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Chapter 1  第 1 章

The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066)
盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(449-1066 年)

After the fall of the Roman Empire and the withdrawal of Roman troops from Britain, the aboriginal Celtic population in the larger part of the island was soon conquered and almost totally exterminated by the Teutonic tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes who came from the Continent and settled in the island, naming its central part Anglia, or England.
For nearly four hundred years prior to the coming of the English, Britain had been a Roman province. In 410 AD , the Romans withdrew their legions from Britain to protect Rome against swarms of Teutonic invaders. About 449 AD, a band of Teutons, called Jutes, left Denmark, landed on the Isle of Thanet. Warriors from the tribes of the Angles and the Saxons soon followed, and drove westward the original inhabitants.
在英国人到来之前的近四百年里,不列颠一直是罗马的一个省。公元 410 年,罗马人从不列颠撤走了他们的军团,以保护罗马不受条顿人入侵者的侵扰。大约在公元 449 年,一队被称为朱特人的条顿人离开丹麦,在塔奈特岛登陆。盎格鲁人和撒克逊人部落的战士很快跟了上来,并将原住民向西驱赶。
Before the invasion of Britain, the Teutons inhabited the central part of Europe as far south as the Rhine, a tract which in a large measure coincided with modern Germany. The Jutes, Angles, and Saxons were different tribes of Teutons. These ancestors of the English dwelt in Denmark and in the lands extending southward along the North Sea.
The Angles, an important Teutonic tribe, furnished the name for the new home, which was called Angle-land, and afterward shortened into England. The language spoken by these tribes was generally called Anglo-Saxon or Saxon.
盎格鲁人是一个重要的日耳曼部落,他们为这个新家园起了一个名字,叫做 "盎格鲁地"(Angle-land),后来简称为 "英格兰"(England)。这些部落使用的语言一般被称为盎格鲁-撒克逊语或撒克逊语。
The literature of this period fell naturally into two divisions-pagan and Christian. The former represented the poetry which the Anglo-Saxons probably brought with them in the form of oral sagas, the crude material out of which literature was slowly developed on English soil; the latter represented

the writings developed under teaching of the monks. After the old pagan religion had vanished, it still retained its hold on the life and language of the people. In reading the earliest poetry of England it is well to remember that all of it was copied by the monks, and seems to have been more or less altered to give it a religious colouring.
The coming of Christianity meant not simply a new life for England, but also the wealth of a new language. The scop was replaced by the literary monks, and the monks, though living among common people and speaking with the English tongue, had behind them all the culture and literary resources of the Latin language. The effect was seen instantly in early English prose and poetry.
More voluminous are the survivals of the Christian poetry preserved in the monasteries. Among the early Anglo-Saxon poets we may mention Caedmon who lived in the latter half of the 7th century and wrote a poetic paraphrase of the Bible, and Cynewulf, the author of poems on religious subjects.
保存在修道院中的基督教诗歌则更为丰富。在早期的盎格鲁-撒克逊诗人中,我们可以提到生活在 7 世纪后半叶的凯德蒙(Caedmon),他写了一首诗歌对《圣经》进行了诠释,他还写了一些宗教题材的诗歌。
But the names of those who preserved and put down in written form the surviving pieces of old Anglo-Saxon poetry, have sunk into oblivion. And yet these unknown scribes probably deserve to occupy a higher place in the history of English literature than the two above-mentioned ecclesiastic poets. It was these unknown scribes that passed down to later generations the great epic Beowulf and such poems as Widsith or The Traveller's Song, and The Seafarer.

Beowulf' 贝奥武夫

Beowulf can be justly termed England's national epic and its hero Beowulf, one of the national heroes of the English people.
The only existing manuscript of Beowulf was written by an unknown scribe at the beginning of the 10th century. This epic was composed much earlier, and reflected events which took place on the Continent approximately at the beginning of the 6th century, when the forefathers of the Jutes lived in the southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and maintained close
《贝奥武夫》现存的唯一手稿是 10 世纪初一位不知名的抄写员所写。这部史诗的创作时间要早得多,反映的是大约 6 世纪初在欧洲大陆发生的事件,当时朱特人的祖先居住在斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部,并与斯堪的纳维亚人保持着密切的联系。

relations with kindred tribes, eg with the Danes who lived on the other side of the straits.
The whole epic consists of 3,182 lines and is divided into two parts with an interpolation between the two. The whole song is essentially pagan in spirit and matter, while the interpolation is obviously an addition made by the Christian who copied Beowulf.
整部史诗共有 3,182 行,分为两部分,两部分之间有一段插叙。整首歌的精神和内容本质上都是异教的,而插叙部分显然是抄袭《贝奥武夫》的基督徒添加的。

The Story 故事

This poem describes the deeds of the Teutonic hero Beowulf. Hrothgar, the King of the Danes, built a magnificent mead hall to which he gave the name of Heorot. While the Danes were eating and drinking their fill in this famous hall, Grendel, a monster, came from the moor, burst in upon them, mangled thirty warriors, and then rushed off into the darkness. For twelve years this monster harried the warriors whenever they feasted in the hall, and even the bravest were afraid to enter it.
这首诗描述了日耳曼英雄贝奥武夫的事迹。丹麦国王赫罗斯加建造了一座宏伟的酒馆,并将其命名为希奥罗特。当丹麦人在这个著名的大厅里大吃大喝的时候,一只怪物格伦德尔从荒野里冲了出来,撞倒了他们,砍伤了 30 名战士,然后冲进了黑暗之中。十二年来,每当战士们在大厅里大快朵颐时,这个怪物就会骚扰他们,就连最勇敢的人也不敢进入大厅。
When Beowulf heard of this, he sailed with his warriors to Heorot, and persuaded the Danes to feast with him in the hall. After they had fallen asleep there, Grendel burst in the door, seized a warrior, and devoured him in a few mouthfuls. Then he grasped Beowulf. The hero, disdaining to use a sword against the dire monster, grappled with him, and together they wrestled up and down the hall. In their mad contest they overturned the tables and made the vast hall tremble as if it were in the throes of an earthquake.
Finally Beowulf, with a grip like that of thirty men, tore away the arm and shoulder of the monster, who rushed out to the marshes to die. The next night a banquet was given in Heorot in honour of the hero. After the feast, the warriors slept in the hall, but Beowulf went to the palace. He had been gone for a short time, when Grendel's mother rushed in to avenge the death of her son. She seized a warrior, the king's dearest friend, and carried him away.
Beowulf followed the bloody trail of Grendel's mother to the terrible flood. Undaunted by the dragons and serpents that made their home within the depths in the flood, he grasped a sword and plunged beneath the waves. He saw Grendel's mother, who came forward to meet him. She dragged him into her dwelling, where there was no water, and the fight began. The issue

