Approval Standard for Less or Nonflammable Liquid-Insulated Transformers认证标准不易燃或非易燃液体绝缘变压器
Class Number 3990编号 3990
January 2018
The FM Approvals certification mark is intended to verify that the products and services described will meet stated conditions of performance, safety and quality useful to the ends of property conservation. The purpose of Approval Standards is to present the criteria for FM Approval of various types of products and services, as guidance for FM Approvals personnel, manufacturers, users and authorities having jurisdiction.
FM Approvals 认证标志的目的是验证所述产品和服务是否符合规定的性能、安全和质量条件,从而达到保护财产的目的。认证标准的目的是提出各类产品和服务的FM认证标准,为FM认证人员、制造商、用户和具有管辖权的机构提供指导。
Products submitted for certification by FM Approvals shall demonstrate that they meet the intent of the Approval Standard, and that quality control in manufacturing shall ensure a consistently uniform and reliable product. Approval Standards strive to be performance-oriented. They are intended to facilitate technological development.
提交 FM Approvals 认证的产品应证明其符合认证标准的要求,生产过程中的质量控制应确保产品的一致性和可靠性。认证标准力求以性能为导向。它们旨在促进技术发展。
For examining equipment, materials and services, Approval Standards:对于设备、材料和服务的检查,审批标准:
a) must be useful to the ends of property conservation by preventing, limiting or not causing damage under the conditions stated by the Approval listing; and
a) 即通过批准清单来防止、限制或不造成损害,必有助于实现财产保护;以及
b) must be readily identifiable.
b) 必须易于识别。
Continuance of Approval and listing depends on compliance with the Master Agreement, satisfactory performance in the field, on successful re-examinations of equipment, materials, and services as appropriate, and on periodic followup audits of the manufacturing facility.
FM Approvals LLC reserves the right in its sole judgment to change or revise its standards, criteria, methods, or procedures.
FM Approvals LLC 保留自行决定更改或修订其标准、准则、方法或程序的权利。
1.1 Purpose目的 … 1
1.2 Scope范围 … 1
1.3 Basis for Requirements要求的依据 … 1
1.4 Basis for Approval’审批依据. … 1
1.5 Basis for Continued Approval 继续批准的依据 … 2
1.6 Effective Date 生效日期 … 2
1.7 System of Units单位系统 … 2
1.8 Normative References规范性参考资料 … 2
1.9 Terms and Definitions术语和定义 … 3
2.1 Product Information产品信息 … 3
2.2 Approval Application Requirements 审批申请要求。 … 3
2.3 Requirements for Samples for Examination 对检查样本的要求 … 3
3.1 Review of Documentation 文件审查 … 4
3.2 Physical or Structural Features 物理或结构特征 … 4
3.3 Markings 标记 … 6
3.4 Manufacturer’s Installation and Operation Instructions 制造商的安装和操作说明 … 7
3.5 Calibration 校准 … 7
4.1 Examination检测 … 8
4.2 Pressure Capability 承压能力 … 8
4.3 Electrical Capability电气能力 … 9
4.4 Insulating Fluids 绝缘液体 … 9
4.5 Level, Pressure, and Temperature Protective Device 液位、压力和温度保护装置 … 10
4.6 Transformer Tilt变压器倾斜 … 12
5.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program 经证明的质量控制计划 … 12
5.2 Surveillance Audit 监督审计 … 13
5.3 Installation Inspections 安装检查 … 13
5.4 Manufacturer’s Responsibilities制造商的责任 … 13
5.5 Manufacturing and Production Tests制造和生产测试. … 14
6 BIBLIOGRAPHY 参考书目 … 14
1.1 Purpose目的
1.1.1 This standard states Approval requirements for transformers insulated with less or nonflammable liquids.
1.1.2 Approval criteria may include, but are not limited to, performance requirements, marking requirements, examination of manufacturing facilities, audit of quality assurance procedures, and a follow-up program.
1.2 Scope范围
1.2.1 This standard sets performance requirements for liquid insulated distribution and power transformers, both naturally cooled and transformers utilizing forcibly circulated cooling medium. The standard limits Approval for the naturally cooled transformers rated from 5 to 10,000kVA10,000 \mathrm{kVA} and 35 kV class or lower.
本标准规定了液体绝缘配电变压器和电力变压器的性能要求,包括自然冷却变压器和使用强制循环冷却介质的变压器。该标准对额定电流为 5 至 10,000 千伏安、电压等级为 35 千伏及以下的自然冷却变压器进行了限制。
1.2.2 This standard applies to any component intended for use as a protective device and that is normally provided as part of the transformer assembly. Use of components previously Approved as individual protective devices shall not automatically result in an Approved transformer assembly.
1.3 Basis for Requirements要求的依据
1.3.1 The requirements of this standard are based on experience, research and testing, and/or the standards of other organizations. The advice of manufacturers, users, trade associations, jurisdictions and/or loss control specialists was also considered.本标准的要求基于经验、研究和测试,以及/或其他组织的标准。此外,还考虑了制造商、用户、行业协会、司法机构和/或损耗控制专家的建议。
1.3.2 The requirements of this standard reflect tests and practices used to examine characteristics of less or non-flammable liquid-insulated transformers for the purpose of obtaining FM Approval. Transformers having characteristics not anticipated by this standard may be FM Approved if performance equal, or superior, to that required by this Standard is demonstrated, or if the intent of the standard is met. Alternatively, transformers which meet all of the requirements identified in this Standard may not be FM Approved if other conditions which adversely affect performance exist or if the intent of this standard is not met.
