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112501557 羅淑妍 2024/5/21

EQ Homework

In the essay “What makes a leader?” by Daniel Goleman, originally published in Harvard Business Review in 1996¸ the author argues that emotional intelligence is a critical factor in distinguishing outstanding leaders from average ones. Goleman asserts that while traditional qualities such as intelligence and technical skills are important, they are insufficient on their own for effective leadership. It is the ability to manage oneself and one's relationships with others that truly sets great leaders apart. Goleman explains that there are five components of emotional intelligence, which are (1) self-awareness, (2) self-regulation, (3) motivation, (4) empathy, and (5) social skills.
在1996年發表在《哈佛商業評論》上的丹尼爾·戈爾曼(Daniel Goleman)的文章《是什麼造就了領導者》中,作者認為情商是區分傑出領導者和普通領導者的關鍵因素。戈爾曼斷言,雖然智力和技術技能等傳統品質很重要,但它們本身不足以實現有效的領導。真正讓偉大的領導者與眾不同的是管理自己和與他人關係的能力。戈爾曼解釋說,情商有五個組成部分,分別是(1)自我意識,(2)自我調節,(3)動機,(4)同理心和(5)社交技能。

(1)Self-awareness means understanding one's own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, and drivers. It involves having a clear perception of one's own personality and being able to reflect on oneself objectively. Individuals with high self-awareness are typically confident and can candidly assess their own capabilities and limitations. They are aware of how their emotions affect themselves and others and are often open to feedback. Goleman describes a senior executive who is known for his candid self-assessments. He openly acknowledges his weaknesses and seeks out feedback to improve his performance, demonstrating a high level of self-awareness.

(2)Self-regulation means managing and controlling one's emotions and impulses, staying calm and composed even in stressful situations. It also involves being adaptable to change and open to new ideas. People who exhibit self-regulation can control their negative emotions and remain calm under pressure. They are thoughtful in their responses, not easily angered, and demonstrate integrity and trustworthiness. Goleman provides the example of a CEO who, instead of lashing out during a crisis, remains calm and methodically works through the problem, setting a positive example for the rest of the team.

(3)Motivation means having a strong drive to achieve goals for intrinsic reasons rather than extrinsic rewards. It involves being passionate about one's work and consistently pursuing improvement. Motivated individuals are often highly energetic and committed to their work. They set high standards for themselves and others and are continually looking for ways to improve their performance. Goleman illustrates this with the story of a manager who, despite facing numerous setbacks, remains determined and works tirelessly to meet the company's ambitious targets, driven by an internal passion for excellence.

(4)Empathy means understanding and sharing the feelings of others and using this understanding to interact effectively with them. It involves being aware of and considerate towards the emotions of colleagues and subordinates. People with high empathy are good listeners and are attentive to the needs and concerns of others. They can read emotional cues and often respond appropriately to the feelings of others, fostering a supportive and understanding environment. Goleman mentions a marketing executive who senses the discontent among her team and takes steps to address their concerns, demonstrating her ability to empathize and improve team morale.

(5)Social skills mean managing relationships to move people in desired directions. It involves effective communication, conflict management, and building strong networks. Individuals with strong social skills are effective communicators and excel at managing teams. They are adept at building rapport and maintaining relationships, and they often play a key role in driving collaborative efforts. Goleman highlights a team leader who successfully navigates a merger by fostering open communication and collaboration among previously competing groups, showcasing his exceptional social skills.