was for a time doubtful, but at last Beowulf ran her through with a gigantic sword, and she fell dead upon the floor of her dwelling. A little distance away, he saw the dead body of Grendel. The hero cut off the heads of the monster and his mother and hastened away to Hrothgar's court. After receiving much praise and many presents, Beowulf sailed homeward with his warriors, where he ruled as the king for fifty years.
The closing part of the poem tells how one of Beowulf's subjects stole some of the treasure which a firedrake had been guarding in a cavern for three hundred years. The enraged monster with his fiery breath laid waste the land. Beowulf sought the dragon in his cavern and slew the monster after a terrible fight, but he was mortally wounded, and died after seeing in the cavern the heaps of treasure which he had won for his people. The dying hero was glad to learn that by his death he had gained more wealth for his people. He instructed Wiglaf, who was to succeed him, how to bury his body and how to rule the country after his death. His last words were full of care for the future of his land.
According to Beowulf's last will, the people of Jutland built a large bonfire on a headland which stretched far into the sea and cremated the hero's body. Then they laid all the treasures from the dragon's cave with Beowulf's ashes to show that the gold could in no way compensate for their great loss, and buried them under a tremendous mound. They piled the earth and stones so high that, in accordance with Beowulf's will, the mound thereafter became a beacon for the seafarers who sailed along the coast. Thus, even after his death, Beowulf continued to serve the people.
Mourning their dead champion, the people of Jutland composed a dirge praising the great deeds of Beowulf who

of men was the mildest and most beloved,

to his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.

Then the Goth's people reared a mighty pile

With shields and armour hung, as he had asked,

And in the midst the warriors laid their lord,

Lamenting. Then the warriors on the mound

Kindled a mighty bale fire; the smoke rose
Black from the Swedish pine, the sound of flame. Mingled with sound of weeping;...while smoke Spreads over heaven. Then upon the hill High, broad, and to be seen far out at sea. In ten days they had built and walled in it As the wise thought most worthy, placed in it Rings, jewels, other treasures from the hoard. They left the riches, golden joy of earls, In dust, for earth to hold, where yet it lies, Useless as ever. Then about the mound The warriors rode, and raised a mournful song For their dead king, exalted his brave deeds, Holding it fit men honour their liege lord, Praise him and love him when his soul is fled. Thus the (Geats) people, sharers of his hearth, Mourned their chief's fall, praised him of kings, of men The mildest and the kindest, and to all His people gentlest, yearning for their praise.

(Morley's version) (莫利版本)

Prologue: The Earlier History of the Danes

Yes, we have heard of the glory of the Spear-Danes, kings in the old days-how the princes of that people did brave deeds.
Often Scyld Scefing took mead-benches away from enemy bands, from many tribes, terrified their nobles-after the time that he was first found helpless . He lived to find comfort for that, became great under the skies, prospered in honours until every one of those who lived about him, across the whale-road, had to obey him, pay him tribute. That was a good king.
在他第一次被发现无助 之后,西尔德-斯塞芬 经常从敌人的队伍、许多部落那里夺走蜂蜜酒,吓坏了他们的贵族。他因此得到了安慰,在天空下变得伟大,荣华富贵,直到住在他周围、鲸鱼路对面的每一个人都不得不服从他,向他进贡。这才是一个好国王。
Afterwards a son was born to him, a young boy in his house, whom God sent to comfort the people: He had seen the sore need they had suffered during the long time they lacked a king. Therefore the Lord of Life, the Ruler of Heaven, gave him honour in the world, Beow was famous, the glory of the son of Scyld spread widely in the Northlands. In this way a young man ought
后来,他生了一个儿子,是他家里的一个小男孩,上帝派他来安慰人们:他看到了人们在长期缺乏国王期间所遭受的痛苦。因此,生命之主、天国的主宰给了他世间的荣耀,比奥 名声大噪,西尔德之子的荣耀在北地广为流传。这样,一个年轻人应该

