January 2024 2024 年 1 月
Backhouse Housing Development in the Cotswolds
科茨沃尔德 Backhouse 住房开发
Viridian Solar and Backhouse Housing have signed an agreement which will see the housebuilder exclusively use Clearline fusion roof integrated solar panels, the Clearline Inverter as well as the multi-award winning ArcBox, on all its developments with a requirement for solar.
Viridian Solar 和 Backhouse Housing 签署了一项协议,该建筑商将在其所有需要太阳能的开发项目中独家使用 Clearline 融合屋顶集成太阳能电池板、Clearline 逆变器以及屡获殊荣的 ArcBox。
Based in the Southwest, with an office in Chippenham, Backhouse Housing specialise in building energy efficient premium homes and won the silver award for "Best Development" at the What House? Awards 2023.
Backhouse Housing 总部位于西南部,在 Chippenham 设有办事处,专注于建造节能优质住宅,并荣获 What House? 的“最佳开发”银奖。奖项 2023。
Richard Green, Business Development Manager at Viridian Solar said:
Viridian Solar 业务开发经理 Richard Green 表示:
"We are extremely pleased that Backhouse has chosen Viridian Solar as its solar supplier. Clearline fusion is of the highest quality and aesthetics, and we believe it is the perfect fit for Backhouse who specialise in building exclusive developments in the Southwest."
“我们非常高兴 Backhouse 选择 Viridian Solar 作为其太阳能供应商。Clearline fusion 具有最高的质量和美观性,我们相信它非常适合专门在西南地区建造独家开发项目的 Backhouse。”
Charles Phillpott, Senior Buyer at Backhouse Housing said:
Backhouse Housing 的高级买家 Charles Philpott 表示:
"Viridian Solar seemed the obvious choice when it came to roof integrated solar, being able to source the whole package which includes the solar panels, inverter and the solar safety product, ArcBox ensures all our homes are fitted with the highest quality products. Being able to utilise Viridian Solar's unique design service for our developments is also an added benefit."
“当谈到屋顶集成太阳能时,Viridian Solar 似乎是显而易见的选择,ArcBox 能够采购包括太阳能电池板、逆变器和太阳能安全产品在内的整套产品,确保我们所有的家庭都配备最优质的产品。利用常磐太阳能独特的设计服务来开发我们的项目也是一个额外的好处。”
Clearline fusion solar panels at the Morton in Marsh development
莫顿沼泽开发区的 Clearline 聚变太阳能电池板