本标准的要求反映了为获得FM认证而对不易燃或非易燃液体绝缘变压器的特性进行检查时所采用的测试和方法。如果变压器的性能与本标准所要求的性能相同或更优于本标准的所要求的性能,则这样具有本标准未预期特性的变压器可获得FM认证。或者,如果存在对性能有不利影响的其他条件,或如果不符合本标准的意图,则符合本标准中确定的所有要求的变压器可能无法获得 FM 认证。
1.4 Basis for Approval审批依据
FM Approval is based upon satisfactory evaluation of the product and the manufacturer in the following major areas:
FM 认证基于对产品和制造商在以下主要方面的满意度评估:
1.4.1 Examination and tests on production samples shall be performed to evaluate:
the suitability of the product;产品的适用性;
the performance of the product as specified by the manufacturer and required by FM Approvals; and as far as practical,产品的性能符合制造商的规定和 FM 认证的要求;并尽可能
the durability and reliability of the product.产品的耐用性和可靠性。
1.4.2 An examination of the manufacturing facilities and audit of quality control procedures is made to evaluate the manufacturer’s ability to consistently produce the product which is examined and tested, and the marking procedures used to identify the product. These examinations may be repeated as part of FM Approvals’ product follow-up program.
对生产设施进行检查和对质量控制程序进行的审核,以评估制造商是否有能力始终如一地生产经检查和测试的产品,并有识别产品的标识程序。作为FM 认证产品跟踪计划的一部分,这些检查可能会重复进行。
1.5 Basis for Continued Approval认证得以继续的依据
Continued Approval is based upon:认证得以继续的依据是:
production or availability of the product as currently FM Approved; 生产或供应目前 FM 已批准的产品;
the continued use of acceptable quality assurance procedures; 继续使用已认可的质量保证程序 ;
satisfactory field experience; 令人满意的实地经验 ;
compliance with the terms stipulated in the Approval report; 遵守审批报告中规定的条件;
satisfactory re-examination of production samples for continued conformity to requirements; and 对生
satisfactory Surveillance Audits conducted as part of FM Approvals’ product follow-up program.作为 FM 认证产品跟踪计划的一部分,进行令人满意的监督审核。
Also, as a condition of retaining Approval, manufacturers may not change a product or service without prior authorization by FM Approvals.
此外,作为保留批准的一个条件,未经 FM 批准的事先授权,制造商不得更改产品或服务。
1.6 Effective Date生效日期
The effective date of an Approval standard mandates that all products tested for Approval after the effective date shall satisfy the requirements of that standard. Products FM Approved under a previous edition shall comply with the new version by the effective date or else forfeit Approval.
认证标准的生效日期规定,在生效日期之后进行批准测试的所有产品都必须满足该标准的要求。根据以前版本获得 FM 认证的产品必须在生效日期前符合新版本的要求,否则将失去认证资格。
The effective date of this Standard is January 31, 2021 for compliance with all requirements.
符合所有要求的本标准的生效日期为 2021 年 1 月 31 日。
1.7 System of Units单位系统
Units of measurement used in this Standard are United States (U.S.) customary units. These are followed by their arithmetic equivalents in International System (SI) units, enclosed in parentheses. The first value stated shall be regarded as the requirement. The converted equivalent value may be approximate. Conversion of U.S. customary units is in accordance with ANSI/IEEE/ASTM SI-10.
本标准中使用的计量单位均为美国常用单位。其后括号内为国际单位制(SI)单位的算术等值。首先说明的数值应视为要求值。换算后的等值可能是近似值。根据 ANSI/IEEE/AST M SI-10换算美国常用单位。
1.8 Normative References规范性参考资料
The following referenced documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. For dated references, only the cited edition applies.
ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00 - IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers液体浸入式配电、电力和调节变压器的一般要求标准
ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90 - IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers液浸式配电、电力和调压变压器标准测试规范
ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPV) Code, Section VIII, Pressure Relief Devices锅炉和压力容器,第八节,泄压装置
ANSI/IEEE C57.12.8079 - IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers电力和配电变压器标准术语
ANSI/IEEE/ASTM SI 10 American National Standard for Metric Practice美 国国家度量衡标准
IEC 60076-1 Power Transformers - Part 1: General 电力变压器 - 第 1 部分:通用
IEC 60076-2 Power Transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise 电力变压器 - 第 2 部分:温升
IEC 60076-3 Power Transformers - Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric test and external clearances
电力变压器 - 第3部分:绝缘水平、介质测试和外部间隙
IEC 60076-4 Power Transformers - Part 4: Guide to lightning impulse testing of power transformers and reactors IEC 60076-8 Power Transformers - Part 8: Application guide
电力变压器 - 第 4 部分:电力变压器和电抗器雷电冲击测试指南
FM 6933 Less Flammable Transformer Fluids 低易燃变压器油
FM 6934 Nonflammable Transformer Fluids不易燃变压器油
1.9 Terms and Definitions术语和定义
For purposes of this standard, transformer terminology available in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80 shall apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. Various types of tests (routine, design, conformance, and other) are also defined in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80. Some definitions and short descriptions of tests are offered in the Appendix A to this Standard.
在本标准中,应使用 ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80中的变压器术语。本条款中未定义的术语应参考《/EEE 标准在线词典》。ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80中还定义了各种类型测试(例行、设计、一致性和其他)。本标准附录 A 提供了一些测试的定义和简短说明。
2.1 Product Information产品信息
This standard describes electrical and mechanical requirements of liquid-immersed distribution and power transformers, autotransformers and regulating transformers, single-phase and polyphase, with voltages of 601 V or higher in the highest voltage winding.
