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TOPIC ONE:Classical and modern management theories in the field of education: the evolution of managerial thought

In our time, the role of management has increased significantly. Any production process implies the presence of control over it. The management of educational systems has its own characteristics and, at the same time, is based on general knowledge and management principles. The first educational institutions appeared in the era of antiquity. Since then, the process of managing educational institutions has undergone significant changes, as have the educational institutions themselves. And the development of scientific management in education shows that in the very end remained only the most valuable experience, proven by time and practice knowledge. Radical changes in modern society have changed the goals and content of education. As a result, sharp contradictions were revealed in the management system of educational institutions. The search for a new model of the content of managerial activity is fixed in a new term - "pedagogical management". Thus, having studied the socio-historical experience of management, we will consider examples of the use and manifestation of management concepts in the present educational systems.
在我们这个时代,管理的作用已经大大增加。任何生产过程都意味着对它的控制。教育系统的管理有其自身的特点,同时又基于常识和管理原则。最早的教育机构出现在古代。从那时起,管理教育机构的过程发生了重大变化,教育机构本身也是如此。而教育科学管理的发展表明,到头来,只有时间和实践知识证明的最有价值的经验。现代社会的根本变化改变了教育的目标和内容。结果,教育机构的管理制度暴露了尖锐的矛盾。寻找管理活动内容的新模式固定在一个新术语中 - “教学管理”。因此,在研究了管理的社会历史经验之后,我们将考虑管理概念在当前教育系统中的使用和表现的例子。

History really does matter and therefore, it is essential to develop better understanding about the present-day emerging trends and stages in the management since 19th century so that general or holistic view could be
历史确实很重要,因此,必须更好地了解自 19 世纪以来当今新兴的趋势和管理阶段,以便获得一般或整体的观点

attained. To larger extent, there is an agreement that the management practices and approaches have altered with the passage of time. However, different school of thoughts have accredited it to several factors namely; globalization, intense competition/survival of the fittest, multiplicity, socially constructed realities and so on. Having said that, the roots of management lies in the earlier management theories and therefore remains vital for tackling the contemporary management challenges.

The twentieth century witnessed tremendous management activity. Efforts were taking place for the development of a comprehensive management theory. Traditional or classical management school of theory is a result of such efforts. To begin with we are going to critically evaluate the management school of thoughts.
20 世纪见证了巨大的管理活动。人们正在努力发展综合管理理论。传统或古典管理理论流派就是这种努力的结果。首先,我们将批判性地评估管理学派的思想。

And starting with the ‘classical management theory’ that includes notable work such as scientific management theory, administrative management and bureaucratic organizations. It envisages a pyramid hierarchical structure, autocratic management, clear chain of command and short spans of control. We have to explore that the core thought of this school emphasized on the management as ‘scientific’ way to attain economic efficiency by motivating employees via monetary rewards.

In simple terms, management is defined as the product of effectiveness and efficiency where “doing things right” is regarded as ‘efficiency’ while “doing the right things” is considered as ‘effectiveness’.

Scientific Management

American mechanical engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is known as the "father of scientific management". Taylor began work at the age of 18 as a machinist apprentice to a pattern-maker. He later joined the Midvale Steel Company as a laborer and became chief engineer. During his period at the steel mill Taylor performed comprehensive experiments on worker productivity and tested what he called the "task system," later developed into the Taylor System and eventually progressed into scientific management.
美国机械工程师弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒 (1856-1915) 被称为“科学管理之父”。泰勒 18 岁开始工作,担任制版师的机械师学徒。后来,他加入了 Midvale 钢铁公司,成为一名工人,并成为总工程师。在钢厂工作期间,泰勒对工人的生产力进行了全面的实验,并测试了他所谓的“任务系统”,后来发展为泰勒系统,并最终发展为科学管理。

The core ideas of the theory were developed by Taylor in the 1880s and 1890s, and were first published in his monographs, Shop Management (1905) and The Principles of Scientific Management (1911). Taylor believed that decisions based upon tradition and rules of thumb should be replaced by precise procedures developed after careful study of an individual at work.
该理论的核心思想由泰勒在 1880 年代和 1890 年代提出,并首次发表在他的专著《商店管理》(1905 年)和《科学管理原理》(1911 年)中。泰勒认为,基于传统和经验法则的决定应该被在仔细研究工作中的个人后制定的精确程序所取代。

Taylor’s scientific management theory analyzes and synthesizes workflow processes and improving labor productivity. His experiments included determining the best way of performing each work operation, the time it required, materials needed and the work sequence. He wanted to establish a clear division of labor between management and employees.

Following are the four basic principles of Scientific management theory:

-Study the ways jobs are performed now and determine new ways to do them.
- 研究现在执行工作的方式并确定新的完成方法。

-Codify the new methods into rules.
- 将新方法编纂成规则。

-Select workers whose skills match the rules.
- 选择技能符合规则的工人。

- Establish fair levels of performance and pay
- 建立公平的绩效和薪酬水平

incentive for higher performance.

The scientific management is a 'manager centric' approach. The most fundamental aspect of scientific management is that the manager is primarily responsible for increasing an organization's productivity. Scientific management principles are to be applied by managers in a very specific fashion.

Taylor is known for proposing 'one best way to do things' or scientific management/Taylorism. Time and motion were a scientific analysis of task for examining the physical movements and requirements for the completion of task. The idea of Taylorism is found to be consistent with the concerns of Adam Smith that emphasized division of labour bringing specialization, which leads to enhanced productivity.
泰勒以提出“一种最好的做事方式”或科学管理/泰勒主义而闻名。时间和运动是对任务的科学分析,用于检查身体运动和完成任务的要求。泰勒主义的思想与亚当·斯密 (Adam Smith) 的关注点一致,亚当·斯密强调分工带来专业化,从而提高生产力。

In doing so the humans are treated as machines while ignoring the demoralizing and inhuman effects of tasks on the workers. In addition to that, Taylor also commenced another study “science of shovelling” for determining the optimal weight to be lifted by the workers, thus, the optimal shovels were introduced to increase productivity while reward as increase in the pay was motivator.

American mechanical engineer and management consultant Henry L. Gantt (1861-1919), and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, American names which will forever be associated with engineering and process improvement, decoded the principles of management as the scientific management theory in which much concentration was put on the methods that can improve the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of workers along with their performance. To be precise, this theory concentrated much on the division of work, training of workers, and specialization in addition to tangible incentives. America's pioneer in industrial engineering and management Harrington Emerson (1853-1931) stated twelve principles of efficiency that enables manager in defining objectives, developing scientific methods for evaluation, forming standardized procedures and rewarding employees.
美国机械工程师和管理顾问亨利·甘特 (Henry L. Gantt) (1861-1919) 以及弗兰克和莉莲·吉尔布雷斯 (Frank and Lillian Gilbreth) 这两个美国人的名字将永远与工程和流程改进联系在一起,他们将管理原则解码为科学的管理理论,其中非常关注可以提高工人的生产力、效率和有效性的方法以及他们的绩效。准确地说,除了有形的激励之外,该理论还主要集中在工作分工、工人培训和专业化上。美国工业工程和管理的先驱哈灵顿·爱默生(Harrington Emerson,1853-1931 年)提出了 12 项效率原则,使管理者能够定义目标、开发科学的评估方法、形成标准化程序和奖励员工。

The major notion of the motivation for employees under scientific management were seen as money. Money is an effective, powerful and simple motivator but it is not always motivator for everyone because at times it has power to demotivate. The major drawback of this school of thought is that it treats and views worker from only the lens of economics whereas workers’ behaviours are not always directed by financial needs as there are other needs such as social, security and esteem needs. Nevertheless, for lower

level jobs, still money is often use as a basic need (key motivator), reflecting that the scientific management is still applicable in the modern-day management.

The shortcomings of the Scientific Theory had triggered the quest for more workable solutions and resulted in the formulation of bureaucratic management, and administrative management theories. The scientific method was also got refined further during the course of time.

Administrative management

French mining engineer Henri Fayol (1841-1925) is the prominent advocate of administrative management. He spent his entire working career with a mining company, where he rose from an apprentice to General Manager. As a result of his long management career, Fayol developed fourteen management principles:
法国采矿工程师亨利·法约尔 (Henri Fayol) (1841-1925) 是行政管理的杰出倡导者。他的整个职业生涯都在一家矿业公司度过,在那里他从学徒晋升为总经理。在他漫长的管理生涯中,Fayol 制定了 14 项管理原则:

1.Division of Work. Division of work, specialization, produces more and better work with the same effort. It focuses effort while maximizing employee efforts. It is applicable to all work including technical applications. There are limitations to specialization which are determined by its application.

2.Authority and responsibility. Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. Distinction must be made between a manager's official authority deriving from office and personal authority created through individual personality, intelligence and experience. Authority creates responsibility.

3.Discipline. Obedience and respect between a firm and its employees based on clear and fair agreements is absolutely essential to the functioning of any organization. Good discipline requires managers to apply sanctions whenever violations become apparent.

4.Unity of command. An employee should receive orders from only one superior. Employees cannot adapt to dual command.

5.Unity of direction. Organizational activities must have one central authority and one plan of action.

6.Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest. The interests of one employee or group of employees are subordinate to the interests and goals of the organization and cannot prevail over it.

7.Remuneration of Personnel. Salaries are the price of services rendered by employees. It should be fair and provide satisfaction both to the employee and employer. The rate of remuneration is dependent on the value of the services rendered as determined by the employment market.

8.Centralization. The optimum degree of centralization varies according to the dynamics of each organization. The objective of centralization is the best utilization of personnel.

9.Scalar chain. A chain of authority exists from the highest organizational authority to the lowest ranks. While needless departure from the chain of command should be discouraged, using the "gang plank" principle of direct communication between employees can be extremely expeditious and increase the effectiveness of organizational communication.

10.Order. Organizational order for materials and personnel is essential. The right materials and the right employees are necessary for each organizational function and activity.

11.Equity. In organizations equity is a combination of kindliness and justice. The desire for equity and equality of treatment are aspirations to be taken into account in dealing with employees.

12.Stability of Tenure of Personnel. In order to attain the maximum productivity of personnel, it is essential to maintain a stable work force. Management insecurity produces undesirable consequences. Generally the managerial personnel of prosperous concerns is stable, that of unsuccessful ones is unstable.

13.Initiative. Thinking out a plan and ensuring its success is an extremely strong motivator. At all levels of the organizational ladder zeal and energy on the part of employees are augmented by initiative.

14.Esprit de Corps. Teamwork is fundamentally important to an organization. Creating work teams and using extensive face-to-face verbal communication encourages this.
14.Esprit de Corps.团队合作对组织来说至关重要。创建工作团队并使用广泛的面对面口头交流可以鼓励这一点。

Fayol is heavily emphasized on rationality, logic
Fayol 非常强调理性、逻辑

and consistency. Fayol's 14 principles of management promoted efficiency through division of work,
和一致性。Fayol 的 14 项管理原则通过分工提高效率,

which are still recognised idea in the present day. However, it appears less applicable to some

extent in modern day work environments. Moreover, even in modern era, Fayol offers a good start for the managers and organisation to learn about approaches, structures and managerial functions such as planning, forecasting, organising, directing, coordinating and monitoring.
范围。此外,即使在现代,Fayol 也为管理者和组织提供了一个良好的开端,让他们了解方法、结构和管理职能,例如规划、预测、组织、指导、协调和监控。

Bureaucratic Management

Max Weber, (born April 21, 1864, Erfurt, Prussia [Germany]—died June 14, 1920, Munich, Germany), German sociologist and political economist best known for his ideas on bureaucracy.
马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber,1864 年 4 月 21 日生于德国普鲁士埃尔福特,1920 年 6 月 14 日卒于德国慕尼黑),德国社会学家和政治经济学家,以其官僚主义思想而闻名。

Нe was influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud, and Slavic cultural ideals, exemplified in the works of Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. In this setting Weber developed his political sociology, which makes the crucial distinction between charismatic, traditional, and legal forms of authority. Max Webber proposed a theory of bureaucracy for organisational efficiency based of organisational systems functioning on set of rules, policies and hierarchy of authority.
Нe 受到弗里德里希·尼采和西格蒙德·弗洛伊德以及斯拉夫文化理想的影响,列夫·托尔斯泰和费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品中就是例证。在这种背景下,韦伯发展了他的政治社会学,该学对魅力、传统和法律形式的权威进行了关键区分。马克斯·韦伯 (Max Webber) 提出了一种官僚主义理论,其基础是组织系统根据一系列规则、政策和权力等级制度运作。

Max Weber is one of the strong advocates of bureaucracy. According to Weber the major characteristics of bureaucracy are:
Max Weber 是官僚主义的坚定倡导者之一。根据韦伯的说法,官僚主义的主要特征是:

A well defined hierarchy

All positions within a bureaucracy are structured in a way permitting the higher positions to supervise and control the lower positions. This provides a clear chain of command facilitating control and order throughout the organization.

Division of labor and specialization

All responsibilities in an organization are streamlined in a way that each employee will have the necessary expertise to master a particular task. This necessitates granting each employee the requisite authority to complete all such tasks.

Rules and regulations

All organizational activities are streamlined in a way that standard operating procedures are developed to provide certainty and facilitate coordination.

Impersonal relationships between managers and employees

Weber believed that managers should maintain an impersonal relationship with the employees so that the managers will be free to take rational decisions rather than one influenced by favoritism and personal prejudice. This organizational atmosphere would also facilitate rational evaluation of employee outcomes where personal prejudices shall not interfere.
Weber 认为,管理者应该与员工保持一种非个人的关系,这样管理者就可以自由地做出理性的决定,而不是受偏袒和个人偏见的影响。这种组织氛围也将有助于对员工结果进行理性评估,其中个人偏见不应干扰。


Competence should be the basis for all decisions made in hiring, job assignments, and promotions. This would encourage ability and merit as the most important characteristics of a bureaucratic organization.


Weber felt it is absolutely essential for a bureaucracy to maintain complete files regarding all its activities. This ncessitates an accurate organizational "memory" where accurate and complete documents will be available concerning all bureaucratic actions and decisions.
Weber 认为,官僚机构维护有关其所有活动的完整文件是绝对必要的。这需要准确的组织“记忆”,其中将提供有关所有官僚行动和决策的准确和完整的文件。

Modern Management Theory:

As the classical theory focuses on the rational economic view, modern management theory is based on the complex employee view. Each organization is complex in its own way and consists of workers each with diverse needs, motives, aspirations and potential. According to this theory, an organization consists of manpower with different perspectives, aspirations, potentials and needs. So it is crucial that they are approached through custom-made principles rather than common which not only makes them fed up, but also lose their potentials. This theory firmly believes that no single managerial strategy can be applied to all people at all times. According to this theory, each employee has different views and many motives involved which varies between organizations. Further, they also gain new motives as they are exposed to experience. So there is a need for managers to apply different strategies at different times and for different persons.

Human Relation School

George Elton Mayo (26 December 1880 – 7 September 1949), an Australian born psychologist, industrial researcher, and organizational theorist, is the main champion of human relations movement that later transformed into organisational behaviour. He argued that inter-relationships within the group members are vital aspect at the organisational settings. The study known as “Hawthorne experiment” proved as paradigm shifter in the management studies.
乔治·埃尔顿·梅奥(George Elton Mayo,1880 年 12 月 26 日 - 1949 年 9 月 7 日)是一位出生于澳大利亚的心理学家、工业研究员和组织理论家,是人际关系运动的主要倡导者,后来转变为组织行为。他认为,在组织环境中,团队成员内部的相互关系至关重要。这项被称为“霍桑实验”的研究被证明是管理研究的范式转变者。

In actual, “Hawthorne Effect” is a term explaining the phenomenon of individuals work and demonstrate better performance when they are observed. Since the experiment took place at Western Electric's Hawthorne
实际上,“霍桑效应”是一个术语,解释了个人工作并在被观察时表现出更好的表现的现象。由于实验是在 Western Electric 的 Hawthorne 进行的

company therefore phenomenon is termed after the location. The experiment was conducted to assess whether there is a correlation between productivity and work environments (such as light, break duration and length of day work). It was evident that employee’s productivity tends to enhance due to change during the experiment however, it declines when experiments ends. The experiment proved vital in establishing the key notion that increased attention from the

head/supervisor is reason for improved performance. Follow up interviews with the workers revealed that individuals do not leave their attitude, emotions and feelings back home as they do not only work for economic gain. Their motivation to work was not only confined to economic benefits but a good treatment, healthy work environment and autonomy to do things in their own way motivates them to do better at work.

Behavioural Schools

The Hawthorne experiment led to the inclined interest in behavioural science within the management,

leading to transform human relations approach into modern behaviourism. Interestingly, behavioural schools could also be taken into consideration under

the modern organisational humanism within modern management theory. Thus, this indicates that most of the aspects of behavioural schools are relevant in the modern-day management theories. There are number of scholars such as, Abraham Maslow, Douglas McGregor, Frederick Herzberg, Mary Parker Follet and so on who had contributed to behavioural school.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Harold Maslow (Brooklyn, 1 april 1908 – Menlo Park, 8 june 1970) was an American psychologist who created Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Abraham Maslow categorized the total five types of employee needs. The pyramid of needs had the
亚伯拉罕·哈罗德·马斯洛(布鲁克林,1908 年 4 月 1 日 - 门洛帕克,1970 年 6 月 8 日)是一位美国心理学家,他创建了马斯洛需求层次理论。Abraham Maslow 将员工需求分为五种类型。需求金字塔具有

most basic needs at the bottom and term them as “physiological needs” such as, sleep, eat, water, sex, breathing. With the attainment of these needs, second need arise namely, “safety needs” as the previous needs do not remain motivators. The basic safety, protection, stability and no fear remain the concerns of the individual. If a person's safety needs are not satisfied then they work as motivators. This

is a need of an individual that he/she wants a social support and acceptance, love, and friendship in the society. It is also considered as the prime motivator for the individual after physical and security needs remain

no longer motivator, and therefore, he/she develops a meaningful relationship with others. Maslow argued that after the satisfaction of one need, individuals inclined to another level of need while only one type of need work at a time. Some scholars criticized the work of Maslow by stating that multiple needs can work together rather than one need at a time. For instance, physiological and security needs can both work at a

time on individuals. In addition to that, Maslow ignored the environmental factors by considering the needs occurring in static manner whereas in actual, environmental factors tend to vary due to constantly change in the dynamics.

Theory X and Theory Y
理论 X 和理论 Y

Douglas Murray McGregor (September 6, 1906 – October 1, 1964), an American management professor at the MIT Sloan School, in his book, “human side of enterprises” published in 1960 argued that there are two types of individual in the organisation, respectively X and Y type. Theory X managers have a negative view of workers and perceived them as untrustworthy, lazy, and lacking the initiative to take responsibility. The Y type managers are participative and democratic in their style and thus motivates employees by involving them actively in their routine tasks. In the 21st century still the theory is practically visible as there is higher focus on self-managed workers and as a result they are involved in such programs so that they
麻省理工学院斯隆学院的美国管理学教授道格拉斯·默里·麦格雷戈(Douglas Murray McGregor,1906 年 9 月 6 日 - 1964 年 10 月 1 日)在他 1960 年出版的《企业的人性方面》一书中指出,组织中有两种类型的个人,分别是 X 型和 Y 型。理论 X 的管理者对工人持负面看法,认为他们不值得信赖、懒惰且缺乏承担责任的主动性。Y 型经理的风格是参与式和民主的,因此通过让员工积极参与日常任务来激励员工。在 21 世纪,该理论仍然几乎可见,因为人们更加关注自我管理的工人,因此他们参与此类计划,以便他们

are more creative and willing to take initiatives, which are aligned with the aspects of Theory Y.
更有创造力并愿意采取与 Y 理论的各个方面一致的主动性。

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

Two factor theory is regarded as motivation theory and dual-factor theory proposed by Frederick Herzberg
双因素理论被认为是 Frederick Herzberg 提出的动机理论和双因素理论

in 195. Frederick Irving Herzberg (April 18, 1923 – January 19, 2000) was an American psychologist who became one of the most influential names in business management. The main notion of the theory is that there is an association between intrinsic factors
在 195 年。弗雷德里克·欧文·赫茨伯格(Frederick Irving Herzberg,1923 年 4 月 18 日 - 2000 年 1 月 19 日)是一位美国心理学家,后来成为企业管理领域最有影响力的人物之一。该理论的主要概念是内在因素之间存在关联

and job satisfaction while linkage is between extrinsic factors and job dissatisfaction. Traditionally, it was viewed that satisfaction and dissatisfaction were the two ends of one node, but Herzberg altered this by proposing that “satisfaction” and “dissatisfaction” are the two different ends of two distinctive

nodes. This means that it is not necessarily right that a person who is not satisfied is always dissatisfied and vice versa. In other words, Herzberg argued that an elimination of dissatisfying attributes related to job would not always make job further satisfying and vice versa. Thus, to motivate employees, there should be motivators (such as, achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement and growth) because other factors (supervision, company policy, relationship with supervisor, salary, working conditions, relationship with subordinates, status

and security) would only help in removing dissatisfaction while motivators would alter the behavioural aspect of employees to be more committed and satisfied, that would eventually improve the organisational productivity. It could be said that this theory is still relevant in the 21st century of
和安全性)只会帮助消除不满,而激励因素会改变员工的行为方面,使其更加投入和满意,最终会提高组织的生产力。可以说,这个理论在 21 世纪仍然适用

management of employees at workplace. However, this theory also has its lacking and one of the major criticisms this theory has received is that is rather simplistic in its procedures and methodology.

The Management Theory of Lateral Process Within Hierarchy

Mary Parker Follett (3 September 1868 – 18 December 1933) was an American management consultant, social worker, philosopher and pioneer in the fields of organizational theory and organizational behavior. Along with Lillian Gilbreth, she was one of two great women management experts in the early days of classical management theory. Follett is regarded as the “Mother of Modern Management” because of her contribution to the management field. The epicentre of her theory is that “management is the art of getting things done through people”. Direct contact, early stages, reciprocal relationships, and continuous process were the practices of coordination that enabled Follett’s management theory to have lateral movement within the organisational hierarchy. According to Follett’s theory, it is essential to have a direct contact between the managers and workers in order to have smooth relationship while avoiding the misunderstandings and conflicts that hinder the organizational process as well as efficiency. Follett argued that instead of personal power, there should be group power because organisations are not existing to benefit one person, but to be beneficial for all workers. Due to this thought process, there is higher team work rather than competition among workers.
玛丽·帕克·福莱特(Mary Parker Follett,1868 年 9 月 3 日 - 1933 年 12 月 18 日)是美国管理顾问、社会工作者、哲学家,也是组织理论和组织行为学领域的先驱。她与 Lillian Gilbreth 一起是古典管理理论早期两位伟大的女性管理专家之一。Follett 因其对管理领域的贡献而被视为“现代管理之母”。她的理论中心是“管理是通过人完成事情的艺术”。直接接触、早期阶段、互惠关系和持续过程是协调的实践,使福莱特的管理理论能够在组织层次结构内横向移动。根据福莱特的理论,管理者和工人之间必须有直接的接触,这样才能建立顺畅的关系,同时避免阻碍组织过程和效率的误解和冲突。福莱特认为,应该有群体权力,而不是个人权力,因为组织的存在不是为了使一个人受益,而是为了让所有工人受益。由于这种思维过程,员工之间有更高的团队合作而不是竞争。

Follett’s theory is applicable in the present day too because there are evidences of organisations being successful due to higher integration and power sharing. For instance, Walt Disney Company uses horizontal

integration by buying distinctive sources of creative things such as Lucasfilm, Marvel Comics and Jin Henson Studios, which helped the company in creating successful and iconic characters. This happened due to integration within the different units of the organisation.
通过购买卢卡斯影业、漫威漫画和 Jin Henson Studios 等独特的创意来源进行整合,这有助于公司创造成功的标志性角色。这是由于组织不同部门内部的整合而发生的。

TOPIC TWO Organizational forms and management structures
主题二 组织形式和管理结构

What Is Organizational Structure?

Organizational structure provides a framework for vertical control and horizontal coordination of the organization.

There are seven key elements that educational administrators need to address when they design their organization’s structure: job specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, authority and responsibility, centralization/decentralization, line and staff authority, and span of control. Let’s present each of these key elements as an answer to an important structural question:

Key Design Question The Answer Is Provided
关键设计问题 答案已提供

1. To what degree are activities subdivided into separate jobs? Job specialization
1. 活动在多大程度上被细分为单独的工作?工作专业化

2. On what basis will jobs be grouped together? Departmentalization
2. 工作将根据什么进行分组?部门化

3. To whom do individuals and groups report? Chain of command
3. 个人和团体向谁报告?指挥链

4. What is the framework for providing direction and control? Authority and responsibility
4. 提供指导和控制的框架是什么?权限和责任

5. Where does decision-making authority lie? Centralization/decentralization
5. 决策权在哪里?集中化/去中心化

6. What type of authority flows in a direct line in the chain of command, and what type
6. 什么类型的授权在指挥链中直接流动,以及什么类型

flows to line personnel in the form of advice? Line and staff authority

7. How many people can an administrator efficiently and effectively direct? Span of control
7. 管理员可以有效地指导多少人?控制范围

Job Specialization

A basic concept of organizational structure is to divide the work to be accomplished into specialized tasks and to organize them into distinct units. Examples of job specialization are the division of the school into elementary, middle, and high school units; the distinction between administrative and teaching functions; and the variety of position certificates required by departments of education, including superintendent, business manager, principal, supervisor, teaching specialties, and many other support staff, including secretaries, food service personnel, maintenance workers, bus drivers, and the like.

Specialization is a key organizing concept. Job specialization allows a variety of tasks to be performed simultaneously. For example, in a school, budgeting, counseling, typing, preparing lunch, and teaching can be performed concurrently by different people.

The three most common alternatives to job specialization are job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment. Job rotation involves systematically moving employees from one job to another. In large school districts, principals are often rotated between schools every five years. Job enlargement adds breadth to a job by increasing the number and variety
工作专业化的三种最常见的替代方案是工作轮换、工作扩大和工作丰富化。工作轮换涉及系统地将员工从一份工作转移到另一份工作。在大型学区,校长通常每五年在学校之间轮换一次。Job 扩大通过增加工作的数量和种类来增加工作的广度

of activities performed by an employee. Job enrichment adds depth to a job by adding “administrative” activities (decision making, staffing, budgeting, reporting) to an employee’s responsibilities.


Departmentalization, the organization-wide division of work, permits to coordinate the activities of the component parts. School districts may be broadly divided into divisions of instruction, business, personnel, and research and development. Further subdividing of a division may produce departments responsible for specific subjects, such as English, social studies, mathematics, and science. Departments—frequently labeled divisions, building units, departments, or teams—often indicate hierarchical relationships.
部门化,即组织范围内的工作分工,允许协调各组成部分的活动。学区大致可分为教学、商业、人事和研发部门。进一步细分一个部门可能会产生负责特定学科的部门,例如英语、社会研究、数学和科学。部门(通常标记为 division、building units、departments 或 teams)通常表示等级关系。

Generally, functional departmentalization has certain disadvantages. Personnel can develop overly narrow and technical viewpoints that lose sight of the total system perspective, communication and coordination across departments can be difficult, and conflicts often emerge as each department or unit attempts to protect its own area of authority and responsibility.

Chain of Command

Chain of command, concerned with the flow of authority and responsibility within an organization, is associated with two underlying principles. Unity of command means that a subordinate is accountable to only one person—the person from whom they receive authority and responsibility. The scalar principle means that authority and responsibility should flow in a direct line vertically from top management to the lowest level.

All organizations differ in the degree of their vertical divisions of work. For example, in the university, there is a hierarchy within the professional ranks: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor. In the school district organization, there are vertical differentiations of positions ranging from teachers to department heads, principals, directors, and superintendents. These levels are typically well defined, with differences in role and status for the various positions.

Authority and Responsibility

Authority is the right to make decisions and direct the work of others. It is an important concept in organizational structure because administrators and other personnel must be authorized to carry out jobs to which they are assigned. Furthermore, authority and responsibility should be linked; that is, responsibility for the execution of work must be accompanied by the authority to accomplish the job. There is a general agreement that authority and responsibility provides the framework for legitimizing organizational hierarchy and provides the basis for direction and control.


Delegation of authority between a superior and a subordinate is a way of sharing power. If administrators in a school district tend to delegate considerable authority and responsibility, more decisions are made at lower levels in the organization. In these cases, the organization follows an administrative philosophy of decentralization. On the other hand, when school administrators retain most of the authority, depending on subordinates to implement decisions only, the organization is practicing centralization. Centralization and decentralization represent opposite ends of a continuum. That is, authority is delegated to a relatively small or large degree in the organization.

Should organizations centralize or decentralize? In the United States and Canada, the trend has been toward greater decentralization of organizations. Decentralization is said to have the following advantages: It makes greater use of human resources, unburdens top-level administrators, ensures that decisions are made close to the firing line by personnel with technical knowledge, and permits more rapid response to external changes. These advantages are so compelling that it is tempting to think of decentralization as “good” and centralization as “bad.” But total decentralization, with no coordination from the top, would be undesirable. The very purpose of organization—efficient integration of subunits for the good of the whole—would be diminished without some centralized control. The question for school leaders is not whether a school or school district should be decentralized but to what extent it should be decentralized.

Line and Staff Authority

Another way to view organizational structure is as line and staff authority. Line authority is that relationship in which a superior exercises direct supervision over a subordinate—an authority relationship in a direct line in the chain of command. Thus, the superintendent can order the assistant superintendent of instruction to implement a curriculum change, and the assistant superintendent in turn can order the directors of elementary and secondary education to do the same, and so on down the chain of command. Staff authority is advisory in nature. The function of personnel in a staff position is to create, develop, collect, and analyze information, which flows to line personnel in the form of advice. Staff personnel do not possess the legitimate authority to implement this advice. Familiar example of staff position is assistant to the superintendent. He might be involved in such activities as computer programming, preparing enrollment projections, or conducting special studies that flow to the superintendent requiring information or advice. But he is not expected to contribute to school district outcomes.

Span of Control

Span of control refers to the number of subordinates reporting directly to a supervisor. Is there an ideal span of control? There is no agreement regarding what is the best span of control. The most widely used criteria on this point suggest that spans can be larger at lower levels in an organization than at higher levels. Subordinates can be effectively supervised at lower levels because they typically perform much more routine activities.

The Bureaucratic Model

Today the term bureaucracy has a negative connotation. We tend to associate bureaucracy with rigidity, meaningless rules, red tape, paperwork, and inefficiency. In fact, there is almost no evil that has not, at some point, been attributed to bureaucracy. But the irony is that the concept of bureaucracy sometimes looks as an ideal form of organizational structure. According to the famous German sociologist Max Weber (1947), the ideal bureaucracy possesses the following characteristics:
今天,官僚主义一词具有负面含义。我们倾向于将官僚主义与僵化、毫无意义的规则、繁文缛节、文书工作和低效率联系起来。事实上,几乎没有什么罪恶在某个时候不被归咎于官僚主义。但具有讽刺意味的是,官僚主义的概念有时看起来是一种理想的组织结构形式。根据德国著名社会学家马克斯·韦伯 (Max Weber) (1947) 的说法,理想的官僚机构具有以下特征:

•• Division of Labor. Divide all tasks into highly specialized jobs. Give each jobholder the authority necessary to perform these duties.
•• 分工。将所有任务划分为高度专业化的工作。赋予每个 jobholder 履行这些职责所需的权力。

•• Rules. Perform each task according to a consistent system of abstract rules. This practice helps ensure that task performance is uniform.

