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GRAMMAR: S + make/have/let + O + V.

Do you think it’s possible to make a robot that walks and talks like you or me? Well, a man called Jack was about to find out. Ever since Jack was a little child, he was interested in making machines that made life easier for people.

It may be surprising to hear, but more than half the people in Jack’s village work at the same place! You see, Jack’s village is located next to the Bamboo Science Park, home of the most famous factories in the world.

Jack works at one of these factories as an engineer. Every day, he always has dozens of ideas for new inventions. He always feels proud when he sees people using the products he created. Many of these products help people all over the world, from Jack’s neighbors to foreigners in faraway countries.

Today, Jack was especially excited. He was almost done with one of his latest projects, a robotic person. Jack wants to make the robot do all his chores, like walking the dog and doing the dishes. He made a brain so the robot could think for itself. Then, he gave the robot human arms and legs to walk around and make things, just like you and me.

When everything was ready, he flipped a switch to turn the robot on. With a buzz, the robot turned on and started to look around the room. “Hello, Jack,” it said. It looked and sounded exactly like Jack. As it got up and walked around the room, Jack felt extremely proud of his design.

Suddenly, the robot walked out of Jack’s office and locked the door. “Hey, wait!” shouted Jack. “Where are you going?” But there was no answer. The robot was already gone. Jack continued to knock on the door and shout, but none of his coworkers noticed.













GRAMMAR: What + aux V + S + make/have/let + O + do?
語法:什麼 + aux V + S + make/have/easy + O + 做什麼?

Amy was watching cartoons on the TV when she heard someone come home. “I’m home!” the robot said, pretending to be Jack. “How was your day at school?” Amy didn’t notice anything was wrong. She just felt her dad seemed a bit too energetic. Jack was usually tired from a long day at work.

Our teacher made us take a pop quiz today,” Amy replied. “It was pretty difficult…” She took out her test paper, worried her dad would be angry about the low score. However, Robo-Jack just smiled and put it away. “That’s okay, princess,” Robo-Jack said. “I’m sure you did your best.”

Amy didn’t know what to say. She wondered if something good had happened at work. “I don’t think he’s ever called me a princess before,” she thought to herself. “He must be in a good mood today.” She decided to try and make her dad buy her a new cellphone.

“Can we have a short discussion?” Amy asked her dad. “I’ve been very obedient lately, haven’t I?” Robo-Jack didn’t know how obedient Amy had been, so it just nodded. “Well, there’s a new cellphone… I’ve finished all the tasks you’ve given me, even taking out the trash,” Amy continued. “Could you let me buy it? Please?”

Robo-Jack did not have time for this. “Yes, young lady, I will let you buy the cellphone,” it said. “On one condition, show me where my computer is.” Amy was so happy that she didn’t notice the strange question. She pointed down the hall to her dad’s bedroom.
Robo-Jack 沒有時間做這件事。“是的,小姐,我會讓你買手機的,”它說。“有一個條件,告訴我我的電腦在哪裡。”艾米非常高興,以至於她沒有注意到這個奇怪的問題。她指著走廊上她爸爸的臥室。

After Robo-Jack walked into the bedroom, Amy sat down on the sofa and started texting her friends. She was excited to tell them about the good news. Just then, the doorbell rang. Amy went to the door and opened it. Someone who looked exactly like her dad was standing outside!













GRAMMAR: S + ask/tell/want + O + to V.
語法:S + 詢問/告訴/想要 + O + 到 V。

Amy didn’t know what to think. She had seen her dad walk into the bedroom. How could he be standing outside right in front of her? “Listen, that thing in the bedroom is not your real dad. I am!” Jack said urgently. “Follow my instructions carefully. Do you understand?”

Although Amy was not quite sure who to believe, she did feel that some strange things had happened earlier. “Okay, tell me what I need to do,” she replied. Jack told Amy to go into the bedroom and get a remote control from the dresser. “I made this remote control just in case of emergencies,” Jack said. “Point it at the robot and press the big red button for ten seconds.”