本标准规定了最高电压绕组电压为 601 V 或更高的单相和多相液浸式配电和电力变压器、自耦变压器和调压变压器的电气和机械要求。
This standard applies to all liquid-immersed distribution, power, and regulating transformers that do not belong to the following types of apparatus:
a) Instrument transformers 仪器互感器
b) Step voltage and induction voltage regulators升压和降压器
c) Arc furnace transformers 电弧炉变压器
d)Rectifier transformers 整流变压器
e) Specialty transformers 特种变压器
f) Grounding transformers 接地变压器
g) Mobile transformers 移动式变压器
h) Mine transformers 矿用变压器
2.2 Approval Application Requirements认证申请要求
To apply for an Approval examination the manufacturer, or its authorized representative, should submit a request to
要申请批准检验,制造商或其授权代表应向 提交申请。制造商在申请批准时应提供以下初步信息:
The manufacturer shall provide the following preliminary information with any request for Approval consideration:制造商在申请批准时应提供以下初步信息:
a complete list of all models, types, sizes, and options for the products or services being submitted for Approval consideration;提交审批的产品或服务的所有型号、类型、尺寸和选项的完整清单;
general assembly drawings, complete set of manufacturing drawings, materials list, anticipated marking format, piping and electrical schematics, nameplate format, brochures, sales literature, spec. sheets, installation, operation and maintenance procedures, etc…; and
the number and location of manufacturing facilities. 生产设施的数量和位置。
All documents shall identify the manufacturer’s name, document number or other form of reference, title, date of last revision, and revision level. All documents shall be provided with English translation.所有文件均应标明制造商名称、文件编号或其他参考形式、标题、最后修订日期和修订级别。所有文件均应提供英文译本。
2.3 Requirements for Samples for Examination用于审查的样本要求
2.3.1 Following authorization of an Approval examination, the manufacturer shall submit samples for examination and testing based on the following:
The manufacturer shall provide instructions and/or illustrations for proper installation, maintenance, and operation of the subject transformer.
Upon request, the manufacturer shall furnish time/current curves of the fusing or protective relay schemes provided with the transformer. This applies whether the devices are of in-house manufacture or purchased
The manufacturer shall provide assembly drawings, component drawings, material lists, labeling format, brochures, sales literature, specification sheets, etc. for FM Approvals examination.
制造商应提供装配图、部件图、材料清单、标签格式、小册子、销售资料、规格表等,以供 FM 认证审查。
2.3.2 Requirements for samples may vary depending on design features, results of prior or similar testing, and results of any foregoing tests.对样品的要求可能会根据设计特点、先前或类似测试的结果以及任何前述测试的结果而有所不同。
2.3.3 The manufacturer shall submit samples representative of production. Any decision to use data generated using prototypes is at the discretion of FM Approvals.
制造商应提交代表自产的有代表性单位样品。FM 审批部门拥有样品生成数据的使用权利。
2.3.4 It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to provide any necessary test fixtures, such as those which may be required to evaluate the transformer.
3.1 Review of Documentation文件审查
3.1.1 During the initial investigation and prior to physical testing, the manufacturer’s specifications and details shall be reviewed to assess the ease and practicality of installation and use. The Approval investigation shall define the limits of the Approval.
3.2 Physical or Structural Features物理或结构特征
3.2.1 Transformers shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00 or IEC 60076 and the requirements of this FM Approvals Standard. Where the FM Approvals requirements exceed or are more specific than those of C57.12.00/IEC 60076 Series, the FM Approvals requirements shall be used to determine Approval.
变压器的设计应符合 ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00 或 IEC 60076 的要求以及本 FM 认证标准的要求。如果 FM 认证的要求超过 C57.12.00/IEC 60076 系列的要求 或 比 C57.12.00/IEC 60076 系列的要求更具体,则应使用 FM 认证的要求来确定认证。
3.2.2 Rectangular and cylindrical transformer tanks shall be designed for a minimum withstand pressure of 7 psi ( 48 kPa ) without permanent distortion. Rectangular tanks shall be designed for a minimum withstand pressure of 15psi(105kPa15 \mathrm{psi}(105 \mathrm{kPa} ) without rupture; cylindrical for a minimum of 20 psi ( 140 kPa ) without rupture.
矩形和圆柱形变压器油箱在设计上应至少能承受 7psi(48kPa)7 \mathrm{psi}(48 \mathrm{kPa}) 的压力而不会永久爯 Approvals 4形。矩形变压器油箱的设计最低承受压力为 15psi(105kPa)15 \mathrm{psi}(105 \mathrm{kPa}) 而不会破裂;圆柱形变压器油箱的设计最低承受压力为 20psi(140kPa)20 \mathrm{psi}(140 \mathrm{kPa}) 而不会破裂。
3.2.3 Transformers shall be provided with a pressure relief device of sufficient capacity to limit internal pressure, under low current arcing fault conditions, so that tank rupture does not occur. The nominal opening pressure of the relief device shall be 10psi(69kPa)10 \mathrm{psi}(69 \mathrm{kPa}) and the minimum nominal flow rates shall be as follows:变压器必须配备泄压装置,泄压装置的容量必须足以在低电流电弧故障条件下限制内部压力,以免油箱破裂。泄压装置的额定开启压力应为 10psi(69kPa)10 \mathrm{psi}(69 \mathrm{kPa}) ,最小额定应如下:
Note: Table interpretation is, for example, kVA > 150\mathrm{kVA}>150 and <= 300\leq 300 requires flow rate of 100 SCFM.
