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Community reacts: Valve removes Major open qualifiers
社区反应:Valve 移除了 Major 公开预选赛

The latest change to the Major rulebook has caused quite a stir in the space.

ECSTATIC's story cannot be replicated under the new rules
ECSTATIC 的故事在新规则下无法复制

Valve made some significant changes to the Major circuit earlier on Friday, when they announced the complete removal of the open qualifiers in some regions. At the same time, Perfect World, the organizer of the Shanghai Major, announced the dates for the qualifiers and RMRs, which will be all played on LAN in Shanghai, China.
Valve 在周五早些时候对 Major 巡回赛进行了一些重大变更,他们宣布在一些地区完全取消公开资格赛。与此同时,上海 Major 的主办方完美世界宣布了资格赛和 RMR 的日期,这些比赛将全部在中国上海的 LAN 上进行。

While the latter change has been accepted positively, the removal of open qualifiers for the European and North American regions has been met with a raft of criticism and pushback, with the community even starting a petition to try and reverse the decision.

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Open qualifiers removed in raft of Major rulebook changes

The main gripe with the decision is that the Major was previously open to anyone, which is no longer true. People have looked back at the Copenhagen Major, where ECSTATIC, KOI, and HEROIC were among many teams that made it to the main event after coming through the open qualifiers.
决定的主要抱怨是,Major 以前对任何人都是开放的,这不再是真的。人们回顾了哥本哈根 Major,ECSTATIC、KOI 和 HEROIC 等许多队伍在通过公开预选赛后成功晋级主赛事。

Even in earlier times, several teams had advanced impressively far into the Major after starting from the open qualifiers, with Spirit (PGL Antwerp 2022) and MOUZ (IEM Rio Major 2022) both making it to the semi-finals.
即使在早期,一些团队也在从公开预选赛开始后取得了令人印象深刻的进展,Spirit(PGL 安特卫普 2022)和 MOUZ(IEM 里约大师赛 2022)都进入了半决赛。

Many people have theorized that cheating is the reason for the change. Previous online qualifiers were clouded in controversy as many teams got disqualified due to unfair play, but community figures have expressed their disappointment at the way Valve is handling this matter.
许多人推测作弊是这种变化的原因。之前的线上预选赛因许多团队因不公平比赛而被取消资格而笼罩在争议之中,但社区人士对 Valve 处理此事的方式表示失望。

Other community members have spoken about the impact this will have on the calendar and how it can lead to player burnout as teams will fight for every ranking point available across the season.

Despite the majority of the reactions being negative, some have sided with Valve, saying that they understand the reasoning and that the change is a step in the right direction.
尽管大多数反应都是负面的,但也有一些人站在 Valve 这边,表示他们理解其理由,并认为这一变化是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。