•• Hierarchy of Authority. Arrange all positions according to the principle of hierarchy. Each lower office is under the control of a higher one, and there is a clear chain of command from the top of the organization to the bottom.
•• 权限层次结构。根据层次结构原则排列所有位置。每个下级职位都由上级办公室控制,从组织的顶部到底部都有明确的指挥链。

•• Impersonality. Maintain an impersonal attitude toward subordinates. This social distance between managers and subordinates helps ensure that rational considerations are the basis for decision making, rather than favoritism or prejudices.

•• Competence. Base employment on qualifications and give promotions based on job-related performance. Protect employees from arbitrary dismissal, which should result in a high level of loyalty.

Weber’s characteristics of bureaucracy apply to many

large-sized organizations today. General Motors, Xerox, the U.S. military system, the Vatican, most universities, and school boards are bureaucracies. However, not all characteristics outlined by Weber appear in practice as they were originally intended. Numerous misconceptions in the literature exist regarding Weber’s concept of the ideal bureaucracy. Although few “pure” bureaucracies exist today, almost all organizations have some elements of bureaucracy within their structure.
今天的大型组织。通用汽车、施乐、美国军事系统、梵蒂冈、大多数大学和学校董事会都是官僚机构。然而,并非 Weber 概述的所有特征都像它们最初预期的那样在实践中出现。文献中关于韦伯的理想官僚机构概念存在许多误解。尽管今天存在很少的“纯粹”官僚机构,但几乎所有组织的结构中都包含一些官僚主义元素。

Bureaucracy—the basic infrastructure of schools in the industrial world—may be ill-suited to the demands of our postindustrial, demographically diverse information-age society. Bureaucratic characteristics not only are being viewed as less than useful but also are considered to be harmful. Let’s talk of some built-in dysfunctions of bureaucracy. A high degree of division of labor can reduce staff initiative and impede the achievement of the overall goals of the school. For example, specialization may hinder communication between units. Moreover, overspecialization may result in boredom and routine for some staff, which can lead to dissatisfaction, absenteeism, and turnover.

Weber claimed that the use of formal rules and procedures was adopted to help remove the uncertainty in attempting to coordinate a variety of activities in an
Weber 声称,采用正式规则和程序是为了帮助消除试图协调各种活动的不确定性

Organization. The use of rules and procedures is only a limited strategy in trying to achieve coordinated actions. The emphasis on rules and procedures can produce excessive red tape. Other strategies may be required but the problem is that once established, ineffectual rules or procedures in a bureaucracy are tremendously difficult to remove.

What about the emphasis on Hierarchy of Authority? In theory, the hierarchy has both a downward and an upward communication flow. In practice, it usually has only a downward emphasis. Thus upward communication is impeded, and there is no formal recognition of horizontal communication. This kills individual initiative and participation in decision making.

Weber’s bureaucratic model stresses lifelong careers and evaluations based on merit. But because a high degree of specialization enables most employees to master their jobs quickly, there is a tendency to base promotions more on loyalty than on actual skill and performance. Thus the idea of having the most competent people in positions within the organization is not fully realized. Loyalty is obtained, but this loyalty is toward the protection of one’s position and not to the effectiveness of the organization.

The impersonal nature of bureaucracy is probably its most serious shortcoming. Recent critics of bureaucracy attack it as emphasizing rigid, control-oriented structures over people.

New viewpoints are leading to a decline in the use of bureaucratic structure in modern organizations. School administrators in the twenty-first century see a change in some of their duties. One change is a shift away from simply supervising the work of others to that of contributing directly to the school district’s objectives. Instead of shuffling papers and writing reports, the modern administrator may be practicing a craft. Not a lot of words but deeds.
新的观点导致现代组织中官僚结构的减少。21 世纪的学校管理人员看到他们的一些职责发生了变化。一个变化是从简单地监督他人的工作转变为直接为学区的目标做出贡献。现代管理员可能不是在整理论文和撰写报告,而是在练习一门手艺。不是很多言语,而是行动。

In recent years, popular writers have expressed increasing dissatisfaction with bureaucratic structures. This is reflected in the phenomenal appeal of numerous best-selling books such as: In Search of Excellence, Principle-Centered Leadership, Schools That Learn. Just pay attention to these book titles. The basic topic of these books is that there are viable alternatives to the bureaucratic model. There is a strong implication that warm, human, caring, trusting, challenging organizations produce higher productivity in people.

The Participatory Management Model

Participatory management represents an extension of the bureaucratic model. The excessive rigidity of the bureaucratic approach stimulated interest in participatory management. These new theories of organization place greater emphasis on employee morale and job satisfaction. Participatory management stresses the importance of motivating employees and building an organization for that purpose.

In 1960 American management professor Douglas McGregor presented a convincing argument that most managerial actions flow directly from the assumptions managers hold about their subordinates. The idea is that management’s views of people control operating practices as well as organizational structure. McGregor referred to these contrasting sets of assumptions as Theory X and Theory Y.
1960 年,美国管理学教授道格拉斯·麦格雷戈 (Douglas McGregor) 提出了一个令人信服的论点,即大多数管理行为直接源于管理者对下属的假设。这个想法是,管理层对人的看法控制着运营实践和组织结构。麦格雷戈将这些对比鲜明的假设集称为 X 理论和 Y 理论。

Leaders with Theory X assumptions have the following views of people:
具有 X 理论假设的领导者对人们有以下看法:

•• The average person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible.
•• 普通人不喜欢工作,如果可能的话会避免工作。

•• Because people dislike work, they must be controlled, directed, and threatened.
•• 因为人们不喜欢工作,所以他们必须被控制、指导和威胁。

•• The average person prefers to be directed and controlled by someone in authority.
•• 普通人更喜欢由权威人士指导和控制。

The opposite assumptions characterize the Theory Y manager:
理论 Y 经理的特征是相反的假设:

•• Work is as natural as play or rest.
•• 工作就像玩耍或休息一样自然。

•• Commitment to objectives is a function of rewards for achievement.
•• 对目标的承诺是成就奖励的功能。

•• Under proper conditions, people accept and seek responsibility.
• 在适当的条件下,人们接受并寻求责任。

McGregor considers Theory X to be incompatible with democratic or participatory organizations because it conflicts with individual need fulfillment on the job. Therefore, McGregor espouses Theory Y, because people’s behavior in modern organizations more nearly matches its set of assumptions. Theory Y argues that span of control would be wide, not narrow, in order to provide greater freedom and opportunities for growth and fulfillment of employees’ needs. Emphasis on hierarchy would be replaced by emphasis on decentralization and delegation of decisions.
麦格雷戈认为 X 理论与民主或参与式组织不兼容,因为它与工作中的个人需求实现相冲突。因此,McGregor 支持 Y 理论,因为人们在现代组织中的行为更接近于其假设。Y 理论认为,控制范围将是宽的,而不是窄的,以便为成长和满足员工的需求提供更大的自由和机会。强调等级制度将被强调权力下放和决策授权所取代。

Alternative Models of Organizational Structure

The bureaucratic and participatory management models laid the groundwork for more complex approaches to organizational structure. Top-level school administrators must consider the relative

suitability of alternative approaches to organizational structure, based on the problems they face and the environment in which they work. Let’s describe some alternative approaches to organizational structure. In structuring, for example, a professional-school orientation, school administrators must answer the following strategic questions:

• In which decisions will professional teachers become involved? There appears to be general agreement that teachers should be more involved in making decisions. However, we need to specify the areas in which teachers will play larger roles in decision making.
• 专业教师将参与哪些决策?人们似乎普遍认为教师应该更多地参与决策。但是,我们需要明确教师将在哪些领域发挥更大的决策作用。

• Who will make what decisions in the school? How much influence should teachers have with respect to decisions affecting other parties in the school—students, teachers, support staff, principals, central office administrators, school board members? The roles of these stakeholders may need to be clarified or redefined in a professional-school structure.
• 谁将在学校做出什么决定?教师应该对影响学校其他方(学生、教师、支持人员、校长、中央办公室管理员、学校董事会成员)的决策产生多大的影响力?这些利益相关者的角色可能需要在专业学校结构中澄清或重新定义。

• What are the basic tasks of administrators and teachers in the context of a professional-school structure? Put another way, what is the basis of teachers’ expertise and professional identity? The amount of participation in decision making probably should be contingent on whether the issue is relevant to teachers and whether teachers have the expertise to make the decision.
• 在专业学校结构中,管理人员和教师的基本任务是什么?换句话说,教师的专业知识和专业身份的基础是什么?参与决策的程度可能应该取决于问题是否与教师相关,以及教师是否具备做出决定的专业知识。

• What is the role of teacher unions in a professional-school structure? The answer is: the involvement of teacher unions is a key strategic issue in structuring a professional-school orientation.
• 教师工会在专业学校结构中的作用是什么?答案是:教师工会的参与是构建专业学校导向的一个关键战略问题。


The adhocracy has the support staff as its key part. The technostructure is small. The support staff is large to support the complex structure. Adhocracies engage in nonroutine tasks and use sophisticated technology. The primary goal is innovation and rapid adaptation to changing environments. Adhocracies typically are medium sized, must be adaptable, and use resources efficiently. Examples of adhocracies include aerospace and electronics industries, research and development companies, and very innovative school districts. No school districts are pure adhocracies, but medium-sized school districts in very wealthy communities may have some of the characteristics of an adhocracy.

Question: Does school-based decision making enhance student learning?

Arguments PRO
参数 PRO

1. Issues related to the curriculum, resource allocation, and personnel assignments impact classroom instruction. When teachers serve on school-based teams, they are in a position to make decisions that enable student learning.
1. 与课程、资源分配和人员分配相关的问题会影响课堂教学。当教师在校本团队中服务时,他们能够做出有利于学生学习的决策。

2. Teachers must be held more accountable. We are increasing teacher certification requirements and teacher salaries in order to secure a more professional workforce. Professionals need a wide sphere of influence. They must have the authority to change whatever needs to be changed to meet standards.
2. 教师必须承担更多责任。我们正在提高教师资格证要求和教师工资,以确保拥有更专业的劳动力。专业人士需要广泛的影响力。他们必须有权更改任何需要更改的内容以达到标准。

3. School-based teams ensure that everyone with a stake in a matter is consulted. Their decisions are likely to be more workable because all perspectives are considered.
3. 校本团队确保与某一事项有利害关系的每个人都得到咨询。他们的决定可能更可行,因为所有观点都被考虑在内。

Arguments CON
参数 CON

1. Teachers’ expertise is in teaching and learning, not managerial decision making. When teachers serve on school-based teams, their attention and energies are deflected away from ensuring increased student learning.
1. 教师的专长在于教学,而不是管理决策。当教师在校本团队中服务时,他们的注意力和精力会分散到确保提高学生学习水平上。

2. Teachers expect administrators to make school based decisions. If teachers wished to engage in a wider area of decision making, they would become administrators.
2. 教师希望管理人员根据学校做出决策。如果教师希望参与更广泛的决策,他们就会成为管理人员。

3. Most school-based teams have difficulty because so many different perspectives are on the table. Many points of view are mutually exclusive, so weak compromises are reached.
3. 大多数学校团队都遇到困难,因为有太多不同的观点摆在桌面上。许多观点是相互排斥的,因此达成了微弱的妥协。


1. Key elements of organizational structure provide
1. 组织结构的关键要素提供

a framework for vertical control and horizontal

coordination of schools. These key elements include

job specialization, departmentalization, chain of

command, authority and responsibility, centralization/

decentralization, line and staff authority, and span of


2. According to this view, division of labor, abstract
2. 根据这种观点,分工,抽象

rules, vertical hierarchy of authority, impersonality in
规则, 垂直的权威等级, 非人格

interpersonal relations, and advancement based on

competence characterize the ideal bureaucratic


3. The participatory management model is the
3. 参与式管理模式是

antithesis of the ideal bureaucracy. Theory X and
与理想的官僚机构相反。理论 X 和

Theory Y, flexibility, and employee growth
Y 理论、灵活性和员工成长

and development are the keys to participatory


4. Professional-school structure, adhocracy and
4. 专业学校结构、灵活型和

strategy-structure typology are alternative approaches

to organizational structure. These approaches integrate

several ideas from the classical and participatory

management models and the fundamentals of

organizational structure.


1. What are the key elements of organizational structure, and how do they function in schools?
1. 组织结构的关键要素是什么,它们在学校中是如何运作的?

2. How does bureaucracy influence approaches to
2. 官僚主义如何影响

organizational structure, and why are many of the

characteristics of Weber’s ideal bureaucracy still used

in schools today? What are some dysfunctions of


3. Compare and contrast the participatory management
3. 比较和对比参与式管理

Models, Theory X and Theory Y, the alternative models of organizational structure.
模型,理论 X 和理论 Y,组织结构的替代模型。

5. How can school administrators use social systems
5. 学校管理人员如何使用社交系统

theory to better understand how schools function?

Topic THREE. Management decisions
主题 THREE.管理决策

The value of Decision-Making Strategies in Education Management has increased dramatically in recent decades. All people who are involved in the context of education have to rapidly react to changing environment focusing not only on the internal issues but also on a long-term strategy.

First, it seems appropriate to identify the term of decision making. Decision making is a process of making a choice from a number of alternatives to achieve the desired result. Decision Making is the process of selecting the best alternatives. It helps to identify the advantage and disadvantage of the things and helps in choice of best. Without decision making, different managerial function of education like planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing cannot be conducted. It helps in evaluation of marginal performance of educational administrator. When decision is correct it is understood that the manager is qualified, able and efficient. When decision is wrong, it is understood that the manager is disqualified. Without making correct and appropriate decision no organization can exist. A right decision can make a life and a wrong decision can ruin a life. You will fumble in every step.

Quite literally, organizations operate by people making decisions. A manager plans, organizes, staffs, leads, and controls the team by executing decisions. The effectiveness and quality of those decisions determine how successful a manager will be.

Managers are constantly called upon to make decisions in order to solve problems. Decision making and problem solving are ongoing processes of evaluating situations or problems, considering alternatives, making choices, and following them up with the necessary actions. Sometimes the decision‐making process is extremely short, and mental reflection is essentially instantaneous. In other situations, the process can drag on for weeks or even months. The entire decision‐making process is dependent upon the right information being available to the right people at the right times.

All managers want to make the best decisions. To do so, managers need to have the ideal resources — information, time, personnel, equipment, and supplies — and identify any limiting factors. Realistically, managers operate in an environment that normally doesn't provide ideal resources. For example, they may lack the proper budget or may not have the most accurate information or any extra time. So, they must choose to make the best decision possible with the information, resources, and time available.

Time pressures frequently cause a manager to move forward after considering only the first or most obvious answers. However, successful problem solving requires thorough examination of the challenge, and a quick answer may not result in a permanent solution. Thus, a manager should investigate several alternative solutions to a single problem before making a quick decision.

One of the best known methods for developing alternatives is through brainstorming, where a group works together to generate ideas and alternative solutions. The assumption behind brainstorming is that the group dynamic stimulates thinking — one person's ideas, no matter how crazy they are, can generate ideas from the others in the group. Brainstorming usually requires 30 minutes to an hour.
开发替代方案最著名的方法之一是头脑风暴,在这个过程中,一个小组一起产生想法和替代解决方案。头脑风暴背后的假设是,团队动态会激发思考——一个人的想法,无论他们多么疯狂,都可以从团队中的其他人那里产生想法。头脑风暴通常需要 30 分钟到一个小时。

In fact, the more ideas that come up, the better. In other words, there are no bad ideas. Encouragement of the group to freely offer all thoughts on the subject is important. Participants should be encouraged to present ideas no matter how ridiculous they seem, because such ideas may spark a creative thought on the part of someone else.

The managers and leaders who currently work in an educational leadership role, or used to work in one previously, always have to take decisions for almost all the activities that go on within an institute. Some of these decisions may be a bit more strategic and serve a long-term purpose, while some may be taken for meeting immediate requirements.

Although decision making constitutes a major portion of an educational leader or manager’s role, it can sometimes prove to be a very demanding task. In fact, individuals who have just been promoted to leadership roles may find it harder to take decisions as their confidence level may be relatively lower than an experienced leader or manager. Often, when taking decisions, we are exposed to a variety of alternatives, and a thorough (I mean deep) cost-benefit analysis of all these options must be performed to reach the most impactful, the most effective conclusion. This is not as easy as it sounds.

The main traits or qualities of a good decision maker must be acquired by educational leaders and managers to achieve success on an operational and strategic level. There are various types of decisions the managers have to take in the day to day functioning of the firm. Now we are going to look into some of the main types of decision making that underlies a leader and manager’s roles.

Routine Decision Making: As the name suggests, routine decisions are those that the manager makes in the daily functioning of the organization, i.e. they are routine. These decisions are routinely or regularly taken in order to ensure the very existence of the educational institute on a day-to-day basis. Such decisions do not require a lot of evaluation, analysis or in-depth study. In fact, high-level managers usually delegate these decisions to their subordinates. For instance, daily decisions regarding who should organize the next sports event, handling problems with the ledger records, deciding upon frequent website changes, deciding how specific complaints can be handled. These issues arise very frequently, and leaders need to be prepared to make these decisions constantly. While they may appear fairly small, they add up to play a crucial role in the institute’s daily running.

Individual and Group Decision-Making: As a leader, you may notice that it is nearly impossible to handle everything and make all the decisions. For instance, some of the routine decisions may be too minute and it would make sense for you to delegate those decision-making responsibilities. When this is done, a specific group or individual can be asked to engage in the decision-making activities for issues that fall under their respective spectrum of duties.
个人和团体决策: 作为领导者,您可能会注意到几乎不可能处理所有事情并做出所有决定。例如,一些例行决策可能太微小,您将这些决策责任委托给您是有意义的。完成此操作后,可以要求特定团体或个人参与属于其各自职责范围的问题的决策活动。

Strategic Decision-Making: When leading and managing an institute, you will often be charged with the responsibility to expand its operations, enhance the quality of learning, attract more students, form credible academic partnerships, and also raise the institute’s profit margins. All of these elements require strategic decision making wherein the leader has to select any of the chosen long-term objectives, devise a plan that outlines how they can be attained and the decisions that needs to be made in terms of allocating funds, hiring manpower, and many more. These strategic decisions require a thorough analysis of alternative options and are not impulsive calls made in a rush. A lot of research, due diligence, collaborative discussions, and critical thinking to become a successful strategic decision maker.

Unplanned Decision Making: Quite often, you may be pushed to face an unprecedented event such as an emergency wherein you have to make an unplanned decision in order to resolve the issue at hand. This is one of the trickiest types of decision making as you hardly get time to analyze the situation in depth, and the probability to making wrong decisions is much larger.
计划外的决策: 很多时候,您可能会被迫面对前所未有的事件,例如紧急情况,您必须做出计划外的决定才能解决手头的问题。这是最棘手的决策类型之一,因为您几乎没有时间深入分析情况,而且做出错误决策的可能性要大得多。

It is worth noting that one leader or manager usually has to engage in all of these types of decision-making because their application varies across different situations and timelines. Likewise, the methods chosen to approach each of these types of decision making will also vary amongst different leaders. Education management can be a potential solution to understand how each of these decision-making scenarios and types can be handled effectively.

It’s very important to exam the two decision-making strategies that might be utilized by principals including shared decision making and rational-analytical decision-making strategies.

The shared decision making strategy assumes by its very definition a decision made by a particular group.

This strategy is essential to perform one of the most significant tasks that are to be performed by principals. In particular, community engagement and democratic fundamentals follow shared decision making. It aims to enhance the educational process and achieve better outcomes in studying. Due to shared decisions, it is expected that principals will do their best to provide students with high-quality education and ensure their comfort and security.

It is necessary to emphasize that autocratic, joint, consultative, and delegation compose the shared decision-making strategy. An autocratic decision almost does not require any participatory actions of others except a principal himself. It might be applied in cases when confidentiality and security of students or staff are under the threat of violation. However, school-based management requires calling a special team that might consist of teachers, police, or other interested parties to resolve the situation.

A consultative decision-making technique presumes several multilateral consultations, yet principals should make a final decision on their own. By asking ideas and opinions, principals receive necessary information promptly and can make relevant decisions. For instance, they might ask to complete a wish list of required resources so that budget money might be divided following the teachers’ needs. A joint decision is a collective way of decision making when all the members of a team discuss an issue until the final decision. This strategy helps principals to create positive behavioral support among the staff that is achieved by communication and mutual agreements. Some issues might be delegated from principals to staff, yet clear limits should be established to prevent any misunderstanding.

After delegation members made their decision, it is to be approved by the principal. Thus, the increased quality of decisions, staff satisfaction, and a clear vision of alternative ways would follow the shared decision strategy.

Another strategy that might be applied by principals is the rational-analytical decision-making strategy. Principals should possess critical thinking and problem-solving techniques. To make appropriate evidence-based decisions, they are expected to identify goals and desired outcomes. It is of great importance to separate relevant information from the irrelevant ones.

For example, the principal should learn all the peculiarities of teachers including both positive and negative traits. After that, the school leader should properly evaluate information and suggest possible improvements. At the same time, it is crucial to take into account alternatives choosing the best way out. In other words, rational-analytical decisions are justified by an objective analytical process not relying on experience.

Information about the situation under consideration should be accurate, complete, and sufficient. The analytical material should be prepared by experts having knowledge and experience in the corresponding area. In the process of development of administrative decisions, a focal role is played by an adequate assessment of the situation and various factors that affect its development. With this purpose, it is necessary to form an evaluation system, which should include the following aspects:

-criteria characterizing evaluating issue;

-system of performance and scale, with which an issue is estimated for each of the criteria;
- 性能和规模系统,用于为每个标准估计问题;

-principles for comparative assessment of suggested options and solutions.
- 建议选项和解决方案的比较评估原则。

The rational-analytical decision making strategy might compose a centerpiece of school reforms concerning organizational changes. The utilization of this approach leads to effective solutions. It embraces the most important issues such as job satisfaction, educational programs, and others.

Once a decision is made, the principal should implement it. However, the decision-making process depends not only on the principal but also on personnel. Therefore, to conduct a successful implementation, it is important to develop and maintain the problem solution support. Thereby, the rational-analytical decision making strategy focuses on evidence and rationality to provide appropriate solutions.

Decision making is a process that guides actions. Decisions are based on the beliefs, values and previous experiences of individuals. Leaders must know themselves, know why they choose particular ways, know whom to involve, and know which particular decision-making model to use. Today, researchers know that those at the top cannot accurately gather or predict all alternatives. They know that collaboration result in better decisions. The first decision is to decide what level of involvement is most effective.

As I have already emphasized, leaders have at least four options of involvement in decisions: deciding alone, seeking participation and input, seeking collaboration, and letting others decide. These approaches are termed autocratic, participative, collaborative, and laissez fair (let it be), respectively. A wise leader uses participative and collaborative strategies for all important decisions. However, such an approach is not always possible, nor is it preferable in all situations. The leader must assess several factors to decide on the level of involvement:


Urgency may require the leader to make his or her own decision without consulting others. Participative decisions, especially collaborative decisions, require more time than a decision made alone. If important decisions are at stake, the leader must schedule more time for involvement.

Staff Interest in the Decision

Individuals have a "zone of indifference" in which they simply accept the leader's decision. In these cases, the leader would not benefit from trying to gain participation or collaboration. At higher levels of interest, however, more participation or collaboration is appropriate. Leaders who desire more collaboration must generate interest in the decision.

Staff Expertise

Followers who have very low levels of expertise accept the decisions of leaders. Staff members who have higher levels of expertise require either participation or collaboration to arrive at successful decisions. The leader who desires collaboration must raise levels of expertise to successfully involve subordinates.

Importance or Need For a High-Quality Decision

Some decisions are much more important and carry significant consequences. This is usually the case for instruction and learning, whether directly or indirectly. For important questions that demand high-quality decisions, collaboration is the best model. If the decision is relatively unimportant, then the leader should simply make the decision.

Degree of Need for Buy-In or Support for the Decision

Many decisions in education need staff support for successful implementation and results. A collaborative model often increases buy-in and support.

For school-based decision-making to work, four key resources need to be present to develop the capacity to create high performance organizations:

*Knowledge and skills in new instructional strategies; interpersonal, problem-solving, and decision skills for working together as a team; business knowledge for managing the organization, including budgeting and fiscal planning; and assessment strategies for analyzing, interpreting, and acting on school performance data.

*Information about the performance of the organization, including student performance data, budgets, and demographic-trend data.

*Power and authority to make decisions, especially in the areas of curriculum and instruction, staffing and personnel, and resource allocation and budgeting.

*Rewards for high performance, including intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, such as salary adjustments, professional development opportunities, performance-based pay, group or team-based rewards, and public recognition for their accomplishments.

The uncertainty of recent years has presented difficult decision-making opportunities. Teachers, students, the entire school and university community are frequently impacted by these decisions. How can I make the best decision in the most challenging of situations? It is normal to feel overwhelmed by this, but it is critical to remember your mission and values in the face of decision-making. These 10 decision-making tips for school leaders can help tackle tough decisions.
近年来的不确定性带来了艰难的决策机会。教师、学生、整个学校和大学社区经常受到这些决定的影响。在最具挑战性的情况下,我如何做出最佳决定?对此感到不知所措是正常的,但在面对决策时牢记自己的使命和价值观至关重要。这 10 个给学校领导的决策技巧可以帮助应对艰难的决定。

1. Establish clear goals. However, know that flexibility and backup plans are key.
1. 建立明确的目标。但是,要知道灵活性和备份计划是关键。

Create shared goals among your staff. Clear goals give us clarity of thinking, leading to greater wisdom in how to best use one’s time to pursue clear goals. However, with the uncertainty that remains in the air, it is essential to be flexible and have a backup plan. Everything is subject to change, and no plan should be set in stone.

2. Listen to your teachers, students, and parents. They know best.
2. 倾听你的老师、学生和家长的意见。他们最清楚。

Do not make the mistake of assuming that your solution is always the best. Take the time to listen to your instructors and students, as they are often more knowledgeable about the issues that arise in the classroom than you are.

3. Send out survey questions to the entire school community regularly to better understand the needs of students and instructors.
3. 定期向整个学校社区发送调查问题,以更好地了解学生和教师的需求。

For example, during the pandemic, some principals have used Google Forms, Survey Monkey, or their own online survey platforms to get a better read on the needs of students and staff members. This allows school leaders to see what the school community believes is going well in the classroom and what needs improvement.
例如,在大流行期间,一些校长使用 Google Forms、Survey Monkey 或他们自己的在线调查平台来更好地了解学生和教职员工的需求。这使学校领导能够看到学校社区认为课堂上哪些方面进展顺利,哪些方面需要改进。

4. Concentrate on high-priority challenges such as curriculum and staffing.
4. 专注于高优先级挑战,例如课程和人员配备。

Things look and feel different this year than in prior years. Students are falling behind in class, and teacher shortages are a real challenge. Understand and concentrate on where teachers, instructors and students have the most needs.

5. Always be prepared for unexpected situations to arise.
5. 始终为意外情况的出现做好准备。

Be prepared for the unexpected. It is crucial to be aware that unexpected events can occur, such as students switching to online learning, outbreaks, and so on. In order to keep everyone safe, quick, informed decision-making is critical.

6. Accept guidance and feedback from others.
6. 接受他人的指导和反馈。

In the current decision-making environment, no one is going to have a perfectly correct answer. For example, many school leaders face the challenge of maintaining curriculum standards while not failing students due to the nature and challenges of online learning. That is why it is crucial to lean on colleagues and student support staff to help make these decisions.

7. Lead by example.
7. 以身作则。

School administrators are in charge of ensuring that school operations and education are effective: in other words, they are the bottom line. What makes some leaders more capable than others? Model the attributes you want your staff to have. The best method to influence conduct is to lead with your actions rather than your words. True leaders spend as little time as possible in their offices. They spend their days traveling through the corridors, from classroom to classroom, leading by their actions. They regard themselves first and foremost as instructional leaders, and they take the initiative in raising student accomplishment. Along the way, they set the tone for classroom behavior and guarantee that students can learn in learning-friendly environments.

8. Make meetings matter.
8. 让会议有意义。

Do not have a meeting for the sake of having a meeting. Meetings with school leaders and teachers are most effective when focusing on specific needs identified during the educational process. When your observations and thoughts are still fresh, planning ahead of time will ensure that every instance staff is out of their classrooms are productive. Ask them what they think they need while you examine your observations of their strengths and weaknesses. Please encourage them to consider not what talent or expertise they wish to gain but what skill or expertise their school requires. Also, think about the professional development you provided your leaders and teachers this year—did it have an impact, and how do you know?

9. Provide feedback to your teachers and community.
9. 向您的老师和社区提供反馈。

The importance of providing instructors with feedback on what is going on in their classroom cannot be overstated. Feedback enables them to determine “How am I doing?” in attaining the learning objectives they have set for their pupils, allowing them to decide “Where to next?” for them. During a learning experience, timely feedback is received and reviewed to educate teachers and enable new learning plans. Principals and supervisors should collaborate with teachers on coaching, reflection, joint investigations, study groups, and problem-solving.
向教师提供有关课堂上发生的事情的反馈的重要性怎么强调都不为过。反馈使他们能够确定 “我做得如何 ”,以实现他们为学生设定的学习目标,让他们决定 “下一步该做什么 ”。在学习体验期间,我们会及时收到和审查反馈,以教育教师并制定新的学习计划。校长和主管应与教师合作,进行辅导、反思、联合调查、学习小组和解决问题。

10. You are going to make mistakes, and that is okay.
10. 你会犯错误,这没关系。

Learning from your failures is the most effective method to develop. You will not always make the best decisions. Accepting responsibility for your actions and learning how to do things better the next time is an important element of the learning process.

Managerial decision making is synonymous with the whole process of management. It decides, what should be done? how should it be done? when and by whom should be done?

Decision making is the judgment of the process by which one can choose between a number of alternative courses of action for the purpose of achieving goals, so decision making is an intellectual activity.

To be exact this is always a choice between Yes and No. And always there are many types of decision making.
确切地说,这始终是 Yes (是) 和 No (否) 之间的选择。而且总是有很多类型的决策。

Let’s elaborate on each type of decision making-
让我们详细说明每种类型的决策 -

1. Programmed and non-programmed decision
1. 程序化和非程序化决策

Programmed decisions are those, which are in accordance with some habits, rules, or procedures. Programmed decisions relate to those functions that are repetitive in nature. These decisions are dealt with by following a specific standard procedure. These decisions are usually taken by lower management. Every organization has its own policies that simplify decision making.

For example, granting leave to employees, purchasing spare parts etc are programmed decisions where a specific procedure is followed. We would not worry about deciding the salary of a new employee, the organization generally has established a salary scale for all positions.

Of course, programmed decisions are limiting our freedom to some extent, because organization rather than an individual decides what to do.

However, the policies, rules, and procedures by which we make decisions free us to think about other new solutions, thus help us to devote attention to other, and more important activities.

Non-programmed decisions are those that deal with unusual problems. If the problem is so important that needs special treatment, it is taken care of by non-programmed decision. Non-programmed decisions arise out of unstructured problems, i.e. these are not routine or daily occurrences. So there is no standard procedure or process to deal with such issues.

Usually, these decisions are important to the organization. Such decisions are left to upper management.

