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swooned whenever I appeared with another sexy victim in my arms. On the final deadly, mission I scaled a turret, only to find Amanda stretched out on her bed in black lingerie and looking incredibly seductive. I was about to show her a few sparks of my own but a loud banging on my door yanked me out of Amanda's room and back to mine. It was Schweitzer with a large mug of tea and the morning newspaper.
08:00 Viking's prefects' meeting was far better than expected. Our housemaster was surprisingly in an excellent mood and confessed that Tampon Thompson's attempted suicide yesterday had in fact set him free from his terrible premonition about a naked boy taking his own life. The fact that the incident occurred on another housemaster's watch delighted Viking. He even apologised for excessively harping on the subject and promised not to bring it up again. 'Now we can all focus our energies on the really important things,' he said, 'like winning house trophies!
08:00 维京省长会议比预期的要好得多。我们的舍监出人意料地心情很好,他承认卫生棉条汤普森昨天的自杀未遂实际上使他摆脱了对一个裸体男孩自杀的可怕预感。这起事件发生在另一位管家的手表上,这一事实让维京人感到高兴。他甚至为过度喋喋不休地谈论这个话题而道歉,并承诺不再提起它。“现在我们都可以把精力集中在真正重要的事情上,”他说,“比如赢得学院奖杯!


The Glock made the fatal error of inviting Sparerib along on the flimsy premise that he had filled in while The Guv was away. The Guv arrived in a jolly mood, smelling of blue cheese and whisky. He took me aside on The Glock's patio and whispered, 'I'm as pissed as a Sicilian sausage dog, Milton. Would you be so kind as to guide this syphilitic old spirit to the nearest armchair?'
格洛克犯了一个致命的错误,他邀请斯帕雷里布一起去,前提是他在古夫不在的时候填补了这个脆弱的前提。Guv 带着愉快的心情来到这里,闻起来有蓝纹奶酪和威士忌的味道。他把我拉到格洛克家的露台上,低声说:“我就像一只西西里香肠狗一样生气,米尔顿。你能好心地把这个梅毒的老灵魂带到最近的扶手椅上吗?
'Good to see you're on the mend, Edly,' commented the headmaster as he sidled past us wearing a white apron emblazoned with the school's insignia and carrying a large tray of steak.
'I live, headmaster, I live,' replied The Guv. He raised his goblet of red wine skyward and announced, 'To kill

the king.' Sparerib joined The Glock at the fire and the rest of us sat with The Guv on the patio where he entertained us with stories of his Moroccan hashish holidays in the 1960s.
国王。Sparerib 在火堆旁加入了 The Glock,我们其他人和 The Guv 一起坐在露台上,他用他在 1960 年代摩洛哥大麻假期的故事招待我们。
After a poorly timed visit to the bathroom, I found myself sandwiched between Sparerib and The Glock at the dinner table. The Glock is the slowest eater and frequently pauses as if considering the fate of somebody before slipping a carefully trimmed fork load into his mouth and chewing relentlessly. To make matters worse, he surprised me at odd intervals with unexpected questions that forced me onto the back foot.
在一次不合时宜的洗手间之后,我发现自己在餐桌上被夹在Sparerib和The Glock之间。格洛克是吃得最慢的,经常停下来,好像在考虑某人的命运,然后把一个精心修剪过的叉子塞进嘴里,无情地咀嚼。更糟糕的是,他每隔一段时间就会提出意想不到的问题,让我感到惊讶,迫使我退缩。
'Problems with my steak, Milton?' he asked as he shiftily eyed out my lack of eating progress. Admittedly, Sparerib's poor table manners to the left were hardly aiding my appetite, although I must say the idea of hovering your face a few centimetres above your plate and then scoffing ridiculously fast does mean that you don't have to worry about being included in any dismal conversations.
“我的牛排有问题吗,米尔顿?”他问道,同时他转过头来盯着我吃饭的进展。诚然,Sparerib 在左边糟糕的餐桌礼仪几乎无助于我的胃口,尽管我必须说,将你的脸悬停在盘子上方几厘米处,然后以可笑的速度嘲笑的想法确实意味着你不必担心被包括在任何令人沮丧的谈话中。
'What's your approach going to be in the early overs on Saturday, Milton?' I wasn't exactly sure what the headmaster meant because I never bowl or bat in the early overs anyway. In the end I opted for 'Keep things tight, sir.' The Glock nodded and chewed before nodding some more.
'You have a swimming pool where you live?'
'Yes, sir,' I replied.
The Glock seemed surprised by this and things fell silent once more.
We waited forever for the headmaster to finish eating his seconds as he had already announced that he wanted to address the team after his meal. The speech, when it did come, was certainly not worth waiting for. It

began promisingly enough when he congratulated us for remaining unbeaten thus far, but undid the earlier good work by openly doubting whether we had the mental stamina to pull off an upset at King's College. I'm sure if The Guv hadn't fallen asleep in his chair he would have been outraged by the headmaster's goading and lack of good faith. Sparerib said nothing other than nodding to whatever The Glock was railing on about. Rambo quite rightly accused Sparerib of being an oxygen thief and a lead balloon at parties.
It was a great relief to be out of the headmaster's mansion. As we left the gate Simon called the team together under the lemon tree and told us to ignore what we had just heard and take revenge on the headmaster by thumping King's College on Saturday. Rambo reckoned that he had already taken revenge against The Glock and showed us a bottle of expensive looking whisky that he had pilfered from the headmaster's drinks cabinet during his marathon eating stint.

Saturday 13th March 3月13日星期六


Simon won the toss and chose to bat on a sweltering day in Pietermaritzburg. We lost Rhino Jarvis in the first over to a ropy lbw decision by the opposition coach/ umpire but good karma soon followed for us when The Guv gave Martin Leslie not out after Leslie appeared to snick the ball to first slip. Unfortunately, he was clean bowled three balls later and we were looking iffy at 6-2 with karma and momentum swinging back the way of King"s College.
西蒙赢得了比赛,并选择在彼得马里茨堡闷热的日子里击球。我们在第一回合就失去了犀牛贾维斯,因为对方教练/裁判员的粗暴判罚,但好业力很快就来了,当 The Guv 在 Leslie 似乎将球偷走后,我们没有让 Martin Leslie 出局。不幸的是,他在三个球之后净利落地投球,我们以 6-2 的比分看起来很不稳定,因果报应和势头又回到了国王学院的方式。
Simon didn't appear to notice that the King's opening bowler was the quickest in the province or that we were