It's a good change honestly, people are short sighted
2024-06-01 01:55
18 replies 18 个回复
medic |  医生
Ukraine delsix
0/8 try better next time
0/8 下次努力吧
2024-06-01 02:02
steel |  钢铁
Belgium VulcunStoleMyD
Explain the long term vision then.
2024-06-01 02:15
2 replies
Faceit level 10  | 
Aleksib |  Aleksib
Poland m9xddxd
valve's ranking gets tweaked and improved over time and teams that should be in majors get to go to majors
2024-06-01 04:21
1 reply
steel |  钢铁
Belgium VulcunStoleMyD
valve's prize pool ranking. hsg fe invited to chinesee closed qualifier by playing and winning every female tournament/cash cup in asia 🗿🗿🗿🗿
阀门的奖金池排名。 hsg fe 通过参加并赢得亚洲每场女子锦标赛/现金杯赛,获得邀请参加中国封闭预选赛 🗿🗿🗿🗿
2024-06-01 05:21
Freya |  弗雷娅
Denmark rolade 卷心饼
basically ruined the opportunity for any new orgs to join cs in hopes of playing the china major. Can valve decide if they want to make the asian scene bigger or not, removing open, means that every chinease kid having a dream is now not gonna be able to dream. So let me just ask you. In what way other than less cheaters is this a "good change" in the long sight?
基本上毁掉了任何新组织加入 CS 希望参加中国 Major 的机会。 阀门可以决定他们是否要扩大亚洲市场,取消开放意味着每个中国孩子的梦想现在都无法实现。 所以让我问你。除了减少作弊者之外,这在长远视野中有什么其他方式是一个“好的改变”?
2024-06-01 02:15
8 replies
Or, they can play in the qualifiers of other events, if they are good enough, they qualify, and if they can perform well throughout the year, they get invited? Why are people acting like there is now 0 chance for new teams to enter into the scene, all it means is that can't just fluke through a qualifier or cheat etc
2024-06-01 02:19
7 replies
I agree with most of what is said, but can we agree that it should only have been implemented once the partner system is gone? I know asian teams are not as affected+ they still have open qualifiers so no chinese kids dreams are ruined yet to help counter rolade. Just now all EU and Americas teams with a partnered slot get free/unfair/preferential points over others for the first cycle of this system (regardless whether or not they are good enough either way)
我同意大部分所说的,但我们能否同意只有在合作伙伴系统消失后才应该实施?我知道亚洲团队受影响不大,他们仍然有公开预选赛,所以中国孩子的梦想还没有被破坏,以帮助对抗 rolade。 刚刚所有欧盟和美洲的团队与合作槽位一起,在该系统的第一个周期中获得了比其他团队更多的免费/不公平/优惠积分(无论他们是否足够好)
2024-06-01 02:31
3 replies
I can see your reasoning but I do think this is a better system than what we had previously, regardless of partner system or not
2024-06-01 02:48
2 replies
So in your eyes a team of OGs caliber is justified to get invited to the closed/RMR eventhough they can't hit the broad side of a barn if their life depended on it? Falcons just gets a free pass to RMR eventhough they barely beat a single opponent since their inception (bar Katowice)? At that point the system is less fair than half invites hald open or whatever the distribution for closed quali was
所以在你看来,OGs 团队的水平是合理的,即使他们无论如何都无法打中谷仓的一边,也应该被邀请参加封闭/RMR 活动?猎鹰队只是获得了参加 RMR 活动的免费通行证,尽管自成立以来几乎没有击败过一个对手(除了卡托维兹)?在那一点上,这个系统比半数邀请半数开放或封闭资格分配更不公平
2024-06-01 03:28
1 reply
falcons did ok at betboom recently, OG truly are shit lol
猎鹰最近在 BetBoom 表现还不错,OG 真的很烂哈哈
2024-06-01 03:36
But that's only supposing there will be open qualifiers to other events... No more partner system just means that there could be no deal between orgs and TOs, but they will still mostly work with invites, simply because it makes them more money to invite Faze and Navi directly than to ask them to do an open qualifier + when would they do it? It's super long to do an open qualifier with round of 1024 etc... I see your point, if every tournament is Open, then it's fine if Major aren't, but most of the tournaments will still be invites only or with invite qualifiers Valve knows it's super hard to do an open qualifier, how could they expect one to happen for every tournament in the calendar...
但这只是假设其他赛事将有开放资格赛... 不再有合作伙伴制度意味着组织和赛事主办方之间可能没有交易,但他们仍然主要会通过邀请合作,因为直接邀请 Faze 和 Navi 比要求他们参加公开预选赛更赚钱 他们什么时候会这样做?要做一个有 1024 轮的公开资格赛太长了... 我明白你的意思,如果每个比赛都是公开的,那么如果 Major 不是公开的话也没关系,但大多数比赛仍然会只邀请或者有邀请资格赛 Valve 知道要进行公开资格赛是非常困难的,他们怎么能期望每个比赛日历中都会发生这样的事情...
2024-06-01 05:12
huNter- |  猎人- |
Bosnia and Herzegovina yeNt
