditions have been satisfied to put the plan in place. Debaters do not debate that the plan would be passed for sure, only that it should be passed because it would be desirable. In other words, fiat means we don't have to prove that a governmental action "would" put the plan in place, but that they "should" because of the benefits of the action. For example, if the US Congress were going to pass a bill there is a long process. First, a bill comes from a member of the House of Representatives. The bill must be approved by the Speaker of the House and submitted to a committee for approval. The committee sends it to the Speaker of the House who then puts it up for a vote. If it passes, the US Senate must follow

a similar process and pass a bill with the same language. If both the House of
Representatives and the Senate approve, then it goes to the President who can sign it or veto it. If signed the bill becomes law. Anywhere along this political process the bill could be stopped. If debaters had to prove that the US "would" pass a bill, then the debaters would be debating the political process. This type of debate would be difficult and really not worth much. However, if debaters had to prove the US "should" pass a bill then they are not debating the politics, but instead are trying to weigh up the good and bad of the bill.
Fiat allows debaters to understand major issues and develop skills to weigh up costs and benefits.

Presumption 推定

Presumption means that we assume the status quo is good in the absence of arguments against it. We presume a law cannot be improved unless there is a good argument made for improvement or to reduce harm. For example, we presume that murder is bad and should be punished. We have a law against murder and that law stays in place and is enforced until someone argues against it. To extend this example, many countries used to have capital punishment for murder. However, they found that some innocent people were executed so they changed the law to ban capital punishment. For example, EU members have prohibited capital punishment. In other cases, some countries had laws restricting capital punishment, but then chose to expand capital punishment to additional crimes. For example, the US federal government under President Clinton expanded federal capital crimes from three to 55 .
In debate, since the propositional team says we should take an action, the oppositional team has the presumption that the status quo is doing fine. What the propositional team needs to do in the first speech is provide all of the reasons to support change and overcome the presumption that we should keep the status quo.
To summarize fiat and presumption: Fiat is a pre-condition for the Proposition to argue something should be done and not have to prove it will certainly happen. Presumption is a pre-condition for the Opposition to argue against any (unnecessary) changes if the status quo is good.

Stock Issues 存货问题

The stock issues are issues that the propositional team in all debates needs to address regardless of the motions. These categories of arguments prove the status quo could be improved and thereby overcome presumption. They include resolutional analysis, need for change, significance, inherency, plan, solvency, and advantages.
Resolutional analysis. This section sets the ground for the debate with several subpoints.
First, define the key terms so that there won't be any confusion or misunderstanding about the motion. If the motion calls for "the house" to do something, the house may be defined as a particular government or organization.
Second, indicate the type of motion by analyzing the wording of the motion (usually a policy motion has an action verb, while a value motion involves a comparison). For example, the propositional team could literally say "This is a policy motion because the term 'should change' is an action verb which requires us to present a policy."
Third, set up the criteria for the debate, by which the judge can weigh the arguments of both sides and make a decision. For example, in some cases the team may set a criterion of who best improves human rights as the only area for the judge to consider. In that case, other issues, such as cost, would not be relevant unless specifically linked to human rights.
Need for change. In this section the propositional team must point out the harms in the statues quo. There may be many problems that exist in a case. These harms can be any of the bad things that happen to us such as death, injury (physical or psychological), decreased quality of life, decreased standard of living, loss of freedom or unfairness. While this is not an exhaustive list, most harms could be placed under these categories. For example, a damaged environment might relate to death or quality of life; family relations could cause physical or psychological harm. Of course, there could also be several moral issues involved such as animal rights. The harm could even be extended into future harm such as what environmental destruction will do to future generations.
Significance. In this stock issue the propositional team must show the extent of the need for change. Usually the need and the significance can be shown at the same time. In other words, a case must show that there is a need to change and at the same time the need is significant. There are two ways to show significance: qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative significance regards the underlying values. Even though there can be many values to consider we usually put human life as the most important value, with quality of life close behind it. Maybe you will want to show the specific effect of something like breathing polluted air on the quality of life. The value may be even more specific by showing that the people who are harmed are from a specific class of people. Perhaps the poor are being hurt more than people with money, or children are more prone to be the victims of the harm. There may even be a potential destruction of the environment that will affect future generations which would relate to life and quality of life and the fairness of doing something harmful to the next generation.
Quantitative significance shows the size, scale or scope of the harm. If we were discussing air pollution somewhere and we had evidence that about 400,000 people die per year from air pollution, then we would be showing quantitative significance. If we inferred from statistics that the average lifespan there would
定量意义显示了伤害的大小、规模或范围。如果我们在某个地方讨论空气污染,并且有证据表明每年有大约 40 万人因空气污染而死亡,那么我们将展示出定量意义。如果我们根据统计数据推断出那里的平均寿命会缩短 5 年,也是定量意义的一种形式。

be five years shorter because of air pollution that would also be a form of quantitative significance.
定量意义显示了伤害的大小、规模或范围。如果我们在某个地方讨论空气污染,并且有证据表明每年有大约 40 万人因空气污染而死亡,那么我们将展示出定量意义。如果我们根据统计数据推断出那里的平均寿命会缩短 5 年,也是定量意义的一种形式。
Inherency. In this stock issue the propositional team must show why the status quo is not solving the harm. The problem may come from people's attitudes like greed, ignorance, or apathy. But, usually, inherency means that a law has not kept up with a need to change. This means the structure of no law or a bad law stops the status quo from working to make things better. For example, before the Beijing Olympics there was a concern about air pollution from automobiles. The law, however, allowed automobiles to travel freely on every day. This means the traffic and pollution were inherent problems because the law allowed unlimited driving.
Plan. The propositional plan should specify who will take the action, what they will do, how they will pay for it, and how it will be enforced. For example, a plan could expand the odd/even license plate plan from Beijing to Shanghai by saying:" The agent of action is Shanghai government. The mandate is that Shanghai will use the odd/even license plate plan to reduce automobile traffic. The funding will be Shanghai governmental funds. The enforcement will be Shanghai traffic control."
Solvency. In this stock issue the propositional team shows how the plan will work to "solve" the harm and therefore become a reason to adopt the plan. If pollution and traffic are problems, then a new law that allows vehicles to travel only on odd or even days corresponding to their license plates might help to solve the harm by reducing automobile pollution. This new rule was effective in reducing pollution during the Beijing Olympics.
Advantages. In addition to solving the harm, the propositional team may build up the significance of their plan and give the judge additional reasons to vote for them. There could be many advantages in addition to solving the harm. For example, in addition to reducing pollution the first independent advantage of the

odd/even license plate plan may be that the plan also reduces traffic which makes life easier and more productive (less time spent in traffic jams at least for those who drive). A second advantage may be a reduction in the amount of injury because of fewer traffic. A third advantage may be encouragement of public transportation brings in more money that will allow for better service.

Structure of the Case

The arguments can be structured using a linear organization. Usually teams will number their arguments so that everyone who is following the debate will know where to place the arguments on the flow sheet. The main point of the stock issues can be labeled as "observation" within the case structure.

Observation one: Resolutional analysis

I. Definition of key terms
I. 主要术语的定义
II. Type of motion
III. Criteria for decision
Observation two: Need for change and significance
I. Harm 1 and significance
I. 危害 1 和意义
II. Harm 2 and significance
II. 危害 2 和意义
Observation three: Inherency
I. Attitude 一、态度
II. Structure that allows the harms
Observation four: Plan 观察四:计划
I. Agent of action (Which legal body will pass the plan?)
II. Mandate (What will the plan do?)
III. Funding (How the plan will be paid for?)
IV. Enforcement (How will we enforce the plan?)
Observation five: Solvency
I. Evidence 1 that the plan will solve the harms.
证据 1:计划将解决危害。
II. Evidence 2 that the plan will solve the harms.
Advantages (not listed as observations, but separate advantages):
I. Independent reason 1
独立理由 1
II. Independent reason 2
II. 独立理由 2
A comparative advantage structure is a viable alternative organizational structure to the stock issues approach above. The same issues are handled, only with a different organization.
With this type of organization the background of the status quo discusses the stock issues of need, significance and inherency. This background section is more narrative. It may be told more like a narrative than an outline. The solvency of the plan is combined with advantages to provide independent benefits. The list of the independent benefits shows the significance the propositional team expects to get from the plan. The strategy behind using a comparative advantage case structure is that the advantages are independent and therefore if the propositional team is defeated on one of the advantages, the other advantages may still provide enough significance for the team to win the debate.
Observation one: Resolutional analysis
I. Definition of terms
II. Type of motion
III. Criteria for decision
Observation two: Background of the status quo
I. Need for change

II. Significance 二、意义

III. Inherency 三、固有性
Observation three: Plan 第三观察:计划
I. Agent of action
II. Mandate 授权
III. Funding 资金
IV. Enforcement 执行

Benefit one: 优点一:

I. Assertion I. 主张
II. Reasoning (contained within the reasoning is a cause-effect relationship, consequences, and magnitude of the consequences)
II. 推理(推理中包含因果关系、后果及后果的重要性)
III. Evidence III. 证据
IV. Impact IV. 影响

Benefit two: 好处二:

I. Assertion I. 主张
II. Reasoning (contained within the reasoning is a cause-effect relationship, consequences, and magnitude of the consequences)
II. 推理(推理中包含因果关系、后果以及后果的重要性)
III. Evidence 证据
IV. Impact 影响
Benefit three: 第三个好处:
I. Assertion I. 断言
II. Reasoning (contained within the reasoning is a cause-effect relationship, consequences, and magnitude of the consequences)
II. 推理(包含因果关系、后果和后果的重要性)
III. Evidence III. 证据
IV. Impact IV. 影响
The stock issues are covered in both case structures. The first type of case structure has more specific harm, significance and inherency. The second type of case structure places emphasis on benefit analysis. The usage of either style is a matter of preference for the debaters.

Case Development for Value Motions

Debating subjective value motions can be difficult. Most people seem to have their own opinion about the issues in a debate. Value debates ask us to make comparisons and come to value conclusions. Anytime we want to make value judgments about something being "right" or "wrong," "good" or "bad" we need to be able to justify our arguments.
When building a value case several steps will help to clarify your position so that you can better defend your value judgment:
Observation one: Resolutional analysis
In this observation the Proposition will set the ground of the debate. It contains the major definitions, the type of motion being debated, context, values, and the criteria for judgment.
  • Definition of key terms. In this section you should define key terms within the motion.
  • Type of motion. Point out the type of motion by analyzing its wording. For example, "This is a value motion as it requires making a comparison to prove that something "does more harm than good."
  • Context of the value judgment. Explain the time and space of the value judgment. In other words, in what situation are we placing the value judgment?
  • Hierarchy of values. Any single value judgment will contain other values within it. Only the most important value should be presented here. The logic here is that lesser values, while important, should not take precedence over the

    stronger values. For example, most debaters would contend that life is a higher value than the quality of life.
  • Criteria. Establish the specific standards for fulfillment of the value judgment. In this section you need to indicate how the motion will be measured.

Observation two: Contentions of proof

In this section you should provide the proof to fulfill the criteria that satisfies the highest values within the context of the motion. There may be several independent justifications.
Here is an example of how a value case would work with the motion: Cats are better pets than dogs.
Observation one: Resolutional analysis
I. Definition of terms
一. 术语定义
A. Cats: common household pets in the feline family including Siamese and Tabby, excluding lions and tigers.
A. 猫:家庭中常见的哺乳动物,包括暹罗猫和虎斑猫,不包括狮子和老虎。
B. Dogs: common household pets in the canine family including German Shepard and Chihuahua, excluding wild dogs and dingos.
B. 狗:家庭中常见的犬科动物,包括德国牧羊犬和吉娃娃,不包括野狗和澳洲野狗。
C. Pets: domesticated animals who live with their owners.
C. 宠物:与主人一起生活的驯养动物。
II. Type of motion
This is a value motion because it calls for a comparison of two things to prove that one thing is better than another.
III. Context of the value judgment
In this case, Chinese urban areas could be the context. This is justified because most urban people live in apartments and therefore the comparison of cats and dogs in that living arrangement would be appropriate.
IV. Hierarchy of values
IV. 价值观的层次结构
Since many values can be considered when talking about pets, we would like to clarify which values are the most important. In this

case, since people can get satisfaction and love from either cats or dogs, we argue that the highest value is the "convenience" of caring for the animal.

V. Criteria 标准

Our job today is to show that cats are better pets than dogs in terms of the convenience of caring for them when living in an apartment.

Observation two: Contentions of proof

Contention one: Cats are more convenient when it comes to feeding.
I. Cats can be left alone for several days without eating all of their food immediately.
II. Dogs will immediately eat all the food you give them, and vomit it.
II. 狗会立即吃掉你给它们的所有食物,并吐出来。
III. This makes cats much more convenient when having to be away for a few days.
III. 这使得猫在离开几天时更加方便。
Contention two: Cats are more convenient when it comes to waste elimination.
I. Cats will use a litter box where all waste is left in one spot for convenient clean-up.
I. 猫会在猫砂盆中留下所有废物,方便清理。
II. Dogs will leave their waste wherever they please and make clean-up very difficult.
II. 狗会随地大小便,让清理变得非常困难。
III. This makes cats a joy to have around since clean-up can be as simple as a scoop away.
III. 这就是为什么养猫是一件快乐的事情,因为清理只需要一勺就可以搞定。
Contention three: Cats are more convenient for exercising.
I. Cats will exercise by themselves. They never have to be taken out for a walk.
II. Dogs always demand walks even in the dead of winter. While on the walks they will leave their waste, which responsible owners will have to inconveniently pick up.
III. This makes cats much easier to deal with on cold days when you just want to stay in.
III. 这使得在寒冷的日子里,你只想待在家里的时候,更容易应对猫的问题。
Note that three contentions all "flow" through the value of convenience. If the Proposition selected a different value, then the contentions should flow through that value.
请注意,三个争论都“流”经过方便的价值。 如果提出选择了不同的价值,那么争论应该经过该价值。

Conclusion 结论

Case development allows propositional teams to clearly present their arguments. When preparing for the parliamentary debate the propositional team must work very quickly. An organizational structure can allow for a quick identification of specific issues. With policy motions the propositional team analyzes the motion and provides the stock issues of need, significance, inherency, plan, solvency, and advantages. With value propositions the propositional team sets the ground of the debate along with the contentions that fit within the framework of the case. Using proper organizational structure allows propositional teams to effectively use preparation time to quickly develop relevant and significant arguments for the first speaker to present in a logical progression.

Activities 活动

  1. Develop a case on a policy motion.
  2. Develop a case on a value motion.

Oppositional Counter-Gase Develonment

In Chapter 9 we discussed how to build a case from the perspective of the propositional team. When on the oppositional side you will have the responsibility to refute the case of the Proposition and build a counter-case. Typically, the goal of the Opposition is to demonstrate that the proposed plan will not work to solve the problem, or that the plan will cause more harm than the status quo, or that the Opposition has a better plan to offer. The Opposition attacks the Proposition's case by providing direct refutation, while their counter-case specifically attacks the Proposition's plan. The judge will weigh the arguments of both sides to determine who has more compelling arguments. When on the Opposition, your job will be to try to reduce the significance of the propositional case and increase the significance of your own counter-case.
在第 9 章中,我们讨论了如何从提案团队的角度建立一个案例。当你在反对一方时,你将有责任驳斥提案方的案例并建立一个反案。通常,反对方的目标是证明所提议的计划无法解决问题,或者该计划会比现状造成更多伤害,或者反对方有更好的计划提供。反对方通过直接驳斥来攻击提案方的案例,而他们的反案则专门针对提案方的计划。裁判将权衡双方的论点,以确定谁有更具有说服力的论点。当你在反对方时,你的工作将是试图减少提案案例的重要性,并增加你自己反案的重要性。
In parliamentary debate even though the oppositional team has the same preparation time before the debate, they often have less time to plan their counter-case. The reason for this is that the Proposition's case is not always predictable before the first speaker of the Proposition gives the constructive speech. During the preparation time, the oppositional team may anticipate what possible cases the Proposition could run and brainstorm as many reasons to reject the motion as possible. But not all of the arguments the Opposition prepares will be relevant and used in the debate. This chapter explains the various options for preparation of the Opposition's counter-case. The next chapter will discuss direct refutation.