That’s brilliant, but why can’t you come in with me?” Amy asked. Jack shook his head and said it was too dangerous. “That robot is still pretending to be human right now,” he said. “It’s safer to act as if everything is normal for now.” Jack gave his daughter a hug and disappeared into the darkness.

Amy told herself to be brave and went back into the living room. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she told herself. “It’s just a robot.” Quietly, she sneaked into the bedroom. She saw that Robo-Jack was busy using the computer. Under the light of the computer screen, she noticed that its skin was sparkling very slightly.

“What do you need?” Robo-Jack asked. Even without turning around, its sensors could see much better than the human eye. Amy tried to measure the distance between her and the dresser. There was no way she could rush to the dresser quickly enough. She would have to think of a better plan.













GRAMMAR: S + ask/ tell + O + not to V.
語法:S + ask/ tell + O + not to V。

To Amy, the assignment that her father gave her seemed impossible. Robo-Jack looked at her carefully and then slowly started to look towards the dresser. “Robo-Jack can see what I’m looking at!” she thought. She told herself not to panic.

Amy quickly looked away from the dresser. Was there anything in her dad’s bedroom that could help? Finally, she saw a huge glass box. The whole box was filled with green plants. Dad’s caterpillars! She saw that one of the caterpillars was about to turn into a butterfly. Could she use this to distract Robo-Jack?

“Look!” Amy exclaimed, pointing at the glass box. “One of your caterpillars is turning into a butterfly!” Robo-Jack looked at where Amy was pointing. Having just been born earlier that day, Robo-Jack did not know what a caterpillar or a butterfly was. However, it saw a leaflet next to the big glass box with the information it needed.

“Yes, Amy,” Robo-Jack said. “That caterpillar is indeed turning into a butterfly.” Satisfied with its response, Robo-Jack turned back to look at the computer. “Hey, what’s gotten into you?” Amy asked. “You usually go bananas when one of your caterpillars turns into a butterfly.”

“Go... bananas?” Robo-Jack asked. “How exactly do I go bananas?” It looked confused. Somehow, this phrase was not in its dictionary. Amy saw an opportunity in the robot’s confusion. “You go crazy when this happens!” she said. “Sometimes you just jump and yell, but you usually prefer to run three circles around the entire house instead.”

Robo-Jack thought for a few seconds. It did not want Amy to discover that it was a robot. “Yes, how silly of me. Thank you for reminding me,” it said, getting up from the chair. “Please excuse me while I go celebrate.” Amy let Robo-Jack run out of the bedroom and breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t believe that her plan worked!


Amy waited until she heard Robo-Jack leave the house, then she walked towards the dresser. Carefully, she looked through the drawers. She found a shiny black object hidden under the towels. It was the remote control!

Amy tried to remember her dad’s instructions. She knew she had to point the remote control at Robo-Jack and press the big red button for ten seconds. But how could she point the remote control at Robo-Jack for ten seconds without it noticing her?
艾米試著記住她爸爸的指示。她知道她必須將遙控器對準 Robo-Jack,然後按下紅色大按鈕十秒鐘。但是,她怎麼能把遙控器對準機器人傑克十秒鐘而沒有注意到她呢?

Just then, Amy heard a loud sound from outside. It sounded like someone was shouting. She went to the bedroom window and looked outside. There were two people in front of the house. One person was trying to hide behind a tree, and the other was looking for him.

When Amy looked closer, she discovered that both people looked exactly like her dad. “Oh no!” she gasped. “Robo-Jack must have found my real dad!” Not knowing what else to do, Amy decided to point the remote control at the Jack that was looking for the other Jack. She hoped she had made the right decision. She took a deep breath and pressed the big red button.