Some of the non-programmed decisions are –
一些非编程决策是 -

How to allocate an organization’s resources?

Is it high time to open a new branch?

What to do about failing educational process?

How community relations should be improved will usually require non-programmed decisions.

2. Major and minor decision
2. 大大小小的决定

Making the decision to purchase expensive equipment is considered a major decision.

The purchase of cheap equipment like a few reams of typing paper is a minor decision.

3. Routine and strategic decisions
3. 常规和战略决策

Routine decisions are slightly similar to programmed decision making. Routine decisions are repetitive in nature, do not need any analysis and evaluation, are in the context of day to day operations of the enterprise, and can be made by middle management level.

Example: Sending a sample to a government investigation center.

A strategic decision is related to the policy of the organization, is taken by high levels of management, it involves a large expenditure of fund. A slight mistake in decision making is injurious to the enterprise.

Example: capital expenditure decision, decision-related to pricing, etc.

4. Organizational and Personal decision
4. 组织和个人决策

When an executive takes a decision in an official capacity, on behalf of the organization, this is an organizational decision. Such decisions can be delegated to subordinates. A manager makes organizational decisions on behalf of a company’s officer. This type of decision reflects the policy of the organization.

However, if the executive takes a decision in a personal capacity, that does not relate to the organization in any way this is a personal decision. Obviously, these decisions cannot be delegated. Personal decisions are the manager’s individual decision, and not as a member of the organization.

5. Individual and group decision
5. 个人和团体决策

Any decision taken by an individual in an official capacity it is an individual decision. Organizations that are smaller and have an autocratic style of management rely on such decisions. Individual decisions are taken by a single individual in the context of routine decisions according to the guideline of the organization.

Group decisions are taken by a group or a collective of the firm’s employees and management. Group decisions are taken by conducting committee meetings for any specific purpose. Such decisions are very important for the organization. For example, decisions taken by the board of directors are a group decision.

6. Policy and operative decisions
6. 政策和实施决策

Policy decisions are critical, so they are taken by top management, it makes a long term impact, and mostly related to basic policies. The operative decision related to day to day operations of the enterprise and taken by low-level management.

7. Long term, departmental and non-economic decision
7. 长期、部门和非经济决策

Long term decisions are taken for a longer time period and the risk involves is high.

Departmental decisions are taken by the departmental head, related to a particular department.

The non-economic decision is related to factors such as technical values, moral behavior, etc.

Importance of decision making

Decisions are generally made to fulfil the objectives of the organization.

In business, whatever the business is small or big, changes in condition take place, shifts in personal occur, unforeseen contingencies arise. Moreover, just to get started, and keep them moving, decisions must be made.

Every aspect of the management (planning, organizing, control, etc.) determines by decision making.

Decision making is important for all management activities. It helps to set objectives, prepare plans of action, determine the organizational structure, motivate employees to be more productive, and introduce innovations.

Decision Making Process

Using a step by step process for any decision making within an organization can help to make a more deliberate and effective decision. So steps of effective decision making are discussed below.

Step 1: Identify the Decision
第 1 步:确定决策

When you realize that you have to make a decision try to identify and clearly define the nature of decision you are going to make. It will help you to make effective decision.

Step 2: Gather relevant information
第 2 步:收集相关信息

Before decision making, it is important to gather all information relevant to your decision making. The source of information can be two types, First one is the internal source- you seek internal information through self-assessment. Another source is external, where you get information from books, the internet, word of mouth, etc.

Step 3: Identify the alternatives
第 3 步:确定备选方案

During collecting the information, you will probably find some alternative way, or you can use your imagination to construct new alternatives. You have to list all possible alternatives in order to make a correct and effective decision.

Step 4: Weigh the evidence
第 4 步:权衡证据

In this step use your knowledge and emotion to imagine what it would be like if you carried out each of the alternatives to the end. As you go through this process you will begin to favor certain alternatives, those you think have higher potential to achieve your goal.

After analyzing the alternatives, you can choose one or combination of alternative, you think best for you.

Step 5: Take action
第 5 步:采取行动

In this step you are ready to take some positive action. You will perform the alternative you have chosen in step 4.
在此步骤中,您已准备好采取一些积极的行动。您将执行在步骤 4 中选择的备选方案。

Step 6: Review your decision
第 6 步:审查您的决定

After the decision making, consider the result of your decision and evaluate whether they meet your desired goal or not. If it has not met your target, you need to repeat those of the decision-making process.

Skills needed for Decision-making

Decision-making is such an important skill since it requires many other vital skills in order to be a good decision-maker. Let’s take a look on those skills-

Problem-solving skill

Decision making is a type of problem where you have to decide which option is best for your goal, a good problem-solving ability will be an asset in decision making. You have to approach a decision from a logical mindset, and the solutions you come up with and your final decision must be stronger.

Collaboration skill

Decisions can’t always be made perfectly by one person. You need to have a good collaboration and compromise skills to make the best decision when it involves a group decision. Even when you’re making a decision on your own, getting extra input from friends or co-workers can help you to get the best outcome.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to observe and understand your own emotions and the emotions of your collaboration partner. Being able to take emotional intelligence into account will make you a better decision-maker.

Logical reasoning

This skill is key for the middle steps of the decision-making process when you have to analyze and evaluate all information and available option by logic. This skill is closely related to reasoning, the side of decision-making that relies on facts and figures instead of using emotions.

Time management

To make your decisions in a timely manner is not just about making a quick decision. Managing your time to properly work through the consecutive steps is a skill, and that will put you above everyone else.

Leadership skill

When collaborating or making a group decision, someone needs to take charge of that outcome and make sure the decision is implemented, where a good leadership skill is required.


During the decision making make sure your decision should not have a bad effect to any one or on the environment. Making ethical decisions is a necessary skill to have.

Research and analysis

Through better research, you can gather more information about the decision. Having strong analytical skills will help you ensure that your decisions are logical and reasonable for your desired goals.


Flexibility is an important skill to have to be a better decision maker, because sometime you have to compromise or adjust your decision whenever a better decision pop up.

Decision Making Examples

Let’s take some real world examples of decision making.

Choosing a name for a new product. In this case, you have to analyze all offers and choose which one is meeting your expectations. You need to discuss with your team and decide a name most suited for the product.

Comparing different candidates for a job opening or promotion. Evaluation and analytical skills will help you to find out the best candidate depending on the job description and the qualifications of the candidate.

Deciding how much bonuses will be given for the year. Strong analytical, financial, and reasoning skills are necessary to make a decision like this.

Q: Strategic decisions need analysis and in-depth study. True or False?
Q: 战略决策需要分析和深入研究。对还是错?

Ans: This statement is True. A strategic decision is taken by top-level managers after a lot of analysis, study, and fact-finding. This is because such decisions will affect the entire functioning of the organization and are very crucial and significant in nature.
答: 这种说法是真的。战略决策是由高层管理人员在经过大量分析、研究和事实调查后做出的。这是因为此类决策将影响组织的整个运作,并且在本质上非常关键和重要。

Topic 4. Strategic management
主题 4.战略管理

What Is Strategic Management?

Strategic management is the management of an organization’s resources to achieve its goals and objectives. Strategic management is the process of setting specific goals, procedures, and objectives in order to make a company or organization more competitive. In fact, this is the ongoing process of setting an organization's high-level goals, developing plans of action, and effectively allocating resources to execute those plans. Typically, strategic management looks at effectively deploying staff and resources to achieve these goals. Often, strategic management includes strategy evaluation, internal organization analysis, and strategy execution throughout the company.

Strategic management involves setting objectives, analyzing the competitive environment, analyzing the internal organization, evaluating strategies, and ensuring that management rolls out the strategies across the organization.

Changes in business environments will require organizations to constantly assess their strategies for success. The strategic management process helps organizations take stock of their present situation, deploy new strategies and analyze the effectiveness of the implemented management strategies.


Companies, universities, nonprofits, and other organizations can use strategic management as a way to make goals and meet objectives.

Flexible companies may find it easier to make changes to their structure and plans, while inflexible companies may irritate at a changing environment.

A strategic manager may oversee strategic management plans and devise ways for organizations to meet their benchmark goals.

What are the benefits of strategic management?

Strategic management is generally thought to have financial and nonfinancial benefits. A strategic management process helps an organization and its leadership to think about and plan for its future existence, fulfilling a chief responsibility of a board of directors. Strategic management sets a direction for the organization and its employees. Unlike once-and-done strategic plans, effective strategic management continuously plans, monitors and tests an organization's activities, resulting in greater operational efficiency, market share and profitability.

Strategic management concepts

Strategic management is based around an organization's clear understanding of its mission; its vision for where it wants to be in the future; and the values that will guide its actions. The process requires a commitment to strategic planning, a subset of business management that involves an organization's ability to set both short- and long-term goals. Strategic planning also includes the planning of strategic decisions, activities and resource allocation needed to achieve those goals.

Having a defined process for managing an institution's strategies will help organizations make logical decisions and develop new goals quickly in order to keep pace with evolving technology, market and business conditions. Strategic management can help an organization gain competitive advantage, improve market share and plan for its future.

Understanding Strategic Management

Strategic management is divided into several schools of thought. A prescriptive approach to strategic management outlines how strategies should be developed, while a descriptive approach focuses on how strategies should be put into practice. These schools differ on whether strategies are developed through an analytic process, in which all threats and opportunities are accounted for, or are more like general guiding principles to be applied.

Business culture, the skills and cOmpetencies of employees, and organizational structure are all important factors that influence how an organization can achieve its stated objectives. Inflexible companies may find it difficult to succeed in a changing business environment. Creating a barrier between the development of strategies and their implementation can make it difficult for managers to determine whether objectives have been efficiently met.

While an organization’s upper management is ultimately responsible for its strategy, the strategies are often sparked by actions and ideas from lower-level managers and employees. An organization may have several employees devoted to strategy, rather than relying on the chief executive officer (CEO) for guidance.
虽然组织的高层管理人员最终对其战略负责,但这些战略通常是由较低级别的经理和员工的行动和想法引发的。一个组织可能有几名员工致力于战略,而不是依赖首席执行官 (CEO) 的指导。

Because of this reality, organizational leaders focus on learning from past strategies and examining the environment at large. The collective knowledge is then used to develop future strategies and to guide the behavior of employees to ensure that the entire organization is moving forward. For these reasons, effective strategic management requires both an inward and outward perspective.

IMPORTANT: Strategic management extends to internal and external communication practices as well as to tracking, which ensures that the company meets goals as defined in its strategic management plan.

The Advantages of Strategic Management

Discharges Board Responsibility.

Forces an Objective Assessment.

Provides a Framework for Decision-Making.

Supports Understanding & Buy-In.

Enables Measurement of Progress.

Provides an Organizational Perspective.

The Disadvantages of Strategic Management

The Future Doesn't Unfold as Anticipated.

It Can Be Expensive.

Long Term Benefit vs. Immediate Results

Impedes Flexibility

Like any process or tool, there are both advantages and disadvantages to a strategic management process. Unfortunately, many of the disadvantages are because of inappropriate application (often by poor consultants) as opposed to inherent limitations. As with any tool or process, the client has the final responsibility to ensure that the strategic management process is appropriate for specific needs.

Stages of Strategic Management

The strategic-management process consists of three stages: strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. Strategy formulation includes developing a vision and a mission, identifying an organization’s external opportunities and threats, determining internal strengths and weaknesses, establishing long-term objectives, generating alternative strategies, and choosing particular strategies to pursue. Strategy-formulation issues include deciding what new businesses to enter, what businesses to abandon, whether to expand operations or diversify, whether to enter international markets, whether to merge or form a joint venture, and how to avoid a hostile takeover.

The 5 Phases of Strategic Management
战略管理的 5 个阶段

There are many schools of thought on how to do strategic management, and academics and managers have developed numerous frameworks to guide the strategic management process. In general, strategic management involves managing an organization's resources, analyzing internal and external forces, and developing strategies to realize goals and objectives. There are five key phases that can help businesses execute their strategies:

1. Assessing the organization's current strategic direction.
1. 评估组织当前的战略方向。

An organization must first establish clear, realistic goals. Its goals should answer what the company wants to achieve and why. Once set, the company can then identify the objectives, or how the goals will be reached. During this phase, the company can articulate its vision and long and short-term goals.

2. Identifying and analyzing internal and external strengths and weaknesses.
2. 识别和分析内部和外部的优势和劣势。

Organizations must then be able to examine, understand, and codify what internal and external forces affect their business and goals, as well as what it needs to remain competitive. Analytical tools, such as SWOT analysis, are helpful during this phase. (SWOT analysis (or SWOT matrix) is a strategic planning and strategic management technique used to help a person or organization identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats related to business competition or project planning. It is sometimes called situational assessment or situational analysis).
然后,组织必须能够检查、理解和编纂影响其业务和目标的内部和外部力量,以及保持竞争力所需的因素。在此阶段,SWOT 分析等分析工具会有所帮助。(SWOT 分析(或 SWOT 矩阵)是一种战略规划和战略管理技术,用于帮助个人或组织识别与商业竞争或项目规划相关的优势、劣势、机会、威胁。它有时被称为情境评估或情境分析)。

3. Formulating action plans.
3. 制定行动计划。

Based on the results of the analysis, the company can then develop its strategy, outlining how the company will achieve its goals and how. In this phase, the company will identify the needed people, technology, and other resources; how these resources will be allocated to fulfill tasks, and what performance metrics are needed to measure success. It is also critical to gain buy-in from stakeholders and business leaders.

4. Executing action plans.
4. 执行行动计划。

Once the strategies are defined, it is time for execution. The strategy is taken from planning to implementation. During this phase, the allocated resources are placed into action based on their roles and responsibilities.

5. Evaluating to what degree action plans have been successful and making changes when desired results are not being produced.
5. 评估行动计划的成功程度,并在没有产生预期结果时做出改变。

The final stage of strategic management is to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies using defined metrics. The company will also visit whether ineffective strategies should be replaced with more viable ones. The company should continue to monitor the business landscape and internal operations, as well as maintain strategies that have proven effective.

Effective communication, data collection and organizational culture also play an important part in the strategic management process -- especially at large, complex companies. Lack of communication and a negative corporate culture can result in a misalignment of the organization's strategic management plan and the activities undertaken by its various business units and departments. Thus, strategy management includes analyzing cross-functional business decisions prior to implementing them to ensure they are aligned with strategic plans.

Types of strategic management strategies

The types of strategic management strategies have changed over time. The modern discipline of strategic management traces its roots to the 1950s and 1960s. Prominent thinkers in the field include Peter Drucker, sometimes referred to as the founding father of management studies. Among his contributions was the idea that the purpose of a business is to create a customer, and what the customer wants determines what a business is. Management's main job is marshalling the resources and enabling employees to efficiently address customers' needs and preferences.
战略管理战略的类型随着时间的推移而变化。现代战略管理学科可以追溯到 1950 年代和 1960 年代。该领域的杰出思想家包括彼得·德鲁克,有时被称为管理学之父。他的贡献之一是这样一个想法,即企业的目的是创造客户,而客户想要什么决定了企业是什么。管理层的主要工作是整合资源,使员工能够有效地满足客户的需求和偏好。

In the 1980s, a Harvard Business School professor called Theodore Levitt, developed a different strategy with a focus on the customer. This strategy was different from the previous emphasis on production - that's, creating a product of high quality ensured success.
在 1980 年代,哈佛商学院的一位名叫 Theodore Levitt 的教授开发了一种以客户为中心的不同策略。这种策略与以前强调生产不同 - 也就是说,创造高质量的产品可以确保成功。

Distinctive competence, a term introduced in 1957 by sociology and law scholar Philip Selznick, focused on the idea of core competencies and competitive advantage in strategic management theory. This enabled the creation of frameworks for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of an organization in relation to the threats and opportunities in its external environment.
独特能力是社会学和法学者菲利普·塞尔兹尼克 (Philip Selznick) 于 1957 年提出的一个术语,侧重于战略管理理论中的核心竞争力和竞争优势的概念。这使得能够创建框架来评估组织与其外部环境中的威胁和机遇相关的优势和劣势。

What Are the Key Elements of Strategic Management?

Strategic management is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. However, there are key elements that are found to be critical. These include goal setting, industry and organizational analyses, strategy formation, strategy implementation; and the measurement, monitoring, and controlling of strategies. The strategic management process can be seen as:

1.Basic goals, values, mission, vision

2.Strategic analysis

3.Development of strategic plan

4.Support by operative Instruments

5.Strategy controlling

Feedbacks of the strategic management process: 1 = directive or guiding principles; 2 = vision placed in a context of a SWOT analysis;3 = specific objectives and plans for achieving them; 4 = activities in aid of implementation; 5 = indicators of success. The process is cyclical and allows for continuous evaluation.
战略管理过程的反馈: 1 = 指导性或指导原则;2 = 将愿景置于 SWOT 分析的上下文中;3 = 实现这些目标的具体目标和计划;4 = 协助实施的活动;5 = 成功的指标。该过程是周期性的,允许持续评估。

Why Is Strategic Management Important?

Helping their company find ways to be more competitive is the purpose of strategic management. To that end, putting strategic management plans into practice is the most important aspect of the planning itself. Plans in practice involve identifying benchmarks, realigning resources—financial and human—and putting leadership resources in place to oversee the creation, sale, and deployment of products and services.

In business, strategic management is important because it allows a company to analyze areas for operational improvement. In many cases, they can follow either an analytical process, which identifies potential threats and opportunities, or simply follow general guidelines. Given the structure of the organization, a company may choose to follow either a prescriptive or descriptive approach to strategic management. Under a prescriptive model, strategies are outlined for development and execution. By contrast, a descriptive approach describes how a company can develop these strategies.

Value of organizational culture

Organizational culture can determine the success and failure of a business and is a key component that strategic leaders must consider in the strategic management process. Culture is a major factor in the way people and organizations outline objectives, Execute tasks and organize resources. A strong organizational culture will make it easier for leaders and managers to motivate employees to execute their tasks in alignment with the outlined strategies. At organizations where lower-level managers and employees are expected to be involved in the decision-making and strategy, the strategic management process should enable them to do so.

It is important to create strategies that are suitable for the organization's culture. If a particular strategy does not match the organization's culture, it will hinder the ability to accomplish the strategy's intended outcomes.

What Is an Example of Strategic Management?

Consider a large company that wants to achieve more ambitious online sales rates. To meet these goals, the company will develop a strategy, communicate this strategy, apply it across various units and departments in the organization, integrate this with employee goals, and execute accordingly. If an effective strategy is applied, ideally, it will help the company achieve its targets through a single, coordinated process.

The Bottom Line

Strategic management is the assembling and management of resources to achieve a company's goals and objectives. Although it is often segmented into either prescriptive or descriptive schools of thought, many businesses subscribe to a combined philosophy, defining how a strategy should be developed and how the strategies will be employed. Strategic management helps companies set goals, gain a competitive edge, better manage their resources, and more. There is not one prescription for all. Companies must create and adapt a strategic management process that works best for their company and those they serve. Strategic management does not end with the successful implementation of strategies; it continues for the life of the business.

Strategic Management of Educational Institutions

Looking at today’s environment, universities must realize, that the old days are gone and never will come back. They now live in a completely different world with different requirements.

A first predominant observation is that, almost everywhere in the world, governments are increasingly unable to take up the full bill for Higher Education: in relation to other priorities, modern universities have indeed become too expensive to be funded only with public money. Moreover, governments are not only unable but also unwilling to do so for the simple reason that in the knowledge society of today, a broad range of university products carry considerable benefits for those who have acquired them. Who profits from it, should pay at least part of the cost. As a consequence, universities have become “hybrid” institutions: semi-public and semi-private.

Universities face the challenge of a real science explosion. Today, knowledge is simply too vast to master. For their teaching approach it means a compelling switch from teaching to individual learning and, from knowledge accumulation to acquiring skills in handling information. More important, it also means that any single university, be it Harvard or Oxford, is too small to do everything on its own. They either have to be selective in what to do and what not. Because knowledge has become so important for society, governments, business and individuals, all these “stakeholders” keep a critical eye on what universities do and how they do it. They require accountability not only about the use of their resources, but also and even more about the quality of their products and the relevance of their activities.

As for management in education it is worth to investigate methodological approaches of strategic management in higher education system of such the authors as Peter Drucker, Igor Ansoff, Karel Tavernier, Barbara Sporn.

Since the institutions of higher education have their own specifics, their strategic management mechanism should be based on its own methodOlogy and should differ from the methodology of strategic management of commercial organization. Conclusion noted that the strategic management is a risky management, and in the case of its implementation at the university level, the risk of social consequences of the risks, associated with the employment of personnel, is increasing.

Strategic management is becoming the one of the most promising management mechanisms of higher education development in conditions, where universities are faced with new opportunities and new risks, arising due to globalization, the increasing role of human factor. Today, many universities, both large and small, begun to prepare their own development strategies, reflecting the vision of the university development prospects.

The management of higher education becomes the independent field of studies, and strategic management is a separate and completely independent direction. There are an increasing number of works in the West, the authors of which try to comprehend the classical heritage of strategic management in relation to specific area of university management. However, despite the active discussion, many theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem are still waiting for their solutions.

There are several lessons about strategic management:

-The astonishing power of networking.
- 网络的惊人力量。

-The importance of a widely shared mission statement, firmly imbedded in the attitudes and culture of the university.
- 广泛分享的使命宣言的重要性,深深植根于大学的态度和文化中。

-The importance for a university to delegate initiative and a large part of decision making to the lower levels in the hierarchy.
- 大学将主动权和大部分决策权委托给层次结构中的较低级别的重要性。

-The need to combine this delegation with a stronger steering core, be it of a certain type.
- 需要将这种授权与更强大的转向核心相结合,无论是某种类型的。

-The importance of choosing the most appropriate model or framework for strategic management.
– 选择最合适的战略管理模型或框架的重要性。

Strategic management is difficult to describe in the framework of a single concept or paradigm. Consider some of the approaches to strategic management.

The guru of American management A. Chandler was among the first to give the idea of strategy to the management theory. In 1962 he formulated the following principle: "The strategy defines the structure", and this means the priority of the strategy before the structure.
美国管理大师 A. Chandler 是最早将战略思想纳入管理理论的人之一。1962 年,他制定了以下原则:“战略决定结构”,这意味着战略的优先权优先于结构。

For developing universities strategy, the ideas of I. Ansoff have exceptional value, because he formulated the main principle of the strategy: it is focused on the external environment of the organization; the analysis and interpretation of the organizational environment is the key to its strategic success.
对于发展大学战略,I. Ansoff 的思想具有非凡的价值,因为他制定了该战略的主要原则:它侧重于组织的外部环境;对组织环境的分析和解释是其战略成功的关键。

K. Tavernier ideas had a great influence on the development of strategic management mechanism in higher education, because he offered the most popular approach to the management of strategic changes at the Universities, associated with the SWOT-analysis. (I hope you remember this abbreviation - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats related to business competition or project planning). He shows that there is a real possibility to explore the university and its environment in the framework of SWOT-analysis in terms of the business world: the university produces its own product, has certain resources, competes on a certain market.
K. Tavernier 的思想对高等教育战略管理机制的发展产生了很大影响,因为他提供了与 SWOT 分析相关的大学战略变革管理最流行的方法。(我希望您记得这个缩写 - 与商业竞争或项目规划相关的优势、劣势、机会、威胁)。他表明,在商业世界的 SWOT 分析框架内探索大学及其环境确实存在可能性:大学生产自己的产品,拥有一定的资源,在一定的市场上竞争。

The most important mechanism of strategic university management is a mission – this conclusion was reached by B. Sporn, the founder of the open systems theory in management science and conductor of a systematic approach to strategic management in higher education sphere. On the basis of qualitative empirical researches, B. Sporn showed that the effectiveness of strategic management depends on the ability of the University to define precisely its mission.
大学战略管理最重要的机制是使命——这一结论是由 B. Sporn 得出的,他是管理科学开放系统理论的创始人,也是高等教育领域战略管理系统方法的指挥者。在定性实证研究的基础上,B. Sporn 表明,战略管理的有效性取决于大学准确定义其使命的能力。

Successful implementation of the strategy depends on radical changes in all components of the university, concentrated work of the entire team for coordination of these changes, and focus the efforts on the achievement settled strategic goals.

Strategic management of educational institutions enables the transformation of institutions to practice educational innovations. Strategic Management in a complex knowledge is a challenging task in all perspectives, as it is essential for educational institutions success. Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.

Students demand instant knowledge like instant food. They prefer shortcuts to hard work and sacrifice. This puts tremendous pressure on the teacher whose role is to be collaborator rather than a boss.

When strategic management is being formulated the following questions are to be thought about.

1. Where are we now?
1. 我们现在在哪里?

2. Where do we want to go?
2. 我们想去哪里?

3. How do we get there?
3. 我们如何实现?

Once the answers to these questions are brainstormed, the pattern for strategic management process involves organization analysis as in its strength and weakness, analysis of opportunity and threats. The other factors involving strategic management will be the use of strategic options arising due to strategic decisions, operationalization and implementation, these will aid for smooth strategic controlling of the issues which are to be considered in solutions required. Strategic decisions are the important decisions. These are usually taken by upper and middle-level management. They usually relate to the policies of the educational organizations or the strategic plan for the future. Hence such decisions require analysis and careful study. Because strategic decisions taken at this level will affect the routine decisions taken daily.


First Task of Strategic Management: This involves thinking strategically about:
战略管理的首要任务: 这涉及战略性思考:

1. Institute’s future plans
1. 研究所的未来计划

2. Where to “go” to acquire ACHIEVEMENT
2. 从哪里“去”获得成就

The tasks include: 1. Creating a roadmap of the future and laying out groundwork for fixed outcome 2. Deciding future position to stake out and having a broader perspective 3. Providing long-term direction 4. Giving the institute a strong identity by means of modern and social media projection.
任务包括: 1. 制定未来路线图并为固定结果奠定基础 2.决定未来的放样位置并拥有更广阔的视野 3.提供长期方向 4.通过现代和社交媒体投射赋予研究所强大的身份。

Second Task of Strategic Management Strategic Objectives:

● When formulating strategic objectives outcomes focused on improving long-term, competitive position in terms of education innovation are considered.
● 在制定战略目标时,要考虑侧重于提高教育创新方面的长期竞争地位的结果。

Financial Objectives:

● This objective is an important outcome focused on improving financial performance providing freedom to pursue education innovation.
● 这一目标是一项重要的成果,侧重于改善财务业绩,为追求教育创新提供自由。

Third Task of Strategic Management:

The task of strategy involves determining whether to concentrate on a single program or several programs (diversification). This aids to cater to a wider range of students or focus on a particular niche (local students). The decision is whether to develop a wide or narrow program line. It is ideal to pursue a competitive advantage- based on low fees, scholarships, program superiority. The task of crafting unique organizational capabilities will further help in shedding light to various aspects of the institution’s progress.

Fourth Task of Strategic Management:

Management decisions regarding implementing actions to put a freshly-chosen strategy into place and supervising the ongoing pursuit of that strategy. Executing of the new strategy to improve the competence and efficiency in implementation of decisions, meanwhile showing measurable progress in achieving the targeted results and objectives are essential. This process includes monitoring, evaluating and taking corrective actions as needed.

Fifth Task of Strategic Management:

The tasks of crafting, implementing, and executing a strategy are not a one-time exercise. This has to be a consistent and involves constant effort in bringing out the desired outcome. The factors to be considered are as follows:

1. Student expectations change with time, so strategy needs to be flexible.
1. 学生的期望会随着时间的推移而变化,因此策略需要灵活。

2. New management team with different ideas take over and that will produce new and efficient outcomes.
2. 具有不同想法的新管理团队接管,这将产生新的高效结果。

3. Strategy to deal with International environment changes towards global educational and employment opportunities.
3. 应对国际环境变化的战略,以实现全球教育和就业机会。

4. Approaches to solve Government bodies’ policies change overtime for smooth and efficient running of the institute in a global context. The personnel involved in performing these five strategic management tasks are as follows: The top Management, Principal/Director, Departmental heads.
4. 解决政府机构政策的方法会随着时间的推移而变化,以便研究所在全球范围内顺利高效地运行。参与执行这五项战略管理任务的人员如下:最高管理层、校长/总监、部门负责人。

Careful policy making and planning strategic management of educational institutions are required to enable the establishment of new centers and TEACHER WORKROOMS.

Convenient places must be provided for teacher’s research, collaborative work, and student meetings that treat teachers like the professionals with online information access facilities.

A Place to Think - Students have to be provided places and facilities where they can enjoy a moment of solitude, where they will be alone.
思考的地方 - 必须为学生提供可以享受片刻独处的地方和设施,在那里他们将独处。

Student profiling - Profiling is like unraveling knots, in which the student's personality is studied and ideal courses are suggested at the time of entry into higher education: define strengths and weaknesses to improve in.
学生分析 - 分析就像解开结,在其中研究学生的个性,并在进入高等教育时建议理想的课程:定义要改进的优势和劣势。

Strategic management is to improve teaching learning and student’s performance and thereby careers of students will be built step by step. Even Rousseau in the era of Enlightenment derived the notion of a NATURE education, an education based on the development of the student’s natural abilities. Such education system in which the teacher follows the student where his activity is primarily to educate is essential. Only such an education can enable transformation into a full-fledged personality.

Strategic management of universities should be oriented not only on the implementation of their cultural and economic goals, but also on fulfilling its social obligations towards the population and employees, on creation for them conditions of desired level and quality of life. Strategic management orientations are teaching and learning. It is therefore not a tool for converting universities, for instance, from sites of educating for knowledge to sites of training for occupations. From the perspective of students, they have to be aware of: what they know, how they know it, what they should know, what they do not know; to be able to connect what they know to broader social issues.

Institutional administrators who develop operating plans and policies for a range of aspects of institutional life have, in some cases, not been forthcoming with comparable initiatives in teaching, with the consequence that teaching and learning easily become the Achilles’ heel of institutional performance. In fact, a strategic management is an effective tool that entraps students in a teacher-spun web of learning.

Topic FIVE. Quality and efficiency of management

Efficiency vs Effectiveness Explained

What is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency? They are two buzzwords that are popularly used by CEOs in charting the course of their organizations. Yet, they are also commonly misused and misinterpreted, not just in the lexicon of business-speak but also in daily use. Let’s begin by defining efficiency and effectiveness in general terms, borrowing from Dictionary.com:
有效性和效率有什么区别?它们是 CEO 在规划组织发展方向时广泛使用的两个流行语。然而,它们也经常被误用和误解,不仅在商业用语的词典中,而且在日常使用中也是如此。让我们从一般性地定义效率和有效性开始,借用 Dictionary.com:

Effective (adj.) – Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result.
Effective (adj.) – 足以实现某个目的;产生预期或预期的结果。

Efficient (adj.) – Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.
Efficient (adj.) – 以最少的时间和精力以最佳方式执行或运作。

The difference between effectiveness and efficiency can be summed up shortly and sweetly – Being effective is about doing the right things, while being efficient is about doing things right.

Doing Things Right

Companies usually seek to increase and improve the efficiency of their operations. After all, when working with limited resources, they would prefer to maximize the use of each of these resources. However, by pursuing efficiency at all costs, some of these companies are missing a valuable chance to take a step back and look at their overall effectiveness from a big picture perspective.