Counter-case Strategies for Policy Motions

The Opposition has many options to argue against the propositional plan, such
反对方有许多选项来反驳提案方的计划, such

as disadvantages, feasibility, case turn and counter-plan.

Disadvantages 缺点

The most inviting argument against a plan is a disadvantage. A disadvantage refers to the harm, negative consequences, or costs that would result from the Proposition's plan of action. Basically, you could try to think of reasons why it would be bad to adopt the Proposition's plan. Disadvantages could involve the same type of significance and harm as the propositional case. In other words, disadvantages concern things such as death, low quality of life or living standards, physical or psychological injury or other things that we value. For the Opposition, it is a very effective strategy to have strong disadvantages of the proposed plan to win over the judge. In fact, if the oppositional team cannot present and win any disadvantage arguments, the judge will have little reason to vote against the propositional plan.
Disadvantage arguments only work when there is a cause and effect relationship between the plan and the suggested disadvantages. In effect, a disadvantage sets up a chain of arguments that says the plan will cause this and this will cause that and that is bad. The oppositional team must be able to explain the cause-effect relationship in this chain.
There are two types of disadvantages: linear and nonlinear. A linear disadvantage means that as a plan is implemented, a series of problems will gradually follow. This is like putting on weight. As the weight gain continues, bad things happenthe person cannot walk as long without being winded, clothes no longer fit, and eventually heart problems may occur. The weight gain gradually influences many other aspects of life for this person.
A nonlinear disadvantage means that a plan may only do a small action, but that action will have great problems. To return to the weight example, as a person puts on weight, plaque builds up in the blood vessels. No problem occurs until a bit of plaque breaks off and travels to the heart, causing a heart attack which may

result in death. Just before the heart attack everything was fine, then one little action causes a big impact.
Oppositional teams can use either or both types of disadvantages depending on the plan and the arguments they can construct. Here is how each disadvantage works in a debate round.

Linear Disadvantage 线性劣势

The first subpoint of a linear disadvantage should be an external link. You need to start the disadvantage by telling the judge what exactly in the plan will be the cause of the problem. This may also be called "uniqueness" because you are describing what part of the plan will uniquely lead to the problem. If the plan does not uniquely lead to the problem then perhaps the same problem already exists in the status quo or will exist regardless of the plan. For example, if you say the plan allows automobiles to be sold in Beijing, that would not be a unique external link since the status quo allows automobiles to be sold. This means that the plan and the status quo both cause the disadvantage so nothing will change with or without the plan. If on the other hand the plan forbids the sale of automobiles in Beijing, this is not the status quo and therefore would be a unique external link for the disadvantage.
The next subpoint should be an internal link or several internal links in a chain of arguments. The external link states what the plan does. In the internal link you explain how this external link will lead to something else. To continue our automobile example, if no automobiles can be sold in Beijing (external link) this will cause less automobiles to be built (internal link), and this could lead to increased unemployment (another internal link).
下一个子点应该是一条内部链接或一系列论点链中的几个内部链接。外部链接说明计划的作用。在内部链接 中,您解释这个外部链接将如何导致其他事情发生。继续我们的汽车示例,如果北京无法销售汽车(外部链接),这将导致建造的汽车减少(内部链接),这可能导致失业率上升(另一个内部链接)。
The last subpoint would be the impacts. If the cause-effect relationship is valid you need to describe the bad things that will happen. Just as in the propositional case you should describe the harm and significance. The Opposition should not just assume that impacts are bad. To use the prior example, if someone loses

weight it could be good or bad. If overweight, perhaps it would stop a heart attack or other health problems. But if a person were starving, weight loss may be fatal.
Let's see the same example where driving is regulated for odd and even days in the structure of a linear disadvantage.
Disadvantage one: The plan offered by the other team (the Proposition) hurts the automobile industry.
I. External link-The plan limits automobile driving to odd and even days.
I. 外部链接-该计划将汽车驾驶限制在奇数和偶数日。
II. Internal link—Limiting automobiles will discourage people from buying more automobiles.
III. Internal link—When people buy less automobiles the automobile manufacturers will need to reduce its workforce.
IV. Impact-Reduction of workforce is bad.
A. More unemployed workers cannot feed their families.
A. 更多失业工人无法养活家人。
B. More children of unemployed families get less education.
B. 更多失业家庭的孩子接受较少教育。

Nonlinear Disadvantage 非线性劣势

A nonlinear disadvantage reasons that small cause can have a big effect. In this type of disadvantage, the Opposition adds an extra subpoint called "brink," which means that the current system is on the edge of some major problem. Visualize a person standing on the edge of a cliff where one more step will cause a fatal fall. This person is on the brink of danger. Recall the example of a person who might have a heart attack due to plaque in blood vessels. As plaque builds up in blood vessels there is usually little harm. Right before the heart attack, the person was "on the brink" of a problem, even if totally unaware of the circumstances. The little piece of plaque pushes him over the brink. It is said that the person is on the threshold of the problem, even if the time on the threshold lasts for several years. The old saying "the straw that breaks the camel's back" implies a nonlinear advantage. The last straw does not weigh any more than the others; it just passes the brink of what the camel could bear.
Here is an example of a nonlinear disadvantage using the automobile example:
Disadvantage two: The plan causes social unrest.
I. External link--The plan limits automobile usage.
II. Internal link-Limiting automobiles will discourage people from buying more automobiles.
III. Internal link-When people buy fewer automobiles the automobile manufacturers will need to reduce its workforce which will push the country over the brink.
IV. Brink-The economy is on the threshold of an economic depression.
IV. 崖口-经济正处于经济大萧条的边缘。
V. Impact-Economic depression is bad.
V. 影响-经济大萧条是不好的。
A. Lead to social unrest.
A. 导致社会动荡。
B. Lead to reduction of social programs, i.e. education.
C. Lead to violence.
Notice the two disadvantages are based on the same plan-reducing usage of automobiles. One disadvantage has a linear impact and the other has a nonlinear impact with brink analysis.
The disadvantage argument is the chief strategy of the Opposition. It undermines the significance of the Proposition's case. Without disadvantages, the Proposition's case will have some significance regardless and therefore will have a reason for the judge to vote for them. Judging is like a scale where the significance of one side is weighed against the significance of the other. The Opposition should try to put as much significance on their side of the scale as possible.

Feasibility 可行性

In a feasibility argument the oppositional team contends that the plan would not work or that it would be infeasible. Sometimes this argument is called a "workability" argument, meaning the plan would be unworkable. Feasibility means that other factors will not allow the plan to be able to capture the significance claimed by the propositional team.
An example of a feasibility argument could contend that banning automobiles would not be feasible since so many people depend on automobiles to get to work. If they all had to abandon automobiles at once the public transportation system would not be able to accommodate them all.
There are many ways to attack the feasibility of a plan. You may provide some reasons for the harm in the case that the propositional plan does not consider. Since the plan does not deal with these "counter-causes," the problem will still exist and the harm will not be solved. For example, if someone wanted to lose weight but they only stopped eating ice cream, then all of the other things the person ate may still cause the person to gain weight. Another way to show a lack of feasibility is that the agent in the plan does not have the authority, the money, or the enforcement power to undertake the plan. For example, if a plan wanted the United Nations to give foreign aid to feed all of the people in the world it would be infeasible because the United Nations does not have enough money.

Case Turn 案例反转

Case turn is a key strategy for both teams in the debate. "Turn" is short for "turn the tables" on the other side. Picture yourself at a large dinner table with a lazy susan to spin in the middle for sharing dishes. A criminal interrupts your party and demands all of your money. When he is emptying your wallet, he places the gun on the lazy susan. You are quick in moving the lazy susan to spin the gun to your side. You grab the gun and save the day. You have now turned the tables on him, or have used his "argument" - having the gun — against him.
案例转折是辩论中双方的关键策略。"转折"是指在对方身上"扭转局面"。想象一下自己坐在一个大餐桌旁,中间有一个懒人苏珊可以旋转,用来共享菜肴。一个罪犯打断了你的聚会,并要求你所有的钱。当他在清空你的钱包时,他把枪放在了懒人苏珊上。你迅速地转动懒人苏珊,把枪转到了你这边。你抓住了枪,挽救了这一天。你现在扭转了局势,或者说是利用了他的"论点" - 拿枪这一点 — 来对付他。
A case turn claims that instead of solving the harm, the plan will make it worse. If you can turn the solvency, you are telling the judge the Proposition's plan does not work because it will be better just to keep things the same. For example, if the price of bus

transportation is lowered to reduce private automobile ownership it may actually cause public transportation to be so crowded that people would be encouraged to buy more automobiles.
Though turns were not mentioned when introducing propositional case development, it is important to note that turns can be effectively used by both teams. Turns can be argued by the propositional team against the Opposition's disadvantages. The argument could turn the link or turn the impact.
Let's look at our example above. A disadvantage could say the plan will hurt the automobile industry and that causes linear unemployment. An impact turn could contend this is actually a good thing. The argument may be that when growth is too fast, the economy is too "hot." When reducing the amount of jobs in the automobile industry it may actually impact the economy in a good way in the long run with more secure employment in better industries such as green technology.
If the disadvantage links reduced automobile ownership to social unrest, then a link turn would say that the plan will actually lead to increased automobile ownership. In this case, if an owner can only drive an auto on odd days, then another car would be purchased for even days. So this means the plan increases automobile ownership and therefore stops social unrest.

Counter-plan 对策

With policy motions, the Proposition is assigned the task of improving the status quo. The Opposition may defend the status quo, or they may also abandon the status quo and come up with a better plan to improve the status quo, which is called a counter-plan. What the Opposition is asking the judge to do is to weigh the plan of the propositional team versus the counter-plan of the oppositional team and determine which would be more beneficial. The requirements for a counter-plan strategy are text, non-topicality, competitiveness, mutual exclusivity, and net benefit. These requirements work like the stock issues for a propositional team.
Text means the actual wording of the counter-plan. You will need to be very clear and precise when you state the text of the counter-plan just like the propositional team needs to clearly state the text of their plan. The text should provide the agent of action, mandate, funding, and enforcement (see the specifics needed for a plan in last chapter).

Non-topicality 非主题性

Many judges believe the Opposition's counter-plan should not support the motion. Since the Proposition is asked to affirm the motion, the Opposition is asked to negate the motion. If the oppositional team has a counter-plan that asks for the motion to be adopted then the judge would need to vote for the motion. Since the propositional team is the one assigned to support the motion then a vote for the motion is a vote for the propositional team. For example, if the motion asks for reduced automobile usage the propositional team may run the odd/even license plate system as a plan. If the Opposition limited automobiles to one per family that would also reduce automobile usage and therefore the judge may vote for the motion even if the Opposition's counter-plan may be superior.

Competitiveness 竞争力

To be competitive a counter-plan must solve the same harm that the plan solves. Let's say the plan reduces air pollution and saves 100,000 lives. Let's say the counter-plan doesn't do anything about air pollution, but instead bans smoking and saves 200,000 lives. In effect the counter-plan is really arguing a separate harm that they are solving-smoking-and not taking on the issue in the debate-air pollution. In other words, the counter-plan has to directly compete against the plan. To be competitive, the counter-plan must solve the problem with the status quo that is brought up by the propositional team. For example, with a motion to save the planet through reduced production the propositional
要有竞争力的对策必须解决计划解决的同样问题。假设计划减少空气污染并挽救了 10 万人的生命。假设对策并没有解决空气污染问题,而是禁止吸烟并挽救了 20 万人的生命。实际上,对策实际上是在解决一个与辩论中提出的问题不同的问题-吸烟问题,而不是辩论中的空气污染问题。换句话说,对策必须直接与计划竞争。为了有竞争力,对策必须解决提出团队提出的现状中存在的问题。例如,对于通过减少生产来拯救地球的动议,提出团队可以通过减少汽车销售来减少空气污染,而反对方的对策可以提供免费公交车乘坐。任何一项计划都可以减少空气污染。

team could reduce air pollution through the reduced sale of automobiles, while the oppositional counter-plan could offer free bus rides. Either plan would work to reduce air pollution.

Mutual Exclusivity

To be mutually exclusive, the counter-plan must be such that it couldn't be done at the same time as the plan. A debate should be a clash over a controversy. The propositional team presents a plan to solve a need in the controversy. If the oppositional team presents a counter-plan that addresses the controversy, but can be done at the same time as the plan (and get twice the benefit), why wouldn't we want to do them both? For example, let's say that a man wants to lose weight and his plan is to go on a diet. If the counter-plan was to exercise, it wouldn't be mutually exclusive since the man could diet and exercise at the same time and lose even more weight.

Net Benefit 净利益

Most policy debates will compare the propositional plan and the oppositional counter-plan. Both teams explain why their plan is more beneficial. The judge considers their arguments and subtracts the disadvantages from the advantages and arrives at a "net" benefit. If there is a counter-plan offered in the debate, the judge must consider the advantages and disadvantages of the oppositional counter-plan compared to the advantages and disadvantages of the propositional plan. Usually in a debate, the Opposition will need to point out why the counterplan is net beneficial and why the judge should vote for the counter-plan without accepting the propositional plan.

Counter-case Development for Value Motions

Just as with policy propositions, the oppositional team can have a direct refutation of the arguments in the propositional case and then present a set of

arguments independent of the propositional case structure. The oppositional counter-case has its own structure and presents reasons to vote against the propositional case. Specific areas to refute in a value case are:

Resolutional Analysis 决议分析

The Opposition may attack any aspect of the interpretation of the motion by the Proposition (as in the motion "Cats are better pets than dogs" in last chapter).
Definition. A definition that is unfair to the Opposition can be attacked. The definition of cat might be unacceptable if the Proposition only included lions and tigers. This type of definition might make it difficult for the Opposition to defend.
Type of motion. If the Opposition wants to attack the propositional analysis of the type of motion, they must give a reason. For example, if there is an action verb calling for a policy and the Proposition calls it a value motion, then it would be appropriate to point out that the team is wrong.
Context of the motion. The Opposition can argue that the motion is not narrowed appropriately. If the Proposition narrows the motion to those households where children are allergic to dogs, there would be no controversy. The general public already has a consensus that dogs would not be good if people were allergic to them, so there is no reason to debate the issue. Once again, the context needs to provide fair ground to the Opposition.
Hierarchy of values. If the Proposition thinks that "convenience" is the highest value, the Opposition has the option to accept or reject it. However, if the Opposition substitutes the value with "protection," they might have a better chance at winning. If the Opposition wants to present other arguments on another value, then they must argue that the counter-value is more importanthigher on the hierarchy. Therefore, the Opposition will need to consider the values and how they are weighed very carefully. The Opposition will have to be

able to explain why the Proposition's value is not as important as the value they want to defend. If you think that having a dog to protect the family is a higher value than the convenience of owning a cat, then you should be able to defend the hierarchy and the reasoning.
Criteria. What measurements will be used to confirm the facts of the case? In other words, how will the judge measure the arguments in the round to know who won? For example, if the criterion to measure convenience of a pet is the amount of time that is spent taking care of it, then any argument on the money being spent would not fit the criterion. The Opposition has a choice to flow their arguments through the criteria of the Proposition or they can choose to substitute them with their own criteria which they can argue as more appropriate.