Ten seconds later, one of the Jacks started to slow down and stop moving. She had guessed correctly! Robo-Jack walked slower and slower and eventually fell asleep. Finally, it shut down completely and closed its eyes. Amy ran to her real dad. She hugged him tightly and told him never to invent something so dangerous ever again.

U6 The Magic Phone












GRAMMAR: S + V (decide, need, plan, want) + to V
語法:S + V(決定、需要、計劃、想要)+ 到 V

It is a sunny Saturday morning. Josh and Lucy are both sitting on the sofa, feeling bored. Neither of them could decide what to do. Well, if you don’t have anything better to do,” said Josh. “Do you want to help me do my homework?” He took out a pile of unfinished homework from his backpack and showed it to Lucy.
這是一個陽光明媚的星期六早晨。喬希和露西都坐在沙發上,感到無聊。他們倆都拿不定主意要做什麼。 “好吧,如果你沒有更好的事情要做,”喬希說,“你想幫我做作業嗎?”他從背包裡拿出一堆沒完成的作業,拿給露西看。

“I can help you check your homework, but you have to at least finish it yourself!” Lucy replied, sounding annoyed. Suddenly, there was a bright flash and a loud bang. They stopped talking and went outside to check what was wrong.

Lucy saw a lot of smoke rising from a big black spot on the ground in front of their house. “Look! I think there’s something there!” she said. When they went closer, they saw that the smoke was coming from a small rectangular object. When Lucy picked it up, she saw that it was a thin silver phone.

How weird… I think it’s a phone. Maybe we should try calling its owner.” Lucy said. She looked at the buttons on the phone, but none of the buttons had any numbers on them.

“Just press a button,” said Josh, impatiently. “What’s the worst that could happen?” Before Lucy could answer, Josh grabbed the phone from her hands and pressed a button at random.

As soon as he pressed the button, there was a huge bang again, and everything went dark. When they could finally see again, they looked around and couldn’t believe their eyes.

What happened?” Josh asked. “Where’s our house? Where are we?” Lucy was too busy looking upwards to answer. The sky was filled with flying cars with no wheels. In each of the cars, they saw people with strange clothes and crazy hairstyles.

“I think we should be asking when we are, not where …” Lucy said, slowly. She saw a big billboard floating in the sky, which showed the weather, the temperature, and the current date – June 8th, 2118!”
“我認為我們應該問我們什麼時候,而不是在哪裡......”露西緩緩地說。她看到天空中飄浮著一個大看板,上面顯示了天氣、溫度和當前日期——2118 年 6 月 8 日!

U7 The Magic Cell Phone (2)










apart from


GRAMMAR: S + enjoy/practice/keep/finish + Ving.

Lucy and Josh realized that they were in the future! Lucy saw that a flying car had just landed nearby and decided to walk up to the car to ask the driver some questions.

“Is this the year 2118?” she asked. “You won’t believe this, but I think we accidentally traveled here from the past!” Not only did the man believe her, but he also told Lucy and Josh that time travel was normal in the year 2188.

Josh took out the shiny phone and showed it to the man. There was still a little smoke coming out of it. “Oh no… That looks quite broken,” the man said. “You’re going to have to get that fixed if you want to go home.”

“Luckily for you, I have a friend who might know how to fix that phone,” the man continued. Lucy felt worried. She asked the man if fixing the phone would be expensive. “Don’t worry about money,” said the man. “My friend is very interested in fixing these things. He’ll happily do it for free.”

The man offered to give Lucy and Josh a ride in his flying car. They felt amazed when the car lifted off the ground and began to fly. It flew through the clouds and kept going higher and higher until it had left the Earth completely. They were in space!

Lucy and Josh enjoyed flying in the little car very much. “Where are we going?” asked Josh. The man pointed at a big round object in front of them. “We’re going there,” he said. “Luna, one of the biggest cities on the moon.”

When they landed, Lucy and Josh got out of the car and looked around. Apart from the gray-colored ground, it looked just like the city on Earth. The man took them to the repair shop across the street and handed the phone to his friend. In just a few minutes, the phone looked brand new again.

