這是用戶在 2024-9-25 17:34 為 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?

附件 4

服務級別要求 (SLR)

In the event of an inconsistency between this Service Level Requirement and the body of the Agreement, the requirements set forth in this Service Level Requirement shall control.

SLRs shall be deemed effective 30 days after outbound steady state which is defined as when Warehouse is processing the volumes as defined in this Annex 4. Warehouse and Depositor shall work in good faith to achieve desired SLR performance during the start-up period.
SLR 應在出庫穩定狀態后 30 天(定義為倉庫處理本附件 4 中定義的數量時)視為有效。Warehouse 和 Depositor 應真誠地工作,以在啟動期間實現理想的 SLR 性能。

SLRs apply for all orders that have complete address details, have stock available for their fulfilment, and have complete paperwork (e.g. Commercial Invoice for customs clearance purposes).
SLR 適用於具有完整地址詳情、有庫存可供配送且具有完整文書工作(例如用於清關目的的商業發票)的所有訂單。

SLRs will start measuring from the 1st day of orders fulfilment and shipping.
SLR 將從訂單配送和發貨的第 1 天開始測量。

In the event that Party B fails to meet certain SLRs within the first 2 months after initiating fulfilment and shipping, no penalties (Credits) will be issued by Party A towards Party B
如果 B 方在開始配送和發貨後的前 2 個月內未能滿足某些 SLR,則 A 方不會向 B 方發放罰款(信用額度)

In the event that Credits need to be requested for the stock differences/discrepancies, it will be issued by Party A upon completing the Yearly Stock Count (W2W) that has been approved by both Parties.
如果需要為庫存差異/差異申請積分,甲方將在完成雙方批准的年度庫存盤點 (W2W) 后發放積分。


Receiving and put away timeliness


99.5% of Goods received and put-away within 24 hours excluding weekends and bank holidays
99.5% 的貨物在24小時內收到併入庫,週末和銀行假日除外


Goods are compliant (i.e. in the sales unit of measure, properly labeled, no kitting or unit level inspection required);

Complete electronic Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) received minimum 2 working days prior to physical delivery;
在實際配送前至少 2 個工作日收到完整的電子提前發貨通知 (ASN);

Expected inbound volumes per the assumptions listed in Schedule 1 to Annex A;
根據附件 A 附表 1 中所列假設的預期入庫量;

Depositor to provide monthly inbound forecast at least three business days prior to the first of each month. Depositor shall provide forecast updates, as required, throughout the month. Inbound activity not to exceed 125% of forecast. Forecast must specify day of delivery and number of pallets delivered on this day.
存款人應在每月 1 日之前至少 3 個工作日提供月度入金預測。存款人應根據需要在整個月提供預測更新。入站活動不超過預測的 125%。Forecast 必須指定當天送達的日期和送達的托拍數量。

Goods cannot be damaged. If goods are damaged that delivery is excluded from KPI.
商品不能損壞。如果貨物損壞,則該交貨將排除在 KPI 之外。

One BOX can include only one SKU and must be sealed properly.
一個包裝箱只能包含一個 SKU,並且必須妥善密封。

Each box must be marked properly or its receipt will be excluded from KPI.
每個方框都必須正確標記,否則其收據將被排除在 KPI 之外。

Delivery of goods must be coordinated between Parties.

Truck must show up on time.

In exceptional circumstances if the whole delivery cannot be received within 24h, it’s allowed that Party B will receive the delivery according to following schedule:

a. SKU’s missing on stock, or SKU’s with low stock, or other urgent SKU’s indicated by Party A – to be received within 24h
a. 庫存中缺少 SKU,或庫存不足的 SKU,或甲方指示的其他緊急 SKU – 應在 24 小時內收到

b. remaining SKU’s from the delivery – within 48h
b. 交貨后的剩餘 SKU – 48 小時內


Goods received on-time during period / Total Goods received during period. Receipt starts from the moment truck is unloaded.
期間內按時收到的貨物 / 期間內收到的貨物總數。收貨從卡車卸貨的那一刻開始。

Calculation & Reporting Frequency


KPI will not be measured before first full shipping day. Otherwise it will not be effective.
在第一個完整發貨日之前,不會衡量 KPI。否則它將無效。

