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Distillers for Nearly a Century 近一个世纪的蒸馏器制造商
Gooderham & Worts Limited 古德汉姆与沃茨有限公司
The Oldest Firm of Whisky Distillers in Canada 加拿大最古老的威士忌蒸馏厂
Distillery and Head Office TORONTO-CANADA 酒厂及总部 加拿大多伦多
Branch Office MOUNT ROYAL HOTEL MONTREAL-QUEBEC 蒙特利尔 - 魁北克 皇家山酒店分公司
Famous for almost a century. Its delicate bouquet and mellow flavour is due to being allowed to mature in oak casks for seven years or more. 近一个世纪以来声名远扬。其细腻的酒香和醇厚的口感得益于在橡木桶中陈酿七年或更久。
Page Four 第四页
Composed of the finest Islay and Glenlivet Scotch malt whiskies and selected grain. Aged in wood for many years and blended by Scotch Whisky experts for the discriminating taste. 由最优质的艾雷岛和格兰利威苏格兰麦芽威士忌以及精选谷物调制而成。在木桶中陈酿多年,并由苏格兰威士忌专家精心调配,以满足挑剔的口味。
Is a distilled crystal clear Gin made from the finest grain spirit and selected juniper berries, etc. Hyde Park is the best Gin obtainable for Cocktails, Fizzes and Rickeys. 一款由最优质的谷物烈酒和精选的杜松子等原料蒸馏而成的晶莹剔透的金酒。海德公园金酒是调制鸡尾酒、菲士酒和瑞基酒的最佳选择。
American Beauty 《美国丽人》
This is a long drink, use tumbler. 这是一种长饮,使用平底玻璃杯。
1 teaspoonful Creme de Menthe. 1 茶匙薄荷甜酒。 1//21 / 2 fill with cracked ice. 1//21 / 2 装满碎冰。
In another glass mix the following: 在另一个玻璃杯中混合以下物质: 1//81 / 8 Orange juice 橙汁 1//81 / 8 Grenadine 1//81 / 8 石榴汁糖浆 1//31 / 3 French Vermouth 法国苦艾酒 1//31 / 3 Brandy 白兰地
Pour in to first glass, dash the top with Old Portugal Port, add little fresh fruits and a sprig of mint and serve with a straw. 将其倒入第一个玻璃杯,在顶部加入少量老葡萄牙波特酒,添加少许新鲜水果和一小枝薄荷,并用吸管饮用。
As an Appetizer Try G & W Martini Cocktail 作为开胃酒,试试 G&W 马天尼鸡尾酒
Page Six 第六页
Bacardi Cocktail 百加得鸡尾酒
In a shaker use: 在摇酒器中使用:
1/3 Hyde Park London Dry Gin 1/3 海德公园伦敦干金酒
%/3 Bacardi Rum %/3 百加得朗姆酒
1 teaspoonful Grenadine 1 茶匙石榴汁糖浆
Juice of half a lime 半个青柠的汁
Add ice and agitate slowly. 加入冰块并缓慢搅拌。
For Those Who Prefer Manhattan 对于那些喜欢曼哈顿的人
G & W have one Ready to Serve G&W 有一份即食食品
Page Eight 第八页
Bronx Cocktail 布朗克斯鸡尾酒
Fill large glass 3//43 / 4 full shaved ice 将大玻璃杯 3//43 / 4 装满刨冰
1/3 Hyde Park London Dry Gin 三分之一海德公园伦敦干金酒 1//31 / 3 French Vermouth 法国苦艾酒 1//31 / 3 Italian Vermouth 意大利味美思酒
1 slice Orange 1 片橙子
Shake well; strain into cocktail glasses and serve. 充分摇匀;滤入鸡尾酒杯后上桌。
The Famous
"Old Cutter" Bourbon 著名的
Champagne Cup 香槟杯
In a large jug put 3 lumps of ice and add: 1 liqueur glass Brandy 在一个大罐子里放 3 块冰,然后加入:1 杯利口酒杯量的白兰地
2 liqueur glasses Cointreau Triple Sec. 2 个利口酒杯的君度橙皮利口酒。
1 bottle Lanson Champagne 1 瓶兰颂香槟
1 bottle Soda Water 1 瓶苏打水
Stir well and decorate with fruits in season and sprig of fresh mint. 充分搅拌,用当季水果和一小枝新鲜薄荷装饰。
For the Seotch Connoisseur Argyle Old Nectar Whisky 对于苏格兰鉴赏家而言 阿盖尔老蜜威士忌
Canadian Rye Cocktail 加拿大黑麦鸡尾酒
In a large glass or shaker put: 在一个大玻璃杯或摇酒器中放入:
/3 G & W “Special” /3 G & W “特别” 1//31 / 3 Italian Vermouth 意大利味美思酒
Dash of Angostura Bitters 安戈斯图拉苦精少量
Shake well with crushed ice and strain into cocktail glass. 加碎冰充分摇匀后滤入鸡尾酒杯。
Serve with a piece of twisted lemon peel. 配以一片螺旋状柠檬皮食用。
Famous for Nearly a Century
G & W "Special" Rye 闻名近一个世纪
图片将完成下载 图片将完成下载
This translation is straightforward. "图片" means "picture" or "image", and "将完成下载" means "will complete downloading". The entire sentence "图片将完成下载" can be translated as "The image will complete downloading." However, in the context of a translation to Simplified Chinese, the most appropriate translation is to keep the text as it is, as it already is in Simplified Chinese