Counter-case Contentions

Counter-case contentions need to flow through the criteria and the hierarchy of values. In effect, they function the same way disadvantages do in plan attacks. In other words, they serve as independent reasons against the value judgment advanced by the propositional team. Oppositional teams can structure their arguments as such:
Counter-contention one: Dogs are more convenient when they get out.
I. Dogs will come to their masters when called.
II. Cats will ignore their masters' call.
III. Therefore, it is more convenient to get dogs to come inside when outside.
Counter-contention two: Dogs are more convenient to control because they are easier to train.
I. Dogs are famous for their ability to perform at their masters' command.
II. Cats are infamous for the ability to ignore anyone's command.
III. Therefore, dogs are better at getting them to stay in place when needed.

Challenging Definition or Topicality

In BP and AA debate, a challenge of the definition is a way to point out to the judge that the propositional team has provided a definition of any motion (fact, value, or policy) that is unreasonable and not debatable. In the US the issue is called topicality and it is compared to "technicality" in the US court system. This is an issue of fair-mindedness. A topicality argument claims that if someone does not fairly follow the rules, they should not be allowed to win their case. The first rule of debate is "two sides agree to disagree about a specific topic." If the propositional team uses an unreasonable definition they really aren't debating the assigned motion. The challenge of the definition or topicality provides a way for the oppositional team to stop the abuse. When the oppositional team challenges the propositional case in terms of topicality, they must follow
在 BP 和 AA 辩论中,对定义的挑战是向法官指出提议方提供了不合理和无法辩论的任何动议(事实、价值或政策)的定义的一种方式。在美国,这个问题被称为话题相关性,并与美国法院系统中的“技术性”进行比较。这是一个公正性问题。话题相关性论证声称,如果有人不公平地遵循规则,他们就不应被允许赢得他们的案件。辩论的第一个规则是“双方同意在特定议题上有不同看法”。如果提议方使用不合理的定义,实际上他们并没有讨论被分配的动议。对定义或话题相关性的挑战为反对方提供了一种阻止滥用的方式。当反对方团队就话题相关性挑战提出时,他们必须遵循

the following guidelines:
Timing. The first oppositional speaker must be the one to advance the definitional challenge. The reasoning is that if the first speaker does not attack definition, then the first speaker has tacitly approved the definition. If the second oppositional speaker offers a challenge then it is an inconsistent position by the Opposition. This creates a contradiction in the oppositional team. A contradiction is one of the most damaging conditions for a team. Since the judge cannot tell which position the team supports, usually both sides of the argument of the Opposition are excluded. The judge may even rank the team lower because inconsistency means the team does not have continuity in their arguments.
Counter-definition. Whichever term is under contention, the first oppositional speaker must provide a counter-definition which the oppositional team will defend as better. For example, if a motion defined by the propositional team is

Africa, then the counter-definition would be on the word "increase."
Violation of a standard/criterion. The first oppositional speaker must point out how their counter-definition should be evaluated as better. There are many options for the oppositional attack of the Proposition's definition though the Opposition only needs one.
  • The meaning and grammar of the definition are not proper and have no understandable relationship to the motion.
  • The definition does not match the one established in a dictionary.
  • The definition sets up a truism that is undebatable.
  • There is no controversy set up by the definition. If the motion ends up as a consensus because of the definition of the propositional team then it has failed to give the oppositional team any ground to debate.
  • The definition is not based on general knowledge that an educated person would be able to know.
  • The definition is restricted to an isolated location or time frame.
Counter-case arguments. The oppositional speakers can offer arguments consistent with their counter-definition to demonstrate the reasonableness of their position.

Differences Between BP and AP Debate
BP 辩论和 AP 辩论之间的区别

BP debate has four teams, so winning a challenge of the definition does not necessarily mean that oppositional teams will take the top rank. It is only one argument among many. If arguing a new definition, the Opposition should provide a better definition and argue from the new definitional stance. If argued successfully, the challenge has a tendency to raise the first Opposition and lower the first Proposition in ranking.
BP 辩论有四支队伍,因此赢得对定义的挑战并不一定意味着反对方队伍会获得第一名。这只是众多论点中的一个。如果辩论一个新的定义,反对方应提供一个更好的定义,并从新的定义立场进行辩论。如果辩论成功,挑战往往会提升第一反对方并降低第一提议方的排名。
In AP debate, a topicality argument has much more weight. Teams will still advance the counter-definitions, standards and violations, but need to add an
在 AP 辩论中,合法性论点具有更大的分量。队伍仍会提出反定义、标准和违规行为,但需要增加一个额外要求,称为“投票问题”。从字面上讲,反对方认为提议方违反了辩论规则,应该输掉这一轮。在大多数情况下,反对方声称合法性是“先验的”,希腊语中意为“这是首要的”。换句话说,先验问题意味着裁判应该首先考虑这个论点。如果反对方赢得合法性论点,他们就不需要赢得任何其他论点。即使反对方输掉了合法性论点,提议方仍然必须赢得他们的案例才能赢得辩论。

additional requirement called a "voting issue." Literally, the Opposition argues that the Proposition has violated the rules of debate and should lose the round. In most cases, the Opposition claims that topicality is "a-priori" which in Greek means "this comes first." In other words, an a-priori issue means the judge should look to this argument first. If the Opposition wins the topicality argument, they do not need to win any other argument. Even if the Opposition loses the topicality argument, the Proposition must still win their case to win the debate.

Conclusion 结论

Regardless of the type of motion, the Opposition needs to provide arguments that the motion should not be affirmed. Many of these arguments can be thought out during the preparation time, while others are developed as the debate unfolds. The judge looks to the type of arguments you have chosen in determining if you should win the round. Being able to present the counterarguments in a coherent and consistent manner is essential for the Opposition.

Activities 活动

  1. Use the policy motion from the exercise of last chapter. Research the disadvantages of the plan for the motion. Write up the disadvantages to share with the class.
  2. Work with a partner on a strategy against a propositional case.
This can be done with any motion already being used in class.
Refutation, the heart of debating, is where you explain why your ideas are better than the other team's ideas. Refutation is the main way debaters test out their arguments to see who is doing the better critical thinking. The propositional and oppositional first speakers advance case and counter-case arguments. The rest of the debate should then be like a table tennis match with refutation of arguments going back and forth between the teams. If your refutation is stronger than the other side's refutation then you have a better chance of winning the argument. But unlike table tennis match, debate is not just a battle of winning the most points (quantity), it is more of a contest of who has the most important points (quality). The debate may even have arguments and refutation why an argument is more important than another. Therefore, it is important to be able to explain your critical thinking with any refutation you offer.

Burden of Refutation 反驳的责任

, and AA debate treat refutation differently. AP debate is more inductive and favors a line-by-line analysis. Any point that is not refuted goes to the other team. The saying in the US is "a dropped point is a conceded point" or "silence is admission." This burden of refutation means that if you are silent, you are, in effect, admitting the other team is right and you will lose that point in the debate. If both teams drop the point, then they are actually communicating the argument is not important. If there is a double drop where both consecutive and opposing speeches do not discuss the point, the argument then becomes "moot" which means the argument is still up for debate, but cannot be counted for either side.
在辩论中,AP 辩论更具归纳性,偏爱逐行分析。任何未被驳斥的观点都会被归入另一方。美国有句谚语是“被忽略的观点就是被认可的观点”或“沉默就是承认”。这种驳斥的责任意味着,如果你保持沉默,实际上是在承认对方是正确的,你将在辩论中失去那一点。如果双方都忽略了这一点,那么他们实际上在传达这个论点并不重要。如果出现双方都忽略的情况,即连续的对立演讲都没有讨论这一点,那么这个论点就变得“无效”,这意味着这个论点仍然可以被辩论,但不能计入任何一方。
This means in AP debate it is important to "go down the flow" and in an organized way to refute each argument. If you come to an argument on your flow
这意味着在 AP 辩论中,重要的是“按照逻辑顺序进行辩驳”,有条不紊地反驳每个论点。如果你到达了你的逻辑顺序中的一个论点

sheet that the other team has dropped, then all you have to do is remind the judge that the other team has conceded the argument and you have won the point. This type of response is not called a refutation; instead it is called an "extension" because you aren't really refuting anything, just extending the argument of your speech on the flow sheet so the judge will know you are winning that point.
BP debate is more deductive and looks to bigger, theoretical or thematic approaches that may be more philosophical in nature. BP debaters are evaluated on the basis of manner and matter, so teams are not required to employ direct refutation as much as they are concerned on how well their speeches advance their positions. This may mean that a team will only generally refer to larger case issues as a way to set up their own arguments. If they "rebut" (the term for "refutation" preferred in BP debate) anything specifically, it is done to support their overarching theme. Arguments from the other team may be ignored if they don't fit into the strategy your team develops.
BP 辩论更具演绎性,更注重更大、理论性或主题性的方法,可能更具哲学性质。BP 辩手根据方式和内容进行评估,因此团队不需要像直接反驳那样频繁地使用,而是关注他们的演讲如何推进自己的立场。这可能意味着一个团队只会一般性地提到更大的案例问题,作为建立自己论点的一种方式。如果他们“反驳”(BP 辩论中更喜欢的“反驳”术语)任何具体观点,那是为了支持他们的总体主题。如果对方的论点不符合你的团队制定的策略,那么可能会被忽略。
In AA debate, debaters are expected to win the debate on substantive arguments. This means as the arguments are debated the judge looks to the flow sheet to determine who is winning the arguments and how important the arguments weigh in the debate. Therefore, issues are important and need to advance the position of each team. But, in addition to deciding a winner, the judge are supposed to assign speaker points based on manner, matter, and method so that the winning team also has the most amount of points.

Burden of Rejoinder 反驳的责任

The burden of rejoinder advances the concept of refutation one step further. Actually, rejoinder is a refutation of a refutation. It involves considering the refutation of the other team and then answering to prove that your original point is stronger. Often the mistake made by beginning debaters is to merely repeat the original argument and not refute the refutation of the other team. For example, Team A (first speaker) presents an argument that air pollution from factories
反驳的责任将反驳的概念推进了一步。实际上,反驳是对反驳的反驳。它涉及考虑对方团队的反驳,然后回答以证明您的原始论点更有力。通常,初学者辩手犯的错误是仅仅重复原始论点,而不反驳对方团队的反驳。例如,A 团队(第一发言人)提出一个关于工厂排放空气污染的论点。

is harmful. Team B (first speaker) refutes the argument by saying that the vast majority of air pollution in the area that Team discusses comes from automobiles and the plan doesn't solve automobile air pollution. If Team A (second speaker) insists that air pollution from factories is harmful, the answer is merely a repeat of the original argument. Team B (second speaker) can then provide a rejoinder that extends the automobile argument on the flow sheet since Team A has dropped it.
So why would rejoinder be so vital in debate? Judges look for the synthesis of arguments. Even if the argument starts with solid analysis and evidence, the other team may offer excellent refutation. They may even decide to offer two or three arguments to refute each of the points. As the arguments progress, the judge must evaluate whose arguments are better. In most debates both sides will win some arguments. The judge must then look to the balance of the arguments, how they are impacted in the rejoinder and then make a decision. Your job as a debater is to provide the best rejoinder so that your synthesis of the arguments is stronger. You won't win a debate by merely repeating the original ideas. You need to answer the answer.

Refutation Strategies 反驳策略

Focus on Stock Issues

In focusing on the stock issues you are pointing out to the judge that there is no reason to adopt the plan. If you win any stock issue you should win the debate. You should try to point out why there is no harm, why the harm is not significant, how the status quo can fix the harm and why the plan will not solve the harm or have any other benefits. In direct refutation of the case you are trying to reduce the reasons for voting for the other team.

Group Arguments 团体论证

In grouping arguments together a common refutation may apply to several

arguments from the other side. If the propositional team lists several harms from air pollution, the oppositional team may group all of the harms together and provide an answer, such as "the status quo has already passed laws to take care of these harms in the future."
For example, suppose a team argues that ground level air pollution kills thousands of people every year. This argument can be supported with data. But what if the team also argues that is produced when burning fossil fuels? This can also be supported with data. However, you can grant the argument of because is not the harmful substance in air pollution that kills people; it is not directly connected to human health in regards to air pollution. So, unless the team provides some link of to harm, the argument of can be granted without any bad effect on your arguments.
例如,假设一个团队主张地面空气污染每年导致数千人死亡。这个论点可以用数据支持。但是如果团队还主张 是燃烧化石燃料时产生的呢?这也可以用数据支持。然而,你可以接受 的论点,因为 并不是导致人们死亡的空气污染有害物质;它与空气污染对人类健康的直接联系不大。因此,除非团队提供了一些 与危害的联系,否则 的论点可以被接受,而不会对你的论据产生任何不良影响。

Number Arguments 数字论据

An argument presented by the other team may be so flawed that you may see a strategic value in presenting many arguments against a single point. If you are going to have three arguments against one point, be sure to tell the judge the amount of arguments. For example, "I have three responses to this point." You can also assign "first," "second," "third," to each point respectively so the judge can follow them more easily.

Standards of Refutation 反驳的标准

Chapter 2 explained the PEM of critical thinking (analysis and evaluation) and the Toulmin Model of argument construction (claim-data-warrant). Therefore, your job in refutation is to apply the standards of critical thinking to point out
第二章解释了批判性思维的 PEM(分析和评估)和图尔敏论证模型(主张-数据-保证)。因此,你在反驳中的任务是应用批判性思维的标准指出。

the flaws of the arguments of the other team and the strengths of your own arguments.
Clarity. Sometimes this deals with unclear definition of terms. Other times the plan may be not detailed enough to understand. If the plan was vague it would be unfair to the oppositional team. In other words, if an oppositional team attacks a plan based on what they think the propositional team means and then the propositional team says they mean something else they would be a "moving target." This means the team is being vague to take the ground away from the other team. For example, if a team said they would have a governmental agency implement the plan, but did not tell you which government and what agency, they would be vague.
Accuracy. If the information is wrong, it means that the claim is unsupported. This can happen in a variety of ways. For example, if a team is talking about aid in Africa, but uses statistics about South America it probably wouldn't be accurate. If the other team provides more accurate information then their claim would be better supported.
Precision. If a team needs to provide the exact information and does not, they may open themselves up for more precise information from the other team. For example, when a team in their plan wants to increase spending for a program they should know the precise amount it will cost so they will have enough money in the budget.
Relevance. The argument must be "on point." Sometimes a team can provide significant and accurate information, but it simply does not have anything to do with the logic of the argument. For example, if a team claims that Western movies corrupt Chinese culture, data given on South Korean TV soap operas would be irrelevant on two levels: South Korea is not a Western country and TV soap operas are not movies.
Significance. The argument must have "weight" in the round. Why is it important? Sometimes a team can reduce the significance of the other team's argument. This is called mitigation. If a team claims a harm of 10,000 people being affected, but the other team shows there are only 2,000 people being affected, then they have mitigated the significance of the opponent team.
重要性。论点在辩论中必须具有“分量”。为什么这很重要?有时一个团队可以降低另一个团队论点的重要性。这被称为减轻。如果一个团队声称有 1 万人受到伤害,但另一个团队显示只有 2,000 人受到伤害,那么他们已经减轻了对手团队的重要性。
Depth. Is the argument only on the surface? Are there other factors involved that influence the decision? This could happen when a team only mentions one cause of a problem when several other causes might be involved. In a debate on global warming if a team only mentioned automobiles as a cause of greenhouse gases they would be missing other significant causes such as livestock, industry, and natural causes like melting tundra.
Breadth. Are there other issues that influence the main issue? Are there other causes outside the main issue that might stop a plan from working? For example, when trying to solve the problem of poor education it might not be enough to just provide money to build schools, especially if there are not enough teachers for the schools or textbooks are poor or children are too isolated to attend the school.
Logic. Does the argument make sense? Are there any counter-causes that aren't discussed by the other team? Are they committing any fallacies?
Fairness. Is the information being phrased in an objective manner? Is there obvious bias? Is the other team fair in the way they set up the case or is there a lack of ground for the other team to defend? If a motion asks a team to defend "expand university opportunities" and their case merely mentions McDonald's hamburgers at the canteen it would hardly be a fair interpretation of the motion.