by his good deeds, by giving splendid gifts while still in his father's house, to make sure that later in life beloved companions will stand by him, that people will serve him when war comes. Through deeds that bring praise, a man shall prosper in every country.
Then at the fated time Scyld the courageous went away into the protection of the Lord. His dear companions carried him down to the seacurrents, just as he himself had bidden them do when, as protector of the Scyldings , he had ruled them with his words-long had the beloved prince governed the land. There in the harbour stood the ring-prowed ship, icecovered and ready to sail, a prince's vessel. Then they laid down the ruler they had loved, the ring-giver, in the hollow of the ship, the glorious man beside the mast. There was bought great store of treasure, wealth from lands far away. I have not heard of a ship more splendidly furnished with war-weapons and battle-dress, swords and mail-shirts. On his breast lay a great many treasures that should voyage with him far out into the sea's possession. They provided him with no lesser gifts, treasure of the people, than those had done who at his beginning first sent him forth on the waves, a child alone. Then also they set a golden standard high over his head, let the water take him, gave him to the sea. Sad was their spirit, mournful their mind. Men cannot truthfully say who received that cargo, neither counsellors in the hall nor warriors under the skies.
然后,在命中注定的时刻,勇敢的西尔德进入了主的保护之中。他亲爱的同伴们把他抬到了海流中,就像他自己嘱咐他们的那样,当时,作为西尔德人的保护者 ,他用自己的言语统治着他们--这位受人爱戴的王子统治这片土地已经很久了。港口里矗立着一艘环形船,冰雪覆盖,蓄势待发,这是一艘王子的船。然后,他们把他们所爱的统治者,戒指的赠送者,安放在船的中空处,把光荣的人安放在桅杆旁。船上有大量的财宝,来自遥远国度的财富。我没听说过有哪艘船比这艘船更富丽堂皇的,船上摆满了战争武器和战衣、宝剑和邮衫。他的胸前挂着许多珍宝,这些珍宝将和他一起远航到大海的彼岸。他们为他准备的礼物,人民的珍宝,一点也不比当初送他独自踏浪而行的那些人少。他们还在他的头上高高地竖起了金色的标杆,让海水带走他,把他交给大海。他们的精神是悲伤的,他们的思想是悲哀的。无论是厅堂上的谋士,还是天空下的勇士,都无法如实说出是谁接收了这批货物。

(I) Then in the cities was Beow of the Scyldings beloved king of the people, long famous among nations (his father had gone elsewhere, the king from his land), until later great Healfdene was born to him. As long as he lived, old and fierce in battle, he upheld the glorious Scyldings. To him all told were four children born into the world, to the leader of the armies: Heorogar and Hrothgar and the good Halga. I have heard tell that (...) was Onela's queen, beloved bed-companion of the Battle-Scylfing.
(一)后来,在城市里,斯基尔丁人比奥是受人爱戴的人民之王,在各国中久负盛名(他的父亲去了别的地方,国王从他的土地上离开),直到后来伟大的海夫丁为他而生。只要他还活着,他就会年老力衰,勇猛善战,捍卫着光荣的斯基尔丁。他的四个孩子出生在这个世界上,他们都是军队的首领:希奥罗加、赫洛斯加和善良的哈尔加。我听说(......)是奥尼拉的王后, 是战斗镰刀手心爱的床伴。

Beowulf and Grendel 贝奥武夫与格伦德尔

The Hall Heorot Is Attacked by Grendel

Then Hrothgar was given success in warfare, glory in battle, so that his retainers gladly obeyed him and their company grew into a great band of

warriors. It came to his mind that he would command men to construct a hall, a great mead-building that the children of men should hear of forever, and therein he would give to young and old all that God had given him, except for common land and men's bodies . Then I have heard that the work was laid upon many nations, wide through this middle-earth, that they should adorn the folk-hall. In time it came to pass-quickly, as men count it-that it was finished, the largest of hall-dwellings. He gave it the name of Heorot , he who ruled wide with his words. He did not forget his promise; at the feast he gave out rings, treasure. The hall stood tall, high and wide-gabled, it would wait for the fierce flames of vengeful fire'; the time was not yet at hand for sword-hate between son-in-law and father-in-law to awaken after murderous rage.
勇士们他萌生了一个念头:他要命令人们建造一座殿堂,一座让人类子孙永世流传的伟大的酒馆,在那里,他要把神赐予他的一切,除了普通的土地和人的身体 ,都分给年轻人和老年人。我听说中土世界有许多国家都在进行这项工作,让他们装饰民居。很快,这座最大的大厅就完工了。他给它取名希奥罗特 ,他用自己的语言统治着大地。他没有忘记自己的诺言;在宴会上,他送出了戒指和财宝。大厅高耸入云,又高又宽,它将等待复仇之火的猛烈燃烧;女婿和岳父之间的剑恨还没有到在杀气之后苏醒的时候。
Then the fierce spirit painfully endured hardship for a time, he who dwelt in the darkness, for every day he heard loud mirth in the hall; there was the sound of the harp, the clear song of the scop . There he spoke who could relate the beginning of men far back in time, said that the Almighty made earth, a bright field fair in the water that surrounds it, set up in triumph the lights of the sun and the moon to lighten land-dwellers, and adorned the surfaces of the earth with branches and leaves, created also life for each of the kinds that move and breathe.-Thus these warriors lived in joy, blessed, until one began to do evil deeds, a hellish enemy. The grim spirit was called Grendel, known as a rover of the borders, one who held the moors, fen and fastness. Unhappy creature, he lived for a time in the home of the monsters' race, after God had condemned them as kin of Cain. The Eternal Lord avenged the murder in which he slew Abel. Cain had no pleasure in that feud, but He banished him far from mankind, the Ruler, for that misdeed. From him sprang all bad breeds, trolls and elves and monsters-likewise the giants who for a long time strove with God; He paid them their reward for that.
住在黑暗中的厉鬼 痛苦地忍受了一段时间的磨难,因为他每天都能听到大厅里喧闹的欢笑声;竖琴的声音,鸱 的清脆歌声。在那里,他讲述了人类的起源,他说,全能的神创造了大地,在环绕大地的水中,大地是一片明亮的田野;他胜利地点亮了太阳和月亮的光芒,照亮了陆地上的居民;他用树枝和树叶装饰了大地的表面;他还为每一种活动和呼吸的生物创造了生命。这个可怕的精灵名叫格伦德尔,是边境上的游荡者,占据着荒野、沼泽和沼泽地。他是个不快乐的生物,在上帝判定他们是该隐的亲戚之后,他曾在怪物的家乡生活过一段时间。永恒之主报了杀死亚伯的仇。该隐并不喜欢那场仇杀,但上帝却因为他的恶行将他从人类的统治者那里驱逐出去。从该隐身上产生了所有的劣种,巨怪、精灵和怪物,就像长期与上帝作对的巨人一样;上帝为此给了他们报应。

