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2FA system 2FA系统
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Certainly! Let's analyze the risk and impact of the "Change Wallet PIN" event on your e-commerce platform, considering that withdrawing wallet balance always requires verifying the wallet PIN first, and high-amount withdrawals might need additional 2FA verification.

Change Wallet PIN Event 更改钱包 PIN 码事件

Risk Assessment 风险评估

  • Attractiveness to Attackers: Medium. Changing the wallet PIN is a step towards gaining control over financial transactions. While not as immediately attractive as direct withdrawals, it is a crucial step for attackers aiming to bypass security measures.
    对攻击者的吸引力:中等。更改钱包 PIN 码是获得对金融交易控制权的一步。虽然不像直接提款那样立即有吸引力,但对于旨在绕过安全措施的攻击者来说,这是至关重要的一步。
  • Frequency of Occurrence: Medium. Users might change their wallet PIN occasionally, but it's not a frequent event like logging in.
    发生频率:中。用户可能偶尔会更改钱包 PIN,但这并不像登录那样频繁发生。
  • Ease of Exploitation: Medium. Exploiting this event requires the attacker to have already compromised the account to some extent (e.g., through phishing or other means).
  • Historical Data: If there is historical data indicating that changing wallet PINs has been targeted, this could increase the risk. However, without specific data, we'll consider this as a general medium risk.
    历史数据:如果有历史数据表明更改钱包 PIN 码已成为目标,这可能会增加风险。但是,如果没有具体数据,我们会将其视为一般中等风险。

Given these factors, the overall Risk for changing the wallet PIN can be considered Medium.
考虑到这些因素,更改钱包 PIN 码的总体风险可被视为“中等”

Impact Assessment 影响评估

  • Financial Loss: High. If an attacker successfully changes the wallet PIN, they can potentially gain control over the wallet and perform unauthorized withdrawals, leading to significant financial loss.
    财务损失:高。如果攻击者成功更改钱包 PIN,他们就有可能获得对钱包的控制权并执行未经授权的提款,从而导致重大财务损失。
  • Data Sensitivity: Medium. While the wallet PIN itself is sensitive, it does not expose personal information directly. However, it is a gateway to financial transactions.
  • Operational Disruption: Medium. A compromised wallet PIN can lead to unauthorized transactions, which could disrupt the platform's operations and require intervention.
    运营中断:中。钱包 PIN 码泄露可能会导致未经授权的交易,从而扰乱平台的运营并需要干预。
  • Reputation Damage: High. If users' wallet PINs are compromised, it can lead to a loss of trust in the platform's security measures.
    声誉损害:高。如果用户的钱包 PIN 码遭到泄露,可能会导致对平台安全措施失去信任。
  • Legal and Regulatory Consequences: High. Unauthorized financial transactions can lead to legal and regulatory issues, especially if users suffer significant losses.

Given these factors, the overall Impact for changing the wallet PIN can be considered High.
考虑到这些因素,更改钱包 PIN 码的总体影响可以认为是“高”

Summary of Risk and Impact for Change Wallet PIN Event
更改钱包 PIN 码事件的风险和影响摘要

  • Risk: Medium
  • Impact: High

Security Measures Recommendation

Given the medium risk but high impact of the "Change Wallet PIN" event, implementing robust security measures is crucial. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Mandatory 2FA: Require 2FA (e.g., SMS, email verification, or TOTP) when changing the wallet PIN to ensure that only the legitimate user can perform this action.
    强制 2FA :更改钱包 PIN 时需要 2FA(例如短信、电子邮件验证或 TOTP),以确保只有合法用户才能执行此操作。
  2. Additional Verification: Consider additional verification steps, such as answering security questions or confirming the change through a secondary communication channel.
  3. Monitoring and Alerts: Implement monitoring to detect unusual activities related to wallet PIN changes and alert the user immediately if such an event occurs.
    监控和警报:实施监控以检测与钱包 PIN 更改相关的异常活动,并在发生此类事件时立即向用户发出警报。
  4. Rate Limiting: Limit the number of times a user can attempt to change their wallet PIN within a specific timeframe to prevent brute-force attacks.
    速率限制:限制用户在特定时间范围内尝试更改钱包 PIN 码的次数,以防止暴力攻击。

By implementing these measures, you can mitigate the risk associated with changing the wallet PIN and protect users from potential financial loss and other negative consequences.
通过实施这些措施,您可以降低与更改钱包 PIN 码相关的风险,并保护用户免受潜在的财务损失和其他负面后果。

