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  Procurement contract

Buyer: Changshu Fengfan Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Address: No.8 Renmin South Road, West Industrial Zone, Shanghu Town, Changshu City

Legal Representative/Responsible Person: Fan Liyi Tel: 0512-52409898
  Contract No.: CSTC20230613002
  Contract signing place: Changshu, Suzhou
  Seller: Zhejiang Wanma Co., Ltd

Address: No. 896 Heting Street, Qingshan Lake Street, Lin 'an District, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou City

  Legal representative/responsible person: Li Gang
  Tel: 0571-63755280

In accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations, the Buyer and the Seller, after full consultation, have concluded this Contract for the sale of the following products for mutual observance. 1. Products
  1. Product name, price and quantity etc.
  Product Name\& Specifications   unit   quantity   unit price   total prices

132kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed Cable
132kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed Cable| 132kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper | | :--- | | Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 | | sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed | | Cable |
km 4.3 891 , 420.00 891 , 420.00 891,420.00891,420.00 3 , 833 , 106.00 3 , 833 , 106.00 3,833,106.003,833,106.00
Cable-YJV-8. 7 / 10 kV 1 300 mm 2 7 / 10 kV 1 300 mm 2 7//10kV-1**300mm^(2)7 / 10 \mathrm{kV}-1 * 300 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}
Earthwire Cable-YJV-8. 7//10kV-1**300mm^(2)| Earthwire | | :--- | | Cable-YJV-8. $7 / 10 \mathrm{kV}-1 * 300 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}$ |
Km 0.65 251 , 000.00 251 , 000.00 251,000.00251,000.00 163 , 150.00 163 , 150.00 163,150.00163,150.00
产品名称\&规格型号 单位 数量 单价 总价 "132kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed Cable" km 4.3 891,420.00 3,833,106.00 "Earthwire Cable-YJV-8. 7//10kV-1**300mm^(2)" Km 0.65 251,000.00 163,150.00 | 产品名称\&规格型号 | 单位 | 数量 | 单价 | 总价 | | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 132kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper <br> Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 <br> sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed <br> Cable | km | 4.3 | $891,420.00$ | $3,833,106.00$ | | Earthwire <br> Cable-YJV-8. $7 / 10 \mathrm{kV}-1 * 300 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}$ | Km | 0.65 | $251,000.00$ | $163,150.00$ | | | | | | |
序号 产品名称 盘长(米) 数量(盘)
132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper
Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1
sheathed \&MDPE 0uter Shathed Cable
132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 sheathed \&MDPE 0uter Shathed Cable| 132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper | | :--- | | Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 | | sheathed \&MDPE 0uter Shathed Cable |
680 6
132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper
Conductor,XLPE Insulated,Al
sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed Cable
132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper Conductor,XLPE Insulated,Al sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed Cable| 132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper | | :--- | | Conductor,XLPE Insulated,Al | | sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed Cable |
220 1
Cable-YJV-8.7/10kV- 1 300 mm 2 1 300 mm 2 1**300mm^(2)1 * 300 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}
Earthwire Cable-YJV-8.7/10kV- 1**300mm^(2)| Earthwire | | :--- | | Cable-YJV-8.7/10kV- $1 * 300 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}$ |
650 1
序号 产品名称 盘长(米) 数量(盘) 1 "132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 sheathed \&MDPE 0uter Shathed Cable" 680 6 2 "132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper Conductor,XLPE Insulated,Al sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed Cable" 220 1 3 "Earthwire Cable-YJV-8.7/10kV- 1**300mm^(2)" 650 1| 序号 | 产品名称 | 盘长(米) | 数量(盘) | | :---: | :--- | :---: | :---: | | 1 | 132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper <br> Conductor,XLPE Insulated,A1 <br> sheathed \&MDPE 0uter Shathed Cable | 680 | 6 | | 2 | 132 kV Singe Core 800 Sqmm Copper <br> Conductor,XLPE Insulated,Al <br> sheathed \&MDPE Outer Shathed Cable | 220 | 1 | | 3 | Earthwire <br> Cable-YJV-8.7/10kV- $1 * 300 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}$ | 650 | 1 |
1.合同价格:总计 3 , 996 , 256.00 3 , 996 , 256.00 3,996,256.003,996,256.00 元(含 13 % 13 % 13%13 \% 增值税),大写:参佰玖拾玖万陆任式佰伍拾陆元整,包括卖方履行合同义务所需的一切费用,不包含发货后的装卸费等。
4. 1 预付款
(1)数额为合同总价的 10 % 10 % 10%10 \%
(2)支付时间/条件:合同生效日期起 1 周内。
4. 2 进度款:
(1)数额为合同总价的 80 % 80 % 80%80 \%
(2)支付时间/条件:匚验合格后发货,发货后 60 天内支付。
4. 3 尾款
(1)数额为合同总价的 10 % 10 % 10%10 \%
(2)支付时间/条件: 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% 质保金发货后 12 个月(可以质保保函代替)
  2. Place and method of delivery: Shanghai designated warehouse
  3. The Seller shall be responsible for transportation prior to delivery.
  4. The above-mentioned products are delivered in one lump sum and the delivery period is as above.