(II) Then, after night came, Grendel went to survey the tall house-how, after their beer-drinking, the Ring-Danes had disposed themselves in it. Then he found therein a band of nobles asleep after the feast; they felt no sorrow, no misery of men. The creature of evil, grim and fierce, was quickly ready, savage and cruel, and seized from their rest thirty thanes. From there he turned to go back to his home, proud of his plunder, sought his dwelling with that store
(二) 夜幕降临后,格伦德尔来到那座高大的房子前--看看环丹人在喝完啤酒后,是如何安置自己的。他发现里面有一群贵族,他们在酒宴之后沉沉睡去;他们没有悲伤,没有人类的苦难。狰狞凶恶的邪恶生物很快就准备好了,野蛮而残忍,从他们休息的地方抓走了三十个贵族。他从那里转身回家,为他的掠夺感到自豪,带着他的储藏寻找他的居所。

of slaughter. 屠杀。
Then in the first light of dawning day Grendel's war-strength was revealed to men; then after the feast weeping arose, great cry in the morning. The famous king, hero of old days, sat joyless; the mighty one suffered, felt sorrow for his thanes, when they saw the track of the foe, of the cursed spirit; that hardship was too strong, too loathsome and long-lasting. Nor was there a longer interval, but after one night Grendel again did greater slaughter-and had no remorse for it-vengeful acts and wicked he was too intent on them. Thereafter it was easy to find the man who sought rest for himself elsewhere, farther away, a bed among the outlying buildings-after it was made clear to him , told by clear proof the hatred of him who now controlled the hall. Whoever escaped the foe held himself afterwards farther off and more safely. Thus Grendel held sway and fought against right, one against all, until the best of houses stood empty. It was a long time, the length of twelve winters, that the lord of the Scyldings suffered grief, all woes, great sorrows. Therefore, sadly in songs, it became well-known to the children of men that Grendel had fought a long time with Hrothgar, for many half-years maintained mortal spite, feud, and enmity-constant war. He wanted no peace with any of the men of the Danish host, would not withdraw his deadly rancour, or pay compensation; no counsellor there had any reason to expect splendid repayment at the hands of the slayer . For the monster was relentless, the dark death-shadow, against warriors old and young, lay in wait and ambushed them. In the perpetual darkness he held to the misty moors, men do not know where hell-demons direct their footsteps.
在黎明的第一缕曙光中,格伦德尔的战力展现在人们面前;宴会之后,哭泣声响彻云霄,清晨的哭声震天动地。昔日的英雄、赫赫有名的国王坐在那里,毫无喜悦之情;当他的子民们看到敌人和被诅咒的灵魂的踪迹时,这位大能者痛苦不已,为他们感到悲哀;那种艰难困苦太强烈、太令人厌恶、太持久了。没有更长的时间间隔,一夜之后,格伦德尔再次大开杀戒,而且毫无悔意--他一心想要复仇,而且是邪恶的复仇。此后,人们很容易就找到了那个在别处、更远的地方寻求安息的人,在外围的建筑中找到了一张床--在向他说清楚 之后,通过明确的证据告诉他现在控制着大厅的那个人的仇恨。谁能逃脱敌人的追捕,谁就能在更远更安全的地方躲藏起来。就这样,格伦德尔控制着局面,以一敌百,直到最好的房子空无一人。过了很长时间,长达十二个冬天,斯基尔丁家族的领主悲痛欲绝,万念俱灰。因此,人类的孩子们在歌谣中悲哀地得知,格伦德尔与赫洛斯加战斗了很长时间,保持了长达半年的怨恨、仇视和敌意--持续的战争。他不愿意与丹麦人和平相处,不愿意收回他致命的怨恨,也不愿意支付赔偿;没有任何一个参谋有理由期望从杀戮者 的手中得到丰厚的回报。因为怪物是无情的,黑暗的死亡阴影对付着年轻和年老的战士,埋伏着他们。在永恒的黑暗中,他坚守着迷雾沼泽,人们不知道地狱恶魔的脚步指向何方。
Thus many crimes the enemy of mankind committed, the terrible walker-alone, cruel injuries one after another. In the dark nights he dwelt in Heorot, the richly adorned hall. He might not approach the throne, (receive) treasure, because of the Lord; He had no love for him.
This was great misery to the lord of the Scyldings, a breaking of spirit. Many a noble sat often in council, sought a plan, what would be best for strong-hearted men to do against the awful attacks. At times they vowed sacrifices at heathen temples, with their words prayed that the soul-slayer would give help for the distress of the people. Such was their custom, the hope
这让斯基尔丁领主苦不堪言,精神崩溃。许多贵族经常坐在一起商议,寻求对策,让心智健全的人知道如何才能更好地抵御可怕的攻击。有时,他们会在异教徒的神庙里发誓献祭,祈求弑魂者 能帮助人们度过难关。这是他们的习俗,希望

of heathens; in their spirits they thought of Hell, they knew not the Ruler, the Judge of Deeds, they recognised not the Lord God, nor indeed did they know how to praise the Protector of Heaven, the glorious King. Woe is him who in terrible trouble must thrust his soul into the fire's embrace, hope for no comfort, not expect change. Well is the man who after his death-day may seek the Lord and find peace in the embrace of the Father.