in dire need of consolidation and began blitzing their bowlers to all parts of the field. Most of the 1500 boys of King's College crowded the ground in their school uniforms and grew increasingly glum as soon became 102-2 with Simon on 71 and the newly promoted Omo Pringle holding firm at the other end with a timid but steady 16 not out. Simon drank a disturbing amount of Oros at the tea break before returning to the crease and producing a flurry of shots to show the King's bowlers that he was only just getting started. The Guv took the five minute break to pay his respects to my folks and slot back a gin and tonic. Thereafter he moved in a weird skipping motion back to his position at square leg.
急需整合,并开始将他们的投球手闪电战到球场的各个部分。国王学院的1500名男生中,大多数都穿着校服挤在地面上, 很快就变得越来越闷闷不乐,西蒙以71比102领先,新晋升的奥莫·普林格尔(Omo Pringle)在另一端稳居榜首,以胆怯但稳定的16分没有出局。西蒙在茶歇时喝了大量令人不安的奥罗斯,然后回到折痕处并制作了一连串的投篮,向国王的投球手表明他才刚刚开始。Guv 休息了五分钟,向我的乡亲们表示敬意,并喝了一杯杜松子酒和补品。此后,他以一个奇怪的跳跃动作回到了他在方腿上的位置。
We declared our innings closed at lunch with a score of 223-6 with Simon making a whopping 121 runs. King's had clearly been emotionally damaged by Simon's genius innings. They prodded and poked around, scoring just 23 runs in the first hour. It became increasingly obvious that they were playing for the draw and had given up on attempting to chase down our total. Their ultradefensive tactics and lack of interest in scoring runs meant that half the crowd lost interest too, and the other half melted away to spade girls and visit the tuck shop. After exhausting all other possible options, Simon signalled for me to warm up to bowl. I began to swing my arms in a circle and a loud cheer followed by a short yet lively toot of the horn sounded from my father's car. The sight of me warming up to bowl created instant activity with my parents. Mom ran around the boundary line and presumably went to the loo while Dad obviously didn't think anyone would see him disappearing into the small clump of bushes behind the scoreboard. By the time I had finished marking out my run-up they had already charged their glasses.
我们在午餐时宣布我们的比赛以 223-6 的比分结束,西蒙打出了惊人的 121 分。国王显然在情感上被西蒙的天才局伤害了。他们四处捅捅蹬蹭,第一个小时只跑了23分。越来越明显的是,他们正在为平局而战,并且已经放弃了追逐我们的总分的尝试。他们超强的防守战术和对得分缺乏兴趣意味着一半的观众也失去了兴趣,而另一半则融化了,去铲女孩子并参观褶皱店。在用尽了所有其他可能的选择后,西蒙示意我热身打保龄球。我开始摆动双臂转圈,一阵响亮的欢呼声响起,接着是我父亲的车里传来的短促而活泼的喇叭声。看到我为保龄球热身,我和父母立即一起活动。妈妈绕着边界线跑来跑去,大概是去了厕所,而爸爸显然不认为有人会看到他消失在记分牌后面的一小丛灌木丛中。当我完成我的助跑标记时,他们已经为他们的眼镜充电了。
I ran in, hoping that my first ball wouldn't prove an

embarrassment. It did, but the batsman missed the high looping full toss and the ball cannoned into middle stump. Mad hysteria broke out at my parents' car while a subdued groan echoed around the rest of the ground.
After eight overs of bowling I had taken five wickets. By the end of the day I had taken 6-57 and King's were bowled out for just 93. I didn't even care that Mom came into the change room while boys were showering. For once I had struck leg spinning gold and I was determined to relish the moment.
打了八轮保龄球后,我打了五个三柱门。到一天结束时,我以 6-57 的成绩被淘汰,而国王队只以 93 杆被淘汰。我什至不在乎妈妈在男孩们洗澡时走进更衣室。有一次,我击中了腿部旋转的金子,我决心享受这一刻。
The Guv took us out drinking and I remember Rambo forcing tequilas down my throat at a pub that smelled of lemons and fried fish. The Guv also kept his promise about taking us to a brothel but the bouncer at the door wouldn't let us in because he reckoned Spearmint didn't look eighteen and I didn't even look fourteen. At that moment the police pulled up and asked The Guv what he was up to with a busload of schoolboys at an escort agency on a Saturday night.
Guv 带我们出去喝酒,我记得兰博在一家闻起来有柠檬和炸鱼味的酒吧里把龙舌兰酒塞进我的喉咙里。古夫还信守诺言,带我们去妓院,但门口的保镖不让我们进去,因为他认为留兰香看起来不到十八岁,我甚至看起来都不到十四岁。就在这时,警察停了下来,问古夫周六晚上在一家护送机构里和一大群男生在做什么。
'We're the King's College choir!' he announced to the policeman. 'Come on, boys. Onward Christian soldiers!' With that he led us back to the bus and after stalling it twice and badly grating the gears we drove off hooting and singing the school hymn.

Sunday 14th March 3月14日星期日

Terrible hangover after last night's celebrations. My head is pounding. Can't write because I have the shakes. I hate Rambo for making me drink a shot of tequila for every wicket I took.
12:00 I ordered Thinny and JR Ewing to write a 3000 word essay on the beauty of silence. The idiots have the grounds of the entire school in which to bash each
12:00 我命令 Thinny 和 JR Ewing 写一篇 3000 字的关于寂静之美的文章。白痴们有整个学校的场地可以抨击每个人

other's brains out so why must they insist on doing it outside my window when I have a hangover?
15:30 Pretended to be out when Viking thumped on the door and shouted congratulations. It astonished me how many times he repeated 'Milton!' before eventually giving up.
15:30 假装出去时,维京人砰地敲门并大喊祝贺。令我惊讶的是,他重复了多少次“弥尔顿!”,最终放弃了。
Was too lazy to go to dinner so Albert Schweitzer cooked pasta and Alfredo sauce for me in the cop shop annexe and served it with a cup of strong coffee. Looks like news of my bowling heroics has spread around the school because Schweitzer bowed when I let him into my room this afternoon and he now seems to have reverted to calling me sir again.
懒得去吃晚饭,所以Albert Schweitzer在警察商店的附楼为我煮了意大利面和Alfredo酱,并配上一杯浓咖啡。看起来我打保龄球的消息已经传遍了整个学校,因为今天下午我让他进入我的房间时,Schweitzer鞠了一躬,现在他似乎又恢复了叫我先生。
After dinner, coffee and a 45 -minute shower I felt semi-revived.
晚餐、咖啡和 45 分钟的淋浴后,我感觉半恢复了活力。

Monday 15th March 3月15日星期一

I am officially over Saturday night's hazy 'six tequilas and a beer and a half' binge and my will to live has returned. The Glock used his sermon in chapel to congratulate the cricket side and singled out me and Simon for special mention. The school broke out into a roaring applause followed by a chorus of 'Eat! Eat! Eat!' after which we sang the Lord's Prayer.