注:表中的解释是,例如 kVA > 150 和 300 要求流量为 100 标准立方英尺每分钟
3.2.4 Transformers shall be insulated with an FM Approved less or nonflammable transformer fluid. Less flammable fluids shall have a fire point not less than 572^(@)F(300^(@)C)572^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\left(300^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right) as determined by the ASTM D92-Open Cup Method.
变压器必须使用 FM 认证的不易燃或非易燃变压器油进行绝缘。根据 ASTM D92-开杯法测定,不易燃液体的燃点不得低于 300^(@)C(572^(@)F)300^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(572^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 。
3.2.5 Electrical protection shall be provided to prevent tank rupture due to high current faults. This protection shall limit the electrical energy input to the transformer. The protection shall be in the form of current- limiting fuses or other technology of demonstrated equivalent or greater effectiveness.应提供电气保护,以防止大电流故障导致油箱破裂。这种保护应限制变压器的电能输入。保护装置的形式应为限流熔断器或其他经证明具有同等或更高功效的技术。
When current limiting fusing is used, under-fluid expulsion fuses may be used in series in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended protection scheme.
If protection is designed to vent or emit gas during operation (such as is the case with expulsion fuses without current limiting fusing in series), this protection shall be located external to the transformer tank.
If lightning arrestors are provided with single phase pad, single phase pole, or three phase pole round tank transformers they shall be located external to the tank.
The maximum I^(2)tI^{2} t let through for current limiting fuses and other types of protection shall not exceed the values shown in the table below.
下表所列值。Maximum I² Let Through最大热冲击能力通入
Note: Table interpretation is, for example, kVA >= 500\mathrm{kVA} \geq 500 and < 750<750 is limited to 900,000 .
注:表中解释为,例如,kVA 500 和 < 750 限制为 900,000 。
3.2.6 Electrical protection shall also be provided to clear sustained low current faults. For units up to 2,500 kVA, fuse protection is acceptable as a minimum. For indoor installations, units above 500 kVA shall be equipped with alarm contacts on the pressure relief device. Units rated above 2,500 kVA , in all locations, shall be equipped with alarm contacts on the pressure relief device and sudden pressure relays or other technology having a demonstrated equivalent or greater effectiveness. Transformers with wye connected secondary windings of 150 V or more, to ground, and rated at 1000 A or more, shall be provided with a ground fault sensing current transformer (CT) in the low voltage circuit unless prohibited by the authority having jurisdiction.
还必须提供电气保护,以清除持续的低电流故障。对于 2,500 千伏安以下的机组,熔断器保护是需要的。对于室内安装, 500 千伏安以上的设备应在泄压装置上配备报警触点。额定功率超过 2,500 千伏安的设备,在在泄压装置的所有位置上都必须配备报警触点和突发压力继电器或其他具有同等或更高功效的技术类型。除非有管辖权的机构禁止,否则额定电流在 1000 A 或 1000 A 以上,且次级绕组与接地电压在 150 V 或 150 V 以上,且额定电流在 1000 A 或 1000 A 以上的变压器,必须在低压电路中配备接地故障感应电流互感器。
3.2.7 All transformers, except pole mount and single phase pad mount, shall be equipped with a liquid level indicator. Transformers rated at 750 kVA or higher shall also be equipped with a liquid temperature indicator and a pressure-vacuum gage.
除柱上安装和单相垫式安装外,所有变压器都必须配备液位指示器。额定功率为 750 千伏安或更高的变压器还必须配备液温指示器和压力真空计。
3.2.8 Transformers shall be capable of tolerating, as a minimum, a 1.5^(@)1.5^{\circ} tilt from vertical without affecting their Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Level (BIL).
变压器至少应能承受 1.5^(@)1.5^{\circ} 的垂直倾斜,而不影响其基本雷电冲击绝缘水平。
3.3 Markings标记
3.3.1 An Approved transformer shall be labeled in accordance with the requirements of ANSI C57.12.00 pertaining to ratings and other essential operating data.
获准使用的变压器必须按照 ANSI C57.12.00 关于额定值和其他基本运行数据的要
3.3.2 A separate durable corrosion-resistant metal label(s) carrying the information noted below shall also be attached to the transformer.
a)Tank withstand pressure. 储罐承受压力。
b) Pressure relief device(s) type/model/part number(s) and manufacturer.泄压装置类型/型号/零件编号和制造商。
c) Fuse type(s), rating, model/part number(s), and manufacturer.保险丝类型、额定值、型号/零件编号和制造商。
d) Type of insulating liquid (either FM Approved Class 6933 less-flammable or Class 6934 nonflammable transformer fluid) and fluid volume.
绝缘液体类型(FM 认证的 6933 级不易燃变压器油或 6934 级不易燃变压器油 )和液体容量。
The label shall also carry the following text: 标签还应包含以下文字
Replacement fuses must be exact duplicates of those initially provided.更换的保险丝必须与最初提供的保险丝完全相同。
Secondary containment equal to the liquid volume of the transformer is required for all indoor installations. Secondary containment for transformers containing 660 gal ( 2.5m32.5 \mathrm{m3} ) or more is required of outdoor installations.