The best situation for every company is to always pursue the top right box – pursuing the right goals and being efficient, by making use of technological advances, not wasting time, and having better alignment and collaboration between employees. Many companies have their hearts in the right place – they know what goals they want to achieve, but are inefficient in achieving those goals. Other companies are tightly run ships, with all employees working together, humming along and focused on the task at hand…but what if the task at hand is the wrong goal?
每家公司的最佳情况是始终追求最上面的框——追求正确的目标并提高效率,利用技术进步,不浪费时间,并在员工之间建立更好的协调和协作。许多公司都心怀揣 – 他们知道自己想要实现的目标,但在实现这些目标方面效率低下。其他公司是紧密运作的船只,所有员工一起工作,一起哼唱并专注于手头的任务......但是,如果手头的任务是错误的目标怎么办?

Is it more important for your organization to pursue effectiveness or efficiency? If you’re trying to grow aggressively and have resources to burn, optimizing effectiveness might be the way to go. However, if a smaller company has very limited resources to work with, they might be more interested in pursuing efficient operations in order to maximize their capabilities. Finding the sweet spot between effectiveness and efficiency is truly that ultimate goal for all companies.

Efficiency and effectiveness in Quality Management System

When it comes to quality management, it's imperative to understand the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency — performing in the best possible way with minimal waste of time and effort. Effectiveness — performing adequately to accomplish a certain goal.
在质量管理方面,必须了解效率和有效性之间的区别。效率 — 以最佳方式执行,同时最大限度地减少时间和精力的浪费。有效性 — 为实现特定目标而表现充分。

An effective quality management system (QMS) is a system that enables a company to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. Technically speaking, a QMS is a set of coordinated activities to direct and control an organization in order to continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its performance. Think of it as a road map to managing your processes and activities, or a systematic way of doing business.
有效的质量管理体系 (QMS) 是使公司能够始终如一地提供满足客户和法规要求的产品和服务的体系。从技术上讲,质量管理体系是一组协调一致的活动,用于指导和控制组织,以不断提高其绩效的有效性和效率。将其视为管理流程和活动的路线图,或系统化的经营方式。

When developing a quality management system, the first (and most important) step is to define what quality means to your organization. This decision will ultimately have a great impact on the direction your QMS takes.

A common method of defining quality is in the form of a quality policy statement and objectives. A quality policy statement includes an organization’s philosophy regarding the quality of its products and processes. For instance, an organization may state that customer satisfaction and timely services are its top priorities. Specific quality objectives, or goals, can then be formulated from this statement, such as achieving 100% customer satisfaction or providing services within 24 hours of a request. Measuring and tracking these goals is a great way to ensure that the organization’s QMS is effective.
定义质量的常用方法是以质量政策声明和目标的形式。质量政策声明包括组织对其产品和流程质量的理念。例如,一个组织可能会声明客户满意度和及时的服务是其首要任务。然后可以根据此声明制定具体的质量目标或目标,例如实现 100% 的客户满意度或在提出请求后 24 小时内提供服务。衡量和跟踪这些目标是确保组织 QMS 有效的好方法。

Effective quality management has become a necessity in all industries. A comprehensive QMS can often mean the difference between a company’s success and failure.

The idea behind the term quality management system works very much along the lines of "what doesn't shine on the inside can't sparkle on the outside". Only if your company functions smoothly internally can you meet the requirements of your customers and other important interested parties (stakeholders). High levels of quality require that you not only correct errors in every case, but also prevent their recurrence. A consistently practiced quality management system can help you do just that.

A quality management system starts at different corners. Your organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources –all of these are necessary to meet the individual quality requirements in your company. By precisely defining the organizational structure and processes as well as the fulfillment of all quality tasks, you ensure that your resources and measures relating to quality can be better coordinated, planned and measured.

A professional quality management system consists of several sub-aspects:

1.All activities and decisions related to quality objectives,

2.All processes and resources for achieving the objectives, and

3.All elements and persons for controlling and managing the quality work.

Quality management system: requirements of the standard

The standard sets universal requirements for the quality management system:

1.Entrepreneurial success is based on the principle of continuous improvement.

2.The organization needs clear quality objectives and strategies.

3.Processes must be transparent and efficient.

4.Results must be measurable and documented.

5.The management level is responsible for quality.

6.The entire company and its environment are the focus of attention.

Quality management effectiveness is about placing the right people in the right positions of influence – at the right time, with the right equipment, tools, materials, expectations, capabilities and motivation.

The basic steps to implementing a quality management system are as follows:








Design and Build

The design and build portions serve to develop the structure of a QMS, its processes, and plans for implementation. Senior management should oversee this portion to ensure the needs of the organization and the needs of its customers.
设计和建造部分用于开发 QMS 的结构、流程和实施计划。高级管理层应监督这部分,以确保组织的需求及其客户的需求。


Deployment is best served in a fashion by breaking each process down into educating staff on documentation, training tools, and metrics.

Control and Measure

Control and measurement are two areas of establishing a QMS that are largely accomplished through routine, systematic audits of the quality management system. The specifics vary greatly from organization to organization depending on size, potential risk, and environmental impact.

Review and Improve

Review and improve detail how the results of an audit are handled. The goals are to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of each process toward its objectives, to communicate these findings to the employees, and to develop new best practices and processes based on the data collected during the audit.

Although not specifically required by all quality management system standards, a quality policy statement can be thought of as the backbone of QMS. An organization should strive to ensure that its key processes are always in alignment with the quality policy and objectives.

Once defined, an effective quality management system must be maintained. The steps to maintain a quality management system include three main components:

1.Say what you do – document key procedures, keeping the quality policy and objectives in mind.
1.说出你的工作 - 记录关键程序,牢记质量政策和目标。

2.Do what you say – perform processes in accordance with written procedures.
2.Do 你说的 – 按照书面程序执行流程。

3.Prove it – maintain records to document activities.
3.证明它 – 维护记录以记录活动。

Quality Management System in Education

Quality management in education is a process that involves using principles and techniques to improve the quality of educational services. Quality management focuses on improving processes, products, and practices to ensure they meet or exceed customer expectations. It also seeks to create an environment where excellence is rewarded, stakeholders are engaged, and resources are used efficiently.

By having a better understanding of what quality means in education and how best to achieve it, educators can more effectively use quality management in their work as well as provide strategies for implementing it within their own organizations. As a result, they can become more successful leaders in their fields.

What Is Quality Management?

Quality is a very important element. Although cost and schedule are crucial, quality is the final thing that matters. Every project and organization has its own quality requirements. It is important for the project management principles to ensure that all the processes lead to the quality requirement of the client.

Quality Management is the systematic way of monitoring and delivering a project with the expected quality requirements. It sets standards, responsibilities, procedures, and techniques that must be applied in a project in order to achieve the required quality.

Quality Management Strategy

A Quality management strategy is prepared at the time of project initiation. It undergoes approvals in subsequent stages of the project. This is necessary to record and approve the quality expectations of a project and a plan for confirming those quality standards and techniques.

An efficient quality management strategy must cover all aspects including quality assurance, independent audits, key responsibilities, and quality parameters. Everything has to be properly documented by the quality control and project management team after getting approvals.

Accordingly, the following items must be present in a quality management strategy −
因此,质量管理策略中必须包含以下项目 -

Introduction − The introduction must state the purpose of the quality management strategy, the scopes, and objectives, project details, key quality parameters to be followed, roles and responsibilities, etc.
引言 − 引言必须说明质量管理策略的目的、范围和目标、项目细节、要遵循的关键质量参数、角色和职责等。

Procedure for Quality Management − This section of the quality management document must discuss in detail the ways a project will ensure quality. All the processes and techniques that will be used to ensure the desired quality of the end product must be defined. In addition, the quality planning and quality assurance approaches, quality standards for the project, key metrics for assessing the quality against scope, measurement methods, quality audits, and feedback must be included.
质量管理程序 − 质量管理文档的这一部分必须详细讨论项目确保质量的方式。必须定义用于确保最终产品所需质量的所有流程和技术。此外,还必须包括质量规划和质量保证方法、项目的质量标准、根据范围评估质量的关键指标、测量方法、质量审计和反馈。

Tools and Techniques − All the tools and techniques that will be used in the project to ensure quality must be discussed in detail. Also, information on how to use those tools, the limitations associated with using them, license status, and procedures must be included.
工具和技术 − 必须详细讨论项目中将用于确保质量的所有工具和技术。此外,还必须包括有关如何使用这些工具、与使用它们相关的限制、许可证状态和过程的信息。

Records − This section of the report must deal with the storage of records and the persons responsible for handling, updating, and getting them approved. Usually, the following records are used from a quality management perspective: quality register, measurements for quality control, quality standards, and quality audits.
记录 − 报告的这一部分必须处理记录的存储以及负责处理、更新和获得批准的人员。通常,从质量管理的角度来看,使用以下记录:质量登记簿、质量控制度量、质量标准和质量审计。

Reporting − This section of the report must mention the frequency of quality reporting and the persons responsible for reporting and checking.
报告 − 报告的这一部分必须提及质量报告的频率以及负责报告和检查的人员。

Time − The schedule for quality control, audits, analysis, reporting, and recording must be discussed clearly.
时间 − 必须清楚地讨论质量控制、审计、分析、报告和记录的时间表。

Roles and Responsibilities − The persons responsible for each task and process in a quality management action plan must be mentioned.
角色和职责 − 必须提及质量管理行动计划中每项任务和流程的负责人。

Quality Criteria for Evaluating the Quality Management Approach

There are six criteria to evaluate the status of the established quality management strategies or approaches −
有六个标准可以评估已建立的质量管理战略或方法的状态 -

-Customer’s expectation of quality

-Adequacy of the established approaches to meet customer expectations

-Level of independency in the roles and responsibilities
- 角色和职责的独立性

-Compliance with the approach to the customer’s and supplier’s quality management systems

-Compliance of the project with the corporate quality policy
- 项目符合公司质量政策

-Appropriate measures that suit the requirements.
- 适合要求的适当措施。

Importance of Quality Management in Education

Quality management is essential in education to ensure that students receive the best possible learning experience and outcomes. Quality assurance systems focus on monitoring, evaluating, and improving operations to provide consistency and improve results for learners. Quality management can help teachers by providing them with tools to assess student performance, identify areas of improvement and develop strategies for teaching.

It also encourages collaboration among school administrators, faculty members, parents, and students in order to better serve the needs of all learners. Quality management promotes continuous assessment of educational programs so that problems are identified early on before they become more serious or costly issues.

Additionally, it provides a framework for evaluating new initiatives such as technology-based learning programs so that schools can determine if they will be effective investments in terms of student achievement. Ultimately quality management helps educators create an environment where all students have access to top-notch educational opportunities.

Developing a Quality Management System (QMS)
制定质量管理体系 (QMS)

Developing a Quality Management System (QMS) is an important practical step for quality management in education. It provides a structured framework that enables educational organizations to achieve their goals and objectives, as well as to ensure that the services provided meet the expectations of students, staff, parents, and other stakeholders. A QMS can provide guidance on how best to deliver quality improvements through processes such as monitoring performance against standards, measuring customer satisfaction levels, or implementing corrective measures when needed.
制定质量管理体系 (QMS) 是教育质量管理的重要实践步骤。它提供了一个结构化的框架,使教育组织能够实现其目标,并确保所提供的服务满足学生、教职员工、家长和其他利益相关者的期望。质量管理体系可以就如何通过各种流程最好地实现质量改进提供指导,例如根据标准监控绩效、衡量客户满意度水平或在需要时实施纠正措施。

Additionally, it helps identify areas where resources are needed or where improvement activities need to be implemented. By developing a QMS, education providers can ensure they are providing quality services by consistently meeting their requirements and those of external customers.

This will help them gain long-term sustainability through delivering reliable outcomes that lead to improved student achievement and higher overall satisfaction rates with educational offerings.

Engaging Stakeholders

Engaging stakeholders in quality management is an essential step for any educational institution. Stakeholders include parents, teachers, students, and administrators, as well as external partners such as employers or funding agencies. To ensure a successful system of quality management in education, it is important to involve all parties in the process.

This allows each stakeholder to provide valuable input on how best to improve the institution’s quality standards. Furthermore, engaging stakeholders helps build trust and understanding between the different organizations involved in a school's education system.

By working together towards common goals and objectives, institutions can develop programs that are tailored to meet their specific needs while maintaining high-quality standards across the board. Quality management should be seen not only as managing resources but also as involving people who have vested interests in achieving excellence in education outcomes.

Training and Development

Training and development can be a powerful tool for quality management in education. It can help to identify areas of improvement for staff, students, and administrators. Through training programs tailored to the specific needs of a school or college, educators can become more efficient in their duties and increase organizational efficiency overall.

Training sessions on how to use technology effectively will also provide employees with the skills necessary to better serve students in digital classrooms. Finally, providing teachers with professional development opportunities increases job satisfaction which leads to improved morale among faculty members who are more likely to stay at their current institutions longer.

These benefits ultimately lead to higher student achievement rates as well as increased retention rates among faculty members who are engaged in quality management initiatives within educational institutions.

Benefits of Practical Quality Management in Education

Quality management in education is essential for providing students with the best possible learning experience. It ensures that educational institutions meet their standards and objectives, while also ensuring a safe and productive learning environment for all involved.

Quality management can help improve student outcomes by increasing accountability, providing better training opportunities, and creating a culture of continuous improvement. It can also reduce costs associated with poor quality or inefficient processes.

By emphasizing the importance of quality assurance in teaching, faculty are more likely to take ownership of their courses and be actively engaged in improving their quality over time. Additionally, it encourages collaboration among departments as well as between teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders to ensure that everyone is working toward the same goal: delivering excellent education to students.

Challenges in Practical Quality Management in Education

The challenge of implementing practical quality management programs in educational institutions is significant. Quality assurance and improvement efforts need to be tailored to the unique context of an institution, while also being based on general principles of continuous improvement.

Additionally, educational organizations often have limited resources that must be allocated strategically. Developing a comprehensive plan for quality management can require significant up-front costs and time commitment from staff, faculty, and administrators alike.

Furthermore, measuring the impact of any changes or initiatives over time requires rigorous data collection and analysis methods that may not always be available or feasible in a school setting. Finally, effective communication strategies are essential for successful implementation; educators must ensure that stakeholders understand why they are investing in quality assurance activities and how these investments will benefit the organization as a whole.

Today we are facing the great challenges of adopting education to the changing needs of the society. The transmission in information and explosion of knowledge is very fast and it is very urgent to take immediate steps to make the education more useful and relevant. Education quality effect all the system of education and the whole system. Therefore, the quality management of education is very important. Quality has been the timeless goal through the corridors of human history. It has been the driving force for all human endeavors. Quality is the inspiration for self-evaluation and the source for new challenges.

Nowadays, higher-education institutions operate in a competitive market, where the best institutions are those with the best students, teachers and employees, and also the ones that manage to obtain the highest subsidies, whether private or public. Thus, higher-education institutions need to show stakeholders evidence of the accomplishment of their objectives, mission and strategies.

In managing its activities, the university enforces the following principles:

To promote open access to all forms of study, including the application of the principle of equal opportunities for all those interested in studying.

To ensure students’ satisfaction by understanding their current and future needs.

To strengthen the pride of students and future school graduates.

To maintain the motivational environment for employees, and create conditions for personnel and professional growth.

To strengthen employee loyalty and use their skills for the benefit of the university.

To internationalize educational, scientific and research activities.

To strengthen and develop partnerships with other universities and educational organizations.

To promote the school by improving marketing activities and by constantly planning, evaluating and improving the quality of all processes.

From the perspective of university management, effective and efficient application of these principles in school management and the efficient quality management system are contributed to the systematic improvement in the quality of education and to the improvement in scientific, research and other creative activities.

It is believed that students’ achievement is likely to be more vital where principal, teachers, administrators and stake holders’ work together to identify sources of student success. Moreover, the administrator must communicate freely with staff and stake holders. He should share achievement data, communicates vision, mission, goal and ongoing process towards attainment of goal to staff, parents, students and community.


The process of self-evaluation should generate key management information which results in an evaluation of overall quality and improvement. This evaluation can then be used to create a set of agreed, targeted action points which, in turn, drive further

improvement. The process of self-evaluation is central to the maintenance of quality and the pursuit of excellence. It has become firmly established as the basis on which improvement planning and public reporting on standards and quality are founded. Self-evaluation is complementary to external inspection. Indeed, the latter now is built on the results and evidence of self-evaluation across the organization. Self-evaluation, to be fully effective, is not designed to be a single or periodic event, but rather is an ongoing process which strives to maintain and enhance the quality of provision. It is a well-focused means to an end rather than an end in itself.

In the best examples, it leads to the identification of main strengths and areas in which performance needs to be improved in the pursuit of excellence. The evaluations derived through the self-evaluation process should enable the authority to establish how it is performing against its education improvement objectives, and to plan the next steps in development, in order to maintain quality, secure continuous improvement and aspire to excellence.

There are four main sources of evidence, from which evaluations can be made. These are:

• Performance data;
• 性能数据;

• Relevant documentation;
• 相关文件;

• Stakeholders’ views and feedback; and
• 利益相关者的意见和反馈;和

• Direct observation of practice.
• 直接观察实践。

These sources of evidence complement each other. No single source can meaningfully provide sufficient evidence on its own to enable a reliable evaluation to be made.

There is one good habit of highly educated people: before beginning with the end in mind start with a clear understanding. It means if you know where you are going you know where you are now. Be sure that your steps are always in right direction. By analyzing data, the administrator identifies strengths and weaknesses.

Implementation is the most important factor for improving institution achievement. Collaborative efforts should be made for effective implementation of planning. The administrator must assign the work to the staff members and educationists and must monitor all the activities and help the staff members when they needed. For example: ensure the process towards satisfactory attainment of the targeted goal.

Making the whole System thinking on Educational Achievement

It is said that if one part of the system is not working the whole system cannot work properly. All parts of educational activities must be interconnected. Successful quality administrators keep the focus on the institution improvement, time, money and staff development. An administrator must align all courses with institution improvement priority. He should ensure that the institution goals are aligned with state government goals. The quality management is the main basis of the institution which can get the things done by the team, parents and stake holders. Their support could be gained not by force, but it should come from within the heart and they have to work continuously keeping in mind collaboration, collection, analysis, implementation and student achievements. Moreover, the quality management must have such qualities like

communication skill, thinking outside the box, complete honesty, willingness to work long hours, diversity in decision, dealing with touch situations, flexibility, confidence, skill to appreciate co-workers and listen to others, clear vision, sincerity and dedication towards work.

Most educators are willing to take care of students individually. The analysis shows that the flexibility and ability of students to deal with specific situations is at a very high level. The university should continue to seek and record recommendations and proposals for improvement from all stakeholders. These proposals should be reconsidered in the future. It would be appropriate to provide training on effective communication and training in innovative ways of dealing with students, especially in the field of information services.

Implementing Effective Assessment Practices

Assessment is one of the most important aspects of quality management in education. By implementing effective assessment practices, educational institutions can ensure that their students are receiving high-quality instruction and learning experiences.

Effective assessment provides an opportunity to measure student performance against established standards and objectives, identify areas for improvement, and give timely feedback to inform instructional practice. These assessments also enable educators to ensure adequate progress toward academic goals as well as monitor achievement over time.

Implementing a comprehensive system of assessment allows for data-driven decision-making when it comes to assessing student needs, curriculum alignment, and teaching strategies.

The results of the self-assessment help to find the most problematic areas, to identify the most significant deficiencies and then propose several corrective actions. Based on the assessment, the following priorities have been identified:

+To ensure that key processes support strategic objectives;

+Clearly define levels of management, responsibilities and autonomy at all levels;

+To implement an active information policy towards employees;

+Encourage employee participation in improvement activities;

+Include monitoring and evaluation of results and partnerships in regular monitoring and evaluation of processes.

It is logical that in seeking to manage quality, institutional members, at all cost, work from institutional contexts otherwise the strategies will not respond to the institution’s quality necessities. In this stage, special emphasis is brought on assessing the environment to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges; identifying and framing strategic issues; formulating strategies to manage the strategic issues; reviewing and adopting the Strategy Plan. Different institutions adopt different strategies of doing strategic planning. The strategy focus wheel is supported by seven BPPs (Best Practice Principles):
合乎逻辑的是,在寻求质量管理时,机构成员不惜一切代价从机构环境中工作,否则策略将无法满足机构的质量需求。在这个阶段,特别强调评估环境以确定优势、劣势、机会和挑战;识别和制定战略问题;制定策略以管理策略问题;审查和通过战略计划。不同的机构采用不同的策略进行战略规划。策略焦点轮盘由七个 BPP(最佳实践原则)提供支持:

a. Being disciplined: this refers to the application of a strong systems perspective in all structural, functional and behavioral aspects of the institution.

b. Being up-front: that expresses employees’ high moral probity in their valuing of honesty, humility and sincerity in all their interactions and relations.

c. Embracing change: this defines the institution’s disposition to evolve and generate new ideas and built resources for continually pursuing customer satisfaction performance. The implication is that individuals, teams and roles need to be open, vulnerable and compliant in order to change from within their hearts and souls.
c. 拥抱变化:这定义了机构发展和产生新想法和构建资源的倾向,以不断追求客户满意度。这意味着个人、团队和角色需要开放、脆弱和顺从,以便从内心和灵魂中做出改变。

d. Ensuring integration of effort: expressing the institution’s focus on value creation, management and delivery over functional needs and hierarchies.
d. 确保工作整合:表达机构对价值创造、管理和交付的关注,而不是功能需求和层次结构。

e. Establishing a learning culture: this expresses the robustness of the institution’s developmental orientation as focusing on knowledge and skills updating through a shared customer satisfaction performance-driven knowledge management infrastructure.

f. Measuring, reporting and learning: that encourage institutional sectors to measure, report on performance so that teams learn and better perceive the institution’s atlas of improvement.

g. Supporting distributed leadership: employees take up roles with commitments to make careful decisions that prolific their own and others operational effectiveness and efficiency.

Good as they are, these quality excellence principles must help in creating a context for optimization of policies, procedures and standards used to deliver high quality education in institutions. If done well, the main gains to the QMS would be an effective implementation process, and the establishing of an effective organizational vision for the future.
尽管这些质量卓越原则很好,但必须有助于为优化用于在机构中提供高质量教育的政策、程序和标准创造环境。如果做得好,QMS 的主要收益将是有效的实施过程,以及为未来建立有效的组织愿景。


In conclusion, to implement quality management in education, Educators and administrators should work together to ensure that the highest standards are met for students’ learning experiences.

Quality management principles such as continuous improvement, process optimization, customer satisfaction, and risk assessment can all be used to help schools strive for success. By implementing the principles of quality management into leadership practices and organizational structures, schools will have an opportunity to increase student performance and create a more positive learning environment.

Ultimately, it is up to educators and administrators alike to take necessary steps towards ensuring that their school system meets the needs of its stakeholders: parents, teachers, staff members, and most importantly - students.
最终,教育工作者和管理人员都有责任采取必要措施,确保他们的学校系统满足其利益相关者的需求:家长、教师、工作人员,最重要的是 - 学生。

Topic Six. Power and leadership in management

What comes to mind when you think of the term “power”? Does it evoke positive or negative feelings? In both research and practice, power has been described as a dirty word. Certainly it is easy to think of leaders who have used power for unethical or immoral purposes. That said, people who have power, deny it; people who want power, try not to look like they are seeking it; and those who are good at acquiring it are secretive about how they got it.

Great leaders have the following in common: they have a vision to achieve largescale ideas that they dream of accomplishing, and they have the personal power to enact it. For example, such business leaders as the late Steve Jobs of Apple Computer, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com, Phil Knight of Nike, and Sam Walton of Wal-Mart had strong visions of the future. They were able to transform their visions into reality, because they had acquired and used the necessary power to do so. Great leaders make things happen by utilizing personal power.
伟大的领导者有以下共同点:他们有一个实现他们梦想实现的大规模想法的愿景,并且他们拥有实现这些想法的个人力量。例如,已故的苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer)的史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)、Microsoft的比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)、脸书(Facebook)的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)、Amazon.com 的杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)、耐克的菲尔·奈特(Phil Knight)和沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)的山姆·沃尔顿(Sam Walton)等商业领袖都对未来有着强烈的愿景。他们能够将自己的愿景变为现实,因为他们已经获得并使用了必要的力量来做到这一点。伟大的领导者通过利用个人力量来使事情发生。

Power is a natural process in the fabric of organizational life. Getting things done requires power. Every day, managers in public and private organizations acquire and use power to accomplish organizational goals. Given that, you need to understand how power is acquired, know how and when to use it, and be able to anticipate its probable effects. The concepts of power and leadership are closely linked. Leaders use power as a means of attaining group goals. By learning how power operates in organizations, you will be better able to use that knowledge to become a more effective leader. In its simplest terms, power is the ability to influence someone else.

Sources of Power in Organizations

Where does power come from? What gives a person or group influence over others? More than 60 years ago social scientists John French and Bertrand Raven <reiven>(1959) proposed five sources of power within organizations: legitimate, reward, coercive (compulsory), expert, and referent. Many researchers have studied these five sources of power and searched for others. For the most part, French and Raven’s power sources remain intact.
电力从何而来?是什么让一个人或一个团体对他人产生影响?60 多年前,社会科学家约翰·弗兰奇 (John French) 和伯特兰·雷文 (Bertrand Raven) <reiven>(1959) 提出了组织内部的五种权力来源:合法的、奖励的、强制性的、专家的和指涉的。许多研究人员研究了这五种动力来源并寻找其他来源。在大多数情况下,French 和 Raven 的电源保持不变。

Legitimate Power

Legitimate power is a person’s ability to influence others’ behavior because of the position that person holds within the organization. Legitimate or position power, as it is sometimes called, is derived from a position of authority inside the organization, often referred to as “formal authority.” That is, the organization has given to an individual occupying a particular position the right to influence—direct—certain other individuals.

Those with legitimate power have the understood right to ask others to do things that are considered within the scope of their authority. When a manager asks an employee to work late to complete a project or to work on one task instead of another, he or she is exercising legitimate power. Managers can enhance their position power by formulating policies and procedures. For example, a manager might establish a requirement that all new hires must be approved by said manager, thus exercising authority over hiring.

Subordinates play a major role in the exercise of legitimate power. If subordinates view the use of power as legitimate, they comply. That is, legitimate power covers a relatively narrow range of influence and, therefore, it may be inappropriate to overstep these bounds. For example, a boss may require his secretary to type a company document. However, it would be an abuse of power to ask that secretary to type his doctoral dissertation. The secretary may decide to complete the task, but doing so would not be within the scope of the boss’s formal authority. Legitimate authority is a person’s authority to make discretionary (optional) decisions as long as followers accept this discretion.

Reward Power

Reward power is a person’s ability to influence others’ behavior by providing them with things they want to receive. These rewards can be either financial, such as pay raises or bonuses or nonfinancial, including promotions, favorable work assignments, more responsibility, new equipment, praise, and recognition. A manager can use reward power to influence and control employees’ behavior, as long as employees value the rewards. For example, if managers offer employees what they think are rewards (a promotion with more responsibility), but the employees do not value them (i.e., they are insecure or have family obligations that are more important to them than a promotion), then managers really do not have reward power.

Reward power can lead to better performance, as long as the employee sees a clear link between performance and rewards. To use reward power effectively, therefore, the manager should be explicit about the behavior being rewarded and should make clear the connection between the behavior and the reward. Employees also have reward power over their managers through the use of 360-degree feedback systems. Employee feedback affects managers’ promotions and other rewards, so managers tend to behave differently toward employees after 360-degree feedback is introduced into the organization.
奖励力可以带来更好的绩效,只要员工看到绩效和奖励之间的明确联系。因此,为了有效地使用奖励力,管理者应该明确被奖励的行为,并应该明确行为与奖励之间的联系。员工还可以通过使用 360 度反馈系统对他们的经理拥有奖励权。员工反馈会影响经理的晋升和其他奖励,因此在将 360 度反馈引入组织后,经理们往往会对员工采取不同的行为。

Coercive Power

Coercive power is a person’s ability to influence others’ behavior by punishing them or by creating a perceived threat to do so. For example, employees may comply with a manager’s directive because of fear or threat of punishment. Typical organizational punishments include reprimands, undesirable work assignments, withholding key information, demotion, suspension, or dismissal. Coercive power has negative side effects and should be used with caution, because it tends to result in negative feelings toward those who use it.

The availability of coercive power varies from one organization and manager to another. Most organizations now have clearly defined policies on employee treatment.

Clearly defined rules and procedures that govern how coercive power is used prevent superiors from using their legitimate power (formal authority) arbitrarily and unethically.

The presence of unions also can weaken coercive power considerably. One need not be in a position of authority, however, to possess coercive power. Employees also have coercive power, including the use of sarcasm and fear of rejection, to ensure that team members conform to group norms. Many organizations rely on the coercive power of team members to control employee behavior.

Expert Power

Expert power is a person’s ability to influence others’ behavior because of recognized knowledge, skills, or abilities. Physicians are acknowledged to have expertise, special skills, or knowledge and hence expert power. Most people follow their doctor’s advice. Computer specialists, tax accountants, and economists have power because of their expertise. Experts have power even when they rank low in the organization’s hierarchy. As organizations become increasingly more technologically complex and specialized, expert power of organization members at all levels in the hierarchy becomes more important. Some firms deliberately include lower-level staff members with expert power in top-level decision making. Knowledge is power in today’s high-tech workplaces.

Expert power is based on the extent to which followers attribute knowledge and expertise to the power holder. Experts are perceived to have expertise in well-defined functional areas but not outside them. To be granted expert power, followers must perceive the power holder to be credible, trustworthy, and relevant.

Credibility is acquired by having the appropriate credentials. For example, physicians, computer specialists, and tax accountants, who have shown tangible evidence of their expertise, will be listened to closely and thereby granted expert power. These specialists may not be granted expert power in other functional areas. The person seeking expert power also must be trustworthy, that is, have a reputation for being honest. In addition to credibility and trustworthiness, a person must have relevance. For example, if physicians gave advice on political issues, it would not be relevant, and therefore the physician would not have expert power in this area.

Referent Power

Referent power is a person’s ability to influence others’ behavior because they like, admire, and respect the individual. For example, suppose you are friends with your boss. One day, she asks you to take on a special project that you do not like. To anyone else, you would likely decline the request, but because of your special relationship with this individual, you may do it as a favor. In this instance, your boss has power over you because of your positive relationship.

Referent power develops out of admiration of another and a desire to be like that person. This helps to explain why celebrities are paid millions of dollars in endorsements.

Marketing research shows that people such as Michael Jordan and Serena Williams have the power to influence your choice of athletic shoes and tennis products. The same could be said of leaders in business firms who have a good reputation, attractive personal characteristics, or a certain level of charisma. A charismatic leader can ignite an entire organization.
市场研究表明,迈克尔·乔丹 (Michael Jordan) 和塞雷娜·威廉姆斯 (Serena Williams) 等人有能力影响您对运动鞋和网球产品的选择。拥有良好声誉、有吸引力的个人特征或一定程度的魅力的商业公司的领导者也是如此。一个有魅力的领导者可以点燃整个组织。

Power, Influence, and Leadership

A great deal of power people has in organizations comes from the specific jobs or titles they hold. In other words, they are able to influence others because of the formal power associated with their positions. For example, there are certain powers that the president of the United States has because of the office (e.g., signing bills into law, making treaties, declaring war, etc.). These remain vested in the position and are available to anyone who holds it. When the president’s term expires, they transfer to the new office-holder.