The Fight with Grendel 与格伦德尔的战斗

(X) Then Hrothgar went out of the hall with his company of warriors, the protector of the Scyldings. The war chief would seek the bed of Wealhtheow the queen. The King of Glory-as men had learned-had appointed a hallguard against Grendel; he had a special mission to the prince of the Danes: he kept watch against monsters.
And the man of the Geats had sure trust in his great might, the favour of the Ruler. Then he took off his shirt of armour, the helmet from his head, handed his embellished sword, best of irons, to an attendant, bade him keep guard over his war-gear. Then the good warrior spoke some boast-words before he went to his bed, Beowulf of the Geats: "I claim myself no poorer in war-strength, war works, than Grendel claims himself. Therefore I will not put him to sleep with a sword, so take away his life, though surely I might. He knows no good tools with which he might strike against me, cut my shield in pieces, though he is strong in fight. But we shall forgo the sword in the night-if he dare seek war without weapon-and then may wise God, Holy Lord, assign glory on whichever hand seems good to Him."
The battle brave one laid himself down, the pillow received the earl's head, and about him many a brave seaman lay down to hall—rest. None of them thought that he would ever again seek from there his dear home, people or town where he had been brought up; for they knew that bloody death had carried off far too many men in the wine-hall, folk of the Danes. But the Lord granted to weave for them good fortune in war, for the folk of the WeatherGeats, comfort and help that they should quite overcome their foe through the might of one man, through his sole strength: the truth has been made known that mighty God has always ruled mankind.
勇敢的战士躺下了,枕头上枕着伯爵的头,在他身边还有许多勇敢的海员躺在大厅里休息。他们都不认为伯爵会再去寻找他亲爱的故乡,寻找他成长的人民或城镇;因为他们知道,血腥的死亡已经带走了酒馆里太多的丹麦人。但是,上帝为他们编织了战争中的好运,为 WeatherGeats 的人们提供了安慰和帮助,使他们能够通过一个人的力量,通过他唯一的力量战胜敌人:人们已经知道,强大的上帝一直在统治着人类。
There came gliding in the black night the walker in darkness. The warriors slept who should hold the horned house-all but one. It was known to men that when the Ruler did not wish it the hostile creature might not drag them away beneath the shadows. But he, lying awake for the fierce foe, with heart swollen in anger awaited the outcome of the fight.

(XI) Then from the moor under the mist-hills Grendel came walking, wearing God's anger. The foul ravager thought to catch some one of mankind there in the high hall. Under the clouds he moved until he could see most clearly the wine-hall, treasure-house of men, shining with gold. That was not the first time that he had sought Hrothgar's home. Never before or since in his life-days did he find harder luck, hardier hall-thanes. The creature deprived of joy came walking to the hall. Quickly the door gave way, fastened with fire-forged bands, when he touched it with his hands. Driven by evil desire, swollen with rage, he tore it open, the hall's mouth. After that the foe at once stepped onto the shining floor, advanced angrily. From his eyes came a light not fair, most like a flame. He saw many men in the hall, a band of kinsmen all asleep together, a company of warmen. Then his heart laughed: dreadful monster, he thought that before the day came he would divide the life from the body of every one of them, for there had come to him a hope of fullfeasting. It was not his fate that when that night was over he should feast on more of mankind.
(十一) 然后,格伦德尔带着上帝的愤怒,从雾山下的荒野走来。这个凶恶的蹂躏者想在大殿里抓住人类中的某个人。他在云层下走来走去,直到能最清楚地看到闪着金光的酒厅,人类的宝库。这不是他第一次寻找赫洛斯加的家。在他的一生中,从来没有人比他更幸运,也从来没有人比他更坚强。这个被剥夺了快乐的人走到了大厅。当他用手触摸时,用火锻造的门箍紧紧锁住的门很快就开了。在邪恶欲望的驱使下,他怒火中烧,撕开了门,打开了大厅的大门。之后,敌人立刻踏上了光亮的地板,愤怒地向前走去。从他的眼睛里射出一道不公平的光,最像火焰。他看到大厅里有许多人,一帮亲戚都睡在一起,一队暖男。他的心笑了:可怕的怪物,他想,在这一天到来之前,他将把他们每个人的生命从身体上分割开来,因为他有了饱餐一顿的希望。这不是他的命运,当那一夜结束时,他应该享用更多的人类。
The Kinsman of Hygelac, mighty man, watched how the evil-doer would make his quick onslaught. Nor did the monster mean to delay it, but, starting his work, he suddenly seized a sleeping man, tore at him ravenously, bit into his bone locks, drank the blood from his veins, swallowed huge morsels; quickly he had eaten all of the lifeless one, feet and hands. He stepped closer, then felt with his arm for the brave-hearted man on the bed, reached out towards him, the foe with his hand; at once in fierce response Beowulf seized it and sat up, leaning on his own arm. Straightway the fosterer of crimes knew that he had not encountered on middle-earth, anywhere in this world, a harder hand-grip from another man. In mind he became frightened, in his spirit: not for that might he escape the sooner. His heart was eager to get away, he would flee to his hiding-place, seek his rabble of devils. What he met