Tuesday 16th.March 16日星期二。三月

I lost my temper when taking the first years for prep tonight. I had repeatedly warned both Shambles and Plaque about surreptitiously passing notes to each other by methods which they obviously thought were cunning but which most sane people had dumped by primary school. Shambles, who clearly had no interest in school work and appeared to be bored stiff, removed numerous pens from his pencil case and lined them

up in formation across the edges of his desk. Minutes later his stack of pens and pencils collapsed all over the floor causing another disturbance. The final straw was when the idiot made deliberate farting noises by scraping his thigh against his warm plastic chair which the Harmless Half-Dozen thought was hilarious. I wiped the impish grin right off Shambles' face when I gave him a painful fingertongs using the blackboard duster. The moment I heard the cracking in his fingers I knew I had taken things too far and his subsequent sobbing didn't do much for my conscience. I had to endure watching the boy spend the last ten minutes of prep pathetically holding his injured digits and sniffing sadly at the roof. The rest of the first years watched me warily and Albert Schweitzer called me 'sir' close to a dozen times in the five minutes that he was in my room after prep. If I keep up the bowling heroics and public brutality he may be calling me Führer soon.
在他办公桌的边缘排成一排。几分钟后,他的一摞钢笔和铅笔倒在地板上,引发了另一场骚乱。最后一根稻草是白痴故意用大腿摩擦他温暖的塑料椅子发出放屁的声音,无害的六打认为这很滑稽。我擦掉了Shambles脸上顽皮的笑容,然后用黑板掸子给他一个痛苦的手指钳。当我听到他手指的裂缝的那一刻,我知道我做得太过分了,他随后的抽泣对我的良心没有多大帮助。我不得不忍受看着这个男孩在准备的最后十分钟里可怜兮兮地握着他受伤的手指,在屋顶上悲伤地嗅着。第一年剩下的时间里,我小心翼翼地看着我,阿尔伯特·史怀哲(Albert Schweitzer)在我准备后的五分钟里,叫我“先生”了将近十几次。如果我继续保持保龄球的英雄主义和公开的暴行,他可能很快就会叫我元首。

Wednesday 17th March 3月17日星期三

06:01 Just woke from a terrible dream. Shambles' fingers were broken and I was hauled in to face The Glock for bullying. I was de-prefected, dropped from the cricket team, and forced to swap rooms with Vern.
06:01 刚从可怕的梦中醒来。Shambles的手指被打断了,我被拖去面对格洛克的欺凌。我被取消了资格,从板球队退学,被迫和弗恩交换房间。
06:31 I tried to apologise to Shambles after roll call but he ran away from me only to be shat on by Mongrel for running in the quad. I don't have a good feeling about this.
06:31 点名后,我试图向 Shambles 道歉,但他从我身边跑开了,结果被 Mongrel 拉屎了。我对此没有好感。
Possible reasons for my short temper and poor form:
  1. My recent drinking binge
  2. Being pressured into making career decisions at age sixteen
  3. Arrogance after cricket heroics
  4. Suppressed phoblas thanks to being stalked by Sarah Silver
    由于被莎拉·西尔弗(Sarah Silver)跟踪而压制了福布拉斯
  5. Having to take on most of Missing Eggwhite's duties
    不得不承担 Missing Eggwhite 的大部分职责
  6. Sexual frustration due to virginity
18:00 My worst possible fears were realised when I witnessed Viking leading Shambles into his office before closing the door behind him. This is how Pike must have felt every other day of his school career. Despite not being hungry or thirsty I ordered Albert Schweitzer to make me a toasted cheese and mayonnaise and a cup of Nescafé. This may well be my final night as a prefect.
18:00 当我亲眼目睹维京带领Shambles进入他的办公室,然后关上他身后的门时,我最担心的事情发生了。这就是派克在他学生生涯中每隔一天的感受。尽管不饿也不渴,我还是命令Albert Schweitzer给我做了烤奶酪和蛋黄酱以及一杯雀巢咖啡。这很可能是我作为级长的最后一个晚上。

Thursday 18th March 3月18日星期四

I began the day on an even keel. If Shambles had ratted on me last night, surely Viking would have hauled me into his office immediately. Unless of course he's interviewing the other new boys first, and gathering a file of evidence before bringing me in.
11:00 Gloom and doom has returned. As I made my way across the quad towards the house at tea break, Viking beckoned me over to where he was standing outside the staffroom.
11:00 阴霾和厄运又回来了。当我在茶歇时间穿过四边形走向房子时,维京向我招手,让我走到他站在员工室外面的地方。
'Milton, we need to talk,' he said in an icy tone.
'Yes, sir,' I stammered.
'Not now,' he boomed. 'I'll send for you tonight.'
  • I nodded and felt the walls of my life collapsing around me.
Cricket practice was a bit of a blur although I remember repeatedly looking at my watch and thinking about what was surely to follow. Perhaps Viking will let me off with a stern rebuke and final warning? That's about the best I can hope for.
20:30 Runt knocked on my door to say Viking wanted to see me immediately. Having waited for so long I felt rather numb about it all. As far as I was concerned my fate was no longer in my hands and there wasn't much to be done now to reverse what had happened.
20:30 Runt敲了敲我的门,说Viking想立即见我。等了这么久,我对这一切感到相当麻木。就我而言,我的命运不再掌握在我手中,现在没有什么事情可以扭转已经发生的事情。
'Sit down, Milton,' ordered Viking and closed the curtains. He took off his jacket and laid it over the desk. He studied me closely and said, 'This is a serious business.
I nodded and he nodded grimly back.
'You of all people ...' he said and crunched his hands together. He removed his specs and shined them up with his silver tie.
'You of all people,' he repeated, 'have demonstrated the necessary creativity, maturity and nous for such a demanding venture.
'What?' I blurted, thinking I hadn't heard him right.
'Milton,' he roared, his eyes alive and burning, 'I have chosen you to conceive, create and direct this year's entry for the house play competition.'
I swear I almost blacked out with relief. I'm directing the house play! What a massive breakthrough. Viking ordered me either to write or select a play for performance by the end of the first week of the second term. That was it.
'Good luck, Milton,' he cried. 'By God, you're going to need it.'
I galloped back to my room, locked the door and carried out an energetic celebration. What a week, and what a joy not to be obsessing about Shambles' fingers and being moved to a haunted room with no door.

Friday 19th March 3月19日星期五

My search for the perfect house play has begun with a scouring of the main library. So far I have four possible options, none of which I like.

Saturday 20th March 3月20日星期六

The cricket match against Wellendon College from New Zealand ended in a draw after thick mist descended over the school after lunch. That means we end the first term cricket season as the only unbeaten team in the province.

Sunday 21st March 3月21日星期日

11:47 Just returned from a brilliant twenty minute conversation with Eve after bumping into her by chance outside her office. When I mentioned that I was on the lookout for an excellent house play she said we should spend an hour or two one evening sifting through plays in the drama library. She rattled off a long list of playwrights who were well worth checking out. Unfortunately, I can't remember a single name she suggested because I became entangled in a vivid fantasy of the two of us romping naked by candlelight up against the shelves of the drama library Early Restoration section.
11:47 刚从与夏娃的精彩二十分钟谈话中回来,在她的办公室外偶然撞见了她。当我提到我正在寻找一部优秀的家庭剧时,她说我们应该花一两个小时在戏剧图书馆里筛选戏剧。她喋喋不休地列出了一长串值得一看的剧作家。不幸的是,我不记得她建议的任何一个名字,因为我陷入了一个生动的幻想中,我们两个人赤身裸体地在烛光下嬉戏,靠在戏剧图书馆早期修复部分的书架上。