A true leader is able to influence others and modify behavior via legitimate and referent power. President Carter had a noble vision about the United States, as well as the world, but he could not unite groups or people to achieve his goals; the whole country suffered. Presidents Truman and Johnson used their position (or office or power) effectively and were much better able to manipulate groups and people to achieve their ends. Presidents Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton relied on personal persuasion and were able to sway the nation as a whole, as well as Congress, business, and labor, by charisma and communication. President Roosevelt effectively used both position and personality.

Presidents Bush (senior and junior) 41 and 43 and Obama’s leadership tends to coincide with the Truman-Johnson model.
41 岁和 43 岁的布什总统(老总统和小总统)以及奥巴马的领导层往往与杜鲁门-约翰逊模式一致。

Sources of power usually are divided into organizational and personal. Legitimate, reward, and coercive powers are organizational and are part of the leader’s job. Policies and procedures prescribe them. Expert and referent powers are personal and emanate from a leader’s personality.

If we summarize the relationship between power, influence, and leadership we’ll have the framework where organizational and personal powers result into such subordinate’s outcomes as behavior, performance, task, completion, job satisfaction, absenteeism and turnover. The key to this framework is that leadership as an influence process is a function of the elements of the leader’s sources of power and the degree of acceptance with the interests and needs of the subordinates.

Research on Sources of Power

One review of several studies that examined the sources of power concluded the following:

1. Legitimate power can be depended on initially, but continued reliance on it may create dissatisfaction, resistance, and frustration among employees; if legitimate power does not coincide with expert power, there may be negative effects on productivity; and dependence on legitimate power may lead to only minimum compliance while increasing resistance.
1. 最初可以依赖合法权力,但继续依赖它可能会在员工中引起不满、抵制和挫败感;如果合法权力与专家权力不一致,可能会对生产力产生负面影响;对合法权力的依赖可能只导致最低限度的服从,同时增加阻力。

2. Reward power can directly influence the frequency of employee-performance behaviors in the short run. Prolonged use of reward power can lead to a dependent relationship in which subordinates feel manipulated and become dissatisfied.
2. 奖励力在短期内可以直接影响员工绩效行为的频率。长期使用奖励权力会导致一种依赖关系,在这种关系中,下属感到纵并变得不满。

3. Although coercive power may lead to temporary compliance by subordinates, it produces the undesirable side effects of frustration, fear, revenge, and alienation.
3. 虽然强制力可能会导致下属暂时服从,但它会产生挫折、恐惧、报复和疏远等不良副作用。

This in turn may lead to poor performance, dissatisfaction, and turnover.

4. Expert power is closely related to a climate of trust. A leader’s influence can be adopted by subordinates; that is, when a leader uses expert power, attitudinal conformity and assimilated motivation on the part of subordinates. This in turn requires less surveillance of employees by the leader than does reward or coercive power.
4. 专家权力与信任氛围密切相关。领导者的影响力可以被下属采用;也就是说,当领导者使用专家力量、态度一致性和下属的同化动机时。这反过来又要求领导者对员工的监督比奖励或强制权力更少。

5. Referent power can lead to enthusiastic and unquestioning trust, compliance, loyalty, and commitment from subordinates. Like expert power, considerably less surveillance of employees is required.
5. 指涉力可以导致下属热情和不容置疑的信任、服从、忠诚和承诺。与专家权力一样,对员工的监控需要要少得多。

It is possible for a person to possess all of the sources of power at the same time. In fact, the most powerful leaders—like those mentioned previously—have sources of power that include all five forms. Of the three sources of organizational power (legitimate, reward, coercive) and two sources of personal power (expert, referent), which are the most effective? Generally, the personal sources of power are more strongly related to employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance than are the organizational power sources. One source of organizational power—coercive power—is negatively related to employee satisfaction, commitment, and job performance.

Furthermore, the various sources of power are interrelated. For example, the use of coercive power by managers may reduce their referent power, and the use coercive and reward power may lead to reduced expert power. However, managers with expert power are likely to have legitimate power because people accept their expertise as a basis for their authority. In addition, the higher a person’s rank in the organization, the more legitimate power that individual possesses.

This, in turn, tends to be accompanied by greater opportunities to use reward and coercive power. Thus, depending on the situation, leaders may use the various sources of power together in varying combinations.

One interesting finding is about the role that procedural justice may play in the sources of power used by leaders. Although the sources of power are interrelated as well as related to work outcomes, they are also mediated by employees’ perceptions of social justice. What does this mean? It means that employees evaluate their perceptions concerning the justice with which leaders use the sources of power and respond accordingly. Specifically, when employees perceive that the way leaders use the various sources of power seem fair, they respond more favorably. This research leads to a new concept of power: empowerment of organization members.

Empowerment of Organization Members

Diane Tracy, a New York management consultant, suggests a new concept of power in her bestselling book, The Power Pyramid: How to Get Power by Giving It Away (1990). The concept has been referred to in the literature as “empowerment.” The new advice is that you can achieve ultimate power by giving it to the people who work for you. Tracy says that power operates under the same principle as love: The more you give to others, the more you receive in return. Also, she suggests that leaders can maximize their own power and their opportunities for success by enabling the employees they supervise also to achieve their own sense of power and success.
纽约管理顾问黛安·特雷西 (Diane Tracy) 在她的畅销书《权力金字塔:如何通过赠送权力来获得权力》(1990 年)中提出了一种新的权力概念。这个概念在文献中被称为 “赋权”。新的建议是,你可以通过将终极权力交给为你工作的人来获得它。特雷西说,权力的运作原则与爱相同:你给别人的越多,你得到的回报就越多。此外,她还建议领导者可以通过让他们监督的员工也能获得自己的权力和成功感,从而最大限度地利用自己的权力和成功的机会。

Today, many organizations are recommending a flattening of the pyramid. These leaders are beginning to see the need to involve organization members at all levels in making decisions and solving problems. Real power, according to Tracy, flows from the bottom up, rather than from the top down “… If you are successful in giving your people power, they will surely lift you on their shoulders to heights of power and success you
今天,许多组织都建议将金字塔扁平化。这些领导者开始看到让各级组织成员参与决策和解决问题的必要性。根据 Tracy 的说法,真正的权力是自下而上流动的,而不是自上而下的“......如果你成功地给你的人民权力,他们肯定会把你提升到权力的高度,让你成功

never dreamed possible…” (Tracy, 1990, 2).

Diane Tracy follows up her view of empowerment with practical suggestions on how to achieve a redistribution of power. She recommends ten steps to empowerment
黛安·特雷西 (Diane Tracy) 跟进了她的赋权观点,提出了有关如何实现权力再分配的实用建议。她建议了赋权的十个步骤

(Tracy, 1991):
(特雷西,1991 年):

1. Tell people what their responsibilities are.
1. 告诉人们他们的责任是什么。

2. Give them authority equal to the responsibility assigned them.
2. 赋予他们与被赋予的责任相等的权力。

3. Set standards of excellence.
3. 设定卓越标准。

4. Provide them with the needed training.
4. 为他们提供所需的培训。

5. Give them knowledge and information.
5. 给他们知识和信息。

6. Provide them with feedback on their performance.
6. 向他们提供有关他们表现的反馈。

7. Recognize them for their achievements.
7. 认可他们的成就。

8. Trust them.
8. 相信他们。

9. Give them permission to fail.
9. 允许他们失败。

10. Treat them with dignity and respect
10. 以尊严和尊重对待他们

The Power of Leadership in Education

We are in an era of great reform in public schools. We are all called to do more, to be more, and to reach for more to create great schools for every learner, whoever he or she may be and regardless of their defining characteristics.

We need great leaders in schools who understand the demands of the day for education that prepares all diverse learners for higher and higher levels of schooling, for college going and completion, and for life success. We need great teachers and we need powerful principals who know how to lead a school to academic excellence and high student performance.

There is always the need for dynamic principals who can exercise powerful leadership on school campuses to move all students to high academic outcomes, college completion and successful lives.

What kind of leadership is required to do this?

Scholars offer five lessons about what makes for effective principals. Effective principals…

Shape a vision of academic success for all students;

Create a climate hospitable to education;

Cultivate leadership in others;

Elevate and improve instruction; and

Manage people, data and processes to foster school improvement.

Good principals…

Attract, support and retain a high-quality teaching staff;

Manage their personal time and priorities to focus on the right “stuff”;

Spend considerable time and energy becoming instructional leaders; and

Provide a stable, predictable and supportive foundation for a high performing school.

The leadership must be fearless rather than fearful to transform schools to high performance. All of the right leadership qualities do not exist in one person – although that one person (the principal leader) is absolutely necessary.

It’s very important to identify main drivers to build a blueprint for a learning system:

Build trust;

Collaborate in all directions to build teamwork;

Provide capacity-building for all educators; and

Create leaders at all levels.

Everything we create and produce is the result of successful teamwork. In each team, there are different kinds of skills and only the right combination of them makes the best product possible. That means that team leaders should always value the skillsets of their team and consider the opinion of each team member.

Slowly but surely, you'll see that having great people is only half of the equation. The other half is getting them to work well together.

There is a set of qualities, characteristics and capacities to describe powerful leadership.

These leaders are:










Deeply committed


毫不 妥协

Of high integrity



Culturally responsive




They must reflect these characteristics in their leadership practice.

Leadership comes from lower down (in the hierarchy) and goes towards the top: one is 'made' or recognized a leader by one's group. Power, on the other hand, is a force that comes from on high, (from the hierarchy) and goes toward the bottom (top-down), from the strong to the weak.

Good leadership in schools helps to foster both a positive and motivating culture for staff and a high-quality experience for learners. Leaders at all levels in schools can contribute to this by developing the top skills needed by school leaders.

Power is the ability to get something done despite resistance. In other words, a powerful person can get what they want. The assumption in education is that the teacher is the primary source of power in the classroom. However, a powerful person may not necessarily be in a leadership position.

Power leadership uses sources of power instead of influence to motivate others to act. With power leadership, you can influence how others act, but it won't necessarily change what people believe and how committed they are. Power leadership also tends to centralize power and decision-making to one person.

What is an example of power and leadership? For example, a manager might have power over subordinates because of the manager's position in the organization. In other cases, leaders might have power because they have expertise or knowledge that others do not have. For example, a doctor might have power over her patients because of the doctor's medical knowledge.

Positive leaders know that positive energy unlocks human potential and, therefore, engagement at work. Positive leaders challenge their educators in their areas of expertise. They do not merely fill gaps revealed by a competency model. Positive leaders find a way to maximize educators' strengths.

The study of leadership teaches how to recognize different personalities, identify situations, understand relationships and strategize objectives. Studying leadership is also a time for personal introspection and growth.

Academic leadership is when a teacher, professor, or other members of faculty at some academic institution lead students to success. They may help students develop the skills and knowledge they need in their future careers and provide challenging opportunities to test and improve this knowledge.

What is the best leadership style in education? The authoritative leadership style is one of the most effective in education. These leaders are fair and consistent. They also have high expectations for their students and expect them to meet those expectations. They also provide feedback to their students so they can improve their performance.

Upon entering any graduate program for school leadership, one of the first things you will learn is about different leadership styles. Leadership styles for education cannot be considered the same as leadership styles for businesses and corporations, though some of the styles could apply to both. School leadership is much more about people than a bottom line.

Although there are many more leadership styles than what is listed below, these are some of the most commonly found styles in school leadership.

4 Major Types of Educational Leadership:
教育领导的 4 种主要类型:

Servant Leadership.

Transactional Leadership.

Emotional Leadership.

Transformational Leadership.

1. Servant Leadership
1. 仆人式领导

Servant Leadership takes the focus from the end goal to the people who are being led. There is no sense of self-interest on the part of the leader, who steps back and supports only the interests of the followers. Guidance, empowerment and a culture of trust are hallmarks of this style of leadership. A servant leader puts complete trust in the process and in his or her followers, assuming that those within the organization will align with its goal.

2. Transactional Leadership
2. 交易型领导

Give and take is the hallmark of transactional leadership – it is indeed modelled just like a business transaction. Of course the employer/employee relationship is largely transactional as is.

Employers need work done and employees do that work in exchange for money. That “quid pro quo” (“something for something”) is the heart of the workplace, and everyone is generally happy with this arrangement, but it only works if everyone involved sees it that way.

In education, there is often more at stake for employees who quite often understand their jobs to be more than just a simple exchange of services for money, but rather see their higher purpose. Money is therefore not the motivating factor.

3. Emotional Leadership
3. 情感领导

Where transactional leadership was concerned primarily with the exchange of goods and services, emotional leadership is concerned with the feelings and motivations of followers. It takes the focus completely to the other side of the spectrum – demanding that leaders be emotionally intelligent themselves and then to motivate through the use of that emotional intelligence.

4. Transformational Leadership
4. 变革型领导

Transformational leadership takes from each of the other kinds of leadership its best qualities and then uses those, along with a deep sense of shared purpose, to motivate subordinates.

While the other forms of leadership focus on one singular aspect or another, transformational leadership takes a broad view of the issues surrounding leadership and then uses those as a driving force for meeting the overall goals of the organization. For education in particular, transformational leadership offers the best of everything – from tapping into the emotions of workers to offering the compensatory core that is the case for all forms of business, to guiding from a place of support.

What is teacher leadership? It is a set of roles bundled with the motivation to inspire educational change and move beyond the status quo in collaborative ways. Teacher leaders lead alongside others, not from the front. They have their feet firmly planted in the classroom and their eyes on what is possible for all.

How Does Leadership Impact a School?

Leadership has a significant impact on the school because the style sets the tone for the entire building. For example, the democratic style of leadership is certainly conducive to educational leadership because it is a style in which the leader emphasizes collaboration. Collaboration is crucial in the education realm.

On the other hand, a transformational leader is one that inspires those they lead to grasp the vision for the organization, in this case, a school, and feel empowered to seek to bring that vision to fruition. Administration who implement this style of leadership infuse their school with energy and enthusiasm.

Finally, there is perhaps no greater call to servanthood than that of a servant school leader. School leaders serve the students, parents, and teachers of their school community by constantly seeking ways to improve the educational experience for all. An effective educational leader gives selflessly of their time and resources to do what is best for the students. If done well, it is a job that demands much of the person blessed with the responsibility to lead.

Because of the considerable impact of leadership has on a school, it is critically important to determine what effective school leadership is and how to implement it. Trying to pin down what makes a school leader effective can be challenging. However, by studying the characteristics and behaviors of consistently effective school leaders, one can observe certain commonalities that reveal effective characteristics.

Some of the most common characteristics among influential school leaders include:

High Expectations

Regardless of disadvantage, economic or otherwise, or disability, effective school leaders resist any barriers to success by having high expectations for every student. These high expectations also apply to the teachers in the building.

Ways to Improve

Whether through self-evaluation for self-improvement or through a search for more significant student progress, great school leaders are constantly searching for ways to improve. That does not only apply to their staff and students, but also to themselves.

Expertise in Analyzing Data

Influential school leaders are avid interpreters of data. They use this data to seek news ways to help students achieve constantly.


There is strength in numbers. When educators collaborate, research shows us that great things happen. Leaders can also collaborate with the teachers in the building to develop ways to solve problems and most effectively serve the school’s student population.


Power is the ability to influence others. One of the most influential theories of power comes from the work of French and Raven, who attempted to determine the sources of power leaders use to influence others. French and Raven identified five sources of power that can be grouped into two categories: organizational power (legitimate, reward, coercive) and personal power (expert and referent). Generally, the personal sources of power are more strongly related to employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance than are the organizational power sources. One source of organizational power—coercive power—is negatively related to work outcomes. However, the various sources of power should not be thought of as completely separate from each other. Sometimes leaders use them together in varying combinations depending on the situation. A new concept of power, referred to as “empowerment,” has become a major strategy for improving work outcomes.
权力是影响他人的能力。最有影响力的权力理论之一来自 French 和 Raven 的工作,他们试图确定领导者用来影响他人的权力来源。French 和 Raven 确定了五种权力来源,可以分为两类:组织权力(合法、奖励、胁迫)和个人权力(专家和参照)。一般来说,个人权力来源与员工的工作满意度、组织承诺和工作绩效的关系比组织权力来源更紧密。组织权力的一个来源——强制力——与工作结果呈负相关。然而,不应认为各种动力来源彼此完全独立。有时,领导者会根据情况以不同的组合将它们一起使用。一种新的权力概念,称为“赋权”,已成为改善工作成果的主要策略。

Each leadership style has strengths and weaknesses and is more applicable to one area of leadership than another. Educational leadership cannot be lumped into the same molds as leadership styles appropriate for businesses and governments. Educational leadership is a unique entity with a specific set of skills that must be viewed differently from other leadership types.

It stands to reason that there will be certain leadership styles that are better suited to that of a principal than others. All school leaders share the common goal of seeking what is best educationally for the students they serve, and effective school leaders share common characteristics or behaviors. Using those common characteristics of successful school leaders, it is clear that those characteristics align with certain leadership styles, and perhaps more importantly, do not align with others.

Educators never stop learning; it’s useful and tremendously important to hone your skills and promote lifelong learning and academic excellence.

Topic SEVEN. Management system of an educational institution


An education management information system (EMIS) is a data system that collects, monitors, manages, analyzes, and disseminates information about education inputs, processes, and outcomes—in particular, student learning. A successful EMIS depends on the interplay of appropriate policies, budget, human resources, organizational structure, and institutions to produce valid education data. It should empower all data users to benefit from the data and foster data-driven decision making, transparency, and accountability. Data users can include central and local authorities, schools, teachers, parents, and the broader community, including media, researchers, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). A smart system requires (1) a high degree of reliability, efficiency, and sustainability—of both the structure and the system; (2) full integration of all functions of the system; (3) high security of the infrastructure, particularly when subjected to extreme and unconventional conditions; (4) continuous health and integrity monitoring; (5) damage detection and self-recovery; and (6) an intelligent operational and management system.
教育管理信息系统 (EMIS) 是一种数据系统,用于收集、监控、管理、分析和传播有关教育投入、流程和结果(尤其是学生学习)的信息。成功的教育管理信息系统取决于适当的政策、预算、人力资源、组织结构和机构的相互作用,以产生有效的教育数据。它应该使所有数据使用者都能从数据中受益,并促进数据驱动的决策、透明度和问责制。数据用户可以包括中央和地方当局、学校、教师、家长和更广泛的社区,包括媒体、研究人员和非政府组织 (NGO)。智能系统需要 (1) 结构和系统的高度可靠性、效率和可持续性;(2) 完全集成系统的所有功能;(3) 基础设施的高安全性,尤其是在极端和非常规条件下;(4) 持续的健康和完整性监测;(5) 损坏检测和自我恢复;(6) 智能运营和管理系统。

An EMIS can be defined as ‘a system for the collection, integration, processing, maintenance and dissemination of data and information to support decision-making, policy-analysis and formulation, planning, monitoring and management at all levels of an education system. It is a system of people, technology, models, methods, processes, procedures, rules and regulations that function together to provide education leaders, decision-makers and managers at all levels with a comprehensive, integrated set of relevant, reliable, unambiguous and timely data and information to support them in completion of their responsibilities’ (UNESCO, 2008).
教育管理信息系统可定义为“用于收集、整合、处理、维护和传播数据和信息的系统,以支持教育系统各级的决策、政策分析和制定、规划、监测和管理。它是一个由人员、技术、模型、方法、流程、程序、规则和条例组成的系统,它们共同发挥作用,为各级教育领导者、决策者和管理者提供一整套 全面、综合的相关、可靠、明确和及时的数据和信息,以支持他们履行职责“(UNESCO,2008 年)。

The development of an effective EMIS is a complex and expensive undertaking under the best of circumstances. During emergencies, it is even more challenging because multiple organizations are generally involved in the provision of education, making it difficult to establish common data requirements and to coordinate data collection from the various organizations. In designing EMIS, therefore, it is important to consider the needs of all the groups that will rely on the information, including central ministry planners, officials of other national ministries (for example, finance), regional and district education officials, donors, and NGOs. Ultimately, for EMIS to be effective as a planning and management tool, national needs, not donor requirements, must be the primary force behind the development of the system. Despite the difficulties associated with the development of an EMIS, emergencies may provide an opportunity for establishing a better functioning EMIS than was in place before the crisis.
在最好的情况下,开发有效的 EMIS 是一项复杂且昂贵的工作。在紧急情况下,这更具挑战性,因为教育的提供通常涉及多个组织,因此很难建立通用数据要求和协调各个组织的数据收集。因此,在设计 EMIS 时,重要的是要考虑所有依赖这些信息的群体的需求,包括中央部委规划者、其他国家部委(例如财政部)的官员、地区和地区教育官员、捐助者和非政府组织。归根结底,要使教育管理信息系统有效地作为一种规划和管理工具,国家需求,而不是捐助者的要求,必须成为系统发展的主要力量。尽管 EMIS 的开发存在困难,但紧急情况可能为建立比危机前功能更好的 EMIS 提供机会。

Managing an entire school is quite hard. And it becomes even harder when you need to switch to multiple apps (applications) and tools to access education data.

Solution? A centralized system that holds all the data in one place. And this is where the Education Management Information System (EMIS) comes into the picture.
溶液?将所有数据保存在一个地方的集中式系统。这就是教育管理信息系统 (EMIS) 的用武之地。

But what is Education Management System, and how can it help with education management?

An EMIS is a software/platform that you can use to collect, process, integrate, and manage data and information. It’s a centralized tool that holds every bit of information in an intuitive and innovative manner.
EMIS 是一种软件/平台,可用于收集、处理、集成和管理数据和信息。它是一个集中式工具,以直观和创新的方式保存每一点信息。

Using an EMIS, you can view and monitor your school’s education programs and allocate resources for the same.
使用 EMIS,您可以查看和监控学校的教育计划并为此分配资源。

Basically, an EMIS offers you a hawk-eyed view of your school so that you can manage it better.

Let’s talk about its advantages.

What are the benefits of a centralized education management information system?

1. Improves Decision Making
1. 提高决策能力

When you have all the data in one place, you can monitor everything easily. This way, you don’t have to look around for information here and there.

You can simply access the info, analyze the same and make quick decisions based on facts.

2. Enhanced Student Info Management
2. 增强学生信息管理

Tracking student info is one of the most chaotic tasks. And this is what an EMIS helps simplify.
跟踪学生信息是最混乱的任务之一。这就是 EMIS 有助于简化的地方。

With an effective EMIS, you can create a student dashboard that contains student:
使用有效的 EMIS,您可以创建包含以下 student 的学生仪表板:

Attendance Data

Exam Data

General Performance Information

Fee Data

…and much more.

This way you can track the student info in seconds. Also, you can offer access to student data to the teachers and to the parents.

3. Enhanced Communication
3. 加强沟通

An EMIS helps you improve communication at all levels. You can reach out to teachers, parents, or even students both collectively and individually. Also, your teachers can do the same, saving you time.
EMIS 可帮助您改善各个层面的沟通。您可以集体或单独联系老师、家长甚至学生。此外,您的老师也可以这样做,从而节省您的时间。

4. Better Examination Management
4. 更好的考试管理

Using an EMIS, managing exams becomes a breeze. The teachers can schedule the exams and share the related info on the portal.
使用 EMIS,管理考试变得轻而易举。教师可以在门户上安排考试并共享相关信息。

Also, the same portal can be used for tracking the grades and notifying the parents. This will help lower some burdens off your teachers’ shoulders.

5. Enhances Teacher Productivity
5. 提高教师的工作效率

An EMIS manages several tasks such as attendance, fee management, student info, exams, etc. As a result, teachers can focus better on enhancing student learning.
EMIS 管理多项任务,例如出勤、费用管理、学生信息、考试等。因此,教师可以更好地专注于提高学生的学习能力。

This helps increase teacher productivity along with student academic performance.

What Is All About Educational Management?

Education management is the administration that oversees an education system. This administration is responsible for designing, planning and implementing learning structures. Professionals in education management can specialize in human resources, student services, financial aid, testing and disability accommodations. These positions focus on various aspects of education and work toward the improvement and optimization of the educational system.

Educational management, also sometimes known as educational administration, is commonly associated with elementary and secondary schools as well as institutes of higher learning like colleges and universities. Education management professionals can also be found working in governmental agencies, private companies, and not-for-profit organizations. Those working in educational management might develop education policy, conduct research, or consult to help evaluate and develop ways to enrich and enhance the educational system at all levels. Most educational management professionals have earned at least a master’s degree and many are licensed teachers or principals.

Leadership skills are a must in this field. Professionals working in education management must also have good decision-making and problem-solving skills. They should also be good communicators and be comfortable working with teachers, parents, and children, as well as other community members.

While Education is the provision of a series of learning experiences to students in order to impart knowledge, values, attitudes and skills with the ultimate aim of making them productive members of society, Educational Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of an institution by utilizing human and material resources so as to effectively and efficiently accomplish functions of teaching, extension work and research.
教育是向学生提供一系列学习经验,以传授知识、价值观、态度和技能,最终目的是使他们成为社会的生产力成员,而教育管理是通过利用人力和物力资源来规划、组织、指导和控制机构活动的过程,以便有效和高效地完成教学功能。 推广工作和研究。

Nature and Scope:

The National Policies on Education seek to bring about a social, economic and cultural development in society by focusing on human resource development through education.

Education, therefore, must have more relevant curricula, be dynamic, and empower students to bring about desirable social changes while preserving the desirable aspects of our existing culture.

The national developmental goals require the professional management of education to bring about the effective and efficient functioning of educational institutions.

The scope of Educational Management is wide and includes the history and theories of management science, roles and responsibilities of an educational manager along with the requisite managerial skills.

Educational Management focuses on:

-the study of theories of management science which define and describe the roles and responsibilities of the educational manager and the development of managerial skills.
- 研究管理科学理论,定义和描述教育管理者的角色和责任以及管理技能的发展。

-the study of educational planning at macro levels, its goals, principles, approaches and processes and on institutional planning and educational administration at the micro level.
- 宏观层面的教育规划、目标、原则、方法和过程的研究,以及微观层面的机构规划和教育管理的研究。

-decision making, problem solving, communication, information management and effective team building.
- 决策、解决问题、沟通、信息管理和有效的团队建设。

-Planning of curricular and co-curricular activities, curriculum and academic calendar
- 规划课程和课外活动、课程和学术日历

-Maintenance of school records, evaluation of students‟ achievement
- 维护学校记录,评估学生成绩

-Effective allocation of financial resources and the planning of the budgets of institutions.
- 有效分配财务资源和规划机构预算。

Educational Management aims at:

Achieving an institution’s objectives

Improving the processes of planning, organizing and implementing within the institution

Creating, enhancing and maintaining a positive public image of the institution

Optimal utilization of human resources (administrators, non-teaching staff, teaching staff and students)

Enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of infrastructure

Enabling job satisfaction

Creating and maintaining a congenial and cohesive atmosphere

Managing interpersonal conflicts, stress

Improving interpersonal communication.

Building a relationship with the community.

The functions of Educational Management are largely based on Henry Fayol‟s 14 Principles of Management, namely,
教育管理的功能主要基于亨利·法约尔 (Henry Fayol) 的 14 项管理原则,即:

1/Division of work



4/Unity of command

5/Unity of direction

6/Subordination of individual interests



9/Scalar chain

10/Material and social order




14/Esprit de corps
14/Esprit de corps 乐队

These functions can be encapsulated into the following 5 functions:
这些函数可以封装为以下 5 个函数:

1. Planning: is the process of setting objectives and determining the actions in order to achieve them. Planning is anticipatory in nature and sets priorities. It is proactive rather than passive.
1. 规划:是设定目标并确定实现目标的行动的过程。规划本质上是预期性的,并设定了优先事项。它是主动的,而不是被动的。

Planning asks the following questions: What? When? Where? By whom? How? while following a series of steps:

Defining Objectives (setting objectives or goals)
定义目标 (设置目标或目标)

Determining the current status with respect to the objectives (being aware of opportunities)

Determining planning premises (analyzing the situation for external factors and forecasting future trends; generation of future scenarios)

Identifying alternative (best alternative to accomplish the objectives)

Choosing an alternative (selecting the course of action to be pursued)

Formulating support plans (arranging for human and material resources)

Implementing the plan (action stage which also involves evaluation)

2. Organizing: is the process of combining the work which individuals or groups have to perform with facilities necessary for its execution such that the duties performed provide the best channels for efficient, systematic, positive and coordinated application of available effort.
2. 组织:是将个人或团体必须执行的工作与执行其所需的设施相结合的过程,以便所履行的职责为有效、系统、积极和协调地应用可用努力提供最佳渠道。

Organizing is characterized by:

Division of work or specialization: Activities are assigned to different people who are specialists in that area, for specialization improves efficiency.

Orientation towards goals: it harmonizes the individual goals of employees with the overall goals of the institution.

Composition of individuals and groups: individuals are grouped into departments and their work is coordinated and directed towards organiational goals.

Differentiated functions: the entire work is divided and assigned to individuals so that the organization’s objectives are achieved. While each individual performs a different task, each one also coordinates with the tasks of others.

Continuous process: groups of people with defined relationships with each other work together to achieve the goals of the organization. These relationships do not end once the task is completed.

Delegation of authority: the levels of hierarchy are determined and the span of control is determined via formal relationships.

Establishing a communication channel: for effective decision making, coordination, control, supervision and feedback, motivation and redressing problems or grievances encountered.

3. Directing: is the art or process of influencing people such that they willingly strive to achieve group goals. It focuses on the development of willingness to work with zeal and confidence, provides adequate guidelines to complete the task, and motivates individuals to achieve goals in a coordinated manner. It also focuses on exercising leadership while determining responsibility and accountability.
3. 指导:是影响人们的艺术或过程,使他们愿意努力实现团队目标。它侧重于培养以热情和自信工作的能力,为完成任务提供足够的指导方针,并激励个人以协调的方式实现目标。它还侧重于在确定责任和问责制的同时行使领导力。

4. Controlling: involves measuring and monitoring performance in accordance with plans and taking corrective action when required. It establishes performance standards based on the objectives, measures and reports actual performance compares the two and takes corrective or preventive action as necessary.
4. 控制:包括根据计划衡量和监控绩效,并在需要时采取纠正措施。它根据目标建立绩效标准,衡量和报告实际绩效,对两者进行比较,并在必要时采取纠正或预防措施。

Thus controlling indicates the quantum of goals achieved, the extent of deviation from actual plans, generates accurate information and requisite feedback. Thus controlling focuses upon the difference between planned and actual performance.

Controlling is especially concerned with the areas of Institutional Budget (finance in terms of income and expenditure), Institutional Supplies (stationery and material equipment), Library (maintenance and up gradation), Teaching-learning Process, Accounts and School Records and Discipline (staff and students).

5. Evaluating: is the process of measuring and assessing the achievement of objectives while providing an insight into strengths and weaknesses and planning for future endeavors.
5. 评估:是衡量和评估目标实现情况的过程,同时提供对优势和劣势的洞察,并为未来的努力进行规划。

Evaluation helps determine the effectiveness of plans for both administrators and other stakeholders like teachers, staff, students and parents, as also the extended community. It seeks to document the objectives that have been met and to provide information to all concerned stakeholders regarding achievement, obstacles and corrective action or improvements.

Thus evaluation focuses upon Process (how is the plan being carried out), Outcome (achievement of objectives), and Impact (effect of the plans initiated).