所有室内安装都需配备与变压器液体容量相等的二次防护。室外安装的变压器。如果液体容量达到或超过 660 加仑(2.5立方米),则必须使用二次防护装置。
3. Indoor installation site requirements: 室内安装地点要求 :
i. For Type 1 and Type 2 buildings the transformer must be located at least 3ft(0.9m)3 \mathrm{ft}(0.9 \mathrm{~m}) from building walls.
对于 1 类和 2 类建筑,变压器必须距离建筑墙壁至少 3 英尺( 0.9 米)。
ii. For combustible buildings the transformer must be located at least 3ft(0.9m)3 \mathrm{ft}(0.9 \mathrm{~m}) from building walls and protected by an automatic fire suppression system or must be installed in a 3 hour fire rated vault.
对于可燃建筑物,变压器必须距离建筑物墙壁至少 3 英尺( 0.9 米),并有自动灭火系统保护,或者必须安装在 3 小时耐火等级的拱顶中。
4. Outdoor installation site requirements: 室外安装地点要求:
The transformer must be located at least 3ft(0.9m)3 \mathrm{ft}(0.9 \mathrm{~m}) from building walls and 5ft(1.5m)5 \mathrm{ft}(1.5 \mathrm{~m}) from doors, fire escapes and windows.
变压器必须距离建筑物墙壁至少 3 英尺( 0.9 米),距离门、消防通道和窗户至少 5 英尺(1.5米)
Note: The requrements in items 3 and 4 pertain to non-network transformers only. Requirements for network transformers will be determined on a case by case basis.
3.3.3 When applicable (per Section 3.2.6), a tag shall be attached to the low voltage neutral bushing stating: “Secondary ground fault protection, or equivalent, must be installed unless specifically prohibited by the authority having jurisdiction.”
在适用情况下(根据第 3.2.6节),低压中性线套管上应贴有标签,注明:"除非管辖当局明确禁止,否则必须安装二次接地故障保护装置或同等装置。
3.3.4 The transformer shall also bear the FM Approval mark. The location, material, and application
method will be by mutual agreement between FM Approvals and the manufacturer.
变压器上还应有 FM 认证标志。位置、材料和使用方法由 FM 认证和制造商共同商定。
3.4Manufacturer’s Installation and Operation Instructions 制造商的安装和操作说明
3.4.1 The manufacturer shall provide the user with: 制造商应向用户提供:
instructions for the installation, maintenance, and operation of the transformer and all auxiliary devices;
变压器和所有辅助设备的安装、维护和操作说明 ;
facilities for repair of the product and supply replacement parts; and产品的维修设施和替换零件的供应;以及
services to ensure proper installation, inspection, or maintenance for products of such nature
that it would not be reasonable to expect the average user to be able to provide such installation, inspection, or maintenance;
upon request, the manufacturer shall furnish time/current curves of the fusing or protective relay schemes provided with the transformer. This applies whether the devices are of in-house manufacture or purchased.
3.5 Calibration 校准
3.5.1 Each piece of equipment used to verify the test parameters shall be calibrated within an interval determined on the basis of stability, purpose, and usage. A copy of the calibration certificate for each piece of test equipment is required for FM Approvals records. The certificate shall indicate that the calibration was performed against working standards whose calibration is certified as traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or traceable to other acceptable reference standards and certified by an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory. The test equipment shall be clearly identified by label or sticker showing the last date of the calibration and the next due date. A copy of the service provider’s accreditation certificate as an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory is required for FM Approvals’ records.
用于验证测试参数的每件设备都必须根据稳定性、用途和使用情况确定校准间隔。每台测试设备的校准证书副本必须存入FM核准记录。校准证书应说明校准是根据工作标准进行的,而工作标准的校准是经 ISO/IEC 17025 认可的校准实验室认证的
可追溯至美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST),或可追溯至其他可接受的参考标
测试设备须以标签或贴纸清楚标明最后校准日期和下次到期日期。服务供应商的 ISO/IEC 17025 认可校准实验室认可证书副本须存入 FM Approvals 的记录。
3.5.2 The calibration of new equipment is also required. Documentation indicating either the date of purchase or date of shipment, equipment description, model and serial number is required for identification. The new test equipment shall be clearly identified by label or sticker showing the date of initial calibration and the next due date.
3.5.3 When the inspection equipment and/or environment is not suitable for labels or stickers, other methods such as etching of control numbers on the measuring device are allowed, provided documentation is maintained on the calibration status of thus equipment.
4.1 Examination 检测
Sample transformers shall be examined to verify that they are constructed in accordance with the manufacturer’s drawings and specifications, ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00/IEC 60076 Series requirements and FM Approvals requirements.
应检查变压器样品,以核实其构造符合制造商的图纸和规格、ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00/IEC 60076 系列要求和 FM 认证要求。
4.2 Pressure Capability 承压能力
4.2.1 Requirement 要求
A. Transformer assemblies shall be capable of withstanding an internal pressure of 7psi(48kPa)7 \mathrm{psi}(48 \mathrm{kPa}) without leakage, permanent distortion, or rupture.变压器组件必须能够承受 7 psi (48 kPa) 的内部压力,而不会发生泄漏、永久变形或破裂。
B. Rectangular transformer tanks shall be capable of withstanding an internal pressure of 15 psi (105 kPa), cylindrical tanks 20 psi ( 140 kPa ) or their design pressure, whichever is greater, without leakage or rupture.