Tuesday 23rd March 3月23日星期二

Over a lunch of red wine and dark Belgian chocolate, The Guv and I spent considerable time discussing house play possibilities. I thought he might like my idea of condensing Macbeth into thirty minutes of murder and mayhem but he reacted violently and threw his television remote control at me, accusing me of conspiring against the Bard. He cheered up noticeably when I suggested a farce. In fact he leapt out of his chair shouting, 'By God, Milton, if it's farce you're after then it must be Feydeau!' He laughed heartily at something he remembered and sat down again.
在享用红酒和比利时黑巧克力的午餐时,The Guv 和我花了相当多的时间讨论过家家游戏的可能性。我以为他可能喜欢我把《麦克白》浓缩成三十分钟的谋杀和混乱的想法,但他反应激烈,把他的电视遥控器扔向我,指责我密谋反对吟游诗人。当我提出一场闹剧时,他明显振作起来。事实上,他从椅子上跳了起来,大声喊道:“天哪,弥尔顿,如果你要看的是闹剧,那一定是费多!他想起什么,爽朗地笑了起来,又坐了下来。
'Or it could be a witty comedy?' I added.
'Coward!' barked The Guv. 'It must be Noel Coward!'
'Yes, sir,' I agreed.
'Blithe Spirit is as dependable as my morning ablutions,' he added, refilling his wine glass and replacing the bottle on his side table. The Guv paused as if on the verge of making an announcement but took a bulging swig of wine instead before scrambling to his feet in excitement.
“Blithe Spirit和我早上的沐浴一样可靠,”他补充道,重新装满了酒杯,并更换了边桌上的瓶子。Guv停顿了一下,仿佛要宣布什么,但还是喝了一口鼓鼓的酒,然后兴奋地爬了起来。
'Unless, of course, Milton, you are willing to take on an entirely surprising creative challenge?'
The Guv disappeared into his study and returned some minutes later carrying a rather decaying play in his hands. He handed it over and advised me to peruse it carefully in the holidays. He also threatened to slit my throat with his shooting stick should I lose it because it was a first edition and even signed by the playwright.
"It's known as the "unstageable play". I dare you, Milton! I bloody dare you!' He handed it over.
The cover read: 封面上写着:
A Resounding Tinkle by NF Simpson
NF Simpson 的响亮叮叮当当

Wednesday 24th March 3月24日星期三

Had another informal chat with Eve outside the first year prep classroom. She claimed to be looking for me and asked what profession I was leaning towards for my work experience next term.
'Actor,' I replied boldly.
Eve hesitated and asked me if I was certain.
'Dead certain,' I replied in a commanding voice. She made a note on her clipboard, flashed me her gorgeous smile and minced off. What a tease.

Thursday 25th March 3月25日星期四

15:30 Albert Schweitzer expertly packed my suitcase while I issued directions from the warm comfort of my bed. After he was done I complimented him on being an excellent slave and thanked him for his efficient service over the term. Schweitzer blushed and grinned before declaring it an honour to clean my room and take my laundry. It was getting awkward so I sent him off to make me a cup of tea.
15:30 Albert Schweitzer熟练地收拾行李,而我在温暖舒适的床上发出指示。在他完成后,我称赞他是一个优秀的奴隶,并感谢他在整个任期内的高效服务。Schweitzer脸红了,咧嘴一笑,然后宣布很荣幸能打扫我的房间,洗衣服。这变得很尴尬,所以我让他去给我泡杯茶。

Friday 26th March 3月26日星期五

I received my colours for cricket at the final assembly. This may sound like an excellent achievement but one has to consider that the entire team was awarded colours, including Strangely Sallow, who only played in last weekend's match against Wellendon and didn't bat or bowl. Simon of course received honours and deserved it. Colours were also dished out to the first tennis and swimming teams and, more controversially, the first squash team whose only victory in nine weeks was against the seconds in a practice match. Typically, The Glock took full credit for our famous victory over King's College declaring that he personally laid out the challenge to the team at what he called 'a secret meeting' last Wednesday.
我在最后的集会上收到了板球的颜色。这听起来像是一个了不起的成就,但人们不得不考虑到整个团队都获得了颜色,包括 Strangely Sallow,他只参加了上周末对阵惠伦登的比赛,没有击球或投球。西蒙当然获得了荣誉,这是当之无愧的。第一支网球队和游泳队也获得了颜色,更具争议性的是,第一支壁球队在九周内唯一一场胜利是在练习赛中对阵第二名。通常,格洛克对我们战胜国王学院的著名胜利给予了充分的赞誉,他宣布他在上周三的“秘密会议”中亲自向球队提出了挑战。
After assembly I strolled back across the quad with Simon and Garlic. We shook hands and I ambled through the great archway across the turning circle and down onto the rolling lawns and Pilgrims' Walk. Albert Schweitzer and Near Death raced past with my bags and luggage. They were giggling and happy and drunk on the feeling of their first ever holiday. On the bus I chose the second seat from the back, stretched out and slipped on my Walkman.
集合后,我和西蒙和大蒜一起漫步穿过四边形。我们握了握手,我漫步穿过大拱门,穿过转弯圈,来到连绵起伏的草坪和朝圣者步道。Albert Schweitzer 和 Near Death 带着我的行李和行李飞奔而过。他们咯咯地笑着,开心着,陶醉在他们第一次度假的感觉中。在公共汽车上,我从后面选择了第二个座位,伸了个懒腰,滑上了我的随身听。
Home time. 回家时间。

Monday 29th March 3月29日星期一

It's been a relaxing start to my Easter holidays, what with Dad spending most of his time working at the pub and the rest of his time sleeping or hammering about in the garage. Mom is also seldom around due to what she describes as her overwhelming social calendar at present. I have taken the opportunity to kick back and relax, read plays, and work on my suntan. Although Simon sometimes takes it to extremes, he maintains that with girls a good suntan can often mean the difference between reaching first and second base, and in some cases scoring a home run.
The sun's rays eased my stresses and I refused to be riled up by anything, even the sight of Blacky gulping down an unnecessary amount of pool water before urinating demonstratively against the side of his kennel.
Nor did I think of the two letters from Sarah Silver that were waiting for me on my desk when I returned home. The first was a copy of the initial letter that she sent me at school but the second arrived by post on Thursday and, disturbingly, all it said was:
我也没有想到莎拉·西尔弗(Sarah Silver)的两封信,当我回到家时,它们正在我的桌子上等着我。第一封是她在学校寄给我的第一封信的副本,但第二封是周四邮寄的,令人不安的是,上面只写了:
PIG! 猪!
Like Thomas More, I have decided to keep my silence. How long can this crazy woman carry on with this obsessive insanity?

Wednesday 31st March 3月31日星期三

Dad was out with the car so Mom asked me if I would cycle to the café and buy bread, milk and the evening paper. Feeling useful, I raced off, greatly enjoying the feeling of vigorous exercise and the wind in my face. After paying at the till, I strode out of the café with my packet and nearly crashed into the Mermaid as she was

attempting to enter. 试图进入。
'Hi,' I said. “嗨,”我说。
'Hi,' she replied. “嗨,”她回答。
'Sorry,' I said. “对不起,”我说。
She giggled and tossed her long blonde hair back.
'How are you?' “你好吗?”
'Really good,' I replied.
'I didn't know if I would ever see you again,' she said, staring into my eyes.
I laughed falsely and asked her how Gavin the Umpire was. Her smile faded and although she said that he was well, I sensed that she would rather have had me not mention his name.
There was an awkward pause so I told her that I had to get home. She gave me a hug and I unchained my bike. I wasn't sure if she was watching me but, just in case, I raced off at top speed, narrowly avoiding an irate old granny with her shopping trolley.
She is still beautiful.