there was not such as he had ever before met in the days of his life. Then the Kinsman of Hygelac, the good man, thought of his evening's speech, stood upright and laid firm hold on him: his fingers cracked. The giant was pulling away, the earl stepped foward. The notorious one thought to move farther away, wherever he could, and flee his way from here to his fen-retreat: he knew his fingers' power to be in a hateful grip. That was a painful journey that the loathsome despoiler had made to Heorot. The retainers' hall rang with the noise-terrible drink for all the Danes, the housedwellers, every brave man, the earls. Both were enraged, fury filled, the two who meant to control the hall. The building resounded. Then was it much wonder that the wine-hall withstood them joined in fierce fight, that it did not fall to the ground, the fair earth-dwelling; but it was so firmly made fast with iron bands, both inside and outside, joined by skillful smith-craft. There started from the floor-as I have heard say-many a mead bench, gold-adorned, when the furious ones fought. No wise men of the Scyldings ever before thought that any men in any manner might break it down, splendid with bright horns, have skill to destroy it, unless flame should embrace it, swallow it in fire. Noise rose up, sound strange enough. Horrible fear came upon the North-Danes, upon every one of those who heard the weeping from the wall, God's enemy sing his terrible song, song without triumph-the hell-slave bewail his pain. There held him fast he who of men was strongest of might in the days of this life.
这是他一生中从未见过的。这时,善良的希格拉克亲王想到了他晚上的演讲,站直了身子,紧紧地抓住了他的手:他的手指都裂开了。巨人被拉开了,伯爵向前走去。那个臭名昭著的人想得更远一些,能逃到哪里就逃到哪里,从这里逃到他的沼泽地去:他知道他的手指的力量被人恨恨地握住了。这个令人厌恶的掠夺者来到希奥罗特的旅途是痛苦的。家臣们的大厅里响起了喧闹声--所有丹麦人、房客、每一位勇士和伯爵们都在喝着可怕的酒 。两个人都被激怒了,怒火中烧,他们本想控制大厅。整个建筑响彻云霄。酒馆经受住了他们的激烈厮杀,没有倒在地上,这座美丽的土楼也没有倒塌,这实在是个奇迹;酒馆内外都用铁箍牢牢地固定住了,铁箍是用高超的铁匠手艺连接起来的。我听人说过,在愤怒的人们战斗的时候,地上会出现许多装饰着金子的酒凳。以前,斯基尔丁的智者们从未想过,有人能以任何方式将它击碎,除非火焰拥抱它,将它吞没在火海中,否则,他们不可能拥有摧毁它的技能。喧闹声响起,声音怪异无比。可怕的恐惧笼罩着北丹麦人,笼罩着每一个听到城墙上哭泣声的人,上帝的敌人在唱着他可怕的歌,没有胜利的歌--地狱的奴隶在哀叹他的痛苦。在那里,他紧紧抓住了那个人中最强的人。

(XII) Not for anything would the protector of warriors let the murderous guest go off alive. He did not consider his lifedays of use to any of the nations. There more than enough of Beowulf's earls drew swords, old heirlooms, wished to protect the life of their dear lord, famous prince, however they might. They did not know when they entered the fight, hardy-spirited warriors, and when they thought to hew him on every side, to seek his soul, that not any of the best of irons on earth, no war sword, would touch the evildoer; for with a charm he had made victory-weapons useless, every swordedge. His departure to death from the time of this life was to be wretched; and the alien spirit was to travel far off into the power of fiends. Then he who before had brought trouble of heart to mankind, committed many crimes-he was at war with God-found that his body would do him no

good, for the great-hearted kinsman of Hygelac had him by the hand. Each was hateful to the other alive. The awful monster had lived to feel pain in his body, a huge wound in his shoulder was exposed, his sinews sprang apart, his bonelocks broke. Glory in battle was given to Beowulf. Grendel must flee from there, mortally sick, seek his joyless home in the fen-slopes. He knew the more surely that his life's end had come, the full number of his days. For all the Danes was their wish fulfilled after the bloody fight. Thus he who had lately come from far off, wish and stout-hearted, had purged Heorot, saved Hrothgar's house from affliction. He rejoiced in his night's work, a deed to make famous his courage. The man of the Geats had fulfilled his boast to the East-Danes; so too he had remedied all the grief, the malice-caused sorrow that they had endured before, and had to suffer from harsh necessity, no small distress. That was clearly proved when the battle brave man set the hand up under the curved roof-the arm and the shoulder: There all together was Grendel's grasp.

Notes 说明

  1. The translation into modern English is based on Friedrich Klaeber's third edition of the poem (1950).
    这首诗的现代英文译本以 Friedrich Klaeber 的第三版(1950 年)为基础。
  2. Scyld Scefing: The meaning is probably "son of Sceaf", although Scyld's origins are mysterious.
    希尔德-斯赛芬(Scyld Scefing):意思可能是 "Sceaf 之子",尽管 Scyld 的起源很神秘。
  3. after the time that he was first found helpless: As is made clear shortly below, Scyld arrived in Denmark as a child alone in a ship loaded with treasures.
  4. Beow: Although the manuscript reads "Beowulf", most scholars now agree that it should read "Beow". Beow was the grandfather of the Danish king Hrothgar.
    贝奥:虽然手稿上写的是 "贝奥武夫",但现在大多数学者都认为应该是 "比奥"。比奥是丹麦国王赫罗斯加的祖父。
  5. Scyldings: the Danes (descendants of Scyld)
    Scyldings:丹麦人(Scyld 的后裔)
  6. The text is faulty, so that the name of Healfdene's daughter has been lost; her husband Onela was a Swedish king.
  7. men's bodies: men's lives. Apparently slaves, along with public land, were not in the king's power to give away.

8. Heorot: Hart 8.希奥罗特:哈特

  1. the fierce flames of vengeful fire: The destruction by fire of Heorot occurred at a later time than that of the poem's action, probably during the otherwise unsuccessful attack of the Heatho Bard Ingeld on his father-in-law Hrothgar, mentioned in the next clause.

10. the firece spirit: Grendel
10. 火焰精灵格伦德尔

  1. scop: The "scop" was the Anglo-Saxon minstrel, who recited poetic stories to the accompaniment of a harp.
    Scop:"Scop "是盎格鲁-撒克逊的吟游诗人,在竖琴的伴奏下朗诵诗歌故事。
  2. him: Grendel 他格伦德尔
  3. expect splendid repayment at the händs of the slayer: According to old Germanic law, a slayer could achieve peace with his victim's kinsmen only by paying them wergild, i.e. compensation for the life of the slain man.
    在杀戮者的巢穴里,他们期待着丰厚的回报:根据古老的日耳曼法律,杀人者只有向被害者的亲属支付 wergild(即对被害者生命的补偿),才能与他们和平相处。
  4. Behind this obscure passage seems to lie the idea that Grendel, unlike Hrothgar's thanes, could not approach the throne to receive gifts from the king, having been condemned by God as an outlaw.
  5. the soul-slayer: The Devil. Despite this assertion that the Danes were heathen, their king, Hrothgar, speaks consistently as a Christian.
  6. The retainers' hall rang with the noise-terrible drink: The metaphor reflects the idea that the chief purpose of a hall such as Heorot was a place for men to feast in.