5. The seller must ensure that the main body of the goods must be marked prominently and cannot be hidden. First information shall be provided by Party A one week before shipment. If inspection is required, the goods must be marked in a prominent position on all outer packages: inspection batch number. Other accessories of the goods must be special spare parts with interfaces of the goods themselves, and other accessories (such as installation tools) with independent functions that are not used by the goods themselves shall be listed separately in the packing list of the goods and packed separately. It cannot be concealed or concealed. The Seller shall be responsible for territorial inspection and the Buyer for port inspection.

6. Before packing, the Seller must provide all the information photos required in Item 5 before packing. The packing size, weight and number must be consistent with the packing list provided by the Seller. The fumigated packaging material must be selected according to the standard suitable for long-distance transportation and can be stacked in three layers.

  IV. Acceptance of goods

In accordance with the provisions of the Technical Agreement and the General Conditions. The Seller shall be responsible for the meal and transportation expenses of the final owner and the Buyer during the inspection at the Seller's factory.

5. Warranty period: 24 months from the date of factory acceptance of goods.

  VI. Liability for breach of contract
  1. See General Conditions of Contract for details of liability for breach of contract.
  VII. Settlement of Contract Disputes
  1. The applicable law of this Contract is the law of People's Republic of China.

2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall first be settled amicably through negotiation between the parties. If still can not solve, according to law to Changshu City People's Court.

3. During the dispute between the two parties, except for the disputed matters, other parts of the contract shall continue to be performed. VIII. Contract Component Documents and Order of Effectiveness

  (1) The documents constituting this Contract include:
  (2) Drawings and related technical documents
  (3) Framework agreement and general terms agreed in this contract
  IX. Communication method of authorized contact person

Contact person of the Buyer: Huang Tingting, Tel: 18901488714, Fax: 0512-52409898, E-mail: http @ Seller contact: Gong Xu, 13806155260. Ten, others

1. This contract is a written document agreed upon by both parties through consultation. It shall not be modified without authorization. The contents modified without authorization shall be invalid and shall still be executed according to the original contract. Any amendment to this contract must be agreed upon in writing by both parties through consultation.

2. This contract is written in Chinese in duplicate, one for each party. This contract shall come into force after being signed by both parties.

  Legal Representative/Authorized Representative:
  Tax registration number: 32050025142000
  Opening Bank: Changshu Rural Commercial Bank is very standard Shanghu Branch

Bank account number: O1459872011201008888


The Seller's Legal Tax Registration No.: 91 350007043088475 Bank of Deposit: Huaxia Bank Hangzhou Branch Business Department Bank Account No.: 104500000571030 Date:

  General Conditions of Purchase Contract


  1. Definition and interpretation 2
  2. Contract subject... 2
  3. Contract Price 3
  4. Payment of the price… 3
  5. Both sides represent... 3
  6. Transfer and subcontracting 3
  7. Contract documents 3
  8. Technical documents 4
  9. Performance guarantee 4
  10. Plan… 5
  11. Compliance with laws and regulations 5
  12. Patents 5
  13. Supervision… 5
  14. Factory inspection... 6
  15. Packaging… 6
  16. Transportation and Delivery 7

17. Installation, single commissioning, overall commissioning and acceptance... 8

  18. Technical Services 9
  19. Technical training 10
  20. Contract modification, suspension and termination... 11
  21. Breach and Claims 11
  22. Intellectual Property 12
  23. Confidentiality clause 13
  24. Invoice... 13
  25. Insurance... 13
  26. Force majeure... 13
  27. Taxes... 14
  28. Settlement of Contract Disputes 14
  29. Other… 14