这是用户在 2025-1-13 9:48 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

Assessment 2: Report (2,000 words)

Imagine you work for a PR company called Krystal Clear Marketing.
假设您在一家名为Krystal Clear Marketing的公关公司工作

Your CEO (Mrs K. Clear) has decided to submit a company proposal for Global Trust’s “GT Challenge”.
你们的首席执行官(K. Clear 女士)决定向Global Trust的“ GT 挑战赛”提交一份公司提案。

Write a 2,000-word report for Mrs Clear, your CEO, presenting your Marketing Proposal.
为您的首席执行官 Clear 女士撰写 2,000 字的报告,介绍您的营销提案。

It must be the same - your own - Marketing Campaign that you developed during the term and explained in your Assessed Meeting. However, you may improve the campaign in your Report using ideas from your Meeting.

In your Report,

use ideas from and cite the BC3 Listening & Reading Sources. Cite them correctly in APA 7th ed. format. Reports without these sources, or which do not show a good understanding of them, will fail. Please see the Marking Criteria on Moodle.
使用 BC3 听力和阅读资源中的想法并引用它们。在 APA7 版中正确引用它们。格式。没有这些来源的报告,或者没有表现出对这些来源的充分理解的报告将会失败。请参阅 Moodle 上的评分标准。

Include a Reference List at the end giving the full reference of all the sources you cite.

You may also include ideas from your Strategy Meeting if you choose. If you do this, please acknowledge your source/s and give credit where it is due.

Do not refer to any published sources other than the BC3 Listening & Reading Sources.
请勿引用除 BC3 听力和阅读资源之外的任何已发布资源

Write your Report in a new Word document.
在新的 Word 文档中编写报告。

Use the file name: student number + BC3 Report + 2 key words from your product/service, e.g.
使用文件名:学号+ BC3报告+您的产品/服务中的2个关键词,例如

2345678 BC3 Report Wow Gum.doc
2345678 BC3 报告 Wow Gum.doc

Submit your report into Moodle as a Word document: not a pdf.
将您的报告作为 Word 文档提交到 Moodle:而不是 pdf。

Put your student number in the Header at the top of your report. Do not include your real name in the document or the file name.

Number your pages.

Do not include these instructions or questions in your document. Do not refer to BC3. Submit what looks like a genuine company internal report. This assessment is a simulation: imagine you are a real PR representative, in a real company after a real meeting, writing a real report to your CEO.

Use this report structure, including a title page and a bibliography.

Report Structure

Title PageInclude the company name, the title of the report, the date, the name(s) of the recipient (your CEO), and the name of the author (fictional, please: do not include your real name!).

IntroductionExplain the aim/s, circumstances, and main points of your report.

Explain the nature of Global Trust’s “GT Challenge” and how you are responding to it.
解释Global Trust的“ GT 挑战的性质以及您如何应对。

Explain the details of the product/service you are marketing such as what it is, where it originates, where you are marketing it, the target consumers, etc. Remember to refer to the 4 or 7 Ps and other marketing checklists covered in the literature.
解释您正在营销的产品/服务的详细信息,例如它是什么、它的来源、您在哪里营销它、目标消费者等。请记住参考 4 或 7 P 以及文献中涵盖的其他营销清单。

Explain the main points of the campaign you are proposing.

Say what sources of information, ideas and evidence you have used and any context or background necessary for the reader (in this case, your CEO).

Give a summary outline of the report and its main points and strengths.

(Remember to use BC3 published sources only and ideas from the Strategy Meeting if you did so.)
(如果您这样做,请记住仅使用 BC3 发布的资源和战略会议的想法。)

FindingsThis is like a business version of a literature review.

Explain the ideas and the evidence you have used to develop your marketing campaign. Give an evaluative account of what makes a successful marketing campaign for your type of product/service and target consumer; and how it meets the aims and requirements of the Global Trust’s “GT Challenge”.
解释您用于开展营销活动的想法和证据。对您的产品/服务类型和目标消费者进行成功的营销活动进行评估以及它如何满足全球信托 GT 挑战的目标和要求

(Remember to refer only to BC3 Listening & Reading sources.)
(请记住仅参考 BC3 听力和阅读资源。)

ConclusionSummarise the main considerations underpinning your proposed campaign: the main reasons for its likely success but also the main challenges and difficulties and possible weaknesses.

RecommendationPresent the full details of your proposed marketing campaign.

ReferencesGive the full references of all your in-text citations, listed in alphabetical order, in APA 7th ed.
参考文献提供 APA 第 7 版中所有文本引用的完整参考文献,按字母顺序列出。

Only use the BC3 Listening & Reading Sources
仅使用 BC3 听力和阅读源

Only include references which you have cited in your report. List all the references which you cite.


Write your Recommendation first: read the Global Trust’s “GT Challenge”, choose a suitable product or service; review the sources in the Schedule & References for BC3 Listening & Reading Sources; and design your marketing campaign.
先写下您的推荐:阅读全球信托的“ GT挑战赛”,选择合适的产品或服务;查看BC3 听力和阅读来源的时间表和参考资料中的来源;并设计您的营销活动。

Then write your Findings section, explaining which ideas from the Schedule & References for BC3 Listening & Reading Sources influenced your campaign most.
然后写下您的发现部分,解释BC3 听力和阅读源的时间表和参考资料中的哪些想法对您的活动影响最大。

Then write your Conclusion.

Then write the Introduction: you can now summarise what is in your Report.

Finally add the Title Page and the Reference List.


Organise your Report clearly. Use headings, numbering, bulleting and other standard formatting devices for business reports, for example like this:

Section 1: Introduction
第 1 节:简介

1.1 Overview
1.1 概述

This is a proposal for introducing Wow! chewing gum from the UK into the Chinese market in 2025 aimed primarily at young people aged 15-30 yrs. Wow! is originally called Milliways but it will be re-branded for the Chinese market in the following ways and for the following reasons:
这是介绍哇的提案! 2025年英国口香糖进入中国市场,主要针对15-30岁的年轻人。哇!最初称为Milliways,但出于以下原因,它将通过以下方式针对中国市场重新命名:

The name ‘Milliways’ is impossible to pronounce for most Asian speakers of English. It is also meaningless when transliterated into Chinese characters, therefore the proposed new name is “Wow”, …

2.2 Social Media
2.2 社交媒体

Social media will be one of the key methods for marketing Wow! This is for two main reasons. Firstly, …
社交媒体将成为营销的关键方法之一哇!这有两个主要原因。首先, …