矩形变压器油箱应能承受 15 磅 / 平方英寸 (105千帕) 的内部压力, 圆柱形油箱应能承受 20 磅 / 平方英寸( 140 千帕)或其设计压力(以较大者为准),且不会发生泄漏或破裂。
Cylindrical tanks with venting covers.带通风盖的圆柱形罐体。
4.2.2 Test Verification 测试验证
A. A complete transformer assembly, with all components that would normally penetrate the tank walls installed, shall be pressurized, to the level noted in 4.2.1.A above, for a period of one minute. There shall be no evidence of leakage, permanent distortion, or rupture.
A. 完整的变压器组件,包括所有通常会穿透油箱壁的部件,应加压至上文 4.2.1.A所述的水平,持续一分钟。不得有任何渗漏、永久变形或破裂的迹象。
B. A transformer tank, with all openings plugged, shall be pressurized, to the level noted in 4.2.1.B above, for a period of one minute. There shall be no evidence of leakage or rupture of the tank itself or displacement of the components. Minor leakage at gasketed or other sealing surfaces is allowed.
变压器油箱在所有开口均堵塞的情况下,应加压至上述 4.2.1.B 所述水平,持续一分钟。变压器油箱本身不得有任何渗漏或破裂的迹象,部件也不得有任何位移。允许垫圈或其他密封面有轻微渗漏。
For test A , venting through the pressure relief device shall be prevented by blocking the relief mechanism, plugging its outlet port, or removal of the device and plugging the tank port.在试验 A 中,应通过堵塞泄压、堵塞其出口端口或拆除装置并堵塞罐体端口来防止泄压装置泄气。
For test B, components may be left installed if it is more convenient and if they are capable of withstanding the test pressure.在 B 试验中,如果更方便,而且部件能够承受试验压力,则可以不安装部件。
Tests A and B may be conducted without windings installed unless their installation requires penetration of tank walls.
试验 A 和 B 可以在不安装绕组的情况下进行,除非安装绕组需要穿透罐壁。
4.3 Electrical Capability 电气能力
4.3.1 Requirement 要求
Completed transformer assemblies shall be subjected to applicable electrical tests specified in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00, Table 16, entitled “Routine, Design, and Other Tests for Liquid-Immersed Transformers” or applicable electrical tests specified in IEC 60076-1, IEC 60076-2, IEC 60076-3, IEC 60076-4 and IEC 60076-8. All Approval sample transformers shall be subjected to the routine tests. Design tests are required only for prototypes.
完整的变压器组件必须接受 ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00,表 16 "液浸式变压器的例行、设计和其他试验 "中规定的适用电气试验,或 IEC 60076-1、IEC 60076-2、IEC 60076-3、IEC 60076-4 和 IEC 60076-8 中规定的适用电气试验。所有批准的变压器样品均须进行例行试验。只有样机才需要进行设计试验。
4.3.2 Test/Verification 测试验证
A. All tests shall be conducted in accordance with ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90 Test Code or IEC 60076 Series requirements for Liquid-Immersed Transformers.
所有测试均应按照 ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90 测试规范或 IEC 60076 系列液浸式变压器要求进行。
B. Required Tests:必需的测试:
Verification of voltage ratio and vector group or phase displacement验证电压比和矢量组或相位偏移
Measurement of insulation resistance绝缘电阻测量
Measurement of winding resistance测量绕组电阻
Lightning impulse test (full and reduced waves; chopped wave is not required) [LI or BIL]雷电脉冲测试(全波和减波;不需要斩波)[LI 或 BIL]
Measuring the no-load loss and no-load current测量空载损耗和空载电流
Measuring short-circuit voltage / impedance and load loss测量短路电压/阻抗和负载损耗
Separate source AC withstand voltage test or Applied-voltage test独立源交流耐压测试或外加电压测试
Induced voltage tests感应电压测试
Temperature rise test - performed on a new transformer design only温升测试 - 仅在新变压器设计中进行
4.4 Insulating Fluids 绝缘液体
4.4.1 Requirement 要求
Less flammable transformer fluids shall be in conformance with FM Approval Standard 6933.
Nonflammable fluids shall be in conformance with FM Approval Standard 6934.
不易燃变压器油液应符合 FM 认证标准 6933。不易燃变压器油应符合 FM 认证标准 6934。
4.4.2 Tests/Verification 测试/验证
Any fluid, submitted as a component of a transformer assembly, which is not Approved shall be evaluated for conformance to the requirements of Standard 6933 or 6934 as a prerequisite to its use.作为变压器组件部件提交的任何未经批准的液体,都必须经过评估,以符合标准 6933 或 6934 的要求,这是使用该液体的先决条件。
4.5 Level, Pressure, and Temperature Protective Device
4.5.1 Physical Features物理特征 Requirement要求
Protective devices shall be practicably useable, shall not present unreasonable hazards in their normal use, shall not be capable of being assembled or installed improperly, and shall not be easily defeated or bypassed. They shall be protected from environmental conditions that could impair their operation.
不当而损坏,也不会被轻易破坏或避开。保护装置应免受可能影响其运行的环境条件的影响。 Test/Verification 测试/验证
Protective devices shall be assembled, installed, removed, operated, and/or serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and responsible trade practices. There shall be no evidence of failure to comply with the above noted requirements.
4.5.2 Pressure Relief Devices泄压装置 Requirement要求
Pressure relief devices shall meet the requirements of the ANSI/ASME BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 2 as it pertains to release pressure. They shall have a rated working pressure equal to or greater than the tank rated pressure. A means of annunciating overpressure alarms shall be provided for transformers rated above 2,500 kVA.