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please compare the risk and impact between change phone number and change wallet PIN

9/9/2024, 11:59:42 AM 2024 年 9 月 9 日,上午 11:59:42
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Certainly! Let's compare the risk and impact of the "Change Phone Number" event with the "Change Wallet PIN" event. Both events are critical from a security perspective, but they have different implications and potential consequences.
当然!让我们比较一下“更改电话号码”事件与“更改钱包 PIN”事件的风险和影响。从安全角度来看,这两个事件都至关重要,但它们具有不同的影响和潜在后果。

Change Phone Number Event

Risk Assessment 风险评估

  • Attractiveness to Attackers: High. Changing the phone number can allow attackers to intercept 2FA codes and gain control over the account.
    对攻击者的吸引力:高。更改电话号码可以让攻击者拦截 2FA 代码并获得对帐户的控制权。
  • Frequency of Occurrence: Medium. Users might change their phone number occasionally, but it's not as frequent as logging in.
  • Ease of Exploitation: Medium. Exploiting this event requires prior access to the account, similar to changing the wallet PIN.
    易于利用:中等。利用此事件需要事先访问该帐户,类似于更改钱包 PIN 码。
  • Historical Data: If there is historical data indicating that phone number changes have been targeted, this could increase the risk.

Given these factors, the overall Risk for changing the phone number can be considered High.

Impact Assessment 影响评估

  • Financial Loss: High. If an attacker intercepts 2FA codes, they can potentially take over the account and perform unauthorized transactions.
    财务损失:高。如果攻击者拦截 2FA 代码,他们可能会接管该帐户并执行未经授权的交易。
  • Data Sensitivity: Medium. The phone number itself is sensitive, but it doesn't expose personal data directly. However, it is a critical component of the security infrastructure.
  • Operational Disruption: Medium. A compromised phone number can lead to unauthorized access and transactions, disrupting the platform's operations.
  • Reputation Damage: High. If users' phone numbers are compromised, it can lead to a loss of trust in the platform's security measures.
  • Legal and Regulatory Consequences: High. Unauthorized access facilitated by a phone number change can lead to legal and regulatory issues, especially if users suffer significant losses.

Given these factors, the overall Impact for changing the phone number can be considered High.

Change Wallet PIN Event

Risk Assessment

  • Attractiveness to Attackers: Medium. Changing the wallet PIN is a step towards gaining control over financial transactions, but it is not as immediately attractive as intercepting 2FA codes.
  • Frequency of Occurrence: Medium. Users might change their wallet PIN occasionally, but it's not a frequent event.
  • Ease of Exploitation: Medium. Exploiting this event requires prior access to the account, similar to changing the phone number.
  • Historical Data: If there is historical data indicating that wallet PIN changes have been targeted, this could increase the risk.

Given these factors, the overall Risk for changing the wallet PIN can be considered Medium.

Impact Assessment

  • Financial Loss: High. If an attacker successfully changes the wallet PIN, they can potentially gain control over the wallet and perform unauthorized withdrawals.
  • Data Sensitivity: Medium. The wallet PIN itself is sensitive, but it does not expose personal information directly. However, it is a gateway to financial transactions.
  • Operational Disruption: Medium. A compromised wallet PIN can lead to unauthorized transactions, which could disrupt the platform's operations.
  • Reputation Damage: High. If users' wallet PINs are compromised, it can lead to a loss of trust in the platform's security measures.
  • Legal and Regulatory Consequences: High. Unauthorized financial transactions can lead to legal and regulatory issues, especially if users suffer significant losses.

Given these factors, the overall Impact for changing the wallet PIN can be considered High.

Comparison Summary

AspectChange Phone NumberChange Wallet PIN
Attractiveness to AttackersHighMedium
Frequency of OccurrenceMediumMedium
Ease of ExploitationMediumMedium
Financial LossHighHigh
Data SensitivityMediumMedium
Operational DisruptionMediumMedium
Reputation DamageHighHigh
Legal and Regulatory ConsequencesHighHigh

Key Takeaways

  • Change Phone Number: This event has a High Risk and High Impact. It is highly attractive to attackers because intercepting 2FA codes can lead to full account takeover. The impact is significant due to the potential for unauthorized access and financial loss.
  • Change Wallet PIN: This event has a Medium Risk but High Impact. While not as immediately attractive as changing the phone number, it still poses a significant threat due to the potential for unauthorized financial transactions and the associated consequences.