Thursday 1st April 4月1日星期四

Besides Dad pretending to have a heart attack in the kitchen after breakfast, there were very few April Fool's jokes at Milton HQ. For a while it was thought that Innocence was playing a joke by being late but this thought was later abandoned when she didn't rock up to work at all. Another grim reality that I wish was a joke is a looming weekend to the berg with Mom, Dad and Wombat. My grandmother discovered through her hairdresser that there is a half-price weekend autumn special running at the Sani Pass Hotel and has booked us all in from tomorrow until Tuesday. A relief is that I have my own room, although the good news is rather overshadowed by the fact that Wombat is on experimental Alzheimer's medication which Mom says has had mixed results.
除了爸爸在早餐后在厨房里假装心脏病发作外,米尔顿总部很少有愚人节的笑话。有一段时间,人们认为纯真迟到是在开玩笑,但后来当她根本没有起床工作时,这个想法就被放弃了。另一个我希望是笑话的残酷现实是,一个迫在眉睫的周末,与妈妈、爸爸和袋熊一起去山上。我的祖母通过她的理发店发现,Sani Pass Hotel酒店有一个半价的周末秋季特价,并从明天到周二为我们预订了所有房间。令人欣慰的是,我有自己的房间,尽管好消息被袋熊正在服用实验性阿尔茨海默氏症药物这一事实所掩盖,妈妈说这种药物的结果好坏参半。

Friday 2nd April 4月2日星期五

08:30 Dad showered praise over the entire German nation after all of our bags, golf clubs, fishing rods and hiking kit were gobbled up by the generous boot of the Mercedes. After numerous checks and endless fiddling with the air conditioner, we slid off down the road leaving a heartbroken Blacky with his face pushed up against the chicken wire on the gate.
08:30 爸爸在我们所有的包、高尔夫球杆、钓鱼竿和登山装备都被奔驰大方的靴子吞噬后,对整个德意志民族大加赞赏。经过无数次检查和无休止的摆弄空调,我们沿着马路滑了下来,留下伤心欲绝的布莱克,他的脸被推到大门上的铁丝网上。
Wombat was in excellent form out on the pavement of her old age home, Guinea's Rest. She shouted out and waved to everybody who passed by and was even friendly to Dad and kissed him on the cheek.
'Hoi polloi!' shrieked Wombat as we set off down Musgrave Road with a healthy roar of the engine. She pointed out landmarks at regular intervals, although it was disturbing to note that when we drove past her old block of flats, where she had lived for 32 years, it didn't seem to register at all.
There was nearly carnage on the freeway when Dad punched in a number of buttons before declaring that the car would now drive itself. My father leaned back in his seat, and folded his hands behind his head. I'm not sure if Dad punched in the wrong buttons but the Merc veered off to the left and if it wasn't for Mom seizing the steering wheel we may have crashed through the fence of the Rainbow Chicken factory. Dad blamed the Japanese to whom he said the Germans had probably outsourced the auto-pilot control.
12:30 We were welcomed to the Sani Pass Hotel with warm smiles by the receptionists and a glass of fruit punch. Wombat grew suspicious and refused even to sip her punch until she had been assured by the food and beverages manager that she wouldn't be charged for it.
12:30 我们受到接待员热情微笑和一杯水果宾治的欢迎。袋熊开始怀疑,甚至拒绝啜饮她的拳头,直到食品和饮料经理向她保证不会为此收费。
12:35 My room is luxurious and the bed is so large that I could feasibly sleep in over twenty different positions. It's certainly the type of bed one should consider if planning an orgy.
12:35 我的房间很豪华,床很大,我可以睡在二十多个不同的位置。这当然是计划狂欢时应该考虑的床型。

Bingo! 宾果游戏!

As feared, Wombat was a total embarrassment during the bingo tournament in the lounge. The entertainment co-ordinator named Edgar was stumped when Wombat screamed out 'Bingo!' after he had called out the first number of the evening. The insane old woman shouted 'Bingo!' numerous times thereafter and never once had her card full. She became angry that all her shouting out hadn't resulted in any prizes, grew very unpleasant and had to be bribed with a hot toddy to leave the lounge and go to bed early.

Saturday 3rd April 4月3日星期六

Dad signed us up for the Sani Pass Saturday Golf Challenge and we set off to the first tee after breakfast determined to win. Mom and Wombat joined the small crowd to watch us hit our first shots. I was happy to see my opening drive land on the fairway, but slightly less happy with Wombat shrieking, 'Wonderful, David!' Dad unfortunately sliced his tee shot over the river and into the thick bush growing on the side of the mountain. He loaded up another ball and smashed it into the trunk of a nearby tree. 'Fore!' shouted co-ordinator Edgar as Dad's ball ricocheted off the tree and careened back towards the tee box. The net result was that after two savage drives my father had only advanced his golf ball by three paces.
爸爸为我们报名参加了 Sani Pass 周六高尔夫挑战赛,早餐后我们出发前往第一个发球台,决心获胜。妈妈和袋熊加入了一小群人,看着我们打了第一枪。我很高兴看到我的开场球落在球道上,但对袋熊尖叫着“太棒了,大卫!不幸的是,爸爸把他的发球台切过了河边,打进了山边茂密的灌木丛中。他又装上了一个球,砸进了附近一棵树的树干上。“前面!”协调员埃德加喊道,爸爸的球从树上弹了起来,飞回了发球台。最终的结果是,在两次野蛮的开球之后,我父亲只把他的高尔夫球推进了三步。
'Pig dog!' barked my father as he slammed his driver back into his golf bag. To add insult to injury there was an extremely loud whisper of 'Roy's a terrible

embarrassment, isn't he?' My mother nodded her head in agreement and the two set off to find Wombat a pot of tea and an egg sandwich for her 10:30am elevenses.
Quite frankly, it was a relief that the competition lasted only nine holes because after an excellent start my golf game regressed at a terrible rate. Dad became increasingly enraged as his disastrous round wore on. What began as loud shouting and the throwing of the odd club soon dissolved into threats of suicide and later the tracking down and bombing of the course designer's home.

21:00 DINNER DANCE 21:00 晚餐舞会

A one man band called Elf kicked off proceedings with a lively version of Eric Clapton's Cocaine and followed it up with Dire Straits' Sultans of Swing which had my mother and father gyrating in the middle of the sparsely populated dance floor. Under the ruse of helping Wombat to bed, I escaped to the far reaches of the veranda and sat down at one of the empty tables. There was no moon but the stars were as bright as I could ever remember seeing them. I traced the line where the mountains met the sky and listened intently to the sound of the river which I had hardly noticed during the day.
一支名为Elf的单人乐队以埃里克·克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)的《可卡因》(Cocaine)的活泼版本拉开了序幕,随后是Dire Straits的《Sultans of Swing》,我的母亲和父亲在人烟稀少的舞池中间旋转。在帮助袋熊上床睡觉的诡计下,我逃到阳台的远处,在一张空桌子旁坐下。没有月亮,但星星和我记得看到的星星一样明亮。我沿着山脉与天空交汇的线,专心致志地听着白天我几乎没有注意到的河流的声音。
'Mind if I join you?
It was the pretty girl from the table next to ours.
'That would be really cool,' I answered rather smoothly despite my ridiculous heart rate.
'What are you doing?' she asked, taking a seat and wrapping her scarf tightly around her neck.
'Looking at the sky and thinking about life,' I said rather nobly.
There was a long silence as the girl looked out at the sky. I wasn't sure if I should say something but decided

to remain mute after realising that I couldn't for the life of me think of a single half decent conversation starter. 'They say that life works in circles,' she said.
'Vicious circles,'I replied.
She laughed and introduced herself as Leanne. I introduced myself as John Milton and she laughed again.
Later, we were snuggled up together protecting ourselves from the chill breeze when her dad came to call her to bed. I felt heartbroken that Leanne lived in Johannesburg and was leaving the next morning.
'So I might never see you again?' I heard myself say.
She shrugged her shoulders. 'Depends if life works in vicious circles ...
'May I kiss you?
'You may, John Milton.'
Before she disappeared through the door into the hotel, she smiled and briefly waved.
I stayed out until the cold drove me in.