In an educational setting, evaluation of the following areas is carried out, namely,

Goals and Objectives

Content: Selection, Validity, Relevance, Appropriateness

Processes: teacher activities, pupil activities, instructional material, teaching methods

Outcome: Assessment and Feedback

Characteristics of Good Management

The characteristics of successful school management are given in the following points:

(1) Flexibility,
(1) 灵活性,

(2) Practicability,
(2) 实用性,

(3) Conformity to the social and political philosophy of the country.
(3) 符合该国的社会和政治哲学。

(4) Efficiency.
(4) 效率。

(5) Successful achievement of desired objectives.
(5) 成功实现预期目标。

(1) Flexibility: One of the essential characteristics of successful school management is its flexible character. The manager should be dynamic, not static; it should provide enough scope for additions and alternations. The rules and regulations should act as a means to end and not an end in themselves. Dead uniformity and mechanical efficiency is the very antithesis of good administration. The framework of administration should provide enough scope to the administrator to help the needy student, and the needy teacher, to change the time schedule to suit the weather and to meet any emergency. A word of caution here. Flexibility does not mean that the administration should be in a fluid condition without any specific norm or standard
(1) 灵活性:成功的学校管理的基本特征之一是其灵活的特性。经理应该是动态的,而不是静态的;它应该为添加和更改提供足够的空间。规则和条例应该是结束的手段,而不是目的本身。死的均匀性和机械效率是良好管理的对立面。管理框架应为管理人员提供足够的空间,以帮助有需要的学生和有需要的教师更改时间表以适应天气和应对任何紧急情况。这里要注意的是。灵活性并不意味着给药应该处于没有任何特定规范或标准的流体状态

rules and regulations, creating confusion and chaos at every step. What is meant, is a proper balance between rigidity and elasticity.

(2) Practicability: The school management must not be a bundle of theoretical principles, but must provide practical measure to achieve the desired objectives. Whatever objective is decided it must be achievable and practicable to avoid frustration.
(2) 实用性:学校管理不能是一堆理论原则,而必须提供实际措施以实现预期目标。无论决定什么目标,都必须是可实现和可行的,以避免挫折。

(3) Conformity to the Social and Political Philosophy of the Country: There must be close connection between school management and the social and political philosophy of a country. It must adjust itself to the impact of new ideals, new patterns and new moves of the society. In an autocratic country, educational theory and practice will have to be different form that of a democratic country because education is one of the means to achieve social and political objectives. American education is decentralized and democratized whereas Chinese education can be characterized by regimentation due to political philosophies of the respective countries.
(3) 符合该国的社会和政治哲学:学校管理与一个国家的社会和政治哲学之间必须有密切的联系。它必须适应社会新理想、新模式和新行动的影响。在一个专制国家,教育理论和实践必须与民主国家不同,因为教育是实现社会和政治目标的手段之一。美国教育是分散和民主化的,而中国教育由于各自国家的政治理念而具有条条框化的特点。

(4) Efficiency: Successful management is that which result in maximum efficiency. This will be possible only when human and material resources are properly utilized- right man at the right place; right work at the right time, every activity and project are well planned and well executed.
(4) 效率:成功的管理是导致最大效率的管理。只有当人力和物力资源得到适当利用时,这才有可能——正确的人在正确的地方;在正确的时间进行正确的工作,每项活动和项目都经过精心策划和执行。

(5) Successful Achievement of Desired Objectives: Successful management is one which leads to the successful achievement of desired objectives of education in a particular community e.g., healthy social living, development of good physical, social, moral, intellectual and aesthetic qualities and healthy democratic living.
(5) 成功实现预期目标:成功的管理是导致特定社区成功实现预期教育目标的目标,例如,健康的社会生活,良好的身体、社会、道德、智力和审美品质的发展以及健康的民主生活。

School management must facilitate education. It exists for the pupil and its efficiency has to be measured by the extent to which it contributes to teaching and learning.

Quality Management in Education

Institutions must learn to work with fewer resources. Educational professionals must help students develop the skills they need to compete in a global economy. The quality of education will improve when administrators, teachers, staff, and school board members develop new attitudes that focus on leadership, teamwork, cooperation, accountability and recognition.

• In the changing context marked by expansion of education and globalization of economic activities, education has become a national concern with an international dimension. To cope with this changing context, countries have been pressurized to ensure and assure quality of education at a nationally comparable and internationally acceptable standard.
• 在以教育扩张和经济活动全球化为标志的不断变化的背景下,教育已成为具有国际意义的 国家关注问题。为了应对这种不断变化的环境,各国承受着压力,必须确保和保证教育质量达到国内可比和国际可接受的标准。

• Quality management framework of any institution is derived from its broad objectives. Therefore, the right objectives of education must be set, both at the national as well as institution levels, before implementing the total quality management.
• 任何机构的质量管理框架都源于其广泛的目标。因此,在实施全面质量管理之前,必须在国家和机构层面设定正确的教育目标。

(a) Social Excellence: Social norms are the foundation of a country’s culture and provide longevity to its social values.
(a) 社会卓越:社会规范是一个国家文化的基础,是其社会价值观的源泉。

(b) National Excellence: Unity and integrity among the countrymen cannot be taken for granted. It must be designed, developed and groomed through the educational processes. The irony is that it can easily be lost…
(b) 国家卓越:不能认为国人之间的团结和正直是理所当然的。它必须通过教育过程进行设计、开发和培养。具有讽刺意味的是,它很容易丢失......

(c) Academic Excellence: This focuses around academic outcome, results of academic learning. This is a creation of the right capabilities of engineering, medicine, chemistry etc. Its quality is usually measured by Industry Feedbacks, Employability, Career Progression, Accessibility, Affordability, and fulfil of National Economic and Defense Priorities, etc.
(c) 学术卓越:这侧重于学术成果,即学术学习的结果。这是工程、医学、化学等正确能力的创造。它的质量通常通过行业反馈、就业能力、职业发展、可及性、可负担性以及国家经济和国防优先事项的实现情况等来衡量。

• The vision of quality of education is very much a function of the mission of the education system, educational training, social insertion, preparation for work, and for citizenship. These are occurring in particular, historical, ideological and in political context.
• 教育质量的愿景在很大程度上取决于教育系统的使命、教育培训、社会融入、工作准备和公民身份。这些事件尤其发生在历史、意识形态和政治背景下。

• Globalization of societies will require a common share of an international system of values: account has to be taken of local and national cultural identities, as well as universal moral and ethical consideration of tolerance, solidarity and human rights.
• 社会全球化需要国际价值体系的共同份额:必须考虑到地方和国家的文化特性,以及对宽容、团结和人权的普遍道德和伦理考虑。

• The combination and parallelism of the fast evolution and progress of science and technology, and of the massive and universal development of information and communication, have numerous consequences on the vision of quality of education.
• 科学技术的快速发展和进步,以及信息和通信的大规模和普遍发展,对教育质量的愿景产生了许多影响。

• In addition to setting the right educational processes, it is equally important to build management capabilities and practices within universities, colleges and schools. There are four aspects of management, which affect the overall quality of institutions.
• 除了设置正确的教育流程外,在大学、学院和学校内建立管理能力和实践也同样重要。管理有四个方面,影响机构的整体质量。

(a) Institutional leadership: This includes the abilities of teacher and academicians to conceive the vision of quality. This aspect is not just for the principals and/or vice chancellors or deans to practice, but also needful for teachers in order to assume leadership in their classrooms.
(a) 机构领导:这包括教师和院士构想质量愿景的能力。这方面不仅适合校长和/或副校长或院长练习,而且也适合教师在课堂上发挥领导作用。

(b) Quality Administration: Administration function is important at two levels; i.e. institutional and classroom. The principals or registrars manage the institutional administration.
(b) 质量管理:管理职能在两个层面上都很重要;即机构和课堂。委托人或注册商管理机构管理。

Administration quality includes:

(c) Quality Assurance (QA) Framework: This revolves around three basic functions: Quality planning, measuring quality and quality control, and initiatives for improving quality. Main activities in educational institutions include: establishing indicators for performance measurement, collecting such data and analyzing it, collecting and analyzing the root-cause of quality problems.
(c) 质量保证 (QA) 框架:这围绕着三个基本功能:质量规划、衡量质量和质量控制,以及提高质量的举措。教育机构的主要活动包括:建立绩效衡量指标,收集和分析这些数据,收集和分析质量问题的根本原因。

A highly qualified teacher does not mean high quality teacher. Highly qualified refers to high level of degrees. Whereas, this quite seldom means he/she can teach the subject matter effectively. For a teacher to be a good one, he/she will have to build capabilities in many other fields, in addition to the subject matter.

• The chief wealth of leading edge enterprises lies in the qualities of their human capital. This is all the more true for higher education establishment, so complex and demanding are the tasks (education, research and services) required of them. On the part of teachers and researcher they demand not only great ability but also involvement and ethical values meeting the requirements of quality directed at social relevance. The quality of the staff implies acceptable social and financial status, a will to reduce inequalities such as those relating to gender. A concern to manage staff in accordance with the merit principle and provide them with the in-service training they need, in order to fulfil their role in a changing society.
• 领先企业的主要财富在于其人力资本的质量。对于高等教育机构来说更是如此,他们所需的任务(教育、研究和服务)是如此复杂和苛刻。对于教师和研究人员来说,他们不仅需要出色的能力,还需要参与和道德价值观,满足针对社会相关性的质量要求。工作人员的素质意味着可接受的社会和经济地位,以及减少不平等(例如与性别有关的不平等)的意愿。关注根据任人唯贤原则管理员工,并为他们提供所需的在职培训,以便在不断变化的社会中发挥他们的作用。

• The quality of education and schooling is linked with the qualification of teachers, curriculum, and educational material, teaching methodologies, equipment and physical facilities. It is well understood that the real impact of these factors on quality of education can be determined through valid and reliable examination. The performance measure of the students and teacher is based on their examination results only.
• 教育和学校教育的质量与教师资格、课程和教育材料、教学方法、设备和物理设施有关。众所周知,这些因素对教育质量的真正影响可以通过有效和可靠的检查来确定。学生和教师的成绩衡量标准仅基于他们的考试成绩。

• There are four main aspects of exams, which affect their quality:
• 考试有四个主要方面,会影响其质量:

(i) Planning: ensure compatibility with the lesson plans, independence, language, confidentiality, etc.
(i) 规划:确保与课程计划的兼容性、独立性、语言、保密性等。

(ii) Reliability and validity, ensure that exams measure what they are supposed to measure keeping in view the bloom’s taxonomy
(ii) 可靠性和有效性,确保检查衡量他们应该衡量的东西,同时考虑到 Bloom 的分类法

(iii) Management, ensure that it is conducted effectively, and
(iii) 管理,确保其有效执行,以及

(iv) Analysis of results with appropriate statistical techniques and understanding.
(iv) 使用适当的统计技术和理解分析结果。

• If there is any desire to pull out their nations from marshes of decline, decay and degradation, education must be completely revamped and an important step in this direction is to introduce clean and honest entry examinations to all professional educational institutions at provincial and national levels.
• 如果有人想把他们的国家从衰落、腐朽和退化的沼泽中拉出来,就必须彻底改革教育,朝着这个方向迈出的重要一步是将廉洁和诚实的入学考试引入省级和国家级的所有专业教育机构。

• The quality of the students who constitute the raw material of higher education requires special attention to their problems of access in the light of criteria related to merit (abilities and motivation); proactive policies for the benefit of disadvantaged; exchanges with secondary education and with the bodies involved in the transition from secondary to higher education, to ensure that education is an unbroken chain.
• 构成高等教育原材料的学生的素质需要根据与成绩(能力和动机)相关的标准特别关注他们的入学问题;为弱势群体谋福利的积极政策;与中等教育以及参与从中等教育向高等教育过渡的机构进行交流,以确保教育是一个不间断的链条。

• Student capability is developed as much by learning experiences as by specific content of courses. If students are to develop justified confidence in their ability to take purposive and sensible action, and to develop the unseemly characteristics of confidence in their ability to learn, belief in their power to perform and proven power of judgment in unfamiliar situations, they need real experiment of being responsible and accountable for their own learning, with the rigorous, interactive, supportive and, for them, unfamiliar environment of higher education.
• 学生的能力既是通过学习经验来发展的,也是通过课程的具体内容来发展的。如果学生要对他们采取有目的和明智的行动的能力产生合理的信心,并培养对自己学习能力的信心、对自己执行能力的信念和在不熟悉的情况下经过验证的判断力的不体面特征,他们需要对自己的学习负责和负责的真正实验。 拥有严谨、互动、支持性,对他们来说,陌生的高等教育环境。

The quality of education and research assumes the existence of an adequate physical infrastructure that matches need. It also assumes, however, that such infrastructure is maintained and managed in the best possible way in the institution interests and not mainly for the convenience of the managers.

Evolution of Concept of Management in Education

Educational management as a field of study and practice was derived from management principles first applied to industry and commerce, mainly in the United States. Theory development largely involved the application of industrial models to educational settings. As the subject became established as an academic field in its own right, its theorists and practitioners began to develop alternative models based on their observation of, and experience in schools and colleges. By the 21st century the main theories, had either been developed in the educational context or had been adapted from industrial models to meet the specific requirements of schools and colleges. Educational management has progressed from being a new field dependent upon ideas developed in other settings to become an established field with its own theories and research.
教育管理作为一个研究和实践领域,源自最初应用于工商业的管理原则,主要在美国。理论发展主要涉及将工业模型应用于教育环境。随着该学科本身成为一个学术领域,其理论家和实践者开始根据他们对学校和学院的观察和经验开发替代模型。到 21 世纪,主要理论要么是在教育环境中发展起来的,要么是从工业模式改编而来的,以满足学校和学院的特定要求。教育管理已经从一个依赖于其他环境中发展的思想的新领域发展成为一个拥有自己的理论和研究的成熟领域。

There is no single all-embracing theory of educational management. In part this reflects the astonishing diversity of educational institutions, ranging from small rural elementary schools to very large universities and colleges. It relates also to the varied nature of the problems encountered in schools and colleges, which require different approaches and solutions. Above all, it reflects the multifaceted nature of theory in education and the social sciences: “Students of educational management who turn to organizational theory for guidance in their attempt to understand and manage educational institutions will not find a single, universally applicable theory but a multiplicity of theoretical approaches each jealously guarded by a particular epistemic community” – P.Ribbins
没有单一的包罗万象的教育管理理论。这在一定程度上反映了教育机构的惊人多样性,从小型农村小学到非常大型的大学和学院。它还与学校和学院遇到的问题的不同性质有关,这些问题需要不同的方法和解决方案。最重要的是,它反映了教育和社会科学理论的多面性:“在试图理解和管理教育机构的过程中,转向组织理论寻求指导的教育管理学生不会找到一个单一的、普遍适用的理论,而是多种理论方法,每种方法都受到特定认识社区的嫉妒保护” – P.Ribbins

Educational Administration:

Educational Management and Educational Administration are terms used interchangeably.
Educational Management 和 Educational Administration 是可以互换使用的术语。

However, Educational Administration is a specialized activity which runs the entire educational program composed of human and material resources in an organized manner towards a fruitful and constructive goal.

Educational institutions operate in a dynamic environment. They therefore must constantly identify and implement improvements in their own setup. Doing so requires the administrators, faculty, and staff to constantly access training and developmental opportunities.

The process of continuous improvement thrives when the mindset of the stakeholders is geared towards constant monitoring, problem identification and research.

Educational Administration therefore performs a three-fold task to ensure efficient working, namely,

 Stating the specific purpose and mission of education in general and of institutions in particular.
• 说明教育的具体目的和使命,特别是机构的具体目的和使命。

 Ensuring that work is productive by nurturing human resources to be productive in their endeavors.
• 通过培养人力资源使其在工作中富有成效,确保工作富有成效。

 Designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals work together in groups efficiently to accomplish set goals.
• 设计和维护一个环境,让个人在团队中有效地合作以实现既定目标。

Thus, Educational Administration deals with the optimal functioning of the institution by developing the human personality in a balanced manner.

Educational Administration is concerned with the efficiency and commitment that manpower expresses in the pursuit of goals. It reiterates practical measures adopted to ensure that the system of work assists the educational process and helps realize the set goals and objectives for the benefit of all stakeholders.

The main Functions of Educational Administration are:

Execution (plans)

Direction (line of action)

Supervision (of work done in the field)

Advice (methods of work)

Stimulation (work efficiency)

Exploration (new vistas)

Leading (learners‟ programs)

Assistance (adopting feedback, diagnosing weaknesses)

Execution: In Execution lies the foundation of an institution. Execution not only points out what resources are needed but also the sources of procurement. These resources may include material resources like the building, furniture, library, laboratories, non-material resources like personnel, and other stakeholders like students and parents and abstract resources like vision, mission statement, ideology and values. The Administrative Executive Body systematically plans, arranges for and uses these resources in order to achieve its goals.
执行: 执行是一个机构的基础。执行不仅指出需要哪些资源,还指出采购的来源。这些资源可能包括建筑、家具、图书馆、实验室等物质资源,人员等非物质资源,以及学生和家长等其他利益相关者,以及愿景、使命宣言、意识形态和价值观等抽象资源。行政执行机构系统地规划、安排和使用这些资源,以实现其目标。

Direction: The vision and mission statement of the institution serves to direct the institution in its quest to achieve its goals. Educational Administration ensures that the directives are upheld during curriculum construction and academic planning.
方向: 机构的愿景和使命宣言用于指导机构实现其目标。教育管理部门确保在课程建设和学术规划期间遵守这些指令。

Supervision: Supervision ensures that the plans are being executed according to the directives.

It thus enhances the quality of work done and the ensuing accomplishments.

Advice/ Stimulate: Educational Administration analyses the work and manner in which work is done. It weighs the pros and cons and then puts into action plans which help remove the weaknesses and serve to accomplish the set goals.

Explore: Educational Administration initiates research, adopts and adapts to new methods and techniques in order to enhance learning opportunities.
探索: 教育管理部门发起研究,采用和适应新的方法和技术,以增加学习机会。

Lead / Assist: Educational Administration not only lays down the directives but also provides the requisite support system to enable the efficient and effective fruition of the set objectives or goals.
领导/协助: 教育管理部门不仅制定指令,还提供必要的支持系统,以实现既定目标或目标的高效和有效实现。

The Scope of Educational Administration:

Educational Administration involves the following aspects associated with an institution:

Planning: Planning results in

1. Recognition of goals
1. 目标的认知

2. Optimal use of resources
2. 资源的最佳利用

3. Prevention of wastage, duplication of effort and unhealthy practices
3. 防止浪费、重复工作和不健康的做法

4. Orderly execution of plans
4. 有序执行计划

Educational planning is carried out at the central level, the state level, the local level and at the school level.

Budgeting: Budgeting is an essential facet of a successful organization and administration. It calls for an estimated account of revenues and expenditure with scope to embrace contingencies when required.
预算: 预算是成功组织和管理的一个重要方面。它要求对收入和支出进行估计,并在需要时考虑突发事件。

Organizing: Organization focuses on two main aspects: material equipment (infrastructure) and human equipment (stakeholders) with the main aim of maintaining efficiency, productivity, effectiveness and utility in the teaching-learning environment.

Educational Administration further influences:

 The preparation of curriculum for different classes according to their diverse abilities and aptitudes.
• 根据不同班级的不同能力和能力为他们准备课程。

 The time table and academic calendar
 时间表和校历

 The co-curricular programs
• 课外活动

 Organization and distribution of work
• 工作组织和分配

 Establishment and working of infrastructure
 基础设施的建立和运作

 The organization and conduct of examinations
• 考试的组织和实施

 The organization and functioning of guidance and counselling cells on the campus
• 校园内指导和咨询小组的组织和运作

 The organization of community reach programs
 组织社区推广计划

 The provision of auxiliary services like midday meals, school uniforms, books medical checkups etc.
• 提供辅助服务,如午餐、校服、书籍、体检等。


Educational Administration has a vast area of operation ranging from Planning to Budgeting in an effort to make the educational process purposive and functional. An important tool it is effective, systematic and has a definite purpose. It focuses upon the attitude towards work and adopts practical measures to ensure that that the system of work functions efficiently and assists in the achievement of the aims of education thus benefiting the learners who are the main stakeholders in the educational system.

An Education Management System is no longer an option. It has become a necessity if you want to survive in the school business.

Earlier, such systems were costly. However, with the advent of cloud management systems and the internet, you can easily afford an academic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
以前,此类系统成本高昂。但是,随着云管理系统和互联网的出现,您可以轻松负担得起学术企业资源规划 (ERP)。

With a powerful academic ERP for all-around school management you can manage students, faculty, parents, school finance, and almost everything with exceptional solutions.
借助用于全面学校管理的强大学术 ERP,您可以使用卓越的解决方案管理学生、教职员工、家长、学校财务以及几乎所有内容。

Quality Management in Education is creating an environment where educators, parents, government officials, community representatives and business leaders work together to provide students with the resources they need to meet current and future academic, business, and societal challenges.

Quality in education is a multidimensional concept, which includes all related function and activities that form the part of academic life in a university system. Therefore, any framework for assessment of quality should take into account the quality of students, teachers, infrastructure student support services, curricula assessment and resources.

Due to globalization of economies, the tasks for different skill development and the priorities attached to the different skills development significantly change the vision of educational quality.


Topic 8. Methodology of management in education
主题 8.教育管理方法

Teaching is an art, and like every art, it demands creativity and innovation. The way we teach, the strategies we use, and the methodologies we apply can make a significant difference in the learning outcomes of our students. Thus, it is essential to know about Teaching Methodology- Different Types of Teaching Methods to make the teaching-learning process more effective and enjoyable.
教学是一门艺术,就像每门艺术一样,它需要创造力和创新。我们的教学方式、使用的策略和应用的方法都会对学生的学习成果产生重大影响。因此,了解教学方法 - 不同类型的教学方法以使教学过程更加有效和愉快至关重要。

Methodology is a system of practices and procedures that a teacher uses to teach. It will be based on beliefs about the nature of learning, known as 'Approach'. Teaching methodology refers to the approach that educators use to teach their students. It involves the combination of various techniques, strategies, and activities that aim to improve student learning outcomes.

Many teachers base their lessons on a mixture of methods and approaches to meet the different needs of learners and the different aims of lessons or courses. Factors in deciding how to teach include the age and experience of learners, lesson and course objectives, expectations and resources.

Methodology is the scientific method and the basis for educational research. The scientific method uses directed questions and manipulation of variables to systematically find information about the teaching and learning process.

What are the three methodology of teaching?

In essence, the three teaching styles boil down to this:

Direct — Tell students what to do.
直接 — 告诉学生该怎么做。

Discuss — Ask questions and listen.
讨论 — 提出问题并倾听。

Delegate — Empower students.
委托 — 为学生赋能。

Methods are important in teaching because they help to facilitate learning and ensure that students are able to acquire knowledge and skills effectively. Effective teaching methods can enhance student engagement, improve their understanding of complex concepts, and promote retention and application of knowledge.

Experiential learning is a great teaching method because it encourages creativity, helps students learn from mistakes, fosters reflective thinking, and prepares students for future experiences.

What is the difference between method and methodology in education?

'Methodology' is not just a fancier-sounding term for 'methods' – it refers to the school of thought by which you conduct research. Method, on the other hand, is all about practicalities: surveys, experiments, observations and so on.

Let’s explore the difference in more detail.

Methodology: Strategizing your approach

Your methodology will inform the methods that you use to answer a particular research question. Deciding on a methodology before you commence your research journey will guide which types of data collection and analysis methods you will use along the way. In short, your methodology underpins the theoretical rationale for the approach you take, as well as the prism through which you consider your analysis.

Most broadly, examples of this could be quantitative research and qualitative research. Each of these includes a set of commonly used methods, yielding particular types of data, which will dictate how you analyze these data.

Method: Doing the work

Your method describes how you collect your data. When written up, your methods should contain enough information to allow other researchers to reproduce your work and results. The extent to which your methods are effective in enabling the reproducibility of your research is a testimony to the robustness of your work.

Examples of methods would be interviews or specific experiments, all of which would essentially give you a guide as to how you can answer your research question. These will be underpinned by protocols, describing how you will practically carry out this work in a step-by-step fashion.

Methodology vs. Method: How to write them up

If you are publishing in a field where your methodology is not a given, then reporting your methodology is something to consider – the journal may even ask for it. In this case, report the methodology you are using, and make sure that you go into the rationale for choosing this.

Your methods, on the other hand, should read almost like a step-by-step guide, and have to be detailed enough for others to recreate your process.

If we sum up, we have to say the following:

While methodology and method are sometimes used interchangeably, they certainly are not. Methodology shapes your methods, and will have profound impact on the types of questions you’re able to answer. A good amount of consideration should be given to which methodology to employ in order to ensure that you can answer your research question appropriately.

Which teaching methodology is commonly used for teaching?

There are different types of teaching methods that can be categorized into four broad types.

Teacher-centered methods,

Student/Learner-centered methods,

Content-focused methods; and

Interactive/participative methods.

Instructor/Teacher-Centered Methods

Here the teacher casts himself/herself in the role of being a master of the subject matter. The teacher is looked upon by the learners as an expert or an authority. Learners, on the other hand, are presumed to be passive and copious recipients of knowledge from the teacher.

Learner/Student-Centered Methods

In learner-centered methods, the teacher/instructor is both a teacher and a learner at the same time. In the words, the teacher plays a dual role as a learner as well “so that in his classroom extends rather than constricts his intellectual horizons”.

The teacher also learns new things every day that he/she didn’t know in the process of teaching. The teacher “becomes a resource rather than an authority”. Examples of student-centered methods are the discussion method, the discovery or inquiry-based approach, the model of learning through discussion.

Content-Focused Methods

In this category of methods, both the teacher and the learners have to fit into the content that is taught. Generally, this means the information and skills to be taught are regarded as very important.

A lot of emphasis is laid on clarity and careful analyses of content. Both the teacher and the learners cannot alter or become critical of anything to do with the content. An example of a method that subordinates the interests of the teacher and learners to the content is the programmed learning approach.

Interactive/Participative Methods

This fourth category borrows a bit from the three other methods without necessarily laying emphasis on either the learner, content, or teacher. These methods are driven by the situational analysis of what is the most appropriate thing for us to learn/do now given the situation of learners and the teacher.

There is no “best” method of teaching. However, many researchers today agree that including more student-centered learning approaches in the classroom can improve learning. Using only a teacher-centered approach leaves out many skills and learning opportunities for students. Yet, there may still be space for teacher-centered learning for some specific topics and learning objectives. However, teacher-centered learning shouldn’t be the only strategy in your teacher toolbox.

The bottom line is that each teacher needs to find a teaching style that fits his or her personality. An effective teacher is a passionate teacher who is confident in what they’re doing! So, if any of the strategies on this list of teaching methods intrigues you, why not look into it a bit more? You might discover a new method that motivates your students and improves their learning and your teaching experience!

Details of Various Methods with Advantages & Disadvantages

What are the Different Teaching Methodologies?

There are several different teaching methodologies, including:

Lecture-Based Teaching

Discussion Teaching
讨论 教学

Demonstration Learning

Project-Based/Assignment-Based Learning

Self-instruction Learning

Collaborative Learning

Flipped Classroom

Inquiry-Based Learning

Experiential Learning

Problem-Based Learning

Lecture Method

The lecture method is one of the most traditional and widely used teaching methods. In this method, the teacher delivers the information to the students in a structured and organized manner. This method is suitable for large groups of students and is most effective when the material being presented is complex or theoretical.


To orient students.

To introduce a subject.

To give directions on procedures.

To present basic material.

To introduce a demonstration, discussion, or performance.

To illustrate the application of rules, principles, or concepts.

To review, clarify, emphasize or summarize.

A formal or semi-formal discourse in which the instructor presents a series of events, facts, or principles, explores a problem or explains relationships

It creates new ideas.

It is good for a large class.

The teacher is experienced and has mastery of the subject, explains all points, and can answer all questions raised by students.

Students can ask if they need any clarification.

Learn through listening

The teacher explains all the points.

Students give their input

The teacher discusses the whole topic in the class in an easy language so students can easily understand the topic.\

It is good for a large class.

The teacher provides all knowledge related to the topic.

Time-saving as a teacher is supposed to finish the lecture on time.

Students give their views at the end of the lecture.

Students can ask the question if they have any problems understanding the lecture.

Students attentively listen to a lecture and take notes as the teacher ask questions at the end of the lecture.

Students know and understand basic concepts.

The teacher knows all the students so he/she can use suitable strategies for the class to make them understand.

The teacher is experienced and has mastery of a subject and can answer all questions by students.

Teachers share information with students so it creates interest in students.

Students are more involved and participate when the teacher asks questions.

The teacher provides notes.

Students easily understand every point.

Students share knowledge with the teacher.

The teacher is a role model for students.

优点 缺点

Saves time. Involves one-way communication.

Permits flexibility. Poses problems in skill teaching.

Requires less rigid Encourages student passiveness.
要求不那么僵化 鼓励学生被动。

space requirement. Poses difficulty in gauging student

Permits adaptability. reaction.

Permits versatility. Require highly skilled instructors.

Permits better center

over contact and sequence.

Discussion Method

The discussion method involves encouraging students to share their ideas and opinions about a particular topic. This method is effective when the goal is to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


To develop imaginative solutions to problems.

To stimulate thinking and interest and to secure student participation.

To emphasize main teaching points.

To supplement lectures, reading & laboratory exercises.

To determine how well the student understands concepts and principles.

To prepare students for the application of the theory of procedure.

To summarize, clarify points or review.

It also helps to promote collaboration and teamwork among students.

A method in which group discussion techniques are used to reach instructional objectives.

Students listen to others’ opinions & express their opinion.

Discuss with teachers the points that were missed during the discussion.

Students learn on their own & find out key points.

Students exchange their ideas.

Students get point of view of all and not only those who always speak.

After discussion when students give their presentation, the teacher corrects their mistakes.

Students can make their own notes.

The learning is more effective.

They don’t have to rely on rote learning.

Develops creativity among students.

It evokes thinking among students.

Students have time for the preparation of the topic.

Students should have material and knowledge before the discussion. Suggestion

Only those students participate who have confidence rest do not participate.

Concepts become clear after discussion.

Every student gives his/ her opinion.


Increase students interest

Increases students’ acceptance and commitments.

Utilizes student knowledge and experience.

Results in more permanent learning because of the high degree of student participation.


Require highly skilled instructors.

Requires preparation by the student.

Limits content.

Consumes time.

Restricts the size of groups.

Demonstration Method

The demonstration method involves showing the students how to do something rather than just telling them. This method is most effective when teaching practical skills or hands-on subjects such as science or engineering.

A method of instruction where the instructor by actually performing an operation or doing a job shows the students what to do, and how to do it, and through explanations brings out why, where, and when it is done.

It helps:

To teach manipulative operations or procedures.

To teach troubleshooting.

To illustrate principles.

To teach the operation or functioning of equipment.

To teach teamwork.

To set standards of workmanship.

To teach safety procedures.


Minimize damage and waste

Saves time

Can be presented to large groups.

Enable learning evaluation.


Require careful preparation and rehearsal.

Requires special classroom arrangements.

Requires tools and equipment.

Requires more instructors.

Project-Based/Assignment-Based Learning Method

The project-based learning method involves students working on a project or assignment over an extended period of time. This method is effective when the goal is to promote creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.

A method in which the instructor assigns reading to books, periodicals, project’s or research papers or exercises for the practice.

It helps:

To orient students to a topic prior to classroom or Laboratory work.

To enhance the ability to research any topic as the student search for topics from different books, websites, etc.