The man took Lucy and Josh back to Earth, then taught them how to use the phone. “Press this button to go back in time,” the man said. “The longer you press it, the further back in time you’ll go.” Lucy and Josh said goodbye, then pressed the button again.













GRAMMAR: Ving + is + adj.

When they opened their eyes again, there were trees everywhere. “What year is this?” asked Josh. “I think we went too far...,” Before he could say another word, a big animal flew out of a nearby tree and snatched the phone from Josh’s hand.

Lucy realized that she had seen that animal before in her science textbook. It was a flying dinosaur! “Did you say dinosaur?!” said Josh, sounding scared and confused. “This is way too dangerous. We need to get that phone back and go home.”

Josh looked up at the tree. From the ground, it looked almost as tall as the skyscrapers from the future. “There,” he said, pointing at a big nest in the tree. “That’s where the flying dinosaur took our phone.”

Just then, the ground started to shake. At first, Lucy and Josh thought it was an earthquake, but they soon saw hundreds of dinosaurs running towards them. “Quick! We need to climb up this tree!” Josh shouted. “Climbing is safer than running.

Josh climbed up the tree, and Lucy tried to follow him, but it was too tiring for her to even leave the ground. Thankfully, Josh was stronger than Lucy, so he helped pull her up. Together, they climbed up to a thick branch and sat down, just as the dinosaurs ran past the tree on the ground.

“Aren't you glad I go to the gym every week?” Josh joked. “Otherwise, we might’ve died down there!” Lucy nodded happily. Now that they had found somewhere safe, they started to laugh at how ridiculous their day had been.

They waited for the flying dinosaur to leave, then climbed inside its nest. “Look! These must be baby dinosaurs,” said Lucy. “They don’t seem so scary at all.” Under one of the baby dinosaurs, they found the phone and picked it up. “Finally!” Josh said. “Let’s go home.













GRAMMAR: It is adj. + to V.

Lucy looked at the phone and noticed a small circular dial. There were two arrows next to the dial, one pointing towards a rabbit, and the other pointing towards a turtle. “Wait, maybe we should try turning this dial,” said Lucy, feeling curious. “I think it might control how quickly we travel through time.”

“Let’s start with the slowest setting, just to be safe,” suggested Lucy. “It’s dangerous to travel through time quickly.” Josh turned the dial all the way towards the picture of the turtle, then pressed the time travel button again. This time, they could see the world slowly start to change.

They watched as the seasons changed before their eyes. The trees turned brown as autumn passed, then lost their leaves as snow covered the ground in winter.

The dinosaurs they saw also started to change, growing larger and larger. Suddenly, there was a big flash, and all the dinosaurs disappeared. “This must be when the dinosaurs went extinct,” said Josh. Lucy looked at Josh and smiled. “That’s right, Josh!” she said. “I thought you slept through all your science classes.”

After the dinosaurs were gone, everything was dark and quiet for a long time. Slowly, life began to return. Lucy and Josh watched new creatures crawl out of the water. “Look! That must be the ancestor of the crocodile!” Josh said. He was amazed at how big animals were in the past.

Finally, they started to see evidence of early human villages. They saw these early humans hunt wild animals with stone tools and cook meat over a small fire. “This is when man discovered fire!” Josh exclaimed. “That roasted pig looks so delicious.”

They realized that they were both starving. It had been hours since they had last eaten anything. “I would give anything for a nice hot meal right now,” said Lucy.

Suddenly, Josh took his finger off the time travel button. “Why did you stop?” asked Lucy. “We’re not home yet!” But Josh just told Lucy to wait and walked towards the village.

U10 不需要單字 這個還不能動,這個待修改

Lucy waited and waited, but she didn’t see Josh come back. After many minutes had passed, she decided to follow him and see what had happened.