Sunday 4th April 4月4日星期日

Today was a bit of a daze after last night's surreal experience on the veranda. Been having many irrational feelings about Leanne and sense that this may indicate that I'm finally ready for a proper relationship. Also on the positive side, it would be safe to say that things are finally picking up when it comes to scoring grrls. (Admittedly, one of my two most recent conquests was a psychopath.)
I considered these thoughts and many others over the five hours I spent on my sun lounger at the pool. Simon is definitely right about a good suntan paying off.

Monday 5th April 4月5日星期一

Took a hike up the river and discovered a beautiful pool of slow flowing water sheltered by boulders and head high grass. I dived in without checking the temperature and emerged milliseconds later screaming in brain freezing agony. With my privates shrunken to former spudly levels, I lizarded onto a rock warmed from the sun and waited for my body to stop shuddering and convulsing.
I would have hiked further downstream but my wet shorts chafed my inner thigh and I had to turn back. By the time I reached the hotel I was walking like an aged cowboy and spent the afternoon in bed drinking tea, reading newspapers, and thinking about Leanne.

Tuesday 6th April 4月6日星期二

Dad cunningly covered the total amount on the final bill with his thumbs when holding it out for Wombat to inspect. Mom helped my grandmother out to the car while Dad wrote out the cheque and forged Wombat's signature.

Friday 9th April 4月9日星期五

Shocking development! Viking called at 06:30 in the morning to ask me if I would be willing to return to school four days early to help out with the prospective new boys' weekend. Although my housemaster made it clear that I could say no, he also hinted that a negative response would be bad for my future. It was too early for my brain to conjure up a brilliant excuse so I agreed to return to school next Thursday evening.
令人震惊的发展!维京在早上 06:30 打电话问我是否愿意提前四天回到学校,以帮助未来的新男孩周末。虽然我的舍监明确表示我可以拒绝,但他也暗示负面反应对我的未来不利。现在我的大脑想出一个绝妙的借口还为时过早,所以我同意下周四晚上回到学校。
'Excellent, Milton,' he roared. 'I always knew that I could

rely on you in a crisis.'
'Not a problem, sir,' I said, despite coming to the sudden realisation that I only have five days left of my holiday.
'Any news on your house play selection?' ventured Viking.
'I'm getting close, sir,' I lied.
'Good, good, good,' he repeated, before shouting, 'Righto then!' and hanging up.
I have five days to choose the house play and wade through a mountain of assignments due by the start of term. Suddenly this doesn't feel like a holiday at all. After a shower and breakfast I locked myself in my room and got stuck into some earnest sloggery.

Saturday 10th April 4月10日星期六

Communist Party Secretary General Chris Hani was assassinated this morning. I heard the news' on Dad's radio which he had left blaring in my parents' bathroom. I folded down the lid and sat on the loo listening to an account of how a man shot Hani in his driveway. A neighbour of Hani's who had heard the shots was being interviewed and reckoned that she saw a white man driving away in a red Ford Laser. The interviews continued and every single person mentioned the words 'civil war' and how the killing of Hani may well be the spark that sets South Africa on fire.
共产党总书记克里斯·哈尼(Chris Hani)今天上午被暗杀。我在爸爸的收音机里听到了这个消息,他把这个消息留在了我父母的浴室里。我盖上盖子,坐在厕所里,听着一个男人如何在他的车道上射杀哈尼人的故事。哈尼的一位邻居听到了枪声,她正在接受采访,并估计她看到一名白人男子开着一辆红色的福特激光车离开。采访继续进行,每个人都提到了“内战”这个词,以及哈尼的杀戮很可能是点燃南非的火花。
There are far too many maniacs in this world.

Thursday 15th April 4月15日星期四

19:10 Dad drove me back to school in a new record time of 79 minutes from gate to gate. I had to agree that if it weren't for being caught behind a lorry carrying small stones around Lidgetton, the Merc may well have
19:10 爸爸开车送我回学校,从大门到大门用了 79 分钟,创下了新纪录。我不得不同意,如果不是因为在利吉顿附近被一辆运载小石头的卡车后面抓住,Merc 很可能已经

broken through the 75 minute barrier. I staggered out of the passenger seat, feeling decidedly elated but a bit car sick. Dad threw me a meaty high five, ruffled my hair, and told me to go get 'em. He bragged that he was going to smash his 'down-run' record of 73 minutes. My father bent over backwards to stretch his back out and after loud groaning and an unhealthy cracking sound from his vertebrae, he leapt back into the driver's seat and raced off looking inspired. As I hauled my belongings through the archway and into the quad I bemoaned the lack of any slaves to help with the carrying and general service.
I dumped my bags in my room and returned to the house to make a cup of tea in the annexe. Surprisingly, the light was on when I opened the door of the cop shop although it was only when I registered the deafening shout of 'Spud!' that it became evident I wasn't alone.
I gaped at the Malawian for some time without saying anything.
'What are you doing here?' I spluttered eventually.
'I've been made a prefect,' replied Garlic, his face pinking with excitement.
I staggered back against the door in astonishment and felt the burning sensation of hot tea spilling over the sides of the mug and scalding my fingers.
'You're a prefect?' I asked in a voice of dread and confusion.
'For the whole weekend,' replied the Malawian, punching the air with his fist.
'So you're an acting prefect then?' I corrected.
'I'm a proper prefect until Monday night,' he corrected me in turn. 'So that's exactly 101 hours of prefectship from the moment I arrived this afternoon until 11:59 on Monday night.'
'Congratulations,' I said slipping into my favourite armchair and feeling a little more comfortable about

things. 事情。
'It's a massive honour,' he added, before setting off at length about his predictably amazing holiday on the banks of Lake Malawl.
'How was your holiday, Spud?
I sipped casually at my tea and said, 'I kissed a girl in the mountains.'
'Wow!' gasped Garlic. “哇!”大蒜倒吸了一口凉气。
I nodded and sipped at my tea.
'Did you bone her?' he asked.
'Of course not!' I replied angrily.
'Did you squeeze her gaboonies?' he demanded.
'None of your business,' I snapped, and fixed the Malawian with a malevolent glare.
Garlic backed down and looked a little sheepish.
'Sorry,' he said. 'Just checking.'
I finished my tea and contemplated the situation I now found myself in.
'So who else is a prefect for this weekend?' I asked.
'Just the three of us,' replied Garlic.
'Three?' I questioned. “三个?”我问道。
'Eggwhites also coming back early.'
I tried my best not to snigger but couldn't restrain a few snorts of laughter when Garlic confirmed that Missing Eggwhite was due back at any minute and even glanced across at the door expectantly.