My name is Shu-Yen Lo, and I graduated from the National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School. I earned my bachelor's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). Currently, I am a first-year master's student in the Semiconductor Research Institute at NTHU, focusing on the Process Division. About a year and a half ago, when I was deciding on my path for graduate studies, I had a clear vision for my future career. I have always been passionate about pursuing a career in the semiconductor industry. Consequently, I included this program as one of my top choices. After thorough comparisons, I found that the college of semiconductor research at NTHU stood out in terms of faculty and course offerings. This college provides unique resources and content that are not available elsewhere, allowing us to gain practical insights and understand the challenges of the industry before stepping into it. I am particularly fortunate to conduct my thesis research in the joint laboratory of Dean Burn Lin and Professor Tsai-Sheng Gao. Although my current research field differs somewhat from my undergraduate major, I believe this interdisciplinary approach will broaden my knowledge and enhance my skills in semiconductor processes. Working under the guidance of such esteemed professors offers me a valuable opportunity to learn from the best and prepare myself for a successful career in the semiconductor industry. In the near future, my career plan is to join a leading semiconductor company where I can apply the advanced knowledge and skills I've gained from my studies. I aim to work in process development and contribute to innovative solutions in semiconductor manufacturing, allowing me to make a tangible impact in the industry and set the foundation for my long-term career goals.
我叫盧淑妍,畢業於國立新竹女子高中。我在國立青華大學(NTHU)獲得了材料科學與工程學士學位。目前,我是NTHU半導體研究所的一年級碩士生,專注於工藝部門。大約一年半前,當我決定攻讀研究生時,我對未來的職業有了一個清晰的願景。我一直熱衷於在半導體行業從事職業。因此,我將此程序列為我的首選之一。經過深入的比較,我發現南洋理工大學的半導體研究學院在師資和課程設置方面脫穎而出。這所學院提供了其他地方沒有的獨特資源和內容,使我們能夠在踏入該行業之前獲得實用的見解並瞭解該行業的挑戰。我特別有幸在林教授和高蔡生教授的聯合實驗室進行論文研究。雖然我目前的研究領域與我的本科專業有些不同,但我相信這種跨學科的方法將拓寬我的知識並提高我在半導體工藝方面的技能。在這些受人尊敬的教授的指導下工作,為我提供了一個寶貴的機會,可以向最優秀的人學習,併為在半導體行業的成功職業生涯做好準備。在不久的將來,我的職業計劃是加入一家領先的半導體公司,在那裡我可以應用我從學習中獲得的高級知識和技能。 我的目標是從事工藝開發工作,併為半導體製造領域的創新解決方案做出貢獻,使我能夠對行業產生切實的影響,併為我的長期職業目標奠定基礎。


Rate yourself from 1-10, how much do you understand your own needs and drives? Do you always know what you want?
從 1-10 給自己打分,你對自己的需求和驅動力瞭解多少?你總是知道自己想要什麼嗎?

I would rate myself an 8. I have a clear understanding of my professional aspirations, particularly my desire to work in the semiconductor industry. However, in terms of broader life plans and personal development, I'm still exploring and solidifying my goals. For instance, while my career path is well-defined, my overall life priorities and personal goals are still evolving.
我會給自己打 8 分。我清楚地瞭解自己的職業抱負,尤其是我在半導體行業工作的願望。然而,在更廣泛的人生計劃和個人發展方面,我仍在探索和鞏固我的目標。例如,雖然我的職業道路很明確,但我的整體生活優先事項和個人目標仍在不斷發展。

Rate yourself from 1-10, how much do you understand your own values(價值觀)and goals? Do you always choose to do only the things that fits your values? Have you ever done something that did not fit your values and then suffered from it/regretted it?

I would rate myself a 9. I basically act based on my values ​​and make sure my decisions are consistent with my beliefs. Currently I can't think of anything I regret because I did something that was not in line with my values.
我會給自己打 9 分。我基本上根據我的價值觀行事,並確保我的決定與我的信仰一致。目前,我想不出有什麼後悔的事情,因為我做了一些不符合我價值觀的事情。

Rate yourself from 1-10, how much do you understand your own strengths and weaknesses? How much can you honestly assess yourself? Have you ever overestimated or underestimated yourself?

I would rate myself an 8. I have a good grasp of my strengths and weaknesses and usually assess myself accurately. However, I sometimes invest too much effort in areas that don’t require it, driven by my desire to excel. For instance, during my undergraduate studies, I spent excessive time perfecting a project that was already meeting the required standards, which led to unnecessary stress.
我會給自己打 8 分。我對自己的長處和短處有很好的把握,通常都能準確地評估自己。然而,我有時會在不需要的領域投入太多精力,這是出於我追求卓越的願望。例如,在我的本科學習期間,我花了太多時間完善一個已經達到要求標準的專案,這導致了不必要的壓力。

Rate yourself from 1-10, how well can you take criticism?
從 1 到 10 給自己打分,你能接受批評的程度如何?

I would rate myself a 7. I can accept academic and professional criticism well, understanding its importance for growth. However, I find it harder to accept criticism related to personal habits or life perspectives. For example, I handle feedback on my research projects effectively but can be defensive when receiving unsolicited advice about my lifestyle.
我會給自己打 7 分。我可以很好地接受學術和專業批評,瞭解它對成長的重要性。然而,我發現很難接受與個人習慣或生活觀點有關的批評。例如,我有效地處理了對我的研究項目的反饋,但在收到關於我生活方式的不請自來的建議時,我可能會採取防禦措施。


Rate yourself from 1-10, how well can you control your emotions? Have you ever burst out with anger or acting impulsively(衝動的)?