maybe because we don't live off cs and we don't have time or means to play a whole year of Open qually , but we make mix teams and prepare 2 months before major
2024-06-01 06:16
1 reply
you grind two months for the major and then you disappear -> you don't deserve it. go grind the whole year like every normal team, show consistency and there you will be invited to the major. Ex Ecstatic for example would have been invited to the major this year because they were ranked high enough (despite them telling you otherwise), so even a tier 3 team can still make it. If major invites are based on ranking and ranking is based on open tournaments, then that is in some way an open qualifier for the major, just emphasizing consistency, no flue teams and less cheating. another valve W
你为了主要比赛努力了两个月,然后就消失了 -> 你不配。像每支正常团队一样,整年努力,展现稳定性,那样你就会被邀请参加主要比赛。例如,Ex Ecstatic 今年本应被邀请参加主要比赛,因为他们排名足够高(尽管他们告诉你相反),所以即使是三线团队也有可能成功。如果主要比赛邀请是基于排名,而排名是基于公开比赛的,那么在某种程度上这就是主要比赛的公开预选赛,强调稳定性,没有弱队和少作弊。另一个 Valve W
2024-06-01 15:46
Spain Fle6x
Basically major is going be the only "closed" event, valve is going to obligate the orgs to be an open tournaments, and then with the results of your team during the year you can be invited to be on the big event with the best teams of the all tournaments tier1. It's the reverse of the system, now is going to be more open but, your team have to be better, not in only one qualifier, you have to be good on many qualifiers during the year.
基本上,Major 赛事将是唯一的“封闭”活动,Valve 将要求组织者举办公开比赛,然后根据您团队在一年内的表现结果,您可以被邀请参加与所有 Tier1 赛事中最佳团队一起参加的大型赛事。 这是系统的反面,现在将更加开放,但是你的团队必须更好,不仅仅在一个资格赛中,你必须在一年中的许多资格赛中表现出色。
2024-06-01 03:20
2 replies
How is that not better for the game though? Instead of teams just fluking in / cheating in or whatever, now the best teams of the year all get to get together and play each other, I think the most important tournaments of the year shouldn't be able to just be fluked in, it ruins viewership, teams underperform who never should have made it that far which make for poor matches too, it is far better if teams who want a shot at the major have to perform in other events too
2024-06-01 03:22
1 reply
Spain Fle6x
Yes yes, i didn't say that its not better, i prefer this type of invites, its not a direct invite for money, is invite for level, and this do the qualify for the major more difficult.
2024-06-01 03:30
Bait uses to be believable
2024-06-01 08:24
1 reply
your free to believe what you like
2024-06-01 08:49
Volvo clueless... 沃尔沃一无所知...
2024-06-01 01:56
ecstatic/gladiatoea doesnt deserve it anyway, those guys are bad as shit, losing to lynn vision lmao
2024-06-01 01:57
Faceit plus user Faceit level 10  | 
Switzerland asuM
horrible change and removes the magic of majors
2024-06-01 01:58
medic |  医生
Ukraine delsix
cringe af 尴尬至极
2024-06-01 02:01
rain |  
United States ONISpecOps
unfortunate 不幸
2024-06-01 02:02
frozen |  冻结
Czech Republic miroo_slav
that ecstatic post is just dishonest shit, they would just go through different way, also movistar, probably with more comfort
那种狂喜的帖子只是虚伪的垃圾,他们只会采取不同的方式,而且 Movistar 可能会更舒适
2024-06-01 02:03
United States JoeJoe860
Idk. Open Quals are part of what makes the Major a Major and not just another Blast or ESL Pro League. Just add a Super Intrusive Anti-Cheat or something.
我不知道。公开资格赛是使 Major 成为 Major 而不仅仅是另一个 Blast 或 ESL Pro League 的一部分。只需添加一个超级侵入性的反作弊系统或其他东西。
2024-06-01 02:04
5 replies
Just work with ESL and faceit. or demand for Major Qualifier a "Kernel AC" like Valo if people think this might help. Options are there
只需与 ESL 和 Faceit 合作。或者要求 Major Qualifier 像 Valo 一样的“Kernel AC”,如果人们认为这可能有帮助。 选项都在那里
2024-06-01 02:12
3 replies
They could just make a partnership with Face It so all open qual matches are played on their platform. How hard can it be? Or would it hurt Valve's ego too much to admit that their "anti" cheat is trash
他们可以与 Face It 建立合作关系,使所有公开资格赛都在他们的平台上进行。这有多难?或者 Valve 的自尊心是否会受到伤害,以至于不愿承认他们的“反”作弊系统是垃圾。
2024-06-01 02:51
Yet Valo has a big cheater issue right now. So much for an intrusive kernel level AC
瓦洛现在有一个很大的作弊问题。这么多侵入式内核级 AC。
2024-06-01 02:52
1 reply