Calculation Example

During the month of January, Warehouse received 50,000 units of which 48,500 were received within a 24 business hour period.
在 1 月份,Warehouse 收到了 50,000 件商品,其中 48,500 件是在 24 個工作小時內收到的。

48,500 / 50,000 = 97% received on-time
48500 / 50000 = 97% 的按時接收


In the event Warehouse fails to meet this SLR and Depositor incurs additional costs because of Warehouse failure(s), Warehouse shall be responsible for Depositor’s reasonable costs including, but not limited to, increased shipping costs.
如果倉庫未能滿足此 SLR,並且存款人因倉庫故障而產生額外費用,倉庫應負責存款人的合理費用,包括但不限於增加的運費。

Depositor shall request credit(s) within 30 days of service failure and Warehouse shall credit Depositor for undisputed claims within 30 days of Depositor’s written request.
存款人應在服務失敗后 30 天內申請退款,倉庫應在存款人提出書面請求后 30 天內將無爭議的索賠存入存款人


Receiving and put away accuracy


99.5% of Goods shall be received accurately (system receipt matches physical receipt)
應準確接收 99.5% 的貨物(系統收據與實物收據相匹配)


Complete electronic Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) received prior to physical delivery;
在實際交付之前完成收到的電子提前發貨通知 (ASN);

Expected inbound volumes per the assumptions listed in Schedule 1 to Annex A;
根據附件 A 附表 1 中所列假設的預期入庫量;

Inbound quantity verification at the pallet or case unit of measure. Warehouse is not required to open every master case and verify unit count;
以托盤或箱子計量單位進行入庫數量驗證。Warehouse 不需要打開每個主案例並驗證商品數量;

All boxes must be marked and sealed properly.

Any box can contain only one SKU.
任何箱子都只能包含一個 SKU。

Delivery cannot be damaged.

No vendor concealed shortage.

To provide KTJ unified date form of inbound list with same classification 3 days in advance.
提前 3 天提供相同分類的 KTJ 統一日期表。


Goods received accurately during period / Total Goods received during period
期間準確收貨量 / 期間收貨總量

Calculation & Reporting Frequency


Calculation Example

During a standard cycle count, Warehouse identifies a storage location is physically short 500 units compared to the system on-hand quantity. After researching the issue, Warehouse determines Goods were “over-received” on a system ASN two months prior. Assuming 74,000 units were received during the month in question and 500 units were over-received, the calculation would be as follows:
在標準周期盤點期間,倉庫會確定一個存儲位置與系統現有數量相比實際短缺 500 個單位。在研究該問題後,Warehouse 確定 Goods 在兩個月前的系統 ASN 上「超額接收」。假設當月收到 74,000 件商品,超額接收 500 件商品,則計算如下:

73,500 / 74,000 = 99.3% received and put-away accurately
73,500 / 74,000 = 99.3% 準確收貨和入庫


If Warehouse receiving accuracy falls below 99.5% in a calendar month, Warehouse will be liable for actual financial loss and/or damage to Goods.
如果倉庫在一個日曆月內的接收準確率低於 99.5%,倉庫將對實際的財務損失和/或貨物損壞負責。

Depositor shall request credit(s) within 30 days of service failure and Warehouse shall credit Depositor for undisputed claims within 30 days of Depositor’s written request. Depositor shall not be required to provide written notice to cure to receive damages described herein.
存款人應在服務失敗后 30 天內申請退款,倉庫應在存款人提出書面請求后 30 天內將無爭議的索賠存入存款人。投保人無需提供書面通知即可治癒以收取此處描述的損害賠償。


Inventory Management (standard Goods & high-value Goods)


99.5% of Goods physically match the system on-hand quantity (By storage location)
99.5% 的貨物與系統現有數量相匹配(按存儲位置)

99.8% of high-value Goods, as defined in Annex 4, physically match the system on-hand quantity
99.8% 的高價值貨物(如附錄 4 中所定義)與系統現有數量實際匹配


Warehouse and Depositor to establish a formal daily cycle count program;

Packing and printed material shall not be subject to the Inventory Management SLR;
包裝和印刷材料不受庫存管理 SLR 的約束;

No vendor concealed shortage;

Depositor is responsible for updating, in writing, the list of High Value Goods, as defined in Annex 4;
存款人負責以書面形式更新附件 4 中定義的高價值商品清單;

Depositor shall provide, in writing and on a quarterly basis, updated cost of good information for all Goods.