I would rate myself a 7. Most of the time, I manage my emotions well, but I do have moments where I struggle, especially when my boundaries are repeatedly tested and it takes very, very hard to keep my emotions from blowing up.
我會給自己打 7 分。大多數時候,我能很好地管理自己的情緒,但我確實有掙扎的時刻,尤其是當我的界限被反覆測試並且需要非常非常努力地防止我的情緒爆發時。

Rate yourself from 1-10, how well can you accept changes and adjust yourself to them? Are you willing to learn something new as changes come?
從 1 到 10 給自己打分,你能接受變化並適應變化的程度如何?隨著變化的到來,你願意學習新的東西嗎?

I would rate myself an 8. I generally adapt well to changes and am open to learning new things. During my transition from undergraduate to graduate studies, I had to adapt to a new field of research, which I embraced as an opportunity to broaden my expertise.
我會給自己打 8 分。我通常能很好地適應變化,並樂於學習新事物。在我從本科到研究生學習的過渡期間,我不得不適應一個新的研究領域,我將其視為拓寬專業知識的機會。


Rate yourself from 1-10, how much are you a proactive(主動)person? Are you motivated by your own internal standard rather than external rewards? Do you like to push yourself to take actions rather than waiting to be pushed by others?
給自己打分 1-10,你是一個積極主動的人嗎?你的動機是你自己的內在標準,而不是外在的獎勵嗎?你喜歡強迫自己採取行動,而不是等待別人推動嗎?

I would rate myself a 5. External factors often motivate me more than internal factors. Whenever I receive substantial achievements or salary, it greatly increases my motivation to move forward.

Rate yourself from 1-10, how high do you set a standard for yourself? Do you like to be “stretched” to reach a higher standard, or do you prefer to take an easier path?

I would rate myself an 8. Despite being motivated by external factors, I set high standards for myself and prefer challenging paths that push my limits. I am not satisfied with subpar results and always aim for excellence, as seen in my consistent efforts to excel in my score and research.
我會給自己打 8 分。儘管受到外部因素的激勵,但我為自己設定了高標準,更喜歡挑戰極限的道路。我不滿足於低於標準的成績,並始終追求卓越,這從我不斷努力在分數和研究方面取得優異成績中可以看出。

Rate yourself from 1-10, how resilient are you(有韌性)? How well can you take a setback or a failure and get yourself back up?

I would rate myself an 8. I handle setbacks well, using them as opportunities to learn and improve. For instance, in my research, I often encounter obstacles, but I manage to regroup, analyze the issues, and find ways to overcome them, demonstrating resilience.
我會給自己打 8 分。我很好地處理挫折,將它們作為學習和改進的機會。例如,在我的研究中,我經常遇到障礙,但我設法重新組合,分析問題,並找到克服它們的方法,表現出韌性。


Rate yourself from 1-10, how good are you at recognizing other people’s feelings and adjust your behavior according to them? How good are you at putting yourself in another person’s shoes?

I would rate myself a 7. I am quite empathetic and often notice changes in people's emotions or unspoken needs. However, I do not always act on these observations. For example, I can sense when a team member is stressed and might offer support, but there are times when I could be more proactive in my response.
我會給自己打 7 分。我非常善解人意,經常注意到人們情緒的變化或未說出的需求。但是,我並不總是根據這些觀察結果採取行動。例如,我能感覺到團隊成員何時感到壓力並可能提供支援,但有時我可以更積極主動地做出回應。

Rate yourself from 1-10, how good are you at giving other people advice without hurting their feelings? Do you have the potential to be a good coach/mentor for someone?
從 1-10 給自己打分,你在不傷害別人感情的情況下給別人提供建議的能力如何?你有潛力成為某人的好教練/導師嗎?

I would rate myself a 7. I enjoy giving advice and try to consider others' perspectives, but my direct approach can sometimes be blunt. For instance, while mentoring a junior student, I provided straightforward feedback that was effective but could have been delivered more gently.
我會給自己打 7 分。我喜歡提供建議,並嘗試考慮他人的觀點,但我的直接方法有時可能很直率。例如,在指導一名低年級學生時,我提供了直截了當的反饋,這些反饋很有效,但本可以更溫和地傳遞。

Social skills

Rate yourself from 1-10, how good are you at networking? Do you know useful people who can help you when you need help?
從 1-10 給自己打分,你在網路方面有多好?你認識在你需要説明時可以説明你的有用人嗎?