Friday 16th April 4月16日星期五

09:30 'While we wait for Eggwhite,' intoned Viking glancing at his watch, 'let me once again thank you both for sacrificing your holidays to offer up service to the house.
09:30 “在我们等蛋清的时候,”维京瞥了一眼手表,“让我再次感谢你们俩牺牲了假期来为房子服务。
Viking bemoaned the series of unforeseen and unfortunate events that had kept Simon, Rambo, Fatty and Boggo from joining in this weekend.
'Poor Brown is marooned in Florence thanks to

a band of gypsies stealing his family's money and passports,' he declared with some measure of distaste. 'Fatty's grandfather sadly passed away last weekend and Black is in a race against time to be fit for the rugby season after being struck down with a nasty bout of tick bite fever.'
'What happened to Boggo?' asked Garlic.
'Greenstein has dedicated his entire holidays to helping leukaemia sufferers at a local hospice,' replied Viking solemnly. 'I couldn't in all conscience drag him back to school and let the patients down.'
I marvelled at two things:
  1. Viking"s gullibility 维京人的轻信
  2. The ability of my peers to think of brilliant excuses off the cuff at the crack of dawn when confronted by Mr Shouty
    我的同龄人在黎明时分面对 Shouty 先生时,能够想出绝妙的借口
'What about Vern? Why couldn't he be here?' demanded Garlic.
Viking fixed the Malawian with a deadly stare before uttering, 'Garlic, I hardly think Blackadder is the type of role model to show off to prospective new boys.'
'So Milton, Eggwhite and I are role models, sir?' responded Garlic, his face flushing pink with pride.
Viking scratched his beard and looked pained at the mention of Missing Eggwhite's name. He stood up sharply, marched past us, and flung open the door. He glanced up and down the cloisters before roaring, 'Eggwhite!
There was no response other than the scattering of a few startled rock pigeons in the eaves above. Viking slammed the door and returned to his desk shaking his head in utter perplexity.
14:30 I was astonished by how small and young these
14:30 我惊讶于这些小而年轻

prep school kids looked. They made the Harmless HalfDozen look like grizzled veterans which, considering their complete lack of intimidation factor, is saying something.
Viking kicked off proceedings with shouted welcomes and introductions. Despite recently declaring that he was cured of his morbid phobia about a naked boy committing suicide, he nevertheless listed eleven drawbacks of killing oneself. My thoughts began to drift but I was soon shaken back to reality by Viking saying, 'Milton, I'm sure you have more than a few words to share with these fine young lads?'
After a scratchy start, including a knack jump (where did that come from?), I gradually found my groove and set forth on a lively yet convincing overview of the school. Viking seemed highly impressed with my impromptu speech, except for the part where I mentioned that the first year at the school might be tough, for it was a mere few seconds later that he cleared his throat and tapped his watch to indicate that my time was up.
Viking introduced Garlic as a 'special weekend prefect' and encouraged him to step forward and say a few words after me. The Malawian might also have been allowing his thoughts to wander because he shouted 'Me?' and looked around like he didn't know what was cracking. He grew extremely pink in the face before kicking off with his introduction.
'I'm Garth Garlic!' he blurted, like he was talking to three year olds. 'And I come from Malawi!' His face broke into a broad grin and he shouted, "Hands up all those who've been to Malawi!' None of the boys lifted their hands and poor Garlic gaped at them like this was the very last response he expected. He turned to me and
“我是Garth Garlic!”他脱口而出,就像在和三岁的孩子说话一样。“我来自马拉维!”他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容,他喊道:“所有去过马拉维的人举起手来!没有一个男孩举起手,可怜的大蒜瞪大了眼睛看着他们,好像这是他所期望的最后反应。他转向我,

shook his head like the world had gone crazy.
'Where is Malawi?' he demanded, changing tack slightly.
There was much whispering and shaking of heads but nobody answered.
'Come on!' roared Garlic in disbelief. 'You must have heard of Malawi?'
There was a good deal of nervous muttering but nobody raised their hand.
'Nobody?' gasped Garlic, appalled, and looked set to continue with his loud Malawi interrogation until he was sawn off by Viking who said firmly, 'Thank you very much for that, Garlic.'
Viking ended the meeting and the youngsters were packed off to the chapel where Reverend Bishop and the school wind band lay in wait.
19:00 The evening film show turned out to be a dreadful let-down. Everybody was expecting a Hollywood blockbuster but it turned out to be a badly filmed school promotional video directed and narrated by The Glock. The headmaster had cast himself in just about every single scene of the film which, if I'm honest, amounted to The Glock striking a number of different poses around the school and banging on about what an excellent place it was. In fact I'm not even sure that this dismal effort could be regarded as a film at all. Some of the more disturbing scenes were:
19:00 晚上的电影放映结果令人失望。每个人都在期待一部好莱坞大片,但结果却是一部由格洛克导演和旁白的糟糕学校宣传视频。校长几乎参与了电影的每一个场景,老实说,这相当于格洛克在学校里摆出许多不同的姿势,并大肆宣扬这是一个多么好的地方。事实上,我甚至不确定这种令人沮丧的努力是否可以被视为一部电影。一些更令人不安的场景是:
  • The Glock swimming numerous laps of the school pool in his Speedo
  • The Glock wearing the first team rugby jersey and scoring a try under the poles to the sound of canned applause
  • The Glock dressed in full school uniform and pretending to be a new boy studying the school rules in bed
  • The Glock being hoisted aloft by a number of unhappy boys who had clearly been coerced into it
  • The Glock enjoying being licked in the face by Mr Lilly's poodle
If I were Sparerib I never would have identified myself as the cinematographer in the credits.