Security Measures Recommendation

For both events, robust security measures are essential:

  1. Mandatory 2FA: Require 2FA for both changing the phone number and the wallet PIN to ensure that only the legitimate user can perform these actions.
  2. Additional Verification: Implement additional verification steps, such as confirming changes through a secondary communication channel.
  3. Monitoring and Alerts: Monitor for unusual activities related to these changes and alert users immediately if suspicious activity is detected.
  4. Rate Limiting: Limit the number of attempts to change the phone number or wallet PIN within a specific timeframe to prevent brute-force attacks.

By implementing these measures, you can mitigate the risks and protect users from potential financial loss and other negative consequences.

9/9/2024, 11:59:59 AM
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2FA might not use phone OTP. 2FA could be face match, email OTP, QR scan, etc. Can you evaluate the impact again?

9/9/2024, 12:01:48 PM

Certainly! Let's re-evaluate the impact of the "Change Phone Number" and "Change Wallet PIN" events, considering that 2FA might use methods other than phone OTP, such as face match, email OTP, QR scan, etc.

Change Phone Number Event

Impact Assessment

  • Financial Loss: Medium to High. While changing the phone number might not directly impact 2FA if it uses methods other than phone OTP, it could still be part of a broader attack strategy to gain control over the account.
  • Data Sensitivity: Medium. The phone number itself is sensitive, but it doesn't expose personal data directly. However, it can still be a critical component of the user's profile.
  • Operational Disruption: Medium. A compromised phone number can lead to unauthorized access to some services, but if 2FA uses alternative methods, the disruption might be less severe.
  • Reputation Damage: Medium to High. If users' phone numbers are compromised, it can lead to a loss of trust in the platform's security measures, though the impact might be mitigated if 2FA is robust.
  • Legal and Regulatory Consequences: Medium to High. Unauthorized access facilitated by a phone number change can still lead to legal and regulatory issues, especially if users suffer significant losses.

Given these factors, the overall Impact for changing the phone number can be considered Medium to High.

Change Wallet PIN Event

Impact Assessment

  • Financial Loss: High. If an attacker successfully changes the wallet PIN, they can potentially gain control over the wallet and perform unauthorized withdrawals, regardless of the 2FA method.
  • Data Sensitivity: Medium. The wallet PIN itself is sensitive, but it does not expose personal information directly. However, it is a gateway to financial transactions.
  • Operational Disruption: Medium. A compromised wallet PIN can lead to unauthorized transactions, which could disrupt the platform's operations.
  • Reputation Damage: High. If users' wallet PINs are compromised, it can lead to a loss of trust in the platform's security measures.
  • Legal and Regulatory Consequences: High. Unauthorized financial transactions can lead to legal and regulatory issues, especially if users suffer significant losses.

Given these factors, the overall Impact for changing the wallet PIN remains High.

Comparison Summary (Revised)

AspectChange Phone Number (with alternative 2FA)Change Wallet PIN
ImpactMedium to HighHigh
Financial LossMedium to HighHigh
Data SensitivityMediumMedium
Operational DisruptionMediumMedium
Reputation DamageMedium to HighHigh
Legal and Regulatory ConsequencesMedium to HighHigh

Key Takeaways (Revised)

  • Change Phone Number: With alternative 2FA methods, the impact of changing the phone number is slightly reduced but still significant. The risk remains high due to the potential for broader attack strategies.
  • Change Wallet PIN: The impact remains high, as unauthorized changes can lead to direct financial losses and significant consequences.

Security Measures Recommendation (Revised)

For both events, robust security measures remain essential:

  1. Mandatory 2FA: Continue to require 2FA for both changing the phone number and the wallet PIN, using methods such as face match, email OTP, or QR scan.
  2. Additional Verification: Implement additional verification steps, such as confirming changes through a secondary communication channel.
  3. Monitoring and Alerts: Monitor for unusual activities related to these changes and alert users immediately if suspicious activity is detected.
  4. Rate Limiting: Limit the number of attempts to change the phone number or wallet PIN within a specific timeframe to prevent brute-force attacks.

By implementing these measures, you can further mitigate the risks and protect users from potential financial loss and other negative consequences.

9/9/2024, 12:01:59 PM
Avatar from remote

please analyze both risk and impact

9/9/2024, 12:15:04 PM

Certainly! Let's analyze both the risk and impact of the "Change Phone Number" and "Change Wallet PIN" events, considering the use of alternative 2FA methods such as face match, email OTP, QR scan, etc.