I just say they could make an AC only for major tournaments. And that could be more strict than for normal players. They also could use it to test it etc. Actually, this would be a great idea. 重试    错误原因
2024-06-01 03:46
2024-06-01 02:04
frankly, I think this should’ve been done in 2025. Not now. At least let the Shanghai major be the last major with open qualifiers and then remove them. 重试    错误原因
2024-06-01 02:05
I loved the Cinderella story. A team that doesn't get paid, doesn't play full time, and has a hard time bootcamping makes it through the Open Qualifier to Major. It was the dream of us normal players and the reason we loved Major and CS. What if a team that once played against you in a small online tournament could qualify for Major? It was a really great story line. 重试    错误原因
2024-06-01 02:05
Give qualifiers to faceit and cheaters problem solved 重试    错误原因
2024-06-01 02:08
Valve games become pay2win. No team that has zero money will have a fair shot. BNE Story would never happen with Valve Ranking.
2024-06-01 02:13
2 replies
BNE were 44th in HLTV global ranking I think they would make it in Valve EU ranking, same as all teams I saw named anywehere, these underdog stories just dont happen man
2024-06-01 02:18
1 reply
Valve and HLLTV Ranking work differently, so it's far away from sure that they would have made it.
2024-06-01 02:35
Croatia Leeibe
So they announce an end to close circuit leagues and events.... to then make the major a popularity contest Big teams go to big events and get a massively inflated ranking from participating (ie current nip and fnatic) while having 0 meaningful runs/results
2024-06-01 02:15
Instead of making a decent AC remove the little things left that used to make the game great.. At this point i guess the community should fall back into the 1999 era and start a real counter strike game with no dickheads running the show..
2024-06-01 02:16
Why did they remove it exactly? Can someone explain to me?
2024-06-01 02:22
5 replies
Portugal EddyParera
Because PGL Major Open qualifiers had a lot of cheaters... So, because Valve/Perfect World don't have a effective Anti-Cheat, they decided to not host open qualifiers...
2024-06-01 02:31
3 replies
Slovakia GloryMole
2024-06-01 02:52
1 reply
Portugal EddyParera
That's something Perfect World doesn't want. They want a full tournament organized by them to showcase China's power. Any other TO would, at least, think about it.
2024-06-01 03:07
Wow thats dumb. Also thank you for telling me
2024-06-01 07:13
because they dont know how to fix cheating in open quals
2024-06-01 02:31
If this is true I'm going to stop following the competitive scene
2024-06-01 02:24
2 replies
Poland NaKii
naah. Majors will just become more irrelevant but it wont ruin the scene. Eventually someone will just take the stick and make their own Major
2024-06-01 02:35
1 reply
no one's ever going to be able to make their "own major". Unlike other tournaments, major still holds something which are stickers. Immortalizing the players' names forever in the game and providing revenue as a bonus.
2024-06-01 09:01
Faceit level 10  | 
Bhutan testingTheories
When you have no will of making efforts towards fixing the problem, the easiest way is to cancel the whole thing.
2024-06-01 02:33
Poland NaKii
I swear GabeN is doing everything he can to ruin CS bc DotA is dying
2024-06-01 02:34
People saying that this decision was to prevent cheaters from playing in open qualifiers are moronic. Like everything else in the world, it's about money.
2024-06-01 02:38
3 replies
Germany forasago
hell yeah it's about money. it's about the money Valve stand to lose if everyone abandons the game over the cheating. the last open qualifiers were a wake up call for Valve. they don't want more press like this: dotesports.com/counter-strike/news/pgl-c.. so they are hitting the panic button. they cannot or will not stop the cheating but they can stop nonamers from entering the tournament. this is another shoddy bandaid on CS's grievous wounds, like all the little tweaks to the game while major performance problems stay unaddressed and cheaters have turned any ranking system into a joke.