Physical Inventory / System Inventory
物理清單 / 系統清單

Physical Inventory = Actual physical on-hand inventory for a particular SKU at the beginning of the month, plus inventory of the same SKU received during the month, less inventory of the same SKU, shipped during the month
實際庫存 = 特定 SKU 在月初的實際實際現有庫存,加上當月收到的相同 SKU 的庫存,再減去當月發貨的相同 SKU 的庫存

System Inventory = The amount of inventory for a particular SKU, as reported by the system
系統庫存 = 系統報告的特定 SKU 的庫存量

Calculation & Reporting Frequency


Calculation Example

Starting inventory of 4,000 units of 15ml peppermint at the beginning of a month;
每月初開始庫存 4,000 件 15 毫升薄荷糖;

Depositor sends Warehouse 2,000 units of 15ml peppermint;
儲戶向倉庫發送 2,000 單位 15 毫升薄荷;

Warehouse ships 1,749 units of 15ml peppermint;
倉庫運送 1,749 單位 15 毫升薄荷;

Based on cycle counts, Warehouse identifies a physical inventory shortage of 82 units.
根據周期盤點,Warehouse 確定 82 個單位的實際庫存短缺。

(4,000 + 2,000 – 1,749 – 82) / (4,000 + 2,000 – 1,749) = 98.07%
(4,000 + 2,000 – 1,749 – 82) / (4,000 + 2,000 – 1,749) = 98.07%


Number of units below the SLR, by SKU, multiplied by the unit cost of goods
低於 SLR 的商品數量(按 SKU )乘以商品的單件價格

Depositor shall request credit(s) within 30 days of service failure and Warehouse shall credit Depositor for undisputed claims within 30 days of Depositor’s written request.
存款人應在服務失敗后 30 天內申請退款,倉庫應在存款人提出書面請求后 30 天內將無爭議的索賠存入存款人。


Shipping on-time performance                


99.8% of orders received by 10am Local time (“Order Cut-Off”) tendered to shipping carrier within same day
9 在當地時間 1 0am(“訂單截止時間”)之前收到的訂單中,有 9.8% 的訂單在當天提交給承運商

Party B will be allowed a SLR of 99.3% in this category for only the first 2 months from the first shipping day.
自發貨之日起的前 2 個月內分類的 SLR 為 99.3%。


Goods are available to ship;

Expected outbound volumes per the assumptions listed in Annex A;
根據附錄 A 中列出的假設的預期出庫量;

Depositor provides a monthly forecast with daily volume projections at least three days prior to the start of a new month. Depositor to update projections as needed;
Depositor 在新月開始前至少三天提供月度預測和每日交易量預測。存款人根據需要更新預測;

Volumes don’t exceed 120% of forecast;

Depositor shall transmit 80% of daily order volume to Warehouse by 9am Local time. Remaining 20% of orders shall be transmitted in regular intervals to be determined by Depositor and Warehouse
存款人應在當地時間上午 9 點之前將每日訂單量的 80% 傳輸到倉庫。剩餘 20% 的訂單應定期傳輸,由存款人和倉庫決定

Only orders with complete correct address are included in KPI.
KPI 中僅包含位址完整正確的訂單。

Only orders with correct data transmission are included in KPI.
KPI 中僅包含資料傳輸正確的訂單。

Only orders with correct invoice on time are included in KPI in case of export.
在導出時,只有按時開具正確發票的訂單才會包含在 KPI 中。

Big carton package, temporary set, pcs>7 per carton are exclude in KPI.
大紙箱包裝、臨時套裝、每箱 pcs>7 不包括在 KPI 中。

dōTERRA ask to postpone shipping date are exclude in KPI.
dōTERRA 要求推遲發貨日期在 KPI 中不包括在內。

Activities are exclude in KPI.
KPI中不包括 C2 項。

Orders more than 2,500/day are exclude in KPI.
超過 2,500/day 的訂單不包括在 KPI 中。

Any shortage of goods include consumable material, filler kraft paper, invoice are exclude in KPI.
任何貨物短缺,包括消耗品、填充牛皮紙、發票,都不包括在 KPI 中。