I would rate myself a 6. Although I recognize the importance of networking and utilize my connections effectively, my introverted nature makes it challenging for me to initiate and build new relationships quickly. For example, I often need time to prepare myself mentally before attending networking events.
我會給自己打 6 分。雖然我認識到網路的重要性並有效地利用了我的人際關係,但我內向的性格使我很難快速建立和建立新的關係。例如,在參加社交活動之前,我經常需要時間做好心理準備。

Rate yourself from 1-10, how good are you at working in a team? Have you ever been able to persuade others to move in the direction that you want?
從 1-10 給自己打分,你在團隊中工作的能力如何?你有沒有能夠說服別人朝著你想要的方向前進?

I would rate myself an 8. I am sensitive to team dynamics and can guide the team towards a common goal through thoughtful communication and persuasion. For instance, during group projects, I often propose strategic directions and successfully convince my teammates through collaborative discussions.
我會給自己打 8 分。我對團隊動態很敏感,可以通過深思熟慮的溝通和說服來引導團隊朝著共同的目標前進。例如,在小組專案中,我經常提出戰略方向,並通過協作討論成功地說服我的隊友。

I invited my boyfriend to help me complete this assignment. He is my senior from the same department at university and currently works as a device engineer in the semiconductor industry. We have been in a relationship for almost four years, making him the person who knows me best and with whom I spend the most time. Given his close involvement in my daily life and understanding of my professional aspirations and personal traits, I believe he is well-suited to answer these questions about me accurately.


Please rate me from 1-10, how much do you think I understand my own needs and drives? Do you think I always look like I know what I want?
請從 1-10 分給我打分,您認為我對自己的需求和動力瞭解多少?你以為我總是看起來像我知道我想要什麼嗎?

Please rate me from 1-10, how much do you think I understand my own values(價值觀)and goals? Do you think I always choose to do only the things that fits my values? Have you ever seen me doing something that did not fit my values and then suffered from it/regretted it?

Please rate me from 1-10, how much do you think I understand my own strengths and weaknesses? How much can I honestly assess myself? Have you ever seen me overestimating or underestimating myself?

Please rate me from 1-10, how well do you think I can take criticism? How comfortable/uncomfortable do you feel about giving me constructive criticism?
請從 1 到 10 分給我打分,你認為我能接受批評嗎?你對給我建設性的批評有多舒服/不舒服?


Please rate me from 1-10, how well do you think I can control my emotions? Have you ever seen me bursting out with anger or acting impulsively(衝動的)?

Please rate me from 1-10, how well do you think I can accept changes and adjust myself to them? Have I shown you that I was willing to learn something new as changes come?
請從 1 到 10 分給我打分,你認為我能接受變化並適應這些變化的程度如何?我有沒有向你表明,隨著變化的到來,我願意學習新的東西?


Please rate me from 1-10, how much do you think I am a proactive(主動)person? Do you think I am the kind of person who is motivated by my own internal standard rather than external rewards? Have you seen me pushing myself to take actions rather than waiting to be pushed by others?

Please rate me from 1-10, how high do you think I set a standard for myself? Do you think I like to be “stretched” to reach a higher standard, or do you think I’m the kind of person that prefers to take an easier path?

Please rate me from 1-10, how resilient do you think I am(有韌性)? How well do you think I can take a setback or a failure and get myself back up?


Please rate me from 1-10, how good am I at recognizing other people’s feelings and adjust my behavior according to them? How good am I at putting myself in another person’s shoes?
請從 1 到 10 分給我打分,我有多善於識別別人的感受並根據他們調整我的行為?我有多擅長設身處地為別人著想?

Please rate me from 1-10, how good am I at giving other people advice without hurting their feelings? Do you think I have the potential to be a good coach/mentor for someone?
請從 1-10 分給我打分,我在不傷害他人感情的情況下給別人提供建議的能力如何?你認為我有潛力成為某人的好教練/導師嗎?

Social skills

Please rate me from 1-10, how good am I at networking? Do I seem to know useful people who can help me when I need help?
請從 1-10 給我評分,我在網路方面有多好?我似乎認識在我需要説明時可以説明我的有用人嗎?

Please rate me from 1-10, how good am I working in a team? Have you seen me able to persuade others to move in the direction that I want?
請從 1-10 分給我評分,我在團隊中工作得有多好?你有沒有看到我能夠說服別人朝著我想要的方向前進?