As she got closer to the village, she saw Josh approaching the roasted pig. Everyone in the village was busy making stone tools, so they did not notice Josh sneak closer and closer. “Oh no,” Lucy thought. “He’s trying to steal the roasted pig!” She could hardly breathe when she saw one of the villagers turn around and see what Josh was doing.

The villager shouted something that neither Lucy nor Josh could understand. Scared, Josh grabbed the roasted pig and ran towards Lucy. “Get the phone ready!” he yelled at Lucy, running as fast as he could. Behind him, dozens of villagers were shouting angrily and chasing him.

As soon as Josh reached Lucy, she pressed the time travel button again. In the blink of an eye, the villagers disappeared, and the world continued to change slowly as time continued forward.

They decided that it was too dangerous to stop until they were back home, so they traveled through thousands of years until they finally returned to the same Saturday afternoon that they had originally left.

“I’ll never complain about being bored again!” promised Josh. “Now, why don’t we have that delicious roasted pig for dinner? I think we deserve a nice warm meal.”

U11 A Trip to the Zoo



tour guide









GRAMMAR: S + see/watch/look at + O + V/Ving

“Welcome to the world’s biggest and most modern zoo!” said the tour guide. “Please follow me.” A dozen visitors followed the tour guide into the zoo.

“Look at the hippos!” said the tour guide, pointing at an empty room. “Normally, they would be standing here, but it’s too hot for them today.”

“I can’t see anything,” complained a boy, but the tour guide quickly guided the visitors towards the next enclosure.

“Here, we should see gorillas eating their favorite food, fruit and leaves,” said the tour guide. “But it looks like they aren’t hungry today...” Much to the disappointment of the visitors, the gorilla enclosure was also empty.

“Well, the lions will definitely not difficult you!” said the tour guide, trying to keep everyone excited. As they walked, the visitors started to notice that the zoo was very quiet. Where were all the animals?

“Let’s all be quiet,” suggested the tour guide. “Maybe we’re scaring the animals away.” The visitors all kept very quiet and followed the tour guide to the next exhibit.

“Here, we can see the lions in their natural habitat,” whispered the tour guide. However, even though no one made a sound, there were no lions in the lion enclosure either.

Suddenly, a small rock flew out of a tree and hit one of the visitors. “Ow!” the little boy shouted. “Who threw that rock at me?” When everyone turned to look at the tree, they saw four monkeys sitting on the branches.

“Look! You can see monkeys on that tree!” said the tour guide, excitedly. He was happy that he had finally found some animals for the visitors to look at.

“But that tree isn’t inside an enclosure...,” one of the visitors said. “Did those monkeys escape?” The tour guide scratched his head and started to think. “That’s right...,” said the tour guide. “We might have a problem...”













GRAMMAR: S + hear/listen to + O + V/Ving.

“Okay, let me be honest with you,” the tour guide said. “Some of the animals may have escaped.” The visitors were shocked to hear this.

“Did you know about this already?” one of the women in the group asked. “Why did you pretend that things were normal?” None of the visitors were happy about being in a zoo with escaped animals.

“Well, the truth is... I need your help.” the tour guide continued. “I can’t catch all these animals by myself.” He took out a map of the zoo and showed it to the visitors. On the map, the tour guide had circled all the enclosures with missing animals.

“That’s ridiculous!” said a man. “Do you mean that more than half of the animals in the zoo have escaped?” The tour guide explained that a bus had crashed into the power generator, causing some of the enclosure doors to open.

The visitors wanted to leave the zoo immediately, but the tour guide said it was too dangerous. “You’ll never make it back to the zoo entrance alone!” he told the visitors. “We need to stick together as a group.”

Just then, they heard a loud roar in the distance. Scared and worried, the visitors agreed to stay and help the tour guide. They walked towards the first enclosure on the map, the flamingo enclosure.

Of course, when they arrived at the enclosure, it was completely empty. All the visitors could see were a few pink feathers on the ground.

