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Hip Fests 2024

Binational Hip Fest 2024: Rydges World Square, Sydney

The Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry is delighted to invite you to the 2024 Binational Hip Festival in Sydney on Thursday 14 November and Friday 15 November

The Hip Festival will offer a forum to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in hip fracture care and the latest updates to best practice care recommendations.

The Hip Festival will run over two days.


Day 1: 第一天:

Thursday 14 November, 2024 (In person and online attendance options available)
2024 年 11 月 14 日星期四(提供现场和在线出席选项)


Welcome event (Drinks and canapes)


Day 2 第2天

Friday 15 November, 2024 (in person attendance only)
2024 年 11 月 15 日星期五(仅限亲临现场)

9:00 - 15:00


Attendance via Microsoft Teams is available for the half day program on Thursday 14 November only
通过 Microsoft Teams 参加的半天课程仅适用于 11 月 14 日星期四的半天课程

To attend both days, please select either 2 days (in person) or 1/2 day online + 1 day in person. 
要参加这两天,请选择 2 天(亲自)或 1/2 天在线 + 1 天亲自参加。


Venue 场地

Rydges World Square Hotel
Rydges World Square Hotel(雷吉斯世界广场酒店)

389 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
389 Pitt Street, 悉尼新南威尔士州 2000

If you require accommodation in Sydney, Rydges is offering 10% off their online for conference attendees. Use the link below to book:
如果您需要在悉尼住宿,Rydges 为与会者提供在线 10% 的折扣。请点击以下链接进行预订:



Registration 注册

Free to attend. Please register by Friday 18 October 2024
免费参加。请在 2024 年 10 月 18 日星期五之前注册


For more information, please contact: info@anzhfr.org


Who should attend 谁应该参加

  • Anyone involved in providing care to older people who have broken their hip.
  • Medical doctors - orthopaedic surgeons, geriatricians, general physicians, ED physicians, anaesthetists, rehabilitation consultants, general practitioners
    医生 - 整形外科医生、老年病医生、全科医生、急诊科医生、麻醉师、康复顾问、全科医生
  • Nurses: ED, surgical, orthopaedic, medical, rehabilitation, aged care and community
  • Allied Health professional: physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, pharmacists, exercise physiologists
  • Health managers, hospital executives and policy makers
  • Consumers

For more information, please contact: info@anzhfr.org.

New Zealand Hip Fest 2024, Christchurch Monday 16 September

NZ HipFest Save the Date