Force Majeure (include epidemic, power failure, internet failure etc that couldn’t controlled by KTJ) are exclude in KPI.
不可抗力(包括疫情、停電、網路故障等 KTJ 無法控制)不包括在 KPI 中。

Mechanic issue ( failure of invoice machine, filler kraft paper machine) are exclude in KPI.
機械師問題(發票機、灌裝牛皮紙機故障)不包括在 KPI 中。


Total Shipped Orders within 2 days / Total Orders Received before Order Cut-Off day.
2 天內發貨的訂單總數 / 訂單截止日之前收到的訂單總數

Calculation & Reporting Frequency


Whenever there is unexpected electricity break down this KPI is excluded. Which cannot occur more than 2 times per year, with maximum outage of 24h per occurrence
每當出現意外的電力故障時,此 KPI 將被排除在外。每年不能超過 2 次,每次最多停機 24 小時

Calculation Example

Warehouse receives 250,000 orders from Depositor in a particular month before the 10am cut-off. Warehouse tenders 249,000 shipments to carriers within 2 business day and 1,000 orders are not tendered within 2 business day.
倉庫在 1 0a m 截止時間之前的某個月收到來自 Depositor 的 250,000 個訂單。倉庫在 2 個工作日內向承運人提交 249,000 件貨物 ,在 2 個工作日內未提交 1,000 個訂單

249,000 / 250,000 = 99.6%


Warehouse will reimburse Depositor for upgraded shipping, which is understood as express or overnight service, if required, for priority orders that fall below the 95% shipping SLR.
對於低於9 5%運費 SLR 的優先訂單,倉庫將向儲倉人報銷升級后的運費,如果需要,可以理解為快遞或隔夜服務

Depositor shall request credit(s) within 30 days of service failure and Warehouse shall credit Depositor for undisputed claims within 30 days of Depositor’s written request.
存款人應在服務失敗后 30 天內申請退款,倉庫應在存款人提出書面請求后 30 天內將無爭議的索賠存入存款人。


Shipping accuracy                                         


Order accuracy of 99.7% or greater
訂單準確率為99。7% 或更高


Warehouse and Depositor will track and attempt to validate reported errors when feasible, including:
Warehouse and Depositor 將在可行的情況下跟蹤並嘗試驗證報告的錯誤,包括:

Depositor customer service tracking of complaints to identify potential abuse;

Warehouse to cycle count specific SKUs in response to mis-shipment complaints;
倉庫對特定 SKU 進行循環盤點,以應對錯誤發貨投訴;

Warehouse to conduct parcel weight checks to validate reported errors.

Force Majeure refer to contract 18
不可抗力是指合同 18

Excluding changing address, unable to contact receiver, no one at home, receiver reject, receiver ask for retrieve from station, national holidays, remote areas, offshore islands, special circumstances such as epidemics, etc.


Total outbound orders during period – Validated Errors / Total outbound orders during period
期間內的出站訂單總數 – 驗證錯誤 / 期間內的出站訂單總數

Calculation & Reporting Frequency


Calculation Example

Depositor receives 3,218 validated order accuracy complaints in a calendar month in which Warehouse shipped 890,750 total units.
Depositor 在一個日曆月內收到了 3,218 起經過驗證的訂單準確性投訴,其中 Warehouse 總共發貨了 890,750 件商品。

890,750 - 3,218 / 890,750 = 99.64%


Should order accuracy fall below the SLR, Warehouse shall be responsible for reasonable costs incurred by Depositor, including lost Goods (at cost of goods), fulfillment fees and freight costs related to error rectification.
如果訂單準確性低於 SLR,倉庫應負責存放方產生的合理費用,包括丟失的商品(按商品成本)、履行費用和與錯誤糾正相關的運費。

Depositor shall request credit(s) within 30 days of service failure and Warehouse shall credit Depositor for undisputed claims within 30 days of Depositor’s written request.
存款人應在服務失敗后 30 天內申請退款,倉庫應在存款人提出書面請求后 30 天內將無爭議的索賠存入存款人。

1 9

附件 5