To activate learning

To set the stage for a lecture demonstration or discussion.

To provide for or capitalize on individual differences in ability, background, or experience through different assignments.

To provide for the review of material covered in class or to give practice.

To provide enrichment material.


Increase coverage of material.

Reduce classroom time.

Permits individual attention.


Require careful planning and follow-up.

Poses an evaluation problem.

Produce non-standard results.

Programmed Instruction Method

A method of self-instruction

To provide remedial instruction.

To provide make-up instruction for late arrivals, absentees, or translations.

To maintain previously learned skills that are not performed frequently enough.

To provide retraining on equipment and procedures which have become obsolete.

To upgrade production.

To accelerate capable students.

To provide enough common background among students.

To provide the review and practice of knowledge and skills.


Reduce failure rate.

Improves end-of-course proficiency.

Saves time.

Provides for self-instruction.


Require local or commercial preparation.

Requires lengthy programmer training.

Increases expenses.

Requires considerable lead time.

Few Additional Types of Teaching Methods:

Collaborative Learning Method: The collaborative learning method involves students working together in groups to solve problems or complete tasks. This method is effective when the goal is to promote teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.
协作学习方法: 协作学习方法涉及学生以小组形式一起解决问题或完成任务。当目标是促进团队合作、沟通和解决问题的能力时,这种方法是有效的。

Inquiry-Based Learning Method: The inquiry-based learning method involves students exploring a particular topic or question and developing their understanding through inquiry and investigation. This method is effective when the goal is to promote independent thinking, curiosity, and creativity.
探究式学习法: 探究式学习方法涉及学生探索特定主题或问题,并通过探究和调查发展他们的理解。当目标是促进独立思考、好奇心和创造力时,这种方法是有效的。

Flipped Classroom Method: The flipped classroom method involves students learning the material at home through videos, readings, or other resources, and then using class time to apply what they’ve learned through activities or discussions. This method is effective when the goal is to promote independent learning and self-directed study.
翻转课堂方法: 翻转课堂方法涉及学生在家中通过视频、阅读材料或其他资源学习材料,然后利用课堂时间通过活动或讨论应用他们所学的知识。当目标是促进独立学习和自主学习时,这种方法是有效的。

Off-line vs. On-line methods

Differences Between Online Learning and Offline Learning

The main difference between online and offline learning is location. With offline learning, participants are required to travel to the training location, typically a lecture hall, college, or classroom. With online learning, on the other hand, the training can be conducted from practically anywhere in the world. Participants simply need to log on to the internet from their home, work or even their local coffee shop.

Another difference is the flexibility offered. Online learning usually has a more flexible timescale. As a trainer, you can offer your support via email or through an online chat system. With offline learning, it is typically carried out between office hours and doesn’t offer as much flexibility to the learner or the trainer.

What are the benefits of online vs offline learning?

Although online learning has become the preferred method for the majority of learners, it’s important not to dismiss the benefits of offline training too.

With online training courses, you and the course attendees benefit from a more casual, flexible approach. Being unrestricted in regard to location and times means every learner can benefit from the courses.

With offline learning, it’s easier to ensure attendees are paying attention to the training. Some learners also find it easier to retain the knowledge and skills they’ve learned through offline training than they do with online training.

As there are benefits to both learning options, it makes sense to offer a combined online and offline learning approach as a trainer.

What are the 4 classroom management styles?
4 种课堂管理风格是什么?

Classroom management can be done in four different ways: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and indulgent.

Authoritarian classroom management

In essence, the authoritarian classroom management approach involves the teacher having total authority over the class. Students are not participating or responding in class. It is very likely that a student who disobeys the rules will face punishment in this toughest kind of class management.

A teacher with complete control over the classroom is an authoritarian classroom management style. Students lack the freedom to participate actively and to respond. The instructor retains the center of attention and overall authority in the classroom. The emphasis is on submission. Rules must be followed without question. For breaking the rules, there are consequences.

Authoritative Classroom Management

The authoritative classroom management approach seeks to balance student participation with teacher control. While always adhering to the regulations, students are encouraged to participate in class and work together with their peers.

A balance between teacher control and student interaction characterizes the authoritative classroom management approach. Students are urged to participate and work together in this type of classroom while also adhering to the regulations. Although the structure is there, it does not supplant student liberty. The teacher values the opinions of the students, especially when it comes to suggestions for improving the learning environment.

A strong educator is concerned about their students both within and outside of the classroom. Positive student outcomes are achieved in this classroom. Students don’t hesitate to participate and take chances. As a result, pupils excel and progress in all areas. Rules are upheld by trustworthy connections. Everyone who is impacted by the rules is informed of their rationale. When rules are broken, there are repercussions.

Permissive Classroom Management Style

Low levels of control and student interaction are also characteristics of permissive classroom management. The pupils are essentially given free rein to do as they wish. This mostly results from the teachers and the administration’s lack of organization and planning. Rules are not upheld. Poor behavior is rarely addressed. Children are left unsupervised.

It’s common to perceive permissive discipline as being indulgent or lenient. Rarely does the adult become involved? Adults who adopt this technique occasionally prioritize friendship over discipline.

Indulgent Classroom Management Style

High instructor interaction with pupils but little classroom discipline defines an indulgent management style. This teaching method creates a setting where there are minimal, if any, expectations placed on the pupils, and the teacher actively encourages them to pursue their own goals.

Indulgent teachers are much more involved with their students than permissive ones are. They tend to be overly pleasant despite having a genuine concern for their students and what is happening in their life.

Choosing the Best Classroom Management Style

The teacher must consider which of the four different classroom management approaches best suits his or her teaching philosophy and goals and select the one that is the best. The best teaching method depends on the subject matter, the goals of the lesson, and the learning styles of the students. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and the most effective teaching approach often involves a combination of methods. Using multiple teaching methods in one lesson can help to engage students with different learning styles and promote a deeper understanding of the material. It’s better to consider the following inquiries to aid in structuring the teacher’s thoughts:

Why do you want to achieve as a teacher?

What motivates you to work with students?

What takes place in a productive learning environment?

It takes some trial and error to determine the classroom management approach that will work for you. You understand what the pupils in your class need because you are the teacher. The success of a teacher is determined by the achievement of his or her pupils. The classroom environment must be structured and conducive to interactions for students to succeed. It’s crucial to strike a balance between control and involvement.

It’s acceptable to take some time to figure things out if you’re a new teacher. It’s worth to begin with student results. At the end of the school year, where do you want your students to be? What should they understand and be able to do that they were unable to when they initially approached you?

Create a map for each month and set smaller objectives as you go. Analyze the effort required to get them there. Your style will become more apparent to you once you’ve made that determination.


What are 4 strategies for effective classroom management?
有效课堂管理的 4 种策略是什么?

4 Effective strategies for classroom management are listed below:
4 课堂管理的有效策略如下:

Let students help establish guidelines

Avoid punishing class

Encourage initiative

Use non-verbal communication

Give tangible rewards

Assign open-ended projects

What is the best classroom management style?

The most effective kind of classroom management is the authoritative approach since it is most closely related to good student behavior.

What are the 5 approaches to classroom management?
课堂管理的 5 种方法是什么?

5 approaches to classroom management are:
课堂管理的 5 种方法是:

Understand your students.

Set effective limits.

Let Students Help.

Encourage Questioning.

Let Students Lead.

Encourage Group Projects

Keep to the schedule you set.

What is the key to effective classroom management?

Strong relationships with students are essential for effective classroom management. Systems, procedures, and nonverbal cues.

Teaching and learning are the two sides of a coin. The most accepted criterion for measuring good teaching is the amount of student learning that occurs. There are consistently high correlations between students’ ratings of the “amount learned” in the course and their overall ratings of the teacher and the course.
教与学是一枚硬币的两面。衡量良好教学的最可接受标准是学生的学习量。学生对课程中 “学习量 ”的评分与他们对教师和课程的总体评价之间始终存在高度相关性。

Those who learned more gave their teachers higher ratings: “Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand.”

How to Choose the Best Teaching Methodology?

Choosing the best teaching methodology depends on several factors, including the learning objectives, the student’s learning style, the subject matter, and the resources available. Educators should choose the most appropriate methodology that aligns with their student’s needs and learning goals. Teachers have to consider the subject matter, the goals of the lesson, and the learning styles of the students. They should experiment with different methods and ask for feedback from their students to find the most effective teaching approach.

What is the Importance of Teaching Methodology?

The teaching methodology is essential for effective teaching and learning. It helps educators to deliver their content in a way that is engaging, interactive, and meaningful to their students. It also enables them to personalize their teaching approach to cater to their student’s individual needs.

What are the Advantages of Using Different Teaching Methodologies?

Using different teaching methodologies has several advantages, including:

Enhanced student engagement

Improved student motivation

Increased student participation

Greater retention of information

Improved critical thinking skills

Increased collaboration and teamwork

What are the Disadvantages of Using Different Teaching Methodologies?

Using different teaching methodologies also has some disadvantages, including:

Time-consuming preparation and implementation

Possible resistance from students who prefer traditional teaching methods

Need for sufficient resources, such as technology and materials

Potential for ineffective implementation if not executed correctly

How Can Teachers Implement Teaching Methodologies in Their Classrooms?

Teachers can implement teaching methodologies in their classrooms by following these steps:

Identify the learning objectives and student needs

Choose the most appropriate methodology

Prepare the necessary resources and materials

Implement the methodology effectively

Evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology

What are the Key Elements of Effective Teaching Methodology?

Effective teaching methodology should include the following key elements:

1. Clear learning objectives
1. 明确的学习目标

2. Active student engagement
2. 积极的学生参与

3. Relevance to real-life situations
3. 与现实生活情况的相关性

4. Appropriate assessment and evaluation methods
4. 适当的评估和评价方法

5. Opportunities for feedback and reflection
5. 反馈和反思的机会

What is the Role of Technology in Teaching Methodology?

Technology plays a vital role in teaching methodology, allowing educators to deliver content more effectively and efficiently. It also enables them to personalize their approach to cater to their student’s individual needs, provide interactive and engaging learning experiences, and offer access to a vast range of online resources and tools.

How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Teaching Methodology?

Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching methodology is crucial to determine whether it is achieving the desired learning outcomes. It involves collecting data on student performance, engagement, and satisfaction, and analyzing this data to identify areas for improvement.

What is the Difference Between Teaching Methodology and Pedagogy?

Pedagogy refers to the broader concept of teaching and learning, while teaching methodology is a specific approach to teaching that educators use to achieve their pedagogical goals. The teaching methodology is a subset of pedagogy, which also encompasses other aspects such as curriculum design, assessment, and evaluation.

What is the Future of Teaching Methodology?

The future of teaching methodology is likely to involve a greater emphasis on technology-enabled learning, personalized learning approaches, and student-centered teaching. As technology continues to evolve, educators will have access to a wider range of tools and resources to deliver more effective and engaging learning experiences.

What are Some Common Myths About Teaching Methodology?

Some common myths about teaching methodology include:

1. There is a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching
1. 有一种放之四海而皆准的教学方法

2. Technology can replace traditional teaching methods entirely
2. 技术可以完全取代传统的教学方法

3. Lecture-based teaching is outdated and ineffective
3. 基于讲座的教学已经过时且无效

4. Student-centered teaching is always the most effective approach
4. 以学生为中心的教学永远是最有效的方法

Can a single teaching methodology be effective for all subjects?

No, a single teaching methodology may not be effective for all subjects, as different subjects require different teaching approaches. For example, the inquiry-based approach may be more effective for science and math, while the discussion-based approach may work better for social studies and literature. Educators should choose the teaching methodology that aligns with the subject matter and learning goals.

How important is student feedback in evaluating teaching methodology effectiveness?

Student feedback is crucial in evaluating teaching methodology effectiveness, as it provides insight into what is working and what needs improvement. Educators should regularly gather feedback from their students and use it to make changes to their teaching approach. By incorporating student feedback, educators can improve learning outcomes and increase student engagement.

How can teachers effectively integrate technology into their teaching methodology?

Teachers can effectively integrate technology into their teaching methodology by choosing tools and resources that align with their teaching goals and students’ needs. For example, they can use educational apps and online resources to provide engaging and interactive learning experiences. Teachers should also ensure that students have access to the necessary technology and receive adequate training on how to use it.

What is the role of the teacher in student-centered teaching methodology?

In student-centered teaching methodology, the role of the teacher is to facilitate learning and provide guidance and support to students. Teachers should encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and provide opportunities for collaboration and self-directed learning. The teacher’s role is to create a supportive learning environment that empowers students to take ownership of their learning and achieve their full potential.

What is traditional and modern teaching methodology?

Traditional vs. Modern Education

Traditional education is the study of culture, traditions, and customs, while modern education teaches students to improve their skills. In traditional teaching methods, students learn through memorization skills, while in modern education systems, students learn through human-environment interaction.


Teaching methodology plays a vital role in delivering effective and engaging learning experiences for students. By understanding the different methodologies available and choosing the most appropriate approach for their students’ needs, educators can improve learning outcomes and student engagement. By staying updated on the latest teaching methodologies and techniques, educators can continue to enhance their teaching practice and deliver the best possible learning experiences for their students.

Topic 1. Classical and modern management theories in education: evolution of managerial thought
主题 1.教育中的古典和现代管理理论:管理思想的演变

School of Scientific Management. F. Taylor as the founder of scientific management (work "Principles of scientific management" (1911)).
科学管理学院.F. Taylor 是科学管理的创始人(著作“科学管理原理”(1911 年))。

The concept of "achieving leader" and "achieving worker". Research F. and L. Gilbreth, G. Gantt.
“成就领导者”和“成就工人”的概念。研究 F. 和 L. Gilbreth,G. Gantt。

"The Twelve Principles of Productivity" by G. Emerson. School of Administrative Management. A. Fayol: the concept of "administration",
G. Emerson 的《生产力的十二条原则》。行政管理学院。A. Fayol:“管理”的概念,

management functions, 14 principles of administrative management. The concept of "rational bureaucracy" M. Weber.
管理职能,行政管理的 14 项原则。“理性官僚主义”的概念 M. Weber。

School of Human Relations. Hawthorne experiments and their results. E. Mayo. The theory of joint power and other ideas of M.P. Follet.
人际关系学院。霍桑实验及其结果。E. 梅奥。M.P. Follet 的联合权力理论和其他思想。

School of Behavioral Sciences. A. Maslow's pyramid of needs. Theory "X" and "U" D. McGregor. Hygienic factors and motivators in the theory of F. Herzberg.
行为科学学院。A. 马斯洛的需求金字塔。理论 “X” 和 “U” D. McGregor。F. Herzberg 理论中的卫生因素和激励因素。

Topic 2. Organizational forms and management structures
主题 2.组织形式和管理结构

The concept of the organizational structure of management (OSM). Types of OSM: bureaucratic (mechanical) and organic. Advantages and disadvantages of bureaucratic OSM, advantages and disadvantages of organic OSM. The evolution of organizational structures. Adhocracy, multidimensional, participatory, networked, virtual organizations. Requirements for the formation of effective management structures.
管理的组织结构 (OSM) 的概念。OSM 的类型:官僚主义(机械)和有机。官僚主义 OSM 的优缺点,有机 OSM 的优缺点。组织结构的演变。灵活型、多维、参与式、网络化、虚拟组织。形成有效管理结构的要求。

Topic 3. Management decisions
主题 3.管理决策

The concept, content and structure of information support for management in education. The concept and essence of management decisions. Requirements for a management decision: a clear target orientation, comprehensive validity, targeting, consistency, eligibility. Factors that determine the quality of management decisions: internal and external. Classification of management decisions.

Formalized (mathematical) methods: analytical, statistical,

mathematical programming, game-theoretic.

Non-formalized methods: brainstorming method, Delphi method, method

scenarios, decision tree method.

Topic 4. Strategic management
主题 4.战略管理

The concept and content of strategic management. The difference between strategic management and operational management. Mission and goals of the organization. Formation of a "tree of goals". Assessment and analysis of the external environment in strategic management. Management technologies for assessing the environment

(SWOT- analysis). Strategy implementation management. Strategic change and strategic control. Areas and problems of strategic change.
(SWOT 分析)。战略实施管理。战略变革和战略控制。战略变革的领域和问题。

Topic 5. Quality and efficiency of management
主题 5.管理质量和效率

Education quality management. Control in pedagogical management. Information technology management in the education system Models of management. Advantage and disadvantages. The quality of education as the main problem of pedagogical management. The concept of management efficiency. Management effectiveness. General and specific indicators for assessing the effectiveness of management. Types of management effectiveness: tactical and strategic, potential and real. Requirements for effective management: compliance with the purpose and strategy of the organization, timeliness, freedom of maneuver.
教育质量管理。教学管理中的控制。教育系统中的信息技术管理 管理模式。优点和缺点。教育质量是教学管理的主要问题。管理效率的概念。管理有效性。用于评估管理有效性的一般和具体指标。管理有效性的类型:战术和战略、潜在和实际。有效管理的要求:遵守组织的目标和战略、及时性、机动自由。

Topic 6. Power and leadership in management
主题 6.管理中的权力和领导力

The concept of power in management. Power, control, manipulation. Power balance. Fundamentals of leadership: the concept of "leader" "leadership". The main traits of a leader. Approaches to the study of the phenomenon of leadership. The concept of attributive leadership, the concept of charismatic leadership.

Topic 7. Management system of an educational institution
主题 7.教育机构的管理系统

Seven factors in the formation of a management system: the goal of management, management functions, management powers, the complexity of functions and powers, the management object, information, technology. Distribution of management functions, degree of their specialization and concentration. The efficiency and quality of management. Distribution of powers in the management system, type of hierarchy, degree of centralization of management. Object and subject of management.

Topic 8. Methodology of management in education
主题 8.教育管理方法

The development of managerial thought revolves around three phenomena: tasks, people, managerial activities. There is an inseparable link between knowledge management and the learning process. An organization that understands and adopts the philosophy of knowledge management becomes self-learning; its activity takes on the character of innovation, because learning leads to the emergence of new knowledge that generates new products and services, and then again new knowledge - the cycle of knowledge - innovation - knowledge.
管理思想的发展围绕三个现象展开:任务、人员、管理活动。知识管理和学习过程之间有着密不可分的联系。理解并采用知识管理理念的组织成为自我学习的组织;它的活动具有创新的特点,因为学习导致新知识的出现,从而产生新的产品和服务,然后又是新知识 - 知识的循环 - 创新 - 知识。

Questions for the exam in the discipline:

1. School of scientific management: F. Taylor - the founder of scientific management. Research G. Gantt, L. and F. Gilbert, G. Emerson.
1. 科学管理学派:F. Taylor - 科学管理的创始人。研究 G. Gantt, L. 和 F. Gilbert, G. Emerson。

2. School of administrative management: 14 principles of management by A. Fayol. The theory of rational bureaucracy by M. Weber. Ideas of C. Barnard.
2. 行政管理学院:A. Fayol 的 14 项管理原则。M. Weber 的《理性官僚主义理论》。C. 巴纳德的想法。

3. School of human relations: G. Munsterberg's ideas. Hawthorne experiments E. Mayo. The theory of joint power and other ideas of M.P. Follett.
3. 人际关系学派:G. Munsterberg 的思想。Hawthorne 实验 E. Mayo。M.P. Follett 的联合权力理论和其他思想。

4. School of Behavioral Sciences: A. Maslow's Theory of Needs. Theoretical concept of management by D. McGregor.
4. 行为科学学院:A. 马斯洛的需求理论。D. McGregor 的《管理理论概念》。

5. Pedagogical management and educational process, its specificity.
5. 教学管理和教育过程,其特异性。

6. Principles, functions, methods of pedagogical management.
6. 教学管理的原则、功能、方法。

7. School culture: ways and characteristics.
7. 学校文化:方式和特点。

8. Harrison model. Symbols, heroes, rituals.
8. 哈里森模型。象征、英雄、仪式。

9. Principles of public relations, their characteristics.
9. 公共关系原则,它们的特点。

10. The concept of educational process management. System: types, properties.
10. 教育过程管理的概念。System:类型、属性。

11. Scientific and classical schools of management.
11. 科学和古典管理学派。

12. School of Human Relations and Quantitative School.
12. 人际关系学院和定量学院。

13. Modern approaches to management.
13. 现代管理方法。

14. Concept, essence and functions of management.
14. 管理的概念、本质和功能。

15. Goals, principles and structure of management.
15. 管理的目标、原则和结构。

16. Essence and stages of strategic management.
16. 战略管理的本质和阶段。

17. Management tactics: methods, methods, stages of operational management
17. 管理策略:运营管理的方法、方法、阶段

educational process.

18. Organization as a function of management.
18. 组织作为管理的一项功能。

19. Delegation of authority and responsibility.
19. 权力和责任的下放。

20. Essence, types, features of organizational structures.
20. 组织结构的本质、类型、特征。

21. The team and its features.
21. 团队及其特点。

22. Managing conflicts and stress.
22. 管理冲突和压力。

23. Team management: influence, power, leadership.
23. 团队管理:影响力、权力、领导力。

24. Personnel management of the enterprise.
24. 企业的人事管理。

25. Development of personnel policy.
25. 制定人事政策。

26. Quality management.
26. 质量管理。

27. Anti-crisis management: classification, types.
27. 反危机管理:分类、类型。

28. Manager model.
28. 经理模型。

29. Self-management.
29. 自我管理。

30. Differentiation at school.
30. 学校的差异化。

31. Components of the educational system.
31. 教育系统的组成部分。

32. Aspects and degree of differentiation.
32. 分化的方面和程度。

33. Models of school organization and their components.
33. 学校组织模型及其组成部分。

34. Communications: goals of performance appraisal, performance appraisal structure.
34. 沟通:绩效评估目标、绩效评估结构。

35. Anti-crisis management: classification, types.
35. 反危机管理:分类、类型。

36. Manager model.
36. 经理模型。

37. Differentiation at school.
37. 学校的差异化。

38. Components of the educational system.
38. 教育系统的组成部分。

39. Aspects and degree of differentiation.
39. 分化的方面和程度。

40. Modern problems of management of educational organizations.
40. 教育机构管理的现代问题。

TOPIC 10. Strategy for the development of the education system in the modern stage
主题 10.现代教育系统发展战略

In the modern period, a lot of developments took place in the system of education. The instructors began to make use of technologies and modern, scientific and innovative methods in teaching students. When the teaching and the learning methods are put into practice, the teachers are able to promote student learning, help them to achieve academic goals and lead to up-gradation of the overall system of education. Furthermore, the students are also able to make use of them in multiplying their knowledge and understanding of the lesson plans and academic concepts. The concept of assessment also was acknowledged to a major extent. In this manner, the instructors were able to find out how the students are progressing. In addition, they are able to acknowledge whether their teaching methods, teaching materials and instructional strategies have proven to be worthwhile or there is a need to bring about improvements in them. Apart from academic subjects, the students are trained in terms of various factors, which would contribute in bringing about improvements in one’s overall quality of lives. The main areas that have to be taken into account are: significance of education in the modern period, objectives of education in the modern period, the teaching methods in the education system in modern period, and the characteristics of the education system in modern period.

Today the individuals belonging to various communities, categories and backgrounds recognize the meaning and significance of education. There is prevalence of the viewpoint that education is the instrument, which will render a significant contribution in not only augmenting the knowledge and the understanding in terms of various areas, but also enable the majority of the population receive education. Furthermore, they augmented the knowledge and the understanding in terms of the subjects of science and literature.

The modern era is referred to the era of science, technologies and innovations. Furthermore, there is an increase in the industrial sector. When the individuals acquire education, they are made aware that they need to make use of it in promoting well-being and sustaining their living conditions in an appropriate manner. Therefore, one is able to understand that in the modern period, the developments that took place in the system of education rendered an important contribution in enriching the lives of many people.

Significance of Education in the Modern Period

Education in the modern period was regarded as the instrument, which would lead to effective growth and development of the individuals and enable them to sustain their living conditions in an effective manner. Through getting enrolled in educational institutions and pursuing education, the individuals are not only augmenting their knowledge and understanding in terms of academic subjects and lesson plans, but they are emerging into moral and ethical human beings. In order to achieve personal and professional goals and enrich one’s living conditions, it is vital for the individuals to learn to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate. Hence, through acquisition of education, the individuals learn to differentiate between right and wrong. Furthermore, they are able to augment their critical thinking skills. These are necessary to make wise and productive decisions. Therefore, the significance of education in modern period is recognized, when the individuals make use of it to hone critical thinking skills and emerge into productive human beings.

In educational institutions at all levels, it is necessary to create an environment, which would enable the members to feel comfortable and concentrate on their job duties in a well-organized manner. The provision of infrastructure, amenities, resources, materials, equipment, technologies, and other facilities are important. It is apparent that to put into operation various methods and approaches, to do well in one’s jobs and to augment learning and understanding, it is of utmost significance to ensure that all the factors are put into operation that would render a significant contribution in the formation of pleasant and amiable environment within the educational institutions. The research studies have indicated that the significance of education in modern period is recognized, when there is provision of infrastructure, amenities, resources, materials, equipment, technologies, and other facilities.

Education has to be easily accessible to all the individuals. In the acquisition of education, all the individuals need to be provided with equal rights and opportunities and there should not be any kind of discriminatory treatment. The instructors assign the job duties of monitors to the students on the basis of their skills, abilities and personality traits. Whereas, the grading system is based on the performance of the students. When the students experience setbacks within the course of their academic performance, either the instructors provide extra classes to reiterate the concepts or they communicate with other students to help their classmates. This signifies that students are provided with the opportunities to up-grade their communication skills. Furthermore, teamwork is encouraged. The instructors give assignments and projects to the students, which they implement in a team. Therefore, through these factors, the individuals, belonging to various age groups, categories and backgrounds recognize the significance of education in modern period. They wholeheartedly understand that it is essential to bring about improvements in their overall quality of lives.

In the lives of the individuals, there are occurrence of various types of problems and challenges. These are personal as well as professional in nature. The individuals need to be well-equipped in terms of norms, values, principles, strategies and approaches that would help them to provide solutions to the problems in an effective manner.

Teachers have to report whether they strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed, or strongly disagreed with the following statements:

• I feel I am making a significant educational difference in the lives of my students.
• 我觉得我正在对学生的生活产生重大的教育影响。

• If I try really hard, I can make progress with even the most difficult and unmotivated students.
• 如果我真的很努力,即使是最困难和最没有动力的学生,我也能取得进步。

• I am successful with the students in my class.
• 我在班上的学生中取得了成功。

• I usually know how to get through to students.
• 我通常知道如何与学生打交道。

The classroom disciplinary climate index draws on four items in the teacher questionnaire which reflect the climate in a class taught by the teacher in the school:

• When the lesson begins, I have to wait quite a long time for students to quieten down.
• 上课时,我必须等待很长时间才能让学生安静下来。

• Students in this class take care to create a pleasant learning atmosphere.
• 本班学生注意营造愉快的学习氛围。

• I lose quite a lot of time because of students interrupting the lesson.
• 由于学生打断了课程,我损失了很多时间。

• There is much noise in this classroom.
• 这个教室里有很多噪音。

Through learning and understanding various concepts, the individuals learn how to cope with various problems and challenges in a satisfactory manner. The technologies are made use of on a comprehensive basis. These are regarded as worthwhile in not only augmenting their knowledge and understanding in terms of various subjects and concepts, but also in communicating with others. When the instructors and students are situated at a distance from each other, in such cases, technologies render a significant contribution in communicating with each other. Therefore, the significance of education in modern period is recognized, when the individuals augment their knowledge in terms of norms, values, principles, strategies and approaches. In addition, the individuals will learn to make use of them in an efficacious manner in providing solutions to problems and in sustaining their living conditions in a satisfactory manner.

Objectives of Education in the Modern Period

Within the course of time, education started to develop and entered into the modern era. The modern era is referred to the era of science, technologies and innovations. Hence, it is ensured that individuals should be well-equipped in terms of usage of technologies and utilize modern, scientific, technical and pioneering methods in the implementation of tasks and activities. The students are taught values such as, equality, community welfare, environmental protection, fundamental rights and duties, and so forth. In other words, the students are imparted information through lesson plans and academic concepts to bring about improvements in their overall quality of lives. The viewpoint is developed among the individuals that both men and women are equal. In order to lead to effective growth and progression of the individuals, communities and nation as a whole, it is necessary for the individuals to accept other cultures, traditions and beliefs. The individuals within educational institutions are different from each other on the basis of factors such as, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, occupation and socio-economic background. In educational institutions, the individuals should communicate with each other in an effective manner, accept the differences and not possess any kinds of negative feelings. It was comprehensively understood that in doing well in one’s jobs and in achieving the desired goals and objectives, it is essential for the individuals to form cordial and sociable environmental conditions. This can be facilitated by communicating with each other in an effectual manner and forming cordial and amiable terms and relationships. Therefore, an important objective is to generate information among individuals that they need to form positive viewpoints in terms of cultures, traditions and beliefs. In addition, one should refrain themselves from the possession of negative feelings of antagonism and resentment.
随着时间的推移,教育开始发展并进入现代时代。现代是指科学、技术和创新的时代。因此,可以确保个人在使用技术方面做好充分准备,并在执行任务和活动时利用现代、科学、技术和开创性的方法。学生们学习平等、社区福利、环境保护、基本权利和义务等价值观。换句话说,学生通过课程计划和学术概念获得信息,以提高他们的整体生活质量。这种观点是在个体中形成的,即男性和女性都是平等的。为了导致个人、社区和整个国家的有效成长和进步,个人必须接受其他文化、传统和信仰。教育机构中的个人因信仰、种族、宗教、民族、性别、年龄、职业和社会经济背景等因素而彼此不同。在教育机构中,个人应该以有效的方式相互沟通,接受差异,不要拥有任何形式的负面情绪。人们全面认识到,要做好自己的工作并实现预期的目标和目的,个人必须形成亲切和善于交际的环境条件。这可以通过以有效的方式相互沟通并形成亲切和友好的术语和关系来促进。 因此,一个重要目标是在个人中生成他们需要在文化、传统和信仰方面形成积极观点的信息。此外,一个人应该避免拥有对抗和怨恨的负面情绪。

In living an efficient life and sustaining one’s living conditions in an effective manner, there are number of tasks and activities that the individuals need to put into practice. Furthermore, they need to be aware of number of factors. In the modern system of education, the primary objective of putting into practice the teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies is to promote student learning. The instructors ensure that students are able to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of various areas in such a manner that they become well-prepared. In promoting better livelihoods opportunities and in assistance of one’s living conditions in an effectual manner, there are occurrence of number of problems and challenges. The individuals need to be well-equipped in terms of measures and approaches to cope with various types of problems and challenges. Therefore, a vital objective is to generate information among individuals that they are well-prepared and aware of the methods and approaches to cope with various types of problems and challenges.