Sunday 18th April 4月18日星期日

09:30 Viking accosted me after chapel and demanded to know what my final house play selection was. I had to concede that although down to a shortlist, I hadn't made my final pick yet. I didn't expect my housemaster to become so agitated about the situation. He advised me to send Garlic out on the hike with the prospective new boys (now nicknamed the Small 24) while I read through my shortlist of plays once more.
09:30 维京在礼拜后搭讪我,要求知道我最后的房屋游戏选择是什么。我不得不承认,虽然我进入了候选名单,但我还没有做出最终选择。我没想到我的管家会对这种情况变得如此激动。他建议我让大蒜和未来的新男孩(现在绰号小24)一起远足,而我则再次阅读了我的候选剧本。
12:30 Viking thundered on my door and demanded to know the whereabouts of Garlic and the Small 24. They were meant to be back at noon and despite all the other groups returning there was no sign of ours.
12:30 维京人在我的门上轰鸣,要求知道大蒜和小24的下落。他们本来应该在中午回来的,尽管所有其他团体都回来了,但没有我们的迹象。
12:45 A panicked Viking hauled me into his office and insisted we were facing a monumental crisis.
12:45 惊慌失措的维京人把我拖进他的办公室,坚称我们正面临一场巨大的危机。
'The parents are coming at half past twol' he cried. 'I can't just tell these people that their children are missing in the hills with Garlic, can I?'
I studied my watch closely with a worried expression.
13:00 The siren sounded for lunch and Viking's panic began to turn ugly.
13:00 午餐的警笛声响起,维京人的恐慌开始变得难看。
'So help me God!' he rampaged. 'When I find that Garlic I'm going to slaughter him.
13:15 Viking was in a terrible state. With only 75 minutes until the arrival of the parents things were becoming desperate. We raced off in his red Alfa Romeo kicking up large clouds of dust behind us.
13:15 维京人处于可怕的状态。距离父母的到来只有75分钟,事情变得绝望了。我们开着他的红色阿尔法罗密欧飞驰而去,在我们身后扬起了大片的尘土。
'Top of the hill should provide a view, Milton,' he shouted above the roar of the engine. He passed me his binoculars and told me to keep scanning the hillsides. I kept the binoculars trained and pretended to scan around but all I could see was a green blur and a wall of brown dust. Garlic and the Small 24 were nowhere to be found.
13:45 Our thirty minutes of racing around the Midlands achieved nothing other than setting off a number of red warning lights on the Alfa's dashboard.
13:45 我们在中部地区进行了三十分钟的比赛,除了在阿尔法的仪表板上点亮了一些红色警告灯外,什么也没实现。
Viking resigned himself to his fate.
'The headmaster is going to have my head,' he muttered with dread lining his voice.
I tried to cheer him up by pointing out that Garlic's blunder wasn't his fault, but he looked at me like I was clueless.
'Headmaster's been planning this weekend for ten months,' he said. 'That's longer than a human pregnancy.'
We turned the corner with a screech and nearly ran into a crowd of sprinting boys in the middle of the road following a larger boy with white hair and pink face who was galloping towards the school gates:
'Thank cock!' screamed Viking his right hand clasped across his chest.
He swerved violently around the boys and sped ahead to pull level with the Malawian who nearly fell over when the great bearded head of Viking leered out of the car window and commenced with the mother of all tirades. After driving alongside and lambasting Garlic for over , the irate housemaster sped ahead while barking instructions at me.
他猛烈地绕过男孩们,加速向前拉,与马拉维人齐平,当维京人的大胡子头从车窗里探出头来,开始与所有长篇大论的母亲一起开始时,马拉维人差点摔倒。在开车并抨击大蒜之后 ,愤怒的管家一边冲着我吼叫一边加速前进。
'Milton, you make sure these boys are showered, dressed and packed up by 14:20 and I'll have a word with the caterer about a late lunch! Gol Go! Go!'
14:45 Viking collapsed onto the house bench after the last of the Small 24 had been claimed by their parents. 'What an ordeal, Milton,' he gasped, taking a few deep breaths and looking a little more human. 'Right,' he said getting to his feet in a determined fashion. 'Send Garlic to my office immediately.'
14:45 维京人倒在房子的长凳上,因为他们的父母认领了小 24 人中的最后一个。“真是个折磨,弥尔顿,”他喘着粗气,深吸了几口气,看起来更像人了。“对,”他坚定地站起来。“马上把大蒜送到我的办公室去。”
15:05 I opened my door to be confronted by a large tear-stained face.
15:05 我打开门,面对着一张满是泪痕的大脸。
'I've been de-prefected,' Garlic stammered, stifling a sob. 'A whole day early.'
'Sorry,' I said. “对不起,”我说。
'All my special weekend prefect privileges have been revoked,' he sighed.
'Sorry,' I said again.
'You mind if I make myself a cup of tea and hang snake in the cop shop for old times' sake?'
'Go ahead,' I replied.
'Thanks, Spud,' he said and with a loud sniff he turned and walked sadly away.

Monday 19th April 4月19日星期一

RAMBO Stayed in a luxury hotel at the
兰博 住在一家豪华酒店

Victoria Falls with his dad and

stepmother, where he didn't contract

tick bite fever. After a head shave

on number two he's taken on the

appearance of a wanted criminal.

Spent Easter in Tuscany which he

said wasn't all that bad. Although
a young gypsy had attempted to

steal Simon's wallet, the thief wasn't

successful and he was roughed up

by Simon's dad, a passing priest

and numerous bystanders.

Wasn't very communicative about

his holidays. In fact he seemed

terribly depressed and on the verge

of tears. I assume his grandfather

really did die. 真的死了。
WATTY Worked the entire holiday in his
WATTY 整个假期都在他工作

stepdad's betting tote. He says he's

saving up so that he can splash out

next year in Amsterdam where he

plans to sample every prostitute in

Holland twice. When asked about his

work with the leukaemia patients he

laughed so hard that he snorted tea

out of his nose and had to leave the

cop shop. 警察商店。
The only boy in the school's history

to be prefected and de-prefected

during a holiday. 在假期期间。
Made a strong emotional connection

with (and kissed) a girl called Leanne

under the stars in the mountains.

Vern shouted 'Mozambiquel' during
Vern 在

a lull in conversation. He proceeded

to muddy the waters somewhat by

repeating the word 'Helsinki' into

the vacant fireplace and listening

carefully for an echo. It's still more

likely that Vern went to Mozambique
很可能 Vern 去了莫桑比克

than Helsinki. 比赫尔辛基。
Tomorrow I turn seventeen years old. It certainly feels like a massive leap forward from sixteen which now
明天我就十七岁了。这当然感觉像是从现在的 16 岁开始的巨大飞跃

seems embarrassingly young. As of tomorrow I can legally drive a car (providing I pass the learner's test and have a licensed driver in the vehicle with me at all times). Still, it's a major milestone and leaves me just twelve months short of finally being classed an adult. I'm sure somebody has a sneaky and vile surprise lying in wait for me tomorrow but I plan to unleash a counterattack of terminator proportions.
This will be my last birthday as a schoolboy.

Tuesday 20th April 4月20日星期二

Happy 17th birthday, Spud Milton!!!
17岁生日快乐,Spud Milton!!
Any thoughts that my birthday would be forgotten were blown out of the water when Albert Schweitzer charged into my room minutes before the rising siren brandishing a birthday present. I thanked him for the jar of Peck's Anchovette and my slave responded by snatching it back and neatly stashing it on the shelf with my other provisions.
当阿尔伯特·史怀哲(Albert Schweitzer)挥舞着生日礼物的警笛声响起前几分钟冲进我的房间时,任何关于我的生日会被遗忘的想法都被吹走了。我感谢他送来的一罐佩克凤尾鱼,我的仆人把它抢了回来,整齐地把它和我的其他食物一起藏在架子上。
The Fragile Five sang happy birthday to me in the showers which I later discovered to be a case of brownnosing because Simon bust them having a pillow fight last night and they wanted to curry favour with the prefects and avoid punishment.
After roll call I was approached by most of the Normal Seven. My instinct was to back away, thinking they were the lynch mob coming to capture me. As it turned out they only wanted to shake my hand and wish me well. I'm thoroughly unsettled by all the friendliness. As Boggo says, when somebody around here pats you on the back he's only looking for the perfect spot to plunge the knife.
点名后,大多数普通七人组都找上了我。我的本能是后退,以为他们是来抓我的私刑暴徒。事实证明,他们只想和我握手,祝我一切顺利。我对所有的友好感到非常不安。正如 Boggo 所说,当这里有人拍拍你的背时,他只是在寻找一个完美的插刀位置。