Change Phone Number Event

Risk Assessment

  • Attractiveness to Attackers: High. Attackers may still target phone number changes to disrupt account recovery processes or use it as part of a broader attack strategy.
  • Frequency of Occurrence: Medium. Users might change their phone number occasionally, but it's not a frequent event.
  • Ease of Exploitation: Medium. Exploiting this event requires prior access to the account, similar to changing the wallet PIN.
  • Historical Data: If past data indicates that phone number changes have been targeted, this could increase the risk.

Given these factors, the overall Risk for changing the phone number can be considered High.

Impact Assessment

  • Financial Loss: Medium. With alternative 2FA methods, the direct financial impact might be reduced as attackers cannot easily intercept 2FA codes.
  • Data Sensitivity: Medium. The phone number itself is sensitive, but it doesn't expose personal data directly.
  • Operational Disruption: Medium. A compromised phone number can lead to unauthorized access to some services, but if 2FA is robust, the disruption might be less severe.
  • Reputation Damage: Medium to High. If users' phone numbers are compromised, it can lead to a loss of trust in the platform's security measures.
  • Legal and Regulatory Consequences: Medium to High. Unauthorized access facilitated by a phone number change can still lead to legal and regulatory issues, especially if users suffer significant losses.

Given these factors, the overall Impact for changing the phone number can be considered Medium to High.

Change Wallet PIN Event

Risk Assessment

  • Attractiveness to Attackers: Medium to High. Changing the wallet PIN is a direct step towards gaining control over financial transactions.
  • Frequency of Occurrence: Medium. Users might change their wallet PIN occasionally, but it's not a frequent event.
  • Ease of Exploitation: Medium. Exploiting this event requires prior access to the account, similar to changing the phone number.
  • Historical Data: If past data indicates that wallet PIN changes have been targeted, this could increase the risk.

Given these factors, the overall Risk for changing the wallet PIN can be considered Medium.

Impact Assessment

  • Financial Loss: High. If an attacker successfully changes the wallet PIN, they can potentially gain control over the wallet and perform unauthorized withdrawals.
  • Data Sensitivity: Medium. The wallet PIN itself is sensitive, but it does not expose personal information directly. However, it is a gateway to financial transactions.
  • Operational Disruption: Medium. A compromised wallet PIN can lead to unauthorized transactions, which could disrupt the platform's operations.
  • Reputation Damage: High. If users' wallet PINs are compromised, it can lead to a loss of trust in the platform's security measures.
  • Legal and Regulatory Consequences: High. Unauthorized financial transactions can lead to legal and regulatory issues, especially if users suffer significant losses.

Given these factors, the overall Impact for changing the wallet PIN remains High.

Comparison Summary

AspectChange Phone Number (with alternative 2FA)Change Wallet PIN
ImpactMedium to HighHigh
Financial LossMediumHigh
Data SensitivityMediumMedium
Operational DisruptionMediumMedium
Reputation DamageMedium to HighHigh
Legal and Regulatory ConsequencesMedium to HighHigh

Key Takeaways

  • Change Phone Number: The risk remains high due to the potential for broader attack strategies, even with alternative 2FA methods. The impact is medium to high, considering the possible disruption and reputation damage.
  • Change Wallet PIN: The risk is medium, but the impact remains high due to the potential for direct financial losses and significant consequences.

Security Measures Recommendation

For both events, robust security measures remain essential:

  1. Mandatory 2FA: Continue to require 2FA for both changing the phone number and the wallet PIN, using methods such as face match, email OTP, or QR scan.
  2. Additional Verification: Implement additional verification steps, such as confirming changes through a secondary communication channel.
  3. Monitoring and Alerts: Monitor for unusual activities related to these changes and alert users immediately if suspicious activity is detected.
  4. Rate Limiting: Limit the number of attempts to change the phone number or wallet PIN within a specific timeframe to prevent brute-force attacks.

By implementing these measures, you can further mitigate the risks and protect users from potential financial loss and other negative consequences.

9/9/2024, 12:15:23 PM
Avatar from remote

what do you mean by saying " account recovery processes" and " a broader attack strategy"? why the change phone number is considered as high risk due to them?

9/9/2024, 12:18:01 PM

Certainly! Let's delve deeper into the concepts of "account recovery processes" and "broader attack strategy" and explain why changing a phone number is considered high risk due to these factors.