Presenting the Refutation

Clarity is the first critical thinking standard in presenting the refutation. There are many ways to make your refutation clear. The "Three Rs plus I" can help: Repeat, Refute, Replace, and Impact.
清晰度是在提出反驳时的第一个关键思维标准。有许多方法可以使你的反驳清晰。"三个 R 加上 I"可以帮助:重复、反驳、替换和影响。
Repeat. Whenever you are speaking you want the judge to understand the argument you are discussing. The first thing is to tell the judge the argument you are discussing by indicating where the argument is placed and what it is labeled. You may say something like: "The first harm is that people die from air pollution. In this argument they said that 400,000 people die each year from air pollution related diseases."
重复。每当你发言时,你希望法官能够理解你正在讨论的论点。首先要告诉法官你正在讨论的论点,指出论点的位置和标签。你可以说类似这样的话:“第一个危害是人们死于空气污染。在这个论点中,他们说每年有 40 万人死于与空气污染有关的疾病。”
Refute. The second thing to say is the refutation of the original argument. For example, "The data the other team is using is all about pollution, but their case is only about air pollution from automobiles."
Replace. The third thing is to replace the argument of the other team with your position. For example, "The evidence is that death from automobile pollution is much less, and may not be significant in rural areas."
Impact. The fourth thing is to explain the impact of your argument by telling the judge why the argument is important. For example, "The plan only goes into effect in rural areas, and since there is no harm from automobile pollution in rural areas, the other team is not solving any harm and therefore has no significance for you to vote for."
Impact is very important for refutation. You should always provide the impact of your own arguments. You should always try to point out that the other team does not have any impact or has a lesser impact.

Final Rebuttal Speeches 最终反驳发言

Debate rules call for new arguments only in constructive speeches. No new arguments are allowed in rebuttal speeches (usually the last two speeches). What this means is that the rebuttal speakers must be able to synthesize the arguments relying on things already said without adding anything new. This rule provides

fairness since it wouldn't be a very good debate if the last speaker waits until the final speech to bring up all of the good arguments.
The rebuttal speakers review the way the debate has advanced and isolate the reasons why their side is winning. This is not a time to provide a line-by-line analysis of all the arguments. It is preferable to provide larger arguments called "voting issues" where you tell the judge two or three main arguments you are winning and why they are reasons to vote for you. This is called "issue selection" because only the top issues are presented for the judge to consider. It may be that the final oppositional speaker has three voting issues (although they may only need one). The final propositional speaker refutes the voting issues (using only arguments brought up in constructive speeches) and then has two or three voting issues for the propositional side with explanations why their arguments are winning the debate.
An oppositional rebuttal may list their voting issues like this:
  • Oppositional voting issue one: The harm is not significant.
  • Oppositional voting issue two: The plan will not work.
  • Oppositional voting issue three: The plan has a serious disadvantage.
A propositional rebuttal can have refutation of the oppositional voting issues and present voting issues for their side:
  • Refutation of oppositional voting issue one: The harm is significant.
  • Refutation of oppositional voting issue two: The plan will work.
  • Refutation of oppositional voting issue three: The plan has no disadvantage.
  • Propositional voting issue one: The plan will solve the harm.
  • Propositional voting issue two: The plan will have other advantages.
Being able to provide solid refutation is an essential skill for succeeding as a debater. In attacking the ideas of the other side you must be able to analyze and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and be able to effectively explain your thinking to the judge. The techniques taught in this chapter can also be utilized when creating your own arguments so they will withstand the attacks of the other team.

Activities 活动

  1. Find an editorial whose arguments you don't agree with. Write a refutational paper to explain the weaknesses of it. Be very specific about your analysis.
  2. Listen to a debate. Point out the arguments and refutations. Defend who did the better job on each point.
When constructing arguments for a position you will want to use the best reasoning you can. Reasoning literally means providing reasons for something. When the argument has good reasons it is said that the reasoning is "sound." An argument can be considered unsound when it contains a fallacy or provides bad reasons. The catalog of fallacies will forever remain incomplete since people are always inventing new ways of going astray in their reasoning! Therefore, any discussion of fallacies could not exhaust what can be said about unsound modes of thinking.

PEM and Fallacies PEM 和谬误

PEM is a system of analysis and evaluation that makes spotting fallacies easier.
PEM 是一种分析和评估系统,可以更容易地发现谬误。
In the broadest context, the nine standards of evaluation of the PEM in Chapters 3 and 11 provide categories where thinking may be sound or where it may contain fallacies. Most fallacies could be broadly categorized under one or more standards. These intellectual standards can guide your response even if you cannot provide a specific label for a fallacy. For example, if the evidence used does not support the claim, then "relevance" would be the area where you can point out a fallacy. It may also be that the critique could fall under "logic" since fallacy could also deal with the logic of an argument.
在最广泛的背景下,第 3 章和第 11 章中对 PEM 的九项评估标准提供了思维可能正确或可能包含谬误的类别。大多数谬误可以广泛归类为一个或多个标准。即使您无法为谬误提供具体标签,这些智力标准也可以指导您的回应。例如,如果使用的证据不支持主张,那么“相关性”就是您可以指出谬误的领域。批评也可能属于“逻辑”,因为谬误也可能涉及论证的逻辑。
The elements of analysis in the PEM also allow for proper placement of a fallacy attack. For example, Chapter 3 mentioned an element called "purpose." If you wanted to place an attack against "purpose," you could have many different standards to choose from. For example, if the "purpose" of an argument is not known, then the missing part could prove the rest of the case "irrelevant" or "unclear" or "insignificant."
PEM 中的分析要素还允许正确地定位谬误攻击。例如,第 3 章提到了一个名为“目的”的要素。如果您想对“目的”提出攻击,您可以选择许多不同的标准。例如,如果论证的“目的”不明确,则缺失部分可能证明其余部分“不相关”、“不清楚”或“不重要”。
With the eight elements and nine standards you should have 72 different ways to pinpoint where arguments are strong and where they are weak.
有了八个要素和九个标准,您应该有 72 种不同的方式来确定论点的强弱。

- Toulmin Model and Fallacies
- 图尔敏模型和谬误

Argument construction according to the Toulmin Model starts with the triad of claim, data, and warrant. These three things fit together to make an argument, although often debaters will not specifically state one of the parts. For example, warrants may be implied, requiring the audience to make the link between the claim and data. Warrant analysis can be used to evaluate whether the link is sound or not.
Additionally, the claim of one argument may be part of a chain of several arguments. If you discover the weakness in one argument it may mean the entire chain is broken. A fallacy can occur in any of these parts.
Fallacies are often complex and do not lend themselves to neat and tidy classification. It may be that something fallacious in one context may be sound in another, or one argument can commit several different fallacies. However, There is a list of fallacies that have been persistently and widely acknowledged. The following are some common fallacies committed in debate. In Appendix 2 of the book you will find an extended list of fallacies.
谬误通常是复杂的,不容易被简洁地分类。也许在一个语境中是谬误的东西,在另一个语境中可能是正确的,或者一个论点可能涉及多种不同的谬误。然而,在谬误清单中有一些一直被广泛认可的谬误。以下是辩论中常见的一些谬误。在书的附录 2 中,您将找到一个扩展的谬误清单。

Fallacies Involving Claim

Often when someone commits a fallacy involving a claim they are being unclear with their language. This lack of clarity can be grouped under ambiguities.
Amphibole. This fallacy involves logical ambiguity in sentence structure, i.e. faulty grammar or inappropriate punctuation. An example is "The class will meet Friday with Ms Chen broken into three parts." The claim meant to say the class would be broken into three parts, not Ms Chen.
Equivocation. This fallacy occurs when the claim uses the same word in an inconsistent manner. For example, when Barack Obama was first elected President one newsperson said he would need lots of discipline to be successful. The next newsperson agreed and said that he would need to discipline the Democratic Party.
Accent. This fallacy occurs when there is a misplaced emphasis on a claim. Since part of communication is the way we say something, meaning can be changed if you place the emphasis on a different word or phrase. Consider the sentence: "He should not have treated his wife that way in public." What meaning is intended? Does it mean "he" instead of someone else? Does it mean "his wife" instead of someone else's? "In public" instead of in private? A meaning can be skewed when the emphasis is misplaced.

Fallacies Involving Data

The use or misuse of evidence can be a prime place to spot fallacies. These fallacies can come from the lack of evidence, or the use of irrelevant evidence or evidence that is simply defective.
Missing evidence. This fallacy occurs when someone uses a claim without any proof at all. This is called an assertion. Remember: " Those who assert must prove."
缺少证据。当有人没有任何证据地使用主张时,就会出现这种谬论。这被称为断言。记住:" 断言者要有证据。"
Begging the question. This fallacy uses evidence that is merely the claim. For example, "He told us the truth because he wouldn't lie to us."
Tautology. This fallacy involves a definition that is circular. For example, "A hardworking student is a student who works hard."
Evading the issue. This fallacy presents evidence that does not link to the claim. This also happens when someone "sidesteps" a question by not answering it.
Straw man argument (also called a straw argument). This fallacy refutes an argument the other side never presents, based on the misinterpretation of the other side's position. If the first team has an argument, the second team does not refute the original argument, but instead creates a different argument and defeats the "made-up" argument, this means the second team creates a weak argument that is easily defeated. This is like someone building a straw man to be able to beat up to impress or frighten someone. For example, in a debate one side may bring up the harm of air pollution. If the other team brings up plans to reduce water pollution and says that the problem has been solved, they are creating an argument the other team does not have and then beating the argument. This means they are trying to create an illusion they have refuted something while actually they have dropped the other team's argument on air pollution.
Red herring. To divert attention from the main argument to something insignificant is called using a red herring. For example, if the argument is about bad drinking water and the other team asks questions about how swimming pools are filled, they are using a red herring.
Ad hominem attack. To attack the debater and not the argument is an ad hominem attack. For example, if someone says "He doesn't know what he is talking about because he is a boy," they are using an ad hominem attack.
Appeal to the people. To say that something is true because the majority of people support it is an appeal to the people. Popularity doesn't necessarily make something true. For example, saying that millions of people like to eat fast food, so it must be good for them is an appeal to the people.
Argument from ignorance. This fallacy tries to reason from the opposite. This is where someone proves something is true because the other team cannot disprove it. This trivializes the concept of evidence so that nothing needs to be proven. If you say that evolution must be true because you cannot disprove it you

would be arguing from ignorance. Remember the "burden of proof"-those who assert must prove.
Hasty generalization. This fallacy asks us to jump to conclusion based on too few samples or nonrepresentative samples. For example, if you make a decision on the male/female ratio of students in higher education based on the situation of your own class you would be making a hasty generalization.
Accident. This fallacy is the opposite of hasty generalization. In this case the argument is based on a rule that is valid in general, but fails to consider where the case in question may fall under exception to that rule. When you meet calm debaters and you come to the conclusion that all debaters are calm you might be committing this fallacy, since even some good debaters might be nervous.
Excluded evidence. This fallacy overlooks important information that might change the outcome of the study. If someone quoted some evidence on people who died of air pollution, but failed to tell you they were all smokers they would be excluding evidence.

Fallacies Involving Warrant

These fallacies occur when an argument has a claim and data, but the analysis linking the two is not clear or commonly accepted.
False analogy. We have learned how to use illustrations in SEE-Is. Metaphors are effective when trying to clarify something or transfer meaning. However, analogies make weak arguments for proof in a debate. They don't provide appropriate analysis since differences can always be found. All analogies are false analogies. Because they confuse illustration and proof, they can either be a fallacy of evidence or a fallacy of warrant.
虚假类比。我们已经学会了如何在 SEE-Is 中使用例证。当试图澄清某件事或传递含义时,隐喻是有效的。然而,在辩论中,类比并不是令人信服的证据。它们不提供适当的分析,因为总是可以找到不同之处。所有的类比都是虚假的。因为它们混淆了例证和证据,它们可能是证据谬误或保证谬误。
False cause. This fallacy is about cause-effect relationship. Often debaters base their arguments on what they think will happen from an action. For example,

sometimes negative consequences are claimed from a plan (disadvantages). There are many ways to make a fallacious cause-effect relationship. Two of the most common of the false cause involve time and correlation. Here are some types of false cause fallacies:
-Post hoc ergo propter hoc. This Latin phrase means "first this therefore that": because something comes first we mistake it for cause. When we mistake time (temporal succession) alone for cause we could be committing this fallacy. We see Gary come into a room and then we hear thunder and see lightning. If we say Gary brings thunder and lightning, we would be fallacious. There is no relationship between Gary and the weather.
-因果关系倒置。这个拉丁短语意思是“先有这个,所以有那个”:因为某事先发生,我们误以为它是原因。当我们仅仅因为时间(时间顺序)而误认为是原因时,我们可能会犯这种谬误。我们看到 Gary 走进一个房间,然后听到雷声,看到闪电。如果我们说 Gary 带来了雷声和闪电,那就是错误的。Gary 和天气之间没有关系。
  • Mistaking correlation for cause. Correlation means that two things occur but are both caused by a third factor. A favorite example of mistaking correlation for cause is that increased ice cream sales in New York cause increased murder rates. Actually, these two things just correlate and are caused by an increased temperature.
  • Denying equifinality. This fallacy asserts that there is only one cause to each effect. This is like saying that only eating ice cream causes someone to put on weight.
  • Complex cause. This fallacy confuses a contributory factor with the only one cause. Many things may be necessary for a car to be able to travel, i.e. gasoline, tires, engine, but one condition may cause the car to stop working, i.e. a broken belt in the engine.
  • Slippery slope. This fallacy arises when asserting that an argument follows a cause-effect chain to unreasonable results. This is like saying that when we pass one law many bad things will follow. For example, an even/odd license plate plan will lead to laws to eliminate cars which will lead to people not able to get around.

