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U.S. flag An official website of the United States government
U.S. flag 美國政府的官方網站 你是如何知道的

On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.
2024 年 10 月 1 日,FDA 開始實施影響該機構許多部門的重組。我們正在更新 FDA.gov 內容以反映這些變化。

  1. Home
  2. Food
  3. Guidance & Regulation (Food and Dietary Supplements)
  4. Food Imports & Exports
  5. Importing Food Products into the United States

  6. 食物
  7. 指導和法規(食品和膳食補充劑)
  8. 食品進出口
  9. 將食品進口到美國
  1. Food Imports & Exports

Under provisions of the U.S. law contained in the U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, importers of food products intended for introduction into U.S. interstate commerce are responsible for ensuring that the products are safe, sanitary, and labeled according to U.S. requirements. (All imported food is considered to be interstate commerce.)
根據美國聯邦食品、藥品和化妝品法案中的美國法律規定,打算進入美國州際貿易的食品進口商有責任確保產品安全、衛生並按照美國要求貼上標籤。 (所有進口食品均被視為州際貿易。)

FDA is not authorized under the law to approve, certify, license, or otherwise sanction individual food importers, products, labels, or shipments. Importers can import foods into the United States without prior sanction by FDA, as long as the facilities that produce, store, or otherwise handle the products are registered with FDA, and prior notice of incoming shipments is provided to FDA.
FDA 無權根據法律批准、認證、許可或以其他方式製裁個別食品進口商、產品、標籤或運輸。只要生產、儲存或以其他方式處理產品的設施已在 FDA 註冊,並且事先向 FDA 提供進貨通知,進口商就可以將食品進口到美國,而無需 FDA 事先批准。

Imported food products are subject to FDA inspection when offered for import at U.S. ports of entry. FDA may detain shipments of products offered for import if the shipments are found not to be in compliance with U.S. requirements. Both imported and domestically-produced foods must meet the same legal requirements in the United States.
進口食品在美國入境口岸進口時須接受 FDA 的檢查。如果發現進口產品不符合美國要求,FDA 可能會扣押進口產品。進口和國產食品都必須符合美國相同的法律要求。

Procedures and Requirements for Importing Food Products

In addition to meeting the requirements of U.S. food regulations including food facility registration, importers must follow U.S. import procedures as well as the requirements of Prior Notice.

View additional information on the FDA Import Program
查看有關FDA 進口計劃的更多資訊。

Importing Food Gifts for Personal Use

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Resources
食品安全現代化法案 (FSMA) 資源

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