Account Recovery Processes

Account recovery processes are mechanisms provided by platforms to help users regain access to their accounts if they forget their passwords or lose access to their 2FA devices. Common account recovery methods include:

  1. Sending a recovery link or code to the user's email or phone number.
  2. Security questions.
  3. Backup codes.
  4. Alternative verification methods (e.g., face match, biometric verification).

Why is this a risk?

  • Target for Attackers: If an attacker can change the phone number associated with an account, they can potentially intercept recovery codes or links sent to the new number. This allows them to reset the account password or bypass other security measures.
  • Compromising Recovery Channels: Changing the phone number can effectively cut off the legitimate user from receiving important security notifications or recovery codes, making it easier for the attacker to take over the account completely.

Broader Attack Strategy

A broader attack strategy refers to a series of coordinated actions taken by an attacker to compromise an account or system. Changing the phone number can be a critical step in such a strategy. Here’s how:

  1. Reconnaissance: The attacker gathers information about the target, including their phone number, email, and other personal details.
  2. Initial Access: The attacker gains initial access to the account through phishing, social engineering, or exploiting vulnerabilities.
  3. Privilege Escalation: Once inside, the attacker changes key account settings, such as the phone number, to strengthen their control over the account.
  4. Persistence: The attacker ensures they can maintain access to the account by setting up new recovery options, changing passwords, and securing 2FA methods to their own devices.
  5. Exfiltration and Exploitation: The attacker uses the compromised account to steal sensitive information, perform unauthorized transactions, or further propagate the attack to other accounts or systems.

Why is this a risk?

  • Establishing Control: Changing the phone number is a step towards establishing complete control over the account. It allows the attacker to intercept security notifications and recovery codes, making it difficult for the legitimate user to regain access.
  • Facilitating Other Attacks: With control over the account, the attacker can use it to launch further attacks, such as sending phishing emails to contacts, making unauthorized financial transactions, or accessing other linked accounts.

Summary of Risk Assessment for Changing Phone Number

Given the critical role that phone numbers play in account recovery and broader attack strategies, changing the phone number is considered high risk for the following reasons:

  1. Intercepting Recovery Codes: Attackers can intercept recovery codes or links sent to the new phone number, making it easier to take over the account.
  2. Cutting Off Legitimate Access: Changing the phone number can cut off the legitimate user from receiving important security notifications, making it harder for them to detect and respond to the compromise.
  3. Establishing Control: It is a key step in establishing control over the account, facilitating further malicious activities and making it difficult for the user to regain access.

Mitigation Measures

To mitigate these risks, the following security measures are recommended:

  1. Mandatory 2FA: Require 2FA for changing the phone number, using robust methods such as face match, email OTP, or QR scan.
  2. Additional Verification: Implement additional verification steps, such as confirming changes through a secondary communication channel.
  3. Monitoring and Alerts: Monitor for unusual activities related to phone number changes and alert users immediately if suspicious activity is detected.
  4. Rate Limiting: Limit the number of attempts to change the phone number within a specific timeframe to prevent brute-force attacks.

By understanding and addressing these risks, you can enhance the security of your platform and protect users from potential account takeovers and other malicious activities.

9/9/2024, 12:18:11 PM
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why the Frequency of Occurrence can contribute to the risk? can give me some examples in the ecommerce platform?

9/10/2024, 11:26:50 AM

Certainly! The frequency of occurrence refers to how often a particular event happens. In the context of risk assessment, the frequency of occurrence contributes to the overall risk because it affects the likelihood of an event being exploited by attackers. If an event happens frequently, it provides more opportunities for attackers to exploit it. Conversely, if it happens rarely, the opportunities for exploitation are fewer.

How Frequency of Occurrence Contributes to Risk

  1. Higher Frequency, Higher Exposure: If an event occurs frequently, it increases the exposure of that event to potential attackers. More occurrences mean more chances for an attacker to identify and exploit vulnerabilities.
  2. Pattern Recognition: Frequent events allow attackers to observe patterns and behaviors, making it easier to devise strategies to exploit them.
  3. Resource Allocation: If an event occurs frequently, attackers might find it worthwhile to allocate more resources to exploit it, knowing that the chances of success are higher.

