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Rights and Access 权利和访问
        Based on information you have provided, your publishing options are shown below
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        Please provide a reason for no funding
        Gold Open Access  黄金开放获取
        Make my final published article immediately available to everyone.

        I need to pay an APC (Article Publishing Charge). I and others can share and reuse my article in the ways described by the user license I select.
        Article Publishing Charge (APC)
        List Price (excluding taxes)
        USD 5,290.00
        美元 5,290.00
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        Subscription  订阅
        Make my final published article immediately available to journal subscribers, and to other groups as part of Elsevier’s programs.
        使我的最终发表文章立即对期刊订阅者可用,并作为Elsevier 的项目的一部分对其他群体开放。

        I understand I can immediately share my article within my institution and privately with collaborators, and share my accepted manuscript publicly in my institution’s repository after 24 months. I have additional article sharing rights outlined here.
        我理解我可以在我的机构内部立即分享我的文章,并与合作者私下分享,并在 24 个月后在我的机构的存储库中公开分享我的接受手稿。我有额外的文章分享权利在这里
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