Using Fallacies During Refutation

Pointing out fallacies is a very effective weapon in argumentation. You need to present your ideas clearly so the judge can understand your point.
In Chapter 11 you learned about the "three Rs and I" of refutation (repeat, refute, replace, impact). With fallacies in the other team's argument, you can advance your refutation by considering the following four concepts:
在第 11 章中,您学习了反驳的“三个 R 和 I”(重复、反驳、替换、影响)。通过考虑对方论点中的谬误,您可以通过以下四个概念推进您的反驳:
Burden of proof. Accept the burden of proving that what you claim as a fallacy is fallacious in this circumstance. Do not just say something is a fallacy and leave it at that. Your mindset should be that you have a burden to explain your reasoning against the fallacy of the other team. In other words, if you want to indict the other team for committing a fallacy you will need to let everyone know the basis of your argument.
Identification. Provide an identification of the argumentative flaw of the other team. This is often called a "tag." Be very precise with your label. Don't just say "This is a fallacy." Instead say "This is a hasty generalization fallacy." Then provide an explanation of your reasoning. You can use short tags so that your judge can make specific notes about your argument.
Impact. Indicate the impact of your argument. Why is the issue under question worthy of consideration? Why would the judge consider the specific point? You should say something like "This fallacy means they no longer have any evidence to support their claims. They have failed their burden of proof and have lost this point."
Weigh the argument. State explicitly how the fallacy undermines the overall position you are refuting. Say "This now means that our argument is better on this point and we have won a major stock issue (like inherency)."
Fallacies are around us in everyday life. In debate, knowledge about fallacies helps you to construct better arguments and refute the arguments of your opponents. As you practice in debate, you will be able to improve your reasoning and be a better thinker.

Activities 活动

  1. Construct a fallacy notebook. Look through magazines and newspapers to find 10 examples of unsound reasoning. Advertisements are especially good sources of fallacies. Share your fallacies in class.
    构建一个谬误笔记本。浏览杂志和报纸,找到 10 个不合理推理的例子。广告是谬误的特别好来源。在课堂上分享你的谬误。
  2. Find an editorial you don't agree with. Write an argumentative essay on the fallacies you find in the article.
  3. Reread the SEE-Is you have written for this course. Spot your own fallacies and correct them.
    重新阅读你为这门课程写的 SEE-Is。发现你自己的谬误并加以纠正。

Competing in Dehate rouriaments

Debate is a competitive activity. Classroom debating provides an environment for you to train your thinking in spontaneous oral communication. Additionally as a competitive activity, debate tournaments present opportunities for a different educational environment other than the classroom. First, there is more formality. Strict rules are to be followed. Teams may be from other schools. For the most part, judges and teams are strangers or friends in the making. A schedule must be followed. Decisions are tracked. Awards are given. Second, competition encourages motivation. Debaters are more likely to practice to perfect their skills. They will collaborate more with each other to make the best of the team performance. The most important reason for a tournament is that "real world" practice is encouraged. If debate is designed to increase thinking and speaking, then tournaments provide multiple opportunities to test those skills and have others assess your performance. Ultimately, no matter who wins the tournament, the educational value can be strong for everyone. Failure in this context is not failure, but only one more opportunity to develop your debating skills.

Before the Tournament 比赛前

The invitation. Each tournament will have a set of rules in an invitation. This is a good place to begin to understand what you are expected to do. You will find out the debate format and time limits to be followed. You will discover whether the topic areas are published to allow you to prepare arguments in advance. Preparation time will be outlined along with whom you are allowed to prepare. The invitation may also specify how many judges you must provide and the total amount of rounds. Some tournaments could have four rounds only. Others may have six to eight rounds with elimination rounds that declare a champion.
Research. If you are allowed to research topic areas for the tournament you may divide up duties with other team members. This way you can share the information you gather and be even more ready for the competition. Some tournaments allow you to bring evidence as reference during the preparation time. Be sure to check the rules because some tournaments allow only printed materials while others also allow computer files. If the tournament does not publish topic areas, then you will have to guess about the motions. A good start may be editorials which provide excellent opportunities for getting familiar with social, political and economic current events. Perhaps the same thing you practice will show up as a motion in the tournament. In parliamentary debate you are supposed to have a breadth of knowledge, so a wide understanding of current events, politics, social issues, and philosophy could all come in handy.
Physical preparation before the tournament. Get a good night's sleep before the tournament. Be sure to have a dictionary, plenty of paper and pens. You may want to bring water and snacks with you in case they are unavailable. Some competitors relieve their stress on the day of the tournament by setting out the appropriate clothing the day before. Have some comfortable shoes along. If the tournament is away from your city you may need to stay overnight, so have enough clean clothes to see you through the tournament.

During the Tournament 比赛期间

Stay rested. Since most tournaments last for a full day it is like a marathon. You will have to get up early and stay late. If the tournament lasts for several days it could really take you away from other things you have to do. So bring homework and reading with you. Tournaments can be very social affairs. So have fun, but stay ready for other things.
Be an attentive competitor. Be sure to be the best you can in every round. This means really listening and taking notes. Be a good audience member for the other debaters. Pay attention. Don't do things that distract them. Stay in the

debate until the last debater finishes. Every debate in which you participate or observe is an opportunity to learn.
Stay on schedule. It is important to know the schedule to keep yourself from being late to the rounds. The tournament will try to announce motions on time and have postings that show who is debating, on what side, and in which room. Read the postings carefully to make sure the location and starting time of the debate. If you show up late for the round, you will lose some preparation time, or even be disqualified from the round or the tournament. An important part of being a smart competitor is to anticipate. Think ahead about food, toilet breaks, and traveling time between rounds.
Attend the awards ceremony. At the end of the tournament awards ceremony can be either simple or elaborate. The tournament hosts may award trophies, plaques, or certificates to speakers in addition to teams. Judges may also be recognized for their efforts. Be a good audience member.

After the Tournament 比赛结束后

After the tournament you may have a chance to review the ballots judges have written. You may compare the final results, discussing how well the other teams perform and assessing how well the judges assess the debate. This process is called debriefing. In debriefing you are actually trying to find suggestions on how you can improve for the next competition. Many debaters consider this to be where the most important learning takes place.

Judges 裁判员

Finding enough judges for a tournament can be the greatest challenge. For this reason, schools are required to bring enough judges to cover their "commitment." With AP or AA debate this may mean one judge for each two teams. In BP the requirement may be one judge per four teams.
为比赛找到足够的裁判员可能是最大的挑战。因此,学校需要带足够的裁判员来满足他们的“承诺”。在 AP 或 AA 辩论中,这可能意味着每两个队伍需要一个裁判员。在 BP 中,每四个队伍可能需要一个裁判员。
Judges may be teachers, coaches or experienced debaters. If judges do not have expertise they are called "lay" judges. Regardless of knowledge, judges should try to be as objective as possible. They are supposed to make decisions based on what they hear in the round. Even if they feel favorable about a motion or the school the team is from, they must try to be unbiased.
At the beginning of the round you should try to understand the experience level of the judge. This can be done by politely asking "Can you tell us about your debating experience?" or "Can you tell us about your judging philosophy?" Depending on their answer you will know if you can be a bit more sophisticated in your theory and arguments.
Judges decide who did the better job of debating. In AP or AA debate, a win and loss must be given. In BP debate, teams must be ranked first through fourth. The judge must also assign speaker points to each debater. These points determine speaker awards and may be used to break ties.
评委决定谁在辩论中表现更好。在 AP 或 AA 辩论中,必须给出胜负结果。在 BP 辩论中,团队必须排名第一至第四。评委还必须为每位辩手分配发言人积分。这些积分决定了发言人奖项,并可能用于打破平局。
At the end of the round the judge may be required to provide an oral critique and disclose the decision. During this time it is important to listen and take notes. If the decision does not go as you expect, please do not argue with the judge. The debate is over, now it's time for learning. The judge will tell you how to improve for the next round.

Conclusion 结论

Debate tournaments may be rewarding in many ways. You can try out your skills and receive objective feedback for improvement. The competition may actually be the best educational opportunity to improve your thinking and speaking skills. And if you win, you will be able to list an award on your resume.
Debating to become a better speaker and a better thinker has been the goal of this book. Whether you debate in class or in a tournament, you have an opportunity to improve your skills. Good luck and good debating.

Appendix 1 附录 1

Glossary of Debate Terms

Adapting 调整

Trying to debate in a way that pleases the judge.

Adjudicator 裁判员

The judge in a round who will decide who won and assign speaker points to each debater.

Advantage 优势

The part of the propositional policy case that demonstrates the positive effects of the propositional plan.

Affirmative 肯定的

The side or team in a debate that supports the motion.

Agent of action 行动的代理人

When explaining a plan of action, this describes who will perform the action (usually a government).
American parliamentary debate (AP)
A debate format in which two teams debate on a different motion for every round. The winner and loser must be decided by a judge.
Analysis 分析
When you make statements to show how the facts are connected to the claim or provide the reasoning for your arguments. Also called a warrant. The elements of the Paul Elder Model of critical thinking provide eight ways of analysis.

Appropriate 适当

What is the most suitable or fitting for the context (time and place).

Argument 参数

A statement taking a position, frequently called a claim, supported by data

(evidence) and a warrant. The quality of an argument can be considered through the intellectual standards in the Paul Elder Model of critical thinking.

Argument construction 论点构建

The process of creating an argument that occurs when you are "making" an argument for or against some viewpoint.

Articulate 表达清晰

To pronounce or say words clearly and slowly.
Assertion 断言
A point in an argument.

Ballot 选票

A sheet of paper on which the judge records the decision (who won the debate or the ranking of multiple teams) and speaker points awarded to each debater. In some cases constructive criticism or reasons for the decision are offered.

Brainstorming 集思广益

A process of listing as many ideas on a topic as you can think of.

Brief 简要

A legal term for a written, shortened version of an argument; arguments with evidence prepared in advance of a debate for quick reference. Often teams will list the advantages and disadvantages of taking a specific action.
British parliamentary debate (BP)
A debate format in which four teams compete on a different motion for every round. Two teams are on the propositional side and two teams are on the oppositional side. The adjudicator must rank the teams from first to fourth.

Burden of proof 举证责任

The requirement to provide evidence to support a claim.

Burden of refutation 反驳的责任

The requirement to provide an argument against an argument advanced by the other team.

Burden of rejoinder 答辩责任

The requirement to provide the latest argument in a chain of arguments, to refute the other team's refutation.

Case 案例

The arguments given to support a proposition.
Cause-effect argument 因果论证
In a refutation against an off-case argument, this is a type of disadvantage. The plan is the cause; the effect is the negative impact of the argument.
Claim 主张
A controversial statement an arguer supports using reason. Claims can be fact claims, value claims, or policy claims.

Clash 冲突

Directly answering the other team's argument in a debate.
The oppositional team. 反对方团队。

Constructive criticism 建设性批评

Positive comments about a performance to motivate and educate.

Constructive speech 建设性的言论

A speech that presents a debater's basic arguments for or against a motion; new arguments are allowed.

Contention 争议

See observation. 见观察。

Counter-case 反例

Arguments presented by the Opposition to respond to the Proposition's case.
Counter-plan 反方案
An alternative plan proposed by the oppositional team.

Credibility 可信度

Something you have when the audience thinks you know what you are talking about.

Criteria 标准

A standard by which something can be judged or the most important values or standards in a debate that must be met to win the debate.

Critical thinking 批判性思维

A system of analysis and evaluation of thinking.

Critique 评论

A judge's comments about a debate.
Cross-examination 盘问
A period during the debate when a member of one team asks questions of a member of the opposing team.
Debate 辩论
The process of two sides agreeing to disagree about a specific topic and the judge deciding the outcome.
Debate format 辩论格式
The arrangement of a debate with rules establishing time limits, speaking order, and manner by which a debate will be conducted. Various formats of debate exist, each with its own way of debating.

Decision 决定

The win or loss given by a judge in a debate; speaker points for each debate may also be part of the decision.

Decision rule 决策规则

A way argued by the teams for the judge to weigh the round and decide who won the debate.

Direct quotation 直接引用

To read evidence word for word to support a claim.

Direct refutation 直接反驳

A refutation in which you point out the flaws in the opponent's argument.

Disadvantage 不利因素

The harms or costs that will come from a plan.

Division 分部

Category in a competition such as novice, junior, or open.

Dropped argument 放弃的论点

When a team does not refute what the other team has said it is said they have dropped the point. The team who dropped the argument loses that point.

Elimination rounds 淘汰赛阶段

The debate rounds that determine the winner of a tournament. The teams with the best records in the preliminary rounds are selected to debate in the elimination rounds. Only winning teams get to advance during the elimination rounds.

Evidence 证据

Different types of data (statistics, examples, or expert opinions/testimonials) used to support arguments.
Expert opinion/testimonial
Evidence given to support a claim from a source that has credibility because of education, study, research, or experience in the field.

Fair ground 公平的基础

When a motion has enough arguments on both sides the debate is fair.

Fiat 法定

In debate theory it is what allows the propositional team to claim their plan is desirable without proving it could be passed by the legal body in charge of the action. Fiat means that propositional teams have to prove that a plan "should" be adopted, not that it "would" be adopted.

Fight or flight response

A response dating from our ancestors who had to protect themselves from wild animals by fighting or running away. In modern times the brain considers a speaking situation as dangerous, so it signals the body to increase strength through a faster heartbeat, increased oxygen in the body, and anxious movements, causing a feeling of nervousness.
Flow/Flowing 流动/流动
When you write down the arguments in a debate.

Flow sheet 流程图

Notes taken during a debate, usually written in columns so that arguments from each team can be written next to each other and can flow across the page.

Format 格式

The speaking positions and time limits in a debate.
Funding 资金
The method of paying for a proposed plan.
Government 政府
The propositional side of a debate supporting the motion. Abbreviated as Gov.
辩论中支持动议的提案方。缩写为 Gov.
Grouping 分组
To answer a set of arguments with one or more arguments rather than a line-byline refutation.

Harm 伤害

A problem that currently exists in the status quo because of attitudes or laws that permit it. The harm shows a need to change.
Impact 影响
Explanation of why an argument is important.
Impromptu speaking 即兴演讲
When you speak with little or no preparation time.
Inherency 固有性
Attitudes or laws that allow a condition (harm) to exist; the cause of the problem.
Invalid 无效
When a measurement does not support the statement made in a fact proposition.
Invitational tournament 邀请赛
Tournament in which debate teams participate by invitation.

Judge 裁判

An observer of a debate who has the responsibility of deciding which team has done a better job of debating.
Lay judge 外行评委
A judge who has never seen a debate before or is not an expert debate judge.
Leader of the Opposition
The first oppositional speaker in parliamentary debate.

Lincoln-Douglas debate 林肯-道格拉斯辩论

This debate format has only one person on a team. The same topic can be debated throughout the year.

Linear 线性

The presentation of something in a straight line. The linear way of organizing means that you present one idea after another in a specific way so that the audience can follow the line of ideas you are using to prove your arguments.
Line-by-line refutation 逐行驳斥
When a team refutes every point in the opponent's case.

Mandate 授权要求

The specific action a plan requires.

Member of the Government

The propositional speaker who speaks after the Leader of the Opposition in parliamentary debate.

Member of the Opposition

The oppositional speaker who speaks after the Member of the Government in parliamentary debate.

Monotone 单调

A manner of speaking in which the tone and volume remain the same.

Moot 无实际意义的

When an argument is still up for debate usually because both sides do not discuss or drop the argument.

Motion 运动

A topic of the debate, also called a proposition or a resolution.

Narrative 叙事

A way of presenting information like telling a story in your own words.
Need 需要
The part of the propositional case about policies that identifies a certain problem in the status quo that the existing system cannot solve. Also called a harm.

