Bi-Weekly Quiz 5
Started: May 24 at 16:10Quiz Instructions
Instructions: This quiz is available from 8:00am to 11:00pm on Friday, 24 May 2024, and it is worth 2% of the total mark for this unit. You have 30 minutes to complete the quiz on Canvas>Quizzes, and you can attempt this quiz up to two times. Answers submitted after 11:00pm will not be accepted. You may use Excel to find the answers to questions in the tasks. This quiz has 1 task and a total of 15 questions, and the full mark is 2. An Excel data file is provided within this quiz. If your numerical answer has more than 4 decimal places, you must round it to 4 decimal places.
Data file: QBUS5001(2024S1) Quiz 5 (Data).xlsx Download QBUS5001(2024S1) Quiz 5 (Data).xlsx
Note: this is a timed quiz. You may check the remaining time you have at any point while taking the quiz by pressing the keyboard combination SHIFT, ALT, and T... Again: SHIFT, ALT, and T...