Chapter 2 第二章

The Anglo-Norman Period (1066-1350)
盎格鲁-诺曼时期(1066-1350 年)

In the year 1066, at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons.
1066 年,在黑斯廷斯战役中,以诺曼底公爵威廉为首的诺曼人击败了盎格鲁-撒克逊人。
The Normans were originally a hardy race of sea rovers inhabiting Scandinavia. In the 10th century they conquered a part of northern France, which is still called Normandy, and rapidly adopted French civilisation and the French language. Their conquest of Anglo-Saxon England under William, Duke of Normandy, began with the battle of Hastings in 1066. The three chief effects of the conquest were: the bringing of Roman civilisation to England; the growth of nationality, i.e. a strong centralised government, instead of the loose union of Saxon tribes; the new language and literature, which were proclaimed in Chaucer.
诺曼人最初是居住在斯堪的纳维亚半岛上的一个勤劳的海上漂泊者种族。10 世纪时,他们征服了法国北部的一部分地区,那里现在仍被称为诺曼底,并迅速接受了法国文明和法语。他们在诺曼底公爵威廉(William)的领导下征服了盎格鲁-撒克逊英格兰,始于 1066 年的黑斯廷斯战役。这次征服的三个主要影响是:罗马文明传入英格兰;民族性的发展,即强大的中央集权政府取代了松散的撒克逊部落联盟;新的语言和文学,这在乔叟那里得到了宣扬。
The literature which they brought to England was remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love and adventure, in marked contrast with the strength and somberness of Anglo-Saxon poetry. During the following three centuries Anglo-Saxon speech simplified itself by dropping off its Teutonic inflections, absorbed eventually a large part of the French vocabulary, and became the English language. English literature is also a combination of French and Anglo-Saxon elements.
The literature of this period includes: Geoffrey's The History of the Kings of Britain, which is valuable as a source book of literature, since it contains the native Celtic legends of Arthur; the work of the French writers, who made the Arthurian legends popular; rhyming chronicles, i.e. history in doggerel verse, like Layamon's Brut; metrical romances, or tales in verse. In terms of matters there are mainly three classes: the matter of France, tales about Charlemagne

and his peers, among which The Song of Roland is the most distiguished work; the matter of Greece and Rome, an endless series of fabulous tales about Alexander, and about the fall of Troy; the matter of Britain, tales about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
There are many cycles of Arthurian romances, chief of which are those of Gawain, Launcelot, Merlin, the Quest of the Holy Grail, and the Death of Arthur.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The Story 故事

On New Year's Day, while Arthur and his knights are keeping the Yuletide feast at Camelot, a gigantic knight in green enters the banquet hall on horseback and challenges the bravest knight to present an exchange of blows; that is, he will expose his neck to a blow of his own big battle-axe, if any knight will agree to abide a blow in return. After some natural consternation and a fine speech by Arthur, Gawain accepts the challenge, takes the battleaxe, and with one blow sends the giant's head rolling through the hall. The Green Knight, who is evidently a terrible magician, picks up his head and mounts his horse. He holds out his head and the ghastly lips speak, warning Gawain to be faithful to his promise and to seek through the world till he finds the Green Chapel. There, on next New Year's Day, the Green Knight will meet him and return the blow.
The second canto of the poem describes Gawain's long journey through the wilderness on his steed Gringolet, and his adventures with storm and cold, with wild beasts and monsters, as he seeks in vain for the Green Chapel. On Christmas Eve, in the midst of a vast forest, he prays, "Mary, mildest mother so dear..." and is rewarded by sight of a great castle. He enters and is royally entertained by the host, an aged hero, and by his wife, who is the most beautiful woman the knight has ever beheld. Gawain learns that he is at last near the Green Chapel, and settles down for a little comfort after his long quest.
这首诗的第二段描写了高文骑着骏马格林古莱在荒野中长途跋涉,与暴风雨和严寒、野兽和怪兽为伴,徒劳地寻找绿色教堂的冒险经历。圣诞夜,在一片广袤的森林中,他祈祷着:"玛利亚,最慈祥的母亲...... "他看到了一座巨大的城堡。他走进城堡,受到主人--一位年迈的英雄和他妻子的盛情款待,他的妻子是骑士见过的最美丽的女人。高文得知他终于来到了绿教堂附近,在漫长的探险之后,他安顿下来,稍事休息。
The next canto shows the life in the castle, and describes a curious

compact between the host, who goes hunting daily, and the knight, who remains in the castle to entertain the young wife. The compact is that at night each man shall give the other whatever good thing attained during the day. On the first two days, while the host is hunting, the young woman tries in vain to induce Gawain to make love to her, and ends by giving him a kiss. When the host returns and gives his guest the game he has killed, Gawain returns the kiss. On the third day, her temptations having twice failed, the lady offers Gawain a ring, which he refuses, but when she offers a magic green girdle that will preserve the wearer from death, Gawain, who remembers the giant's axe so soon to fall on his neck, accepts the girdle as a jewel for the jeopardy and promises the lady to keep the gift secret. When the host returns and offers his game, Gawain returns the kiss but says nothing of the green girdle.
The last canto brings our knight to the Green Chapel, after he is repeatedly warned to turn back in the face of certain death. The Chapel is a terrible place in the midst of desolation; and as Gawain approaches he hears a terrifying sound, the grating of steel on stone, where the giant is sharpening a new battle-axe. The Green Knight appears and Gawain, true to his compact, offers his neck for the blow. Twice the axe swings harmlessly, the third time it falls on his shoulder and wounds him. Whereupon Gawain jumps for his armour, draws his sword, and warns the giant that the compact calls for only one blow, and that, if another is offered, he will defend himself.
Then the Green Knight explains things. He is the lord of the castle where Gawain has been entertained for days past. The first two swings of the axe were harmless because Gawain had been true to his compact and twice returned the kiss. The last blow wounded him because he concealed the gift of the green girdle, which belongs to the Green Knight and was woven by his wife. Moreover, the whole thing has been arranged by Morgan the fairy (an enemy of Queen Guinevere, she appears often in the Arthurian romances). Full of shame, Gawain throws back the gift and is ready to atone for his deception, but the Green Knight thinks he has already atoned, and presents the green girdle as a free gift. Gawain returns to Arthur's court, tells the whole story frankly, and ever after that the Knights of the Round Table wear a green girdle in his honour.