Negative 否定的

The side in a debate that rejects the motion.
Novice 新手
A beginning debater, usually in their first year of competition.
Objective verification 客观验证
This occurs when we make a statement and then have some agreed measurements to prove the truth of that statement.
Observation 观察
Specific point addressed in a debate.
Off-case argument 非案例论证
An oppositional argument against a plan that has its own organization, usually flowed on separate paper from the case.
On-case argument 在案例中的论点
An oppositional argument against the issues advanced in the first propositional speech.
Open debater 开放辩手
A debater with the highest level of experience in tournaments, separate from the novice and junior divisions. Anyone can compete as an open debater, even a novice, but it is generally harder for a novice to win as an open debater.
Opponent 对手
The term used for the other team, regardless of what side you are debating.
Opposition 反对方
The team negating the motion in parliamentary debate.
Oral critique 口头批评
The judge's oral explanation of the decision and comments for improvement given right after the debate.

Outlining 概述

Writing notes in an organized way.
Paraphrasing 改写
Explaining evidence in your own words. Also called a narrative approach.
Plan 计划
A course of action proposed by the propositional team when debating a

"harm" arguments. “伤害”论点。
Planks 木板
The individual points of a plan: agent of action, mandate, funding, and enforcement.
An idea or argument made by a debater.
Point not well-taken 观点不被接受。
When a team calls for a Point of Order and the judge decides to allow the argument to stay in the round.
Point of Information 信息点
To seek permission to interrupt the speaker for the purpose of asking a question or clarifying or making a point during a parliamentary debate.
Point of Order 规则点
To interrupt a speaker in a rebuttal speech to ask the judge to make a decision about whether a new argument is offered in the rebuttal speech. Points of Order are allowed in AP debate only.
在反驳演讲中打断发言者,要求裁判就反驳演讲中是否提出了新论点做出决定。只有在 AP 辩论中允许提出议题。
Point well-taken 观点很中肯
When a team calls for a Point of Order and the judge decides that it is a new argument and does not allow the argument.
Policy debate 政策辩论
A debate format in which opponents debate a policy (usually a governmental policy) currently in effect. Typically debaters have the same topic for the entire school year and read evidence word for word.
Preliminary rounds 预赛阶段
The beginning rounds in a tournament before the elimination rounds. All teams compete in the preliminary rounds. Four to eight preliminary rounds are standard for most tournaments in the US.
Preparation time in cross-examination debate
The time allotted to each team for preparation in between speeches during the debate.
Preparation time in parliamentary debate
The time allotted to each team for preparation after the motion is announced.
Presumption 推定
The assumption that the status quo is good until an argument is made that it should be changed.
Prima facie
Latin for "on first face"; a requirement of cases presented that means that all necessary issues are present.
拉丁文,意为“在第一视角”; 提出的案例必须包含所有必要问题。
Prime Minister 总理
The first propositional speaker in parliamentary debate.
The propositional team. 提案团队
Proposition 命题
A claim made by a debater and supported by a combination of claims; a statement to be proven (fact, value, or policy).
Proposition of fact 事实命题
A statement that can be proven with some kind of objective measurements.
Proposition of policy 政策建议
A statement that makes a recommendation that a certain action should be taken.
Proposition of value 价值主张
A statement that tries to prove a subjective opinion.
Qualitative significance
This statement describes in words why a value is important in a debate.
Quantitative significance
This statement provides numerical or statistical evidence of why an issue is important in a debate.
Reasoning 推理
The process used to connect evidence to a claim; providing reasons for something. See warrant.

Rebuttal speeches 反驳性发言

The speeches in a debate that challenge and defend arguments introduced in the constructive speeches; no new arguments are allowed in rebuttal speeches.
Recent, relevant, and reliable
Three tests for all evidence that examine the age of the evidence, whether the evidence proves a point, and whether the source can be trusted.

Refutation 辩驳

The process of attacking and defending arguments.
Refute 反驳
To prove something wrong.

Rejoinder 回应

An argument given, regarding the last argument of the other team, about why they are wrong, why you are right, and the impacts of your argument.
Research 研究
The process of locating and selecting evidence in preparation for debate.

Resolution 决议

A debate topic specifically worded to make for a fair debate.
Resolutional analysis 决议分析
An observation that provides the framework for the propositional case; it may include definition of terms, context, criteria, value, and decision rule.

Rounds 轮次

When all of the teams are debating at the same time.
Shorthand 简称
A system of writing that uses abbreviated words and symbols to rapidly record what is being said.
Significance 意义
Importance of an issue.

Signpost 指示牌

To provide the order of the organization of the arguments to be presented.
Solvency 偿付能力
Arguments that explain why a plan will cure the harm.
Speech anxiety 演讲焦虑
Nervousness about speaking or giving a speech in public.
Statistics 统计
Evidence expressed in numbers.
Status quo 现状
The course of action that currently exists, i.e. the present system or law.
Stock issues 股票问题
The main arguments necessary to prove a case; in policy debate the stock issues for the Proposition are need, significance, inherency, plan, and solvency.
Style 风格
The language, voice, and body language used by a debater.
Subjective opinion 主观意见
A belief or attitude based on the values of the individual.
Talking with your hands
The act of constantly moving your hands when you talk.
Term 术语
Word or phrase. 单词或短语
Testimonial 推荐书籍
An expert opinion in support of a fact or claim.
Theory 理论
A statement that explains other facts or that predicts the occurrence of events.
Thesis statement 论文声明
At the beginning of a debate or speech, a statement given to let the audience know exactly what your speech is about. It tells the audience the purpose of the speech: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.
Threshold 阈值
The point in an argument at which you have provided enough evidence to prove your argument.
Topic 主题
An area for discussion or debate.
Topicality 话题性
An issue advanced by the Opposition to contend that the Proposition is not giving a reasonable or debatable definition of the motion.
Toulmin Model 图尔敏模型
A model of argument developed by philosopher Stephen Toulmin. The basic model includes claim (statement), data (evidence), and warrant (analysis).
由哲学家斯蒂芬·图尔敏(Stephen Toulmin)发展的论证模型。基本模型包括主张(陈述)、数据(证据)和保证(分析)。
Tournament 锦标赛
A debate competition. 辩论比赛。
Triad 三合会
Three main parts of an argument in the Toulmin Model: claim, data, and warrant.
Value case 价值案例
A case supporting a proposition of value usually calls for a comparison or evaluation of values.

Violation 违反

Way that the other team has not met the standard of the topic.

Voting issue 投票问题

A summary of the winning arguments in a rebuttal speech.
Warrant 担保条件
Stated or unstated reasoning process that explains the relationship between the data and the claim.

Appendix 2 附录 2

Fallacy List 谬误列表

Abstraction to entity 实体的抽象
This type of fallacy involves an attempt to take a concept that is an abstraction and quantify or objectify it.
Accent 口音
This fallacy of language involves a statement which, when taken literally, means one thing, but just within the context of the conversation. It arises from an ambiguity produced by a shift of spoken or written emphasis.
Accident 意外
This fallacy mistakes an event that happens by chance for one caused by some effect.
Ad baculum (threat) 威胁(Ad baculum)
This fallacy uses threats to win an argument instead of basing the evaluation on the merits of the argument.
Ad hominem 针对人身(Ad hominem)
This fallacy attacks the person rather than the position taken by the person.
Ad hominem (circumstantial)
This form of ad hominem attack is based on circumstances of a person's life rather than the position held by the person.
Ad novarum 对新事物的推崇
This fallacy urges the acceptance of something based on the newness of it.
Ad populum 人民的意见
This argument relies on the popular appeal of a proposition to gain support.
Affirming the consequent
This fallacy asserts that where the sign is present the cause can be assumed. For example, "If it's raining, then the streets are wet. The streets are wet. Therefore, it's raining."
This fallacy makes a comparison but leaves unstated exactly what is used to make the comparison.
Amphibole 闪石
This fallacy involves a statement which can be interpreted in multiple ways.
Appeal to anger 恐惧诉求
This fallacy occurs when the arguer capitalizes on the outrage associated with an issue rather than on the issue itself.
Appeal to authority/ad verecundiam/Ipse Dixit (he himself said it)
This fallacy believes a statement is correct because it is made by a person or source that is commonly regarded as authoritative. Another abuse of it is to hide behind the qualifications of source.
Appeal to consequences 后果诉求
This fallacy points to the disagreeable consequences of holding a particular belief in order to show that this belief is false.
Appeal to emotion 情感上诉
This fallacy occurs when the emphasis of the presentation or refutation is placed on the emotive qualities of the argument rather than on its merits.
Appeal to fear 恐惧上诉
This variation of appeal to emotion attempts to "scare people away" from supporting an argument.
Appeal to humor/ridicule
This fallacy attempts to belittle or mock a position instead of addressing the issue.
Appeal to ignorance 无知诉求
This fallacy maintains that a statement must be true if it has not been proven false or is false if it has not been proven true.
Appeal to numbers/bandwagon
This fallacy implies that something is right because everybody believes or is doing so. For example, "But mom, everyone's doing it...", the boy whines. To which mom responds with "If everyone was jumping from a cliff would you do it too?"
Appeal to pity 同情上诉
This fallacy does not address facts or arguments, but rather it attempts to persuade by unquantifiable pathos.
Appeal to tradition 传统诉求
This fallacy occurs when it is assumed that something is better or correct simply because it is older, traditional or "always has been done." We've always done it that way is not always a compelling reason. You may have always been wrong.

Arguing in a circle

This fallacy uses a premise to prove a conclusion, and then uses the conclusion to prove the premise. For example, "So and so must be guilty, she was just arrested.
So why was she arrested? Obviously, because she was guilty."
Authority (connected) 权威(相关)
This fallacy occurs when a position is held simply because an authority says so, while the expert's reason for having that position is not examined.
Authority (disconnected)
This fallacy uses an expert in one field to justify something that is foreign to that field.
Bad baseline 不良基线
This fallacy is the result of deriving an interpretation from an inappropriate comparison.
Baiting 诱饵
This distraction technique involves the attempt to get the opponent to lose their temper.
Biased methodology 偏见方法论
This fallacy involves an inappropriate means of gathering or interpreting the data collected in order to bias the results.
Biased sample 偏倚样本
This fallacy occurs when a conclusion is drawn about a population based on a sample that is biased or prejudiced in some manner.
Changing the question 改变问题
This fallacy attempts to avoid answering an argument by answering something else.
Common cause 共同原因
This fallacy occurs when one phenomenon is assumed to cause another, when in fact they do not influence each other, but occur together.
Complex cause 复杂原因
This fallacy confuses a contributory factor with the only one cause.

Complex question 复杂问题

This fallacy assumes an answer to the question being asked. For example, "Have you stopped smoking?"

Composition 组成

This fallacy assumes that a property held by its parts is true for the whole.
Conflict of interest 利益冲突
This fallacy involves the use of an expert who has vested interest in the outcome of the evidence.
Confusing correlation with causation
This fallacy occurs when an arguer forgets that a correlation suggests a relationship but does not imply a cause-effect relationship.
Converse accident 逆转灾难
This fallacy draws a general conclusion based on one or several atypical instances.
De facto reasoning 实际推理
This fallacy is committed when a positive value is placed on something simply because it is the status quo.
Definition too broad 定义过于宽泛
This fallacy occurs when a term is defined in such a way that the definition creates a category larger than the term warrants.
Definition too narrow 定义过窄
This fallacy uses a definition of a term that is so restrictive that the essential qualities of the term are excluded.
Denying a valid conclusion
This fallacy grants the facts of an argument, finds no flaw with the manner in which the conclusion is derived, yet refuses to accept the outcome.
Denying equifinality 否认等效性
This fallacy asserts that there is only one cause to each effect.
Denying the antecedent 否定前提
This type of fallacy involves denying that something occurs based on the fact that a sign is missing. For example, "If A then B, if not then not B."
这种谬误涉及否认某事发生的事实,基于某个标志缺失。例如,“如果 A,那么 B,如果不是,则不是 B。”

Distortion 扭曲

This type of fallacy refutes an argument in a manner other than the way the originator intends. The argument, or part of it, has been changed to make the refutation easier.

Division 分裂

This fallacy assumes a property that is held by the whole is true for its parts.
Double standard 双重标准
This tactic involves setting one standard for yourself and another for your opponent.
Dysphemism 贬义词
This fallacy distorts the meaning of something by negative exaggeration.
Emotive language 情感语言
This fallacy uses psychologically loaded language to evoke response, also called baiting an opponent. For example, in abortion issue terms like "fascist" and "baby killers" sometimes cloud the issue.

Equivocation 模棱两可

This type of fallacy is committed when a term is used with more than one meaning.

Euphemism 委婉语

This fallacy uses language to make a situation seem better than it is.

Excluded evidence 排除证据

This fallacy overlooks important information that might change the outcome of the study.
This fallacy uses superlative terms, words like "all" or "very" (extreme quantifiers) and "absolutely" or "certainly" (extreme intensifiers), without qualification.
False analogy 伪类比
This fallacy involves an unjustified inference drawn on the similarities between two items or types of items.
False charge of a fallacy
This is often used when an arguer does not have any response to an argument and falsely accuses their opponent of poor argumentation.

False consolation 虚假的安慰

This fallacy attempts to mitigate a bad situation by asserting that it could be worse.
False dilemma/Bifurcation
This fallacy assumes that there are a limited number of choices in instances where more choices are available, claiming it must either be A or B. For example, "America_Love it or leave it."
这种谬误假设在更多选择可用的情况下,存在有限数量的选择,并声称必须是 A 或 B。例如,“爱美国或离开它。”

False implication 错误暗示

This fallacy states that something is true in order to make one think something else is false.
Faulty signs 有错误的迹象
This fallacy occurs when events are mistakenly taken as indicators of something.
Gambler's fallacy 赌徒谬误
This type of fallacy occurs when statistics are used inappropriately to justify the chance for something happening or not happening.
Genetic fallacy 遗传谬误
This is a fallacy of irrelevance where a conclusion is suggested based solely on something or someone's origin rather than its current meaning or context.
Guilt by association 附带罪名
This is a particular form of circumstantial ad hominem, which focuses on the relationship that a person has rather than on the issue. For example, "Person A dislikes accepting claim , therefore is false."
这是一种特殊形式的间接人身攻击,侧重于一个人的关系而不是问题本身。例如,“人 A 不喜欢接受主张 ,因此 是错误的。”
Hasty conclusion 草率结论
This argument uses relevant but insufficient evidence to support the conclusion.
Hasty generalization 草率概括
This fallacy involves the use of an insufficient number of examples or nonrepresentative examples to justify placing an attribute on a category.
Humor and ridicule 幽默和讽刺
This fallacy consists in injecting humor or ridicule into an argument in an effort to cover up an inability or unwillingness to respond appropriately to the opponent's criticism or argument.
Hyperbole 夸张手法
This fallacy consists in over-exaggerating in order to make the claim more significant.
Incomplete evidence/small sample
This fallacy occurs when a study employs an insufficient amount of data to justify a conclusive result.
Indirect proof 间接证明法
This fallacy uses a proven claim as evidence for an unproven one when the relationship between the proven one and the unproven one does not warrant such a claim.
Innuendo 暗讽
This fallacy causes the listener/reader to make judgments (usually derogatory) based on the way words are used. The accusation is not stated but the way a person says a statement makes the meaning clear.
这种谬误会导致听众/读者根据词语的使用方式做出判断(通常是贬义的)。 指责没有明确表达,但一个人说话的方式使意思变得清晰。
Lack of proportion 比例不当
This fallacy entails false claim that something has more significance than it does.
Limited depth 有限深度
This fallacy employs the use of a study to a degree which the study wasn't intended.
Limited scope 有限范围
This fallacy occurs when the application of a study goes beyond what the study was intended.
Like false dilemma, this presents a questionee with two unfair options. For example, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" Such a yes/no question presupposes that you in fact beat your wife.