泄压装置应符合 ANSI/ASME BPV 规范第八节第2分部有关释放压力的要求。其额定工作压力应等于或大于罐体额定压力。额定功率超过 2,500 千伏安的变压器必须配备超压报警装置。 Test/Verification测试验证
A. These devices shall be subjected to ten operational cycles. Relieving pressure shall remain within the manufacturer’s stated tolerance or +-2psi(14kPa)\pm 2 \mathrm{psi}(14 \mathrm{kPa}) whichever is less.
这些装置必须经过十次操作循环。释放压力应保持在制造商规定的公差或 +-2psi\pm 2 \mathrm{psi} (14 kPa) 范围内,以较小者为准。
B. The devices shall be held closed and subjected to a pressure equal to 1.5 times their rated pressure for one minute. There shall be no evidence of leakage or damage.
This test is not required if the device cannot be held closed by ordinary means such as plugging of the vent port or wedging of the relief mechanism.如果用普通方法(如堵塞排气口或楔入泄压机构)无法使装置保持关闭,则不需要进行此测试。
C. The manufacturer shall provide data pertaining to the flow capacity of the device.制造商应提供有关设备流量的数据。
4.5.3 Level Indicators水平指标 Requirement要求
A level indicator shall have, as a minimum, the same pressure capability as the tank as described in Section 4.2.1.A above.
液位指示器至少应具有与上文第 4.2.1.A 节所述罐体相同压力能力。 Test/Verification测试/验证
The indicator shall be subjected to the same test as described Section in 4.2.2.A above.指示器应接受与上文 4.2.2.A 节所述相同的试验。
A. Accuracy of indication shall conform to the manufacturer’s specification.
B. Switching (trip) point shall repeat within the manufacturer’s specification. Reset, automatic or manual, shall not occur until the input is below the trip point.
Note: When applicable, the devices shall comply with the above requirements over a range of 85 to 110 percent of nominal supply voltage.
注:在适用情况下,设备应在额定电源电压的 85%85 \% 至 110%110 \% 范围内做到符合上述要求。
C. Devices that have adjustable trip points shall be configured so as prevent adjustment by means readily accessible to an operator. Typically, a special tool, removal of an access cover, or a password for electronic devices shall be required.
D. These devices shall be capable of conforming to the requirements noted in A and B over a temperature range of 32-120^(@)F(0-49^(@)C)32-120^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\left(0-49^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right) or their specified operating (ambient) temperature range, whichever is greater.
这些设备应能在 32-120^(@)F(0-49^(@)C)32-120^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\left(0-49^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right) 的温度范围或其规定的工作(环境)温度范围内(以较大者为准)做到符合 A 和 B中所述的要求。 Test/Verification测试/验证
A. Input signals, equal to 0,25,50,750,25,50,75, and 100 percent of the operating range, shall be applied to the device. Indication shall comply with the manufacturer’s accuracy specification.
输入信号设备工作范围的 0%0 \% 、 25%25 \% 、 50%50 \% 、 75%75 \% 和 100%。指示应符合制造商的精度规范。
B. An input signal shall be applied slowly, until the switch actuates, for ten successive operations. The device shall conform to the requirements noted in above.
C. When applicable, the above tests shall be repeated at 85 and 110 percent of nominal operating voltage.
必要时,应在额定工作电压的 85%85 \% 和 110%110 \% 的倍率下重复上述测试。
D. The set point adjustment instructions and the device shall be examined in order to verify compliance with the requirement noted in above.
E. The devices shall be conditioned at the operational temperature extremes noted in above for a period of at least 24 hours at each temperature. Accuracy and repeatability shall be tested as noted in A and B above and results shall comply with stated requirements.设备必须在上文 所述的极端工作温度下进行调节,在每个温度下至少调节 24 小时。准确度和重复性须按上文 A 和 B 所述进行测试,结果须符合规定的要求。
4.6 Transformer Tilt 变压器倾斜
4.6.1 Requirement 要求
A transformer shall be capable of being tilted, as a minimum, 1.5^(@)1.5^{\circ} from vertical without affecting its Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Level (BIL) or Lightning Impulse (LI) as determined in Section 4.3.2 B. 4 above.
变压器至少应能从垂直方向倾斜 1.5^(@)1.5^{\circ} ,而不影响其基本雷电冲击绝缘水平 (BIL) 或上文第 4.3.2 B. 4 节所确定的雷电冲击 (LI)。
4.6.2 Test/Verification 测试验证
Note: For this test, fluid in the transformer, shall be set at a level equivalent to the minimum contracted fluid volume at a temperature of -4^(@)F(-20^(@)C)-4^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\left(-20^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right).
The tilt will be simulated by reducing the fluid level to the equivalent depth caused by physically tilting the transformer. The BIL/LI shall not be less than that determined in Section 4.3.2 B. 4 above and there shall be no evidence of internal flashover.
通过将液面降低到变压器实际倾斜所造成的等效深度来模拟倾斜。雷电冲击绝缘水平和雷电冲击不得小于上文第 4.3.2 B. 4 节所确定的数值,且不得有内部闪络的迹象。
5.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program 经证明的质量控制计划
5.1.1 A quality assurance program is required to assure that subsequent transformers produced by the manufacturer shall present the same quality and reliability as the specific transformers examined. Design quality, conformance to design, and performance are the areas of primary concern.
Design quality is determined during the examination and tests, and is documented in the Approval Report.
Continued conformance to this standard is verified by the Surveillance Audit.持续遵守该标准的情况由监督审核进行验证。
Quality of performance is determined by field performance and by periodic re-examination and testing.