The Teaching Methods in the Education System in Modern Period

In the modern period, it is ensured that individuals should be well-equipped in terms of usage of technologies and utilize modern, scientific, technical and pioneering methods in the implementation of tasks and activities. Within the course of putting into practice teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies, technologies and innovative methods are made use of. Through the use of these methods, the individuals render an important contribution in the implementation of tasks and activities in a well-ordered and satisfactory manner. In the modern period, electronic gadgets, projectors, Light Emitting Diode (LED) and computers are utilized to teach students. The programs have been established by governments to promote education. When the students make use of technologies in generating awareness in terms of academic concepts and preparation of assignments, they are able to carry out their job duties in a less time consuming and efficient manner. Therefore, one is able to understand that utilization of technologies and innovative methods render a significant contribution in up-grading the teaching methods.
在现代时期,确保个人在使用技术方面做好充分准备,并在执行任务和活动时利用现代、科学、技术和开创性的方法。在实践教与学方法、教材和教学策略的过程中,利用了技术和创新方法。通过使用这些方法,个人在有序和令人满意的任务和活动实施方面做出了重要贡献。在现代,电子产品、投影仪、发光二极管 (LED) 和计算机被用来教学生。这些计划是由政府制定的,旨在促进教育。当学生利用技术来提高学术概念和作业准备方面的意识时,他们能够以更省时和高效的方式履行工作职责。因此,人们能够理解技术和创新方法的利用对提升教学方法的水平做出了重大贡献。

It is comprehensively understood that in order to achieve academic goals and lead to up-gradation of the overall system of education, the teachers and the students must develop mutual understanding and cordial terms and relationships with each other. The teachers possess an approachable nature. The students approach the teachers in case they experience any problems and challenges. In some lesson plans, the concepts are manageable. Whereas, in case of others, they are difficult. When the students experience problems in acquiring an efficient understanding of the academic subjects and concepts, the teachers understand their problems. In providing solutions to their problems, they make provision of help and assistance to them. In the modern system of education, the primary objective of putting into practice the teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies is to promote student learning. The instructors ensure that students are able to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of various areas in such a manner that they become well-prepared and are able to achieve the goals and objectives competently.

The evaluation methods are put into practice by the instructors in educational institutions at all levels to assess the performance of the students. The instructors work diligently and honestly in imparting information among students in terms of academic subjects and lesson plans. Hence, they have the primary objective of ensuring that the teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies prove to be meaningful to them in doing well and in generating the desired outcomes. The instructors put into practice various types of evaluation methods to find whether students are benefitting or there is a need to bring about improvements in the teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies. The various types of evaluation methods are, class assignments, homework assignments, tests, exams, quizzes, competitions and other academic activities. When these are put into practice, the various factors that need to be taken into account are, grade levels of students, academic subjects and lesson plans, educational goals and the overall system of education. Therefore, one is able to understand well that implementation of evaluation methods is worthwhile and significant in promoting student learning.

The instructors put into practice teaching methods with the main aim of ensuring that students are able to acquire an understanding of the academic concepts and lesson plans in an effectual manner. Furthermore, they do not experience any problems and difficulties, particularly, when the concepts are complicated. There are different types of teaching methods that are put into operation in educational institutions at all levels. Some of these are, explaining the concepts from the textbooks, explaining the concepts on the dark-colored or white-colored boards, encouraging group discussions, debates and practical activities, facilitating student learning by encouraging role plays, making use of technologies to facilitate student learning and so forth. When the teaching methods prove to be favorable and meaningful to the students, they are encouraged. On the other hand, when the students experience problems and are not able to benefit from them, in such cases, there is a need to bring about improvements and transformations in these methods. Therefore, it can be stated, putting into practice teaching methods is regarded to be of utmost significance in promoting student learning and leading to enrichment of the overall system of education. In the system of education in the modern period, one of the important factors that needs to be taken into account is, the students are not only imparted knowledge in terms of academic subjects and lesson plans, but the instructors put in efforts to augment their skills and abilities. The skills and abilities contribute in enabling them to emerge into good human beings and productive citizens of the country. The students are taught how to make use of their educational qualifications, skills and abilities to promote community welfare. The individuals acquire education in number of fields such as, education, medical, health care, business, management, administration, science, technology, engineering, architecture, law and so forth. When the individuals have obtained educational qualifications in any of these fields, they have the primary objective of making use of them in achieving personal and professional goals. In this system, the students are prepared for the practical world. One of the major benefits of teaching methods is, the students learn to cope with various types of problems and challenges in an effectual manner. Therefore, one is able to acknowledge on a large scale that the teaching methods in the education system in modern period is focused upon development of educational qualifications, skills and abilities among students.
教师将教学方法付诸实践,其主要目的是确保学生能够有效地理解学术概念和课程计划。此外,他们不会遇到任何问题和困难,尤其是当概念复杂时。各级教育机构都有不同类型的教学方法投入使用。其中一些是,解释教科书中的概念,在深色或白色的板上解释概念,鼓励小组讨论、辩论和实践活动,通过鼓励角色扮演来促进学生学习,利用技术促进学生学习等等。当教学方法被证明对学生有利和有意义时,他们会受到鼓励。另一方面,当学生遇到问题并且无法从中受益时,在这种情况下,需要对这些方法进行改进和转变。因此,可以说,将教学方法付诸实践被认为对促进学生学习和丰富整个教育系统具有最重要的意义。在现代教育体系中,需要考虑的重要因素之一是,不仅向学生传授学术科目和教案方面的知识,而且教师也努力提高他们的技能和能力。这些技能和能力有助于他们成为该国的好人和有生产力的公民。学生们被教导如何利用他们的教育资格、技能和能力来促进社区福利。 个人接受教育、医疗、保健、商业、管理、行政、科学、技术、工程、建筑、法律等多个领域的教育。当个人获得这些领域中的任何一个的教育资格时,他们的主要目标是利用这些资格来实现个人和职业目标。在这个系统中,学生为实际世界做好准备。教学方法的主要好处之一是,学生学会以有效的方式应对各种类型的问题和挑战。因此,人们能够大范围地承认,现代教育系统中的教学方法侧重于学生教育资格、技能和能力的发展。

The Characteristics of the Education System in Modern Period

In the modern period, there are various characteristics of the system of education. These characteristics have rendered a significant contribution in leading to up-gradation of the system of education. Furthermore, these have contributed in an efficacious manner in enabling the students to develop motivation towards studies, achieve academic goals and facilitate the enrichment of the overall system of education. These are, utilization of technologies in the teaching and learning methods, implementation of assessment strategies, focusing upon development of skills and abilities, organization of seminars and workshops and encouraging the participation of students in social work. These are stated as follows:

Utilization of Technologies in the Teaching and Learning Methods

The technologies are made use of on a comprehensive basis in the teaching and learning methods. These are made use of in educational institutions at all levels from nursery to universities. When the teachers as well as the students are to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of academic subjects and concepts, they make use of internet. In the present existence, the use of internet has rendered an indispensable contribution in facilitating the implementation of tasks and functions. Hence, the technologies are regarded as worthwhile and efficacious in not only augmenting their knowledge and understanding in terms of various subjects and concepts, but also in communicating with others. When the instructors and students are situated at a distance from each other, in such cases, technologies render a significant contribution in communicating with each other. Therefore, one is able to understand on a comprehensive basis that utilization of technologies in the teaching and learning methods is regarded as one of the vital characteristics of the education system in modern period.

Implementation of Assessment Strategies

The assessment strategies are put into practice by the instructors in educational institutions at all levels to assess the performance of the students. In addition, they also aim to find out whether the students are benefitting from teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies or there is a need to bring about improvements in them. The various types of assessment strategies are, class assignments, homework assignments, tests, exams, quizzes, competitions and other academic activities. Through these the instructors as well as the students generate awareness in terms of where the students stand. When these are implemented, it is ensured that these may contribute in an effective manner in promoting student learning and in up-grading the overall system of education. When the assessment strategies are put into practice, the various factors that need to be taken into account are, grade levels of students, academic subjects, educational goals and the overall system of education. Implementation of assessment strategies are meaningful in promoting student learning. Therefore, it can be stated, implementation of assessment strategies is regarded as one of the crucial characteristics of the education system in modern period.

Focusing upon Development of Skills and Abilities

One of the primary aims of education is to lead to development of skills and abilities among students. Apart from generating information in terms of academic subjects, the students need to focus upon the development of skills and abilities. The various types of skills are, communication skills, decision making skills, problem solving skills, analytical skills, critical thinking skills, time management skills, personal skills, leadership skills, negotiation skills, presentation skills and professional skills. Furthermore, they need to be well-equipped in terms of conflict resolution methods and form cordial terms and relationships with others. When students are making use of their skills and abilities, they ensure they prove to be favorable to other members as well as the educational institutions on the whole. Within the course of pursuance of education, the skills need to be put into practice to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of academic concepts, achieve academic goals and lead to up-gradation of the overall system of education. Therefore, focusing upon development of skills and abilities is regarded as one of the indispensable characteristics of the education system in modern period.

Organization of Seminars and Workshops

In modern period, in educational institutions at all levels, there are organization of seminars and workshops. These are attended by all the members, including, heads, directors, principals, instructors, students and other staff members. These are organized normally on the basis of a particular subject or topic. When the educators feel that students need to be imparted with information in terms of a particular topic, they organize a seminar or workshop. In most cases, the other individuals are also invited from other educational institutions. These are heads, directors, instructors and researchers. They give speeches and presentations, so they are able to augment knowledge and understanding among students. The students too are provided with the opportunities to present papers. In this way, they are able to enhance their presentation skills. One of the major benefits of organization of seminars and workshops is, the individuals interact with each other and generate information in terms of various areas. They augment their knowledge in terms of developments and modern and pioneering methods. Therefore, one is able to acknowledge that organization of seminars and workshops are regarded as effectual and worthwhile in leading to up-gradation of the education system in modern period.

Encouraging the participation of Students in Social Work

In accordance to the research studies, the students in secondary, senior secondary and in higher educational institutions are encouraged to participate in social work. In social work, they are encouraged to participate in various activities for promoting well-being. These include, organizing literacy classes for the individuals, belonging to economically weaker sections of the society, organizing counselling sessions for them, encouraging their participation in cultural programs, donating items such as, food, clothing, blankets, etc. preservation of the environment and so forth. When the students participate in these activities, they realize that they need to make use of their educational qualifications, skills and abilities for promoting community well-being. Therefore, when one is able to understand that students are encouraged to participate in social work, one can clearly realize that in the modern period, the students are taught to make use of their educational qualifications, skills and abilities for alleviating the conditions of well-being, poverty and backwardness, promoting community prosperity and encouraging a clean and green environment.

ChatGPT: A threat to education?

How the time-honored learning tradition will be “disrupted from the ground up” by Chatbot created by Generative Pre-trained transformer (GPT)? It’s high time to rethink education in the age where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is thriving and to discover best assessment strategies to foster meaningful learning in the new era of AI.
由生成式预训练转换器 (GPT) 创建的聊天机器人将如何“从头开始颠覆”历史悠久的学习传统?现在是时候在人工智能 (AI) 蓬勃发展的时代重新思考教育,并发现最佳评估策略,以在 AI 的新时代促进有意义的学习。

So how can institutions initiate this transformation? How can they make learning more engaging, more meaningful for students in this new world? The answer is: to change the way we teach and embrace the pedagogical advances.

The introduction of ChatGPT – an AI tool developed by OpenAI that is able to write full-on student essays, elaborate codes, and even solve math problems once again stirs up the “AI versus education” debate. Institutions are caught up in the question: Is AI technology a threat to education?
ChatGPT 的推出——一种由 OpenAI 开发的人工智能工具,能够撰写完整的学生论文、精心编写代码,甚至解决数学问题,再次引发了“人工智能与教育”的争论。机构陷入了一个问题:AI 技术对教育构成威胁吗?

Teachers are concerned about students using the free and accessible tool as a Wikipedia replacement to complete homework and to write assignments for them, endangering students’ willingness to develop skills like writing and researching.

Free, accessible tools which allow students to complete assignments without much effort raises concerns of cheating, academic disintegrity, and above all, the loss of learning ability. Educators fear that students will become lazy thinkers, and fail to develop lifelong skills like critical thinking, researching, or writing.

Students are going to think and use this chatbot, as if it is a know-all. That’s because it's a technology that is creating these things that sound really legitimate, they are going to assume that it is and take it at face value. ChatGPT is not and will not be the last to disrupt the traditional learning practices, because the way we sometime provide education does not inspire students to learn and there will always be some who look for an easy way out.
学生们会思考和使用这个聊天机器人,就好像它是一个无所不知的机器人一样。那是因为这是一项技术,它创造了这些听起来非常合法的东西,他们会假设它是合法的,并接受它的表面价值。ChatGPT 不是也不会是最后一个颠覆传统学习实践的人,因为我们有时提供教育的方式并不能激发学生的学习兴趣,总会有一些人寻找简单的出路。

The problem is that students are no longer engaged in the lectures, and such disengagement has further “skyrocketed” during the pandemic outbreak. In online classrooms, where physical contact is absent, it is much harder to maintain the constant interaction, and connections. And students come to develop new behaviors of disengagement: turning off the camera, muting themselves, even skipping the class just to watch the recording later on.

However, is the pandemic really to blame for such a surge in student engagement? Instructors have been complaining about their students playing video games, fidgeting with their phones, or not participating in discussions during in-class lectures, even long before COVID.
然而,大流行真的是学生参与度激增的罪魁祸首吗?教师们一直在抱怨他们的学生玩电子游戏、坐立不安地玩手机或在课堂讲座中不参与讨论,甚至在 COVID 之前很久。

Some experts believe that one way lectures where instructors would talk and students listen, take notes no longer works, either offline or online. The point is, higher education is not about getting a degree, but a place for meaningful interactions, and opportunities to develop lifelong skills. As technology is evolving each day, we are welcoming a new generation of tech-savvy, self-aware learners with diverse needs, barriers, and perspectives. It is then important to embrace the innovations within the curriculum, rather than neglecting them.

How AI has changed higher education
AI 如何改变高等教育

The rise of ChatGPT is the sign for universities to stop ignoring AI technology, and to recognize the changes it brings to higher education. Let’s talk about the most prominent trends associated with the AI influence.
ChatGPT 的兴起标志着大学停止忽视人工智能技术,并认识到它为高等教育带来的变化。让我们谈谈与 AI 影响相关的最突出趋势。

Every second, a new digital tool, or technology is introduced, opening up new ways to access information, to complete time consuming tasks. The ability to appropriately evaluate, assess, and utilize the technology and incoming information – or so called digital literacy has emerged as a critical skill set for students. Accordingly, the curriculum needs to be adapted to accommodate digital literacy.

Information literacy is the single most important skill to develop if we are to counter the misinformation that convincing AI-generated text can produce. So how can institutions respond to the rise of AI technology? The answer is: Rely on not just one tool but rely on several things: creating tasks that are open-ended questions or essays is probably a great strategy; randomizing questions and randomizing answers so that no two students are getting presented with the same set of questions or in the same order that's another way... Just depends on the goals and achievements of for a particular assessment. Consider maybe changing the activity entirely where students work together, collaborate, learn from each other. Discuss a particular question, arrive at the answer together.
如果我们要对抗令人信服的 AI 生成的文本可能产生的错误信息,信息素养是需要培养的最重要的技能。那么,机构如何应对 AI 技术的兴起呢?答案是:不仅要依靠一种工具,还要依靠几件事:创建开放式问题或论文的任务可能是一个很好的策略;随机化问题和随机化答案,这样就不会有两个学生看到相同的问题集或以相同的顺序呈现,这是另一种方式......仅取决于特定评估的目标和成就。考虑也许可以完全改变学生一起工作、协作、相互学习的活动。讨论一个特定的问题,一起得出答案。

Accommodate AI technology in curriculum (teaching and learning)
在课程(教与学)中采用 AI 技术

Instead of seeing AI technology as a threat, many educators view this intervention as a great opportunity to enhance, and scale effective teaching. We need to embrace these tools and integrate them into pedagogies and policies. Lockdown browsers, strict dismissal policies and forbidding the use of these platforms is not a sustainable way forward. ‍
许多教育工作者并没有将 AI 技术视为威胁,而是将这种干预视为增强和扩展有效教学的绝佳机会。我们需要采用这些工具,并将它们整合到教学法和政策中。锁定浏览器、严格的解雇政策和禁止使用这些平台并不是可持续的前进方式。

‍There are many ways educators can incorporate AI technology into the curriculum to enhance the teaching and learning experience. In the case of ChatGPT, instructors suggest integrating the chatbot into writing courses to help students generate writing ideas, or creating an analysis activity in which students analyze the ChatGPT-generated essays, identify weak spots, and improve poorly structured sections. This AI tool can also be beneficial in drafting course rubrics, saving faculties plenty of time. And the same can be applied for other AI technology, as long as educators have the heart and willingness to embrace this change.
教育工作者可以通过多种方式将 AI 技术纳入课程,以增强教学体验。以 ChatGPT 为例,教师建议将聊天机器人集成到写作课程中,以帮助学生产生写作想法,或者创建一个分析活动,让学生分析 ChatGPT 生成的论文,找出弱点,并改进结构不良的部分。这个 AI 工具也有助于起草课程评分标准,为教职员工节省大量时间。这同样适用于其他 AI 技术,只要教育工作者有心和意愿接受这一变化。

Learning is not dead

Some claim the essay is dead. As for me I disagree. Humans plus technology are the way forward. As educators, we have to teach our students what that means in practice. The essay isn’t dead, but the process of creating one is changing. ‍

AI technology is never going to bring an end to education, it only offers great potential to accelerate the educational transformation. It is time that institutions harness the power of AI, of new technologies to create better learning environments that are inclusive, flexible, and responsive to each and every student.
AI 技术永远不会结束教育,它只会提供加速教育转型的巨大潜力。现在是机构利用人工智能和新技术的力量来创造更好的学习环境的时候了,这些环境具有包容性、灵活性并响应每一位学生。

Creating anything new…

Innovation and creativity are fundamental to all academic disciplines and educational activities. The creative process is a critical component of making sense of learning experiences. Let’s consider a number of approaches to teaching and learning that help to encourage creativity and innovation.

What are innovation and creativity?

Innovation can be broadly thought of as new ideas, new ways of looking at things, new methods or products that have value. Innovation contains the idea of output, of actually producing or doing something differently, making something happen or implementing something new. Innovation almost always involves hard work; persistence and perseverance are necessary as many good ideas never get followed through and developed.

Creativity is an active process necessarily involved in innovation. It is a learning habit that requires skill as well as specific understanding of the contexts in which creativity is being applied. The creative process is at the heart of innovation and often the words are used interchangeably.

Creative thinking is defined as the thinking that enables students to apply their imagination to generating ideas, questions and hypotheses, experimenting with alternatives and to evaluating their own and their peers’ ideas, final products and processes.

If students are not used to being asked to demonstrate creative habits and skills, they need to be guided. How the creative activity links to broader learning objectives needs to be clearly understood by teachers and students?

Creating a culture of creativity in schools and classrooms

We are all born with a creative instinct and all people have creative potential. Young children naturally engage in play – a state when the imagination is used to ‘try out’ situations and possibilities. A cardboard box becomes a car, grass becomes food, a toy comes alive. As children mature and move through their school career, creativity can be stifled as an unintended consequence of other pressures. Students can become fearful of making mistakes if they only receive recognition for giving an answer the teacher is looking for rather than valid original thinking and ideas. A study on creativity and innovation in education found that teachers preferred their learners to be ‘conforming’ or ‘considerate’ to ‘risk taking’ and ‘playful’. A culture of ‘one right answer’ stops learners from being willing to make mistakes. They quickly learn to guess what answer the teacher has in their heads. It’s necessary to point out, that ‘many of us have been taught that the best ideas are in someone else’s head’.
我们天生就有创造本能,所有人都有创造潜力。年幼的孩子自然而然地参与游戏——一种利用想象力来“尝试”情况和可能性的状态。纸板箱变成了汽车,草变成了食物,玩具变得栩栩如生。随着孩子的成熟和在学校的职业生涯中,创造力可能会因其他压力的意外后果而被扼杀。如果学生只因为给出老师正在寻找的答案而不是有效的原创思维和想法而获得认可,他们就会害怕犯错。一项关于教育创造力和创新的研究发现,教师更喜欢他们的学习者 “顺从 ”或 “体贴 ”,而不是 “冒险 ”和 “好玩”。“一个正确答案”的文化阻止了学习者愿意犯错。他们很快就学会了猜测老师在他们脑海中的答案。有必要指出的是,“我们中的许多人都被教导,最好的想法就在别人的脑海中”。

Like any habit, creativity can be encouraged or discouraged. Having a learning rather than a performance orientation helps to create an environment where creativity is encouraged. Schools that are successful at stimulating creative learning:

• value and celebrate learners’ creative and innovative contributions
• 重视并庆祝学习者的创造性和创新贡献

• do not overcrowd the curriculum. They focus on depth as well as breadth. They manage time effectively, providing opportunities for pupils to explore, concentrate for extended periods of time, reflect, discuss and review. Students are expected to reflect deeply on the material that they are learning and to make connections between subjects and topics
• 不要让课程过于拥挤。他们关注深度和广度。他们有效地管理时间,为学生提供探索、长时间集中注意力、反思、讨论和复习的机会。学生应该对他们正在学习的材料进行深入反思,并在学科和主题之间建立联系

• encourage a broad and balanced curriculum so that students experience a range of subjects and activities, including the arts
• 鼓励广泛而平衡的课程,以便学生体验包括艺术在内的一系列学科和活动

• encourage students not studying the arts as qualifications to pursue creative activities in the co-curricular programme
• 鼓励非艺术专业学生在课外活动中从事创意活动

• develop codes of behavior and classroom procedures that value and promote creativity
• 制定重视和促进创造力的行为准则和课堂程序

• encourage sensible risk taking, for example, teachers trying something new in their lessons.
• 鼓励明智的冒险,例如,教师在课堂上尝试新事物。

The creative process requires time and collaboration, so creating time for creative thinking activities is important. Using a flipped classroom approach for example, where learners prepare content and do written exercises preparing for lessons in advance at home, allows teachers to plan for higher-level creative thinking activities during class time. Another approach that helps students to make connections across topic areas and understand the discipline as a whole is spaced delivery of content in lessons. This involves teachers revisiting related subject matter over a long time rather than just teaching each topic as a separate entity. Creating a climate in the school by providing an environment that supports innovation can be very powerful.

Creative teachers: How can teachers help learners to develop their creative habits and skills?

Cambridge teachers are creative, experimenting with new ideas and pursuing an enquiring approach in their teaching. They are open to new challenges, being resourceful, imaginative, and flexible. They are always ready to learn and apply new skills and techniques.

Developing your School with Cambridge guide considers the attributes of effective teachers. It highlights that effective teachers have a deep knowledge of their subject as well as an understanding of how students think about subject content at different developmental stages (pedagogical knowledge). They are able to make thinking visible, helping learners to recognize misconceptions and manage their own learning. Because the creative process is fundamental to student learning, nurturing creativity is also an aspect of good teaching in all subjects.

Fostering a creative climate in the school, supportive of creative teacher professionalism, is another theme considered in the Developing your School with Cambridge guide. It is very hard for a teacher to be creative if they are following a prescribed curriculum and given little or no room for their own creative input into their teaching practice. Syllabuses, textbooks and teacher support material are extremely important in helping to structure and support learning but they also need to allow for the teacher’s professional creativity. Teachers can support creativity and innovation by:
在学校营造创新氛围,支持富有创意的教师专业精神,是 与剑桥一起发展你的学校 指南中考虑的另一个主题。如果教师遵循规定的课程,并且在教学实践中几乎没有或根本没有空间让自己的创造性投入,那么他们就很难发挥创造力。教学大纲、教科书和教师支持材料在帮助构建和支持学习方面极为重要,但它们也需要考虑到教师的专业创造力。教师可以通过以下方式支持创造力和创新:

1. Role modelling creative habits
1. 以身作则

Nothing is more important than the teacher exemplifying the habits, behaviors and thinking they want students to demonstrate. They need to exemplify creative traits such as curiosity and the development of creative skills.

2. Appreciating the critical importance of questions, both their own and those asked by students.
2. 认识到问题的重要性,无论是他们自己的问题还是学生提出的问题。

3. Treating mistakes as learning opportunities and encouraging learners to take sensible risks in the classroom.
3. 将错误视为学习机会,并鼓励学习者在课堂上承担明智的风险。

Encouraging learners to take ‘sensible risks’ in their work is important for building up their creative confidence. It is important that this takes place in a supportive environment, and that the teacher and learner have discussed what boundaries are acceptable in their context. It is also important to set some ground rules in collaboration with learners.

4. Giving learners sufficient time to complete their work
4. 给学习者足够的时间来完成他们的作业

Sometimes ideas need time to develop before becoming valuable. Giving learners the scope to come up with their own ideas can be challenging for both teachers and learners. Learners will need time to think and work independently of the teacher. Delay judgement of learners’ ideas until they have had time to work them out properly.

5. Scaffolding tasks carefully to provide the appropriate level of challenge
5. 小心搭建脚手架任务,提供适当级别的挑战

Ideally, a teacher should try to design tasks that help the learner to cross over into this area by ‘scaffolding’, or supporting them at first, and then withdrawing support so that the learner can increasingly achieve the task on their own. Even a small change in teaching approach can bring about a change in a learner’s creative disposition. If learners start to see that there is not always ‘one right answer’ to many questions, both in school and in life, then their creative confidence will grow. The most important thing of all is for learners to lay the foundation of their personal creative abilities, on which they will build throughout their lives.
理想情况下,教师应该尝试设计任务,帮助学习者跨入这个领域,方法是 “脚手架”,或者一开始支持他们,然后撤回支持,以便学习者可以越来越多地自己完成任务。即使是教学方法的微小变化也会带来学习者创造性倾向的变化。如果学习者开始看到,无论是在学校还是在生活中,许多问题并不总是“一个正确的答案”,那么他们的创造性信心就会增强。最重要的是让学习者为他们的个人创造能力奠定基础,他们将在此基础上终生建立。

Using questions to trigger creative thinking

Socrates (470–399 BC) believed the best form of teaching was through using skilled, disciplined questioning to deeply explore ideas resulting in improved understanding. This technique has become known as ‘Socratic questioning’ and is a fundamentally important teaching and learning approach in all disciplines. A good question, from the teacher or student, has the power of making student thinking visible and is a natural part of the ongoing feedback loop in classrooms between students and teachers, helping to guide the instructional process.
苏格拉底(公元前 470-399 年)认为最好的教学形式是使用熟练、有纪律的提问来深入探索思想,从而提高理解力。这种技术被称为“苏格拉底式提问”,是所有学科中基本重要的教学方法。来自老师或学生的好问题具有使学生思维可见的力量,并且是课堂上学生和教师之间持续反馈循环的自然组成部分,有助于指导教学过程。

On average, teachers ask between 300 and 400 questions a day. If a teacher carefully plans the type, wording and delivery of questions that they are going to ask in a lesson, research shows that the quality of learners’ thinking and responses will improve. Questions that stimulate responses that require complex mental processing can encourage creativity. What if...? and Why…? questions tend to stimulate creative and critical thinking, especially if followed by more questions that probe and encourage the learner to go further.
平均而言,老师每天问 300 到 400 个问题。研究表明,如果教师仔细计划他们在课堂上要问的问题的类型、措辞和表达方式,学习者的思维和回答质量会提高。激发需要复杂心理处理的反应的问题可以鼓励创造力。如果。。。?以及为什么...?问题往往会激发创造性和批判性思维,尤其是当后面有更多问题来探索和鼓励学习者走得更远时。

Asking learners to think of their own questions is a particularly valuable activity. Asking good questions is the basis for becoming a successful learner. If students aren’t asking questions, they’re being spoonfed. A learner formulating a question can illuminate their current thinking, helping to guide instruction, as well as being a creative activity in its own right. Encouraging learners to ask questions can:

• develop their curiosity about the subject, helping with engagement
• 培养他们对主题的好奇心,帮助参与

• stimulate learners to ‘think hard’ about a topic
• 激发学习者对某个主题“认真思考”

• consolidate a learner’s understanding of the material
• 巩固学习者对材料的理解

• enable learners to look at a topic from different perspectives
• 使学习者能够从不同的角度看待主题

• clarify a goal or plan for their own investigations
• 明确自己的调查目标或计划

• inspire them to want to find out the answer
• 激发他们想要找到答案

One line of questioning that can encourage creative input is ‘possibility thinking’. This requires learners to explore ideas and use their imagination to generate lots of possibilities. If a teacher regularly asks questions that have more than one answer during lessons, this can develop an atmosphere where learners feel that their unique contributions are welcomed and valued. This helps learners to develop their creative disposition.

A couple of words about education reform enacted in China over the past 40 years of Reform and Opening-up. It is a process of perfecting educational institution mechanisms and a process of continuously improving education institutions with Chinese characteristics. It also entails a process of moving from promoting scattered reform by using education policies and regulations to regulating educational organization by using laws and promoting the construction and perfection of the education institutions. The course of education reforms features moving from regulation to empowerment, through empowering by law, promoting consultation and shared governance, and vitality stimulation.
关于中国在过去 40 年的改革开放中实施的教育改革。是完善教育机构机制的过程,是不断提升中国特色教育机构的过程。它还意味着从以教育政策法规推动分散的改革,向以法规范教育机构,促进教育机构建设和完善的过程。教育改革的进程是从监管转向赋权,通过法律赋权、促进协商和共同治理以及激发活力。

The main task of education institutional reform in the new era is to construct and perfect “the pattern of government’s macro management according to law, school operation by law, orderly social participation and concerted efforts of all parties,” and to make education “dynamic, efficient, more open and conducive to scientific development.” In the future, the mission of education development is to further promote the balanced development of education, to solve the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development, and to meet the increasing needs of people to enjoy fairer education with higher quality.

Looking forward, China is now entering an era with prevailing new technology. Internet-based big data and artificial intelligence have generated in-depth impact on lives, work, learning, and thinking. Internet-based learning resources make school no longer the only source of knowledge, while immersion learning happens at any time and in any situation.

Educational institutional reform in the past 40 years in China has been based on institutionalized school education. When the institutionalized, systemic, and regulated school education institutions and its functions have undergone revolutionary changes, and new educational conditions based on the blending of online and offline learning will become the “new normal” of education. A call for new education institutions and education governance mechanism is soon to appear and facilitate this “new normal” education.
过去 40 年中国的教育机构改革一直以制度化的学校教育为基础。当制度化、系统化、规范化的学校教育机构及其功能发生革命性变化,以线上线下相结合为基础的新教育条件将成为教育的“新常态”。对新教育机构和教育治理机制的呼吁即将出现,并促进这种“新常态”教育。


Within the course of time, the system of education began to develop and gained prominence. The modern era is referred to the era of science, technologies and innovations. The utilization of technologies in the implementation of tasks and activities enabled the students to understand the concepts better and achieve academic goals. Sometimes it’s quite enough to make just one change: Encourage an environment in which creativity and innovation can thrive using a range of techniques and strategies. Cultivate creative skills which will become an integral part of learners’ work and life in future. Teach students to ask their own questions.

The teaching methods in the education system in modern period is focused upon development of educational qualifications, skills and abilities among students. In the implementation of these methods, the various factors taken into account are, grade levels of students, academic subjects, educational goals and overall system of education. The characteristics of the education system in modern period are, utilization of technologies in the teaching and learning methods, implementation of assessment strategies, focusing upon development of skills and abilities, organization of seminars and workshops and encouraging the participation of students in social work. Finally, it can be stated that the developments that took place in the education system in modern period contribute significantly in enabling the members to achieve academic goals and facilitate the up-gradation of the overall system of education.

In modern sociocultural conditions, the development of the education system is largely determined by how effectively all its links are managed. The solution of the tasks facing the renewing education system at all its levels and stages depends, on the one hand, on an adequate understanding and description of functioning systems management, and on the other hand, on the introduction into practice new scientific achievements in the field of management, in particular, education management.