2024-06-01 03:20
2 replies
You haven't been watching for that long if you think this last major was any worse in terms of cheating vs all the others.
2024-06-01 04:11
1 reply
Germany forasago
I've been watching most of the big tournaments since ~2015 but I never paid attention to the more behind the scenes stuff like qualifiers before the last couple years, that's true.
2024-06-01 04:24
Russia lekoin
So now majors are just another blast/esl tournament... Many good players were first noticed when playing open quals for major
2024-06-01 02:59
Ukraine xpl^^
Counter strike 1.6 was released back in 2003. I really believe that 21 years isn't not enough to make a decent AC.....
2024-06-01 03:26
good, its been a long time coming. this will slow down these fluke runs who got the easiest opponents.
2024-06-01 03:33
One of the worst decisions valve has made in the last decade, or even more. The biggest problem in the scene currently is the lack of anticheat... Instead of fixing the existing problem, they are closing their eyes for the 100th time and they are "fixing" it in their own way, which isnt the correct one. I'm actually starting to hope that Microsoft[or anyone else] buys valve, because I don't think valve deserves the title of their games anymore. They keep fucking up every possible thing about the game, which I never thought was possible.
2024-06-01 03:43
5 replies
Microsoft buying Valve? Ah, yes, this is the delusion why we all come to the hltv forums for. Chefs kiss.
2024-06-01 04:14
4 replies
Well, no idea what happened to the offer that Microsoft was putting up together last week... at least didn't see anything go public yet.
2024-06-01 04:34
3 replies
it was fake. some random blue check mark made a tweet then everyone just believed it
2024-06-01 12:10
2 replies
Uhm... Maybe, but I dont think so. It wasnt a hltv only thing, i saw some posts from a really trustworthy sites and blogs that wouldnt post things just like that... but who knows.
2024-06-01 12:20
1 reply
it was sourced from a twitter account that just randomly tweeted 80.lv/articles/no-microsoft-is-not-buyin.. x.com/tomwarren/status/17934390081873840..
2024-06-01 12:38
Good change
2024-06-01 04:13
Imagine people still cheats in counter strike, its 2024 bruhh..
2024-06-01 04:14
Very sad
2024-06-01 04:45
United States AirOK
Wouldn’t be surprised if this has something specifically to do with the major being in Shanghai as opposed to running open qualifiers just being difficult for a lackadaisical, apathetic company like Valve to run. I’m sure it’s a bit of both. Bad move to get rid of open qualifiers.
2024-06-01 04:58
People thinking that now the major is somewhat closed don't understand the system. If you are a random team, you now have to go to a tournament to earn points and if you have enough points you get the invitation. A closed system would mean that only a few selected teams picked by valve got the invitation, which is obviously not true. Now only the consistent team will get tot he major, no more flukes and less cheaters. Another Valve W
2024-06-01 05:33
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
LeX | 
Russia *Tpo-_-JI.b*
Deserved rektered for the decision!
2024-06-01 05:37
Europe ElessarP
It’s funny that people compare it to Valorant - no no, Valorant is partnered, it’s very different to the majors even with open quals removed. So that’s a moot comparison.
2024-06-01 05:41
I can accept there being no open qualifier to the extent there has been now, where all the randos can participate. But I do think they should at least have like 256 team open qualifiers for every actual pro players who have tournament experience that year to have their chance. So that you wouldn't be completely fucked if team just decides to remove you two months before the major.
2024-06-01 05:50
very sad
2024-06-01 08:31
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Denmark MySSe^
So no AC in the future, ty, this was easier. How could vavle really care that little??
2024-06-01 11:24
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