“How are we supposed to catch the escaped flamingoes?” asked one of the visitors. “We don’t even know where they’ve gone!” It was hot and sunny, and some of the visitors were starting to feel a bit dizzy.

However, the tour guide just smiled. He knew exactly what to do. “Just listen!” he said. “Can’t you hear the flamingoes singing?” The visitors listened as carefully as they could, but they just couldn’t hear anything at all. To them, the zoo was completely quiet now.
然而,導遊只是笑了笑。他很清楚該怎麼做。 “聽著!”他說。“你聽不到火烈鳥的歌聲嗎?”來訪者盡可能仔細地聽著,但他們什麼也聽不到。對他們來說,動物園現在完全安靜了。

“There!” the tour guide said, pointing at a big tree. “That’s where the flamingoes are!” He walked quickly towards where he was pointing. The visitors had still not heard anything at all, but they decided to follow the tour guide anyway.













GRAMMAR: S + feel/notice/smell + O + V/Ving

As the visitors got closer to the tree, they noticed that the tree looked weird. Some of the leaves were pink! Were these the missing flamingoes?

“Okay, I need all of you to help chase the flamingoes,” said the tour guide. “Are you ready?” Without waiting for an answer, the tour guide shouted as loudly as he could.

As soon as he shouted, dozens of flamingoes jumped out of the tree and ran in different directions. It took some time, but all the visitors helped the tour guide chase the flamingoes back home.

“...Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen... that’s all of them...” the tour guide said softly. His throat was still burning from shouting so loudly. He took out the map and crossed out the flamingo enclosure.

“Quick, the elephants are next!” the tour guide yelled. “Follow me! We can save the zoo together!” The visitors followed the tour guide and ran towards the elephant enclosure.

Outside the elephant enclosure, the tour guide took a big leaf from one of the trees. He waved the big leaf around in the air and waited. Suddenly, the visitors felt the ground shaking. It felt like an earthquake.

“There’s no other choice. I’ll have to take care of this one myself,” said the tour guide. He called for all the visitors to find a safe place to hide. The ground shook harder and harder until, finally, two giant elephants appeared. They were looking directly at the big leaf in the tour guide’s hand.

The elephants started to run towards the tour guide, but the tour guide didn’t look scared at all. Just before the elephants reached the tour guide, he threw the big leaf into the elephant enclosure.

The elephants turned and ran inside, and the tour guide quickly closed the door. Inside the enclosure, the two elephants began to fight over the big leaf.

“Whew! That was close,” he said, wiping the sweat from his face. “I wasn’t sure if that was going to work.”







give up






GRAMMAR: What + aux. V. + S + 感官動詞 + O + do/doing?

After the flamingoes and the elephants, the visitors started to see the unique friendship and understanding between the tour guide and the animals. They followed the tour guide to the next enclosure, still feeling a little worried. What would they see the tour guide do this time?

“This is the hippo enclosure,” the tour guide told the visitors. “Did anyone bring a watermelon with them?” Unfortunately, none of the visitors had brought a watermelon to the zoo.

Then, a boy raised his hand. “I have some watermelon bubble gum,” he said. “Would that help?” The tour guide nodded happily and took the bubble gum from the boy. It was better than nothing. Carefully, the tour guide put the bubble gum in his mouth and blew a big, big bubble.

When the bubble was as big as it could be, the tour guide used a bucket to fill it up with water. Then, he put the fake watermelon inside the hippo enclosure.

“Now, I need everyone to honk like a hippo,” said the tour guide. “Honk as loudly as you can!” No one really knew what a hippo sounded like, but they tried their best. Just when they were about to give up, one of the visitors shouted excitedly. “Look!” she yelled, pointing. “I think that’s one of the hippos coming back!”

The hippos had come back to see what was making such an awful noise. They walked into the enclosure and gathered around the fake watermelon. It smelled like a watermelon, but it didn’t look like any watermelon they had ever seen before.

