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How to Make 2024 The Best Year of Your Life
如何让 2024 年成为你人生中最美好的一年

Ali Abdaal2023-12-22
Ali Abdaal#Ali abdal#2024 reset#goal setting#best year ever#new year goals#how to design your life#how to achieve your goals#self improvement#personal development#personal growth#self improvement tips#self improvement podcast#self improvement books#self improvement motivation#self improvement habits#personal development motivation#new year motivation#how to set goals for the new year#goal setting for 2024#annual planning#annual planning 2024
阿里·阿卜杜勒#阿里·阿巴西#2024 重置#目标设定#有史以来最好的一年#新年目标#如何设计你的生活#如何实现你的目标#自我提升#个人发展#个人成长#自我提升技巧#自我提升播客#自我提升书籍#自我提升动力#自我提升习惯#个人发展动力#新年动力#如何为新的一年设定目标#2024 年目标设定#年度规划#2024 年度规划
1M views|6 months ago
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The video discusses making progress towards important goals, maintaining balance in life, and enjoying the journey using The Wheel of Life exercise. Setting clear objectives, celebrating achievements, and managing time effectively are emphasized for success and happiness.

The importance of reducing visceral abdominal fat for health reasons is highlighted, along with the Ideal Week method for optimal time management. The speaker offers a live online workshop on time management exercises for a successful 2024.
强调了出于健康原因减少内脏腹部脂肪的重要性,以及介绍了实现最佳时间管理的“理想周”方法。演讲者提供了一场关于时间管理练习的在线工作坊,以助于 2024 年的成功。

Trading 212 app for investing in stocks and multicurrency accounts are also promoted.
Trading 212 应用程序,用于投资股票和多货币账户,也得到了推广。

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📊 Transcript
Three key aspects to make a year the best year of your life are discussed: making progress towards important goals, maintaining balance in different areas of life, and enjoying the journey.
The Wheel of Life method is introduced, dividing life into categories like work, health, and relationships to assess satisfaction and alignment. 生命之轮方法被引入,将生活分为工作、健康和人际关系等类别,以评估满足感和平衡。
Viewers are encouraged to reflect on their ratings in each category to gain insights and improve their overall well-being. 鼓励观众反思自己在每个类别中的评分,以获得见解并提高整体幸福感。
The exercise aims to help individuals prioritize meaningfulness, balance, and enjoyment in their lives. 该练习旨在帮助人们在生活中优先考虑意义、平衡和享受。
Evaluating Life with the Wheel of Life Exercise
The exercise involves rating categories such as relationships, health, and work to identify areas for improvement. 该练习包括对诸如关系、健康和工作等类别进行评分,以确定需要改进的领域。
Productivity is defined as intentional, effective, and enjoyable time management in various life domains. 生产力被定义为在生活各个领域中具有目标性、高效性和愉悦感的时间管理。
Setting goals based on ratings helps achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. 根据评分设定目标有助于实现平衡而充实的生活。
Actively working on areas that need attention enhances overall well-being and satisfaction. 关注并积极改善需要改进的领域可以提高整体幸福感和满意度。
Importance of Setting Goals for Success and Happiness.
Studies show that goal-setters perform better and are more productive. 研究表明,设定目标的人表现更好,生产力更高。
Writing down goals increases the likelihood of achievement. 写下目标会增加实现的可能性。
'12 Monon celebration' is a method emphasizing clear objective setting. "12 Monon 庆祝活动"是一种强调明确目标设定的方法。
Trading 212 offers a user-friendly app for investing in stocks, shares, and funds, with a 'pies' function and multicurrency account support for investing in the US stock market. Trading 212 提供了一款用户友好的应用程序,可用于投资股票、股份和基金,具有“投资组合”功能和多货币账户支持,以便在美国股市进行投资。
The 12-month celebration method simplifies goal setting by focusing on different areas of life and imagining progress after a year.
12 个月的庆祝方式通过关注生活中的不同领域并设想一年后的进展,简化了目标设定。
Setting goals for all 10 areas helps the brain focus and avoid overwhelm. 为所有 10 个领域设定目标有助于大脑集中注意力并避免压力过大。
Having a single goal to work towards improves concentration and simplifies the process. 目标集中于一点能够提高专注力并简化过程。
For example, reducing visceral abdominal fat is a specific goal that correlates with improved health outcomes. 例如,减少内脏腹部脂肪是一个具体目标,与改善健康结果相关。
Identifying one key goal to celebrate streamlines efforts and leads to greater success. 确定一个关键目标来庆祝可以简化努力并带来更大的成功。
Tips for setting and achieving goals in a 12-month celebration.
目标设定与实现的 12 个月庆祝活动建议。
Enjoy the journey, write goals in a Google doc, and regularly review progress. 享受旅程,将目标写在 Google 文档中,并定期回顾进展。
Reflect on goals and measure traction to ensure success. 反思目标并衡量进展以确保成功。
Remember the 'why' behind each goal to stay motivated and focused. 记住每个目标背后的原因,以保持动力和专注。
Conduct weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews to track progress and increase productivity. 进行每周、每月和每季度的评审,以跟踪进度并提高生产力。
Importance of Managing Visceral Adipose Tissue for Cardiovascular Health.
Emphasizes the need to reduce abdominal fat to prevent cardiovascular and cerebral vascular diseases. 强调需要减少腹部脂肪以预防心血管和脑血管疾病。
Introduces the ideal week method as a time management technique using Google Calendar. 介绍如何使用谷歌日历进行时间管理的理想周方法。
Encourages individuals to allocate time for specific goals, such as meeting friends and exercising regularly. 鼓励个人为特定目标分配时间,如定期与朋友聚会和锻炼身体。
Recommends adjusting goals based on available time for better goal achievement. 建议根据可用时间调整目标,以便更好地实现目标。
The Ideal Week Method for prioritizing goals and tasks for optimal time management.
Helps individuals understand their priorities and available time to focus on fewer goals and tasks. 帮助个人理解他们的优先事项和可用时间,以便专注于较少的目标和任务。
Encourages setting realistic goals and adjusting timelines for increased productivity. 鼓励设定现实的目标并调整时间表以提高生产力。
Aids in optimizing time management for a more fulfilling and balanced life. 有助于优化时间管理,实现更充实和平衡的生活。
Offers a live online workshop on time management exercises for those who pre-order the speaker's book. 为提前预订演讲者书籍的人提供在线时间管理练习的现场工作坊。