Examples in an E-commerce Platform

Example 1: Password Resets

  • Frequency: High. Users often forget their passwords and need to reset them.
  • Risk: High. Frequent password reset requests can be exploited through phishing attacks or social engineering to intercept reset links or codes.
  • Impact: High. If an attacker gains access to a user's account, they can make unauthorized purchases, change account settings, or steal personal information.

Example 2: Adding or Changing Payment Methods

  • Frequency: Medium to High. Users may frequently add new credit cards or change existing payment methods.
  • Risk: Medium to High. Attackers can exploit this process to add their own payment methods and make unauthorized purchases.
  • Impact: High. Unauthorized transactions can lead to financial loss for both the user and the platform, and damage the platform's reputation.

Example 3: Updating Shipping Address

  • Frequency: Medium. Users may update their shipping address occasionally, especially if they move or want to send a gift to a different location.
  • Risk: Medium. Attackers can exploit this process to redirect shipments to an address they control.
  • Impact: Medium to High. Unauthorized redirection of shipments can result in financial loss and customer dissatisfaction.

Example 4: Changing Phone Number

  • Frequency: Low to Medium. Users change their phone numbers less frequently compared to other account activities.
  • Risk: High. Despite its lower frequency, changing the phone number poses high risk because it can be a critical step in account takeover.
  • Impact: Medium to High. If an attacker changes the phone number, they can intercept 2FA codes and recovery information, leading to potential account takeover and unauthorized access.


The frequency of occurrence is an important factor in risk assessment because:

  • High Frequency: Events that occur frequently provide more opportunities for exploitation, increasing the overall risk.
  • Medium Frequency: Events that occur occasionally still pose significant risks, especially if they involve sensitive information or critical account functions.
  • Low Frequency: Even infrequent events can be high risk if they have significant impacts, such as changing recovery information or financial details.

In the context of an e-commerce platform, understanding the frequency of various actions and their associated risks helps in prioritizing security measures and resource allocation to protect against potential threats.

9/10/2024, 11:26:58 AM
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verifying 2FA is not like bank robbery. fraudsters can't observe patterns and behaviors of account owners. No matter how frequent of occurence the event is for account owners, fraudster always need to take the risk. based on this understanding, can you give me your assessment again?

9/10/2024, 11:45:08 AM

Certainly! Let's reassess the impact of frequency of occurrence on risk with a focus on the idea that fraudsters always face a risk when attempting to exploit an event, regardless of how often it occurs for legitimate users.

Reassessing Frequency of Occurrence in Risk Assessment

While it's true that fraudsters can't directly observe patterns and behaviors of individual account owners, the frequency of occurrence still plays a role in the overall risk landscape. Here's how:

  1. Opportunity for Exploitation: The more frequently an event occurs, the more opportunities there are for fraudsters to attempt exploitation. Each occurrence is a potential entry point.
  2. Resource Allocation: Fraudsters may focus their efforts on common events because the higher volume increases the likelihood of encountering a vulnerability or a successful attack.
  3. Volume of Targets: High-frequency events mean there are more targets available at any given time, increasing the chances of a successful attack somewhere within the user base.

Examples in an E-commerce Platform

Example 1: Password Resets

  • Frequency: High. Users often forget their passwords and need to reset them.
  • Risk: High. Frequent password reset requests are a common target for phishing and social engineering attacks.
  • Fraudster's Risk: Moderate. While each attempt carries risk, the high volume provides more opportunities to succeed.
  • Impact: High. If an attacker gains access to a user's account, they can make unauthorized purchases, change account settings, or steal personal information.

Example 2: Adding or Changing Payment Methods

  • Frequency: Medium to High. Users may frequently add new credit cards or change existing payment methods.
  • Risk: Medium to High. Attackers can exploit this process to add their own payment methods and make unauthorized purchases.
  • Fraudster's Risk: High. Attempting to add or change payment methods usually involves more scrutiny and verification steps.
  • Impact: High. Unauthorized transactions can lead to financial loss for both the user and the platform, and damage the platform's reputation.

Example 3: Updating Shipping Address

  • Frequency: Medium. Users may update their shipping address occasionally, especially if they move or want to send a gift to a different location.
  • Risk: Medium. Attackers can exploit this process to redirect shipments to an address they control.
  • Fraudster's Risk: Moderate. Changing shipping addresses might trigger alerts or require additional verification.
  • Impact: Medium to High. Unauthorized redirection of shipments can result in financial loss and customer dissatisfaction.