While the hippos were distracted, the tour guide closed the doors and breathed a sigh of relief. The hippos were too busy looking at the bubble to be aware of the doors closing. “Phew! That could’ve been a lot of danger,” the tour guide said, feeling his heart pounding. “Thank heavens that worked!”

U15 不需要單字

The visitors followed the tour guide around the zoo and helped bring more and more animals back to their enclosures. At the end of the day, only one enclosure remained – the lion enclosure.

“Now, this is the last animal, but also the most dangerous” the tour guide warned. “We need to use everything we’ve learned so far.”

“How will we find the lions?” asked a visitor. “Do they sing like flamingoes? Should we try to listen?” But the tour guide just shook his head. They would not be able to find the lions this way.

“Should we put something in the lion’s enclosure?” asked another visitor. “That’s how we caught the elephants, right?” However, the tour guide shook his head again slowly.

“What if we tried to sound like lions?” asked a third visitor. “Would that work, like with the hippos?” Again, the tour guide shook his head. The lions would not be fooled like the hippos.

“No, the lions are hunters,” said the tour guide. “In fact, they’ve been following us all along!” He pointed at a bush behind the visitors. Turning around in a panic, the visitors saw many eyes in the bush looking at them.

One by one, the lions walked out of the bush and looked at the visitors. To the lions, each of the visitors looked like a juicy, delicious steak. Before the lions could come any closer, the tour guide jumped between the lions and the visitors.

He ran towards the lions and made them start to chase him. Then, he ran as fast as he could into the lion enclosure himself. All the lions were chasing him, hungry for dinner. “Someone, close the gate!” he shouted at the visitors. A man hurriedly got up and slammed the door shut.

As the visitors watched, the tour guide jumped onto a lion, then grabbed the hair on its neck. “I can’t believe it!” exclaimed a visitor. “Is he ... riding that lion?!”

Amazingly, the tour guide steered the lion towards the entrance of the enclosure, then jumped up and over the doors to safety.

“And that concludes today’s tour of the zoo!” the tour guide said, out of breath. “I do hope you’ll all visit us again!”













GRAMMAR: Say, tell, talk, speak

“Is there more than one kind of English?” the teacher asked her students. “Do any of you know the answer?”

Sean raised his hand. He knew that there were at least two kinds of English, American English and British English. Even though they’re both called the same name, the English people speak in New York is very different from the English they speak in London. “That’s very good!” the teacher said, smiling. “Now, how many languages are there in the world?”

“There are over two thousand known languages in the world,” Sean answered confidently. “Even here in Taiwan, we speak many different dialects, like Mandarin and Taiwanese.”

“That’s correct! Did you know that many countries in South America speak Spanish?” the teacher asked. “It’s because explorers from Spain built cities there and brought their language with them.”

Sean wishes he could speak two thousand languages, but right now, he just hopes to learn Japanese. He has wanted to learn more languages for a while now. He wants to travel across the world. If he could speak fluently with people in different countries, he would be able to go anywhere and never worry about not being able to communicate.

If he knew more languages, he could discuss his hobbies and share his interests with people all over the world. He would be interested in hearing about what life is like in other countries.













GRAMMAR: See, look, read, watch

In class one day, Anson fell asleep and dreamed that he was on an airplane. He looked out the window and saw thousands of clouds. “Where am I going?” he wondered.

When the plane landed, he found himself in a strange place which used a language he had never seen or heard before. He couldn’t understand anyone, and no one could understand him.

Anson blinked and tried to wake up from his dream, but nothing happened. He felt hungry and walked into a restaurant. He found that he couldn’t read the menu, either.

Was there anywhere he could go for help? He tried reading the signs on the street, but none of them made any sense to him.

“Anson...,” a voice called out. “Anson...!” Anson looked around, but he couldn’t see who was calling him. As he tried to find where the voice was coming from, it got clearer and clearer.