5.1.2 The manufacturer shall demonstrate a quality assurance program which specifies controls for at least the following areas:
existence of corporate quality assurance guidelines;
incoming quality assurance, including testing;
in-process quality assurance, including testing;
final inspection and tests; 最终检查和测试 ;
equipment calibration; 设备校准;
drawing and change control; 图纸和变更控制 ;
packaging and shipping; and 包装和运输;以及
handling and disposition of non-conforming materials. 不合格材料的处理和处置。
5.1.3 Documentation/Manual 文件/手册
There should be an authoritative collection of procedures/policies. It should provide an accurate description of the quality management system while serving as a permanent reference for implementation and maintenance of that system. The system should require that sufficient records are maintained to demonstrate achievement of the required quality and verify operation of the quality system.
FM Approvals 12
5.1.4 Records 记录
To assure adequate traceability of materials and products, the manufacturer shall maintain a record of all quality assurance tests performed, for a minimum period of two years from the date of manufacture.
5.1.5 Drawing and Change Control 图纸和变更控制
The manufacturer shall establish a system of product configuration control that shall allow no unauthorized changes to the product. Changes to critical documents, identified in the Approval Report, must be reported to, and authorized by, FM Approvals prior to implementation for
制造商应建立产品配置控制系统,不允许对产品进行未经授权的更改。在生产前,必须向 FM 认证部门报告并获得其授权。
The manufacturer shall assign an appropriate person or group to be responsible for, and require that,
proposed changes to FM Approved or Listed products be reported to FM Approvals before implementation. The manufacturer shall notify FM Approvals of changes in the product or of persons responsible for keeping FM Approvals advised by means of FM Approvals’ Revision Request, FM Approved Product/Specification-Tested Revision Report or Address/Main Contact Change Report.
制造商须指派适当的人员或小组负责,并要求在对FM 核准或列名产品进行拟议更
Records of all revisions to all FM Approved products shall be maintained.
5.2 Surveillance Audit 监督审计
5.2.1 An audit of the manufacturing facility is part of the Approval investigation to verify implementation of the quality assurance program. Its purpose is to determine that the manufacturer’s equipment, procedures, and quality program are maintained to insure a uniform product consistent with that which was tested and FM Approved.
对生产设施的审核是认证调查的一部分,目的是核实质量保证计划的执行情况。其目的是确定制造商的设备、程序和质量计划是否得到维护,以确保产品与经过测试和通过FM 认证的产品一致。
5.2.2 These audits shall be conducted periodically but at least annually by FM Approvals or its representatives.
这些审核应由 FM Approvals 或其代表定期进行,但至少每年一次。
5.2.3 FM Approved products or services shall be produced or provided at or from the location(s) audited by FM Approvals and as specified in the Approval Report. Manufacture of products bearing the Approval Mark is not permitted at any other location without prior written authorization by FM Approvals.
FM 认可的产品或服务应在 FM 认可机构审核的地点或从该地点生产或提供,并在认可报告中具体说明。未经 FM Approvals 事先书面授权,不得在任何其他地点生产带有认证标志的产品。
5.3 Installation Inspections 安装检查
Field inspections may be conducted to review an installation. The inspections are conducted to assess ease of application, and conformance to written specifications. When more than one application technique is used, one or all may be inspected at the discretion of FM Approvals.
可进行实地检查以审查安装情况。检查的目的是评估安装的难易程度以及是否符合书面说明。当使用一种以上的应用技术时,FM 审批部门可自行决定对一种或所有技术进行检查
5.4 Manufacturer's Responsibilities 制造商的责任
The manufacturer shall notify FM Approvals of changes in product construction, components, raw materials, physical characteristics, coatings, component formulation or quality assurance procedures prior to implementation.
如果产品结构、组件、原材料、物理特性、涂层、组件配方或质量保证程序发生变化,制造商应在实施前通知 FM 批准。
5.5 Manufacturing and Production Tests 制造和生产测试
5.5.1 Test Requirement 测试要求
As minimum, manufacturer shall perform the following routine tests described in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00 and ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90 or IEC 60076 Series on all production samples:
对于所有生产样品,制造商都至少应按照 ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00 和 ANSI/IEEE C57 . 12.90 或 IEC 60076 系列所述,进行下列例行试验:
Verification of voltage ratio and vector group or phase displacement;验证电压比和矢量组或相位偏移;
Measurement of insulation resistance;测量绝缘电阻;
Measurement of winding resistance;测量绕组电阻;
Measuring the no-load loss and no-load current;测量空载损耗和空载电流;
5) Measuring short-circuit voltage / impedance and load loss;测量短路电压/阻抗和负载损耗 ;
Separate source AC withstand voltage test or Applied-voltage test;独立源交流耐压测试或外加电压测试;
Induced voltage tests;感应电压测试;
Test on on-load tap-changers and other auxiliary equipment;测试有载分接开关和其他辅助设备 ;
Induced Voltage Tests - only if so mandated as a routine test by an applicable IEEE of IEC Standard.
感应电压测试 - 仅当适用的 IEEE 或 IEC 标准规定为例行测试时。
ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.
ISO/IEC 17025 : 2017 测试和校准实验室能力通用要求。
ABB Business Area Power Transformers: 2003 Testing of Power Transformers; Routine tests, Type tests and Special tests
ABB 电力变压器业务领域:2003 年电力变压器测试;常规测试、类型测试和特殊测试
The J&P Transformer Book - 13th edition: 2007
J&P 变压器手册–第 13 版:2007 年
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets, DS 5.4 Transformers
FM 全球财产损失预防数据表,DS 5.4 变压器