Example 4: Changing Phone Number

  • Frequency: Low to Medium. Users change their phone numbers less frequently compared to other account activities.
  • Risk: High. Despite its lower frequency, changing the phone number poses high risk because it can be a critical step in account takeover.
  • Fraudster's Risk: High. Changing a phone number typically involves multiple verification steps and can trigger security alerts.
  • Impact: Medium to High. If an attacker changes the phone number, they can intercept 2FA codes and recovery information, leading to potential account takeover and unauthorized access.


The frequency of occurrence affects the overall risk by influencing the number of opportunities for exploitation:

  • High Frequency Events: Provide more opportunities for fraudsters to attempt attacks, even though each attempt carries risk. Examples include password resets and adding payment methods.
  • Medium Frequency Events: Still offer significant opportunities for exploitation, especially if they involve sensitive account functions like updating shipping addresses.
  • Low Frequency Events: While less common, these events can be high risk if they have significant impacts, such as changing phone numbers or recovery information.

By understanding the interplay between frequency of occurrence and risk, e-commerce platforms can better prioritize security measures to protect against potential threats. This includes implementing robust verification steps, monitoring for unusual activities, and educating users about the risks associated with different account actions.

9/10/2024, 11:45:21 AM
Avatar from remote

Users often forget their passwords and need to reset them. But fraudster are not on-site, they can't observe or hajack the reset password request. the usage frequency won't affect the event risk

9/10/2024, 12:29:47 PM

I understand your point. Let's reassess the risk considering that fraudsters can't directly observe or hijack reset password requests in real-time, and that the inherent risk of each event is independent of its frequency.

Reassessing Risk Without Direct Observation

Given that fraudsters can't directly observe or hijack events like password resets in real-time, the frequency of occurrence for legitimate users does not inherently increase the risk of those events. Instead, the risk is more about the potential impact and the inherent vulnerabilities of the process itself.

Examples in an E-commerce Platform

Example 1: Password Resets

  • Frequency: High for legitimate users.
  • Risk: Medium. The risk mainly arises from phishing or social engineering attacks where fraudsters trick users into revealing their reset codes or passwords, rather than hijacking the process itself.
  • Fraudster's Risk: High. Fraudsters need to engage in phishing or social engineering, which carries a significant risk of detection and failure.
  • Impact: High. If successful, unauthorized access can lead to unauthorized purchases, changes in account settings, or theft of personal information.

Example 2: Adding or Changing Payment Methods
示例 2:添加或更改付款方式

  • Frequency: Medium to High for legitimate users.
  • Risk: Medium to High. The risk comes from the potential for fraudsters to add their own payment methods if they gain access to the account through other means.
  • Fraudster's Risk: High. This typically requires prior account access, which involves significant risk.
  • Impact: High. Unauthorized transactions can lead to financial loss for both the user and the platform.

Example 3: Updating Shipping Address
示例 3:更新送货地址

  • Frequency: Medium for legitimate users.
  • Risk: Medium. The risk comes from potential account takeovers where fraudsters change the shipping address to redirect deliveries.
  • Fraudster's Risk: Moderate. Changing shipping addresses might trigger alerts or require additional verification.
  • Impact: Medium to High. Unauthorized redirection of shipments can result in financial loss and customer dissatisfaction.

Example 4: Changing Phone Number

  • Frequency: Low to Medium for legitimate users.
  • Risk: High. Changing the phone number is a critical step in account security and can be exploited in account takeovers.
  • Fraudster's Risk: High. Changing a phone number typically involves multiple verification steps and can trigger security alerts.
  • Impact: Medium to High. If an attacker changes the phone number, they can intercept 2FA codes and recovery information, leading to potential account takeover and unauthorized access.


When the risk is primarily related to the impact and inherent vulnerabilities of the process, rather than the frequency of legitimate user actions, the assessment changes as follows:

  • Password Resets: The risk is associated with phishing and social engineering, not the frequency of legitimate resets.
  • Adding or Changing Payment Methods: The risk is tied to the potential for unauthorized access, not how often users change payment methods.
  • Updating Shipping Address: The risk is linked to account takeover scenarios, not the frequency of address changes.
  • Changing Phone Number: The risk is significant due to the potential for account takeover, regardless of how often users change their numbers.

In this context, robust security measures such as mandatory 2FA, additional verification steps, and monitoring for unusual activities remain crucial. These measures help mitigate the inherent risks of these actions, regardless of their frequency of occurrence.

9/10/2024, 12:29:59 PM
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