“Anson...,” the voice continued. “Are you sleeping in the middle of my class? Wake up!” Suddenly, he opened his eyes and found himself back in his classroom. His teacher was staring at him angrily.

Even though his teacher looked angry, Anson was just happy to have woken up from his dream. He apologized to his teacher and took out his textbook. However, when he opened his textbook, he almost jumped out of his chair. All the words in his textbook were written in the same strange language from his dream!













GRAMMAR: Hear, listen, sound

Anson guessed that he must still be dreaming. What could he do to wake his mind up?

He tried pinching himself, but it didn’t seem to work. He tried talking loudly, but what happened only shocked him more. No one in the classroom seemed to understand him at all. He waved at his teacher, but she just looked at him angrily and talked in a language he couldn’t understand.

“Oh no,” Anson thought. “This dream is getting worse and worse!” Anson started to worry. What if he could never find a way to wake up from this horrible dream?

He closed his eyes and focused his attention on trying to wake up. Slowly, he heard everything become quieter and quieter. When it was completely silent, he opened his eyes and was surprised to see that he was no longer in his classroom.

In fact, it looked like he was on a spaceship. Through the window of the spaceship, he could see the Earth floating in space, with blue oceans and hundreds of white clouds.

“Hello,” a voice said. “I apologize for the inconvenience, but I need your assistance with something.” Anson turned around and saw a gray-skinned person dressed in white. It was an alien!

“What do you want?” asked Anson. “And more importantly, why can I understand you?”













GRAMMAR: S + Used to +V / S + be used to Ving
語法:S + Used to +V / S + be used to Ving

“We have downloaded our language into your mind,” the alien explained. “But it seems that it has deleted your own language.”

Anson felt mad. Were these aliens the reason why he couldn’t understand anyone? “I thought I was stuck in a nightmare,” he said angrily. “Why did you do this to me?”

“We did this so that we can talk to you,” the alien continued. “We are used to learning language this way. Perhaps humans are too different from us.”

Anson didn’t know what to think. Was this real, or was he still dreaming?

“We are sorry that this happened to you,” said the alien. “But we must hurry! We are in desperate need of your help.” The alien explained that a part of their spaceship had been blown away by the wind when they tried to land. It was lost somewhere near Anson’s school.

“Why can’t you go get it yourself?” asked Anson. “There must be something else you can do, besides deleting my language!”

The alien shook its head sadly. “Well, actually, we’re extremely allergic to rain,” it said. “Many of my family members are dead because they got caught in the rain...”

Anson was still quite angry, but he couldn’t help feeling sorry for these strange alien creatures. Maybe he could find a way to help them out.

“Well, if I help you fix your spaceship,” he said. “Do you promise to give me my language back?” The alien creature nodded quickly. “Yes, yes! Of course!”


Anson sighed and agreed to help the alien. “Thank you, human!” it said. “You’re our only hope.” It turned on a computer screen and showed Anson a picture of the spaceship part. It looked like a shiny golden rectangle.

In the blink of an eye, Anson found himself back at his school. He searched through the classrooms, the gym, the swimming pool, and the outdoor field, but still could not find any trace of the alien’s spaceship part.

Just as he was about to give up, he looked up and saw something golden flash on the roof of the school. “That must be it!” he said to himself. He ran up the stairs to the school roof and opened the door. There it was, next to one of the air conditioning units, the alien’s shiny golden spaceship part!

He wondered how he was going to tell the alien that he had found it, but as soon as he picked the spaceship part up, he found himself instantly taken back to the spaceship.

“We cannot thank you enough, human,” said the alien. “As promised, we will return your language to you and send you back home. Goodbye, human!”

Anson felt a strange feeling wash over his brain, then everything went dark. Out of the darkness, he heard someone repeating his name.

“Anson...” the voice said. “Anson, are you really sleeping in my class again? Anson smiled to himself, everything was finally back to normal.