Minimizer 最小化者

This fallacious device is used to mask the need for support.
Non sequitur (it does not follow)
This fallacy occurs when the conclusion does not follow the premises or evidence. For example, "She must be a terrific debater. Look how nice her leather notepad is."
Only game in town
This fallacy supposes that since there is only one available explanation, this explanation is therefore the correct one.
Persuasive definition 说服性定义
This type of fallacy presents a term in a non-objective manner.

Phantom distinction 幻觉区别

This fallacy uses language to imply a difference between two things that really does not exist.

Poisoning the well 毒害井水

This fallacy attempts to discredit an argument before it has a chance to be presented.

Positioning 定位

This fallacy attempts to build credibility with the audience by "dropping names" so that the arguer is associated with someone of good repute.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this)
This fallacy involves mistaking sequence with causation. In other words, it asserts the action that occurs first causes the following action.
Prejudicial language 有偏见的语言
This fallacy uses assumption or emotionally loaded language to attach a meaning which flows from the language not the argument.
Priori 先验
This fallacy is a preconceived notion or worldview. For example, most people hold such strong opinions about abortion, it is very difficult for them to divorce the underlying fundamental percepts that originally led them to hold these opinions in the first place.
Provincialism 地方主义
This fallacy relies on in-group loyalty in order to make their argument. For example, "You should vote for Joe. He's black and you're black. We have to support our own."
Puffery 夸大之词
This fallacy occurs when vague terminology is used to create excitement.
Question begging 问题乞求
This type of argument assumes that all or part of the argument in question is true and uses the assumed portion of the argument as proof for a conclusion.
Questionable classification
This fallacy occurs when things are grouped together while they don't belong to the same category.
Quibbling 吹毛求疵
This fallacy uses a technical or obscure definition of a term in order to "get around" answering or addressing the point in question.
Red herring 赤鲷
This fallacy is used when an arguer points to something within an argument which has relatively little significance and focuses on that rather than on the "main thrust" of the argument.
Reductio ad absurdum (reduction to the absurd)
This fallacy is committed by carrying an argument to an absurd conclusion.
While there can be examples of strings of causation and various sequential occurrences, it is often over-claimed.
Rhetorical question 修辞问句
This fallacious type of question has the answer "built in" so that it uncritically reinforces some type of assumption.
This fallacy argues that something causes something else but to an over-estimated extent.
Slippery slope 滑坡
This fallacy arises when the result of an argument follows a cause-effect chain to unreasonable results. For example, "Does denying certain types of pornography kill free speech?" Like the Reductio ad absurdum, it is frequently mishandled, yet could happen. The difference is the importance of the first step which starts the next string of events into motion.

Social identification 社会认同

This fallacy excludes some people from an argument on the basis of some socially distinguishing feature, such as ethnicity or race or gender or membership in some social group, etc.

Special pleading 特殊情况辩护

This fallacy urges for an exception to an accepted line of reasoning.

Spectrum 光谱

This fallacy assumes that just because the difference between two sequential items in a set is almost undistinguishable everything in that set is the same.
Straw man argument 打靶人论证
This fallacy refutes an argument that is never issued by the opponent. It ignores the posed issue and instead creates a similar but beatable position.

Style over substance 形式胜于内容

This type of distracter is used when an arguer's presentation skills and ability to "talk smoothly" outweigh their critical thinking ability.

Substituting bombast for argument

This fallacy is a popular tactic that is used to cover up the fact that the advocate is lacking in evidence or analysis by employing noisy distracters.

Suppressed evidence 被压制的证据

This is a form of excluded evidence, but the information is not only left out but hidden as well.

Tautology 同义反复

This fallacy uses a term to define itself.

Testimonial 推荐书籍

This fallacy uses anecdotal or non-expert experiences to justify the effectiveness or validity of something.
Traditional wisdom 传统的智慧
This fallacy supports the traditional way of doing things because of the reasons it was originally adopted.
Tu quoque (You, too / You, also)
This fallacy attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting their failure to act consistently with that position.

Untouchable authority 不可触及的权威

This fallacy employs the use of appealing to the source of authority, for example, a political office, as a reason why a person ought not to be criticized.

Verbalism 言辞主义

This fallacy occurs when a great deal of words are used but no information is transmitted through them.
Weasel word 避重就轻之词
This fallacy uses vague words or expressions in order to evade responsibility for an implied claim.
Wrong direction 错误的方向
This fallacy mistakes effect for cause or vice versa.

How to Conduct a Debate Tournament

Before the Tournament 比赛前

Get Permission of the Administration and a Budget
If you decide you would like to host a tournament you will need permission of the administration and a budget, although it is possible to keep tournaments at a very low cost.

Determine the Type of the Tournament

Determine if this will be an "intramural" tournament involving only students on your campus or an "intercollegiate" tournament involving students from other universities. Do you want this to be a simple tournament or something really big? What format will be used?

Intramural Tournament 校内比赛

This type of simple tournament can involve students on one campus who want to learn how to debate better. Typically, a training session happens on one weekend and the tournament on the next, although a simple two-round tournament could happen in half a day. Intramural tournaments can also be conducted among the classes currently taking a debate class. Topics can be assigned before the tournament (perhaps during training) to allow teams to research. Usually, this type of tournament doesn't need official awards. The experienced debaters can serve as judges and the rounds are mostly designed as mentoring experiences. You may even decide to only give mentoring comments for improvement at the end of the debate, rather than a decision.

Intercollegiate Tournament

When many universities are invited to debate, the tournament needs to be restricted in terms of size and length of time.
One-day invitational tournament. This type of tournament allows for maximum practice for everyone in a four-round tournament. Often the tournament is "preset" so that all of the match-ups are known when the tournament begins. In a pre-set tournament a team is randomly assigned a number or a code to show what side they are on and in which room they will have the debate. Teams would arrive in the morning, debate two rounds, have lunch, and then debate another two rounds in the afternoon. At the end of the tournament, awards are given to the top teams based on their win/loss records. The awards can be certificates printed out in advance. This can be a very low-cost way to have a competition. One-day invitational tournament is a low-maintenance tournament because not a lot of work is involved.
Here is a sample schedule for a four-round tournament:
8:00 am-8:30 am 早上 8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30 am-10:00 am 上午 8:30-10:00 General meeting and Round 1
10:15 am-11:45 am 上午 10:15-11:45 Round 2
11:45 am-1:15 pm 上午 11 点 45 分至下午 1 点 15 分 Lunch
1:15 pm-2:45 pm 下午 1 点 15 分至下午 2 点 45 分 Round 3
3:00 pm-4:30 pm 下午 3 点至下午 4 点 30 分 Round 4
Awards ceremony 颁奖典礼
Multi-day championship tournament. This type of tournament is designed to attract a large number of debaters. The tournament consists of six or eight preliminary rounds. The first two rounds are pre-set; in the later rounds the best teams are paired against each other, while the weaker teams debate against each other (called power-matching). Usually, this work is done by software developed specifically for debate tournaments. At the end of the preliminary rounds the top teams are selected for the elimination rounds. When a team loses they are then

eliminated from the tournament until a champion remains, who receives the cup. This type of tournament involves more planning and expenses than a one-day tournament because there may be a banquet, special awards, and extra items.
Here is a sample schedule for a three-day tournament:
Day 1 第一天
10:00 am-11:00 am 上午 10:00-11:00
11:00 am-11:30 am 上午 11:00-11:30
3:00 pm-4:45 pm 下午 3:00-4:45
5:00 pm-6:45 pm 下午 5:00-下午 6:45
Day 2 第二天
8:30 am-10:15 am 上午 8:30-上午 10:15
10:30 am-12:15 pm 上午 10:30-12:15
12:15 pm-1:45 pm 中午 12:15-13:45
2:00 pm-3:45 pm 下午 2:00-3:45
5:00 pm-5:15 pm 下午 5 点-下午 5 点 15 分
5:15 pm-7:00 pm 下午 5 点 15 分-晚上 7 点
Adjudicator training 裁判员培训
Coaches register their teams and declare any changes
Lunch 午餐
General meeting and Topic announcement & Round 1
大会和主题公告 & 第一轮
Topic announcement & Round 2
Topic announcement & Round 3
General meeting and Topic announcement & Round 4
Topic announcement & Round 5
主题公告和第 5 轮
Lunch 午餐
Topic announcement & Round 6
主题公告和第 6 轮
Announcement of elimination rounds
Topic announcement & Elimination Round 1 (ALL adjudicators are committed to judge this round.)
Day 3 第三天
10:00 am-11:45 am Topic announcement & Elimination Round 2
上午 10:00-11:45 主题公布和淘汰赛第 2 轮
11:45 am-1:00 pm Lunch
上午 11:45-下午 1:00 午餐
1:00 pm-2:45 pm Topic announcement & Elimination Round 3
下午 1:00-2:45 主题公布和淘汰赛第 3 轮
3:00pm Awards ceremony 下午 3:00 颁奖典礼
Note: Awards ceremony would take place at 5:00 pm if an additional elimination round is added.
注意:如果增加额外的淘汰赛轮次,颁奖典礼将在下午 5:00 举行。

Decide the Format and Rules

Choose the format and publish some rules about the tournament. BP is the most popular format around the world. It is also easier to administrate since it uses half as many rooms as AP does. In a one-day tournament the pre-set is also very easy since numbers or codes can be randomly assigned to each team. With BP format each team gets to debate in each of the four positions. Since AP declares a winner it may be easier to power-match teams with winners against winners in the later rounds.
选择比赛格式并发布一些关于比赛的规则。BP 是全球最流行的格式。由于使用的房间数量只有 AP 的一半,因此管理起来也更容易。在一天的比赛中,预设也非常简单,因为可以为每个团队随机分配数字或代码。在 BP 格式中,每个团队都可以在四个位置中辩论。由于 AP 会宣布一个胜利者,所以在后续轮次中更容易匹配胜者对阵胜者。

Prepare the Facilities 准备设施

Set a room for each debate. A large-size tournament can take about 20 classrooms (for 80 debaters in AP, 120 in AA, 160 in BP). You will also need an announcement room where all debaters can meet at the same time. Often this would be a large lecture hall or an auditorium with a projector and screen to show any announcements or pairings. You will also need a room for tabulation with a computer and printer.
为每场辩论设置一个房间。一个大型比赛可能需要大约 20 间教室(AP 80 名辩手,AA 120 名辩手,BP 160 名辩手)。您还需要一个公告房间,所有辩手可以同时聚集在一起。通常这将是一个大型讲堂或带有投影仪和屏幕的礼堂,用于显示任何公告或配对信息。您还需要一个带有计算机和打印机的计分房间。

Invite the Teams 邀请团队

Once you have made decisions about the kind of tournament you want, it is time to invite other teams. An official invitation needs to be sent out to appropriate administrators (See the sample letter at the end of this chapter.).

Prepare a "To Do" List

It is important to have all work assigned and completed before the tournament begins. A "To Do" list might help in preparation. Here is a sample "To Do" list for BP debate:
在比赛开始之前,确保所有工作都已分配并完成。准备工作中可能会有一份“待办事项”清单。以下是 BP 辩论的样本“待办事项”清单:

"To Do" List for the Tournament

People 人员
  1. Chief Adjudicator (CA) who serves as the director of the tournament
  2. Director of volunteers to train and coordinate volunteers
  3. Volunteers to serve as time-keepers and to run ballots back to CA
  4. Two students/coaches to tabulate the results
  5. Escorts at the campus gate to greet debaters and give directions
  6. Someone to serve as chair of hospitality

Adjudicators 裁判

  1. Recruit teachers and experienced debaters to serve as adjudicators.
  2. Require all teams to bring adjudicators.
  3. Ask the coaches to serve as adjudicators.
  4. Provide training for adjudicators.
Things needed 所需物品
  1. Awards/certificates 奖项/证书
  2. Ballots for adjudicators. Need one per adjudicator in each round. (See sample ballots at the end of the chapter.)
    评委的选票。每轮每位评委需要一张。 (请参考本章末尾的示例选票。)
  3. Computer (with excel or tournament software) and printer
    电脑(带有 Excel 或比赛软件)和打印机
  4. Timers for volunteers 志愿者的计时器

Facilities 设施

  1. Rooms for tournament 锦标赛用房间
  2. Projector/computer in the announcement room
  3. General meeting room open early
Hospitality 款待
  1. Lunch 午餐
  2. Refreshments for tournament staff
Banners 横幅
  1. Big banner over entrance
  2. Big banner in the announcement room
  3. Banner or sign showing maps of rooms for debate rounds, restaurants, campus stores, etc.

During the Tournament 在比赛期间

It is important to have an accurate list of the debate teams and judges for the tournament. Coaches will provide names of the teams or debaters in advance to be entered into the tournament software or excel spreadsheet. On the day of the tournament, coaches will need to check the list at registration to make any name changes or drop teams. Once the names are verified the tournament is ready for the first round.
对于比赛,准确记录辩论队伍和裁判的名单非常重要。教练会提前提供队伍或辩手的名字,以便输入到比赛软件或 Excel 电子表格中。在比赛当天,教练需要在注册时检查名单,以便进行任何姓名更改或取消队伍。一旦名单经过验证,比赛就准备好进行第一轮了。

Postings and Pairing 公布和配对

Before the debate round happens, the debate match-ups (also called pairings) are posted so that teams can check their side, room and name of the judge. Teams are given a code which is usually the initials of their school name and the initials of the family name of each debater. The judge's family name is spelled out. Teams usually take a note of this information so they don't end up in the wrong room or prepare for the wrong side! Since AP and AA have two teams debating, the Proposition and Opposition are listed against each other with the judge listed:
辩论轮开始之前,辩论比赛的对阵(也称为配对)会被公布,以便队伍可以查看他们的辩方、房间和裁判的姓名。队伍会得到一个代码,通常是学校名称的首字母和每位辩手姓氏的首字母。裁判的姓氏会被拼写出来。队伍通常会记录这些信息,以免进入错误的房间或为错误的辩方做准备!由于 AP 和 AA 有两支队伍在辩论,所以提案方和反对方会被列在一起,并标明裁判:

Posting for AP/AA Debate
AP/AA 辩论公布

Room Prop Opp Judge/Adjudicator 裁判/评判员
Note: BFSU: Beijing Foreign Studies University
CNU: Capital Normal University
THU: Tsinghua University
XISU: Xi'an International Studies University
BP format has four teams listed so it is important to let debaters know the room and the position they will be debating. Each team can be randomly assigned a number or their actual team name could appear:
BP 格式列出了四支队伍,因此重要的是让辩手知道他们将辩论的房间和位置。每支队伍可以被随机分配一个编号,或者他们的实际队名可以出现:
Posting for BP Debate
BP 辩论发布
Room B101 B102 B103 B104
Opening Prop 1 5 9 13
Opening Opp 2 6 10 14
Closing Prop 3 7 11 15
Closing Opp 4 8 12 16
In a pre-set tournament all of the rounds are determined in advance so that teams will get an even opportunity to debate in all positions. In AP and AA it is easy to move the teams between the Proposition and Opposition. In BP a team will move into a new position for the next round, so that if they were Opening Proposition in the first debate they would be Opening Opposition in round two, Closing Proposition in round three and Closing Opposition in round four.
在预设的比赛中,所有的轮次都提前确定,这样各队就能有均等的机会在所有位置进行辩论。在 AP 和 AA 中,很容易将队伍在提议方和反对方之间移动。在 BP 中,一支队伍会在下一轮中移动到一个新的位置,这样,如果他们在第一场辩论中是开场提议方,他们将在第二轮中成为开场反对方,在第三轮中成为闭幕提议方,在第四轮中成为闭幕反对方。
In power-matched tournaments, teams are matched against each other based on their records. This means the first two rounds are pre-set and round three to six would be power-matched. To be specific, in round three all teams who had two wins would debate against other teams with two wins; those with only one win hit others with one win; those with no win hit each other. Within the 2-0 brackets teams are matched based on their speaker points. The highest point earner with a 2-0 record will hit the lowest point earner with a 2-0 record; second highest hits second lowest, and so on.
在实力匹配的比赛中,队伍会根据他们的战绩进行匹配。这意味着前两轮是预设的,第三轮到第六轮将进行实力匹配。具体来说,在第三轮中,所有有两场胜利的队伍将与其他有两场胜利的队伍辩论;只有一场胜利的队伍将与其他只有一场胜利的队伍对决;没有胜利的队伍将互相对决。在 2-0 的范围内,队伍将根据他们的发言分数进行匹配。得分最高且战绩为 2-0 的队伍将与得分最低且战绩为 2-0 的队伍对决;第二高的队伍将与第二低的队伍对决,依此类推。
This seems like a lot of work, but computer programs have been designed to make it easier. If the tournament is pre-set, then all of the work has been done in advance and only results need to be computed using an excel spreadsheet. If the tournament is power-matched, as records are entered for one round, the program automatically figures out who will debate against each other in the next round, in which room and with which judge. Postings and ballots then can be printed out for debaters to check and for judges to complete. At the end of the tournament all results are displayed and printed out for each team to see.
这似乎是很多工作,但计算机程序已经被设计得更容易。如果比赛是预先设置的,那么所有工作都已经提前完成,只需要使用 Excel 电子表格计算结果。如果比赛是按实力匹配的,当一轮的记录被输入时,程序会自动计算出下一轮谁将与谁辩论,在哪个房间,与哪位裁判。然后可以打印出发帖和选票供辩手检查,供裁判完成。在比赛结束时,所有结果都会显示并打印出供每个团队查看。

Making the Tournament Run Smoothly

The Chief Adjudicator or Tournament Director needs to keep the tournament on schedule, write and announce motions and perhaps even judge. Usually, with a large tournament other staff members are needed to assist in the smooth running of the tournament. The Chief Adjudicator will be sure to hand out ballots to judges and make any substitutions needed. The Tabulation Director needs to enter the results and make sure the next round is ready. A host will be sure to arrange the hospitality issues.

At the End of the Tournament

In a pre-set tournament without any elimination rounds, the top teams are determined by their win/loss records. In the case of a tie, the points determine the position (higher points mean a higher award). It may not be this precise with any tournament. If you are giving certificates to approximately the top of the teams, you may not need to even determine the speaker points.
在没有任何淘汰赛轮次的预设比赛中,顶尖团队是通过他们的胜负记录来确定的。如果出现并列情况,积分将决定排名(更高的积分意味着更高的奖励)。在任何比赛中可能不会如此精确。如果您要向大约前 的团队颁发证书,您甚至可能不需要确定发言者积分。
After the last preliminary round the top teams will be announced to enter into the elimination rounds. In a small tournament only two teams may go into a final round or perhaps four teams into a semi-final round. If the tournament is large you may have "octo-final" debate rounds with eight debates happening in the first elimination round. In AP or AA this would mean 16 teams, in BP it would be 32 teams. Teams would be paired against each other in power-matched rounds. As teams are eliminated they are out of the tournament. The winners in each bracket will debate against each other until the ultimate winner surfaces after the final round.
在最后一轮预赛之后,将宣布顶尖团队进入淘汰赛。在小型比赛中,只有两支团队可能进入决赛轮,或者四支团队进入半决赛轮。如果比赛规模较大,您可能会有“八分之一决赛”辩论轮,第一轮淘汰赛中会有八场辩论。在 AP 或 AA 中,这意味着 16 支团队,而在 BP 中则是 32 支团队。团队将在强强对话的轮次中配对。随着团队被淘汰,他们将退出比赛。每个组别的获胜者将在最终轮之后辩论,直到最终冠军出现。
While the elimination rounds are taking place, the Tabulation Director can determine the top speakers according to their speaker points (usually the highest and lowest scores for each debater are eliminated). At the awards ceremony, speaker awards may be given along with awards for those who advance into the elimination rounds.
After the awards ceremony, a packet should be given to each team. Inside the packet there should be a copy of the results of the tournament and speaker awards along with copies of the ballots (if the ballots were used to make comments).

Chapter Appendix 1 章节附录 1

Sample Confirming Invitation

November 4, 2007 2007 年 11 月 4 日
To all interested English speaking debaters:
This past weekend the School of English and International Studies held a training workshop for British parliamentary debate at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU). Over 350 students and instructors attended. Many of them will use their skills at the upcoming IDEA/FLTRP British Parliamentary Tournament to be held on December 7-9, 2007 on the East campus of BFSU. Registration for entered schools will be held on the 2nd floor of the Sir Run Run Shaw Building (3rd Lecture hall theater) at 11:00 am on December 7.
上周末,北京外国语大学英语与国际研究学院举办了一场针对英国议会辩论的培训研讨会。超过 350 名学生和教师参加了活动。其中许多人将在 2007 年 12 月 7 日至 9 日在北京外国语大学东校区举行的 IDEA/FLTRP 英国议会辩论比赛中运用他们的技能。参赛学校的注册将于 12 月 7 日上午 11:00 在邵逸夫楼二楼(第三讲堂剧场)举行。
Since we have a limited number of rooms available, we must NOW stop taking any new entries. Currently, we have 128 teams from 37 schools. If you believe you have signed up for the tournament, but you are not on the list below, you need to immediately contact Gary Rybold, Tournament Director, at grybold@ivc.edu. Except in the case of tournament administration error, we will be unable to accept any additional entries.
由于我们可提供的房间数量有限,我们现在必须停止接受任何新的报名。目前,我们有来自 37 所学校的 128 支队伍。如果您认为自己已经报名参加比赛,但在下面的名单中找不到自己的名字,请立即联系比赛总监 Gary Rybold,邮箱为 grybold@ivc.edu。除非是比赛管理错误的情况,否则我们将无法接受任何额外的报名。
Here is the list of schools who have already filed paperwork to sign up for the tournament. These schools are currently entered.
Beijing Foreign Studies University
Beijing Jiaotong University

Beijing Language and Culture University

Beijing Sports University

Beijing University of Aviation and Aeronautics

Beijing University of Technology

Capital Normal University

Capital University of Economics and Business

Central University for Nationalities

Central University of Finance and Economics

China Agriculture University

China Women's University

Communication University of China

Dalian University 大连大学
Guangxi University 广西大学
Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology

Huazhong Normal University

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Hubei University of Economics

Inner Mongolia University

Jiujiang University 九江学院
Nanjing University 南京大学
Nan Kai University 南开大学
North China University of Technology

Northeast University 东北大学
Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao

Peking University 北京大学
Tianjin Normal University

University of International Relations

University of Science and Technology Beijing

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Xi'an International Studies University

Xi'an Jiaotong University

Xiamen University 厦门大学
Please let me apologize if you are not entered in the tournament. One month ago we publicized that schools needed to inform us if they wanted to enter the training or the tournament. The schools on the list are the only ones who officially entered their teams with us. If you think we left you off the list by mistake, please let us know NOW.
For those coming to the tournament let me clarify some issues.
First, let me stress how essential it is to have adjudicators for the tournament. Therefore, in order to enter the tournament you must have ONE adjudicator for every TWO debate teams you enter. NO entry will be accepted without adjudicators. If an adjudicator does not show up to judge the round, the two teams being covered will be dropped from the tournament.
If your adjudicators did not attend the adjudicator training on November 3 or at BFSU they need to attend adjudicator training on December 7, 10:00 am-11:00 am at BFSU.
如果您的裁判没有参加 11 月 3 日或 BFSU 的裁判培训,他们需要参加 12 月 7 日的裁判培训,时间为上午 10:00 至 11:00,地点在 BFSU。
All adjudicators are required to give an oral critique at the conclusion of every round (after completing the ballot). In NO cases are debaters allowed to argue with adjudicators. All complaints should be brought directly to Gary Rybold by coaches or adjudicators.
所有裁判都必须在每轮结束时(填写完裁判表后)进行口头评述。在任何情况下,辩手都不得与裁判争论。所有投诉应由教练或裁判直接向 Gary Rybold 提出。
Second, since we are making this a free tournament you must be responsible for your own meals, lodging and transportation. We have many eating places close to the tournament headquarters and we have allowed plenty of time for lunch on Saturday. We have already requested that out of town teams make their own lodging arrangements.
Third, we will use IDEA's four-team parliamentary debate rules published at www.idebate.org. Teams may consult materials (printed or digital) during the preparation time. BUT, only notes written by the debaters during the preparation time or during the debate may be used for speaking purposes. To clarify, debaters may not take any printed material up to speak from. Nothing prepared before the actual round may be used when the debater is speaking. Dictionaries may be consulted at any time.
第三,我们将使用 IDEA 的四人团队辩论规则,发布在 www.idebate.org 上。队伍在准备时间内可以查阅材料(印刷或数字版)。但是,在准备时间或辩论期间由辩手书写的笔记才可以用于发言。为了澄清,辩手不能拿任何准备好的印刷材料来发言。在辩手发言时,不能使用在实际辩论轮之前准备的任何材料。可以随时查阅字典。
Fourth, to encourage knowledgeable debaters, topic areas used for the tournament are listed below. ALL topics will be from these areas. Please let all debaters know what current events they can research:
  • The Middle East 中东地区
  • Israel and a two-state solution
  • Iran's nuclear program 伊朗的核计划
  • Iraq 伊拉克
  • UN peacekeeping 联合国维和
  • Drawbacks of World Bank projects
  • Technology in the classroom
  • Reduced private automobile ownership
  • Flaws in Western developmental models

Schedule 日程安排

All Activities take place on the East campus of BFSU. Announcements will be on the 2nd floor of the Sir Run Run Shaw Building. All debates will take place in the School of English and International Studies Building.
Friday December 7 12 月 7 日星期五
10:00 am Adjudicator training (Sir Run Run Shaw Building)
上午 10:00 裁判培训(邵逸夫爵士楼)
11:00 am Coaches register their teams (Sir Run Run Shaw Building)
上午 11:00 教练注册他们的队伍(邵逸夫爵士楼)
1:00 pm General meeting and Topic announcement & Round 1 (Sir Run Run Shaw Building)
下午 1:00 全体会议和题目公布 & 第一轮比赛(邵逸夫爵士楼)
3:00 pm Topic announcement & Round 2
下午 3 点 主题公布 & 第 2 轮
5:00 pm Topic announcement & Round 3
下午 5 点 主题公布 & 第 3 轮
Saturday December 8 12 月 8 日星期六
8:30 am General meeting and Topic announcement & Round 4 (Sir Run Run Shaw Building)
上午 8:30 总会议和主题公告 & 第 4 轮 (邵逸夫楼)
10:30 am Topic announcement & Round 5
上午 10:30 主题公告 & 第 5 轮
12:30 pm Lunch 中午 12:30 午餐
2:15 pm Topic announcement & Round 6
下午 2 点 15 分 主题公告 & 第 6 轮
5:00 pm Announcement of elimination rounds
下午 5 点 淘汰赛公告
5:30 pm Topic announcement & Elimination Round 1 (ALL adjudicators are committed to judge this round.)
下午 5 点 30 分 主题公告 & 淘汰赛第 1 轮(所有裁判都有责任评审此轮比赛。)
Sunday December 9 星期日 12 月 9 日
10:00 am Topic announcement & Elimination Round 2
上午 10:00 主题公布和第二轮淘汰赛
12:00 pm Lunch 中午 12:00 午餐
1:00 pm Topic announcement & Elimination Round 3
下午 1 点 话题公布 & 第 3 轮淘汰赛
3:00 pm Awards ceremony
下午 3 点 颁奖典礼
This tournament will offer many opportunities to learn about debate and make new friends. We hope that all involved will have a rewarding experience. Please communicate directly with Gary Rybold if you have any questions.
本次比赛将提供许多学习辩论和结交新朋友的机会。我们希望所有参与者都能有一次有意义的经历。如果您有任何问题,请直接与 Gary Rybold 联系。
Gary Rybold Karen Zhou Vincent Bai
加里·赖博尔德 卡伦·周 文森特·白
Chief Adjudicator Tournament Co-director Governor, FLTRP CUP
首席裁判比赛联合主任 FLTRP CUP 主办方
grybold@ivc.edu Tournament Host
grybold@ivc.edu 比赛主办方

Sample British Parliamentary Debate Ballot

Team Total 团队总分
Closing Prop Team # (1-4, no ties)
Closing Prop First Speaker
Closing Prop Second Speaker (70-100)
结束道具第二发言人 (70-100)
Team Total (140-200) 团队总计 (140-200)
Team Total 团队总分
Rank Closing Opp Team # Rank (1-4, no ties)
Closing Opp First Speaker (70-100)
Closing Opp Second Speaker (70-100)
Points 分数
Team Total 团队总分

Notice: 注意:

  1. Team points must match ranks, i.e. 1st must have the most points, 4th must have the least points.
  2. Complete this ballot and give it to time-keeper before providing oral critique. Oral critique must be given. Please disclose the ranking (1-4) but do not discuss points.

  1. Adams, J. M. & Carfagna, A. (2006). Coming of age in a globalized world: the next generation. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press.
    亚当斯,J. M. & 卡法尼亚,A. (2006). 在全球化世界中成长: 下一代. 布卢姆菲尔德,康涅狄格州: 库马里安出版社.
    Lantolf, J. P. & Johnson, K. E. (2007). Extending Firth and Wagner's (1997) ontological perspective to L2 classroom praxis and teacher education. The Modern Language Journal (91) 882.
    兰托夫,J. P. & 约翰逊,K. E. (2007). 将 Firth 和 Wagner (1997) 的本体论视角扩展到第二语言课堂实践和教师教育。现代语言杂志 (91) 882.
  2. Before 2010, the FLTRP CUP did not allow for a Point of Order to be called. Instead, the rules specify that the judge should determine if a new point is made in the rebuttals and exclude it from the decision.
    在 2010 年之前,FLTRP CUP 不允许提出议事规则。相反,规则规定裁判应确定辩驳中是否提出了新观点,并将其排除在决定之外。
  3. Full credit for this critical thinking tool-the Paul-Elder Model or PEM—is given to Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder. Their website is: www.criticalthinkingfoundation.org.
    这个批判性思维工具- 保罗-埃尔德模型或PEM- 的全部功劳归功于理查德·保罗博士和琳达·埃尔德博士。他们的网站是:www.criticalthinkingfoundation.org。