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IS5411 Group Project Guideline, prepared by Ben Liu
IS5411 小组项目指南,由 Ben Liu 编写

Group Project Proposal Guideline


Your group is to identify a system that will address a business problem or need in a company or organization to which you have access. You must have at least one (preferably more) accessible contacts at your client’s company, and these contacts must be willing to give you adequate details on the business problem or opportunity and the related business processes. The contact can be a relative or friend, someone at the university, or someone at a local establishment, as long as their organization has a need for an information system. By using a real-life system as opposed to a textbook case, you will learn more accurately what the systems analyst’s role is. Note that I will need contact information for this individual and reserve the right to contact him/her to discuss the project. Note also that you owe your client contacts a copy of your completed project.
您的小组将确定一个系统,该系统将解决 您有权访问的公司或组织中的业务问题或需求。您的客户公司必须至少有一个(最好更多)可访问的联系人,并且这些联系人必须愿意为您提供有关业务问题或机会以及相关业务流程的足够详细信息。联系人可以是亲戚或朋友、大学里的某个人或某个地方机构的某个人,只要他们的组织需要信息系统。通过使用现实生活中的系统而不是教科书上的案例,您将更准确地了解系统分析师的角色是什么。请注意,我需要此人的联系信息,并保留联系 him/her 讨论该项目的权利。 另请注意,您欠客户联系人一份已完成项目的副本。


Each group must propose two projects in the proposal. These projects could be two different business problems in the same organization or different organizations. After the proposal is approved by your instructor, your group will choose one project from the proposal as your group project.

You may structure your project proposal in different ways. However, the proposal must answer the following questions:

What is the background of this organization?

What are the business problems or needs in this organization?

What system would you propose to address the business problems or needs?

Why and how would the proposed system help address the business problem or needs?

What is your contact’s name, phone number, or email address?

Please provide clear answer to each of the above questions with sufficient details. In addition to these questions, you should also identify a preliminary list of use cases and describe these use cases using brief use case descriptions.

The quality of the proposal will significantly impact your grade for this class. I will ask you to revise and resubmit your proposal if the initial submission is not satisfactory.