Part I 第一部分

Since the siege and the assault was ceased at Troy,

The walls breached and burnt down to brands and ashes, The knight that had knotted the nets of deceit Was impeached for his perfidy , proven most true, It was high-born Aeneas and his haughty race

That since prevailed over provinces, and proudly reigned

Over well-nigh all the wealth of the West Isles .

Great Romulus to Rome repairs in haste,
伟大的罗穆卢斯 匆忙赶往罗马修理

With boast and with bravery builds he that city

And names it with his own name, that it now bears.

Ticius to Tuscany, and towers raises,
Ticius 前往托斯卡纳, 并加高了塔楼、

Langobard in Lombardy lays out homes, And far over the French Sea , Felix Brutus
伦巴第的朗格巴德 建造了家园,远在法国海 的菲利克斯-布鲁图 也建造了家园。

On many broad hills and high Britain he sets , most fair.

Where war and wrack and wonder By shifts have sojourned there, And bliss by turns with blunder In that land's lot had share.

And since this Britain was built by this baron great, ..... 20

Bold boys bred there, in broils delighting,

That did in their day many a deed most dire.

More marvels have happened in this merry land

Than in any other I know, since that olden time,

But of those that here built, of British kings, ..... 25

King Arthur was counted most courteous of all,

Wherefore an adventure I aim to unfold,

That a marvel of might some men think it,

And one unmatched among Arthur's wonders.

If you will listen to my lay but a little while, ..... 30

As I heard it in hall, I shall hasten to tell

anew. 焕然一新。
As it was fashioned featly

In tale of derring-do, 侠义故事
And linked in measures meetly

By letters tried and true.
This king lay at Camelot at Christmastide;

Many good knights and gay his guests were there,

Arrayed of the Round Table rightful brothers,
圆桌骑士 合法兄弟、

With feasting and fellowship and carefree mirth.

There true men contended in tournaments many,

Joined there in jousting these gentle knights,

Then came to the court for carol-dancing,

For the feast was in force full fifteen days,

With all the meat and the mirth that men could devise,

Such gaiety and glee, glorious to hear,

Brave din by day, dancing by night.

High were their hearts in halls and chambers,

These lords and these ladies, for life was sweet.

In peerless pleasures passed they their days,

The most noble knights known under Christ,

And the loveliest ladies that lived on earth ever,

And he the comeliest king, that that court holds,

For all this fair folk in their first age

were still. 是静止的。
Happiest of mortal kind, 最幸福的凡人
King noblest famed of will;

You would now go far to find

So hardy a host on hill.
While the New Year was new, but yesternight come,

This fair folk at feast two-fold was served,

When the king and his company were come in together,
The chanting in chapel achieved and ended.

Clerics and all the court acclaimed the glad season,

Cried Noel anew, good news to men;

Then gallants gather gaily, hand-gifts to make,

Called them out clearly, claimed them by hand,

Bickered long and busily about those gifts.

Ladies laughed aloud, though losers they were,

And he that won was not angered, as well you will know.

All this mirth they made until meat was served;

When they had washed them worthily, they went to their seats,

The best seated above, as best it beseemed,

Guinevere the goodly queen gay in the midst

On a dais well-decked and duly arrayed

With costly silk curtains, a canopy over,

Of Toulouse and Turkestan tapestries rich, All broidered and bordered with the best gems

Ever brought into Britain, with bright pennies to pay.

Fair queen, without a flaw, She glanced with eyes of grey.

A seemlier that once he saw, In truth, no man could say.
But Arthur would not eat till all were served;

So light was his lordly heart, and a little boyish;

His life he liked lively-the less he cared

To be lying for long, or long to sit,

So busy his young blood, his brain so wild.

And also a point of pride pricked him in heart,

For he nobly had willed, he would never eat

On so high a holiday, till he had heard first

Of some fair feat or fray some far-borne tale,

Of some marvel of might, that he might trust,

By champions of chivalry achieved in arms, ..... 95

Or some suppliant came seeking some single knight

To join with him in jousting, in jeopardy each

To lay life for life, and leave it to fortune

To afford him on field fair hap or other.
让他在赛场上获得公平的比赛 或其他。

Such is the king's custom, when his court he holds ..... 100
这是国王的惯例,当他在宫廷里举行 .....100

At each far-famed feast amid his fair host

so dear. 亲爱的
The stout king stands in state

Till a wonder shall appear;

He leads, with heart elate, ..... 105

High mirth in the New Year.

So he stands there in state, the stout young king,

Talking before the high table of trifles fair.

There Gawain the good knight by Guinevere sits,

With Agravain à la dure main on her other side,
而她的另一侧则是阿格拉凡-à la dure main

Both knights of renown, and nephews of the king.

Bishop Baldwin above begins the table,

And Yvain, son of Urien, ate with him there.

These few with the fair queen were fittingly served;

At the side-tables sat many stalwart knights. ..... 115

Then the first course comes, with clamour of trumpets

That were bravely bedecked with bannerets bright,

With noise of new drums and the noble pipes.

Wild were the warbles that wakened that day

In strains that stirred many strong men's hearts. ..... 120

There dainties were dealt out, dishes rare,

Choice fare to choose, on chargers so many

That scarce was there space to set before the people

The service of silver, with sundry meats,

on cloth. 布上。
Each fair guest freely there